HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-18, Page 11OW'
The MONY Equity Fund.
§119.640 average. annual compound return lur Ih1
®1111111 ).1f1• 111,11N 1111 ,1! . 1111 I,,l1)1,
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mirth rth 'y 2131,21 , 11,11,1
Mr—) 111 1111,1 ,,r1L',In,ll 111\1',tlln'I11 I, guaranteed.
INNo front end Toad 111,arg,' ,,II \uul )111 MI's, 1,
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\ulMh\Illr ,I l t'. ui u\1'I 'trl:I j 13111,111 ,( 1)ti'
RRSP Eligible
.10 111'1, to NIA iii 1111311 I',1,I 11'111111, l ,1.1111111 111' t un,fnnv ,1, ,t >;u.u.tnlrr ul It11 tn1' 01.11111
111,11111'' nl. ul ( ,11,1(1,1 1.6.. 1\\
The Financial Centre, 12 2 The Square,•Goderich 524-2773 1-800-265-5503
werin : S e c
questions a out
Although most financial institutions pro-
vide printed information about HRSPs,
much of it is slanted towards the more
knowledgeable investor. And even the ex-
perienced purchaser can•be confused by
some of the technical language used.
Following, are answers to some of the
more basic questions commonly' asked by
individuals purchasing I{HSI's - in every-
day language:
Who is eligible to buy an RRSP?
If you're a Canadian taxpayer with
"earned income,'' you may purchase an
RRSP up to the end of the tax year in
which you turn age 71.
If you do not ha''e any earned income,
you are allowed to open.an RRSP in your
own name by having your spouse make
contributions even if he or she has
already reached the maximum age limit.
What is earned income:'
It is the total of all money you have
received from wages, salaries, bonuses,
commissions, self-employed income 1 after •
deductible expenses 1, pension and disabili-
ty benefits, alimony. and Maintenance,
rent and several other" sources of income
after you have subtracted your unemploy-
ment insurance contributions, . union or
professional dues and employment ex-
penseductions for the year.
Your local taxation office can provide
you with a form' that will help you deter-
mine your earned income and how much
you can contribute to•your RRSP. ,
What about investment income and
capital gains?
Neither investment income nor taxable
capital gains are considered earned
How much eau I contribute in a year?
If you are self-employed or are not a
member of a registered pension plan, you
may contribute either 20 per cent of your
earned income or $7,500 - whichever is
If you do belong to a registered pension
plan and both you and your employer con-
tribute to it, you are allowed to invest up to
20 per cent of your earned•income or $:#,500
-•- again, whichever amount is lower. But
first you must subtract the amount of
money you put into your company pension
plan. ,
If your employer made all your pension
plan contributions, you don't have to worry
about this; just follow the 20 per
cent/$3,500 maximum formula.
If yeti currently are receiving payments
from 'a company pension plan, old age
security or the Canada Pension Plan, you
may contribute all of these payments over
and above the maximum allowable RRSP
contribution limits, however, ybii cannot
include these amounts when you figure out
your earned income.
Am I allowed only one RRSP?• •
No. You inay own as many as you like,
proylding the total•eontributipns you make
to all of them d(i not exceed the maximum
allowable limit.
Once I have an RRSP, do I have to keep
making contributions?
_ • No. If you like,' you can. open an RASP
New RRSP le islation
has significant chanes
By Peter Shephard you believe, that interest rates will rise
It seems even' year in. February' Cana- later in the year.bin 1988 then choose a
dian taxpayers are faced with a bombard-. shorter terra it or 2 yrs 1 ora savings type.
meat of 'information concerning RRSP's. of RRSP. The game plan, of course, would
'1'he result, for many; is theannual confu- he to lock your contribution into a loner
sion about how much to contribute, when " terra when the -rates are more appealing.
to Contribiq and to what type. of plan. This • An I{I{Sl' should be uncomplicated, as
year is the start of new legislation for this• money will• be your retirement in-•
,RRSP°s and there are some very signifi- .come„find a plan that can provide a solid
*----earrt-ehan ;es ir�>ecus-tiKlg•- a rtnot--la•r ii"te-d-to .:_--return. on your jnyestinent t compounding
the following: ' a of interest•.works w:.ondersi w h either`no•
Unused RRSP contributions may be
carried forward for seven years :starting in
1988. ' ' .
Revenue Canada to' inform -all tax-
payers in Nov, of 1988 of their contribution
limit for the '88 tax year and then yearly
notices thereafter. •
• Pension transfers •to F{RSP's, will not
be allowed after 1989. '
'No longer do•y'ou have to wait until 60.
yrs. of age to• buy an ..RRSP annuity or
. ' Contribution limits are changing with
the 1986 tax year.' . - . '
• The most.important of ,the above for the,
'86 and '87 tax years is,' of Course, the in-
crease in contribution limit from $5500. to
$7500. for those taxpayers not belonging to
a pension plan. The $3500. limit, for those
who do• belong to a pension plan •has not
As far as when to contribute, it is
, generally agreed the earlier the better. If
fees or fees that you can live with. The in-
come tax rules change from time to•time
' but at the moment many experts recom-
mend keeping your RRSP's in fixed in-
come .instruments while owning equities,
especially those paying dividends, outside
your RRSP. The rationale here is that with
• equities•in your plan lose the benefits
of the dividend tax credit and capital gains
and never wake another contribution.
What is a spousal RRSP?
It is simply an RRSP in which the holder's
spouse makes the contributions. Contribu-
tions to both your own and your spouse's
RRSP must not exceed your annual limits.
What happens to the money in my
That depends on the type of RRSP you
It !night be invested in term deposits
mutual funds or a variety of other invest-
ment vehicles. When youopen your RRSP,
you determine where your contributions
will be invested for that year.
' Am I allowed to withdraw part of the
money in my RRSP:'
Yes — as much or as little as, you like.
However, all of the money which you
withdraw must be declared as income for •
that tax year.
Is it possible to borrow money from my
RRSP'' •
With one exception, no. The exception to
the rule involves- granting yourself a mor-
tgage, but the regulations are very complex.
If you are interested in this area, you should
talk to your tax officer or the finanical in-
stitution which handles your HRSPs.
What happens if 1 die while.I still have an
There are two possibilities:
1. If the beneficiary named for your
RRSP is'ydtir spouse and you die before
age 71, he or she can either take the money
1 and declare it as income 1 or transfer the
funds into his or her own RRSP.
If your spouse is not eligible for an RRSP
he or she must cash in your plan or pur-
chase an annuity with it.
2. Iftyour HISP beneficiary is someone
other than your spouse, .the funds will be
taxed as part of your income for that taxa-
tion year and what is left over. Will go to
your estate.'
If you have named dependent c'hil'dren or
• grandchildren as beneficiaries, the fund '
will form•part of their taxable income.
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Confused about which RRSP is right for you?
Ask Standard Trust about a
'lax' benefits today..
while you take advantage
of a better rate tomorrow.
ight now . maul\ tinancaal institutions circ :ufi- all
offering mem much the same rate of interest
But that;s 1(((1:11 rate
\\ hat happens if interest rates go inti after \larch I - and \our mono is
tied up at Olda\'s rate 1011'\c lost out on that c\tr.( interest
‘or 1f von open a Standard •I'rt•st Retirement Sa\ 1ng„, \rcnunt • the I'I:I:N-
I'I. \N RRs1' lour mono isn'tlocked in It earns c orient interest rate's cath
din the sante ati am s:i Ines accutntt • •lhcn '\ hen interest rates go up,
\ou can ion\vri \our Fi.I:N1'1.\N RRSP into ,1 :,1:m,lard'I'rust GI(; R.RSI' -
In\e',tt11g\our mono for llhtothe\e:ts.it,111111111i11g/i('rrate ofintr'rc.%1
10 mater \ our mono make the const tar \uu :it lite hest Unto .
So. don t lust automatic all\ hu\ :111 RRsf \\ hurt \ou do \otir pinking
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\nd compare these other Standard (rust standard feat ere.
\h'ottucl\ no adnlinietration, acgiusiUun 111 r1'th'nil\tt111i tees
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:ul(1 sign
)(111111N1 «)111c I(1
gnu I;I"t \aur ta\ rt'e'etpt the r,:l111(' da\ ,\oil silt' s11 \nu can file \our
rc:t:rn the santy dal
\I, 1,11„ , ..11 1111,1.1 I1, 1,.,..1 1,1,1r ,,,1, •n., •..
138 The Square, Goderich
or call the RRSP Hotline
AN,n1,111.11ylctun,t,Ind ;1 ( rn„tcoComp.lny
Please ta us first '
before y04 make a
commitment :with any
other finandda$'in$titution.
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