HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-18, Page 5Yuroi.view e views rear}. Dear Editor: Regarding the Wednesday, February- 11 headlines about Huronview absenteeism - The nursing employees of Huronview feel all readers of these articles will have a wrong impression of the employees of Huronview. Therefore we would like to try • to express our views. First, when Mr. Lester stated women workers are "worn out" and more prone to sickness than men, let me make it clear- - there are nine males on the nursing staff while there are 59 females i full time I plus approximately 83 part time. If women are so prone to absenteeism, why keep hiring them? Why not hire men'?' Yet when it -has been suggested to- hire more men, the reply has always been - women can do the job just as well, some even say they do the job better. The stress of the job affects both men and women. We deal with human lives. The other areas of the home are,all as important for the smooth running of Huronview but as loyeesrsLte own ink high absenteeism rate LETTERS far as the stress fac•tur, none is greater than when we deal with humans. The articles in the different papers, all, tend to make it seem as though the poor, lit- tle,'worn out wife works eight hours, goes horne to look after the children, cooks, cleans, waits on her big "healthy" husband hand and foot, and then slips into something •glamor'ous and strives to be entertaining. This is nut so, in most cases. When the wives work, husband and wives share the work load at hone. Most wren aren't asham- ed to help prepare a• meal, run a vacuum or help out where needed. They really ap- preciate their wives working and show it. We feel that the problem began when work habits were changed causing us to he unable to face each day without tension and stress which re.<ults in much absenteeism. Every ernpluy,ec, no inaterhow menial his or her task, needs to feel appreciated, that they belong and are part of Hur'onvlew. That, at one time, was the feeling - not now. This is the view of most of the employees of Huronview who•ar'e really upset with the articles in the February 11 papers. It makes the male employees appear to do nothing after work at'Huronview, but sit with their feet up, healthy as they are, and the husbands of the "worn out" female employees appear to be unfeeling., uncaring wimps. • We hope that all the readers of the February 11 sensational articles on Huron - view alysenteeisrn read this letter. If any one wishes to learn inure about this absenteeism probleni, why not talk directly to the nurs- ing staff employees who work daily with the residents of Huronview? They will 1)e glad to answer any questions. Concerned Nursing Employees of Huronview Reader criticizes attitude at meeting Dear Editor: After having attended the Recreation meeting, on Feb. 10 at the Livery, concern- ing the proposed Recreational Facility, I came away very confused and in disagree- ment .with much of what was discussed. . The Town of Goderich, and the "increas- ing senior population" of the town, finally have within their grasp a chance to provide. ` a facility that 'will 'incorporate all age groups of the community into a corrunon en- vironment. Unfortunately, if the plans and recommendations are followed, this will not be the case.• • Once again, ,the "young" peonle of this town, I under the .irge of 50i, have been told that if given the chalice or given the "privilege" of using such a community facility, then abuse of the facility will cer- tainly follow. Once again youth are told that the price tag attached - to responsibility reads, "See what we have done for you! Now sit and feel guilty about it! ! " And, once again, youth are told that their age is a reflection of , irresponsibility. I, Mr: Editor, don't believe I could feel more ashamed or disappointed in, the ap- - proach or more importantly the attitude, of the• "old •guard" or authority in the town, towards the youth. '1'he concept of the "Self - Former residents i Dear Editor: The Greater Fort Erie Chamber of.Com- mer'ce and the Friendship Festival '87. Board of Directors extend a sincere welcome to former residents of Fort Erie,. Ridgeway, Stevensville, and Crystal Beach, Ontario, t., return home during the period July 1 to 4, 1987 - Friendship Festival '87 will be a major in- ternational, event taking place in Greater Fort Erie, Ontario and Buffalo, New York to celebrate 175 years of peace and friendship. Many •events are scheduled to take place in 1-.' .--aper: c -a., w• Dear Editor: . • I wish to •commend your newspaper and • , reporter Lou -Ann Hope on the excellent feature report . on the work of 'citizen 'volunteers at the .Bluewater Centre for Young Offenders. As your, articles pointed. . out, volunteers make an outstanding con- . tribution to -the program at Bluewater. It . may interest you to know that the dedicated ' and caring volunteers in your community are among 5,000 citizen, volunteers who devote their • time and talent to 'helping' fulfilling Prophecy" is certainly true, when you look at self-esteem and self-worth the youth have of themselves. when questioning their place in the community. ' When the "old guard" of,the town 'dec des to drop "their guard", they no longer.will be talking from an educationally ignorant and narcissistic base. Rather, the "old guard" will realize that life is a battle that is fought together, and tolerance is an ideal that they, just'as the -youth, have to learn. Let's hope steps are taken to do so. Thank you for your time, Deanna Such vited to Friendship Festival Fort Erie including a Heritage Day, Military Tattoo; Air Show, Bass Derby, Dog and Horse Shows, Waterfront Events, Con cert -in the Sky, and many other activities which will put a spotlight on our community. What better way to come home than to find your community alive .with colour, ac-: tivities, and a warm.feeling of friendship. A special Homecoming Barbecue and 50's Dance, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Fort Erie, willgive you a Chance to meet old friends on Friday July 3, at the East End Arena. for_�r�ol For further information, please forward your name anti address to the (greater Fort Erie Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 1098, Station "B", Fort Erie, Ontario, 1,2A 5N9, and we will, be pleased to keep you up-to- date. ' Sincerely Sue Salzer:, Project Co -Ordinator Friendship Festival•'87 871-3803 teerc9ver young and older offenders in, correctional in- stitutions and community programs across the province. The Ministry of Correctional. Services needs, welcomes, and very much ap- preciates the participation of private citizens and the community in meeting the challenge of helping people who have.corne into conflict with the law. Articles such as 'yours extend public • •understanding of the needs of those people in the ministry's care, as well as providing icy well-deserved recognition to. the special peo- ple - volunteers and correctional staff - in- volved in meeting those,needs. The ministry thanks you, and looks forward to your .con- tinued interest arid coverage of correctional services and programs. Yours sincerely . D. W. Kerr Director Communication's' Brarich 'Mini.try of Correctional Services Bayfield receives final payment' on gran. Agriculture and Food Minister Jack „Rid- dell, the MPP for Huron -Middlesex, today announced the $2,700 final payment on a $18,000 community planning grant, for the County of Huron on behalf of the Village of Bayfield. Speaking on behalf of Bernard Grand - T win City School of Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. oHairstyling •Barbering *Ear Piercing •Make-np 55 Erh St. East • `886-6305 ,b' ,',-` �fMonday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Class** stall las of ivory month maitre, Minister df Municipal Affairs, Rid- ' dell said the grant was used by the municipality to prepare a secondary plan. Community planning grants from the Ministry -of Municipal Affairs are designed to encourage municipalities .to review' ant t update their planning programs, zoning by BEST INTEREST 9 1/2 0/® Guaranteed investment Certificates *Subject to change Gainer®Kneale E4Insurance Brokers Inc. miril Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 482-9747 Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 524-2118 Goderich Figure Skating Club presents its NUM, CONCERT February 28th. [2. snows 2:00 p:m. and 7:00 p.m. [Silver CoIIectionj fund laws and other planni glocuments.. The'grants may also lie used for special studies on local issues sarch as lakeshorc development or coram, real development along highways, and for energy -conserving 'planning measures. . .GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRiJA''.Y 18, 1987 PAGE 5 SPECT '4, IS DAILY LUNCH AND DINNER BREAKFAST 1.99 N.Y. SIRLOIN STEAK 2/13.95 SENIOR CITIZEN.S-.10°x. 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SOUTH, BOX 716 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM 1S0 519-2352310 L URY F :JJATHER, ITALIAN STYLE. 1-'isit our now Exeter Showroom .soon. and -let its shoo' vol this fill(' collection of exclusive soft .seating. Inspired European design, quality construction and indroduc'tory pricing ,specials. ;~talo' this wrur opportunity to invest in fine furniture al .substantia! savings. EXETER SHOWROOM OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 9.A.M - 5:30 PM after hoiir.s by appointment.23.5-2310 Our Clinton Office oven by appointment only 482-387.1