HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 5,— . ..... � -'T-' .,..�-1--�.�I.I.-I-�.,��ll,�,,�l.-.,% 11 1117_!�� ,._ _,.__,-_- -1.11—- � , ,, �.7__ -w7, _', 11 _. I - 1-:1 � I—" Z; 1� 1- I - , -, . _ "I". I I � ,� ,�� -_ , " 1-1. -11 -1 11 -1 . ... - -_ - , I � - - --- 7� � - -F,,1-7-7,_, ,' , _-1,1'7 T_
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I I % . I � � . . .0,01, """" ------ `*"� ,�.,_ _,____----------7" 1 1 , � ; I � ,
I _____ I lll� I — M.
1 _7". . � " N I -11- 1- I I - . -_ � �, " "
0� I I � I 11 . 1. I I T." -w"100 __ — _ � !! I P , I A Ln"mr, 1,.&D: Or .J , � .
-' , , 11
. , e,d as 4 producer, With the more . I I — . f ROM M The Apiviose Ch4racter HaM to �, , I I �, ,�
eare-ful feeders the grain. ration is, ()h4Sed 4 HUAUA� PArt a —_ I . — I " , , . � I , I I
. 'C I ,- . ot VndeX0444. � � I .. . I—. . . '' � . " , ''.. ". . ,�,:�l
I low T[STIN,13 ASSOCIATIONS* 4 according to � . � I , ,
. being &Pportione tile I ,� I
. , My, I AWAY in sallety, � , . "S To G-VARI) COXIoN. DU'S.11 TO CONNE CT LONOON I I � I I .
i : . bu HAS 1?1"&,.N I I . , �!,
yield of fat. so that true ivs, vr K -4-m ABOV'r 401LN� �I � ,,
. . .. I , oconc, a crash- NEI . . n, refreshingc6ntiast, W the r- , A!XXQN TISITO � AND Ni'm yoaxo! 11 �, , ".
, . i �!,
of production is the rule, I �. I i
� X411X Out he burs� at last Witt' jxl, Tied and, superficial ,Observations US. 1 1 1 1 � �
I I- ,,nuxy qrnniats WraGn Y'AC11 correspoudents. testify that cow ing Qf brush and tixube-r, re"hinK RV,L)VAND WS PLOP served up so often in books of . I I I . I 1. I I 11 , I .
. I I . � . I I I ,*A
. . I � � — . I
I . � I I I I I I'�
I NG DAILY. I te�Stxilg is interesting the boys an . . I .1,
AILKL d the Open just in front of me; stop- I I � travel is the study, conscientious, I . � i � ��
, I I I
girls on the farm, Another bright pod fox, a minute to Sniff the bromi ' I u . t. "01v Be ,
resulting feature is the tremend- t Wa quick trot to- ,se,,:trrences to :the LA%14 ThU thoughtf I And Sympathetic, devot- ArrlyajA at ports 'Will 'he Inspee Two Companies *,N ,lug Formed �. � � I
. �
I lien ,Advanced i I . ad to Japan by,the late Lafeadlo . �1- � � � ,��,
14, ,Vy Chas. F. Whitley, D a; y Branch, ous saying being effected in time, wa�rd Illy pony, wri6s Dora, Van- ReIgus Sup.venxe In the Cow# , ' ed, Raids n4de and Hotels to Carry Out t'lip, Idea of . I � I �
I I I I i..
r , ... Hearn and embodied in his letters, I . 1. 11 � I I 11 � I.':
, ,energy, feed and unnecessary. labor . he _J�Ampire Review. . .11 1. 111��
. . deleur in t mercial World, E lizatreth Sisland, e4itor of tile lat- Watched. . 'Proluotors. I ,
truent of Animals tot �. . � I �
Being Mounted. and inexperienc- . I , ,.
, , 11
Dominion Depar . a as bestowed on I est voll.ime of "J%panese_ Letters", . . � ., ��.,
. . I
. . I � , cows. A ecurity. The hundreds of international Germany inten4sr to lead tho
. ColiSt A "I
worthy the name of dairy ed, I felt a false, sense of S There -were 182 deaths from, says, I 'Hearxx wab, the first to di- I cab , , �i.� , , � I ,
� - measles � in London I t ee — 2 1 1 '1'
Agrieulturt. . vast Amount of, pvwerand huxuan he lumbered toward us with su"Prig as w k I 9� . the granitic quality At the core "rooks and grafters who inteild. world in'the rixotion of gr - I ;� �,
.f vine li6ter-than,air' vessels to izl4ugu , 4.h,�
� in 1904 the Dairy and Cold Stor- energy has been wasted on such yet it seemed so dif- Above the average number. �of the Japanese People, while as visiting London this summer aild., I � , : �;�,
�. I ing swi tnes$2 I ice . I are hopeful of reaping a bumper rate navigation in the clouds oil An
11� age Branch, of the DeP&r`t*1_A0ixt Of thankless guests, but tile dai*nlaa flicult to believe this lincouth animal , . Rear.A,dmiral Charles, H. Ca. ,yet the outside world saw only the I "
, . I
1, I Agriculture undertook soule prelim- is awakening to. the fact that co�v bent oil mischief that I simply sat slileceeds, Vice -Admiral Sir Alfred il of their manners "' harvest during the coronation time unprecedented seale, and a�ccord- - " � 1111:�
. will be Annoyed to learn that Scot- ing to information furnished by 1. A.
, ? �g is a valuable time-saver and W , Paget assenior offi-al -on the 81 * 0, I I A �
inary work in threecounties in Que- tewm still and watelted its approach. � I lReara, once wrote ,as follows t ,Q.
,4,� 1 , land Yard baS prepared extensive the aeronautical expert, . Captain _ " "' �
bec to. gauge tile attitude of farm- labor.saver as the Poor cows are, The poxiy stood this inaction 'us coast of Irelapd. . I Professor Chamberlain: O. win . , � _? I
I . . plans for their care and reception, Hildebrandt, tw . pailies, are ;
I I , t,
OP ra towards cow testing and to ga� DETECTUi D AND. BE't ri R 1) - , long as its nerves allowed, wiliCh A mail Who committed Ouicile by re about the JaP- E p_of f ,atio , �
I 0 . � � dp was until the 'UeA- Shooting �himself in a firat-class I I know much mo ,very ,device of the English law in pToces Orin -a , for this. , . 1 , ,
ther data for driving home. some, anese than I did, a year ago, and will be employed to k . eep them out purpose. i . I ''I . i I
� , The tangible additions to incomes I should ill g . , � I � 11
I I Seventy ture had got within eight or ten compartment of 4 Midland Railway � � � ,
,��I` f oreeful comParis=3- . I are act -the least satisfactory results exit Station, has been still am far fronA understanding of the country ,and it they should one of them with a Ol Of I I �
I herds Were then Under Observation. �s per month spent in yards, then wheeled with a most train at Tr them well. Even my own little wife ded I
ousing more wide- of a few.minutv I And set identified as Harold Swain Ellis, , happen to slip. in, every device to $io,.000,000 bar:,. de�i I to A400, . I ��Z ---
With a view of AT recording milk, yields from indi- disconcerning, suddenness, is somewhat mysterious still to me harry and -prevent them, f Tom doing the plans of Herr Boerner, A, Gor, I �
I of Greenfield House, Remste,%d, I I , ,
. . , in the movementp vidual covm., tters from off like the wind across thq level. I though adways� in a lovable way. I business will be, eilforced. . . man engineer, for the construction I I � �
spread interest gil;mple le Igh the polly-fiew (and Birmingham. ! , . � , 4�, %,
the next year saw a change, in me� members read as.follows. From one , ,. Fast tho I I kille 'There are race tendencies difficult )f a giant, airship, with, a, capacity �
A mail who -was ,d by a, train EXPECT SWARM Or' CROONS, < I """
thodS And seven localities ill Ou- in An Ontario ass6ciatib : "My haying caught his Panic, I was ur - , . . ubic feet meters, so -that , "I' -�,.,
, ,�,.,
tario' Quebec and Prince Edward- n near Claphani Junction, was stated to understand. -of 120, 000 c I I 11�
. I I I herd ha,s increased from 5,000 to 8,- ing him to do. his ntmost), to MY E� been. I In Oki we fell in love, with a. little Information. which Scotland Yard the -new vessel Vill be eight times �� I � 11 �
.1 ,ant the rhino at an inquest not to haY4 . g a I I
Island were selected for a thirty- 000 pounds of milk for each cow in horror and astonishir struck by the engine, but to havc� Samurai boy, who was havin has receivealeads. it to believe that larger than Count Zeppelin's lat-' I ,
� 1.
� do,v -test, and over 1,360 cows were " This is a 6 . t only had no difficulty in keep- 4 a perfect locust -like swarm of est, keation. Herr Bo,ll air-. I .
, . two years. - o per cent. no IT im . I .
been hurled aside by the a' cush- hard time of it, ttnd we took 5 11 en c I � 1,
� recorded. the first cow test- increase. Another Ontario i-Aember ing up, but gained. ion which was formed in front of it'with us. He !snow lilce an adopted crooks from all land i t d to hi ill b b ilt on the rigid sYZ- :
" " " , .
I In J.anuary 1906 states: "In 1907 the average yield I heard P, shot, aiid then another, b ,he Speed at which it was travel� son—goes to school a -ad all that- descend uponLondon. this, year. te�'np, 7a,nd - balloon will be divid, . I � �,
. "I � WAS .ed At was 3,794 pounds of milk, in 1010 and looked back o4,er my should -or . 1. INvell, at first I wished to pet him Superintendent FrAnk Forest, the ty-eight compartments, , I
I y 1'r ,
I ing associatio'a oTgani7 . ng. I i a ent of _d Into t �tb e � I ,� :�,
I I Cow&asville, Que. Sixteen as6o- it was 6,00o poun0s," This is,\an hopefully; the -creature was coining r than A little, but I found that was not head of the criminal dep rtm ' pto increase its buoya,ww . an . d' to . I ...; '..., � ".
� ciations commenced work that year increaw of 2,0206 pounds per cow, on faster than before I A third In 150ven clays no' fewe oidance with oustom, and that Scotland Yard,'is fully cognizant insure safety
over 4,000 cows. The am -267,6do,000 herring have been land-: in see T. understand it. of the situa I I I I 1�1`,
with entries bf or Bo per -cent in three years, From shot c' e from. somewhere tion and is arranging .. ��
, � on my ed at Yarmouth. eve the boy did rjL.j is IN CASE or, ACCIDENT. I �� .
in brief provides. for the or- In 1908 our cows right, an'd I lelt the pony slacken I n ve deposition of hi 1 4 � I
pla I on of any number of dairy Quebec comes: " last bullet A $heffield police constable giv- At home, therefore, I scarcely .the most effecti - The extreme, length will be 776 ... . �
ga ' Ati gave a revenueof $20 each, but in his pace;' evidently the
niz ing -evidence against two soldiers � spoke to him, and he remained un, 800 detectives to cope with the 110
. 'all a$,sccia,tion, the . $41.43," or more than had found a billet somewhere in clxarge� with breaking a plate- .der control of th,, women of the welcome invasion, feet� and the breadth 130 feet, and I .. 1�� ..
farmers into it was la English port) the vessel will be driven by thirty : ..
. 1191joce as iliti ss -very . . I , � I
I meiiibe'rs electing officers and a t-vyr . me the rhino's thick hide, for to my g -window with their canes, said house,. Arrivals at ,B -eloping 30 horse- I I
.� committee of management. Xem- e stateme"nt: �'Previ- surprise and relief he had wheeled the numbers and initials of the They treated him kindly—though incl4ixig Liverpool, Plymouth, motors, each dev, I
. bers agree to weigh the -.milk of each pro'v']Ice Is th at a Fishguard, J)over, power. The il with the aid 11 11
1. �� . ons to weighing and keeping records round sharply, and set off s ed on the I thought coldly. The relationship Southampton, rs, will be Sub- Of -the gas balloon) wiAl be assisted � 11 I
I I .cow in the herd night And morriing our Average retilims per cow were clumsy gallop across the plain at g, I could not understand. He was Folkston4e. and othe: . . I �
ry month only about $4o, last year we got right afigles to his former direc- ASS- a, scrutiny. by experien0- by a number of horizontal screws, .,
on at least three days eve owing to the.declining birth-rato never praised and rarely scolded. jected to , . I I
1, theentire period of 1&c- . s- e-cl detective$ from the Yard and and other prope-Ilors will be pro-
�Ixroughout, )i,each "92', This is an increase of 72 per ti�n. in Leeds, there are fewer ,children A p5rfect code of etiquette was e -mizea crook will be de- Tided for driving the -vessel in Mild.
_; lation, and to take samples ( cent. A member in Nova Scotia , The whole party followed in hot in the Public Schools than there tablished between him and the other any recog d under the alien - I . I
.1 I of the. six ix�ilkings. These ,com- writes: "Froxxx four cows ill 19o8.1 pursuit, even t�e- Irish terrier were, in 1900. , ipersons in the house, according to tained and rejecte recaution is air. x d :, 11
. posite'samples are . . 587 pounds of butter; from six puppy which accompanied 'us -011 .all The tallest member of the new ,1,,,,,. He seemed extremely cold- act. But this port p There will be si officers An .1
1�t 0 * Of �the ninety-four mer,
- . sold will probably be found , man armishing line L of whom eighti- , I I I
.1 TESTED ONCE A MONTH Icows in 1910 I sold 1,400 pounds." out expediti<)ns rushed as hard, as Parliament nered, and pe so to ,speak. A large ,our will be chaffeurs to tend th-0 . ','�
. se -of 68 per cent. he could, tumbling hea,d over heels' to be Douglas B. Hall, the Union- 'grateful. Nothing seemed to move camPAIgn e set aside ' I
. est cheese factory or This is an inczea I ) tectl will b motors. Apart from the. officers I
I at the near on the tussocks of coarse grass, ist representative for the, Isle -of de e leading I 1.
. rovide them- One in New Brunswick says; "I up less than Fix feet ,his young Pla,diditl ; whether happy force of
creamery. Members p defia c Wight, who, is no, or unhappy, his raien was that of a, to spend their time at th . and crew, numbering together 100, .1 - �
� �,
. I selves with scales, jampling dipper, have just about doubled the aver- and emitting shrill yaps of n 0 I i restaurants watching the airship will be. capable of car- '. �", : .
one in Prince We could not, get ilear enough fiVe inches in, height.. stone Jizo. hotels an' elabor -..,..
lie bottle for each cow, age yield '01 milk." . rhino ; After an. interval -of a week, an- for crooks and harrying them-a-wav, Tying 200 passengers, and - ��, I
a -ad ,one saml. I'My herd ta get another 'shot at the ' One day he let fall a little cup be �-,
the Depart- Edwa,xd Island writes. A,se of smallpox was noti- if no real definite charge- can ate arrangements have been made I I �.�:,p
. The Dairy Branch of ' I h ,and broke it. According to custom, tels for tbLeir comfort, inclu . 1,4 1 .. ,
I now gives me three times as much it was amazingr that such a great oti, er c ding the I
I xre has so far pro- , travel at the. fled at Bury the -other day, bring- ' fear brought against them. The ho i...
ment -of Agriculti rieldy brute colild no one.noticea the mistake, for e cal -with Sol � ��
Frbm British Co- un7 XiOus-tO co�OP rate' ion of ",
rms free, Mi. lk per cow." - er of cases to . Vill be most an' 4
vided all blank record fO nt: "We pace he did, far quicla-A a ing tile total numb oi giving pain. tiand Yard, not 0331-Y = during the night, can be' -11 -
- I lumbia comes the stateme '. ,X', , ., � .. . with Sec "I
together with preservative tablets have more than doubled our aver- horse's gallop. Finally we had to 27 , Suddenly I saw tears Streaming 'the desire to rid their transformed into berths, and, a - ::
� ulphuric acid for testing. In 6ollin's Music Hall, Islington down his face. The muscles of his prompted by esirables, and to �clining saloon of'substa,utial size. I "i",
� ;and s age per cow-," and from the Saint give tip the chase, much to Our Iries of -anc, 1.
s sold at the Mart, Lon- host -e . I..
. . nddition to this the Department has province: "I have raised the Aver- disappointment, f or my sister anO Green, wa face remained quite smilill-lY Pla- protect their guests, but for their A promenade deck will run �� ,
, 1
��� . paid the local-�makers at the fac yield of fat by forty pounds I had been longing for a rhinoceros don, for $5V00. take Australian toid as usual, but even the W1111 could wn prottation as well, as under around these cabins, with a;n ap- ,� v �
11 tories for testing each salliple every age , Permission to I tears. They came free- O" . har- proximate length of i,2oo feet. Ev- I
. . per cow." . horn to take home as a trophyever rials ,o England for Show notoontro the, English law a hotel that � I
month. I 1 -�'since we started on our -month',% aborigi t i ly. iable to IOSO its ery man of the crew wad each Pas- "I
Many members have I taken the .Such definite gains surely fur purposes has been refused by the" led, and said boTs thieves is I I 11
ting and Illsh the strongest possible inee-i-l- trip tip country. � I Commonwealth GovernmenC Then everybody laug] . t license 1. senger will be -provided wita &Par- �
. —4— I . I kind things to him, till he began o nte to, � be used in case of dis-.
"ift", . next step in systematic tes e for ---very dairy farmer to� take I I About fifty cases Of measles are, laugh, too. Yet that delicate sensi- PLAN PERIODICAL RAIDS. - ach 3 Jie vessel -will also, carry , I . I
I , now weighing each milking tiv testing Systematically. THE TREE OF TRUTH. Royal aster. I I .:
cow . still being,treated at the I I
"I'll " —_ . Periodical raids and round-uPs a portable i , I
,.Zly,, * and recording the weighti up � tiveness no one, like me could have notor boat, pack6d in - - , �
4`11 College, Osborne, arious night . I hi, can be hastily put
1. and kinds of feed consumed. The � . EACH WIFE. Holy an officer Was D etected of.41 Naval I 'In Memoriam" concert was guessed the existence of. will be made �at the v. aections, ,w & � 1:
t Also supplies a small A CLUB FOR . An d surprised me where these criminal 'pet- of need. It also I 4 �:
� Departmen ount -with . . - . Theft. ,. held at- the Queen's Hall, London, But what follOwe . resorts ate. The together in case . board . �
booklet forkeeping an ace No Papuan Gentleman Beats Two in memory of the late more, As I said, he bad been, in rels are sure tocongreg Police 4 1 ,
' In her recent book descriptive of on MaY 6, 1 my idea, distantly treated. One day section of the metropolitan I . �. I � I '. .
. I each cow in the herd. � ciations, I Wives With S,tute Weapon. the Island of 011bA, Irene A. King Edward. e A SMALL NEWSPAPER, . , .
In 19o7 there were 52 asso 0 cion -of loit- I
11 . of the Wright has given a pretty legend one of the street donations ob- I he did not return - from school for act which gives the polio power to
I . luereasiilg� in 1908 and 1909, till in The marriage, customs najan'.a town not tained by Salvation Army, collect- I three houTs after the usual time, arrest anyone on suspi ts fox the to be filled with the, news Obtained I 1, . �. I
. i9fo this number had grow P axis I a . Te somewhat s.imilar' to .told her in Gua Opposite its ors -during -the self-denial -week Then, to MY great surprise, tile ering about the stree e -will by means of tile wireless tele- - �� I I , I.
oth6r savage races. far from Havana . - in - . I I
O�'S`e of inkay . . al cafe is the P'laza, u-.1 asu was a $500 note. graphy --apparatus with ,�_�
cows being r�corded. In 1:2 . women began to cry�_to cry pas purpose ofoommittilig a, cr' -which the
O` to these associations, re princip of Dundonald, of sionately. And the servants ran be rigorously enforced- sel. will be equipped. ;� �
additi n _. The ceremony is la.rgply a matter' Ally attractive, it scetnod to me; in, 1he Countess Men -with records, or itnown to ves %_ �� I
I of over 60D Cows a Thd men marry when I rgele, has pro- over town in real, not Pretended, costi of each T-essel is esti
eords are .kept of puxch se. its little plots,of sail tf,e roses Gwrych Castle, Abei _
1;` and I , ch . is anxiety to find him. . the police, will be generally judged Ther '�,
60%00% and eight air,- 11
— owned by individual dairymen' they are about 1& Years Of age mised $1,260 to'the fund whi ! ated at $1 �'
:, . ' bloom the yepr roaUll. , .�djokdixg 6 teacher's by the English magistrates to be 'his I � .
"l while more tham 20,000 the girls at 14 or ,even earlier. ildia,K is the el-urch; being raised for the investiture Of He had been taken to a d pur- sh�ps are to be constructed at t I I
I 1`�, supplied , the cafe bu ted to 1"itering about for no goo ted I -
. daily, "'ilk records were 151hen a. young lAe man desires its altars are curi�us, and I have the Prince of Wales. house for. something rela 01 they ,can definitely price at the outset. It is estima, ..
last year to applicants- to get married he visits the father since heqrd, regardingNone of the A return recently issued shows school matters. As soon as his pose, unless the equipment -of the cabins I
� The'early months -of 1911 saw a -_ bride and puts trees of the small yard about it, that the cost of Civil Services has voice was heard at the door, -everY- show to the contrary, an . - ana of the dining Saloon will in- I .
of his prospectiv -226,685,934 in i9o3-4 thing was quiet and amiably polite tenced to three months' imprison volve an expenditure Of $30,000, 11 "I
" largemeat of the asso- forward his personal belongings as the best legend told me with refei- grown from I � end of that tilne, 1111- � � )
further en' con in. And I marveled exceeding- ment. At th,E I . al act, and the installation of electric light ". - �
ciation plan in the establishment of as inducement to the father to - ence to any locality in Crtba. In to, -246,787,873 in 1911-12. aga alien crimin . � . I
Dairy Record Centres in oxford, sent to the union. I the shade. of that trae ca -le must While a, motor engine was travel- - der the new they an expenditure of $6)000. . I I.,
counties, ing. to a, Berniondsey fire it Skidded lySensitivenbss exists in the Japan- which has been int'roAu'ced, i I 11 ...
, Peterborough and Lanark I I If a, man has a gun he is a great speak the truth. - � rted, and if they show Two -of the new a rships, MoOr4i- . .
and Brome, personage and Any- "In the early years,—the story in Tower Bridge road, mounted the to an extent never supposed by will be,depo igain in England a two ing to the plans Of the' organizer _
can demand ese ployed �' i
k who treat their noses 4 of the company �
Ontario; St.Hyacinthe *Prince and were pavement, ,nocked down & -tree, the foreigners them -will be the Penalty- will be em
- Quebec; and KensinttOn, thing, but besides their bows goes, when Indian chiefs the open poxts. Years' term for passenger tr.ffi. between New I I
. Edward Island. The afficial in arrows and spears most of the Papu- still Powerful enough to make it and killed a woman- rose from harshly at . �11_ Owing to the
besides su- ve v worth the Spaniards' while, to pla- Mr. John Read, -who . York and London. I
i d,T little. Even agricul- - car- I
cha,rge �Of each centre, ans ha . shipwright ATE BREAD 2,000 TEARS OLD I quantity of
regular association tursl pro, e is scarce, the only cate them, the daughter of a caci- the position Of working —114— — . , � greater . luggago I
pervising the adairy-census ay tribe was robbed to be a magistrate of Portsmouth, . - With Tied on such voYages� the I .
work is taking -of his cultivation undertaken being on a que of a Guanaj ace of pearls. died at Portsmouth in his eighty- FIRST CHILDREN. Guests at Dinner Spread it vessels will limit their number of t I I 1". -
district and dispensing dairy infer- very pximitive scale. -of a wonderful neckl \ — _ Butter of Elizableth's Reign- passengers to 150, and the fare will
, mation. Specific, concentrated I -'I- A little clearing is made by both So great was her father's wrath Rilith year. r the Dulwich English Doctor Thinks They Are one of the ,oddest dinners ever be $200 Per person. � , . I I
fort of this kind continued in'each men and. women, and the women that it became necessary to pun- The . governors of I ,
as voted $5,000 the Poorest. 3iven was that in be . � I
� several rsi should then grow bananas and sweet po,ta- ish someone for the theft; and college, estates have. Brussels) B1.1- Captain Hildebrandt considers
locality for .Yea their 1. . guest that Herr BoerriLer's Plans must �
I � - n Are alawys armed, the culprit could not be id4antifiedi for the repair of roads,under by "The lawof inheritance should gluill, recently, of . which & -iously. although he isubt �'.
I prove, of the litmost Value toes. Theme control which will be traversed . - taken Sex . I ,
when the women go to the patch -they pitched -upon' a Young man' L -their visit be altered so that not the eldest say's --"At that dinner I Ate &P , -practicable _
I FACTS AND POSSIBILITIES. - and ather who, by some unhappy circum- -me$ pies ripened more than eightee,i ,convinced that they are I �
., � to attend to their Crops or 9 � I open the but the second or third son 00 e,a,d made � -'al regard- �
, safely be charged to the, Cry: - hundred ye ,
. � Cow test ith them stance, might . ars ago, br and is especially SkePt" s -Atlantic -
. ing has had a remarkable the produce the men* go w I into the possession of title, pioper le Chil- i h p op tran- �
'A , - Pir('-, ty and position on the father'G from wheat grown beforee't): ixg t e T Osed � 'I
- influe-ace on profitable dairying. as ,,, protection. The women, .how- with.the crime. Festival Of Em, .: the . �
, Aiming at obtaining d . efinite know- - . "The young man was condemned ____ _k__ . dren of Israel passed. through service. I �
� . e. actual production in ever, do the work. die of to die, though he denied his guilt I I death," .ionary opinion was Red S,ca, and .spread with butter . I 11
� ledge -of th , Many families have a bun up.t.o the very moment of iexecu- NEW CURE,FOR CANCER- I This revolut ician with a large --which was made when Elizabeth -------.%A— � I I .
each indiiiIidual cow ancient Portuguese cloth centuries , a phys I I I
� milk and fat -of 1. - d I -washed down the . . 4
. ' e 3Y London n I
. . in the h - instead of Testing con- old, and when a young man is tion. A priest, mounted on a mule, ga actice in whe was Queen; an, Id hu.n- � I I !
erd . heir ecompanied him to the spot where gus As Reniedy f ly Pr a- r,,epa, t with wine that, was 0 .
tent with knowing t1fe total yield 'king a bride one of these - a Germany Using FAIR di FOUSSing the examinations of 0 as e OBEYED INSTRUCTIONS- . :,l
I. see ow Stands, where death re S of years before Shakespear I;
of the whole herd and then estilnat- looms is generally part of the deal. 'the Aurch n For Extreme Ca§e-s- ly and eldest children recently was -S at first A well-known lawyer, whom we 1.
. I -cow testing The youth and the girl's father hag- was to be inflicted. appears to bo a very pro- made, in Vienna by Professor J- born," This seem . I i
ing all average Per cOwo ting that . What , - blush an incredible story; but it may call Jobn Jackson, because . ",
. in opening ntu- "The victim, still PrOl . for the cure of Friledjung, from which it would aP �' recent
I gle over the marriage until eve n . ,%,ere from that is not his nu,ne, ly en- ,
has been instrumental en he, had stolen no pearls, asked for mising experiment made in ,pear that only the eldest childre Appears that the apples e r office -boy. Said Mr. ' . I I
the -eyes of scores of r ally they agree to terms and'th- ten minutes' final grafee, and it cancer has lately been taken from th I I
I The cows the thing is done. The men are not Gevibany. A fuiigus bearing the are usually timid, -neurotic, un- an earthen jar gaged a, nev boy the other � I I I
to facts and possibilities. - I was granted. I s malignus stable and hysterical. ruins Of Pompeii; the wheat was j Acksol � to t . he I morn- , . I , ,
. e wife, And once a gir Mucor racemu iamber in one Of , I . I I
that.do not pay for their feed are limited to on "The firing -squad stood close at name of The professor had under exam- taken from a 01 Ing:— . I
. . being' discovered5 those, considered is married she is subject to her hus- hand, and especially near was the has been growri in malignant tum- ch .children, forty- tile Pyramids; the butter from & "Who -book &way my .9jaste-paper I 1. ,
� � band in -everything and is praeti_ e. The priest, still ors of certain animals. This is not ination 100 su f them stone -shelf in An old well in Scot- I I ,
`v . only average are classified on their . offteer in charg ( culture of five of them being boys. 0 for several.centuries basket I" I .
merits, many thought -the best in ally his slave. ted on hii mule, kept close the irritant but a dea� thi all only thirteen were fully normal. land, where -it was Mr. Reilly", said the
oor, and c w Gui- moun the it, which applied to the, grow a An earthen crock in
I I the herd arefound to be p ,,In another part of Ne by the prisoner; and he, as -ged to subside. Eighteen were selverelpneuropath- it had lain i) ,,vine was re- boy.
be� worth keep- n.ea,,, says a writer in the Wide , ed nervous joy water-, while the is Mr. Reillyll" asked Mr.
same ,even not to minues speeded, .called upon San- canses it, as alle ) antimeristem, ic and sixty-nine sb,dvilr I ,Who . �
. g, cows are selling for higher � covered from all old vault in the
. in World "I remember d ,distinctly tiago and upon Mary to heed his This remedy, called
I .. prices as their records prove their strong' confirmatiola of the rustOln plight. by its discoverer, is not a specific instability. 4L antly noticed that city Of Corinth- r Sir." �
d herds, are � tire e paodre's mule, at that crit- but, like tuberculin, consists Of . "I have freq ii —,I-- "The Porte , son ask- ,
valus as, producers, goo which places a woman at the en ' gTh � pos- are otten back- '11our later Mr. Jack
being built up as the worthless mercy of her - husband. At .one ical juncture, snatched at'a single the fungus itself and its decOin the eldest children the fam- WOMEN OF SOUTH AFRICA. An � I
I .
. cows are eliminated and be'fl'rs h I visited I saw standing out- leaf drifting down from the tree iltion products. , In action is also ward and neurotic," said an is gen- eel -- ened the 'Win- "I
e �Tetairxed; onse pay three huge Stone in the shade of which- he, Tested, resembles tuberculin, for after in- ily physician referred to. "Tho' The South African WOM "Jimmie, who op : . .''
I from.the best dams ar side the,doorm reaction takes has usually been the orally very highly domesticated; she do, 1,)
I � . I 118 from the good,cows are c - A and missed it - but his teeth caught jection a febrile I when eldest child �r & considerable period . P� I
I � young,bu re I ,lubs'j each large enough t . 0 : f (1,13 .Oou:bl�`t,of the officer in place. it must be -used onlY only child fo o hub of is not only capa�le of managing her ,'Mr. Peters, Sir. I
in active demand at .n "erative bullock. in the , -1 Tv cleverly, but "And wh,O is b.tr. Petersi"
. . DI'the firing -squad, ripped an operation has OnlV -child is tl native servants ve . I �
I I . ,,on making enquiries., I found charge � I has to give - he window-clMier,
prices. —and the missing pearls sible, ,and even 'at that advanced the, house. Everybody she is able to. cook well, make jam ,IT, Sir." and I
. ilk is being obtained por tbat� they tallied with the number it, open , n, effected. way to it; everyt hinj is ,sacrificed and pickles, look afte ) At- Mr. Jackson wheeled a-bo-ut
More m � the sight of stage eux r poult 1.
, from a smaller of wives < allegiance to the fell to the ground in I There is 4190 a remedy of much the saf- -ad to the, garden and mak!ye her looked at the boy.
, Ilerd, and , P )wing , to it, .and the child speedily
� ,ven -, the clubs w7ere i1r4ed all. I I . DOTS for which fers from exaggerated ego. Such a te her ch .41
. herd', hence move milic ..comes from ho�useholdei . I 1. I same nature for t11I own dresses and those of il- -look here, James," he Boa
ers the cost by �he� mail to beat his wives with _0�4_ � " no operation can be made. This child is a , ed, Pampered And 'in- dren, says the Enipi-re Magazillt� %,,We call ml by their first nailaes �
I a given area, whicl, low I . . arid - contains properly E lat The social life in all, South African belft in
As the if til e The quaint poil � here. Nye don't 'M'sterp t
, at the ry. , annoyed him. . . is called antit,xillan led. ven supposing tl ' .
111�` , _Vsh of making , - facto ., I while the woni-ell, upthe first child is 4e, dancing this offi. -e. Do you understalIC17"
I CONIV8, are, handled better. owing to Part of it was that THEIR STYLE.. substances which go to build . it is Rob true that the later ebil- towns is a strong foatur C I
the desire to increase & record) seemed to raise,no objection to 6- By hard work and .:careful habits cartilaginous tissue Of the animal naturally not -so good as '� so good is a favorite amusement and, bolida" "YeS, t,.;r.,, . . ped
I �an4 ,cream are 4c.ared for ing flogged unmercifully by their little fortune. body, The fact that cartilaginous dren lie soon beco-mes.nol piel on river banks are general. I In tell minutes the do . I
the mill: ot together a suffer from cancer - — , I
- � not be he had g, Women Play tennis, croquet and ,IJ & ,. yrill vuice said I I .
. better, so that 'the factory �I'Ork is lord and master, they 'A'Ould had arrived for him -when tissue does not bec;,'Llseof the way he Is treat'e4cl, .3. 'rhall, Sl . 11
), f, .ilA- boa -tell . with the same weapon as The time , led a Berlin pathologist to the idea� C'In large families the healthy a man here as V&nts, �
I . so walking was no long -or ov pleasure) S4 golf ancl do % good deal .of 'Yc1f1'A9 I -There's . .
I )ightellod while the quality is Y , J using this substance to top thel children, physically and mentally, 8 ror;l I hn .1� I I . . I
I proved� Cow' testing, is w�rkixig a that used On aftotber"woman: jecided that he was at 0 having been born l,ife in South Afriea range to See you, So � I
rcVo]Ut1'Ou 4111 ,condition Of the native kept a � BePa:rati club for and� so be � rther d0veloPirl the cancer &i,,c those vv-bich, liry� I I . -
. the .1 last justifisad in o ri . all grow up b . . I
I rde Ing a family fu of titu- y old established culture and lux ' . — I � I . , I 11
1�1m%. ' the records each wife," . — I . I cells. After . I latest are left to after each w �nrrounding convenience ' 1 __�4_ 1 � � I
__,________,�, iii1e2iolln'l theQ`e1-_VcS and look e loneliness of tile I I
Stables, Own'Ors $00 by — carriage. react Sets in a so, ith every S
that' it " ixyt'to provi de veutilMtiQn ' an & strong die ng coddled And and taste, to th .1 . I � . 11
P 1�&Jlce of light; and they VILL $END CANNON AO MINT, Off he went one morning to a car- in . joess these Tome, S � will other, instend of boi fe and her ' � I
. in What sue . . veldt ImIm, al�a to this li
, and abui � I .. I riage builder's. and described in$ to be seen, the parents- Child- , iglish III. want to ask - one niore qtiop,,
I . ce that hoal6h improves an( The Prench Government has just kiRd of vehicle he wished have rema __44-- , Mily are I&J- fitter husband's interests, the Ex,
I - � �
� . n<)ti easw . '18 decided 66 Send several old cannon detait the � I Ten of a big fw two nhi-ild:en, born its hpTself it- the tion," said little FTAnk as he Nvas �
, as tile anim � , , girl soon adal. V,t. r
tile yield inor to buy - SIVU, FRIE,1-TDSH1PS' than those of One O' 4 Sl,#.) L�an be being put - to bed. "W *" "" as- I I .
I . � . . � I and stables are kept thoroughly to tbemint to be turned into Trl t ber TX R X PE 11 . onlv�" I is at all adaptable free and usual -j q1xieseed the tired'Inawma. , "When , , .
I `�oi 'of feeding - eral old fortresses are'be. ,,,Qf. course, You'll Van rub likes to =&ke friends with is guite, I beaithy, happy And I .
� . teiv -der Is ca , ,(Ho I , tll��rofessor jang ii,ojej � what be- I
, . . clean. A r, farms where J these broil" ,byre -011 said . . , Pried I I f I ' ly JjrOSper40UB$ with more , come ill stockingf, I , , , ,�
I commencing on heye�' ing ,dismantled an , lied the old InS'll'it clogs and children." . it Vant � right,)) said Another physiomm ly a r � -v4 of tile, Piece of st(')`l t'"t . I
- o longer . necessary, so "I I 011 . -i- �_ . '. l) � ,
J bl,kgl, "Yes.- he says dogs do , Children are born wh money to spond than I arx�e I �
10 Sir,,, rep ,
to&)ra dry strhw was the, winter's ca,ftPon are n � 1 501 jesentment, "MY ft 11 ; i "The best , t4liq would havo'c r n bdorc tho. 1101.0 0, I
. n don't. %vani I � I 35. 0$ ; 11 at. home. . I Nva, ther i L I
. ts are being it Jim been thought better to 4"Ou- tonw, I s agod from " to I in a similar P08it -
I Wentl ; Cloill and �roo I tha,t kind. 'When.they're rid- I auythin� and ;bildro �. mother i . 14) 1 1
� . 'th ally labo))t I vert them into coins thau to tbroW ain't 1. ;0 � I Axoh.yo I � I I '. : the . . . I � I � I � I I
, 1. . I . gyol�n so that a cow NVI � ilig they want .to'know it. I in . I I . . I . ., I I I I .
possibilities in ber may be iievolop-1 thern on flic, .�crap I p . . . . . I . � � � � I I . I � I � I . . I I I � � �
" , ,
� . . . �
. I � '
. . 14 1 . I I I I . I
, r 1�1' I I I . . . I I I . , . . I I I , I 13 . . . � I . � � I I I . I I . � _
. ( I i I . I i . � , , � i� . I I I . ,�
� linqll I . . / I. . I I I I - � , , � I
1 11 I I J I ., I , �,Ll t, . ! : 0 . , . v .. "t I I I
` I � I I . 11 . .. : . . 1. . I .11.1 I �, . 11 . 1 : , I � . obt, I . 11 I � I I I
It il � ""e�' �'111 I I I I . .alluill L .
Aklonl to . � I 11 . . I I I 1, I I I I 11 � I I . I I I � I � I I I ,� ..
I . I . .,.:, '' - I I I � I " I I . �� I I 'a -urst-clags, � 11 .11 cx0l, St I . I I
. I I
I I f) to lbo 6,1V � I I ,, � PP I 11", , ,: , �,�.� , , �� . �. . .1 . I . L � "I li I � I 'y' ,� I L� , � 4 . I . . I 1, ,
,� I . I I I I , �!, f"td�r"4 �, I � � . ,.,� I I : '� � I 1� , I 1 , I . I
11 I �, . I "I A, , I I i 11 ,� "I "Ili ; ,,�,*, -
I , :1 1, � � I L . I : I MLLi=,&,,!' .-
r� �
� '. ��� 11 L I - � = 11 _..
- , � , lla . �,�� _-- I
� 11 � -
I I i I jmffu�L ,�"lol"ft-4.1-All��",-",-,��-.��1.1!td!lhii!h� � - -