HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-18, Page 1GODERICH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1987
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Concept calls for aquatic centre with raLuet sport courts
Residents" of the town of Goderich have
expressed a need for a community sports
and fitness complex and a consulting firm
has recommenced the construction of an
aquatic centre` and complex in the town.
In presenting the results of a feasibility
study, commissioned to determine what
kind of recreational factlity residents
would like, John Stevenson of Stevenson
and Associates, recommended the town
could proceed with the construction of $3.6
Million aquatic centre on a site adjacent to
the high school on Bennett Street. '
The recommendation calls for the con-
str=uc-fion• of -.a 954)0.0 ci-pi p
on - the old football field that would 'include
an irregular shaped leisure pool with three
25 metre competition' lanes, four squash
courts, a raquetball court, fitness and
weight training areas, sauna, whirlpool
and locker rooms.
In Making the presentation of the recon
mendation before about 70 people at a
public meeting. at The Livery Tuesday,
Stevenson -stressed that his,recommenda-
tions were only concepts and responded, in
the most efficient manner possible, to the,
desires of the town residents as expressed
through surreys and public meetings.
The facility, as presented, was
estimated to cost $3.6 million by 1987 stan-
dards and would increase to $3,9 million by
Architect, Brian Gregerson of Moffat
Kinoshita Associates, prepared conceptual
drawings of the, facility and showed slides
of existing leisure pools land complexes.
He stressed that the leisure pool concept is
popular because it accommodates all
types of swimming and water sports.
"What we are presenting here is a multi-
purpose -family oriented facility for the
community," ' he explained. "There are
swimming lanes for competitive swimm-
ing but there are also low ' areas for,
children and family swimming, there's ac-
cess for the handicapped and generous
Leisure pools, as evidenced by the
graphic, are irregular in shape and often
include play equipment like water slides.
Stevenson told the group they are popular
because, unlike conventional rectangular
swimming pools, they accommodate many
different needs and activities. The various
shallow areas, allow for child and family
swimming while the three 'competitive
lanes could easily' sate the needs of the
serious swimmer.
He suggested the entire complex, as
presented, satisfies the needs as expressed
by the community through surveys and
public meetings. The proposed facility'
eontains raquet sport courts, an aerobics
and weight training„ room, activity and
games -meeting 'rooms as well as kitchen
facilities and a whirlpool and sauna.
"It is a multi=purpose complex that
4111010 for total community use in bot�i.the
pool and the rest of the facility,'"Stevenson
explained. "What we have proposed in-
;volves• more people in the community and
• will be better, in generating revenue and
also responds, to the requirements of the
the community."
The. consultant recommended the site
adjacent to the high school as being; the
most central and. preferred loeation in-
�rre, font complex j ••town A least; arrangement would have to
:be worked out with the Huron County
Board of Education but Stevenson said the
,adm•inistration was receptive, • to the
• While the cost of building. the proposed
facility would exceed $3.5 million, Steven-
• son said a comprehensive survey of 22
facilities across Ontario suggests the
.. Goderich facility would have projected
• yearly expenditures of about $168,500 while
revenues could reach $123,500 for 'an an-
nual deficit of $43,000.
• Those .figures, while they only represent
• estimates, Were comprehensive and
Stevenson said family rates for use of Such
a facdlity would run at approximately $200
a year.
There was great interest in the consul-
tant's thoughts on funding -of the project
- and he indicated that a facility of such
magnitude really requires goverrlrnent
funding and assistance. It also requires a
genuine commitment on the part of the
community. -
-Funding can he accomplished through
grants, donations, municipal contri bu-
• 'tions; debentures, taxes- and community
fundraising," he explained. ':Our surveys
indicated there is support for fund raising
acitivities here. The project can also be
phased over a period and its can be,
downsized to suit your needs."
"It is a real challenge, but it is an oppor-
tunity for the community to pursue .and
Meet the challenge. What ydru accomplish
depends on the commitment and energy of
the community:" .
,Stevenson said the proposed facility
" responds to the needs of the existing com-
munity, a slow growth community whose
residents are Older. He said the next step
in the process is to get the public behind
the project and to make those public opi-
nions known to council.
Final 'recommendations will be taken to
council sometime in March after the com-
plex committee has had time to review and
refine the proposal.
The committee looking into the complex
issue consisted of chairman Ron Bushell,
Eileen Palmer, Elsa Haydon, Pat
Hamilton, Ruth Erb, I)r.. Don Neal, Bob
Dempsey, Ray Desjardine, and recreation
• director Jane ' Netzke. They • have been
together for a year and a half Bushell ex-
plained;,meeting an average of three times
a month since "May 1986.
The consultant also made recommenda-
tions with respect to'a'master plan for the
town's recreational' needs and facilities.
• He said the master plan was merely a
guideline to plan the recreational needs
over the next 10 years.•
The town is in a slow growth rate,
Stevenson claimed, adding that there.is an
increasing number of seniors and adults.
The recreation de,partrnent, he observed,-
peovides a' wide range of - activities 'and '
programs for the citizens of Goderich.
The• recreation department should
develop goals and objectives and he stress-
ed that the recreation board should be in-
volved in planning and. policy, that it
Turn to page 2
Consultants unveiled conceptual drawings for a 25,000 square foot aquatic complex at a
sepcial public meeting at The Livery Tuesday. The drawing shows that a leisure pool is
the major component bf. the community facility while other features include raquethall
and squash courts, exercise and fitness rooms, kitchen facilities and meeting rooms. The
complex, as show', would cost $.3.6 million in 1987 dollars. The consultants recommended
a site adjacent to the high school as t4. most attractive and accessible for the proposed
community recreation facility. '
Town employees receive increase
An across-the-board pay increase of five
per cent for municipal employees was ap-
proved by Goderich Town Council at their
Feb. 9 meeting.
The majority of council approved the in-
crease, the largest in several years, which
adds about $82,000 to the town's total
payroll of roughly $1,650,000. Wages to per-
manent and casual employees, not in-
cluding benefits, make up about 32 per
cent or nearly one-third of the
municipality's $5.2 million budget, said
Adminstrator Tarry McCabe.
"That still leaves a lot of money for pro -
grains and services,"•! said McCabe, poin-
ting out that a one-third expenditure for.
wages is not particularly high for
While some members of council wanted
to know how the five per cent figure was
arrived at, others believed the increase
"I believe whole-heartedly that we will
get this back in production from our
employees." said Councillor Bill Clifford.
• 1 agree that our employees are' doing a
Council considers 3.5 per cent hike
A proposed increase of 3.5 per cent in
remuneration for members of Goderich
Town Council was tabled, until the 1987
budget is discussed, by council at the Feb.
9 meeting.
The proposed increase, would set the
rate of remuneration for the reeve, deputy
reeve and councillors at $4,625.08 per an-
num and the rate for the mayor at $9;250.16
per annum.
Also at the meeting, council passed a by-
law setting the rate of remuneration for
Police Commission meMbers at $''' +1 per
annum and the rate for the Police Commis-
sion Chairman at $1,050 per annum.
good job, but the spread between those at
the top of the (pay 1 scale and those at the
bottom keeps getting wider," warned
Councillor Jim Searls.
The increase means the 1987 annual
salaries, retroactive to ,Jan. 1, for the
town's Executive Employees will be: Ad-
ministrator Clerk -Treasurer, $47,721;
Deputy Clerk Treasurer, $31,331.99;. Com-
missionei& of Works, $44,161.79; Pollution
Control Plant Manager, $32,283.77: Public
Works Foreman, $:32,606.03; Arena
Manager, $26,326.71; Airport Co-ordinator,
$26,914.63; Marina Supervisor ( while
Marina supervised), $23,021.47; Recrea-
tion Director, $31,677.81; Program Super-
visor, $22,943.63; Building Inspector —
Secretary Committee . of Adjustment.
$29,882.40; Parks- Supervisor, $26,914.63;
Tourism Promoter, $27,300.
Annual salaries for General Office
Employees for 1987 are: Deputy Tax Col-
lector, $22,574.74: Accounts Payable Clerk,
$20,311.53; Secretary to Clerk -Treasurer,
$20,31L53; Payroll C'lerk, $18,169.56;
Secretary to Commissioner of Works,
$17,706.29; Secretary to Recreation Direc-
tor, $16,329.12.
Hourly rates for outside employees are:
Pollution Control operator, $11.08;• Public
Works Sub -Foreman, $11.61; Public Works
Mechanic, $13.09; Laborer II, $10.47;
Laborer T., $10;10; Operator, $11'.08; Arena
IV and Harbor 1, $10.10; Custodian, $10.46;
Bylaw Officer, $9,50; Arena Assistant 1,
$10'.71. '
Rates of pay for casual employees of.the
town for 1987 are: Maitland Cemetery Sub -
Foreman, $10.10 per hour; Parks Casual,
$8.36; MacKay Hall Caretaker, $8.40;
Library Caretaker, $6,517 per annum; Day
Nursery Supervisor, $16,049.65 per term;
Day Nursery Assistant, $13,845.52, per
term; Traffic Control Guards, $21.79 pet
There were only two exceptions to the
general five per cent. increase. Both the
Program Supervisor and the Deputy Clerk
Treasurer received an iriCrease of $1,000
per year ;n addition to the percentage in-
crease due to additional responsibilities in -
their respective positions.
Goderich hosts
MEA meeting
About 150 people are expected to attend
the Municipal Electrical Association's
i MEA, annual meeting to be hosted by the
Goderich Public Utilies Commission
r PUC) in September, PUC manager Evert
Middel said at last week's commission
Plans have been underway for the one-
day meeting since last October.
On January 20', Middel and PUC com-
missioner Don McMillan rnet with MEA of-
ficials to discuss locations for the meeting
and activities. They presented their fin-
dings at last week's meeting.
-We gave a report to the MEA of 'local:
arrangements for the September
incetj,ng," Middel said.
Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m.°
Maps of Goderich will be supplied by
Robin Stuart, tourism • and industrial
The meeting will be held at The Bedford
Hotel and a dinner banquet.will be served
at The Livery.
Activities offered include a tour of the
Domtar Sifto-Salt Mine, a tour of Cham-
pion, golf at the Maitland Country Club,
and for the ladies, a tour of Goderich, con
ducted bj Robin Stuart, followed by a trip
to 'l'he Old Mill in Blyth.
Twenty-five persons will be able to enjoy
the urine tour on a first-come, first serve
"We don't want people unneccessarily
cdisappolnted, " said PUC commissioner
I)r, Jim Peters, with regard to the number
of people who could take the mine tour.
Mayor Eileen Palmer noted that only 25
people could take the tour because there is
"only one people carrier at the mine" and
it seats only 25.
- However, with regard to the mine tour,
Mixidel said, "A lot can happen between
now. and September as far as the. mine
situation is .concerned."
Those people who don't take the mine
tour have a choice between touring; Cham-
pion or•playing golf at the Country Club for'
a ,special one -day fee of $5.
. •The MEA holds•two meetings each year:
a spring meeting and a fall , Annual
Meeting.' This year's spring meeting,
which Middel terms as "more technical
'than the Annual Meeting", is scheduled for
April 20 in Waterloo. The Annual -Meeting,
described as being concerned more with
policies, is heIld1nrainl3'Ifor District 6 tom-
missioners. District 6 is' comprised of
PUC's fromGoderich to Kitchener -
Waterloo, Guelph, Listowel, Palmerston
and surrounding ,area.
PUC to hire
four students
Once again this year,. the Goderich PUC
r summ r students to do
general duties. •
Each ,year, the commission hires four
university... college or high school students
to assist the'utility during vacation periods.
fors regular staff. Students hired to work
for the, utility can stay.-for.onjy„ three years.
The•,first students usually begin about
the first of May., said PUC manager Evert,
"'They do a little bit of everything,',' Mid -
del said, explaining that the students do
everything from general duties such as
picking garbage up to helping out in the
water, and line departments.
Winter Weekend
There was plenty of activity during the
Snowblitz Winter Carnival this past
weekend. ('overage of Snowpitch, Trivial
Pursuit Tournament, and other activities,
as well as the Big Brothers Bowl fir
millions can he found inside.
Hockey tournament
The Goderich ()Id Deckhands will at-
tempt to repeat as division champions as
the team hosts it's annual three-day
oldtimers hockey tournament here on the
weekend, Details in the Sports section.
Upcoming drama
The Goderich Little Theatre is staging
an challenging dramatic classic at the
Livery beginning next Wednesday. See in-
side this section for a preview of the event
from the perspective of professional direc-
tor Steve Ballantine.