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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-11, Page 12
PAGE 12--UODER.ICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 C CLASSIFIED RATES & ATA: EADLIFI S: 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '4.50 min. 22 words 20e ea. odd•itional word thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertions' 3.50 ea. In Memoriam: '4.50 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse, Cards of thanks: '4.50 min. 25 words plus 64 for each addition it word, Public Notice: '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 insertions, '25, for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number: '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment: 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates ,available on request. To place your hard hittin> Classified ad PH NE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY :30 M - 5:00 P V;,v ,,524®2614 Address aavo''ii ' correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Slgnai- Star. P.O. Box 220, industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 486 TArticles for Sale 1. Articles for Sale i i SATELLITE DISI Lease To Own Monthly Leasing Also Available •Easy Monthly Payments L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales & Service Call Day or Night 524-9595 r NORM HAMILTON AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits Simply place in the corner "of 'your toilet tank. Available at Hoff'. rn$yer Plumbing and .Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich. 524.7861. 1 tfar WELL seasoned firewood 4 x 4 x 8 cord $140.00. . All wood • seasoned over 3 years, Phone 482.7594. ' 52.06 • . INGLIS WASHER $275:00. INGLIS DRYER $175.00. ' Good condition. 'Phone 565.5277. Olt( MAINTOSH, reel delicious, northern spy, 'apple butter apd "cider. Call Bellview Fruit Farm 524.8011. We deliver, 04tfar, MARY KAY COSMETICS • Try our complete line of skin core and glamour. ,items. All products ov.oilable. For information call 524.9332. 05,08 WOODEN DESK with attached side typewriter stand: small wooden stand with sliding doors; two office chairs; small stenorette stand 524.8832 between 9 • 3. 05,06 ONE RUDDY '6 ft..Dell cooler and, compressor, asking '5800,00 or best offer. Can be seen, at Auburn General Store 526-7015. 05,06x GIVERNMENT SURPLUS DEALER T5 Inch planers, 6 inch jointevs, band saws; 12 inch table saws, air compressors, wood clamps, 16 speed drill press. Full Zine of tools, Vices - 6", 5", 4", `Bench Grinders - 8", 6". Office desks, .office tables, over 200 chairs, 40 folding tables, 4 dr. legal filing cabinets, wood lathes, card cabinets, 10 inch Quick Change floor model lathe, New, Special Price. NO CHEAPER PLACE TO BUY 27 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-8602 7A. For Sale General Sep'"something You H se For Something You Wont S.Pmple Sw ps: ®babysitting shopping ea riding la':'rill +f ser for sslowblow ®electric knife for $=`'tII rotsti p with cover. ®auto mechanical services to someone who will snowblow lane for the winter For More Information CII Theresa .e t 524-2614 9 COMPUTERS 'Safes rind service. accessories, monitors, printers, paper. books and magazines. C W COMPUTERS 8 SUPPLIES (KINCARDI.NE) LTD. 732 Queen Street. Kincardine, 1 .396.31 14. 17tfar ACCORDION • Scondelli, white pearl, 120 boss, 5 switch treble. appraised at 5450.00, Phone 524.6623. Oltfnx P!4OTOCOPIER Minolta Electrographic 301, excellent condition. Phone 482-3401 or 482-7265. 06,07 USED TOPPER for full-size pickup 5200.00. Phone 524.8620 evenings. 06.07 • MOVING SALE • Thurs., Fri., Sat., 12 noon to 8 p.m. Antique dressers, chairs, end tables. gramophone, large quantity glassware, 500 Avon bottles, etc., etc. Phone 524.2882. 06x PIONEER DECK and set of Alpine 80 watt •speakers. Best offer, Phone after 6 p.m. 524.71'57. 06nx • MOVING SALE: Assortment and numerous items, to be held at 239 Lighthouse St. on Saturday February 14 from 9 - 5. 06 PHILLIPS 14" colour portable TV with Gerrold 440 remote convertor, six months old, 5325,00 com• plete. 524.2425 after 5 ask for Mike. 06 'TEN CUBIC FOOT white Admiral fridge, ex cellent condition, $425.00, or best offer, Quasar 21" TV with.remote control, 5525,00 or best of. fer '.tkJVC VCR model number HR•D180V three months old. with remote control. $525.00 or best offer. Please call 524.4204. 04,07 1970 COPPERTONE Wardwick gas range (30" wide, Moffat 1969 gas dryer perfect working condition. reason for selling • moving. Priced to sell Call after 3 30 p m 524.6459, 06 BURGUNDY COUCH and chair 575.00, brown vinyl Lo•Z-•Boy 545.00: pine coffee and end tables $75.00. 6 end tables 510.00 each. small fish aquarium 515.00. 529 7205. 06 SINGER ELECTRONIC sewing machine model 2005, $850.00. under four years old, replacement value $1550.00. Lifetime warranty on electronic pa.rts...Phone 524.9663 06.07x • INFANT'S CRIB with mattress 550 00 excellent condition. 2 prs. boys molded skates size 2 good condition 520.00 per pair 524.6357. 06 GENERAL Instrument 10 ft. mesh satellite dish and' equipment for sole. Call 5244243 anytime. 44tfnx 1 C r', E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES iT'S OUR, LOCATION THE SAVES MONEY '>2'ri'alie south' on Hwy., 11, GODERIKH 524-7231 We even talso trade% SWOP SNOB PRE INVENTORY CLEARANCE Huge savings on rifles, shotguns, scopes, downriggers, V.H F radios. fish finders. Lake Huron Rod and' Gun 368.7182. 'Open seven days. 06.09 • 1970 SKIDOO Nordic, electric start runs good. 5200.00. Phone 524.6958. 06x 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment Example • Wilt swop electric knife for small roasting pan with cover. Phone 555-0101, WILL SWAPFischer downhill -skis, poles and bindings -for cross country package. Phone 524-4694. 06 ° WILL SWAP Wood table, four matching chairs. Colonial, reg. size. 25 years old,''for a 7 cu. ft. freezer. Call 524-4694. 06 WILL SWAP one electric El Degas guitar with rase or one 64 K•colour computer for a small colour TV 524-4848. 06,07nx 5. Cars for Sale 1974 S'NO JET with 433 Yamaha engine new car buretor kit asking 5600.00 Phone 524-66532 53tf fjRM MfiZ!(ET 11 clkssificcti'=e;ns 1977 TOYOTA, Celica.' 3 speed automatic, has summer and winter radials on .rims, car is in good running condition, body is reasonable. 51400.00' certified or 51-300.00 as is. Call 524.4766. Oltfnx . 1975 MONZA V8. good shape, best offer or trade for snowmobile or motorcycte:•524.8198 after 6 p,m. O1tfnx 1966 CHEVELLE SS. Best offer. Coll 529-7205. 04.05,06 , 1977 PLYMOUTH Volarie, 6 cyl., colour beige, good condition. Phone 524-4896. 05,06x 1978 PLYMOUTH Carovelle V8, 4' dbor maroon colour, very good condition-, must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 524-4985 between 3 • 6 p.m. 06.07 1978 CHEV IMPALA good condition. Phone 524-6026. 06x 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 11A. For Sale General GEORGE SMYTH snowblower 8' 7' width, double auger. 1,000 P.T,O., in excellent condition. For more information call 482-3349. • 06nx 11G. Farm Equipment 5 FOOT JF 3 pt. hitch cultivator 5600.00: five De Laval bucket milkers 5300.00: Ford one arrn loader with hydraulic bucket and mounting brackets fo'r 3000 or 4000 series 5200,00. Phone 524-9806 or 524.7035. 06nx I11J. For Rent FARM LAND: to lease approximately 90 acres in part Lot 8, Conc. 1', Goderich Twp., just south of town. Phone collect: T-433-6131. 05-09 12. Real Estate for Sale 'FOR SALE 1980 Buick Regal 2•door, 6 cyl., ex• cellent on gas. Selling 53000.00 certified or best offer. 524.4377 or 524.6594 ask for Chris. 06x 6. Trucks for Safe 1978 CHEV VAN. rebuilt 350. automatic power steering, power brakes, good solid body. 52,300 00 or best offer 524.2034. 04-06x CHIP TRUCK • totally mobile has everything.that is needed to prepare and serve fast foods - two deep fryers. grill, ice box, refrigerator etc. Ex- cellent running condition. 529-7604. 05,06 1976 DATSUN pickup reasonable condition. 1976 GMC , ton truck. Disking 5850.00 or best offer. Can certify- 524.4741. 06 1984 S10 4x4 TRUCK for Sole, Excellent condition new tires humerous options including matching topper, 58,000 km. $9600 00 certified, Phone 524.7010. 06nx SPORTS ECREt TI;.' N ' CENTRE O(JIPMEfT mozweameteasamrsitreentlememmoromimmem 7 classifications 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy 7C. Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment .. 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 71-1. Boats, Motors & Marine 7,1. Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies NEW HOMES FOR SALE (Hulro. Contractors) *BENNETT ST. ., 3 bedroom back split, carpet, 2. baths, finished recreation room, 2000 sq. ft.'living area plus basement. Ready to move into. ° *OXFORD ST., 2 bedroom bungalow, carpet, large kitchen 8, dinette. C PN;. LL t O 236-4230 16. For Rent OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR RENT Located 'ideally in downtown Goderich. CaII 524=2664 117. Apartments for Rent J MODERN apartment. 'carpeted throughout Phone 529.7888. 38tfar • GROUND FLOOR one bedroom apartment adults, no pets Call 524.211 1 . 47H i 13 Mobile Homes PINEVIEW MOBILE Home Park, Grand Bend • Adult Park with homes for sale on lots, and lots available. Rent $99.00 rnonthLy; , ill buy used mobile homes, 14 ft. width only 238.5584 or 243-2294. 02-12 'PARWOOD - Two bedtoo•m mobile home. Meneset Park. good cohdition, sundeck and sh• ed, ' available ' immediately. Phone 524.4896. ' 05,06x SINGLES apartment' $; . moking, fully furnished. 524.9895 03tf n BENNETT ST. Apartments is now taking applica- tions for two bedroom gportment avoiloble se• cond week of February. Phone 524.6653. 04tfar TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment 1' miles south of Goderich 5400 a month all utilities in• cluded. Phone 524.7302. 05x,06 • ONE BEDROOM apartment. 5300.00 includes utilities, fridge and stove: One block' from Square. 565-2955 or 565-2514 after 5 p.m. 05,06 ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent in Walton, $230.00 everything included. no 'pets. Phone -anytime 887.9620. •,05tf SALTFORD, Two bedroom ground floor. Fridge and stove, •Tenant pays. own heat and hydro. 5280.00 per month. Call' 524-2111, 05tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, 2nd floor, fridge. stove and air conditioner. Phone 524.2462 after 6 p.m. 06tfar' UPPER .two bedroom heated, sto've and fridge, paved parking,very attractive, spacious apart" ment. Not suitable for children or pets. Private - home centrally located, available March • 1. 5'24.8837.for appointment. 06,07 GARDINER'S"'MOTEL Off-season rates week• ly monthly. Fridges and stoves, all utilities in- cluded 524.7302.. 02tfar ONE BEDROOM ground floor apartment available March 1. Phone 524-9437. 06tf WANTED TO SELL,' 12' wide mobile home with large addition•'for as little as 51,900 down and 5180 per month. A great investment opportunity at only 57,500. 487-3186. 06,07 • 16. For Rent 118. Houses for Rent 25. Wanted to Buy TWO, BEDROOM ,unit, fridge and stove, base- ment, fully carpeted 5425.00 per month plus utilities. Available February 1st and March 1st. „Phone 524.2879 , 05tf TWO BEDROOM house close to shopping, large hack yor•d, available immediately: Call 524.4820 after 5:30. 05,06 T.HREE BEDROOM house in 'quiet neighbourhood no' pets, 5425:00 per month 524.4973. • •06tf • RECENTLY , RENOVATED, three bedroom house with attached garage near Dungannon. Includes fridge, stove, washer, drier, freezer and sotellite dish. Phone 524.9019 after 4 p.m.- 06,07x 23. Commercial Property for Rent 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CASH PA!,�. for Antiques, complete or partial. estates, dining; bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. ' Call Seaforth 527-1847 or -527-1633 26. Help Wanted i LUCKN,OW • store for leose rill Moin Street, (next door to The lucknow Sentinef)• 1800 sq. ft. wbt,b 24 ft. frontage, avoiJfrinl r, i nniediatel�(., t'h"one, '528.2822, 03tfnx,: ,4yi vE • COMMERCIAL SIQORE,,spgte''f©f tegtt on the main street of Bayfield', approltiindtely. 255- square feet, 15' x 17'. For dei:ails• phone 565-2650 bet- ween 9 and 4:30. 06or SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden. concrete, automotive, ,moving, painting-; clean• ing, sanders. 3 miles Lost of Kincardine on Highway 9, Phone 395-2685. 42tfar MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent. 540.00 per day. Phone 524.4877 after 6 p.m. 42tfnx _ MOTORIZED vtitiodsplitter 525.00 per day CbII 524.8110'ofter 4 p.m: 43'tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 324-6231 Need snmethinn-repaired? Bring it in! Reasonable rates. Layn lau omental equipme-nt 209 BAYFIEI.r) RD., GODERICH 524-2659 holiday rent -n -car system We have a full line of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS *WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE •12 or 20 FT. MOVING VANS. AVAILABLE,.. STAICKLANDS , 344 Huron Rd., Gadertch 524;8311 Festa 01146* STORE of OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Hamilton Street, Goderich Cali 524-8735 STORE FOR RENT Modern store with approx. 34 ft. frontage on Newgate St., for rent effective May 1st. See Ken McGee at McGee Pontitfc - Buick at 524-8391 • 1 24. Wanted to Rent WANTED TO. RENT with or without option to buy three bedroom house in Goderich. Apply to 524. 8321 between 8 a.m 5 p.m. 06,07 26. Help Wanted CLASS A licenced auto mechanic. E Fc ellent working conditions and renuaneratians PoSitli4i1 available immediately. For appo ir'n'r„ t phone Jim Nor -rimer. Servlet• Munugei McGee Pontiac -Buick -Cadillac, 37 Hutniltnn 5t Goderich. 5248391 or 1800 265 5507 - 030 GROUNDKEEPER nceeded, for Gerry Ginn Memorial Ball Pork in HolmesvillE• If Interrisir'd please phone 524 6879 ask fur Walter 05 06.11 • MUSICIANS WANTED who ore Intelestnd lit tor m ing a Gospel Music .Band Corltrlct Wally 482.5742. •0.5 06 • TOPS' N TRENDS is now ho ing for spring line Home parties. Commission sales Munugt'ment position available Coll Karen 786 3728. 06 15 KINGSBRID•GE Scouting Assoc'utior u;gently needs a Beaver Leader. For information Toil Jour , Courtney 529.7537: 06x . • MATURE PERSONwantedto care for one school aged child in my home dolly 4 6 p n, ' Friday , evening until 9 p.m. Saturdays 10 asci • 6 p m Interested persons apply in writing to Drawer .'No. 85 c o Goderich Signal•Star P.0 Bas 220 Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6. 06tf• a • 'BABYSITTER REQUIRED toy ,bubysit Inra•ni i'n m home. Sunset Bead:. • R forcnces reyu,rt:cl Phone 524-8039. 06,07nx ° • OFFICE CLERICAL full time, position Complete benefit package and competitive salary Rook... keeping, accounting and or computer opootiar1 experience required. Apply in writing to Drawer " No. 86, c o Signal•Star Box 220 Gorferic,h: Ont • N7A 4B6. O6ar . Help Wanted 1. Secretary 2. Key Punch Operator Required' immediately for 3. month period. Please statequalifications and salary expected. Please send resume to: ' Drawer No. 87 Goderich Signal Star . P.O. Box 220 L Goderich, Ont. N7A 4136 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed: Now is 'thh time to' train for your class "A" license. For pre-screening inter view and lob placement Information contact: Mery Or'r's Group, t-000.265.1260 1 11/41 1/4 1/4 i* JOIN OUR CREW! We're one of iOntorio's'largesr power boo' dealers, 20 years ,n business with brood new • ultra modern facilities Required. immed,• gtely. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY .The successful candidate will excel at orgo. nizohon and be dedicated 10 detail Must be Proficient in tvping and dicta Computer ex pertence an asset, riot o requirement, but will be expected 10 learn. This is o busy varied position for.someone who enio.vs a challenge. SALESPERSON We're the power boat spec ialists and we sell everything from luxury yachts to small runa- bouts, and we sell a IOr of them' W e a i so lease all makes of automobiles 'We need a super othiever wno loves boats Years 'oo' i and is not afraid. of hard work including weekends in return tor too earnings and prestige SERVICE MANAGER 44 let For our brand new model service shoo doing, all phases of power boat repair and n'o'rite. nonce and electronic installations Mus' be 0 highty persOnabie individual with supervis- ing experience and 0 high degree or ,nterper. conal and written ski Its and a thorough know ledge of power boats primarily inboard and inboard/outboard. I t VDU tee' sou have the ava''r'(0i 0n5 tar any of these positions, and are a non smoker send me your resume • PETERWARNER WA" RNER AUTO MARINE INC. P.O. BOX 339 GRAND BEND, ONT. NOM 1TO GROW 1T We are one of North America's,fastest growing marketing c ompante5 vr;'ith 211 vn lis nt experience in the water conditioning field. Due to a major Ontario 0\p,vtsto11, wr' are looking for ambitious and aggressive sales people with professional attitudes Training is provided, however, experience in the water c onditioning field is a real asst't If you'd Iikf' a guaranteed inc ome plus incentives, lull corporate benettts, the o1't",trtun1h, to advance as rapidly as your ability will allow and a c liner with a eomp,tfS whose N umber 1 ASSOI Is its people, IOIN US! AQUA' FINE WATER CENTRES ;ow serving all of''Southern Ontario For appointment call 1-800-265-3.571 We are an equal opportunity employer