HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 3'1� I 1 1 � I I I �111.111W � � I,—
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I I I kqw-01-IM-1111--mal" I I I - 11 1111 I NOR 111111111111RIN I �El,... 1-;----. 11 11 — 4; .... �,_ __ - - i 2 I 1"�. I 11 11 1-11 11. . �,
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I " .P,ftl 7--- -
I -------- - "" , _.-, 1 � L ,100A __ "... , ___ grunts of satlsfa6ilou got lit$ $boo$ 01r. FRIBB14M OF FASH10M. � t
... 1, ''. . � 11'i:i!.', I "O .!,�1.+. MANY CON FLAG RATION$., Dolby, no searchlos . 0
- � — - , ,
; . . , .,.4,,t--Ir+-�+i-++,t,q"�++",..,�++� ...... 0" - - ", , I y I
',44+n��O++.,e+, I I
, I . I % about. And almost the first thing he I I
11 * I Building 0 0 L B Y" A 'N"D WIFE ' lace Worn by Mes. Harry P,ayno .
,;�'. . I s at Petawawa Camp Burned #look --I--
. , 4M I I read wben. Ji� opened that,cow circu- I . I �
. �� Jan " to the Grownd, " . .. Whitney-Mi4ses' Garmonts, 0 91 �
� May Is. -The Militia. Do- 9 ,ney weari. a Les,son .Vlll�—Second � Quadt ,
, "I
60"06 I The cow largely partaken Of Me . rs. Harry Pique )11hit, I ,,41 � :., �
. , Th . atter Conclud0s That the Dea- nature of woman. 1."rtoreare humble aecul4qe qt t1uy pale. green south e I ' - �'! " I I
!11, 0404WA, . lar was, , . I
%.#,'� It e M0.1sons, � . Ir � "tment was apprieed yesterday of a , 1. I . is a I I
I I InIe at Petawawa military camp 'on 'L� For May �1, 191 I. � I., ; s
� , , $tells, it gift from �obn La Farge, the � I
MI 10c,pr1pora04 1855 -ire Wker , I , I , : N. . �
, 0,04 tbere,' � , catty, . I
. I I— '... %4 000,!ROO.00 Thursday which destroyed the ord� oon Is a Pit -ate. - cow$ artist, The shells''are pale, gray and — I . I. . ..
. 11, I
I _
1 CAPITAL (paid 11P) .... ... I ..., .11.1$4 1 ,40 �00.00= * I pance stores bailding, the army, ser. . . cows. You must study the nature of in and yellow or shaded into. opal �
;,*E, VEFUND ... e - 4 � vice corps. building, a6d the house of I each, animal. 'Xiiere, are wives who grec a i a mystic meaning In THE INTERNATIONAL I I SERIESU,
V RESER . .... .... $44 ()00,006,00- -, ' Sergt, Slade, the caretaker,'ent ill will taIxe 4 basting, without a laurmur, tints, They h,,s;e . I
�, -�AL ASSE,TS I OVIEW ... I 9 1 4 a' 1119 SHE . I I
- 'was and there are � I I
f I , WT to in ;� ,oinlnept feature I
. Tt TO . I --bd all '1' � a loss of about V5,000. The fir WRITES - HER EPITAPH. .wives who'll raise the the 0011th sello * ,
. , ranches in Canada, and Agents and OorresiQ �
."k � Has q8 B 1. -� 11 caused by lighting, which struck the root It you but box their ears-"' Cord shirring Is a pi Toxt of the E-�gssqnp Isa, V, I -12 -,-Moro
a principal Cities. in the World. - I �, �
I � I
th. . I +'' building., an , despite the offorts of �A .the newest inisses, garments, uck-le, �i7
I . + a number mponwhilo Polby Reads a circular Mrs. Polby's Tombstone Text. cry Vorao, 11--Goldon Text#, 1440 VJ
T * of wen einployed in getting � The prettiest barrettie's are in.b ;
. I A General Banking Business Transacteo About the Nature of Cows-FunerAl The deacon bad ow -ped cows for form, They are, sometimes as large 92 -Commentary Prepared by RO�YZ
I , the camp ready for the summer train- thirty years, Ile had never studied . 1. ''I
, T * ing', the buildings and contents were Arrangements AreCalled Ott and the their dispositions. Ile had always as four or fire inches, � D. M. atoarns. I . , . I
,.�, 1*1 Saving Bank Department . I + consamed. The loss is made up.main. Family Clock Is Wound, given them & kick after milking and The small r000d bat that Is almost* our lesson title, "$04a of the ,vv.. 11 , , L
- I + ly of the blankets used in camp, a .. �
I I bonnet shaped is a Popular model for I
I T , � . y4rd,11 must be consideed !u, the 11,
� + erestallowea atffighest Current Rates. + nambdz of Ross rifles, .severil sub- By M, QUAD. let it go at that. aere was a new and Obildrea this seasol). I . _ � .
i , ,&t all,Branches. Int I + target guns and transport wagons, MopyrIght, 19U, by' AsSodated Literary interesting theory. He had ,forgotten of the first veroe, "A song of MY . .
1%4- e F.- . -Carling, Solicitors- N, V. HURDON, Manager. + 1, Jabots trimmed with fur are used . . :
& . + The buildings were one -storey frame Fresp.1 I lit? loved touch g izis vineyarV .
, . . Dickson � till about Mrs, Dol4k wholl she slowly ,with separate blouses. Here is a , In I I I � I 11 1. _
'il ++ + structures. the supper table Deacou Dolby entered the room. In one'liand she I -
+ I . . tie hint Xor leftovers after the fast- - FIZOIC. Xv WO 10arrL tbat the Only 100, 1 .
. - Danger. gested that lie had beft�r bore t � 'I butcher knife, In the � - ' \ -
I . � + Crafghurst In s u g, 'a . the vine, Is to bear fruit, and,, failin
11 .__ gq down to the vilrage post. other , f T Icy She advanced I I I .
, �
� ,1�1: I Craighursb, May 13. -Bush fires are I iie if paper. ,in tliat� It Is g"d for noming� " � � "
__ A and lal, ,) paperunder his nose and I ,� I �
raging furiously all around. the Vil- office and see it a letter had ��, . �- John xv we learn that trul i 'i 1
. lage of Craighurst, causing much come from Mr. Dolby's sister In Indi. stopped � 't, and he read, I ��, i
I THE CANADIAN BANK I alarm to the residents, Unless the ana. He didn't argue and discuss, but "Here 1�, Urs. f�amuei Dolby, aged -S , � ... branches v,re gathered 'by, men I I I .
burned, like the salt - Matt li '� " ,
I � higlt winds that prevail at the present two. ";she found, after many long .1 � but I I
r fifty,- - �. savor and Is good for:, o 9� - I - I
, I time abate, and rain is forthcoming, years, that she was married to a Pl- att. , , I . "
OF COMMERCE for a third helping of liver and bacon. 4 . , - be trodden underfoot o I ( I . i
� the village is in danger of being wip- I � I , �,
- - ed out. The fire is making rapid it took Urs. Dolby ten. minutes to ae. rate, and $lie killed herself. Do Aot I . 16) . .� kq, I
' ""
SIR EDMUND WALKER, 0M.O., LL.D., P�0.1_., PRESIDIENT iesce, but after a time she, got we(,,p for her, for she is better QIT.10 . 11
� . strides-, fanned by high whids'and the qu � � Verso 7 of out lesson tolls us 0101 t. , , ,
I ! ALEXANDER LAIRD, GFNERAL MANAQER' I village is enveloped in smoke. A avound to- it, and the deacon mogged "That's to go on my tombston% . I � � lwuse of Israel Is the Lord's viney! .9 �
., I REST, - $7,000,000 number of the male residents ara out off. He knew that things would hap- Samuel," she .said after having given ' . ".1 I here referred to and the :Vwa of Xud �� I ,
CAPITAL, - $1 0,000,000 -to fight the flames. pen in his absence, but lie had never him time to read the words. "I doWt . � . I His pleasant pjan� but instead o ' I
. t to hurt your feelings, but I (To .� !1. . � � -
. I Approaching B.-.Ia. tried to control destiny and wasn't go. Wan I �. 11 � 1. producing the desired fruit they i I ,
want people to know why I died. Will. I , I.: .,�N I � �,
I . I Ing to begin now. Mrs. Dolby's sing- . � Z y1eldin.- only wild gTapes, described . I
, FARMERS' BUSINESS Bala, May 13. Wm. Carr started a . q . .
The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers every facill fire Thursday to clear the cornerof a ing.floated out to him as he shut the you grant my last fequest?" . I _Z IF, I 11� I I the sWold woe of the chapter ,arid _ i I I
I , i Itz .chopping. After dinner it -as beyond gate behind him. . . . 1. The deacondidn't say. Butfor that . ,-,/ I . Hoo. I x, 1, as an empty vine orlan , I , -
action of their banking business irxclud' ,,- the discomit ana . circular he might have denied A 11 I . 1� I
� , for the trans . ni h', control and is now across the There was U0 letter. You can never COW I ., ,,, - forth trult nato, himself. A,ccoi . �
r,,ollection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are supplied free of obarge C.�.R. track. The fire is raging before depend upon any oue living in In& or assented, but he was reading, I � I ' to the six woes, they,we�e I
, . .. � �� mighty , I ..
a high wind eastward along Shanty "It should be known to all cow own- � T/ � . I I
,on application, .1 . Day towards Bala. Buildings will be an a to write a letter on a certain date. ers that If you take ,in ax and knock .1 i�ft drink wine, enjoy pleasureo, go. . I I � I ,
, .... by their i
. . � . / ,-: I'll
. 'BANKING BY MAIL � They argue that any old time will do. ,/ .A � property� call things by their 11
I in danger if it crosses the swamp . Deacon 41bodheart 'was also at the the hopris oV n cow.in anger she will 1. %). -_ I -/ names and sin. . I . i
. . I t
� . , 1�,c.unts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank of north of Rob6rtson's Point, as there postoifice, He was expecting a letter. hold back .her milk. Give her to un- , A I - w Eta brought them oat of Egypt" " 11 ..:
ill rec;1ve the same careful is no provision of any kind for fight- derstand that you do It as a matter '/1' I / ,
1, - -V Votritrierce to be operated by mail, and w . t. I from his sister in Ohio, Neither dea- out the nations before them and VI t . i
. '
I *ttention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. In. I . of principle and duty, because you are I . I
,, . Lavant Threatened. con received a letter, but Deacon Dol- I ed them In a good land, but bec 10, I I I
� . . -afraid she will hook herself with W ,/, 1. I I
is way as satisfactonily as //"IS,
Money may -be deposited or withdrawn in tbi Kingston, May 13.-A I ig bush fire I 1. their sin Ile had to tam His ce, I
I thom. Never be reluctant to explain I Z 11 � I
11 �
. 11 ,;, 0 0 them, and their only hope .
,by a persbnal visit to the I " . I
I :�. Bank. 1 232 is raging at Lavant, on the line of the matters to your cktw. The more confl- 11 , . 0 ; ) �
. -4 Kingston & Pembroke Railway, sixty I � I I r� ; � man of Eris right hand, the 0 : 11 ,,, ;
i Exeter Brancb—W, 11. Collins Manager dence you have In lier the more sho � I I Ir I - God (Ps. lx=, . . ,, ,
, . man strong for I - . ,, � �i
I ' '
. miles north of here. Mayor Graham . will have in you" : � I ,� 'Z I I I . . I I , �
Branch &IL was called upon to render assistance , I- According to our lesson, He had d - 11
t � so at Crediton. "Yes, Samuel, I have dctermined on I I I / ' . 11 � :
'n. The mayor gave Fire Chief . - 11 g for them that �� :,"
. last night. � T'14 the stop at last," 13V heard Nirs. Dolb 11 everythin .11 1, :� ''I
. 1 17-Z ? , 11 ,
-=:=M-- Irmstrong permission to t, , , arabl �
i . I I ake 'the y ; . I , 11 / for 9, vineyard, but as In tile PSIPA-1 i . I . �,
! saying, "and nothing can. ,-Iinngo my I ? 11 I . "� ��
Chatham fire engine -and as m-dch hose I I: ", �, / or matt =4 $841, they, beat I � I % . :1
S - sm;pef-ted tbnt you : ill / 1, , �
as uot sure 0 ii � .1
I . Ch archl Directory It ". � . killed Elio servants and even .4- '_ � �
. as he'could spare. A special train was mind. I have Ion
. 0. ,��
I : , "I __�,_ �'
I , * + made up and left as soon as possible !: .. ', �_,_ were a pirate, but' w until I I I to the vineyard also. Accord�n . I I 1!
, .
� I
I % . + with men and equipme The report � this evening. TMen 9 o'clock came " Z ts . I ��
+ nt. t ; g to. 91 ,
4?11 JAnES STREET I . 11 lesson chapter, they r0g-11rd Slot =_ C , ..
I I .11 ,
from Lavant, states that tho fire is I P� "i :�.
% and you were not home I sent little , � / i work of the Lord nor consider dievl* �. . 11 �
RCH about a quarter of a mile from the V-1- 11 P, I . �11 I : �. �
+ THODIST CHU � I Benny Davis to look for you. And 11 eratiou of His hands, but c ;: , "
1, TOO BUSIHOSS I mE village. It is believed it. will be check- 4� 1 1 11 !ast awalil"; �
� .,_ � ,�
. + 4� _j�j where did that innocent child find �, 11 . i� , ''.
: -1 + Pastor ed in time to save the buildings in ". I I / I I I the law of the Lord of hosts and d I :.,
I I , A " , .,! , . L. �
� . 4 'Worl Rev. Richard Hobbs. I � you? Where, I ask! In the room back I ,; 1: .1
,- the village. There are less than a . spised the word of the HoI7 One - � . I
-.1. I + - I . . I , ,� ".
1. U - , Sunday Public WOTship-10.30 a.ml, dozen houses as Lavant. �, I of the grocery, playing checkers with Israel (verses 12-24). . I I �',
.. ,�., I � .1 �� _ L
* and 7 pan. A special from. Lavant says the em- Deacon Goodheart� and both of you � / His pitiful cry over them Is alway;fl .
I I . .1,�
i r'J.H utbIlLngy( , not pre- + Class S�rvIes_Snnaay,R.1l0 a.m. and ployes of the Wilbur Iron Mines have V s at your elbows! I . the same, whether through the propSi, I . I ,
. pare now? The le9ding mer- + , ednes- .: . . I . I
I I . � .
Candle houses:of Canada and + been fighting bush fires for two days No wonder that little Bermy could I Al I I
. I.
"I afteT Morning SeZ*Ice and W1 . A, 4 ets or through His son, 11 am tw., . � . 1,
, + day night. �� bardly gasp out a word when lie got i �. � ., " � I
,�111 1h United StatBs aecongnizes our 4- and nights, and that if the wind :'� I / 11 Lord thy God, -.%,vho brought thea ouf I ..
; officiency. I + Young Xen'* Class and 10AL9QUIum-ew changes, it is sure to strike Le'vant. - : back. Samuel Dolby, you are a con- 11 . � 1,
I "i " 4 Sunday At 2 ja-m - . Xinjiton firemen are at the scene _ - I of the land of Emt,. Open thy MQUII �Iq .
I The Snotton BUsIness "' Sunday ,School and Bible COMM$ 2.8a cheeking -fire as best they can. . -1 vicied pirate!" , I : W . - .7 11 i V71de and I will firl % but hily peolue , I . � ,%.
` �' �
. 4V ,
I . + , -1/1 The Deacon Laughs. ? , would not harken to.my voice, a4 I , I �:
. 4 _W A + V%m. I I . . May Become Serious. - t I "
I � . college$ + HI);%orth 'League -Tuesday at 6. pm May 13. -Forest . The deacon snii1ed Inwardly. It was ' � . - '. I Israel -would none of Iffell (Ps. Lvxxg; - I �. �" 1,
+ .. I . i��
ands of + Prayer Meetina-Thu-4- Q1 13 1)1-, Megantic, Que.,
fires are raging in ihe Woburn only cider in the glasses, and he did I I !a, ii). ;�D Aetn,_,0§;_n_,16-rgsa1,-xa. * 41 t : �: :
Have given thous, dis- � . I '_ . Z�� I.. :_
. young people a, good start it, "' 4,mas Ist Methodist dhur616 the pas- trict near here. Between four and not drink all qf his. Pirates . drank , _ . � � how often would I ha,vo gathered ON, � � _� �,.�
�� 4f life. We can assiat you. tor will 3)mach next gundaY. five miles squa-re of forest have al- I . __NNM99EE___J rum, and lots of it. They also sailed � - . A rsEruL Loxa 66,&T. I children together, even as tv a hen. gatUj, 'L .�. .:
�, . �
''I � 11 � . . _ - . I .1.1
a me Study . ______ ready been burned over. A large force around, giving the dagger to others ioning of scarfs and muffg. Tity ereth her chickens under her winp, � 11 �
'Aki i our H - . � of men have been rashea to the scene . 3=oXWA.Tr,5 Unit HUB-BANI). under the short ribs -and knocking the 'bows of ermine, edgings of skunk fur And ye would not!' (Matt =111, , i: ,�
I . . � 11 I M. .1 , , 1i
.1 ) OWNS ---------- -011, 22-2222-22 - I and are now making ai� effort to stay by did get .-t circular regardlng,co,wp stuffing out of Spanish galleons. But .1combined with plaited lace. Such unbelieving people who tuM! . I �
nexcelledadvantages - its 10 r`os" Vnless rain comes soon, and their milk. What was more nat- why explain? Why argue? Why not I A MI of valencieimft lace, is a. de- away from God and His word are said' � . 4 :
Offer it t A Psychic Phenomenon. . I "
1. thep�sitlati�n will be serious. ` __ I
! college. Fall particulars up- + ' '
-, . - - , ural after the circular had been stored let Mrs. Dolby go ahead and die? And cided addition to the fancy i1pron to be I'drunken, but not with wine, 1.�
t those who eq,nnot attend �& man and ,woman accidentally . - - —
I . + Z touched each other's feet under - away In his pocket than that he should the cow circular read: th button- they stagger, but not with stronj.�' I �
% I J, on inquiry. + I BRIEFS FROM THE WIRES. challenge the other deacon to go down "Ther'e" are hired men Who Jump boled scallops. dria-11 (Isa. xxlx, 9). , . ,,',�
1 % . 110" I 11. the table. ' .. � I � I I lk WW .Wift- . Such a long coat as this serves many It is most interesting to note that In "I I , -
I . . � "Secret telegraphy," said he. . to the back room.,of the grocery and right .Ia'and _r -o to, 131�1�. ,�
I 1-:1 I Write -foe particulars ... "Communion of sole 11 said ' The Xing and 4ueen opeiieA the Ves- have a game of checkers? A.rm In �Lrnl .Out Dreface. She is surprised and purposes. It caii be made from any the chapter ,tollowlgg our lesson chap- . �
. . - + P - .1 � . . I 11 I
�. I " I I . 1. tival of Empire yesterday. before the game was humiliated. Her feelings are hurt. seasonable clo,ildDg ffiaterial .and is ter we have a rision of the earth filled I
I I + she.-Sudge's Library. . The death occurred suddenly last they went, and . I I I .
t � decided it was 10 o'clock. Both dea- Thq process of milking should come by a satisfactory model for runabout with ihe glory of the Lord. Campare � . i
I , Clinton Busilielsg s . 13�ght of F. W. Annand, !mmigation Take a ;7aik- around the wear. TUDIC CHOLLIDT. verses 11, 12 and 22 -with chapter vi, $.,, 1 ; � I
I I , I agent at Halifax. . cons gasped for breath as they looked degtt-les. �
. . * , I � . I , runkenn ' , I
'' . College. , ++ The Second Fiddle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan of at their watches, and then both hiked bathyardt Let thea cow sgg that f�n . Better say contrast the d egg
Dummer were killed while driving for home on the gallop. event is about to happen. Speak sooth- This May Matiton -pattern Is out in sizeg with the glory, Then note the samo 41
. �
I I . + Todgers-Ah, count; allow me to III- over a railway crossing I `�V.oiild Mrs, Dolby have gone to.bed? ingly to her. In a way ask her per- from 34 to 44 inches bust measure. Send contrast in Hab. 11, 14, 15, and Uph. . .: I 1.
I - . 16 cents to this office, giving number, 6901, - 1,
f Geo. ,SPotton, Principal. + troduce you to Mr. Saton. � h the west has Would she be asleep In her chair? MIS v, 18, and observe that at Peutecoit, I
� + Oeult--It The storm throug oat sion. In this way you will get the and It will be promptly forwarded to you �
I . ........ ees a great pleasure for me to meet abated and the weather, is generally Would she be hanging by the neck best results." by mail. It In baste send an additional spirit f3lied people were said to be run . '' .
a musician like you, monsieur. Ihear clear and bright, but the. telegraph upstairs or down cellar? And the paragraph had only been two cent stamp for letter postage, which., of new wine (Acts ii, 448), There is . . �_
. . -- zat you and your family play zo mu- . -es generally are down. insures more prompt delivery. � ��,
� . I , , wn 31r. Dolby felt goose flesh stealing read when Mrs. Dolby followed it no remedy for _9elf righteous, SOM - 11 4
- eq: sle. Saton-.Me? I Why, I don!t know I Albany Marcil, a twelve -year-old boy . ver him as he asked himself these with: I _I :-, :, ��
0 I pleasing, unbelieving people, but such; �
anything about -music! Count -Won? I of Hull, was drowned in attempting to : � i
: N AL questions, and be mentally determined "Samuel, you see I' have got the WHAT TO WEAR. a sight of Jesus Christ dying for their, � ,- I
-A �J 4��- 1 / save his youngtcr brother, who fell into I � I ;
" Zey tell me all round vat you play - e advantage of the butcher knife tied to my wrist, so's sins as will break their hard hearts ' � p
,.,. .. .. I the river. The -smaller boy was res- that he would tak . . �
'. I . second fiddle to your ivife!-M. A. P. I cued. I first favorable occasion to lick Deacon nobody can say you did it. They'll. Color In 15-vidence on the Latest Neck- anO. lead thom to cry, "God, be mercl- . 1.�. 11
, STRATFQRQ� ONT.--04' . I I The fiftieth anniversary of the for-. Goodheart for stringlug the game out say you are a pirate, but not a murder- wear ---A Novelty In Rabats. ful to ine, a slaner." One cannot d_q . - I
* - A GOOD* Mixed Up. . mation of the 63rd Regiment, Halifax so long before giving up. However, er. I want to ask you as to the best On the latest ascot ties of white, this for aiaother. bat He who said 111; I . � I �
, * ' 1,yes1m, rm a duke by rights." � Rifles, the third oldest militia regi- he did not precipitate himself into the place to stql� myself. It IsII1 in the pique and madras color is introduced am the true vine" said also concerning 1
I SONOOL. ViE, BEST. t "Why don't you claim your rights?" ment in Canada, wasoelebrated last house. On the contrary, he was calm. leg, is it? I want to die at one stab." in the form of fleur-de-lys, polka dot the Holy Spirit, "He will con -Vince ot, .1 4 .
- j
I ha's a continont:al - �
I., . r1h,11* school , hizh crrada. '%vork # "Well, mum, I wuz cheated out o' night. There was a dim light left burning, You'd have -thought the deacon would or wreath, lavender, dark blue, browh' sin, and of righteousness, and ofjudg� I �
- I rep-t1tio or 0��,qs of 3'- stud-' * mv rights an' changed in de cradle an! � A semi-official denial Of rumors that He t,r,,,a, -if. ain nnA vull-b Aereral I answer a trivial question like that, but and green being the hues most in evi- ment" (John xv4 7,8). . , -
� --- �
0"a for �th-! S. F, 1,1011, * , Russian and Sapan. axe negotiating a w circilar -was to deuce. It we have been redeemed by pre- I
. . . I 11 so mixed Up dat I don!t know where I — - he didn't, and that co
*A', leiai:L"�- 0 . I common plan of action inimidal t � I!;
" In stand," -Louisville Courler-Journal. I rg 1% . blame. It had got along to the reeding A. novelty in rabats Is one with a elous blood and b,,en caused to see I . e
�,� �, . - � ,� last ni I of cows, and it went on to state that double frill d white net edged with something of the beauty of the Lord � �
11 # farmers made a great mistake in think. Irish, lace and a tab of linen exquisite-' it is not for us to condemn other r�
,4, Co')JAS RCIALO * I The Silver Lining. V Red ez, oneof the rebel leaders,
I vlol� ') 0 tw, I R ON 1',1
' � I China w
; We have three depart enbs- I as .issued at St. -Petersbu.
saORTEEAND and + "What an awful cold your husband I is said to be under arrest and will be . � .
21 # . ing that old wire fencing and fish- ly embroidered in conventional design. sinners nor think them hopeless, but 00, ,�
' -
i ELB GRA,Pfly ones and corticobs were nutritious Stays before using should have the manifest Jesus Christ to them by word _:
T I I * has! He coughs ai,41 sneezesall the t�� 1riea by Court-martial at Juarez� Mex- y b "
ou,s youn.1 inian andi * . �",.!
k Ambiti . 0, time." i0o. He is charged *with having sold food for cows. If they couldn!t have laces pulled out to their fullest extent and deed that the Spirit may, througb� . . . ,�, �
11 ,,,,m,n should send at o'no0- for. "He does, but it ainuses the baby I out at the second battle at Agua breakfast food served with cream from and the corset be put well down on us If He will, reveal Jesus Christ to 1, :_
- free catalogue. 0 1 . �1�
I : � our larx,3 and s,�,n 0 sPlendidly.11—Soui-Ire. � Prieta. . Him. There is .1 ,.. I
I Write for Vt at 0"Ce . - - __,._.- A jury in the Supr;me Oourt yes- HER ONL the city they should at least be given . them and lead them to
111 — � the bacon rinds and coffee grounds . . just one thing that the vine Is for, and . ,�'�i
what our ,�,radua.ttefs arc doin,g. ** �..
lf� r I of the * ___.. t�rday awarded Mrs. Indiana Chev- from the table. Another new theory lei : if we are real branches of the tras I .1 11 � .
rhi,s i69 ,a good time, .. I . .� � I
. . rier of Montreal yesterday $1,999 dam- I . I . ,f
_. You ,to cv,ter, our 01WS' ON 9 , for the deacon. ; . i vine lie will bear the desired fruit . , �. . . !L, �
year f or I ages against the G.T.R. The woman's - . . ��
if, I tcxfn�; 011 SHE HAD CONSUMPTI f husbanil was killed on. Dec. 1, 1900, Final Preparations. " .. : that God may be glorified If we trul3r �,
IS -ortruentig hre cl . I . ,�, ,,
I 00% %1� � fiear the Bonaventure, Station. no], I don't ask you to weep . I'll . I
I �:V 10, ,0 C,ej�. Commence Your 4 C"HANCEr' "&,tm at . abide. . . ..
I -
IkV 14 - I That fruit may not be any great -
.1 I 'our&e, at� Once. , I . . .�, , � 1. �;
% 01 # The BrWsli steamer Cayo ..Bonito, the f uncral, but as folks will be look-, . . I ':
I i thing Unit will gain the admiration of I � " "I L;
from Lou -don yesterday -for tlarnpico, big ,-it you you!d better suaffle a little . .. g I I ��i
- f D. A. �IeLkCHLAN, -# Dr. Wood's - Was Cured by Lydia E.Pink= � I people, but just a meek and quiet , �:,��
Triveipal. # , , an L the British .steamer Galician, out- and wipe your eyes. It wilf also look, I . , I..
-.011" <0 d. bound from T,ondon, collided in d I U spirit, patient and long sufferingi It i I .
. ham'sVegetableCompon better if You sit hunched up, as if r ..
Norway Pine Syrup w�Lafrog off the North Foreland. Both lic it is no your grief was too great to bear. Of , may be, under great provocation or .
. steamers have returned -to London. . Lindsay, Ont. -"I thit course, after the funeral is over 7 . on .0?�.� � .1 even cruelty. TWnk of the Lord'$ p.%- � 1.�
Cured Her. Fire yesterday ,afternoon destroyed more than right for me to thank Mrs. can gallop around the back yard all 104'.. 11 an e wltb Israel and with e.�'Llh of . . �
Tile U-Sborne afla MOM I . I 11 dozen small residences and Vinkliam. for what her kind advice an& I I 10 I c �; ;-,
I - . . us and. consider Him who endured lest . �: �,,
"a -% Samuel, hain't you kinder A 11 I
' — . .11en spread to the municipal electric Lydia E. Pinkham's .Vegetable Com- You. Plonse. - ye be weary. Think of being strength- I 1
�farmcr's MUtUal FirG 111811F � t pou,nd has done for sorry I'm going?" I et'ned with all mlght� accordin- to EM9 11.�
. w plant of St. Johns, Que., which was :;'.'.��;.., -. ... ,�!
- ,
�;;r�. . ... ...: .... .
eighed 135 Pounds- �:...: - ..". me. When I wrote Here would have been a splendid . I ��, I
( also wiped .out. The total loss is .-1. * I '� � ... . I . �_ ,
. ... " glorious power, unto all ,
.* to her some time � patience ancl . , ,� .
daGg offlDdau Now Weighs 172. . placed at $75,000, with insurance of .. ,.*,',,, ,chance for the deacon. to work up his I : :��,�
. ..
about half that amount. : :.-,..v ago I was a very jaudience to the screaming point, but � long sufforing,"with joyfulness (Col. 1. �� :�i
. .':,*, I 1 ,�
. . . 11 . .*.,.. sick woman, suf- k at cow literary bureau that It 11). Remember that the fruit of the 1
I :..-..:,', . � � ,
.. - ....'.. ": �
I . I 4jead OffIC0, Farquhar,',Ont I Bryan at Galt. .1. , �p -c-- , fering from female 'dt was th I spirit Is love, joy, peace, long saSerins, . ", :
. Mrs. ,:.. I - .::.-,-,.-.Z troubles. I had prevented. It said that the cow Owner I ... .% 11
. .. � Charles -MeDermotto Bathurst, t ::. i-,%,_"A,11� ': ,,
11 President, J. F. R'USSELD .,,-:�'._ -0 ...:4,�"..I., o f In Orange county who bedded his cows . gentlenesa, goodness, faith, meekness, . ':
, , I
1. � A. N.B., writes, -"I thought' I would 1 Galt, May IS. -William Jennings -1:,*,1-111.. -� inflammation I . 1',��
� ... -'�_,�,.�,�.-,,, . .
the noted American politician, I'll, :4�-Z'%'. � self control (Gal. v, 221, 23), and all - �,� �,
Bryan, ,,'j :,:`�':," '! the female organs on a regular hair mattress and springs . � I
. � ,.-.:*
vive-1?3�06.. ROBTE. GARDINER � write and let you know the�benefit I have. wh ois on a tour through western On- -"'1-...,::..,. .".1:,.,"':*. and could nol got 56 per cent more milk than any that to opposed is from the adversary;� '� � L �
� --e. .: - ... SWIMMO CAP AND SUMV2 PROTIZOTOM � ;�
., .... ..
. - .
. , �
DIRECTORS. received through the use of Dr. Wows . . 't By the *ord of God aud the spirit lot. . I I
I tavio, arrived in Galt yesterday m6m. . stand or walk aq one else. He was shortly going to pro- . I
� ai Norway Pine Syrup. Three years ago , ing, having motored here from Paris, . I . . t be saved and thelt i� I
- % i1ft,QRT. NORRIS, BWaU . I distance. At last I vide them with pillows to lay their the figure before fastening. The lace' God we must firs . � I
. - gD.ii,b,11n. I had consumption. I had three doctors ' where he lectured Thursday night. .. was confived to my heads on and make*it 75 per cent. should not be carried around the waist, by I lie same word and spirit abide awl, , , . . i I
I . ,TEV08- : RYAN Winohelsed. I attending me and they were very much At I o'clock he was entertained to a I bed, and the doctor "I'Veil, Samuel, goodby. I shall prob- but be fastened at the back. Two bear fruit. The question of verge I � .11 I
Pff . 03.fbo)OK, . 11 lauchoon at the Imperial Hotel, which I � I .. 411.. , I ,
. ,
yr X VARQU,u.,AR alarmed about my condition, I was so I wouid have ably screara when I stab, but doWt let yards is the length of lace required. 'Vhat could have been done more tat .'' : . I ,:;,
.W Al. Itoy. I .. . . was attended by ,bve;.^a hundred to go throu h an operation, but this I that put yoti,out. Just keep right on The newest Dutch collar closes in the 1�y vineyard that I beLve not done ft .. --
I weak and taiserable I could not do tiy prominent citizens. Mr. ,Bryan de. refused to To. A friend advised Lydi't I I
! . r9ading and when you find my lifeless back and has a five inch plaited jabot 1011 suggests the question for over.V1
.. � AOBNT$. "he
�. , housework. 'While looking throu h - ur liveved a strong address, in which E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I
.1 gn yo. -, to ,,
I !4,011N ESSERY'.. ExOtletr- 41goat fO' B.B.B. almanac I saw that Dr. wood's ported the Y,M.O.A., and outlinea. and n6w, after ushig three bottles of it, b6dy pretend to be very much out- ex -or the front from the neck edge. shiner, drunken or sobet .r all bay& . .
I . Sup I have never been, on sinned and all tire guilty (Row. ill, 1%, .
I 13�adulplhl. Norway Pine Syrup, was good for weak th, great work the association Is doihg I feel like anew woman, Imostheartily prised about it. Some of the new shawl shaped stoles I �
i . "I 1P .jUpbow.ne ariA . � I I i 1.
. i 10LIVER HARRIS, Kunx0l '91004 luD g, so I got a bottle at the drug store,, in the 11plift. Of men. Speaking of recommend this medicine to all wornen, the stage, $araqol, but I know that are made of a new material very much What more could the L ord do that Eta . j,l "' ..,
�'ffj I � sibbett. 1pullaTton wo LdR40, I anTafter taking teii bottles X was eera� the association ag a ep-operative fn� who suffor 1vith female troubles. I have when a wife is going to stab herself like plush, and they are usually seen has 'not done for your. salvatiotil Cc6� I �. 4i.i
I I plottly dured. At that time I weighed stitutionj Mr. Bryan digressed from a Igo taken 1,ydi,% E. Vinkhani's Liver to death she backs out of the room In the soft taupe shades. older John III, 16, and Answer ag t4t . "�,�
I .4-1 I I- '. - , J011N.'e-AMPREL111 � 135 pounds aid now weigh 172, & Ixam of his subject somewhat to command Pills and think they are ll1m"-:-,Mr8. saying f -a -r -o-w -e-1-1110 I . The housewife wbo does her own what more Is nocessary� , . I ��J
I sacv.TreaS. Farc[Uhar 87 pounds in three years, I now keep it thn system of annuitieS recently In. ri RAxlt E%sLEY, Lindsay, Ontarto, A chance here for the deacon to ex- work will appreciate the value Of al- if you do not yield to� oupt, lovo anai ' L � ,.�,
: ,
GOAD & STANEVIt-r. so.11,01,to'gs in the house 411 th6time and would not, augurated by the 0anadian, Govern. We cannot understand why women tend, his .arms, but they Were bUSY ways keeping on hand for sweeping a fteelya Him as your personal StvvloiVl '.� L : �
. MAN be without it for anything. " 1. owe my meat. For years, he said, he had been will take. thwftces with an operation or elsewhere, .Not an extend. Not a pretty cap and useful pair of sleevo and then so abide t,W �]Ye may, bo4i L . . I I
� _____ __ -- -_ --- I � . __ I life to IV* trying to figure oat a similar scheiiie drag out a sickly half-hearted exist- ;� �; 'I'll
I Dr, Wootals Nor*ay Ane S)�rtip caA for the benefit of the citizens of the once, missing three-fourths of the joy word. Not a cra.eking of his toes. He �rotectors. Such a set is here mus- -fruit through ,void, and gathee trUM,- , � I ,
ung e 111 v ties of the -United, States, Only yesterday did he of li�ing, without first trying Lycl% B. sat and read and road for a long ten trated. J01310 CHOLVET. ftem, you It must be true Of ,Veil that, � 1.
I 1,
M A Norway Pine tree, 1, combined with� learn that sl,Lch a syst"'m waz in force Pin1rham's Vegetable Compoutia. minutes. Then a .,voice at big elboW . . - you are despising 1114 word abd dW ��
irt _
� C�tp'A Jaw"TON'"R I " taIns the 1 ' h a" Vor thirty years it has been the softly, said: Tlils May Manton pattern Is out In one -ftggrdlag His gr#jtt worlt on , yotir bo'', �.
I &r S ,her absoibent,,ozpectovtmtgacliiootlain da. He could not und6rsiand �.
ot ... g, in Cana I
I For Infants &Bit 0hildren. mediahaeg, inakes it without 6 doubt tha� why every civilived country did not, standard i edy for female ills, and "Sanitiel, did you get wlettel, 'from tizO 0"IY- Send 10 cents tO tilig DMM halt giia thus dottint1bg urder thi, � . I I I
. best remedy for coughs, colds, broaditila follow the lead of Canada sad encour- Vrath of 1. I I
I rk-U hes oured rc ushnds of women 1010 S, � I
I arah?)) - . 111V1119,number, 06, and It Will bepronipt-
I 11 " bJ havq,been troubled with such Ailtnento ' - And, IV torwarddd to'You by wall, If lit baste I I God (John 4,201, '. _.___
� MY8 AIWOYS 00 . ana all throat andiag troubles. age, the pftple to put something by nvltion� ulcer. -11TRurn. We otter boo - � , , I
,the KInd Yoo " & for Id do displaeerneTiti, 111flani I n abed tend aft aadittorka.1 two cent sttmp for let I � �
I y would be o' leel) tai hour ago." ter,,pootage, which insures,more, prouipt ! I .
I I Price 25- cents 'at all dealem ReW00 the .day w, en the . �
",kll �
�_, "'
i4��� N40A S.
so, _
'I "
w as n
a thin I
f men n lv�
� I 1 Beam the I of imhation4, � The k4nuine is mantifie- and 000.14 nl.&`,V� - ation, fibrold tunlors, irregularitie� 1 *as d dodverZ I I . . I I . . . i . I I ,�,, I
� 4'��,, Periodic pains, back,clie, iiidigestioll', I'Ves, dear. You wind tile clock, at _�,__61 - . I I I . 11 ,� -
I � .� 1. Ated I I .1 I -nvn the cat 011t.- . . . . I I 114, ��,� � ",
I . 'by """" . mis pro'strat"on. I I I . . I I �' .
. ., . V-,Ignaxwl' 'I. 42� �neiv I tutedonly . thaT.MIIbuwCo.,LimX , I jind nerv, , , I'll i I , A
I � ,- I �, , . I I . I . 4 . I � I I . � I I . I- I , .
I . 1 .. . �, .1 I � Torouto� 01A. . � I., . L, ,; � I I I 0, I -.",� � . . 1 A,ud JJV4 DOJJIX��,Ztlll' 1JVP4l �. . I � I . . � I 1. � I I . � . I I
. . . . I I . i I I �', ,, I 11 I I , , : I .'. I " I I I . � ''. � � 1.1 � I .... I I . ,. .1 � " . 11 I
I � . . . I . � . I I I I I I � I � I .1 . . �, , '' .,., , . � '. I. . I � I O',� . � IL �
. . i I I . . I . � ::_ � . � I ..:. , , � , '. � 1� , �, . , , , , , 1�
I I , I : , . I I I � IV I � , ,,,,�� I ,, . � - 1. 11 I "I I , I I k s, . 1. � I �� . �� I I I I ,�.!.. - I"
.. I .1, 1� - . � � . I .1 .. I I ,.,�; , I I . I �, 1.11 ,. " I �: . ,, ":�', . ,. , I "�, .I ,� ��_�. "..:� ,
. I . � I I � � I .. , 1i . I � . ; � I I . I � I . . " .0 , , '' , , , , I , ", � 1;
. . .1 .. , ,. . , . , �, ., '..
� � I I I I � I � , , I " , . . .11 1, . I - I , 11 ,, , ., ':;_ . - i 4" . - I - .;�'_ , 1
. �. I : . , , i I ,,I - .1 � I , I 11 ,� -,�14AM6�ildl�,'�N�_ ... ; � , � 11., '_ , . '...�I. ': � . .7'. � �.� I'�, . ,.3 11 '. ,,, 4w��% ".,*. , - - �, � ".., , , ,; " � % . , . .
. . . 0 1 ��il � Aiw.&�,,a, . . I I �, �� V. - I I � I ` . I
� � " O&Wj )O�"�:�,J
I I , '' 6 , � : � 4 1 1
1 . ; I �. �, , " I I = 10- 0
I I , . ., , � 1. � :. . I 1. �, , . � � � , , _
� .. I I 1 , I I I , ., 1-,-_,n_,, =&---,l.,..JL==L_._,, . I