HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-18, Page 2� I � ­­R".RRR111.1.,F,,_, . . - I __11.11._--� ... ­77�" - -7 ­_ -7 7- 7--_,�­_­, ---- - I I I ,, I - ­ � I, I .1 I .. � "", , ,_ _ , - -111-1-1 ,-,-.,. IWWWOW" -f.-4­-.M"-WAk� -1-t.", �--r,-,-----".-,,�--,--,I.��7-�,�!,-,t�--,,�-,�W7- ­1'11­1r� ­ 1- � ­­ - -1- � I 1-1 I 1 7 i_ I . � 11 1� . , 1. � -, __ _,­� - I . 11 . I 1. . � I , vpp Z "'.W-_ � I , , . . , � � . I I ; ,� � I - I 11 I lit i " ­ ,:.­ .. � . I � .1 . � I ,� I I I I � I I � . I I . .1 . � � . . 1, I I . I ," � I 111111!1111011111 -----_­ ; � � .1 ."I'll � - 111.1 �1­1­ ..... . " ". ­­­­ ... . .... 1 """ 40109010'�l M1,14 .... 1 9-.1 '."­­.�, - � , , I . I : I po � � � - _.­,__,_..,_­__-__ I . . � i _­­­___._ -_ , , " ,� I �---"�-,.--,-,�-----,...'�--�-,--,-,-�,-�,-,.,V,-,�-�.�,-,-,�".- - I "' � ,",�- p ­­ . i ___ � I I � � _____,__..____, .,__'___­� , , 1: . I., 1�10ew"*11*11"%11%�"*Iw ",* A AXAD caxn* :1 ilili�1;1!1111!:I�l;lillli!�llill;I % . � �. � I . 4 1 WAR AEUOPLAXES . , � '. 0 X I CIO 0 MO -- . � , , . 'I 'i I � . rli, I � ��� I . ,BARI ' SH PIMPLES I A Traveller's I Uperleabo In the GRAND OLD MAN . �� SNA � "SNAP" is, . Russia Ras Decided to Buy a Big, I . I � 0 � . .1 I �`,' � � i �, � I ,Dead Sea Regloxi. � a wouder" -Fleet. * � . .. . � . I I � � " . � � � � YOUR9 F01kS ' AND ERUPTIONS OF THE PRAIRIES � . I . '. �" � I � I In fact Or ,in imagination, -every , I . . r 44 wo,rker in i I SC I I � . , I I I � 11 . one has experienced the terror that ' � .1 , the home, An. Exiglish represent ' ative of the I ft e, , , � I . MN I Aerglanc, �urchashig Committee i ,r,xa4 dogl" f;, 0 . y , , **(%11"**.1"0*1ft11"*1� I 1. follows the cry . Tr R Gov which ' I : . . I d DROLABxs nz. owE � " ONTR y it on of tie . usslan ernmont, I � I IA 00 SPM,119 100t P80PIO 10,011 (% Other animals, 2when . derange , I . � dcde $4,500,000 Quickly Hedls C4, . THE WILD. GOOS41. � � -a,y be even moro. formidable than, SPLENDID REALTH T . � those pots, w�ithoutany 'delay upon military . I In, I .. . 0 I .,, Tonia Madicille ­ desorib- I I pabs aud kettles that soap 41p��nship, visited the Aero. Ex- Eruptions "'The wild geese are fLying If you want the best of health xud "From Rich"'"' DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS " 11ouk I, lionk I honk 1" � . I �he dog.. Robert , I . . � . . I Ing a trip Jericho to Beth- . . . 1. . won't clean. hibition, at Olympia, London, ac- Sores dnd , north," said Uncle John, 40 he Dew strength in the " loliew, " draws A striking picture 11 I � nie< *, . . spring you I . - . People are disco,roriag new usell oompa d by two of the Russian f the Dead Sea region-4ying o if - y day. 'try it Government airmen, Russia has . I -came in from the barn, followed by must build up your blood, with a 0 Suffered for twetity-tive years fro for 1.0-9-�A.Ps, ev,m . Wounds . I Robert and Josephine, who ha4 tonic medicine. Following the, long, under a hand. lifted in imprecation; in Y(Mrself. I Sc. a can. 60� -decided to buy a fleet of '.100 war MaselinqReqedios in Tubd I I �, 11 been, watching him do the chores, in&or winter months most people but in the midst of this lifelessness, Rheumatism and Kidney Disease � . ­ 1. 1. . I ­ aproplanes, all the machines to be Capsicum,13oratecl, 1� They all p6eere<l tip into the sky, feel depressed and easily tired. This presently in the distance appeared _ - . - delivered before the end of the . ! I I wher I e, they had heard the strange means that the blood is mpure. and, a movi . ng object. I three Lbo.,'�es or Dodd,,s Kidney _V1 .1. _____'. I � - I _1 11 summer, and the Russian 'agent Mentholated.WhRA call; but the twilight was closing Watev. It is this state of the blood It was a, camel, quite alone,, going Pills made him a liely man. �, . . __ I � spent a whole day discussing Brit- carbolatod,camphon . I � 0� . � I - . . .4 ish i , English Ice, Camphor a t Q d, in and. the flock was, not to be that causes pimples and unsightly slowly toward the Dea,d Sea, as if terQplanes with the Otc. Each for special . "I I I . � seen. eruptions. TO this same condition it had, been drivi�xi, like the scape- Swift Current, Bask,, May ist . makers. Already the Russian Gov- I 1� 1� � , � goaf, into the wilaerness bearing a (Special) Seventy-six years of age, I I trnment has b6ught eigh. British- urposes, Write for :,,Irt",..� . I � "It, is too bad wo cannot see is due attacks of rheumatism and '_ Free, Vaseline Book. . . I �, them," said Unota John. "They lumbago, the sharp, stabbing pains burden of evil. Ara I watched it, it but strong, and healthy, Mr. J. P. built biplanes, five Farman bi- Chesebrough �1�,Co,1880 ChaMAye�fo�4 11 **11 �� of sciatica and near, . 11 planes, and forty Bleriot mono- � � always fly in the form of a big V, %lgia; poor ap- turned its head toward us, changed La,ckey of this place is one of the - I I I � . with the leader allead and the petite, frequent & its direction, quickeued` its pace, gyan,d old -men of tile prairies. But planes, . . --- I I I . I � c M . �Irl I - I I I I r. ackey has not always enjoyed 1, 11 Experts from the British War ". w. DAWSON, 41'.%O,'.� Colborne OLFUU9, ,�*,N . � others in two diverging lines behind desire to avoid exertion. yo u can- and began to follow us. & I ey ` his pr Office have been examining mach- . � ,�� him. Th go. south that way in not ,care there troubles by the use At the same moment my Arab esent health. "For t t � ' . I '2'eu 'y ,inoe the show opened. TF You want to invest in Alber Sol' � . � - the late fall and return in the of purgative medicines -you need a coachman made a farious assault five years," he says, "I.sla re�� .11 ines closely r JL katobowan or Manitoba La= -111 I I � ,. -1 , � , ,a 11 , e have. now," explained M Nor- unimpro .It. I , tonic, and a tonic only, and among with the whip on Ids three horses, from Rheumatism, which I inherit- a . � spring. Listen 1" ., bert Chereau, manager fo� M. = -Me. . I Again the harsh "Honk I honk I" all medicines there is none caa which broke into a gallop. my Com- ed, I was nervous. My limbs ­ - --.-. -I--- ww�� . I I - equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for paniov, a Syrian, spoke to him in would Swell and I had' a severe - _' -, ­ - J:)1V,1-1Ut" I no fewer than eighty war " P ACRES, County of Xent, , � I was. heard, but fainter !a the di5 -_ aeroplanes to -suoply to, th,�. order of H"ThTt'�Pave Hundred. � tance this time, their tonic, life-giving, nerve.re- Arabic, received a reply, and look. pain Across tile back, I also had a -_ . 1. the French �uilitary authoritie S - I I �� I Thatevening, by the big open fire, storing powers, Every does of this ed very grave. heavy dragging sensation across the AEROPLANE WAR. fo 11-� IJ ]JUNDRE 1) ACRES, County of, Peel. ,. Uncle John told the children many medicine makes new, rich blood "What is the matter?" I asked,- loins. I am a well man to -day and .1 great is the demand now r ar Five Thousand Five Hnndred. stories of birds. and animals, and which drives out impurities, stimu- He told me that the camel which I attribute it all to three boxes of People Will Haye, to Find Shelter aeroplanes for various countries F looking for a Fruit Farm. I con , that M. Bleriot cannot dolive I satisf . � . � r any 11 you as I have Fruit Farrqa of .1 I of life in the woods. They were lates every organ and brings a feel- was following us wd-s mad, and that Dodd's Kidney Pills, My Rheuma- Underground. more two -seated military machines all sizes rom. three iiares up to two nua. .. dred acres, Prices are according to 1. I . I .from the city, and a visit at Uncle ing of new health a -ad energy to our coachman had been warned of tism and Kidney Disease have en- M. Mallet, a member of the for reconnoitring work for the next locality and improvements. It is in your I I . . . 'weak, tired out, ail' its presence in the Wilderness by tirely disappeared," . I interesb to consult me, I � John's was A great treat. , He prom- . ing men, wo- . French Aeronaut Club, analyzes five, morkths." I 1TY ACRES, 0 . .1 . ised them that tht,y could go with men and children. If you are feel- thi Bedouin at the Dead Sea. Mr. Lackey is showing his appre- the various changes science. has � t;7- �-, __ , . 11, I I ountr York. Twoh I ' � ' __ him in the morning to the 'marsh ing out of sorts giNe this medicine a As we galloped on, swaying from olatioli,of ,Dodd's Riduey Pills by brought into warfare, and points 13 WEEKS IN lE10SPI L. Faix Hundred, - ACRES with hun. I 11 . I I � beyond the back pasture, where he trial and see how quickly it will re- side to Side, and Often loo�iing back buying them�and presenting them out that though the more primitive - - TH-durr"o-Rd Raucres"Effliaber, co. Halton. I . had set & trap for muskrats. store the appetite, revive drooping at the beast, which steadily, al- to his friendS6 He, has j9ined the a have'been -gradually r,e- Caine Away No Better and Theii 111,enty-nine Thousand. - " There was a fog in the morning, I spirits and fill your veins with new, though at a, considerable distance, great .army of thos.- who have =by rifle and cannon, the Two Boxes of Zatil-Bilk W'Ovk,ed ver ' "I dred farms on , , 11 I I AWE'suit.blo.-for stook, Grain or but it lifted slowly as the three set 1 health -giving blood.. Dr. Williams' came after as, my friend regretted learned from their own experience field of battle has hitherto remain- Complete oure. I I I Robert and I Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in . that Nve. were not armec "'� said that as a giver of new life to old; I may have Just the -farm � out to visit the trap. 1, an ed. the same. Aviation has, how. - Mr. Fred. Mason, the well-known . . - . �t_ ��, Josephine� eagerly hurried on ahead I medicine or will be sent by mail for I that if we were overtaken we should and young. Dodd's Kidney Pills ever, changed all this, and thus upholsterer and mattress ma-auf&c- I �� I I As a, box or six boxes for $2.-I be in a, serious difficulty. It was stand without an equal. co W D njo. 0 ��'T So N Colborne � I and were far in advance of Uncle � 50 cei inpletely revolutionizes military turer of St. Andrews, N.B., says:- §tro .VO 0 Nthetnye 6990 Mainj �. John when they crossed the pasture. 50 by addressling The Dr. Willia�nis' I then I looked for our Bedouin guard -.B- science. All the time, labor and "I had eczema on my knee, which JJL�Ilits_aud holiday8, Park 527. � . I IS I to, the marsh, which bordered a. Medicine Co., Brockvill � e. Ont. and did notfind him. Fortunately, THE GULF STREAM. Foney spent in fortifying frontiers caused me terrible P-ain allia ln4uou- CHEAP LANDS in Saskatchewan Val. �� * " 1. large lak-,. . . - his a,bsence was not of consequence An autho' es that the is now useless. For no namber Qf venience. The sore parts would itch loy� Good openings for tradesmen . "Look, Jo, look!" cried Robert, I --oft- to us, for the maniac in our tracks Gulf Stre I'ity. I , ti-nops massed behind the ramparts and burn and tingle, and then when and farmers. English speaking settle. � am is running strongly ment. Write for Allustrated pamphlet to Ser V . suddenly. SIZE OF HUMAN FEET. was evidently too tired to come up will any longer be able to arrest rubbed or scratched, would become ,rotary, Board of Trade, Marshall, � Down on the edge of the marsh , with us, and we reached the Jordan this spring, and that a warmer , the flight of Ill,, new war birds. very p 'Inful. I tried various re- Bask. I Sane Hell HaTe Large Feet and'in Safety.4 summer may be looked for in Eng- Thus the whole, of the military ed -i- medies 11 - � I � �. a large gray bird was'fluttering lind. . but got no better, so I decid- -V OUR CHOICE of Quarter section 0� � . Sane Women Small. fi�e, which men and nations have A. more from i,inghty Thousand Acres. . close to the ground, It was plainly Once there, we were among trees, . ed to go to Montreal and take 2ighteen per acre. Terms easy. Choice �i,� I given of their'best to build,. falls I recei Alberta lands for beautiful homes, seven - in trouble, and was wildly beating Sane men have large feet and I and even if we had sti]l been Par- A Pill That is Prized. -There I like a house of cards, and the edu- special treatment. ved treat- miles east Edmonton. �, � Converse-: Su4 oould very easily have got have been many pills put upon the' ment at the A1 tiatrous, Bask. � its wings as it.tried in vain to fly sane women samll feet. cation of the modern 'warrior must , .ontreal General Hos- I I , � away. . ly, beware of the small -footed man.'away. Our predicament might have market and pressed upon public begin all over again. The con- pital for thirteen weeks, but at the the County of �, , "It must be one of the wild e ar 0 �been. very disagreeable, end of that time I was not cured, 200 ABc,],R,E.. `SpR1,`.Lid1`a black clay loam, . woman. a , and 'eve" 1 attention, but none has endured 80 I quest ,of the air has -shaken the I I .. 2 best of corn pasture and tobacco � geese," raid Robert. ro I zp ing, is the upshot of 'dangerous, for a iAad camel, once' and almost gave in. A friend ad- the ; i long or,met with so much favor as throne of Mars �:to its Very f-6unda- land Good bufldiui% close to school, "It is caught! It is tied there!" a sta istical p r bea,ring on the � its attention is fixed on any moving , vised me to give Zam-Buk a, trial, oh 'e]3: and market. ill exchange for -, tion In addition to instructive smaller farm. The Western Real Estate I I exclaimed Josephine. rel . on et n feet and samity�tobject, will generally pursue it un- Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Wide . and although I had little hope of it, ur � "Yes, I guess it must be in the which has just been read to the tiringly till it is ov'ertaken. spread use of them hasattested! comments on the wanton waste of doing me good, I took the advice. Exchange, Ltd., London. . their great value, and they need ', millions spent on weapons and Bak LUGE Tracte Western LsLudo for Sale. I . muskrat -trap," answered Robert� Paris Academy of Sciences by I have known an instance when!no furth4ar advertisement than I Almost as soon as &pplied Zam- L 7 Lyon Ave., Guelph. .. idreadnoughts, which the flying _____ and together they ran forward to Professor Edmund Perrier. one. followed an acquaintance of I this. Having firmly established machine will render obsolete, the stopped the itching and the irrita- -_ the edge of the marsh. Uncle John ,Out of a hundlred normal men, mine, who was mounted on a fine themselves in public esteem, they author gives a weird picture of a tion. I persevered with the balm. AGENTS WANTED, � was back behind the hill, but they I according to the report, eighteen Arab horse, and overtook him after now rank with -out a peer in the list battle in the air. Bef6re. it the, im- and it was soon e�ident that it I did not think- of being afraid of a have small feet, and out of a hun- ,a pursuit that lasted more than ould do me good. Each day the sex, loca, Y, On go 9 necessary as of standard vegetable preparations. .aginatiolf recoils in horror. ,. We w bread. 8 ry 2 ollars Per ay and com� bird, however large, which. showed "dred insane men only twenty-four I three hours. Luckily, the man was I pain was reduced, the, sore spots mission. , X erience unnecessiry. . J, IL >4�1 ' . . . � . that it was very much afraid of: have large feet. The proportions I armed with a. gun, and when he are told that in order to escape cer- began tx) heal, and by the time I had .Nichols CO- inifted, oronto. - .AWFUL. tain desth the people, of vast cities .. them. A small brook was in the'fOr women are almost exactly re- was forced to turn to bay, shot the York used a few boxes of Zam-Buk I was GENTS W.A,NTED.-A study .of other I an�e women . Mrs: Willis-4"Isn't it awful the like London, Paris- and New , AAgency propositions s . . I I way, but a fallen log all -owed them versed. Twenty-three s -camel. "paw over goods in a which will inevitably be the objec- cured. " � . . that none can e( Pal ours. ,You will al- , oss to the other side. When out of a hundred ha,ve large et, _15L Way- people .. ; wayi regret it i you don t apply for to cr i anil, on the, contrary, on 0 store T' - tive of the aerial .invaders, will Tnr eczema, blood-polsoning kartioulars to Travellers' Pept., 228 � . , then were close at hand they could ly 18 per ( have to seek shelter underground. piles, ulcers, soreh,, abscesses, vari- ,bert St., Ottawa. 1 - cent. of mentally deficient women ,Milo - - -_ � I .1 see that the bird was caught by ,bb CUM�, Mrs. Gillis- 'Shocking. I went Life under such conditions would cose ulcers, bad leg, sore feet, blis . have, small feet. gver to the waist counter this morn- MISCELLANEOUS. . - one toot in a small trap which was be entirely changed. The whole teTs, insect stings, poisoned wounds, . - - - � I 1. .. at I the end of a long chain. Tile The ancient opinion that a small cuic iy stops coughs. cures colds, beats ing and picked up every single gar- race would be, -transformed and outs. burns, bruises and all. ski i TED. -Ontario Veteran Land 'n 'u- W"cated. A� J!T. H6tt, Berlin, onto' ' � other end. of the cbLain was fasten- foot is a beauty in a woman is the. throat I and lunsis. - - - as cents. ment and there wasn't one that have to)adapt itself to subtdrrane- juries aaal diseases, Zam-Buk is - 10 I I .. ed to a stake and Robert ventur- thus proved sound. Even the Chin- - didn't have the marks where some- an cities, where every day exiPt- without equal. Zam-Buk Soap ARM SCALE$, special price. Wilson'$. ,, . I . ese may be justified if by red -acing WORDS OF WISDuM. body had been handling them." ence would be -the living death of should also be used for washing all F __ Scale Works, 5 Esplanade, Toronto. I � . led close to the stake in his eager- 1 ��,4, , _.r . a woman's foot you may increase ME. Th 1� ­ 11 ss to see the strange captive at Amongst animals we find friend- . the tomb. wounds, eczemous patches and BERDBEN-AffGUS CA� R'lle! a 1,1,�, - . Greatest Beef Bread. Un I � I I ne her sanity. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. . - . . A ,,� p6ri wr it, � , . oses. For B Is, Q ��;"l I I I . close quarters. Heine once set himself up as an I ship, confidence, and fidelity Stich wil4sr.ow's SOOTWING Syxtvp has been Sores. All druggists afid stores sell ior crossing Pur R Vrk I �, � I . mas' k James Bowman, im P , Guelph. I.. . I I AH at once the lively struggle of authority upon the human foot. He as is rare even among those who used for over SIXTY YF_A.RS by MILLIONS of . He -My stock in trade is brains. Zam-Buk, at 50c. box and Zam-Bu I I . , I I MOTHF,RS for. their CRIT,I)PX-N WHILU So at . p r t le , * r fr - BARBER TRADR-NEW , call themselves humans and men. TELTHIXG, th FERV=T SUCCV4SS. it She -You've got a funny looking . ap 25c e ab t o om ARN T31b the bird loosened the small stake, said that he had made; a special L%ystera-constant practice - careful . and in another instant it was pulled � study -of feet in -general, first the I Sympathy and tact will often SOOTH9S tb' wC111ILD, SOFTIE�NS the GUMS sample case. Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. iustruotion­�-a few weeks' complete course � � out of the earth. In some way the I feet of the lesser quadrupeds, then I prove a greater benefit to the sick ALL"s "" PARN; CUIMS WIND COLIC, atia , I - I -tools free. Graduates earn twelve to . is the best remedy for DXARRHCEA. it is ab- + eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cata, I stake caught in RoberVs clothing, � than the most skilful treatment solutely harmless. Be sure and ask fo L . Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take i ISHAMIKIN. I 11oler Barber college, 221 Queen � E?gue - � I -11 and he was roughly pulled along by I the feet of the women of Gottin- given m a cold, indifferent way. kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. '. t. Toronto. � � � . . -e other end of 1 gen. But then he ha,d a grudge Only people with a, limited edu- . r " rs "MI, CUIT - "Do' you use condensed milk i.." ANCI In, . . the great bird at th the feet of eltphants, and finally I - . - tie4 sk: - . P,R, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. � i cation can be satisfied with' quickly stop., co.dhs. cares colds. heels your house?" C ternal and external, cured withola, I . ; I the chain. The ground was rough aga,inst Gottingen, and gallantry ed ambition. a limit- A popular mail is One who is lib- the throat and lunsis . . . 25 cents. "I guess so. We order a quart a Pain by our home treatment. write us , I I with hummocks, and the holes be- was not his forte. So Heine need eral with his money and stingy with . before too lats. Dr. Bellman, Collilig � . . . I tween them were filled with water. not be taken seriously. Society has always been remark- his advice. I I Mrs. Diggs-" Did you hear about day, and the milkman squeezes it wood. Out. I I I I able for the numbe- ,of credulous Mrs. Naggsby's misfortune 1" into &. can that holds about a pint." 5 TON sCAL I The lake itself, toward which the - . .� . orp wils- I I � .I,- . k;. ojeciai price, I eople it contains. Beale splimade, -Toronto. . �1 goose was headed, was not far p Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Diggs----�'No; what was it " Mrs. � I __ - ,� � . away. . EMEDY The. savings bank habit means - - Diggs -"She lost her voice sudden- WOMEN WANTED to take ordevs, I vy spare time, no experionee ,, - I r- c, sound sld�ep, good digestion, cool "A great many people owe their ly a few days ago." Diggs -'-Huh 1 . I � Barr. .Our lines especiall; � Mod , , . L: Robert did not cry out, bat brave- FOR LITTLE ONES judgment, - and manly independ- lives to that doctor," said Kickling- I ].�. ly did his beat to hold his own . .Wondered why Naggsby looked so mothers"and girls. Apply Opt. A, I . �­ . . ence. ton. "Is he an able physician?" cheerful when 1 met him this morn- ish Canadian. Industriia Company, , . ; against the struggling goose and Leara wisdom from the follies -of "It isn't exactly that that I re- ing. ) I I . Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. . . A I lbert St,, Ottawa. !L to disentangle his clothing from the That is what thoasand of mothers others. � ferred to. He is never in when you - Dear Sir.ai-­Your XINARDS LINIMENT- STS ADVICE FREE. Consuli � sharp stake. Still the big bird was say of Baby's Own Tablets. We .. Is our remedy for sore throat, colds and 4-�' PECIAM :. Lowesi . h - k,:� us in regard. to any disease � 11 . Aragging him onward over the bog have received thousands o Let me .advise you when you are want him." I all or iary ai rits prices in drugs of 9,11 kinds It .� 0 ' f letters ma Ask for Minard's and take no other. romp. !_ failjmL relieve � and cure TrURIBOS fitted ,b ,,naii, Send meas7arc ' the -we have yet to re- rried to go straight home as P t ( -at. Glasses ty by, aje�st�rite to -dal I end actually lifting him clear of praising them Some persons have periodical at- Jac me ' laas I ,soon as your work is done, and you , t?d I . ceive a single One condemning them. k-"Gongratulate me, old Port Mulgrave. UARLES WHOOTEN. for anything .. in d I ­ ground for an occasional instant, will cure all the trouble of life.- tacks Of Canadian cholera, dys0n- man. Miss Fussleigh has made me stores to Dr.' n, Collingwood. 1011.4 . as it tried to soar upward. The Tablets cannot possibly do Judge Willis. I 11 Josephine was screaming in ter- harm even to the newborn *babe. ,. - tery or diarrhoea, and have to use happy for life." Tom -"Indeed! (-ARPET DYEIN(] , '- "_ ) � ror at the plight of her brother, They contain none of those poison- great precautions to av�id the dis- When is the wedding to take %-Opand.01caninz, This Is a si)aclalty with the . but she ran forward and seized hold ous drugs which make the so-called Mrs. Simper found herself for the ease. Change of watery cooking, place 71' Jack -"Never. She re- British American Dyeing co . I , I z Df Robert to prevent him from be- "soothing" mixtures so dangerous first time without 4tv cook. She had and green fruit, is sure ta bring on fused me.,, ,� Bond partiouloas by poob and we are aLire to aatlafy� I I 0 11, . � . ing catried away to the sky or the to the welfare of the little one. They paid the highest wages and suffered the attacks. To such persons we Address Cox 153, Montreal. I - .. I . el- "A little change of heir", re- � lake. are a, scientific me,aicine prepared patiently from fheir carelessness would recommend Dr. J. D. K years Rheumatism � I . marked the -old man as he alterod, EXTENSION LADDERS, WASHING : I n and capri6e'. After preparing sev- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being and.1,Teuralgia sufferers have foun MACHINES, ETC., I It all happened in an instant and by one of the greatest specialists 6 . d ,�. I the best medicine in the injarket for his vill, cutting off his nephew in I : ,l in another moment Uncle John was I childhood- ailments and should be eral meals with her own fair hands great relief in Hamlins Wizard Oil. Lower in Price and higher in quality I �, running down the hill to fhe res- kept inevery home where there are and gaining confidence in the art all summer complaints. If a few Don't wait for inflammation to set favor of a di.5tarit, relative, y than you can obtain them elsewhere. ' I .. � I I ched her husband with a drops are taken in water when the - - Write for our catalogue of prices. -1 L, cue. Then the struggle of the goose babies or small children.. Mrs, she approa in. Get a bottle to -day. i � " .1 . became more frantic, and suddenly , Fred. McCarthy, Pinewood, Ont., brilliant 'proposition. ­W1.1at do symptoms am noticed no - future it Will Oure, a, Cold.--CcAda are i . SEMMENS a SON, , I .: - vn you say, dear," she began, "if we trouble will be experienced. the commonest ailments ofniankind 174 York St,, . Hamilton Ont. ;1. . its foot. slipped from the jaws of, ,vrites: "I have used Baby's Ow " , Mother-"Gertru'de, I'm afraid and if neglected rnay lea4 to geri_� ,� the trap, and it quickly flew far to- 1 Tablets and have found them a do without ,a cook and I keep the Snipper-"If I a man knows how you made a mistake in refusing that ous conditions. Dr. Thornas Ecloc- 1. �; , I I 'ward the. clouds. Robert was wet � great remedy for little ones. - I money for my very.selfl Suppose `­�. . what will I to do it, he can jump -off a twelve Mr. Juniper." Daughter -"Why, trio Oil will relieve the bronchial, COAXING BABY. I � � I and dazed, but not at all hurt; and 1, would not be without bhom.11 The I cook for one month, n %;peedily . , .. ,,, -as they hurried back to the house; Tablets are sold by medicine deal� get?" "Well," said the husband, Storey hous mother?" Motivr-' 'Why, the weak passages of inflammatio Mrs. Newlywed -Doctor, thal � S I I � for dry clothing, he decided that itters or by mail at 26 cents &'box "by the 'end of one month you will � self." Snapper -"How on -earth manner in which he took your re- and thoroughly and will stre'14)!" bottle of inedicine you left for babi . : , Wil j4 could he do that?'� Snipper-"By fusal shows that he ig of the stuff them against subserpt-ant attack, is all gone. had been an exciting adventure and 1 from The Dr. ams' Medicine get one of those long crepe veils . I . � . ­ well worth having. Co., Brockville, Onb. I for widows." . I . jumping off the ground -floor win- that husbands,should be made Of." And as it eases t1le 'nf1ammat"'(JX) it Doctor-Impossiblel I told yot . . � .1 I . � -+- - I . . - dow-sill." will stop thocough becaufm it allay,j' � to give him a teaspoonful ,once al ­' "If Jo, had not held on tight," I I - all irritation in the throat. Try it I , I te said, "I guess the big goose Little Willie�­riy, pa, doesn't Protect the child from ibe ravages TRY MUM!! 'EYE REMEDY Sallv Gray�('What a cunni -Ag lit- and prove it. I hour. tle fellow Mr. Callipers is i" Dolly Mrs. ,Wowlywed-Yes, but Johi would surely have carried me off." it get colder when the thermometer of worms'by using Mother GTaves' for Red, Weak, )#eary, Wat&Y Eyes Swift,-( 0 Cunning q Why, he's * I . From far up in -oh a sky, out over I falls 11 0 Pa -_1 'Yet, my son. " Little Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- and GranulatedEyelids. Marine Doesn't. The jaw bone was probably the and I and mother aii� �the nurs( I :. � , � I ;:� , I 11 . the waters Of the lake, they heard I Willie -"Well, ours has fallen." ard remedy, and years of use have Smart -Soothes Eye, Pain. Druggists dteadfully bow-legged.�" Sally Gay original bone of contention. have each to take a teaspoonful, "I I'll � , ,: a faint "Honk! honk !)) . pa.__,,How far 71, Little Willie - enhanced its reputation.. . Sell Murlue Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, "Yes, but that gives, him Stich an � I too, in order to induce baby to tak4 .1 . 4.# 50c, $1.00. Murine Ey6 Salve . in arch look, you know." Kbop MInard's Liniment in the house. ib� I . *, "Anyway, I'm glad the goose got "About five feet -and when it Aseptic Tubes, 25c, ,$1.00. Eye Books I --- . . I . . I '', , awa,v,"' declared Josephine,, "and struck the porch floor it broke." ROOM FOR MORE. and Eye Advice i_44ree by Mail. " I � BACK TO TRE LAND. You can save yourself a lot of , �, I ,� . I licype it will firid the rest of the .. - , (I Come, Willie," said his brother, %Xurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. . . -T trouMe by not borrowing any, � "I I , . I I , flock." Pills That Have Benefitted Thou- "don't be so selfish. � Let your lit- I . - . ' . . , In a recent address to I the R.)yal ,, ; : . .1. I � "Yes," said Uncle Sohn, "and sands. -Known far and near as a tle brother play with your marbles "Willie," said an intere9ting Mo- .. Society, Lord Robson declared that I 11 , i � . I probably it will rpimember its les- sure remedy in the treatment of in- a while.; 1 � ther to her first-born, "do you I I I men of science have ua3)n�c1'()1,1S'1y . -1 � �-��, .11 I!" , ''. . : ,on and be more careful when it digestion and all derangements Of � ested Willie: "he know what the f ' . I'll . I 1. 4 I %, . r. "But," Prot diference is be- . I attacked the problem of ov,6r. I%- . � �: I �;Wmes down to rest to -night." - the stomach, liver and kidneys, means to keep th6ni always." tween body and soull The Soul,. , �� � ,� 4�4i's" Curnpanion. , Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have '(Oh I guess not." my 6ild, is what you lov � with, I crowding in cities by rendcrijug it . I I _.",. . . I possible and profitable, for factor. I 11 11� �� _111- ­ _WX1 brought relief to thousands when e,l ' ou about. This) - � � ­ guess� yest 'Cause he's awal ies to, be established oway I�K ! ' , from '�, � I "*;.by do they say 'As smart as a other specifics have failed. Innum- lowed two o' them already." is your body," touching the little I great ,towns. This results from im. � i � - I &� � , 1 7. , I steel trap' I" asked the talkative erable testimonials can be V,roduced. . follow',s shoulder, "but you know, . I provements in the transmission of . � ;1 I - I I boarder. �11 never could see any- to -establisb the truth of tE!s assor- 11ednose (as he rettwils his fel� my child there is something deep- electric power whereby the factor. 0I I--- -4 I Al�_. : � 1. . thing : . particularly intellectual t tion. Once tried theywill be found, low -traveller's flask�-"V; dea,r Sir, 6r in. You can feel it now, What R � 1. ies' may have the � precise amount , �kl ffl�u VW. ? � � � I about a steel trap." "A steel trap superior to all other pills in the that makes me a new man. I'm in- -is it?" "Oh, I know", mid Willie, of power they want ,sent down to , .. I I , I . . it 1. � is "lied smart I explained the treatment of the ,ailments for whieft finitely obliged to you. I wish I with a flash of intelligence in his them every morning by- wire at a - - ", .11 ", � 814arly person, n his Sweetest ,they are prescribod, . ! 41''. � I had a thou -sand throats to thank eyes, "that's my flannel, shirt.", . trivial cost. The result will be, ho . I � ::: i � I ,:, . . ooxce;� ' 'becauso. it knows exactly the you," Pellow-Traveller (looking � 11 ': thought, that "some day manu- , I right, time to shut up� 'I More might Be, careful never to u5e too Inueh 'If one be trouble,d with corns and 11 �t 1. � ruefully at bis flask) -"I'm very -3 THE �, facturers will'begin to go back to I �� . I I ,. ?, have been said, but, in the circum-, bittter in <mke, Use a scant amount glad oa,haven't.11 warts, he will find in Holloway's the land, and we shall rq - :� , . stanct�s, it would have soomea un- I rathi,,r tlisin what die rule calls for y . Corn Cure an application. that will ____ I I , ,ard en - � . , gine-j,%tlding or I soap -boiling as 1. 'rely relio . I N -1i. $I I roe de to DOPL �,V, , : I I I I UK at"' A - I ,� � , Atting, and if, tvill save InanY a Poor CakO,, minarwr Liniment Lumbermt,.nls Friand. entl ve suffering, ISSUL 0. 19 1 rural occupations. I . i tend ( ' f I . � � i � I I I � 1 6 e`�' - ' 12V " " � S W C S I r 0 - I- ' nU 0 r R cu p UI - M ' S n i d ' Q � V 0 H 0 � - 4 q e e 'a M ' Bo _ I � ; � nn ' 'd d' '' s $ in "� T ' ' � '� S * ' '4 � � , N & X N � I 1. I Va 1� 11 ' �111,S aud kettles Ill J�soap' , , won , clean. P'! YJ m al, .,0'ro'la ne u,"I 1'r, ..;_; _� P�, r g _ _v,� d,y. ;y It ywn.lf. is'. a ,Z . 6o 11 , ratecl.' w Cap S� 01 at ed - Wh.t44 �tellt ed ,c MP I - �o 6 04 C r I at ho r 'Q Ca M r at Q'ai Z f r specia p iI C' ach e f r r t r oses ' � rit 0 u r e a Va 5 e I 1 ne Bo ok. � , Cheseb gh �1� . Co .1880c amAye*�wo , I I Irao U p Jh , I . , . I . I � . I I I I I . . � . . . i Hationaoll'ar k#. (.?1"oMVjR1 0..�, "n'ta" .. 11 . I I ,L I I I I I . I . I � I . I I .1 I . - . . I . � . . 'r, I 1. . . 1% � li .. 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