HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-04, Page 32Robertson Public School student Anne Alexander gets some help stringing her/marionette
from volunteer Alice McDowell during a regional workshop. for Grade 3 andUtudents with
. artistic skills at Brookside Public School onrlauuary 27. Five schools in the area took part in
he workshop. (Alan Rivett phcitul
Robertson to hold Great Owl
ook Fair beginning-. this . week
. By - Kristen Allen
Jackie Chambers
and Heather MacDonald
Mrs. Freeman's kindergarten glass is
learning trbout snow: what it is, how it feels,
hoN it changes, how to ha.vO fun with it.
Their friend, "Snow Bear" is visiting now to
help there learn lois of songs about, winter.
Mrs. Scratch's grade 3 is having a very
busy.•.terin finishing off their pioneer unit,
le.lrnange-measuremerit" and this week get-
ting ready for, our new snow unit with a send
off of going, to Wawanosh on 'l'hursday:.Our
icicle and snowflake calendar has proven to
be quite interesting and has led to great
thought provoking discussions.
Mr. Scratch's grade (i class has just
received letters frnrn their pen pals in an
English speaking school in Rock Island,
(Quebec, Canada. Grade (i is also hard at
work on speeches -and has planned a trip to
Wawanosh 00 February `i, 1987.
Mrs. Smith's.,grade 7/8 class has had two
grade 13 high.sc•hool students working in the
room si vera1 days :i week. We are looking
forward to thi,ir participation -in our class
Robertson is planning n Music Night,
February 19 at 7:30 p.rn."Phis will feature
the grade 7 instrumental group, the senior
choir and other musical groups at Robert-
son. If you enjoy music, plan to attend' '
Mr. Bogie's 813's speeches have been com-
pleted in the class with topics ranging frnrn
'Refrigerators'' to 'Zippers" to "Pigs".
They have been a very interesting and infor-
mative parts of the languarge arts program.
The winners of the class will,be chosen soon
to represent us at the school level.
The grade 8 students have completed their
coUrse selection forms for attending high
school. All of the pupils are lookingloward
to the variety of'subjects and changes of-
fered to them' at G.D.C.1. Of copse, first
there is the small matter of passing grade 8
Good luck everyone and work hard!
Eve'one at Robertson had a chance to go
on their dream 'vacation last Friday as the
Student's Council sponsored the Spirit Day
entitled, •'Wacky. Tourist Day". Strange
looking vacationers and fun activities gave
a lift to this wintry time Of year.
• The Library will be featuring a Great Owl
Book -Fair tfuring school hours .between
Thursday, February 5 to the end of the day
on Tuesday,' February 10. The fair will be
'open all day. from 8:30 to 4:30 p.m., ex-
cluding the noon, ,hour of 12':0.0 to 1:00. A
variety of paperback .books for children of
all ages priced from $1.25 to $8.00, and
parent/teacher books will be included in the
selections,tlt the fair. The public is invited to
attend during regular school hours. Thepro-
fits from the hook Fair will be taken in the.
.Form of new paperbacks for the school. We
hope to see you there.
OnMonday, Jan• 26 the grade 7 and 8's.of
Robertson and St. Mary's Schools attended.
a presentation called "Drums". 'It was
presented by Bill Usher. 8111 brought dif-
ferent types of drums, the snare, tambora,
timbrels and a tambourine.' The audience
enjoyed his presentation.
The G.D•C.I• jazz choir and intermediate
band attended Robertson School to put on a
presentation for all grades from
kindergarten to grade 8. They had a variety
of ,instruments and songs. The assembly
was thoroughly enjoyed by an attentive
Cash Flow Considerations
Thursday, February 12, 1987
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM om the University
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
3;20 PM - 3:40 Pm
of Guelph,
- tillage practice, before and after
- 1986 variety trials
- planting dates
- harvesting - swathing vs straight cut
- nitrogen - time, rates, form
- 1986 production problems
- should seed Ibe treated
- should seed be mixed with insecticide
- crusher acceptance - future
- BRIAN HALL from O.M.A.F.
- stabilization prospects for 1987
crop, further federal deficiency payment
WES THMPSON JR. from W.G. Thompson
& Sons Limited
marketing, market acceptablility
future of Canola in Ontario
Please call to confirm attendance - 529-7901
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A se`ies of ten workshops on the careful conservation of energy in heritage buildings
sponsored by the Ministry of,Citizenship and Culture and the Ministry of 'Energy--
I) %Evil secs
Gravenhurst—February 7
Thunder Bay—February 9
Sault Ste. Marie—February 10
St. Catharines—February 14
Chatham—February 17
Seafo.rth-February 18
Town of Vaughan—February 25
Almonte—February 28
Renfrew—March 3
Kingston—March 7
For further information on the times and locations of the workshops,
please corftact the participating
Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC)
through your municipal clerk's gtfice,
or the Heritage Branch, MCC, in4oronto,
. telephone (416) 965-496
Ministry Ministry
of Citizenship " of
and Culture ' Energy
Lily Munro Vincent G. Kerrio
Minister Minister