HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-04, Page 28Sports ION . , • . . GDC1- teacher =Chris" Connors = reaches', for: a. rebound during a = doch.is gaurded closelY1,bY. student Cathy_GallOw and On the far 'student -teacher basketball game Jan: 28, part of the Winter Car-. right, teacher player Barb (Wowed keeps her eye on the action. nival festivities at.the schogi last week. At left, teacher Myles Mur- (photo by Patrick Raftisi , ;�werb,leads Green -Machine to 13- d!, • , • 9 • from page 9A ' , ••• TOURNEY TALES • ' ° , , s , = ' 1,- • ; •The:fpur_Goderiph :teams that are _eligible for the . I • , goal in the final'gaMe. ' . . ' • ' • League's annual tOurney always make good .account ' of . , Dave Nichols • and Brian Horner.scorecr the Exeter, ',„ .. " themselves. .1his•year O'Briens went :to the A Division goals. : , . v , ,, cnarnpionship before losing while Green:Machine lost its, .',. • • Green Machinelost its opening round game to the evefl-. first game.and went ori to win the 8 title: Parkhouse won —tual;tourhament-champxfrom-Mount-Ferest 541-but•then •- its fu stgarne of-the•tournament ov'er Exeter-butlost 6-4.to • '• rebounded with two straightwins to earn a berth. in thy B , •:.' ••• ' Zurich in a shbotout. 'Zurich outscored the Parkhouse 3-1 championship game. • ,• • • . „ - •• . '• •• ,. in the shootout • .'• " .. ' • • , , , • ., .. •-, - In the second round, Murphy's again carne up with third' ' 1* The Clere-Vu Rockets " defeated Ba field 3-1' in its open- 'perio' d heroics as,theyscored four Straight•goals to erase a ing rOund• rMitch but they dropped a 7-2.deeision to Learn- " • 3--2 London leTid,i: they -Won the game 6-3. • -a. ingtork-in the second. round: Greg' BurnS,•Terry,Caldwell7' -' ' Rojer Lewis was,norie-rikrin wrecking -crew offensively - ..• : ' kind JOhn Van"Loo scored in the firstgame' while Caldwell • GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1987, --PAGE 11A • III this merge], you might sd% iine '• lint" . • three,. But .(ve'ro one tiriii iiii‘x l'onno11,1\oil Nlac(iilli-VritV1 , ,•• • . ‘Vti've boon ddiiing up ‘N., WI I 'lents situ 16aii 57. nd iio %v i an L41\; litt'111 Iliory 01.1ii the SUM ou UI r t‘vo firm,. II\ merging Rimed! heti r l'oster and Spii or \I e ( iilli 1'111, %I knio.\ tlidt ., %Our cotni)ined streilgth %\ ill pOsitioo our clients for ini,reased sui Loss. • l;lient,; have ,11%1,,ies iitintod ll,•.,ii)1`• at:counting, td \ and i;onsilltin services:, Now i,ve. 111111Irpli'oli our -atIvidages to their benefit, opportunitios u.for setiess. our e‘; Fps,. Canada.' 4.• • -4. . - „.•., „ . • ['INN! - 1)istinctivulv Canddi.ii,) ..., %%'•iirlilk% ido in qmpi.: i ' •-• • . •. . = . ,..„ „ . scoring.foui'goals iii the,game. He scoredtwice in the first , •••and Brent Da W SCOW in the second game: period to.proOel MurhphY!Xinto a 2-1) lead and then added • • Eaa yeaithe,tournamenCs top, goalteader is honored two goals in the final period:to.clinclf:theWin.Phil Arthikr7,,i1,06 _the ..0 len _Dougherty_Mernorial _Trophy. This_ year, - , - and, Dave' Graff .scored the Other Goderich goals While: -' Chris Seifried of Pike:Lake, who allbwed on'three goals in' Graham Hamilton chipped in With 'three assists: ' ' ",, • . ,;fo.kir games and 'Collected two shutputS, .`vas the recipient. '' , • • Things were pretty tense for the Machihers in the seini- . Q Briens ' gOaltender • Roy Wallace couldn't- have been • .final game as it took two goals in a shootout to advance to ' r ' 'overlooked..•He played a remarkable tournament, "•.•-• ' ' the B side fina:BrantfOrd and Murphy'S were tied 3-3 after -, • '• - , rile= tournament's = most= valuable player was = Green ='- =regulation time but it was goals by Ron Sowerby'an&Bill4 M'achine's Ron Sowerby, a O.& defenceman who plies his '• Lewis that decided 'the garne: in a shootbuCGoaltender 'r .trade.we,11.in the:GoderiCh Recreation Hockey 'League, ,. Dennis Keri did his job stopping both Brantford shots in •• " '' .1he_. top 'scorer for the tournament. Dafi'Duncanalsn* • •- • . the overtime. , ,.. II ' . ' * • ' conies :from the Goderich- League. Duncan scored four " SoWerby,scored two of the Machine gerils, andset up, to ' 'goals in hiS„team's 8-1 win V'nday, andWddeathriTe-mbee . . others. Peters.•Lewis and Willie•Denomme hail the other the net row games day: He•finiShed the rogames with 11 points • ,. .goals. • . ,. - • , ' .. . ,Tournainent 'Chairman Rob Sinden- and his committee „ Exeter lost its opening round game to Ernie's Rangers i• :. ,, did a 'find job organizing ,this year's event and Standen of Goderich 5-4.,,They.defeated Seaforth 4-2,in the seeond••••._ .saYs the gate was up' this 57ear, ,The fact the'tournament _,,,, game and their defeated Lucan,5-3 in serrii7fMal,game . • features_some fast and entertaining hockey probably has . Sunday. ' . . •, . . " : .. something to do with that. .' „ • • ' idgets win two playoff game on ,the weekend '. The Goderich-1 Midgets resumed ...:,, Bolxmari and Scott Glew noticeably dished ' OMHA-playoff-action-last-weekendQn_Owutciacc(f !erw_gcontinually look over then.punishing_hits that made ' Saturday; they defeated Sarnia Twp. +2 i and shoulders. SundaY they whipped Wallaceburg 8-1. . . Against Sarnia, despite being delayed Durnin opened the scoring from NeilRodger, and Erb. Rod Nurse scored from with a flat tire, the Midgets,came put flY- Mark Cauchi and Bowman to put Goderich .ing and took a 1-0 „lead 'when , Byron up 2-0 after the first period - Bowman took ki,Rass from Barry Thomp- • Godeich scored four more.tinies to go up • son and Gary Erb and blasted a shot by the . Sarnia goaltender. However, Sarnia tied 6-0 in the second period. Cauchi'sCored on " ' • . • it- , an unassisted breakaway to lead , it off. up a minute-laterDarrell-Durnin-put- -Bowman scored •on a point shot from Goderich up 2-1 when he scor.edkmassisted - Cauchi and Nurse scored his second of the directly from the faceoff. But again Sarnia ; game from Beange two mintdes later. ' tied it up: in- the .third, period. Goalie. Jay ., ' In the third period Dave Duncan goton Williamson made some outstanding saves the.!•scoring. parade after taking a , pass to keep the score tied as the off6nCe limn- ched an all-out effort to winfrom ThompSon and Radford. Durnin mscord his second goalassisted hy'the game. r • . . e , , The game winner ca e•when Rod Nurse , Bowman to cap the outburst of Goderich, passed to Durnin who took a shot. Bauman scaling., . e around and backhanded the puck in to the scored:his-second-goal-when-he-wheeled—Unfortunately-goalie-JayTWillianison, ' who played ,well, lost)iis shut -out bid with net. Goderich'" added an insurance goal when Durnin scored his secOnd into the 2:59 left in the game as Wallaceburg final- ly solved him. - . , • • . empty net. Dave Duncan and Nurse picked Williamsbn now has a sparkling 1.59 up assists. The hit of the night was made goals against average in playoff games. by Neil, Rodger, who knocked a, player e ThMidgets record stands ,at 3-1. They 'through the door of the,bench. - played last night in Strathroy and return • On Sunday, the Midgets annihilated home Satui-day night. The game is at 8:30 •Wallaceburg••8-1-in-thejr-Second-meeting.against-Belle-River-The-Midgets again Goderich was all. over Wallaceburg iii, the hope to provide an exciting night of hockey scoring coltaniti and physically as well. for the hometown trowels . , • ? Tw o t=e-arositiedlor top tvaf Dim • With eight games completed in the ,-16-game schedule, two •tearils" are:tied .tor first place in the Industrial Curling league at the Maitland Curling Club. Glen FalkinerVsocal 1863 team drop- ped its first game last week, losing 7 - 2 to Jim Bell's -Legion -team, while cam o?• . .„ • Panne Kerr MacG ay. Chartered Accountantk, • • • • ‘'it,torid • Vd1=1,144?4 • N??1\ INt.iowni? •'1'.?=1).i.its.`•,}•:(1.1111.1111+110‘;01111.1 Pralr??? • Pea=it ItiVer • •;?=4,..1.??=??1'• innii???,g • Sturgeon kill., ..Nurnt IIaV • tir?%%'1:1???1:,?..1r.1 • tiociblir% • 1)r,1111:i • (;???1,?rit 1.1 lVatilli?.? • St t ,tI harm?". • rort iiam. lion • Oakvill, • \II.,,=,,,„loga • fir??1=ii4f!=?I' • Markiorn• • q; mini?? .1 Iti.o.‘.? • Mont r•••=1 Nlember' flint ;,13annell Kerr ForStiir tvorlthridtt: . 4 • • • ON THE ROCKS nt the Maitland Bogie's Forester's team were winning their seventh, to put the two into a tie for first place with identical 7 to 1 records. The_Legion teamland the GOCI Teachers' Number One Whin followed closely behind with Aix wins and two losses. The sixth Win by the educator•team was the -closest- Match-of-last-we.eles-Play.-as they went into an extra end to defeat a strong Teacher Nuinbcr,,Two team 6-5. This dropped the Teacher No, 2 team into a Ite,witil .Jeff Harrison's Super'Shell team. both ' John Orr's Health Unit team consisted of mostly rookies last week, hut they putup a strong fight against Charlie. Crawfords Ice Cubes,-losing.in.a close_65.encounter, t tie League standnigs atter eight rounds are 'as follows: TEAM WINS .LOSSES 1. Local 1863 7 1 2. Foresters No. 1 7 1 3. Goderieh Legion Ti 2 . 4. GDC! Teachers No. 1 6 2 5. Super Shell . 5 1 6. GDC1 Teachers No. 2 5 3 7. Huron Health Unit .4... 4 , 8. Sifto Salt Evaporators 4 4 .1,ady Foresters "4 4 _ _ rd: Albert Teb Cubes - 3. - • 11:Champion 2 12, Elementary Teachers • 2 6 13. The Firemen 2 6 14. 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