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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-04, Page 12
M!INTEE • (0. LI.r,r. dialECIP PAGE 12 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1987 135, Notice. to Cred'tars NOTICE1O CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HILLIARD HENRY LAWRENCE Deceased, All claims against the Estate of Hilliard Henry Lawrence, late of the Town of Goderich In the County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of Novernber„ 1986, must oe filed with the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of March, A D;., 1987, After that date, the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims they shall not their have notice DATED at,Goderrch, Ontario this 28th day of January A,D-, 1987, Clare Lawrence Gary Lawrence ..Executors for the Estate of Hilliard Henry Lawrence By their solicitors Messrs, Troyer) 8 Fuuher Barrisitrs $ Solicitors P 0, Box 97 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5, 04.06 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of Kathleen Anielia,Sarafi`McDaid late of 'the Township of Goderich, 'in the County of Huron, All persons having claims against the Estate of .Kathleen Amelia Sarah McDaid, lore of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died August 18, 1986, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 1 1 th day of February, 1987,,, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he sh-all'not then hove notice. DATED at Goderich„ this 15th day of January, 1987, • NORMAN B. PICKELL• Barrister and Solicitor 58 South Street P;O. Box 430 GODERICH,, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate. 03.05 • 37. Mortgages 46-• In Memoriam SAMPSON In loving memory of Gordon Sampson who pass ed away February 9 1975, There is a Irak death cannot sever Love and remembrance lost forever ver remembered by wife Iris and famify. 05 LAMB In sod but loving memory of my loving husband, Dad and Granddad and Greot`granddad, who- left us Aprr! 30th 1970. There is a bridge of memories From here to Heaven above It keeps you very close to us. It's called the bridge of love. Everyday no mutter where Deep in our hearts you are always there Forget you Dawson we never will You left a place no one con fill The memories don t fade they just grow deep. For someone we loved but could not keep. Sadly missed by his loving wife Myrtle and family 05x EEDY In loving memory of a dear husband, father., and grandfather Ross Edward Eedy who passed away one year ago February 9, 41986, Our love for hire we'll always keep, It cannot fade, it Hes too deep. The gates of memorK never close,: We miss him more than anyone knows, As long as we live we will cherish his name, In Memory we see him ever the same. Still in our hearts he is living yet, For. we loved him too dearly, to ever forget,. .lovingly remembered and sadly 'missed by his wife Isabelle,: son Poul and daughter Rosemary and families 05 •47. Card of Thanks O ' MULLIN Sincere thanks to Doctors Derek and Nicolette Pearce, nurses and staff in emergency, intensive care and first floor Goderich Hospital, the Legion for' their visits and fruit basket, Pastors"McMillan and Scarr for their .inspirational visits, also to r- �._.. famly-:and friendsfortheir support. Sam,— .05 CHAPMAN We would like to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors who made our 25th Wedding Anniver- sary party such o success, Thanks for the MORTGAGE WANTED - 570,000.00 first mortgage beautiful, gifts, cards, flowers ,and money, on an income property in town of Goderich. Will Special thanks to our daughters Debbie, Kathy pay 12°; on 5 year term. Reply to Drawer No, 79, °ririse party Barb and Gord Chapman, • 05xd Nancy „,and in•laws "for arranging this sur" c, o Signal•Star, Box 220,Goderich, Ont. N7A ,� 4B6 ••03 05 LUCK NOW ., . COMMUNITY SALES, Saturday, February '14th, 1:30 p.m. Complete dispersal for CEDARBROOK FARMS Dungannon Hereford Cows & Calves, 'most are registereftl with papers transferable at buyers expense. Auctioneer: Brian Rantoul 529-7625 529-7970 AUCTION Eau, on Hwy. 21, 1 Mile North of Grand Bend SUNDAY,, FEB. 8th at, 1:00 p.m. Selling the contents of, 2 Grand Bend homes, consisting of a large collection of antique E. modern furnishings: collection of old bells; stained glass windows; glass- ed server;" old dressers & vanities;• oak shelve unit; wood chairs; crocks; occa- sional tables; 78 records; old glass & china; coffee & end tables; bar stools; kit- chen•;sets; love seats; chesterfields & chairs; lounge chairs; beds; dressers; vacuums; exercise bike; kitchen cabinet; stove; fridges; freezer; dishwasher; spin waher; dryer; 4 x 8 pine table; colour & B/W TV's; comp. stereos; occasional chairs; small appliances; student desk; lamps: lazy boy; kerosene heater; dehumidifier; wheel barrows; hand tools; ladders; •garden tools & furniture; bug lights; table saw; fans; glass louvre doors; bikes; ski & swlm� equipment; raft; figurines; assortment of tables; books; sealers; satellite dish controls; linens; pots & pans; luggage; left-handed golf clubs; plant stands; daybed; comm. gas As" •grill w/2 burners; donut fryer; stainless steel smallware; •1982 Datson car, safetied; 1971 Ford Pickup; new down draft wood stoves; stocking chain; paper supplies; etc., etc: etc. Good clean con- signments always welcome. PAT LYON: AUCTIONEER 243-2713 40. Lost & Found LOST; Brown shutter token from house If found please call 524.8414 after 4 p.m. 03tfnx 41. To Give Away TO GIVE AWAY part Springer Spaniel Pup. to good home Call 524:7495' 05 TO GIVE AWAY to good home Two Guinea Pigs. Phone 524.7741 05 44. Engagements CAESAR -FLOOD Mr and Mrs, Clarence Flood are pleased to an.. nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter,, Janet Aileen to Gory Wayne son of Mrs Joyce Caesar and the late Paul Caesar The wedding will take place February 14 1987 at 7 p m. et the Dungannon United Church Reception to follow in Lucknow 05x • 45. Marriages MoctiENZIE•MORGAN Ross and Jean MacKenzie and Steve and Dionne Bernath are pleased to announce the marriage of Kevin MacKenzie and Kelly Morgan on January 3 1987, Following a Honeymoon in Mexico there II be a Reception on Soturdd'y February '7 in Lucknew, 05 • MATTHEWS ' We would like to thank friends and relatives for "cards,gifts and best wishes on our 30th wedding ann•Iversary, Also special thanks to our family for the lovely,dinner and gifts that made this a very happy occasion. Ralph and Doreen. 05x ; • - • 5L HELEN'S SNOWMOBILE CLUB, The St, Helen's Snowmobile Club would like to thank' all the donors; property owners, workers and`onyone jelse`who'helped make their 1987 Poker Rally a success. „ 05 McCLINCHEY' Many thariks to neighbours, relatives, friends' and work acquaintances for your kindnesses shown ir) leornin9 of our recent bereavement, Your phone calls, cards, flowers, food and charitable donations will always be remembered and will help us' through the coming "weeks. Special thanks to the excellent care given Bruce 01 Clinto'n,Public Hospital, by ombul,once atten- 'donts and University Hospital staff, London,'Sup- port' given by Rev. and"Mrs,. John.Wood, Bob Mc• Callum, Rick Polka. and the U,C.W: ladies of Vic- toria Street Church will never'be forgotten. The family of Bruce McClinchey, -0,5 The Man To See ' •Is DUNGANNON 4 BEDROOM BRICK HOME, added family room, 2 baths, hot water heating, Modern kitchen, living room, dining room, ' separate garage and insulated workshop • an 'exceptionally fine home. Pric- , ed to sell. For furtherparticulars call WARREN ZINN 528-3710 TERRY ZINN 529-7350 District News Warner Anderson is "high man" at Auburn's weekly euchre party Local Congratulations to"Ken Popp of Auburn who won the raffle of a Valentine Heart at the Auburn Store. Unit II of UCW will meet at the .home of Mrs. Lawrence Plaetzer on February 10th at 8 p.m. Roll call will be your favorite Bi- ble verse. Items for the layette may be brought at this time. The next 4-H project, "Surviving with Style", is beginning on February 10th. If you would like to fix a leaky pipe., rewire a plug, or change a tire and you are between the ages of 12-21 as of January 1, 1987, please. notify Annette Losereit ns 526-7507 or Glenyce McClinchey at 526-7534. Euchre party There were six tables of play at the weekly euchre party on Tuesday, January 28 at the Community Hall. Winners were Warner Anderson ( high man ), Edgar Howatt Ilow man), Erma Cartwright I high lady ), Dorothy Grange ( low lady), and Fern Howatt ( novelty ). Euchre parties are held each Tuesday night at the Community Hall at 8 p.m. • Knox United Church service Rev. Gary Shuttleworth conducted the morning service at Knox United Church with Mrs. Gordon Gross playing the organ pyelude. Life and work of the Church were given. Induction of Church Officers tool place followed by prayer. Several hymns were sung. The senior choir sang "Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty" under the direction of choir director Lori Millian. The childrens hymn "When He Cometh" was. sung and Mr. Shuttleworth told the childrens story before they went off to Sun- day School with teachers Anita Gross, Bryan Gross and the Cunningham girls, The minister's sermon was "entitled "The Call of God". Offertory prayer and dedication of gifts and offerings with Lawrence Plaetzer and Murray Rollison received the offering. The minister gave the benediction` followed by the singing of the congregational benediction ''Lord- We Pray" • • UCW general meeting The UCW meeting was held January 28 at 2 p.m. with Mrs; Tom Jardin opening the meeting with a reading entitled:"Read the Bible"- followed by . the singing of "We've a,story to tell to the nations' in unison with Marjorie McDougall as 'pianist. -- Mrs. Jack Armstrong read the Scripture from Matthew 28 and °Acts 2. r,Mrs:.lardin spoke of the need for Bibles behind the iron curtain and how the people are'eager to receive and learn God's word. Mrs. Jack•Armstrong.then led in prayer. The Offering was received and the Offer- tory sung. Mrs. Jardin told of the value and use of the stamps that are saved for Mission Work. In•that small way we can help. She followed this with, a very provocative.. reading "The Diary'of a Bible." . • A film on the divided line in South Africa was shown by Mrs: Allan Webster. It was prepared by Barbara Manuel who saw the poverty, the malnourished children and the unrest in the•black majority. A discus- " AUBURN Mildred Lawlor, 526-7589 sion on how they can be ueipeu wuuwweu, "Women of God" was sung to close the worship. Mrs. Peter Verbeek opened the business with a "Happy New Year" verse. She then .conducted a memorial service in memory of the late Mrs. J. Jackson and Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett. 'Ten dollars is to be 'given to any teenager who goes to "Youth Experience" in Exeter on Febraury 21-22. The first national, gathering of the UCW at Waterloo University is- to be held,July 18-21. The theme speaker is RevLois Wilson, It was apporved that a 25th an- niversary picture of the church and the UCW members be taken for the London Archives. Prices for meals for the year were set. A garage sale will be held this year. February 28th will be Family Night. A social half-hour with lunch served by Unit fI closed the first meeting of 1987: Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Penfound. on 'Tuesday after- noon January 27. The president Mrs. Len Archambault opened the meeting with an appropriate reading entitled "Brand New Year','. 0 Cana_ da"was sung and Mrs. Ar- - chambault led in prayer: The secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting and several thank -you letters. The, treasurer Mrs. RIck Archambault gave the financial report. - In memory of the late Mrs. James Jackson who had been a beloved member forheld, many years, a• minute of, silence was Mrs. B. Thomson invited the club to her. home for the February meeting. Mrs. Rick Archambault' and Mrs. Tom Cunn- ingham will be in charge of the program; Mrs. J. Huizinga and Mrs. H.•Hunking, the lunch. Mrs. T. Rutledge will show how to make dough people at the next meeting. • A discussion followed re donations, to CUSA, -Mrs. Lloyd Penfound-is to contact a young man` going overseas and find out how we can help. The draw donated by Mrs. Len Archambault'was won by Mrs. B Thomson' and she also won two contests • conducted by Mrs. Archambault;° Mrs. Lloyd Penfound showed how to make cloth picture frames. After finishing the project a delicious lunch was'served,by the hostess Mrs. Penfound and Mrs. Rick, Archambault. A social hour followed. Knox Church Annual Meeting Knox United Church, Auburn, held their annual meeting Sunday afternoon follow-," ing the morning Worship service with corn- , munion and lunch served by the ladies.° The minister Gary Shuttleworth was chairman with Rev. Pickell of Goderich present as the supervising minister. The meeting opened with prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were adopted,as read by the secretary Maurice Bean , and secondary :by Lawrence Plaetzer. The minister offered a prayer in • memory of the departed members. The ,nominating • committee of • Marilyn Verbeek, Margaret, Bakker and ` Jean Plaetzer brought in their report'as follows:, Session - Dorothy Grange Board of Stewards - ,Ruurd Koopmans and Marinus Bakker • "` • ' Manse committee - Mr, and Mrs. Allan 'Webster • Missionary and service treasurers - Bar - ALEXANDER CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED , 524-2177 ©©© JUST LISTED! Don't delay in checking out this brick veneer three bedroom bungalow with fully finished basement rn-' eluding bedroom and recreation room. All new win- dows and roof and spindle round porch. Well decorated and neat as a pin! Priced under 18d:000. Bert Alexander John Alexander' 524-7836 524-7836 '524-2177' MOO V/iLLEf\S 524-2667 REAL ESTATE INC. 524-2667 HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS ESCAPE TO THE COUNTRY - The moment you walk in you'll feel at home! Cosy warm fieldstone fireplace enhances the living and dining areas. Impressive panaroma window wall, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage, workshop. and more makes this a property you can not, refuse! All on 11 acres, only minutes from town. Why not have the best of both worlds! See it with Gord. Call 524-2667 or 482-3307. CHARM AND CHARACTER - Abounds in this 4 bedroom brick 2fstorey home. Tastefully decorated main floor family room with angel stone fireplace, opens to a 20' x 30' deck, Welcome, your guests to the formal dining and living areas! A 2 car garage, paved drive and more, finish off this executive Comox Crescent property, CaII Bruce 524-7762. IDEAL LOCATION FOR FAMILY • Enjoy the great outdoors in your own 100' x 200' sized yard. Then warm your toes at' this 14' Elmiria insert floor to ceiling brick fireplace! More elegant Liv• ing can be done in this immaculate 5 bedroom raised rancher. It's luxury throughout! Beautiful home at a great price! Only f110,00Q. After hours call Les at 524-8451. VISIT US AT,.3.NORTH STREET, AT THE SQUARE. SEE OUR PANORAMA "DISPLAY OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE. _ ()lin I'I t 11(,1 1(1 Y()11 r ir;f )1 t .IONi11 ANO INT t (all T V I 1 `. V4i1 1 1 4t'� iftT) 111 Starter .or Retirement Home in30's Bungalow, family room, workshop. Con- venient location. Rita Allen len 52441480 W.J. HUGHES REALTY LIMITED 30 Kingcfnn St. Gnd,-,ich 524-7373 524-8100 bara Bakker and Laura May Chamney ( assistant ) Flower fund Huth Jardine Marjorie McDougall was reappointed as Church Treasurer and answered questions regarding the financial statement. The conclusion was that 1986 being the first year as a single point charge, the con- gregation had done very well. 'All Church organization reports were adopted as printed on a motion by Larry Plaetzer and Betty Marsh. The mis- sionary and service objective for 1986 was $3,800 and exceeded as reported by the Treasurer Betty Marsh. A motion by Mar- jorie McDougall and Marilyn Verbeek that we keep our objective for 1987 at $3,800 -was carried. The nominating committee for next year is Margaret Bakker, Jean Platzer and Nancy Park. A motion 'by„ Elliot Lapp, a former Auburn Scout, and Dorothy Grange that a second Scout flag staff and flag Ete given to the Blyth Scouts was carried. Church auditors appointed were Ethel Ball and Eunice Arthur.. Dorothy Grange was reappointed 'as a representative to Presbytery and Conference with Ethel Ball as -alternate. Nancy Park, on behalf of the choir, 'thanked Lori, Millian for her leadership as ' choir director. She also thanked Tammy Shuttleworth for preparing and printing` the weekly bulletins and also `the annual reports. Gary Shuttleworth 'voiced appreciation to Rev Pickell for supervising throughout the year. -Barry Millian, a retiring clerk. of ses- sion, thanked Rev. Pickell and also Gary for his ministry -and wished them well in the future. ,. The meeting' adjourned on motion . of Ruurd Koopmans and .Greg Pack. The minister closed the meeting with•a prayer. •' Huron Chapel annual meeting • Highlights of the annual business: meeting 'of Huron Chapel Missionary " Church, .held on Saturday, January 31 • following.a congregational dinner, include the following: , . ` Pastor Carne reported that five persons took Christ' as'' their Saviour; Sunday -School average attendance increased by 41 per cent; morning worship attendance in-- creased.by 55° per Cent .and evening atten- dance. by 25 per cent; ,there has been no. .large increase in merhbership' but there • are membership candidates awaiting bap- " tism and reception into -the church; 240 lay visitation ` and 265 pastoral • calls were made; • the pastor" has visited 92 new `. —homes. ' Treasurer David Baan reported that gay. ing had increased by .almost $7,000. ' More than 10 per cent of church receipts were` • - directed to evangelism and missions. John McCowan reported for the Board of Trustees that extensive renovations of the parsonage had been completed at a cost of-; $1,808. Church improvements included the installation of, a new illuminated .pian in memory of Frank Raithby and new plat- ' form lights.' '• Elected to new offices were 'Lorraine - Carne • ( director of ' adult ministries ), Debra Rodges ( director of children's ministeries ), Doran Rolston f board of deacons), Al Luna )head usher) and. Wayne Young (board of trustees). EUCHRE RESULTS The weekly. euchre party was held at the, Auburn Community Hall on' Tuesday even= ing; Jan. 20. The,.winners were: high lady, Carol Daer; high man, Marion Haggitt ( playing as a man) ; lo'wlady, Lillian Stewart; low man, Warner Andrew; novel- ty, Ernie Durnin. Euchre parties are held every Tuesday night at ,8 p.m. at'` the Community Hall. Everyone welcome. LOCAL The Annual Hall Board Meeting will be held ori Thursday, January 29 at 8 p.m. r � Anyone can attend this meeting. ` Mrs. and 'Mrs. Jim -'McIntyre,' of 'Chelmsford, visited on Monday with hisun- cle and aunt Tom and Mildred Lawlor. They also had attended an 80th birthday. party for Mrs. Sadie Barbour. of St. Helens;•who is an aunt of :Mrs: McIntyre, Mrs. John' K. Young of Mitchell visited recently with Ellen Johnston and Laura Phillips. , • The Annual 'Grandmother's Meeting' for the Auburn Women's Institute was held Tuesday, Jan. 20 at' the Community Hall at 1 p.m. There were 13 -members present and three visitors. The president Mrs. Len Ar= chambault chaired the meeting, with Mar- , - jorie McDougall as pianist: besserts and tea were served by the convenors, Mrs. Oliver 'Anderson and Mrs. Beth fanning. ANNOUNCEMENT THE MAN TO SEE IS... • Wilfred Mclntee, President of Wilfred Mclntee & Co. Limited Real Estate .is pleased to 'an- nounce the appointment of Sharon Medd to our Real Estate firm. Sharon is a mother of four and has Med in Seaforth for 18 years. She has assisted her husband Leo, who has been in business for the past 14 years in Seaforth. FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS... Contact Sharon at... OFFICE: 524-7316 • RESIDENCE:, 527-0560