HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-02-04, Page 7Twin City School of Hairstyling Waterloo, Ont. ®Hairstyling Barbering Ear Piercing eMake-up , 55 Erb Si East f886:6305 `qMonday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pmJ Chfolfloo odaft 1st of wry aro* 1 We sell government inspected chicken 1 Open: Wednesday Thursday . Friday For more information can: NICK DEN BOER 432®3236 Itrkt Nt Lis tib- 'vett cele Kindergarten registration will be held at Brookside school on February 5 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Some of the little ones from the, Dungannon area who will be registering are Heather Brindley ( Ron), Jennifer Tucker (Wayne), Jason Boel ( Dan), Debbie Patterson (Rick ), Erica Baer (Greg), Julie Mole (Bill) and Julie Thomson (Bill). Congratulations to all the winners in the annual St. Helens Snowmobile Club. Poker Rally held on Sunday. Joel Bendig celebrated his fifth birthday on Sunday with a birthday supper with Grampa and Grandma, Bill .and Marie Park and Brad. Also present were his mon and dad, Mike and Val and sister Katie and great -gramma, Gertie Pmk. Congratulations are extended to Lill' Rivett on the occasion of her 90th birthday on February 9. Congratulations also to'her grandson Scott and wife Lisa who will celebrate their second anniversary the same date. Company, recently with Ray and Gwen .Copeland were Gwen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klages of Hanover. There were 16 tables of euchre at the Seniors' Centra on Wednesday evening. 'There was a tie between Mary Stewart and Adeline Allrn for high lady with Adeline winning the cut. Low lady was Margaret Young. • The high man was Randy Kerr rates 9 bort KINGSB) GE— KIN I -AIL J®inreifer- Dalton 529-7420 while the low man was Bill Errington. Happy birthday was sung to the follow- ing with January birthdays: Gordon Jewell, Beatrice Jewell, Gordon Pollock, Grace Finnigan and Art Stewart as well as a card signed by everyone present wa given to Louise Brindley for her and Rust for their 54th anniversary. Ann Millar won the door prize and Kay Glenn was the win- ner of the basket of fruit. Elmer and Gail Cook and Kevin visited in' Kippen Saturday with Robert and Marilyn Schultz, Terry, Tina and'Lisa. Bob and Betty Mole visited on Sunday with Margaret Mole who is a patient in Kincardine and found her much better. Margaret expects to be released some day this week. Jim and Mary Smith have moved into the house recently vacated by Ron and ,Gail Ulch and baby. To some they will know jt as the old Stewart house across from the Orange Hall. , day The United Church Youth Group is holding a soft drink bottle collection this Saturday. Jim and Margaret Errington attended the open house on Sunday at Clinton for Jack Smith who celebrated his 70th birth- day. Of his 24 grandchildren, 21 were pre- sent. Jack, Marion and Lloyd formerly liv- ed south of the village before moving to Clinton and were members of the Dungan- non Senior Citizens. Bob Stothers is also celebrating his bir- thday this week. He will be 83 on February 7. Congratulations Bob, and many more. Pat Ott and boys Matthew and Andrew of Kitchener visited over the weekend with Irvine and Colleen Eedy. Congratulations are in order to Virginia Caesar who passed all six CPS exams she gat for in November apd is now a Certified Professional Secretary. Most people write passingone or two at a time but ' all six the first time is a real achievement. Virginia was honored by the London Chapter of Professional Secretaries at their January, 13 meeting at the Park Lane Hotel. She returned to work on January 19 at Champ - co in Goderich. Alvin and Cora Sherwood returned from Clearwater, Florida on Sunday evening following a months holiday with her brother Harvey Finnigan. Annual Kincardine stamp show to be held The Kincardine Stamp ('lub, holding. its second big Stamp Show, and Exhibition, on Saturday May 2, 1987, at the Canadian Legion Hall, LanrbtorrStreet, is once main a sellout, although dealers from across the province had until March 31 to book spacer Dealers. from a,ll over Ontario will con- verge on Kincardine ante more with bargains to offer the many..collectors, and. visitors in this area. 'Kincardine is now well established on the philatelic reap, and has the biggest.Stamp Club in the Grey Bruce 'Area.. • Last years show, raised enough funning to provide the Stamp Club with beautiful Ex- hibition Frames, which all' Stamp Clubs must have, to enable its niernbers to exhibit ' their collections Tor the nlany trophies that will be up -for .grabs this year. - The Stamp Club Executive, led by Presi- dent Frank G'urr,,"has decided to donate monies raised at the show this year to the • Kiricardin.e Hospital Children Unit Fund. A special souyenirprogram will ge on sale to the general., public, three weeks before show date, •and will also be .,on sale at'the Stamp Show. on May2. The price of the pro- • gran will enable theholder admission, and a chance 'at winning the many .prizes, donated,by the generosity .of the Kincardine Merchants. A:majorpi:ize will also be dr wn for on the"day of the show, and for the firs time at any Ontario Stamp Show and Ex- hibition, draws Will be made by Computer. All 'programs sold, as well as tickets will have a special number, this then enables the holder to take part in the draw without being present at the show, numbers of which will • be published at a later date. For the first time iner'nbers of the Stamp Club will be able to show the collections, for viewing by members of the public, and a special judge -from London Ontario will �Y19a9Ern f2L decide who the winners are at the end of the day. Presentations of trophies will be made at the after show banquet on May 9. Special security arrangements have -been made by the club, to ensure the safekeeping of collec- tors and dealers goods, during the whole day the show is open. A nunlber of other• events .will take place in March and April, organiz- ed by the c'lub,.,leading up, to the big day. Should' you wish to donate a prize, or a donation in cash, please send all cheques to The Treasurer, Kincardine Starnp Club, 56 Keyes Circle, Kincardine, N2Z 2N1. if you wish to donate a gift, please phone 396-7711 or 396-4152. Merchants- donating gifts will have a special advertisement placed in the Shows souvenir program. Please make all cheques payable. to the 'Kincardine Stamp Club. . in presentation highlight The presentation of a life membership pin .and certificate to former president, Grace Pyin, of R1 Centralia, was a highlight of the 20th Annual Meeting of Huron -Perth Presbyterial of the.United Church Women, held on January 26 in Main Street United Church, Mitchell. More • than 250 • women' from the. two counties represented their, home' churches. ' • Reports received by .president Alma Langford of Exeter, showed that the women had been active in- supporting such causes .as Optimism House, Stratford, and House of . Friendship in. Goderich; they had studied topics, ranging from native Canadian peoples, and pornography, to Third world problems; they had visited in nursing hqmes, and helped at times of bereavement. Election of officers; most of whom were beginning a second year, and their installa- .tion, was conducted by conference president Shirley Smith of St. Thomas. Across, Canada, United Church Women will be marking 25 years of work at home and abroad, with 'the theme, Called'To Res- pond - for such a time as this. Delegates were told of the.conference annual meeting tobe held in London during April, and of the Canada -wide special anniversary gathering in July, at the University of Waterloo.. Valentine's Danner/Dance SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14 • Dancing to \ "Gary Boyle's 3 pc. Band" TICKETS S8. EA. OR S15. COUPLE INCLUDES CAESAR SALAD 8. FRESH PERCH DINNER, FREE ROSE FOR THE LADIES. \NNEa O SSC Oso‘' t. S' ' o" E S° r. SPECIALS! DAILY LUNCH AND DINNER BREAKFAST ,.1.99 N.Y. SIRLOIN STEAK 2/13.95 FRIDAY .FISH FRY SENIOR CITIZENSP�t0 % OFF DINNER AFTER 4 P ft HARBOUR LIGHTS RESTAURANT & TAVERN HIGHWAY 21 - BAYFIELD 565-2554 OPEN 7 DAYS A. WEEKS A.M.-1 A.M. CHAMP -ARMSTRONG The parents of Jam Armstrong and Abby Champ gre pleased to announce their forthcoming marriage. - The wedding will take place at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich on February 14th, 1987 at 3 p.m. Roasting CHICKENS -......-.r-. .... r,-'.-....,.. 1 19Ib. No Backs Attached CHICKENLEGS..,,er..............$129Th. Boneless �9 CHICKEN BREASTS_:.. ........ 4 ® lb. CHICKEN FINGERS ' $453Ib. CHICKEN BURGERS ....... -..-.rrra65Cea- CHICKEN R®AST.........--- $2,1PIb. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FEATURE, CHIC THE POULTRY PLACE PRYDE MONUMENTS Personally Crafted Memorials Shop, Showroom and Display 293 Main Street, Exeter NOM ISO Pryde Monuments is pleased to announce the _appointment of Doug Stevenson as memorial counsellor for Goderich, Blyth, Lucknowi, Kin- cardine and surrounding areas. 15% Discount on all Purchases offer good only until Jan. 31/87 Our Work Has Our Personal Gi'iarantee Serving Hurons& Surroundint Area Since 1919 the prtviiege + r tlo your memorial, .' ' ()lila liaSY OFFICE us GODERI('H Slr'1�t ti'F\H WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1987 --PAGE 7 SUPERIOR MEMO ':IALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Find out how much home. your rent money can buy. Horne Buyers Seminar Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1987 Goderich Public Library 7:30 p.m. (.'all for reservations. Stop paying your landlord's mor- tgage. And start paying your Own. • ALL PQINiTS REALTY INC. If you're ° NEW 11 r CHANDLER' . Clinton Area - MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STRET, CLINTON 482-9441 % Gbderich Area ROBERT McGALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 IN TOWN and don't know which way,to turn, call ercome,an, LY D Bea Bo'vman Your hostess at 524-4762. CHURCH IRE[ ORS First f> +'iptist Church MONTREAL STREET, GODERICH MQRNING"WORSHIP SERVICE'9:45 a.m. Sunday School. 11:0D a.m." Pioneer Clubs Tuesday 10:00 a:m. PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY Tuesday 4:30 p.m. K -GR 6 Pioneer Club ' , PASTOR: REV. GILBERT KIDD ' . 524-9049 Organ -Choir Director: Dona Baker - You con find acceptance, purpose, lay & peace in' Christ. North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-76311, 524-6951 Sunday, February 8, 19 7 11:00A:M. Worship & Sunday School Cable 12 'Telecast at 1 p.m. REV. ROBERT,O. BALL MINISTER obert Blacktoeell Director of Musics. Cc v ry' Baptist Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: TERRY WOODCOC-K- • • Phone 524.6445 Nursery Facilities...available Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Morning Service•• 11;00 a.m, Evening Service - 7;00 p.m. WORD OF LIFE - teens Tues. • 7:00 Mighty Mites - Ages 48,5: Olympians - Ages 6.12 Wed. 6:30 • 8:00 Prayer Meeting • Wed..7:00 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Free Methr• dist Church Goderich Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Picton Street West THE REVEREND ARTHUR SCOTT . . 524-8800 . ', Sunday. February 8, 1987, 9.45 oan• Children s Sunday School 11 00 am. Worship Service. 7 00 p m. Bible Study - Victoria St Public,School Sunday, Feb. 15 at 7:00 p.m. • Socreti Concert Guest Muskies s from Brontfgrd - Lawn Bgwling, Clubhouse All Are Welcome COME WORSHIP WITH US x Presioytere-; ;,n Church MINISTER THE REV. G.L. ROYAL M.A.,M. DIV., Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise Sunday February 8 11 00 o.m Divine Worship 11,00 o,m Sunday. School Sermon CO-OPERATION IN GOD' (Nursery 'Facilities) Enter to Worship Depart to Serve St. George's Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich RECTOR THE REV. ROBERT J. CROCKER - Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton A.R.C.T. Sunday February 8th 8;30 a.m. Holy Communion. '11 00 a.rn. Morning Prayer. Sermon 'The Soli of the Earth • St. Matthew 513 Church School and nursery. • 2 00 p.m. Holy Communion at Christ Church. Port Albert You are always welcome THE. NEW 1987 QUICK START 1'i' PROGRAM It 1001<s goo GET A FREE UMBRELLA On top of all the great benefits to BY JOINING NOW Weight Watchers Quick Start Plus AND SAVE $13.00! Program like delicious manus i.... and food pians, emotional support, and a new optional exercise program there's an extra plus if you loin now A deli> htfiil, coloetrftil umbrella in go -with -everything grey with hot pink "W's;' All you have to do to receive the umbrella is purchase a 10 -week Savings Plus membership. Your commitment spells success and saving& Imagine how good you'll look once you loin us. And with your savings and a free umbrella, you might even want)to start sine in the rani r )fln, vahrt F Phruary : ?Rtt' in perils ipating aro* nnly • New •,nmber5 sour R I t ((I Call nnw tnr the IOG.ation of the Laass.oearest.you Yts^ ° 1-86O-265-9291 GODERICH: Royal Canadian Legion 56 Kingston Street Wed: 6;45 p.m. "`","'et''