HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-28, Page 61 PAGE,' 6 GODERICH S1GNAL-STAR, WI?I)NESI)AY, JANUARY 28. 1987 Come and hear our NEXT WEEK - FEB. 5-7 BTSiONE R uNoER NEW NO COVEMANAGEMENT CHARGE � �� CDMMERC HOTEL. SEAFORTH OR MORE INFORMATION CALL 527-0980 FI27NANCIAl1 CENTRE,, GODERICH 334. 2.71303 . UPHOLSTE ING 38 Victoria St. N , Goderich at Westside Auto Body 524-8030 ®Automotive, Van and Truck Interiok RepairL, ,Colston] •(higrn,il Anuqui •\\Miter Fronk 8, Bug Screens •(.o \ edible Tops ®COniplete Boat Tops, Seats and Cover~ eAntiqu(` furniture ®Tent Trailer Canvas Repair and Replac en)ent eSnownlobile Seats & Covers Winter Storage Space ;Available 15 YRS, pXPERIENCE ZEHRS 1NINS FOODLAND OVTARIO AWARD OF MERIT r , 3 r --, Showa above receiving the award are Left to Right: • Mel Rohner, Zehrs assis- tarn manager, presenter Foy. Mansfield, retail merchandising specialists F'ootlland Ontario and I{ay'llurd, Zehr's manager. Stores were judged On the proper use -of materials, total store,participation throughout the year, theme events, and the use of the FQODLAND ONTARIO sy'nrbol for advertising. — We' proud t® say "Ontario o There's No Taste Like Home" II Hwy. No. 8 Goderich 524-2674 'strict maws O e.+ ara board looking or language consultant same time providing classroom teachers with meaningful blocks of planning time, there is no doubt that children will benefit. It is a much needed, and significant improvement." Mr. Eckert acknowledged that the will- ingness of teachers and trustees to cooperate and make a conunittnent to a five-year plan, that. will be consistent from year to year, will lead to the su, oessful im- plementation of the Ministry of Education document, Partners in Action," •The commitment for the provision of "Planni»n'g Tillie" at the elementary level commencing September 1; 1987, was made by both the Board and teachers' negotiating teams for a time period agreed to average. 30 minutes a• week for each classroom teacher and this. could be organized in the of time which equals 5 same. - It is projectedthat additional staffing g could be 5:3 to 6.0 teachers with a projected cost of $185,000 to $210,000 respectively. BY WILM:1 OKF: The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board is adkertising fur a qualified Language Arts -Media t librarian Consultant effective Sept. 1, 1987, This is an appointment with a system perspective and system responsibilities for a three-year term ( renewable ). The suc- cessful candidate will plan &Lid implement a quality library centre and assist schools with library and language arts programs. The trustees and teachers under the jurisdiction of the board, have agreed to put in place a co-operative five-year plan that. will put library resour4e personnel' on staff at each school and provide each classroom teacher with one-half day per month of in - school teacher planning time. The board over the last eight years made significant improvements by constructing a number of new libraries, committing addi- tional dollars to the purchase of library. rn'itr,r1•'t' :ind thv hir•inu of o Rv,t,,,n Librarian Resource Teacher. Centrally bas- ed resources such as video programs and in- dividual classroom kits are now available through the library centre located at the Board Office in Dublin. The availability of these resources has helped improve pro - grains in the 18 schools under the Board's jurisdiction. Materials are delivered weekly to the schools via the Board's courier service. The plan results from what was a strong. `•onviction on the part of, board administra- tion, trustees and teachers that the introduc- tion of I,ibrar'y Resource Teachers in every school will permit the provision of more specialization in the teaching of Library and related research sJ Lls and create ruore op- portunities to meet individual needs of students. The allocation of teacher resource' time will vary according to size of school. William Eckert, director of education, said: "By allocating teacher librarian time td every school in the system and at the More French teachers needed by board BY WILMA LIKE In order to have an early choice in selec- ting the best qualified bilingual French teachers • to instruct French -1'J hning September 1,° 1987, the Huron -Perth ounty Roman Catholic Separate School Board is advertising now for the additional teachers needed. At least two additional teachers must be hired for the French immersion classes taught at St. Mary's School in Goderich and St. Aloysius School in Stratford.. At least one French classes across Huron and Perth •Counties, There is an expansion of core French in ,Grade 4 resulting from mandatory in- creases from- 20 minutes to 40 minutes to meet the new Ontario Advance Credit re- quirements' demanded by the , Ministry of Education. At graduation from secondary school a student must- have ,had a total of 1080 hours of French instruction. Named to the hiring committee for selec- ting the French teachers are trustee David more teacher is needed for teaching core„ Durand,.. board chairman; Superintendent McBurney disputes, claims The Huron County Health Unit 'and its programs are not suffering under the ac'--' ting medical officer of health (MOH), Dr. • James McGregor ofWinghanl, said Huron County Warden Brian McBurney in a re- cent interview with the Wingham Advance Times. McBurney,, Turnberry Township Reeve.. and 1986 chairman of the Huron County Board of Health, was commenting on a let. • ter frotn Shirley Chalmers, which ran in . most area newspapers, recently. ' Chalmers is a public health nurse With the health unit.•In her letter she suggests a decrease in services provided''and a lower- ing of -morale within the unit had 'slowly • begun since the resignation of I)r. Harry Cieslar in July 1986 after five years as MOH. for the county. Chalmers also points Out there has been, no permanent MOH "that has been educated in and who, is • • committed to: public health," since I)r. Cieslar.resigned: • "Possibly no one has been willing; to put' up with the present county situation,' Mrs. Chalmers adds in her letter, along with the claim that county policy and practices, as it relates to the health unit; has been in direct conflict„with the Health Protection and Promotion Act since its inception. • Ontario Ministry of -Health • has kn i about this .situation, the letter claims, since the fall of `1985 wren, it car- Gaetan Blanchette and at least two school principals. Larry Cook, of Dublin, co-ordinator. of computer instruction for the schools, spoke to the trustees on his progress in • .establishing a program. He said one challenge is to have enough computers so that each child has,access to a computer for thirty minutes a day; to have them in the . one secondary school in the system, St. Michael in Stratford and to work directly .with the teacher's ..to familiarize them 'with the use of computers in schools. • of decline ried out a provincial organizational audit, "Although the same program is in opera - but still nothing has been done..'•The tib] in the Region of Waterloo,” he said. minister.(Murray Elston) even resides in • Morale 'too, is fine within the .. unit, this county, which makes his lack of action . McBurney claims. He said it was • his •even ,more ' difficult to understand," understanding that health unit 'directors (Chalmers says. ', and department heads.give no .indieati.on Asked to comment, Mr. Elston .declined otherwise.. - since the. government, while funding the - Accompanying Chalmers' letter was one boards of health in the province, is not in- of Dr. eiesiar's 'which he had originally volved directly in. their administration. • sent to Focus. Newsmagazine. In that 1 is - - • • McBurney said the board was satisfied ' ter, Dr.. Cieslar alludes to rumors that D prograams were not suffering since Dr..McGregor was. the personal physician of .. • McGregor was appointed -acting MOH in . the chairman of the board, who at that August. He said he 'k'new of. np programs time was McBurney. which were dropped. "As a matter of fact, 1 '•I don't know where he got that from,' °we've added some under Dr. McGregor.," Mr. McBurney said of the allegation. "M'y , - •he said. •• family doctor is Dr. (Marie) Gear.'.' • ' 'One in- particular is the mental ,health The board of health is currently program, Mcl'3urn)ey said. He also said Dr. negotiating ,With a candidate 'for the MOIL McGregor, had . been-nattempting. to 'in-, • position; said McBurney. The applicant,'a traduce another ,progratn —.vision testing Tbronto., native, under contract at .present for school children in co-operation with the to the Newfoundland government, isex- ' University of Waterloo — but it was turned petted to give the board an answer to its down by. the ministry for be'ing too costly. offer of employment sometime in. March. ow rag, racing action returns The hot and .heavy .dr'ag race action of ,,The day starts with . a free pancake unlimi'ted modified snowmobile's will,altnost breakfast from 8-10', practice at I1 :00 and. be enough to melt the recent snowfall when racing at noon. Sign in runs from 9 -11, with the machines take to the drag strip at Hully , more information available over. the: Drag - Gully on Feb. 1: Hotline (519) 262-5809.' • With each rental of "Back To School" starring Rodney - GO Dangerfield become eligible to win: First Prize: $20,000 Scholarship to the University or College of your choice, Nationwide promotion supplied by HBO Cannon Second Prize: Weekend for 2 at the Delta' Chelsea Inn for 2 nights with live dinner theatre, Escort upon check in, and baggage handling. Courtesy Goderich Entertainer Third Prize: Your own copy of "Back to School" Courtesy Goderich Entertainer Fourth Prize: 25 prizes of $2,00 Video Bucks Courtesy Goderich Entertainer ?' Fifth Prize: • Free rental of "Back to School" Courtesy HBO Cannon Brought to you through the co-operation o9 VIDEO and COUNTDOWN STOP SMOKING PROGRAM Lung 'Association Huron - Perth Counties Sessions over 5 weeks starting on: FEB. 2nd -at 7:30 RM. at GODERICH DISTRICT - COLLEGIATE, INSTITUTE $7590 pre -registration required Call 5246863 or 2714500 Ready to SAVE MONEY On. Your Holiday This Winter? Just Ask Ellison Travel Clinton 482-5711 GODERICH MINOR HOCKEY INC, GENERAL MEETING Tuesday, Feb. 3/87 at 7:30 p. m. to be held at the RECREATION OFFICE EVERYONE WELCOME Special Thanks to Marlin ak HARBOUR LIGHT `gyp Travel R ; 58 THE SQUAREi ' 524.232 40 Store Hours: Mon. - Wed. - 9-8 p.m,, Thurs. & Fri. 9-9 p.m.,, Sat 9-7 p.m., Sun. 1-5 p.m. 0000000 WOO SOO ..., 00000 A 14 SALE On, all inst• ck appliances from Jan, 1 to Jan, 31 HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 308 Huron .Rd., Goderich Phone: 824-7831 or 524-8732