Exeter Times, 1911-5-11, Page 2TH TE
OECAME $0, WEAK M 4 1' 1.; qo wo"i 0111. "
Memorial Service to King Ed-
Ward Held at WjAdscr.
Urs., George Hiles Grimsby, Out.,
Attire and Summer's Gayety
writew-" �uist a few lin", to 04 The Court Is Once More In Its, Gala IL
&nQW what 11fil
_bUrnS H04ro. gad W61TO Be* N AL T I 40"k AL
Tills have done for me, I suffered gins-P40iament Bill Goes to thii,
kreatly with my nervqo and,-beeame so
. ryous and weak at times I could riot Lards This Week, But InsurancO
work. A friend of inine advised me to 6
r g box of your pills, which I did, and Measure,is Forced to Lie Over for Mij aWA 11111111M MR
uwpjm ER
found great relid. They are the Another Session -Home Rule Safe, W N WIR
medicine I have ever taken for the
0 rt and rierVea. I reeoinniond -them London, May &-Court mourning
a L. one suffering from heart or nerve endki Saturday with a, memorial ser.
e. Vice it St. George's Chapel, at Wind -
i blilburn's Heart sad Nerve Pills make sor.. for King Edward, to MEN&
weak heart strong and the sh�ky Queen Alexandra had returned for jj[� ra
firm by impartink a strengthenin it. Sho is in im aired health and
infLUene 9 P , with
restorative 6 to every organ little heart for the festivities* of th�
tissue of the body and curin ON YO%pn BREAKFAST TABLO
g pal- coronation -Year.' There was a fu:a
on of the heart, dizzitness, sleepless- mustqr of the, royal family at the Al. . . . . . . w®r,!�N 55999-R&WETA
snuenna, twitching of the rauseles, bert Chapel, With 'a L small group of
ral debility, lack of�itslfty, efe. the late King's personal attendants.
ce 50 cents per b .,or 3 for S1.25. The service was conducted by the
"all d , a r mWal t�on rieeip Archbishop of Canterbury and the
by The T. Milb _j
Milb 03.,Limite4 corrosponding clerics of the memor. IL
I ClAt. ial service fox, Queen Victoria, whicli W WESTERN ONTARIO
Khig Edward had attended year after DELF"'RED IN
F4RE DOES slo,,600 DAMAGE. The Dean of Windsor and Canon
,V-S1:,rted In , Laundry and Threat- Dalton were with the archbishop, and
61%ej Whole Business Section- the regular choir of St. George's Was 0"'T "HE FLTING POSON
strengthened by voices from the
kville, May 8.�A fire which chapels royal. The hymns had been
out Saturday morning in J- M- selected by Queen Alexa:adra, and the
nan's laundry on Buell street, royal mourners subsequently visited
I e threatened the heart of the the burial vaults, Which were illum.
ss portion of Brockville., The inated by an electric plant recently
e of a Wind averted a confla- Installed by the King's orders.
that would have caused thou- ma, 0 (5 A BIGGER PAPER
The second year of the new reign
s of dollars worth of damage. opens brilliantly next week with two
ennan's Laundry and the ad- "courts" and a state drive of the
g livery stables- of H. B. SoPers g
completely destroycd- In addi- Kin and Queen to Crystal Palace for wARLIER H 0 9 h"21
the Festival of the Empire. 'AT AN L
o these buildings, the shoe shop
omas Bob-'er, W. H. Moore, the Westminster pointer.- indicate a
long vacation during Tune, with a
Hotel Stables, the carriage
prolongation of the ;session until the
g shop of E. J. Kirst and the middle or close of August. The Pax -
- Theatre Were also damaged to
liament, bill will pass its final stage wg;,
tain extent.
in the House of Commons Thursday
dainaw is estimated at $10,000, night, and there will be an abund-
about �alf-covered by �.n.,,znrance d time for prolonged discussion
'inle` House of Lords after the coroa
reds of dollars worth 0-' :1 CONSULT YOUR
goods nrd carDets aud ru,,,.i iUf; nation.
spring (.1vaill-12. __--w The insurance bill, "made in Ger-
,were burr'.�A. i many" with the -exception of the ten, LOCAL NEWSDEALER
fire is sur-osed to have origin- 1
n the boiler -room of the laun- tative proposals respecting unemployA
ment in a few carefully selected in -
dustries, will be deferred until an- OR WRITE % M-7
other year. The fi"ance bill will nol
Found Dead BodY.
qe contention, nexcept the clause
Toronto, May $.-As Policeman fox the payment of members, and a The %10hr.
was making his rounds through few bills relating to shops, coal mines
Enoch square, an alley running and copyright ought to be easily ew
from 11 Shuter street, earlyou acted. TORONTO
ay m.-irning, he came sudden1v Court influence is being quietly ex -
n �Bo body of a, man wedged erted in favor of the acceptance of
htly 4n between a brick wall amd the Parliament bill, which was sub -
e old doors. At first he thought mitted to the people in December. 11 11111 owl
man might be still alive, sad he Lloyd -George's insurance scheme, Fire at Montreal.
a� call for the police ambulpee, while too complex to be understood THE MARKETS. --------
-Fire "vy, $5.55 to $5.90; rough, $5.C5_10.
Keeping Away Molm Montreal, May 8. broke out nea
h hiuried what proved to be a without a campagn of education, has I have noticed that moles will avoid ' �5 70; good to choice heavy, $5.70 toF
2' to St. 'Xichael's Hospital. caught the imagination of the masses, in the testing department of the AUi& Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures tz;.*90; pigs, $5.65 to $6; bulk of sales, LIVE STOCK NOTES.
e it was found that he had on' ly and whatever befalls in the bye--elec- tarred com put in holes. It occurred Chalmers -Bullock factory near La-� Close Lower -Live Stock- ;5.80 to $5.95..
scheme of � eep-Recelpts estimated
dewl a short time, however, tion& it is a vot to me to guard Pumpkins, squash nud chine late Saturday alternoon. and, Latest Quotations. Sh at 1000; Zudiejous feeding, proper exer
as I'lere were no marks A constructive legiselat�,, serhaps the similar crops In this same way. I -bumed fiercely fox nearly threehoursi �nsrket steady. Native, $3 to $4.65;. else and warm, dry quartexa are'
Unce on thn body, the cau-se of de�Lth employers' votes will be lost by, it tarred stones, chips and corncobs,Well before the combined efforts of �&� LIVERPOOL. may O. -As. a result of 'western, $3.25 to $4.65; yearlings, $4.0. the best preventives of rheuma-
weaker American cables and weakness in
�d. The body When it comes into operation, and with gas tar and placed the IMontreal and.Lachine fire b=gadeS Buenos Ayres Yesterday. realizing de. g"tism in hogs.
Wiuld n(A he as ertaim in about a -to $5.40; lambs, native, $4.1-15 to $6.2-5;
n co the morgue. creates antagonism between classes, foot below the surface, so the roots L I Imesterm, $4.75 to $6.35. , I ,
1`� Akas ther, take and the employes' brigades of neiqh�, veloped here and values Were 34d to %d One of the best preventives of
The mr n was 5 feLlt 5 inches tall, but the main body of wage-earners boring factories could get it lower at opening. During the morning Rritish Cattle Markets. scratches in horses is to keep_
weiliad 170 nounds. His lin'r will he attracted by it, did not come in contact with the tar, .0ontrol. The damage 1.9 est unmer there was further evidence of prominent
especially as and for several years I have had no imated at� support in the near nionths, and prices, LIVBRPCK)'L, May 6.--J*br.L Rogers the t ean. If Mud is per-.,,
between $50,0DO and $100, fee cl.
d moustache I'v_(,ro of stoeel gr they will themselvs administer the tro DOU. A largel recovered the opening decline. Buying- & Oo., Liverpool, cable to -day that,,*- mitted to dry on the fetlocks ir-,
He wore --rge ait, a �sick, Xtra Mt I tributed to light arrlvaas here and
uble with moles bugs or grubs� !oil tank in the testing depa e " at tonsequent. upon the scaxelty of bonie,
r. a bhi,� s s, invalidity and unemployment American Agricultu'rist. !and lumber piles in the rear of thei furtber in(miry for Australian cargoes bat -tie prices in Eirkenhead m,,kW I ritatioiL is likely to ensum
e stiff sh4 t, and a polka dotte,. fun&. with Indiall Offem firm. At the closel ngregate
'r building made the fire especially dif-I the market was stead3r with near months
with red flowers. Spealdng at Manchester Saturday, urchaxiged and bhowed an increase otone-quarter ceni Swine tb Parasites CO
Premier Asquith took t4e, opportunity, Poultry Pointers. �cult to cope with. and it was ord�, tr. Oct. Ud lower than ye.,- per pound, and both States and Can- .0t. d ears and along the
A: I tere � �rcun lelf a mixture of lard
-he reports that there after a steel cable had been. place CHTCAG,0� -21c to 140' sp ue,. auLd
to dispose of i dian cattle made from 13 1
IRLY G. -Owners of t e
'around the tank and it had been' coupentratee holding.9 0 , **-,...and kerosene, half and half, b
were dissentions. in the Cabinet over i he b Ow vound. Shdep were very few Iri
Forcing the molt by starving the -hauled to a safe distance that the' -bad to stash Prices f f Way wheai her klumber, end made slightly Wgber
Incompatibility. the 6ubjeet of home rule for Ireland. or that ftlivery four IM, dripped on the animals at these
hens Is not considered a good practice. -efforts of the, fire-fighters - met with i cents a bushel to -day to- hen 06ces. Wethers (clipPed) mald,119121AO I -At-
e charwoman, being in ne "There is not a syllable of'truth in, ments. wideir d off ship- In bile they are feefting As
ed of were befaC headed toward bind Iambs (olipped) 150 per pouln4. ts
I'l amage, is chiefly in: Chicago 1!rOrn: all directions. New crop
work, had been recommen nor the shadow of a foundation for Clean the coops thoroughly before hecess., The d pf0teLn aws ce, are seen the para-
ded to il
bor. She turned up a few the statement," he said, and went on you put them away. Get them under ;srt e winding and Punching months suffered Wwj but. onlyto a limit- sites soon disappear and not
that there had been an cover, too, if you can. They will last arft is fully covered by I ed -tent, ciosing easy %e to 2/w- under r(t
later with a grim. look on her to remark Big Scottish Exodus. u
enormous chang-e in public opinion, so much longer. the company ca night. Latest figures _ou com were ra!M
rry %0 to %c down. and for oats, %c to uc. Glasgow, May $.-Three steamers, Disolrd; of the digestive func-
on this question, adding- 4100,000 of insurance with the In hog Products there -was a net.gain, of ursday from tions
s af a
n't work no more jor Mrs. X.11 Two parts lard and one part turpen- Ca!!! I last saUed Th the Cly(M,'� ts lambs most severe -
W' bite scour affects the un -
Why not?" "For the first time there is a really 'dian Factories? Association, and 50 to. 12%,r carrying 3,500 i9cottish emigrants! ly. W
e's Act musical." good understanding between the de- tine will often cure '111mberneck-11 in '$90() 000 with -the New England Mu- -Nnwpeg Option bound for &anada and the 'Onit4d
the afflicted bird if discovered- in time 'tuals. e
'Does that make any difference?" mocrames of both islands. Material i The cause of the fire was the 00M Open. mgti..'Tow. C1 -,,,Feaned lamb. This appears to
I crossing of a high volt
'I was singln� a 'im. in the wash ties quite apart from all questions of and the remedy given promptly. age 'electric Wheat- ose. I be the passing of undigestedt'
ar when --he called dawn the steps sentiment bind, them together in in- Ducks intended for breeding should wire. W -Y f
Ojl�� = 9&% 9W4 9D-% 96 Failed to Elect Senator. milk. Change the ewe�s feed, pro�
me and said, 'The only music I dissoluble union. During the last few be separated from those Intended for W% 9m 97% M. viding poorer bay vith ground
years, the Irish question has come to market It will be an advantage if X2F Denvw,,Colo., May�&-Tliejoint :-a oats and corn with a sprinlwdfn
t to 'ear is the sound of the *ro Discuss Mixed Marriages. ::-_ -"O�% 2VA- M% 30% 36'1/9" embly of Colorado was,dissolve&ca
Peggy be regarded mOTe and MOre, as the they can have plenty of range and j1hir V% M% 3M 37% %%1 18 of linseed meal.
the wash -tub.' There's no tac' Quebec, May 8---Sorae interesting llidarday night -without electink,-*'
out Cuardian. most urgent part of Great BritaiWs iilinming water. ' Toronto Grain Market
great imperial problem." iquestions are to come before the com- W -,,,t, bushel .... United States Senator.
......... $084 to
Cured. Cut hay into.about one inch lengths �,ing session of the diocesan synod of Wheat, bushel ...... 080
and pour enough hot water on it i Rye, bu:ho in ........ 070
iear- the Anglican Churehi which meets
Work on Cornwall Canal.
Doctor (to wife of pi-tient)-And-er ly to cover. Allow it to stand over- here o n- June 6. Barley, bushel ....... 0 60
hope you took his temperature this Cornwall, May S. -Fallon, Bros. Oats, bushel ............... 041 042
I iiigbt and feed in the morning. Feed Among the notices of motion given Ruckwheat, bushel ....... 048 050 -1 1110�1
who have jiX4 finished a contract about three times a week during win.- as one of the dean, to tbe effect that Peas, bushel .......... :.... 0 78 0 80
e -Well, it were like this, sir. I above lock 17 in record time, have ter. a committee to consi,st of three Toronto Dairy Market.
ne barometer on is c4est, and been awarded another *contiaet for clergymen and three laymen be ap- But
ter, store lots .......... .. 017 019
t round to very dry, sir, so I work in the -north side of the canal Warm wheat for breakfast makes pointed to prepare a memorial to the Platter
-a. 11 , separator, dairy, i�. 0 2a 0 24
'im a pint of beer. and 'e went -es 200 yards the Biddies she]] out theegg ,,tte-
above lock 19. It includ igeneral synod of the Church of Eng- , creRmery, 1b. rolls.. 0 24 026
s of elevator crib -work, of the same Fresh air is all right for the hens, land -in Canada at its next �utter, a"e8l"erY, sohds.... 0 23 ....
session, on .1 S.. new-hild ............ _ 0 19
general character as that put in nut not when it is sifted through knot- the subject of mixed marriag,4 and 'g se, lb . .................... � 0 14% 015
above 17. The bottom will be dredg- er which threatens the '',meycombs, tiozell ........ �250 0
aoles and cracks between the boards. the grave dang
Gontracted ed to make a bed for the cribs, which Aleat meal and beef scrap are rich whole community if the civil courts iuz%t�. extracted, lb ........ 010 For Infants and Children'.
94 will be filled. with stone to near the -.0 protein and mineral matter and es I are allowed to annul marriages, Ljvkrr.00j Grain rnd Produ��.
water level, with concrete above. ; I which have been solemnized in strict rAvDi'RpooL, May
The work will go on at once and will peelally desirable for molting hen 6.-Closing�
accordance with the laws of the land. �r:leat-1'1)0t dull; No. 2 red western
Ar be finished this summer. toid pallets kept for. layers. Where I `-ter. no stock; futures. stead The Kind You Hav
Heav L.- Ido y; May, 0
insects are not -abundant meat in July.
L 8-4d, 1 7z; Get., 6s -10 3-8d.
To Minimize Accidents. 4nme form should supply a portion of Beer Flowed In Streets. m---%%',.;, ter patc,,nts, 27s 6d. l -1,01)s
New York, May B. -A nation-wid6 tbe rations -of laying hens. Acton, May 8. -The street in front Z107.1dUrl (T41L;fllf� coazt), 4 IU to Always Bought
It Became a Lu of the town hall ran with bew Satur- Ilee.%-Exam India iness, I .8-s Ga. AVegefablePreparaflonforAs- -
ng movement to minimize the number of If the roosts in the henhouses are
industrial accidents, Placed at 1,000,. 1 day afternoon, when twenty -kegs of k --Prima mess, wm-,turn, 77.a 60. simhating theT- ood andReg ala-
1"igh the betivier birds fire almost sure lager, seized in the bas'ement of the out., 14 to 16 11m. .52s ca. ling &.3tom&Is andBoweis of
Splitting Cough, 000 annually throughout the United ,, suffer from bruised feet, commonly Dominion House in this local option (�raj-Cunibt-rjpn,j �-ut, '6 to 30 lbs., Bears the J
States, will be inaugurated, it is an- ('.-I; shol t 6
nounced, at the sixteenth -convention i. nown as bumblefoot. This is caused inunicPality, Were battered open and rib, H to 24 lbs., naxn;inal;
:ty Jumping from the roost to the bArd the confents permitted to form a 52s-, ]on. -
of the National Association of Mana-
Mr. J. H. Richards, 1852 Second Ave. 11;1,;t, '�S to 34 lbe., 53s
facturers to be held in. New 'York i small river as an object lesson.
East, Vancouver, B.C.; writes: "Allow clear mJddIr-, 1,�avy, 35 to 40 Isigna"Ure
from May 15 to, 17. Three thousand The spectacle followed convictions U-; E!�'t 014 ar ba,,ks. 16 to _90 Pjrom&sV&s(16nCheerftd-
lie to write a few lines in praise of registered against William Lawson, square, i.1 t )ftessandRest.0ontains neither
Your manufacturers, it is expected, will at- -ulde, -o Ia
L'IN 'PEOPLE lessee of the refreshment privileges ,:,z C-1. 1_.,i:,..-Prlme wcstern in Opium,Morphlno nor K=al,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Last tend. THERE ARE FE Of
fall I contracted a heavy cold which le in the hotel, and Albert I. Lehman -%,s. 41s 97, American refined in
Proprietor, and his two ne, or.
me so X ' �:. 4-s 61. finest, NOT NAHC OTIC.
with 11 hacking Cough and every time Steamer Stormount Safe. WhoRave Rover man and Austin, who were convicted '.'I- ke- T uhirml, new, 58s; canadian
I would got a little more cold this hacking Montreal, May B. -The steamship Experienced of having dispensecl the lager also. ;w old, 63s 6d. Canadian
cough would become a lung splitting, one. Stormount of the Montkfaal Transpar. -L, 1,yred rld. j68s. %�urpentlna
It keyt on gettin worse and I kept on tation Co., which grounded'early on "s, 0a. Tall aw-Australlan !n
ing money 9 Hon. Mr. Duff at Creemore. es -hir. 33s 10 1-2d. Rosin-Carnmon, 'ex.&AW
spell qying different cough Saturday morning between Longue A HEADACHE.
81. Petroleuni-Reflned, 6 -1-2d. RMW& jd4r
remedies until a friend asked me if I Pointe and Pointe Aux Trembles, was Cretmore, Ont... May 8. ----:The first Adse &.d
had ever tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine hauled off the mud bank on which Of a -series of meetings. called by the oil -48s Od. Cotton seed oil-
SYrup. �I told him I was willing to try she came to grief early Saturday night i I relined. spot, 27s io i -2d.
Headaches effect all ages and both Liberal -Conservative Association of
-anything I thought would cure and on by the oombined efforts -of four tugs. nexes. allke, but the femala sex is natur- North Simco'e, was held in Leonard's
=C[4- 'Ad -JEW
thei�aame day bought two b CATTLE MARKETS. 'r -
wtfe;. Be. She has sustained practically no in- ally the viore eff000d 1h ugh the higher Hall Saturday night, to consider the Fur
ford half the first one was used my itiry. , ro reciprocity pact with the United
ough nervous development ad more delicate
began to get much easier, and by thee New York Live Stock. U
time orguiization of the system. States, At the special invitation Of Aperfcct lZeMedly forConslipa-
,Burdock Blood Bitters his, for years the Federal member, Major Cigrie, .,�ad; steady, fidn"SOIL
I &A used a bottle sad a halt ray cough An Anarchist Plot? V MW YORIC;� May 6,-Beeves-Recefpts, ir Slomach,blaraideai
was gone.. I am k�ee)ing theother half Paris, May 8. -Yesterday afternoon been ourfng all kinds of headaches, sad I the Minister of Agriculture for On. CW�Ies--Receiptq, 10,02 head; steady for 'Worms �Ccinvufsions,fpverish-
bottle in case it sh Id come again, but you will only give it a trial we feel sure tario, lion. 3% S. Duff, was present to b r-ades; vealii, $5,50 to M50. uss. end /0-
I am sure I have a positive cure. Let newspap4i published a report that discuss the issue from a farmer's, Ph��v ana Lambs -Receipts, s4o head; LOSS OF SLEEP.
me recommend Dr. Wood's Norway Pine. the police have discovered an anarch. it will do for you what it has done for For Over
ist plot to thousands of others during the past standpoint, Nc,ep otemly,, lambs slow; handy lamb*- iir&
SYMP to All who suffer from a cou commit dynamite outrages :,dy; maricet closed dull, good cLfv�
throit Irritation of any kind,ly gh or the years. Alcel), $4-25', clipped lxmbs� %.$M to
against thelprefeeture. of police,
4; Lommon, uns-horn, $8,
SO great has been the success Hotel de Ville o�town hall, and tile Ont-, Friction Between Chisa and,Japan. iroes--neceipts, 18-10 -head; feeffar WEW YORK.''
of this Mrs. C. Meadows, Clarksburt
wondeiful rem Ministry of the Interior. The authorj� Wiwi- "For years I was troub d with Ve."Llc; nominal quotations, $6 to 1IM5. Thirty, Years
Ody, it is only natural ties have refused to inake a statement. oick FOAdache and dizziness I and waa St. Petersburg, May 8. -The news -
that numerous persona have tried to abo, constipated, I was advised, to try papers report fiesh friction between Chicap-o Live Stock.
limitate it, e� Burdock Blood Bitters. I only took Chans and Japan, The Aech, asserft CUICAC1,0, May 6-Cattle�'Reeeipft
'I)OA't be imposed upon by taking Off For Eriglanct. that Japan, is about to present now P, Cmated at 200; markat strong.,
three' bottles of the medicine; now I
�gm a
rice tim"
roat t
s J�
anything but "Dri Wood a." Ottawa, y 8, -Premier McBride feel like a new woman. I find I am demands to China with reference to 131--tvLa, $5 to $0.40; Te=g stears, $4.0
0 lumbia, and Hon. Mr. completely cured and I can trut_fully free trade in Kwangtutg Province. t,,o $5.50; western steers, $4XO to $5.60,
-Pitt up in wyellow-,Wrapper; three tocktnj aM feeders, $4 to $6.40; cows rXA OT r.*PV V- VRABOM 6,
0 Bowser have gone to, New Vork, testify that it is & beat medicine I have I and the transfer of the L D alty CUS.
Pitt trees the and hel,ferg, $2,40� to $5.60; calves, $4.00 A
trade mark; price 26 *henee they.,osail immediately4or taV ever'used. 0 1 toms to, Sava.A. In the event of to -
cents. land. Burdock Blood Bittem is ma, . itfac- fus4l,. 1pp to $6.50,
aesents aa, ultimatuin, Togs -A
Manufactured only by, The T, Milburn 00aipt -estimated at
tured. o _UjIbuto Co;i Limito
C�0-' I-iaiit�dp T*rD44-'*' Ont' nly, by TheV t strong to 5e, hIgher.
6d, To t. 6 5. 7 0, ialza_