HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 8W t
SP g Q. 9
spring cleaning is uppermost in the mind of the lady ofthe
house jaat now and nowhere will her -wants be better served
tlian here.
Lace Curtains
Tapestry Curtains
Spleadid showing of new and
The Bore -One thbig I have always
Artistic Lace Ourtains in col -
4 *
t,& 40
ors of svblte, cream and ecru.
'tk S
Handsome and beanUful at
per pall,
50 75 $1.00 to $5.00
as to secure the.proper mixture of alri
England in2 and 4yd, widths.
Carp,et Squares
New assortment of Carpet
Squares in floral and conven.
tional designs, beautiful col-
orings and sizes to fit any,
$6.75 t*o $40.00
Madras Curtains Window Blinds
to order on shortest notice,
for L braries, Dinging -rooms I One thing about our blinds
and Parlors in all color eflects we don't keep a cheap roller
anti combinations. none but the best Hartshorn
rollers are used lab us I
, give
15 25 50 and 60C VOa Prices an all odd shaped
or extra large windows.
Litioleunis and
Tapestry Curtains
The Bore -One thbig I have always
for arches and doors in Orien.
Vortune Teller (tb plain hair.
New and pleasing patterns
direct from manufacturers in
tal, Bagdad and Roman strip.
as at per pair
06)-YOur husband Will be a
as to secure the.proper mixture of alri
England in2 and 4yd, widths.
$2.75 to a'7.00
converting thellame fromtheordin-
ary illuminating flameinto an intense-
ly hot ,,Blue Flania."
wo VV TaMan
for sale on page four,.
Several odd pieces at clearing
I 3 Styles froni a I burner to a 3
Nlr,s. Mol a' t be,
Kee of Barrie visited
au ation. on [Uneisday May 16th. at tivo
1'1, rAsb.y%erIa.n maw§e tb% weke.
Mrs. Tomlinson and Son Cliff Ord
Vlce Is a monster orso Irlilitful
Bleached Knitted under- Thehandsomest range of
-13oston Tmftcript. 0&
wear in styles of emb-midery hosiery we have ever seen.
v4sidinz for iseveral days wt."
_[ ...... wl- BIR ME
yok(-d. crocheted yoked and A splendid range of colors in
al o ii, the plainer makes of both the embroidered and
an ,tended Arilsit to Vancouver Nvher a
two her cblld rdx
vt to s vou will appreciate the lace styles besides the more
qoing His Bost.
val u( s w hen yon, see the qual- Ample colors black, white,
41oftler (to big apprentle -wolli -wil.
ltv t f each blue and champagne. See
We first endum then Oty". then
is 0 -ed every WeduesdaY.aft6rnoov,
los ROULST03N.
our S pecial all sizes
10 1215 20 to 75C
po sckr,. . It started and
2 p r s. -110 r 25c
Willlw- ps, all but the 'And gaw,
Please remember that my Dental L
Many ni--w and arti stic Wallpapers in New
Wall Paper
Wiss, A. Harriison. who has "&'.- en
Stripe, florals and conventional designs
sul table for any room at per roll 5, 10, 15 and 25ots.
'sPt'01M1PZ fthe past month With
but 01 It-010tok.
mother,' Mrs. 0. Harrison returnfed
Ing alley.
to Kirkton an Saturday.laot.
$15. 00 Austrian China Dinner S
Mr. S_Xartin was in Arkona
Thedford.and LucaD on basine-so this
Composed of 97 ieces. This is a beautiful Austrian Chin
with a body
pure white and narrow rim of pretty pink roses
edged whb gold. It is a beauty just arrived from potteries. Do
wheat around
-an thir year.
has o,
not fail to see it.
4 1
passed away on Runday ja -t it burns more air and less gaa-
in lube person of Mr. Jas. Gould, aged
Jonlel, 1& May resigned Ws position
69 Veans 11 inoaths and 26 days. Air. bline than all others.
S turday night to ;taka a 1,rnilar po-
610DA in, 11arrow and left Tuesday
been a reat suffexer from r1reama
is the place to buy,
rnorzhiv for that plucc,,
ti'sm and abDat a week previous to PERFECT COMBLISTION'l
. ..............
Workman have started, the exca-
124 death suffered a paralytito stroke SIRRLE AND DUARABLE!
ffa uaa boxn in 1i vonshire En'71 nrd
e anfd.
A M 0 wuy S .1r], IN A BED
vatio4 for the basement of the new
and with his wife arod one child.eqrue, NO SMOKBI NO-ODOR11,
ThurOlay and Friday 4ast.
. 1k of Commerce. Mr. E. Benneft
co Canada and settled in Exeter. ABSOLUTLY SAFE!
Alias Johns of Elim -011a left AX161nday
of Toronto, eapt of the Dominion Re-
Seven Yea= azo Mrs. Gould died. A., PURE FIRE!
O vis . i!t bar brother lvin ri Saaks.-
alty Co.. Its in charge of the work.
Never caused half the Sensation that out Stock '46
too)ul. She Nvill Lvpeiit the summir in
and Priceg are doing this season. Our purchases of
five 19irls and one boy, viz; Mary.
Are very Choice and tower head and shoulders
above any others offered to YOU and the
Prices are Clean out of Sight
.2, a
R%Jvv,U Aw Atkinson
Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccutn Cleaner,
for rent at 7 5 cents a day -
Where Science Faits.
Euclid, was deep in mathematim'
'Wy deax," announced his wife, "I
want to give Mary Smith a present
that will look like it cost more than
the one she stnt$me, but really be
less, and I don't know what she paid
for It. How much should I spendV'
Herewith he sought safety in filghL
-New York Sun.
7 T7777 "7
Uarkq,t RoWk,-The tollowtm Is
,,be report Of Xr4or Anoxkel* 40r*
xx ,'cd up to May. 4th 1V111
Wheat dtan4arC 78 ccu (O
Oat's 04 wuhs.
"ar"c" "I to 00
Blau $2
shorts 141230
TNIodel Vloar
1, eed flour $1.46.
., gs 17*
Butt,or 17o
Powtoels, 50 to. 60 ceritA
Uay Ino.
Qbpke export steers 5.85 o 6,00
Meftim oxpdrt Nboar%V5.60 'to 5.75
Cholzo butolieni heifers 5.60 to 5,75
'%resllum burohers helfesr 5.404,50
Qholoa butaberis, cows 4.80 to 6,00
Common Batch ms cows 4,25 to -1.50
Obo;c-,3 lambs 6.00 -to 6.35
)L-Okim lam'bc3 5-75 to 6.00
Ghai!c e Lz heep 4.50 ?to 5.25
1101pi live 6.05 1
Nevei Too EarlyI
The Place Whore Goocs
Q10thes 00me From
or Cooking Stove to V1111-
DRESSED MAN Before YOU DECIDE upon What Sumin',
chase don't fail to CALL and SEEa Demonstration on our laternation- .
is lie who has his qI . obhes ally Famed Coal Oil and Garsollne Stovesat our store.
made to suit his figure. You
cannot alway s depend on
ready-mades, but Olt
'whe . a you got your clothes at A F I RW DISTINCTIVE FE ATURRS
Unique in design throughout with
W. W. Taman's a xtra large top and cabinets
The Top, Front and Doors are 2A
We have the goods and the tuge ste6l, the Base Cast iron making
experience, and we can inee the stove strong and rigid.
your wishes at every point. I The NEW PROCESS Oil Stove is
The Bore -One thbig I have always
nothing more than a large lamp ex-
&eaded is that I may be Wried pro.
Vortune Teller (tb plain hair.
capt that the burner i8so c onstructbd
The Bored -Row, could youl-4RyA-
06)-YOur husband Will be a
as to secure the.proper mixture of alri
nO BulletluI
Miss RhIrio-I!,6w do you know
converting thellame fromtheordin-
ary illuminating flameinto an intense-
ly hot ,,Blue Flania."
wo VV TaMan
for sale on page four,.
I 3 Styles froni a I burner to a 3
Nlr,s. Mol a' t be,
Kee of Barrie visited
au ation. on [Uneisday May 16th. at tivo
Vortune Teller -Well, rich mail
1'1, rAsb.y%erIa.n maw§e tb% weke.
geherallY don!t marry for money.
Mrs. Tomlinson and Son Cliff Ord
Vlce Is a monster orso Irlilitful
Walper (s ent Sunday in Zuritch.
-13oston Tmftcript. 0&
v4sidinz for iseveral days wt."
_[ ...... wl- BIR ME
Saturday )vrth a -carload of cattle.
A0 to be hated needs but to he I
Mrs. JT, Brown, and Mrs. IV% -33,tock.
of Contralta v6ited in town Saturday,
an ,tended Arilsit to Vancouver Nvher a
two her cblld rdx
Yet seen. too, oft, fammir with
G. Jas. Rern
qoing His Bost.
]Kindly Itake (that . . . . .
her :face,
41oftler (to big apprentle -wolli -wil.
were in Crediton Saturday on bws
We first endum then Oty". then
is 0 -ed every WeduesdaY.aft6rnoov,
los ROULST03N.
lie, have You slinrpened all the t.96191
po sckr,. . It started and
miainber of her frrendis on - Friday
Willlw- ps, all but the 'And gaw,
Please remember that my Dental L
-AAeltuidft rome.
Wiss, A. Harriison. who has "&'.- en
"d I laveWt quite got 4,11 the gap's
Mr. Vxed Hector has res%gned
'sPt'01M1PZ fthe past month With
but 01 It-010tok.
7 T7777 "7
Uarkq,t RoWk,-The tollowtm Is
,,be report Of Xr4or Anoxkel* 40r*
xx ,'cd up to May. 4th 1V111
Wheat dtan4arC 78 ccu (O
Oat's 04 wuhs.
"ar"c" "I to 00
Blau $2
shorts 141230
TNIodel Vloar
1, eed flour $1.46.
., gs 17*
Butt,or 17o
Powtoels, 50 to. 60 ceritA
Uay Ino.
Qbpke export steers 5.85 o 6,00
Meftim oxpdrt Nboar%V5.60 'to 5.75
Cholzo butolieni heifers 5.60 to 5,75
'%resllum burohers helfesr 5.404,50
Qholoa butaberis, cows 4.80 to 6,00
Common Batch ms cows 4,25 to -1.50
Obo;c-,3 lambs 6.00 -to 6.35
)L-Okim lam'bc3 5-75 to 6.00
Ghai!c e Lz heep 4.50 ?to 5.25
1101pi live 6.05 1
4r. r red Scott, Of"aAMM00, If* W's.
Mr -a in Exeter North.
Ur. John Wiiwroan, of 01biton. was
, z o day last week.
in Itown, o
Tom has beon laid off
work thhs wyck owinv to illuks
mcia,jecil is, viisttkn; her
4auwbter -Afris. (Dr,) !Yfdrxillleudy,
NEv_ .srs, 1G. Sivallaeouti>e and. 0. Ala-
4ersou were in Seatorth Sunday,
Mr. D. Braund is advertising four
houses for sale. See add on Page four,,
Mr. Will Grejg,,has retarLed after
vijsllj , for a week at his home a
Cli4torr. L
Mr. S. Hardy has this week niov-
vd b: to Miss L. Frayne's house on
James istreet.
MIL%s Ikannic JJ'ardy ilttcnd d the.
Xarrow-Rickbeil is,eddiu- in Zurick
on W)3d1n'e*day.
511as Liad.aafleld. of Dashirood. has
The Place Whore Goocs
Q10thes 00me From
or Cooking Stove to V1111-
DRESSED MAN Before YOU DECIDE upon What Sumin',
chase don't fail to CALL and SEEa Demonstration on our laternation- .
is lie who has his qI . obhes ally Famed Coal Oil and Garsollne Stovesat our store.
made to suit his figure. You
cannot alway s depend on
ready-mades, but Olt
'whe . a you got your clothes at A F I RW DISTINCTIVE FE ATURRS
Unique in design throughout with
W. W. Taman's a xtra large top and cabinets
The Top, Front and Doors are 2A
We have the goods and the tuge ste6l, the Base Cast iron making
experience, and we can inee the stove strong and rigid.
your wishes at every point. I The NEW PROCESS Oil Stove is
retuMed home -after vWtJI 3 her
4roth-ex here.
nothing more than a large lamp ex-
capt that the burner i8so c onstructbd
XTr B, S. J?j'hillips bas
as to secure the.proper mixture of alri
6eed are being adrart,4ed
the fire britk reisideince On William
otnect.oj vn . c.d. by mr. Tho& Kay.
converting thellame fromtheordin-
ary illuminating flameinto an intense-
ly hot ,,Blue Flania."
wo VV TaMan
for sale on page four,.
A[,0thG> ollarch
Nvill be offered for sale bY 'public
I 3 Styles froni a I burner to a 3
Nlr,s. Mol a' t be,
Kee of Barrie visited
au ation. on [Uneisday May 16th. at tivo
The Nifty Man's'
1'1, rAsb.y%erIa.n maw§e tb% weke.
U-01sars. 3'ftes Isparks and Jack
Mrs. Tomlinson and Son Cliff Ord
Walper (s ent Sunday in Zuritch.
rq1turned 'to Lon(don Monday, aftar
Mr. J no. Wood wenf,k to Toradflo,
v4sidinz for iseveral days wt."
_[ ...... wl- BIR ME
Saturday )vrth a -carload of cattle.
Mrs, Wm. Cadmora recently Jeft Ott
Mrs. JT, Brown, and Mrs. IV% -33,tock.
of Contralta v6ited in town Saturday,
an ,tended Arilsit to Vancouver Nvher a
two her cblld rdx
Dental Offices Closed. r, rom a one burner to a Three,
G. Jas. Rern
$h,.3 will vj!sit of
and aliso, a brother.
]Kindly Itake (that . . . . .
Aleasrs, J. Jones and
notice XaY office .
were in Crediton Saturday on bws
Xr. 'A. Had -Ins of the 3rd. comoes-
a[on of steph'en, is @uffering from
blood in bits h
is 0 -ed every WeduesdaY.aft6rnoov,
Mrs. J. G. Stanbury patertained a
po sckr,. . It started and
miainber of her frrendis on - Friday
and has gone up hi s arm,
Please remember that my Dental L
Wiss, A. Harriison. who has "&'.- en
Office is closed ever Wednesday after -M
Mr. Vxed Hector has res%gned
'sPt'01M1PZ fthe past month With
hiis ppsition as maxageT of the bowl-
mother,' Mrs. 0. Harrison returnfed
Ing alley.
to Kirkton an Saturday.laot.
Mrs. Arthur Redden an14 R.-wo boy,,s
of Londlon are. Vhsitinx in Central-
Mr. S. Martin was in Arkona
Thedford and Lucan on basine-so this
Mr. Al. McDondl was able to be out'
dte4v-039 last ireek for the firlA tlm ,. STYLES, from a "One Bur:
20 "Hand
_d. Exeter.
week. Mr. Martin says that the fall
Arkona Is the best he
6--fr"O 1is Serious illness. ner Hot Plate" to a
s ome Cabinet Range." Burns
Mr. Jots. McFalls. of Hay spientlast
wheat around
-an thir year.
has o,
Another of the old resj&nts !of v 14 gasoline or alcohol.
week vlaftin.- his fath,,,r-in-law. Mr.
Wm. Whiteford.
Mr. JnO WalpeT who has been with
passed away on Runday ja -t it burns more air and less gaa-
in lube person of Mr. Jas. Gould, aged
Jonlel, 1& May resigned Ws position
69 Veans 11 inoaths and 26 days. Air. bline than all others.
Thlare certainly 1* no lack of flour
S turday night to ;taka a 1,rnilar po-
Gould for a nuirtber of yeard. Vaad
and feed stores but after all th e mill
610DA in, 11arrow and left Tuesday
been a reat suffexer from r1reama
is the place to buy,
rnorzhiv for that plucc,,
ti'sm and abDat a week previous to PERFECT COMBLISTION'l
Moi sns Beati(e 1fartin and 0. Wag-
Workman have started, the exca-
124 death suffered a paralytito stroke SIRRLE AND DUARABLE!
ffa uaa boxn in 1i vonshire En'71 nrd
e anfd.
ner. of Londsn. viistited !In tO"vxl
vatio4 for the basement of the new
and with his wife arod one child.eqrue, NO SMOKBI NO-ODOR11,
ThurOlay and Friday 4ast.
. 1k of Commerce. Mr. E. Benneft
co Canada and settled in Exeter. ABSOLUTLY SAFE!
Alias Johns of Elim -011a left AX161nday
of Toronto, eapt of the Dominion Re-
Seven Yea= azo Mrs. Gould died. A., PURE FIRE!
O vis . i!t bar brother lvin ri Saaks.-
alty Co.. Its in charge of the work.
familY of Isix-childran. still suxvive
too)ul. She Nvill Lvpeiit the summir in
Thi,, remains of the late Mrs Earl
five 19irls and one boy, viz; Mary.
the, Wel t. I
Chappel, who died in Alooseiaw. Sask.
of, town; Mrs. P. MoDonald, of Wal.
aoa u
l b xg; Mrs. S. Sanders. of tGxvn;
Mias Janat Brown and her mdth ,c
left [Vue;Way .1norr-iag for a Irlip to
April 23rd, were brought home for
burial and were interxed,in the Staf-
Hilderly. of Brookldal6; Mrs. J.
li:ellett; Eliniville and Mr.' Fred If economy of gasoline and
the Nvesit. They xpcct to be alva,y
fa cemetery last week.
Gould of Strathroy. The funeral was coal oil, handiness of operatioft
about Jtwo munths.
Afr- and Air& Deter 31cDonald of
held an Tuesday interment aklng and good cooking are to be the
The Base Ball boys'are having the
Wallacebarg, Mrs. Hilderly, of
Dlac;e in the Exeier cem% rery. test, we have confldgnce In eel-
t ichool diamond CIxed up in firat claLAs
dale and Mr. Fred Gould. of Strath-
At the close of the services !n Ung you an y size of our stoves.
lshapa We may expeot to aea some
fast 'ball here lthls sumwer ..
roy artienided the funeral of the.late
Jameis Gould on Tuesday.
Jamets St. Uethodist church on Sun -
4ay ev in.
an last the choir pre,sen. -.A,
Miss Lizzie Frayna held a success-
Wes. Snell has recently had
Mr. S. W,.Xtowo and daughter Viota
ful auction sala of her household ef-
f-eds on Saturday last. She int'iendis
extersive improvements and alteri-
honts made to. his impleraciut shop,
with a hymn book and, an addreas.
Mr. Roire, and family left on Mondhy
leavin.- this week for London. Migs
A naw brick fi 6nt has been ptrt in
for WalIac,abLir.-; where Mr. Rowe bas
lirayme h" many friends in ttown
and an offioe.fn conueetion built in
extered into partner ship with Mr: J. N
who will xteg ct li r removal bat
th,6 front of the buildling,
T. Saint in the furniture and under-
65C to.$10
lvboae, lbe& w3shes follow bex.
Mr. H. A. Folltok bad a formal op
takim.- businal,16". Mr. Rowe and faih-
ily ibave. been highly esteemed resi-
The Metho,d!Wt dhurch of i0anada
to have a new byin. bololn Thi
einly., of histece crearn parlor on Bat-
arday even ja-. The parlor was beau
delrts of Exeter and their depart',-ur,!
w" decided at a meetinz held I
ha the
a te d with fer ns plan -j%
itully, dQr1o'r'
ted by their many frlen;ff ,
i9,t1711,__1rhe4t wish them sliccerss in "Cheir Gasoline Stoves
Wa*ley buildimg --Rizlimond stree.t.
Toronto. A commiftee was, appoinf-
zLnd LL aL p
and flowers in s7ic w 9 sup lied
by tba phano-raph. The open1mg was
'r edberprise. Followirq was the
ed to carry an the work, and tha new
a tSucce0s. (.J
ai6dt,%tzV-: To Air. S. W. and Mizss
11DIVe. Dear rixienda.-Having learn -$3.50 to $20
book *,vill be entirely new, aInd. no"t a
revise'd One.
We are plear. ad to nvbe by the Ad-
ed of your inte:u(silms to leave our
rer*tllser Ithat at 'the Easter examina-
midat to tangage W busine s in Wal -
On Thursday of last ,vieek Afelasrs.
T. O. and J. M Southcott acoompau-
i,ed th etr mother to (the "Homewood."
tlions, held In London that Bliss Ru b
Hooper, dauZhter of Mr. Henry'Hoop
laoeburz. we take thlis GrYpOrtluni-y
to express our rearet at your remov- Ar -1.1- A -1a
al a d to
rx show W
er came ffirst in her claw. qa'Wr i
our apprsela!tioln of
SwAtorinni, Guelph, where Mrs-
8,3 Per icer -t in Teachers and 75 iri
lou r Dervices als members or our
Southcott will receive treatment for
nerve trouble.
cho(ilr, Wo rc-gret fosfaz you from Phone 29 We deliver promptly
nalve troiible4 She dtood the trip,
w,ell and felt littile worse af ter reach.
Mr. Win, Coultishasmoy-c(dilatathe
our town and especially from on.-
choir where you have always b. -en.
W, Guelph. The family feel very
X7a:tefal to the many lend frilends of
holkae on Afain Street recently Pur-
chaied from - Mr. WM. BlaEchford.
faithful and valued members. chaer-
fully and earnestly sin-ing 'the vraiis-
Exeter for 'the deep inter st. mapl;-
feLAed in t1he welfare,oi their Mother
Mr. 'Guhr who Occupied the house has
moved into a retsidemce on And,rew
es our Maker. Our W;; Olciatiwls - I,
tooether have a- all tlin- s bevn moA
It Is hoped wUh good care *am4
treatment at Homewood she will soon
otreet. Mr. Win, Rolamd has moved
into The home vacated by Mr. Coulas.
pleasant and we could molt lei you
lmve !Your home town andour choir S GIRLS
'OYS! P W nE L L
raturn Xreatly improved in health.
Ov-cr eight mon;this for $1,00. The
withoat ",astifyi.rZ to the hii h es. We have Sof t
The jubilee of Caven Prasbylberi.-a(h
Chri qtian Guardian will lbo., seinit to
ars addmass in, Vanadt t :to a new sub-
tN m in which you are held by all. We 1iave alarge or- Rubber Balls and
der corning next week
and ohou in- our appreciation of ats from
church celebra!ting fiftluth amnl-
evrsary of the orgaWzmlt jon of the
scribex ttD January 1912, for $1.
ft waa n: ,Yer so good ais nofy. Every
your iservi-ce's.in th< ebo,.. of Baseballs, Mitts and
pleasure n askin ; .each of I -Ott to Ic Bate, Fishing Linps brid 5 cents Up
8 A Imaw A At R
1=1nZAtion Will 1,eld an Sunday
Nla; 21r t and Suniday Xay 12%h, 0 71
A.Tathod-let in the Domflialoin abdulA
oept a hymn book and lnu, ` !!--af Hooks.
th,a. fimt Sunday 11tv. Dr. Jas,v Rolas,
of St. AndrewB Church, London. Will
road JJt weekly. Addr'eisg W111%ru
W, slcv Ruild:mgs, Croronto.
you inay be spared many years I
wbildh to vnioy the bleisi-AMI-ps of "S
prea,ch both morn -Ing and everting,
Ths 'Toronto Globe bs making apoc-
may proslplzr yoti
ard`ltbe ather me.mbers of y-ou ftini- ' . K
al on fth- . second Sun -day verviecki,
1 -al offer for -aubscript ,o ni. From
ily in your new home is 'the wish of store a GREAT VALUE
We are doing our best to make this
I be conducted by Rev. Dr. Rain-
until 15eptember fimist they will
th,.3 members of James ntren'. N'tltfi- STORE and we believe we are doing so, We invite every person to
of Ottawa,
, Rev. Peter 'Strang.
glva 'the daily [Globe for $1.00. Thi -6
OdiSt chil.rCh choir. visit this store ev ery time yoqare on Main k5treet. It will pay you to
of Virden Man.,: Rev. W. M. Martin
Fiberal offer iis made In view of t6e
of Londion, and the, F"tor Rev. S.
F. Sharp, Rev. Mr. Martin will also
ODrOZ&tion and hhla li dtercL461njg
to itake duripl.,
Look Over Our 5, 10, and 15c Tables
events plaide Itha:t
preach on Friday e"ningr, May 26th.
There will be a social gathexing an
and to watch our Windows f or BARGAINS. Special sales going on
L)Ionday eveni-B g May 22nd.
Onia of our corresponfcbentis sp-4,t us
al f the t! We,
Illickis Forocas-t1g. A xegular atorm
Roiod tovers, Ithe 9th to the 11th.
a. request for PaVplies. bult as
heItter was lost from pur file the re-
Chinaware,-Graditware at Tempting Prices
queist has ndt beeo com-plied wilth,
with Moonon the iceleistial aqua,tor ob
the. M and full on the 13tth. High
We, would greatly appreciate i1t; if )the
b,?.mperatui, falling barometer and
oledtrical i;toTms will ap'pear about
party would motify uo agakn, pzd if
there are any others oat of altationery
we. will only too 'to suVpty
th 9th in westexii cx remeis, aln(d
;be glad
them also. ;
i tALE
from WvVneaday Ithe 101th, to Sun-
day 0ja I-Zili. these condit"oos will.
, Last week we wexe commended by
Of Jewelry, Thursday to Saturdav-, We are closing out many
lines. and if you v wit these goods at and below coati, come quick, we,
progmas to lihe -eeist-ward, :eansing
a lady for br%xigiag to notioa tliu
waiit the money.
-peral and viol&t %itormts n many
con1dition of, the sidewalks jutt son h
lacaliti.e s. From the 10th to 'the 16 ' tb
of Lhu to%rA. OD either side of the
congtiltukLs a per!-Od of seismia straIm
that will viery probaly cauige earth-
road lthL aide -walk bas ca,( ed in axd
a eouPlk- of boards" are plawd acL-osig
For family rtse there, is u o usy y
Saturday is our da here.
qualre ishocIrt and shive rs ],'a M0103Y
the apeni[I)g, maidia. The plaxe is a.
SalVe equal to Nyal's It is
parts of the. globe. A marked change
orle nd a- nasty onle 'to
Remember not. fruit -s and candies, Bananas 20c a doz. Extra
the. best salVe made for -the
(0 her barometot and cooler wift
Pass after dark. This matter should
Vancy 25c, Oranges (ver sweet, and juicy, all Sunkist) 5, 40, 00 doz.
probable frosts at night northw'ard.
be Attended to bythe pathrnaster%.
following troubles -
,should ba no Asurprise from about the
13 h 'to lt h4 lftb..
Harvey Brois. have moved the r
dsm.ce on -Lrawt, north 's'"
Burns, Cut-., Wounds, Ul- Try us for Perfamea, and Toilet Articles. We give Premiums
.)Ir. Wfll T. X-rilght. -who vitsited ha
towa during t1h42 paht Week %vtocivedi
.151ain of
mill lGrmerly oc0ui)iL.d by Urs. Whr%c
to thle rear the mill, The floui
cers, Running Sor6s, Cold with these
Get in ;n otir PeaouD Conteeb. You may be loc'l 5r.
tongratulation from h.'s m%ny friaDde
tunniad our. by 1 -be Exerer mill. I...
Sorei, Sunburn, Chafing.
on bi% atxcoelsA im pasaing his fourth
y, a r inedital ex ams. Dlirin g the f ou!
Will hqs to tbe Frot, t
g - ire pop-ilarity, and in (,-On
sequeimc-c ithe mill has been doin; a
When used for cuts and
y, ars stood well
' hbs
big bwsinew and the proprietors find
they should be. first
ymr a0ir_&-ng fffth in a cUss
of twimfy-zix and had It not been
it na ccL%saxy to exect a (gl orel o
north of tbe' mill on t6 propprt
rsores T,
cleansed with: warm water and
for igo-veral wQoks iM.ess I& -;t fail 'no
-donbC would hav L, made a bdtt r
tLey' recently purchased from _ Lr. A.
castile soap,afterwards a J. Wfllj$ PoWell,, Propriet,)r.
showirig. Ife %vas the srad
Ing. Nyal's Salve which is anti-
uate in M8 cla-is tind wic of (the
dootors Iturned Ott* by thn
inot plain letter lijea'do. bill
headis, envelOpes or any kind of wain
septic and heals from the bot
Ivorsrty. Ae attended convocation
lEotationtary for your busk&v3s look
tom up leaving no sear, Pri3e
!a Lw.Aou on Wo.idriaoday And is now
a M. 1). NVlo predict fot, Will a suc-
carecr in h1p ebosr-m prafej3
like hard Times and small bilLsi'Inless9
Some one lhws said ist is a poor poliey
to be poor and look ift. So It ti -pjop
25 cents, We have 411 kin& f
F0 e flfls
riolltwivg iis No In
VON* "to 4-eave the impreZlton that
and Will giVk 01:1 what. YOU y.
:%ioln standing
tb., different aubie,cbq: TPiWat-class
You arta runhijig a ismall or cheap
honorg in abdt4vt4uq, 'Pathology, 0
thalmoloi y, Diseasel of ChUdren, Up;_
Ida"mology; scconfa-clals,6 honoiv in
busin*rA by nswg Plain staUoncry.'
&pp,aaranjeca !go a long way, We ato
-to 'that bus!fnaop totne
W. '11 be Sent.to any Address
11 0 Howey Phin. Bog The Ex6terTimes -Wi
Surgery. 01phical Stir-
;evy. X6rydh,e axiA Pm% ipt C laicni
t)reP4LXcd' give
to your Wta!tjf0J%.te7_' Call no' up by
phonet arf'd 14t 113 quaft, On, brices.
, Y
Chtmw and 11 in C a n a d. an for. the Ba ance Of the yeat