HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-14, Page 12• Ra(;I?.12 (;uLEHI('H SJGNAL STAR, WEUNE:SI)AY7JANUARY-14,-1987 Community News IlleSeMESIW Only one resolution truly must be kept MINISTER'S STUDY BY H. YRIENU TRINITY CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Most of us take a dins view of New Year's resolutions. 'Those resolutions are often made on the spur of the moment -- usually shortly after the New Year has been ushered in, A large number of those resolutions seers made to be broken. Often they, are made without much forethought or conviction, and we aren't even,very sad when we discover we have broken our resolution. In the back of our,nlinds, we somehow expected we would fail again, as in other years, and so it doesn't cause us much grief when we find another resolu- tion has gone the way of:all flesh. There is one resolution that God asks us all to make, and that must not,go the way of all flesh. 'That is the resolution to follow Jesus. Of all the calls to action at the beginning of this year, and of all the calls you will hear throughout the year, the cull to "follow" Jesus has to be the most important. ' It is the call that God calls out to us. It is also the call that has the greatest conse- quences for our happiness and our future. If, we follow Jesus, then we get to cash ih on the rewards Jesus promised. Jesus pro- mised that his followers would receive i In thi' life r a reward in the ratio of 100 to one for everything sacrificed -to him and he „promised us eternal life in' the future. God's blessings on our lives now,' and our reward in heaven depend on whether or not we "follow .Jesus." That's why the call to follow Jesus is .easily the most impor- „tarit call for living during the ncv year. Jesus taught us that following him in- volved self denial. He calls us to deny a good many of our natural impulses and a good'•many• of. our. hopes and dreams. He also aid that we had to bear our crosses. Cross -bearing always involves us in suffer- ing. When we come out our faith and begin to live our faith in Jesus Christ, then we get involved with suffering. Whenever • we confess Jesu>; in some way, or try to serve hire as Lord — in our families, in our work or business — then' we can expect some resistance and some abuse, We get to suffer when we Ore disciples of Jesus. The cost of following Jesus ahas always been high and the cost still includes self-denial and suffering. The one call that we all have to hear this year is the call to •'walk in the steps of the Savior," In the summons of Jesus to follow Him, we all recieve our agenda and pro - grain for the rest of the year. Jesus' sum- mons dues require a resolution of sorts. It requires a decision to follow Jesus. These decisions can riot be made on the spur of the moment. They are made on our knees, in prayer, before the face of God. They are made with faith in the Lord who has promised to strengthen us.' Murray Cardiff, (MP - Huron -Bruce) recently presented Jean Sinnamon,'president of The Pioneer Club in Goderich, with a cheque for $1,434, from the New Horizons program. 'New 'Horizons is a federal government program that enables retired people. toereate projects of... their own choosing. It offers grants to groups who undertake activities for the benefit o; themselves and„pthers in the community. The Pioneer Club, comprised of residents of Sunsetview Apartments. will use the grant money to purchase a projector and table. t photo by Lou -Ann Hope I ,'3• • BESTINTEREST- 93/4%, Guaranteed Investment Certificates *Subject to change Gaiser-Kneale PIFInsurance Brokers Inc. Grand Bend 238-8484 Goderich 524.2118 Exeter 235-2420 Clinton 482.9747'1 SHAPE UP! Exercise wear in great Spring Colours, THE • GREED RO4DH 44. 4 RENT REVIEW UPDATE FROM TIE MINISI'KY OF HOUSING important message to -- tenants and landlords of rental units first occupied after 1975. The Residential Rent Regulation Act, 1986, extends the protection of rent' review to cover all, tenants in .private rental units in Ontario. This includes buildings, mobile homes and mobile home sites first occupied as , rental units after 1975. n the past. tenants living in units which first came 00 the market after 1075 ', post -75 units were not protected t)\ rent review. l'ntlt'r the new le illation, tenants living in post -'75 units are now protected by r,.rit review along with till other tenants in private rental units In Ontario. .\s well. the provisions extending rent - revii'w til coyt'1' post -75 tinits are rr'lrourlir'1'tO .\uinust 1. 1985. This means that the four per cent Guideline which' w'as in.lilai't' erose':\ug>iist I, 1955, to 1)ect'iulicr 31, 11156. applied iO past -7.) units during this period, . Thus, landlords who charged tenants of pest -7..1 units more than the four per cent t;incieliite (luring this period must now justify those rent inert*ales or refund to tenants the difference between four per rent and the higher annotint charged. Tenants in post -'75 units: - do not make immediate deductions from your rent. N44. /h, /U'r'.w'i,l, /(')/(t) /.'1i0'irr/j hi post -7i #icily . ;v/,n„Irl log /h/'riii,i;)rrlt re(/nested irr J/irr',nlir•r br/al,r'ir' 1(1r,(llr)%rl_irail int/r' N,rrllr'r' is 1 '.0/r!'r1' Ilrrrr,r/fh riven t'iuiet nn cel l irni�tiuu'cs should tenants inok ' intnrediurc dedu(rtions fr('int their rent i'hilitiles h('Caiis1' an illegal (Ieduetion could lead P) eviction by tin' ('nrir'ts, • .Tenants in post -'75 units: obtain.ing a rent rebate. • If the landlord of a post -75 unit has not made an application to rent review by >vlarch'2..1957. the tenant is entitled to a rebate of rents paid uhovc the I p('r rent Guideline between August list 1. Ills:). and December :11. 1usfi. • if the landlord dors not voluntarily pay the tenant the rebate owing, the tenant is advised to filo an application with the local Rent "Review Office for an order•requiring the land- 'lor'd to pay the rebate. • If the tenant is r'ertirirr of the amount of the . rebate. the tenant may deduct th(' amount from 0 rent cheque. Requirements for landlords of post -'75 units. • 1.andlords who have charged tenants more than the 1 per tent Guideline from ;August 1, 111ti5„(1) December :31. 1 8fi, have until March 11187, to apply to rent review to justify these. rent increases. •'io1 apply. a landlord [must file an application' form and supporting information with the local Rent Revie\v Office. showing that the rent increases Were justified, • Landlords who appy' to justify these rent increases must give n copy of their application to all of their tenants within 11) days of apply- ingr.'1i'nnnts are entitled•to examine all the materials filed and to make submissions to the local Itrnf Revi('w l)ffi 'e. • I,nrl(ll(1rdS who do not apply to''re'nt review on or before J1ar'ch 2, 111.(7, must r('hitte excess rent's charged to tenants between August I. 1985, and December 31. I1186. Landlords of post '75 units who have already served notice of a:rent increase.. above th.e 1987 Guideline: . Under the pew le'g'islation. the Rent Review Guideline for the year IIi`s7 is .).'_' per Cent. Some landlords of post -75 units have already served t('nantS M1\'Itt1 n1111('e of ;r rent In('r'('rrsl' effective oil or after January 1. 1167, w hich exceeds the 5.2 per cent l;uidelinr. These landlords also have until \lar'ch 2. 11187. to ripply to tent review for approval of a_1987 rent.incr('irs(' above 1I1(" .2 per ('('nt Guideline, if the landlord applies to rent review.. tenants - will receive it copy Of the application and be given a full opportunity to participate in the rent, review process. if the landlord does not apply to rent review and the time period for doing so expires. the landlord must rebate the difference h('t\c('en 5.2 per c'e'nt tont thl' higher'nntount ch;ii . ed 'during 1987,. Ministry of Housing Ontario Hon.Alvin Curling, Minister icor more information, call toll-free 1-800-387-9060, or phone your local Rent Re:viewOffice: p+ Hartle (705) 737-2111 1lnnnilt'in (416) 528-8701 .1\ine"Iun (613) 5.18-6770 Kitchener (519) 579-57913 London (519) 673-1660 \lisisn(;;1 (416) 270-3280 \ h1 t;ay 4705).47-6-1231 11'haw 0 (.116) 723-8135 Ottawa ()S\ en 'otlnd I'eterlMilliigell St_ ('atharines Sudhur;y Thunder Ibiy. h '1'ifllr)iif1. ` \\'i;visor (613) 230-5114, (519) 376-3202 (705) 743-9511 (416) 684-6562 (705) 675-4373 (807) 475-1595 (70512•64.9555 • (519) 253-3532 NifiROl't)t.rL\N'1'(1R(1\ I'13 ('it of 'i'tironto (416) 964-8281 . Gast Willi k (416) 429-0664 Etohicok(' and York (416) 236-2681. North York (416) 224-7643 Scarborough L . (416) 438-3152 1