HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-14, Page 1042. Death Notice J
35. Notice to Creditors
o1 the City of Pontiac., in the State of Michigan.
U.S.A , deceased.
• Creditors, heirs and others having claims
ogoinst the above.norned deceased: who died on
the 30th duy of September. 1985, or against his
estate, are required to send full particulars of
such claims to the undersigned Solicitors on or
before the 28th day of January, 1987, after which
dote the Estate's assets will be distributed„hov-
ing regard only, to claims shat have then been
DATED pt Stratford, Ontario, !his 5th day of
January, 1957
Barristers and Solicitors,
1 Ontario Street,
Stratford, Ontario
• NSA 6T7
Solicitors for the
Executrix, 01.03
olso as Therese C."Pfrimmer late of the Township
of Goderich', Deep Muscle Therapist„ who died
on or about March 1 1 , "1980,
All persons havingClaiims against the estate of
the above named are required to file full pec-
titulars thereof with the undersigned on or
before the 30th day of January, 1987 after which
dote the assets will be distributed having regard
only to the claims of which the undersigned shall
then have notice.
•DATED at Goderich this 12th day, of January,
Harollf W. Shore
Box 172
Goderich, Ont,
N7A 3Z2
36. Announcements
THE HUMANITARIAN Service Committee of the
Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodge has
equipment for -loan. Contact A -mos Osbaldeston
a 524.9623 or Fred Fritzley 524-7217. •:04eowx
38. Auction Sale
Modern applidnces, furniture, piano,,
lawn mowers,etc. 'at •Richard Lobb's
Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mrs.
Myrtle Brock of Exeter plus additions.
Upright piano; 'piano stool; Woods'
chest freezer, 3 yrs. old;.. matching G.E.
fridge and 30" electric stove; matching
G.E. automatic clothes washer and
dryer; portable colour T.V ; dining table
w/six matching" chairs; 3„ oak dining
chairs; 2 chesterfields w/thatching .
chairs; 2 maple framed couches w/met-
chtng chain; davenport; oval chrome'
table w/ leaf and six chairs; recliner
chair; small antique blanket box; 2
handmade quilts; mantel clock; card
table-& folding chain; dehumidifier;
electric heaters; exercise bike; lawn
chairs; floor polishers; Quebec heater;
World Book encyclopedia. and .
bookcase; Poulan 24" ,, chainsaw;
upholster d chairs; electric fireplace;
TV trays; seeping bog; Viking modern
portable electric 'sewing machine;
vacuum cleaner' w/power head;
trolux vacuum cleaner; 5 HP riding
"lawn mower; push gas lawn mower;
wheel barrow; man's bike; dishes, etc.;
aluminum step ladder; 8 aluminum
storm windows 54 x 27%.
Richard Lobb. Auctioneer
CLINTON 482-7898
40. Lost 8 Found
LOST ..• male cat, area high school, white Persian,
one blue eye. one gold eye. Wearing flea collar.
On medicotion. Phone 524-4764. • 02
LOST • rhinestone earring, Brea Bedford Hotel. If
found, please call 524.8692. 02nx
LOST • grey, female, declawed Tabby, around
Blake Street area, Reward, 524.9654. 02
41. To Give' Away
URGENT HOME NEEDED - Two year old mole,
grey tabby cot was left behind when owners
moved away 529.3159, 02 -
TO GIVE AWAY: puppies, Shepherd Collie mix.
Shepherd mother to good home as well. Ready
anytime 529.7463, .02
TO A G000 FAMILY one female beagle terrier
years old, house trained and loves children,
'Phone 524-7312 after 4 p,m, 02
At Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday January
9, 1987- George Milburn of London ,in his 75th
year. Beloved husband of Elsie (Wiles) Milburn
dear father of George Milburn, Marilyn (Mrs, R.
Buck) both of Stratford, and Marina (Mrs:, R.
Adair) of Dorchester Also survived by nine
grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren
Predeceased by one Son, Dennis Grant Milburn
and one great granddaughter Heather Rae. A
private family service, was ,held at Logan Chopel,
Furtney Funeral Homes. London, on January 12th
with Reverend Blair Dixon officiottng. Interment
Woodland Cemetery London -Friends who wish
may make memorial donations to the Brain
Research Fund 02
46. 'In Memoriam
In loving memory of David Munn who
away January 18, 1985
It's sod to walk the rood alone
Instead of side by side, •
But to all there comes a moment....
Whstrt•the-way of -life divides...
Though tears in our eyes do mit-glisten
And our faces are not alwoys sad,
There is never o night or o morning,
Rut we lhinktof the husbcmd and father we had
Remembered always by Wife Elaine and Children
Arthur and Debbie: 02
46. In Memoriam
In loving memory of my father Wayne Willis
who passed away January 11 1986
So suddenly it happened
God took you away from us
Never had the chance to say goodbye
But your silly little grin we see no more,
Nor feel your. tender touch,
Nor hear the,sound of your musicr
These things we 9iss so much l�
But your memories'ore always with ijs�,
And we will never forget you
For in our hearts you will always be --
And in me o.part of you will always live.
For I think of you often as I play my guitar and
remember , . .
The loving things you taught me.
But now you play for God in the heavenly skies
For he chose you to be with him,
And in his care you are.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your.
son Wayne and my wife Mary Lynn 02nx
In loving memory of Wayne who passed away
January 11, 1986. ,
We mention your r'orne and speak of you often,
Gad bless you dear Wayne you are not forgotten.
Forever missed qnd always loved, Barb and
Sean, 02nx
In loving memory of a dear mother, grandmother
and great grandmother, Irene Townshend, who..
passed away January 8, 1986;
Silent -memories keep you near,
As time unfolds another year,
No linger in our lives to share,
But in our hearts you're always' there,
• Lovingly remembered by Bill, Anna, Joyce and
their families, ;:•02x ,
In loving memory of my dear husband, Orville,,
who passed away January 16, 1986.
The love that we share• doesn't need to' be
spoken, '
It's a wonderful bond that can never be broken.
I hold in my heart the love of my post
For there is,a 'memory that will always last.
In my heart you will always live.
The dearest husband that God coul&give.
Sadly missed by your wife June. --.-02
In loving memory of 'Glenn Anderson who was
,tragically'killed January 18, 1981
He is away yet ever near.
His presence fills each day.
His voice and smile are everywhere.
A memory away.
And though he is no longer seen
By family and friends,
He lives for he is dearly loved
•" And loved to never end.
I love you Glenn. Lovingly'remembered and sad-
ly missed by mom, sisters and.brothers, nieces
and nephews and Grandma Park. -L02,
47. Card of Thanks
•Community: News
Auburn WI to hold Grandmothers meeting
The Senior Citizen's pot -luck dinner will
be held January 21st at the Community
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson visited
last weekend with their son William in
Mrs. Lillian Leatherlandreturned home
after visiting her daughter Joyce in
Calgary for three weeks.
Sorry to report that Arnold Craig is a pa-
' `'tient' in" Alexandra- Marine and -General
Hospital in Goderich. We wish him_ a
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bennett of Amherstburg
`47. Card of Thanks
4th Goderich Scout Group wishes
to thank the following for their
help during our recent...
Art's Landscaping
thanks to Dorothy & Art Bourdeau
The Van Den ' Broeck
and all the leaders and parents
who gave so generously of their
time .to make this project a
-38. Auction Sale
Richard Lobb Auction
CLINTON - 482-7898
SAT., JAN.- 17 AT 10 A.M.: Piano,
modern appliances; furniture, etc. of
,Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton for Mrs. Myr-
tle Brock of Exeter plus additions.
Mildred Lawlor, 526-7589
and Mr. Ken Cowan of Midland were re-
cent visitors . with -Mr. and Mrs. Tom
The regular monthly meeting, of the
Women's Institute will be held Tuesday,
January 20th in the Community Hall begin-
ning at 1 p.m. with dessert. This is an an-
nual Grandmothers meeting and an invita-
tion is extended to all grandmothers in the
A meeting of Unit 1 of Knox United
Church UCW will be held at the home of
Unice Arthur on Tuesday, January 13 at
8p.m. for the first meeting of the year.
Unit II will be having their first meeting of
the year at the Knox United Church on
January 14th at 8 p.m. Roll call will be
ideas for the 25th, anniversary
,celebrations. •
Visitors on' the week -end with Mrs.
Frances Clark were Mr. and Mrs. J.G.
McIntosh, Christopher and Tracey of
London. •
Mrs. Lorne Peter of •Bervie visited,with
Beth Lansing on Thursday.
Euchre party results
The first euchre party for the New Year
was held Tuesday, January 6 at the Com-
munity Hall with seven tables in play.:
Winners were Jewel Plunkett (high
lady ), Grace Cartwright (low lady), ,Jim
Bennett (high man), Len Shrobrook (low
man) and Tom Hallam °I novelty).
Euchre parties are held every Tuesday
night at the hall at 8 p.m. Everyone is
Knox United Church service'
A special worship service was held Sun-
day, morning at Knox United Church in
celebration of the 25th anniversary of the
United Church Women 1 UCW - 1962-19871.
Greeters were Mrs. Jack Vincent and Mrs.
Fred Armstrong.
The UCW purpose was read by UCW
president Mrs. Peter Verbeek followed by
the prayer of approach. "Holy, Holy, Ho-
ly" was sung with Lori Million as organist.
Mrs. Dana Bean announced the 'fiSalni
approach which was Psalm 100 read in
unison. The prayer of confession was also
read in unison. The assurance of pardon
was "We listen to God's work."
Violet Durnin, 1962 president of the
Women's Missionary Society, read 'the
scripture ( Psalm 95: 1-7 ), Marjorie
McDougall, 1962 president of the Women's
Association, read Romans 8: 28-39. These
ladies were co -presidents of the first
meeting of the UCW. Corsages were
presented to the Mrs. Peter Verbeek,- " -
Violet Durnin and Marjorie McDougall.
The hymn of praise, "Celebration", was
sung by the choir, all of which were UCW
The children's story was told by Mrs.
Brian Hallam and the teachers were Anita
Gross, Margaret Bakker and Ruth Anne
Bakker. . .
A Candlelight service took place with
Mrs. Torn Jardin lighting the first candle
and talking about the year of 1962. The se-
cond candle was lit by Mrs. Maurice Bean
who gave the „highlights of 'the UCW's 25
years. The third candle was lit by Mrs.
Gary Shuttlelvorth who spoke of the UCW's
future work. '
A prayer was read in unison followed by •
'the singing of the hymn "Lord as We rise." ,'
The offering' was received by Mrs. Jack
Vincent and Mrs. Fred Amstrong. Com-
missioning and benediction were given by °
Mrs. Peter Verbeek. - Similiar services
were- held across Canada.
Voltage .• . . .be conducted
generation emergency f such as the
breakdown of a large generating , unit ),
Voltage on the Ontario Hydro electrical there will be no •power, interruptions. For
grid will be reduced 'at three intervals:dur- most' customers, the effect of these reduc-
ing the day. ' - tions will be imperceptible. •
Testing the power distribution grid in this • 'In the morning, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30
way helps to ensure that in the event of aa.m., voltage will be reduced three per cent.
DBetween the hours of 1:30 p.m and 2:30
Ontario Hydro will conduct a voltage
reduction test on Tuesday, Jan. 20.
I would like to thank relatives, friends,
neighbours and Pisa thanks for the phone calls. 1
`from our family and friends. Thanks to Doctors'
Dawson and Conlon and also Rev. Royal for his•
visits and cards received as - kindness; and also S.
the kindness I received while in the hospital by Le
the nurses. Thanking the girls for their help at 1
home it 'has all been deeply appreciated.
Florence Fowler. --02
The family of the late Mary Henderson with to
express their sincere thanks and appreciation to.
friends ., and neighbours for their • flowers,
charitable donations, visits, sympathy cards,
food and condolences during and after her il-
lness. Special thanks to Dr. Mario Cauchi and Dr.
Kenton Lambert; nurses and staff, Alexandra
Marine and General ,,Hospital; ladies•of Knox
W.M.S.; Blue Water Chapter, O.E.S. No. 284. We
appreciate .the ministries of the Rev. G.L. Royal
and the Rev. John D.M. Wood during her illness.
Gordon Henderson'and Barbaro, Mary Currell
and Anne Smith. --02x
I would like to thank Dr, Cauchi Dr. Chan, first
floor nurses and staff and emergency staff of
& G.' Hospital for their expert care. Also
• those neighbors. friends, relatives, Huron Lodge
69 and Rev. Wood for visits, cards, gifts and
'phone 'calls while Ie was in hospital. Arnold
Vint... -.02 '
I would like to thank Dr, Lambert, Dr. Rourke,
Dr. Pearce and the'nurses on 2nd East for the ex•
cellent care during my stay at A.M, 8 G. Thanks
to everyone for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards
and visits while in hospital and since coming
home. Mildred,- 02x
We would like to express our thanks to the nurs•
ing staff of 2 East for their loving core. Special
thanks to Dr', Walker and Dr. Cauchi and nurse
Debbie Livesy for their special care. Thank you to
our family and friends,for their gifts and help.
Stephen, Cindy and Nataslha. -.02x
I would like to thank my family and friends for
the- lovely flowers, gifts and visits. "A special
thank you to Doctors Neal and Lambert and the
O.R, staff, We would also like to send a special
thanks to all the nurses on second floor. Thank
you to mom, Vi and Judy and of course Lorry for
taking such good care of Amanda while we were
in the hospital. Kelly and Nicole. 02
To relatives, friends and the nurses working
emergency and second east, o heartfelt thank
you for the kindness during my illness, Craig
Harrison. 02
The family of the late Gladys Mothers wish to ex•
press their sincere thanks to relatives, friends.
and neighbours for their support, expressions of
sympathy, floral tributes, during the loss of our
Mother and Grandma. Special thanks to Rev,
John D,M•, Wood, McCallum and PUllo Funeral
Home, Dr, Thomson, Dr, Walker and emergency
department of , Goderich Hospital, Your
,thoughtfulness will always be remembered. The
Mothers Family, 02
To the staff of two east and Dr. Walker, a -big
Thank you' for the marvelous core given to us,
Many thanks also to all who visited us and for the
many 'lovely. gifts. Shawn. Laurie and
Angelo, 02
Sincere thanks for flowers cards and acts of
7 sympathy to me and family on the sudden pass•
passed .ing of my brother, Lawrence Swortman,(Mumby)
on Monday December 22, 1986 anrf burial ih
Trenton Ont on December 24 1986 02
48. Coming Events
DIABETIC Drop•in Centre at MacKay Hall will be
open .January 19, 1987 from 7.930 p.m; Guest
speaker psychologist Dr, Sill Crocker- Sponsored
by Goierich Lioness 02' ,
Think big...for better results
Sind YOUR message across the province or coast to coast
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PIANOS:,We buy pianos because we restore, refinish.
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FOR SALE OR RENT. complete all Hydraulic Portable
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CHRISTIAN BOOKS'ot unbelievable 50% to 80% off
(Annual Clearance. Cosh 8 Corry only, The Family•
Christian Bookstore. 759 Guelph Line, Burlington, On•
tarso. 1 Km. South of OEW. Well worth the few. extra
miles, -0.2 - -
LOTTO PLAYERS! Curious about systems promising
lottery riches? New report exposes five hottest
sellers, tells best ways to increase odds! Five tom•
plete systems only 55, would cost 535 separately Free
Bonus- Building Fortunes frqm Free Collectibles 52
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1497,', Queen 5t. W.71, Toronto, M6R 1A3. -0.2
OLD TIME FIDDLE 8 country music. The kind you never
find in stores anymore. Free mad order catalog Music
Barn, Box 30913, Mount Albert, Ont, LOG IMO. • 0.2
workpants'S3.50, workboots 515, For catalog, send 52
(reimbursed first order) Mililory Surplus, Box 243, St.
Timothee,. Quebec JOS 1-X0.-0.2-5
SSS SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SSS Buildings priced for im-
'mediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28.40x14
53.996, 40x61).14 56,500. 16.80x14 59,250, 70.90x24
521.789, Various sixes available up to 120 1t, wide.
Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only, All
buildings prices for immediate delivery call toll free
1.800.387.2115 or 1(416) 858.2446,-0.2
buildings while supplies last. Example 32.50 54.887.
46487 59,887; 70x170 527,881, Other Sizes available of
similar discounts. Call Miracle Spon toll free
I.800.387.49 L0. -0.7
TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future,.,with Tri County
Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance
available Kitchener 720 King E,. (519) 743.5611. Bronl•
ford 300 Colborne E., (S19) 756.0223, 0-2
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1.800.387.7875. 0.7 1
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positions. -oks, receptionists, maintenance,
waiters, wait sses, Bortenders„ Send resumes
Ptnestone Inn. R' 2 Haliburton 'Ont KOM 150 /Uteri.
tion W McGil - 0.2
p.m., and again from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m:
el voltage will be reduced five per cent.
A. five per cent reduction in. voltage
.1 distributed over• the Hydro system is •
equivalent to reducing approximately
1 500,000 kilowatts of electricity demand. That
r is the output of •a single Pickering reactor
and, if needed, is enough to meet the'elec-
I tricity needs of more than 180,000 homes.
• Data collected from this test will also help ''
Hydro ' locate and resolve potential
operating 'or customer problems:-
JOIN a professional team marketing the lastest grow•
ing ;Registered Education Savings Pions. Immediate
openings in this region. •Exceptional Earning Poten•
tial 'Complete Training •True Business Ownership
•Advancement opportunity. For "more information
(416) 363.5231. University Scholarships of Canada, 67
Richmond St.. W. • Suite 207; Toronto, Ont.,M5H'
'I,ZS; - 0.2 •
NEW YEAR .., NEW OPPORTUNITY, For licensed Life.or
disability agents • • brokers. An expanding life
brokerage company established throughout'Ontorio'
'have positions available. We offer • excellent range
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Experience Europe's intensive farming first hand or
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Diiid«i, Cirtiorio 514.M3.1465' 0•?'•
highest commissions, get your set FREE under Sales
ptorfi No canvossing, <or helpful Phon• (416) 534.8168
or (705) 673.7001 • 0.2 ,
DATES GALORE For till oges & unattached. Thousands
of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquoin•
tances call toll free 1.800.263.9163, Hours noon till 8
pm. -0.2
B,C.'is looking for anyonewho'was born'or worked at
RCH Don Van Keeken, 260 Sherbrooke SI., New,
Westminster. B.C. V31.3M2. 0•2
UNATTACHED? Meet someone'niceby phone or cor-
respondence. Free Bulletin! Write Barb; Box 2246-A,
Sudbury, P3A 451, Please stole age, Write today. Our
Twelfth Successful Yeor, 0.2
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non. iY meals at 5• resorts, Jon, & Feb, 87.. (705)
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day June 26, 1987 to Sunday June 28th, If you attended
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FARMERS WANTED who ore paying too much lax or
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LSoitorTR 527.0240 ' M11chi11 148.8431
+ Imoee, x� .own
WI meeting
The Dungannon Women's Institute met
on January 8 at the home ` of Willetta
The meeting opened' with President
Elmina Finnigan in the chair and the sing-
ing of the Opening Ode and the repeating of
the Mary Stewart collect. •
• " The roll call Was answered by an article
used in a pioneer • kitchen: " Some .in-
teresting answers were apple peeler,
water pail and dipper; cream whipper and
many•more. '
Minutes of the November and December
meetings were read. Donations were
made to "The Homebound" in both
Wingham and Clinton, the Butler project,
the •shut-ins and -a Brookside' scholarship
fund. •
The December meeting was held at the
Candlelight Restaurant and was enjoyed
by all members and friends. Myrtle Keur
and Ruth Freeland gave a very interesting
talk on. their trip to England, Iceland and
Scotland. They showed pictures and some
keepsakes they brought home. -At this
meeting the ticket for the quilt was drawn
and the winner was Dorothy Harris. ,
Thank -you notes were received from
members who received; Christmas cards
and gifts; The Christmas Bureau, and The
Family affairs convenor Robertar Lin -
skill gave the motto. Peg Purdon read
from the Reader's Digest followed by a'
film on life and diet.
, The February meeting will be held at
Bluewater Centre, an institution for young
offenders. ' • '
The meeting closed with the singing of
The Queen and the Institute Grace.
Shawn and Laurie are delighted to an-
nounce the birth of their first -child, a
daughter, Angela Colleen, 7 lbs. 15 ozs. on
January 11, 1987. Proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gibson, Point Clark and
Mrs. Marg Dalton, Kingsbridge. Proud
great grandparents are Mrs. Esther Gibson,
Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Mac Boyd,
Kincardine. '
Anjanda is happy to announce the arrival of
her new baby sister, Nicole Violet, born
January 5, 1987, weighing 7 lbs. 3'k ozs. Pro-
ud parents are Larry and Kelly Brindley.
Grandparents are Len and Vi Brindley and
Jerry and Sharon Weaver. '
Jackie and Brian are proud to announce the
safe arrival of their first child, Laura
Danielle, born January 10, 1987 at 0039 hours
a.m. weighing 8 lbs., 11/ ozs. The first gran -
child for Leona and Joe Koene of Bayfield
and third grandchild for 'l'om Thompson
of Goderich and. Bitty Saxton of Idaho Falls.
i \ GLEN 4
Gord and Joanne 'are pleased to announce
the safe arrival' f Dawria Louise born on
Dec. 29, 1986 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don, weighing 7 lbs. 15 ozs. A baby sister for,
Adam, Brian, and Kathy. A new grand-
daughter for Mrs. Muriel Glen, RR 5 Clinton
and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wildgen, Goderich.