HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-14, Page 9RENOVATIONS.. �1 • EXTERIOR: • •Roofing •Siding •New' Additions •Eavestroughing •'•Fascia .Fencing •$iding• •Decks ' ` , •Soffits • -�' .INTERIORS: •Painting .Drywall •Woodworking .; ..••Complete Line of Marble Counter Tops, -Sinks and Whirlpools', Specializing in Kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale Vanities on display at Donna s Decorah ig 51 South St.. Goderich Reasonable Rates D & I 'ENTERPRISES 524-6257 LYNN LOWRY Farm Systems Ltd: - R.R.1 - Kincardine, Ont.. FOR ALL YOUR Manure`, ' Feed & Grain Handling Requirements • CALL 395-5286 Or see us in Amberley. We handle everything - Almost. i vGODERICH SIGNAL-STAR,_WEUNESDAY, JANUARY I4,_1987—PAGE 9 26. Help Wanted I26. Help Wanted 5onessga College CONTINUING EDUCATION CLINTON CAMPUS . .requires Clerk General We require a responsible individual to perform avariety of clerical functions at our Clin- ton catnpus. Duties will include; -Responding to inquiries about College programs and courses. -Registering pontinuing Education and Employer Centered Training students, , by mall and In person. -Maintaining bookstore, inciuding'preparation of Inventory and journal entries. -Balancing cash and preparation of related reports. -Preparation and maintenance of a variety of Continuing Education documents. -Typing, filing, preparation, of payroll documents. Applicants must have previous ,experience in an office environment, preferrably deal- ing•with.the public and handling cash. The Incumbent should be familiar with Inventory procedures, possess a typing speed of at least 50 words per minute and be able to work with minimal supervision. Excellent human relations, communication and organizational skills are also requirements of this position. The hours of work for this position are 12 noon to 8:30 p.m'Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Friday. t . The start rate for this 35 hour per week position Is 9.5.5, per hour. Interested persons should forward a letter of application together with a current resume to: PERSONNEL OFFICER 299 DOON VALLEY DRIVE KITCHENER, ONTARIO N2G 4M4 .• COMPETITION NUMBER 86-125 Closing date is Wednesday, January 28, 1987. WE ARE AN EQUAL 'OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. AUTO PARTS SALES A' growth -opportunity, competitive_wages-and full benefit package including profit shoring, Ex• perience required. Contact •Dave o•r, Ted 524.2121.---02ar BABYSITTER required immediately, preferably my'home. Please call 524.4957,—'02 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now 1s the time to train for • your class "A" license. For pre.screenlnO infer - view and lob placement Information contact: Mery Orr's Group, 1400.2654260 27. Wanted .General WANTED • Home crafters, artists, wood crafters, etc., to supply a gift boutique. For further infor- motion, call or 'write 519-368-5311, The Right Touch, Box 1.49,Tiverton, Ont. NOG 2T0.-02,03 WANTED: French packages for a VIC 20,' Call '529-7028 after 6.p.m.--02tfnx , 28. Business Opportunity 129: Tenders , 1 MINISTRY- OF HOUSING HURON .COUNTY • HOUSING AUTHORITY • P.Q. (H.C.) 87-01 To provide Move -Out Clean- ing' on an "as and when re- quired basis following a rotation system established by Huron County Housing , Authority: Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January„21, 1987 by the Huron County, Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Onttarlo. N7A 1MS, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may' be obtained, quoting reference number as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDERS NOT. NECESSARILY-ACttEPTED. QUOTATION LIST REQUESTS The Huron County Board' of Education, will receive requests for placement on their quotation lists for the period of January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987, from all Interested parties handling such equipment and'/or supplies of a type thrtt would be complementary to those areas listed below: Audio Visual Custodial , Computers & Software Duplicating & Copying Family Studies Fuel OiI Supplies General Classroom General Office Industrial Arts Supplies & Equipment Library Equipment Lighting Maintenance Supplies Office, Library & Classroom Furnishings Physical Education" Stege Equipment-&- Lighting-'� Typewriters & Calculators Letters of request must be received no later than Friday, February 13, 1987. Please direct inquiries to: R. McGee, Purchasing Manager (519) 482-3496 The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert . Street Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 �? A. Clark R.B. Allan Chairmen ° ` Olrtectot ONLY Y CLAN GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY' P.Q. (H.C.) 87-05 To provide Appliance Repair Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis follow - Ing a rotation•system estab- lished by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time,' Wednes- day, January ednesday,-January 21,-1987 by the Huron Comity Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (S19) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be 'obtained, quoting referencemumber as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. �evr s��i VY1 wap • mething You' Have For Something You Want Sample Swaps: •babysitting for shopping •a riding lawn mower for a snowblower •downhill skis for cross country ski package *auto mechanical mechanical services to someone who will snowblow lane for the winter For 'More Information CaII Theresa at 524-2614 SWAP SHOP 29. Tenders MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY -S.F.T. (H.C.) 8i-01 For .the Preventive Maintenance and Testing of Fire. Alarms, Emergency Liight- .ding and Related Equipment in Ontario Housing Corporation Buildings at locations detail- ed on the -appendix of the Tender. Tenders will be received for the above Until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January 21, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich,Ontario. N7A 1M5, . (519) 524-2637 from whom details and :specifications may be obtained, - quoting reference number as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY. ' HOUSING- AUTHORITY P.Q. (H.C.) 87-02 To provide Plumbing.` •Heating, Dra1n7Ege Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis follow- Ing;a 'rotation system estab- lished by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January 21, 1987by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637,from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT,NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 31. Service Directory • MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING -AUTHORITY PA. (H.C.) 87-04 , To provide Electrical Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis follow- ing a rotation system estab- •llshed by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be 'received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January 21, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. ,LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.O. (H.C.) 87-03 To provide General Building Maintenance on en "as and when required" basis follow- ing a rotation systeni estab- lished by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00iir. local time, Wlaxflnes- day, January 21. 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square. Goderich Ont.rlo. N7A 1MS, (519) -524 -2137 -from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference nwnber as about. LOWEST de ANY TENDER I4QT NECISsAR1U ACCEPTED. FOR YOUR, carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 565.2638. Free estimates,>_02tfar MASONRY stone and carpentry work. Specializ• ing in brick pointing and chimney building. • Free estimates, For information call Stan Kirkham 482•5305,---03tfar CUSTOM BACRHOEING.,• drain •repair. erosion control, cellar drains, laser, Coll Frank Postill 482.9101,--15tfar HURON•BRUCE TUTORING Services All. subjects: Kindergarten toGrade XIII, Qualified teachers. Phone 529.76534 *(ter 9 p:m. 3891ar STEVE'S CARPENTRY 524-4454 after 6:00 p.m. •12 years experience Additions, Renovations, etc. FREE ESTIMATES References Availahle No Job too Big or Small L31. Service Directory ARE YOU THINKING. OF BUILDING? UOr)! GIJ SERVICES INC. Can help you•with their services • Home Planning • Creative Design Drafting Consulting P.O. Box 11 , Auburn, Ont. Phone 526-7507 31. Service Directory DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Monday - Friday 8, am - 5, prim ..._. Open Weekends by Appointment HORST Feige D.T. GODERICH " 58 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 _ 6655 Neustadt (519) -7818 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 JOHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION •New Construction •Replacement Windows • Renovations and doors • Decks , •Rooling •Patios „ •Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years Albert after. 6 p.m ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St., E. Goderich 524-2645 • BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING 5 -radio dispatch Trucks Commercial -Residential -Parking Lots 524-2645 Complete Construction" • •Custom Building •Additions•Renovations- •Roofing•Siding `'' •Form Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 15 minute OiI Change Quaker State Motor Oil From Filters 50 Picton St. '524=7400 Goderich DRAPERIES UNLIMITED Cuslorn Draperies •- j Balloon Shades '•. \\�\ `t 1 Valances' •, . /'' Venetians•Verticals /7 Roller Shades \1 ' ' Free Estimates - No Obligation .` ii �, Maxine Murray hii Shop al Home Se(vt(( tau 524-232 Proprietor Dal or Evening 1 1 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping" Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements • Ledger Controls Tax Preparation A11 or ln-Part GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small FREE ESTIMATES•524-2421 BUDNY STUDIO & FRAME SHOP M 11111, you nes it - mNr16 It Custeet Fremfi g, Mat Cutting, Pt"toir•Oriti Prints as d Feb. 1st We wit be moving to 114 The Square MIA Victoria St., N. (Hwy. 11) lioder'kh" 5114-110111 Worse* Bros.) . H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 13 years' PHONE Clinton Seaforth 482.3320 327.02.4 NEED WORK DONE? •Renovations •Roofing• •Siding •Dry Wall • and all Repairs FREE' ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 NEW CONSTRUCTION or RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the building trade. 'WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION 524-6637 Goderich KENN CGNSTRUC�toN —r BOOK NOW FOR, SNOW • - PLOWING AND BLOWING Guaranteed price per month or per' call. PHONE: 524=9522' EVENINGS: Phone 524-7243 SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN; CENTRE CULBERT INSULATION Sprayed ori Urethane Foam Agricultural. Industrial" . • Residential, Commercial , FREE ESTIMATES R.R. J q. 6 Goderich 529-7571 We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524-9804 - BLUE HORIZON • POOLS'& SPAS 2 Mlles East of Goderich • APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for ail ' *WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN •AOMIR AL •SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT , Appllancos HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HE/ TING LTD. 35 Kingston St. cGbbdderich 134. Personal IS ALCOHOL. a problem in your family? Al•Anon con help For time, of meetings call • 524.6001, 414fnx „1, 3SNotice-to-Creditors - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors and all others having a'claim against the Estate of Rena Watson also known as Lu• cienne Watson late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron who died on or about the 3rd day of November 1986 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before Januory_31 st 1987 ' • - After thot date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersign• ed shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim ' they shall not then have notice ' . DATED at Goderth Ontario this 23rd day of December 1986 Messrs Troyan 8 Fincher Barristers and Solicitors I Nelson Street East Goderich; Ontario N7A 3Y5 Solicitors for the Estate 534)2 - PIANO TUNING a LESSONS DAVE-MdEE CALL 524-7774 Wvens ISC JOCKEY SERVICE 1 as Ii r .a. tel Country Gold & Rock n Roll DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDOINGS°DANCES ANNIVERSARIES' PARTIES ETC 10 yrs. experience No rnlleage charge' BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN PETER WILD late of the Town of Goderich in .the County of Huron Retired Farmer deceased MI persons having cklims against the Estate of the -above nnmed who died on the bth ddy of-Oc - sober 1986 are required to file full particulars thereof with the imdersigned on or before the 18th day of February 1987 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to , the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice Dated this 22nd day of .December 1986 • E B'Me'rtl0S;OC Barristers and Solicitors Box 68 ,Clinton Ontario ' NOM/ILO, Solicitor Iar the Executrix.' 53.02 GAS BAR-& CAR -WASH FOR LEASE on a commission basis in Kincardine area. Applicant must have excellent credit rating and be able to supply letter of credit. PLEASE CALL COLLECT 416.668.3381 Wed. -Fri., Jan. 14-16 Between 8:30-11 a.m. & 1-5 p.m. DX OIL COMPANY Attention: Mr. A.G. Misuraca Training ayallable. Equal.opportuni- ty employer. 129: Tenders , 1 MINISTRY- OF HOUSING HURON .COUNTY • HOUSING AUTHORITY • P.Q. (H.C.) 87-01 To provide Move -Out Clean- ing' on an "as and when re- quired basis following a rotation system established by Huron County Housing , Authority: Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January„21, 1987 by the Huron County, Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Onttarlo. N7A 1MS, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may' be obtained, quoting reference number as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDERS NOT. NECESSARILY-ACttEPTED. QUOTATION LIST REQUESTS The Huron County Board' of Education, will receive requests for placement on their quotation lists for the period of January 1, 1987 to December 31, 1987, from all Interested parties handling such equipment and'/or supplies of a type thrtt would be complementary to those areas listed below: Audio Visual Custodial , Computers & Software Duplicating & Copying Family Studies Fuel OiI Supplies General Classroom General Office Industrial Arts Supplies & Equipment Library Equipment Lighting Maintenance Supplies Office, Library & Classroom Furnishings Physical Education" Stege Equipment-&- Lighting-'� Typewriters & Calculators Letters of request must be received no later than Friday, February 13, 1987. Please direct inquiries to: R. McGee, Purchasing Manager (519) 482-3496 The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert . Street Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0 �? A. Clark R.B. Allan Chairmen ° ` Olrtectot ONLY Y CLAN GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY' P.Q. (H.C.) 87-05 To provide Appliance Repair Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis follow - Ing a rotation•system estab- lished by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time,' Wednes- day, January ednesday,-January 21,-1987 by the Huron Comity Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (S19) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be 'obtained, quoting referencemumber as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. �evr s��i VY1 wap • mething You' Have For Something You Want Sample Swaps: •babysitting for shopping •a riding lawn mower for a snowblower •downhill skis for cross country ski package *auto mechanical mechanical services to someone who will snowblow lane for the winter For 'More Information CaII Theresa at 524-2614 SWAP SHOP 29. Tenders MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY -S.F.T. (H.C.) 8i-01 For .the Preventive Maintenance and Testing of Fire. Alarms, Emergency Liight- .ding and Related Equipment in Ontario Housing Corporation Buildings at locations detail- ed on the -appendix of the Tender. Tenders will be received for the above Until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January 21, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich,Ontario. N7A 1M5, . (519) 524-2637 from whom details and :specifications may be obtained, - quoting reference number as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY. ' HOUSING- AUTHORITY P.Q. (H.C.) 87-02 To provide Plumbing.` •Heating, Dra1n7Ege Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis follow- Ing;a 'rotation system estab- lished by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January 21, 1987by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637,from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT,NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 31. Service Directory • MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING -AUTHORITY PA. (H.C.) 87-04 , To provide Electrical Maintenance on an "as and when required" basis follow- ing a rotation system estab- •llshed by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be 'received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednes- day, January 21, 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. ,LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.O. (H.C.) 87-03 To provide General Building Maintenance on en "as and when required" basis follow- ing a rotation systeni estab- lished by Huron County Housing Authority. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00iir. local time, Wlaxflnes- day, January 21. 1987 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square. Goderich Ont.rlo. N7A 1MS, (519) -524 -2137 -from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference nwnber as about. LOWEST de ANY TENDER I4QT NECISsAR1U ACCEPTED. FOR YOUR, carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 565.2638. Free estimates,>_02tfar MASONRY stone and carpentry work. Specializ• ing in brick pointing and chimney building. • Free estimates, For information call Stan Kirkham 482•5305,---03tfar CUSTOM BACRHOEING.,• drain •repair. erosion control, cellar drains, laser, Coll Frank Postill 482.9101,--15tfar HURON•BRUCE TUTORING Services All. subjects: Kindergarten toGrade XIII, Qualified teachers. Phone 529.76534 *(ter 9 p:m. 3891ar STEVE'S CARPENTRY 524-4454 after 6:00 p.m. •12 years experience Additions, Renovations, etc. FREE ESTIMATES References Availahle No Job too Big or Small L31. Service Directory ARE YOU THINKING. OF BUILDING? UOr)! GIJ SERVICES INC. Can help you•with their services • Home Planning • Creative Design Drafting Consulting P.O. Box 11 , Auburn, Ont. Phone 526-7507 31. Service Directory DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Monday - Friday 8, am - 5, prim ..._. Open Weekends by Appointment HORST Feige D.T. GODERICH " 58 West Street Goderich (519) 524-6688 _ 6655 Neustadt (519) -7818 No Charge 1-800-265-7555 JOHN HICKEY CONSTRUCTION •New Construction •Replacement Windows • Renovations and doors • Decks , •Rooling •Patios „ •Sidewalks FREE ESTIMATES Licensed carpenter Port 529-7872 10 years Albert after. 6 p.m ART'S LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE 166 Bennett St., E. Goderich 524-2645 • BOOK NOW FOR SNOW PLOWING 5 -radio dispatch Trucks Commercial -Residential -Parking Lots 524-2645 Complete Construction" • •Custom Building •Additions•Renovations- •Roofing•Siding `'' •Form Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 15 minute OiI Change Quaker State Motor Oil From Filters 50 Picton St. '524=7400 Goderich DRAPERIES UNLIMITED Cuslorn Draperies •- j Balloon Shades '•. \\�\ `t 1 Valances' •, . /'' Venetians•Verticals /7 Roller Shades \1 ' ' Free Estimates - No Obligation .` ii �, Maxine Murray hii Shop al Home Se(vt(( tau 524-232 Proprietor Dal or Evening 1 1 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping" Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial Statements • Ledger Controls Tax Preparation A11 or ln-Part GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small FREE ESTIMATES•524-2421 BUDNY STUDIO & FRAME SHOP M 11111, you nes it - mNr16 It Custeet Fremfi g, Mat Cutting, Pt"toir•Oriti Prints as d Feb. 1st We wit be moving to 114 The Square MIA Victoria St., N. (Hwy. 11) lioder'kh" 5114-110111 Worse* Bros.) . H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 13 years' PHONE Clinton Seaforth 482.3320 327.02.4 NEED WORK DONE? •Renovations •Roofing• •Siding •Dry Wall • and all Repairs FREE' ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 NEW CONSTRUCTION or RENOVATIONS 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE in all facets of the building trade. 'WE CARE ABOUT YOUR SATISFACTION 524-6637 Goderich KENN CGNSTRUC�toN —r BOOK NOW FOR, SNOW • - PLOWING AND BLOWING Guaranteed price per month or per' call. PHONE: 524=9522' EVENINGS: Phone 524-7243 SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN; CENTRE CULBERT INSULATION Sprayed ori Urethane Foam Agricultural. Industrial" . • Residential, Commercial , FREE ESTIMATES R.R. J q. 6 Goderich 529-7571 We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524-9804 - BLUE HORIZON • POOLS'& SPAS 2 Mlles East of Goderich • APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for ail ' *WHIRLPOOL •INGLIS •SPEED QUEEN •AOMIR AL •SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT , Appllancos HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HE/ TING LTD. 35 Kingston St. cGbbdderich 134. Personal IS ALCOHOL. a problem in your family? Al•Anon con help For time, of meetings call • 524.6001, 414fnx „1, 3SNotice-to-Creditors - NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors and all others having a'claim against the Estate of Rena Watson also known as Lu• cienne Watson late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron who died on or about the 3rd day of November 1986 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before Januory_31 st 1987 ' • - After thot date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersign• ed shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim ' they shall not then have notice ' . DATED at Goderth Ontario this 23rd day of December 1986 Messrs Troyan 8 Fincher Barristers and Solicitors I Nelson Street East Goderich; Ontario N7A 3Y5 Solicitors for the Estate 534)2 - PIANO TUNING a LESSONS DAVE-MdEE CALL 524-7774 Wvens ISC JOCKEY SERVICE 1 as Ii r .a. tel Country Gold & Rock n Roll DISCO POLKAS WALTZES GOOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDOINGS°DANCES ANNIVERSARIES' PARTIES ETC 10 yrs. experience No rnlleage charge' BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN PETER WILD late of the Town of Goderich in .the County of Huron Retired Farmer deceased MI persons having cklims against the Estate of the -above nnmed who died on the bth ddy of-Oc - sober 1986 are required to file full particulars thereof with the imdersigned on or before the 18th day of February 1987 after which date the assets will be distributed having regard only to , the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice Dated this 22nd day of .December 1986 • E B'Me'rtl0S;OC Barristers and Solicitors Box 68 ,Clinton Ontario ' NOM/ILO, Solicitor Iar the Executrix.' 53.02