HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-14, Page 8PAGE 8 I;UDERIcH SIGNAL-STAtt, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1987 Town & Country CLASSIFIED WANT A 19 CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: DEADLINES: - 1. Articles for Sale 9.. ,Automotive 16. For Rent, SATELLITE DISH 12 NOON TUESDAY, Too late to classify; ods will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publicotion. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: Lease To Own •Monthly Leasing Also Available •Easy Monthly Payments . L & A SOUTHWEST SATELLITE Sales &. Service - Call Day or Night 524-9595 '4.50 min. 22 words 206 ea`. additional word thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con• secutive insertions, '4,00 ea. 3 or more con secutive insertions' 3.50 ea, In Memoriam: "4,S0 min. plus 356 per line of rhymed verse, Cards of thanks: '4.50 min.'25 words plus 6c for each additional word. Public Notice: • '20. for 3 insertions, Notice to Creditors: '30, for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion, Drawer Number: '3. first wee -k.,'1, each additional week: Prompt Payment: 506 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase. or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at • 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates available on request. I IT'S EASY! Not all cars nee a "TIMIE-UP" Computer Engine Analysis To place your hard hitting Classified' ad PHONE OR'VISIT OUR OFFICE:. MONDAY'- FRIDAY 8:30 AM= 5:00 PM 524-2614 Address .moil correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - star. P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4B6 1. Articles for AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits: Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank: Available at Hoff-' meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston °Street, Goderich. 524.7861; 1 tfar • PCMK Safe• -loon and healthy by the half or' whole. No ant,biotiCs ' or growth promotants in ' feed. • Naturally Pigs 529.7761. 49tfar• WELL`seasoned firewood firewood 4 x 4 x 8 cord. 5140.00 "' All wood seasoned over 3 years. Phone 482.:7594, ' S2-7 • INGLIS WAS* 5275.00. INGLIS DRYER 5.175.00. ;Good condition. Phone 565.5277.•-•O1 tf PIONEER P41 chain saw 5325.00: Gooey 22 semi. with 4X Bushnell Bonner scope F:A.C, required 5100 00 both excellent 524-4363. 01,02' • • GI 'TOASTER OVEN with'flip•top for worming. Like; ne'w, half price 560.00 or best„offer. Phone ' 1977 FORD° 4 X• • C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THE SAVES ,MONEY 1/2 mile south.on Hwy: 21. GODERICH • 524-7231 We even take trades 15. Cars `for -Sale • SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS Lawn and garden concrete, 'automotive, moving, painting clean, ing, sanders. 3 miles East of Kincardine ori Highway 9 Phone 395,2685 42tfar MOTORIZED woodsplitter 'for rent 54000 per `day, Phone 524.4877 after 6 p,rn, 42tfnx If your vehicle is running rough, you might not need a tune-up, Our eilperts'use the latest diagnostic equip- ment to test alt the engine's systems. The printout tells them and you - where the engine needs help to improve-itsperformance. You could save a lot of money, ' 95 Regular - t24.95 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with. " Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-6231 18.' Houses for Rent FOUR BEDROOM farmhous4 for rent near Goderich. Please call 524,2070 02,03 THREE BEDROOM mobile at Huron Haven Trailer . Pork Phone 524 7740 02 03 TWO BEDROOM house close to square, avulloble Immediately. Apply to "Rental••. P.0. Box 430 Goderich Ont. N7A 4C7„ 02 23. Commercial Property for Rent - Need something repaired? Bring it in! Reasonable rates. Layman 12ental :equipment 10'1 BAYFIEI1) RI)., GG1)1RICI1 524-2659 STORE of OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Hamilton Street, Goderich Cao 524-8735 1979, FIREBIRD Esprit, excellent condition. Coll ,5297571- "02ar 1977 TOYOTA Celica, 3 speed automatic, has summer and winter radials on rims, car •is in good running condition, body is reasonable. Sell- ing •as is $1495.00 or best offer.' Coll ' 524.4766. - •Ol tfnx • 1977 PONTIAC Ventura, 2 dr., V6 auto., 63,000 original miles, snows, excellent' condition; `cer• tified 524.4996: 01tf 1978 DODGE Diplomat, 2 dr.,- power 'steering, power brakes, 318 V8 i auto ,;.runs good,' ^s Is 51.000.00 or best offer 529•7801;' 01,02 TWO 1974 900 Z1 Kawosakis., immaculate-condi• tion; 1978 Dodge shortbox Van. Best • offers. +" 524.800or 2 524 -47T33... -01,02x . , 1975 •MONZA ,V8, good shape,. best offer, 524.8198 after 6' p m. •01 tfnx , • 1979,CHEVETTE, 4 cyl., 4 door 51800.00 or best offer. Call between 8 a.rn, , 5, - p.m. 524.6688.-.01,02 , • - 1985 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 door, 5 speed, 40,000 km, phone 482.3455. °-02x 1980- AMC CONCORD DI, •loaded, Phone` 526.7523.• 02;03 • ° 1974 VEGA Hatchback, good running order, good tires Phone 524 9408 •02 1980 MAZDA 4 cylinder 5 speed in good condi• 'tion, low mileage. '52300.00 certified. Phone, 524.7138. 4. 02 x 1979 COUGAR XR7, two door, `smolt V8, new tires, low rxlileage; 51,000,00. 524-4528. -02,03 6. Trucks for Sale • 524 6989, :' 02 1973 SNO•JET .Snowmobile: excellent Yamaha 338.,motor, good condition throughout, new run-' +hers, rebuilt seat. Serious offers only, $500.00 firm. Beach 'wood cook stove, 5100,00. Phone' 524.2275, 02 ` SEARS CRAFTSMAN snowblower, 3 h.p.. 5100.00 or hest offer. Phone 524.4694 after 5,30. '02, • TICKETS TO Yehudi Menuhin in concert -with War- saw Sirnfonia"Two"excellent seats, Wedne§day, February 4;' 8 p.rn., Centre In The Square. Kit• chener 524.8024 Ci LADY S read leather coat' with fur collar size 12.14„ 8 track player with speaker: Phone 524.9051 02x " SAVE $5.00 CANADIAN TIRE, GORERICH 524.2121 J BATTERIES BATTERIES .BATTERIES *ALL TYPES *ALL SIZES BEST PRICES •COMPARE .4111. ANYWHERE!' 4i iii" %Rental holiday rent•a•car system We have a full line of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS •WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE •12 or 20 FT. MOVING VANS AVAILABLE 25. Wanted to Buy $2495 INCLUDING 100 KM Free on cars only STFOCKLANDS 344 Huron Rd., Goderich ' 524-8311 OPEN DAILY 8-5 SATURDAY 8-12 EDWARD FUELS ANGLESEA ST., GODERICH JUST PAST CASHWAY LUMBER 524-8386 17. Apartments -for Rent' $ $ $ $- CASH „PAID. for Antiques,,complete or partial estates, 'dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture, etc. Call. Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 MOD' • ):RN apartments "carpeted„ throughout. Phone 529-7888.• - 38tfor• • TWO BEDROh, S6f tfotd Apts.,- 5260.00 per • mO onth plus utilities, ,fridge and stove included, Cell '524.21 1 1 , ',45t1 GROUND FLOOR, one` bedroom apartment, adoltsno pets„ Call 524.2111. 47tf TWO BEDROOM apartment like new throughout., "•Main " Street, Blyth`. References. - Phone 10, Pets for" Sale FOR SALE. one chocolate point Siame o,cat and four Siamese kittens. Phone 529-7382. 02nx " ONE OR TWO liedroom••apartrrient. Jik"e new,:_ central location, Clinton. References. Phone ,482.9210.- • 47tfar • FREE TO GOOD HOME --,Two year old male] grey, tabby cat urgently needs h'o'me (abpndoned`by" owners when they . moved away). Phone •• 529 3159, 02 ' ton truck, Call 529.7571. --02or 1979FORD' 4 x„4 new tires, new brakes, new rod, with' plough , attachment, Best offer, 524-6205 or evenings 524.2856. 02,03 COMPUTERS Soles and 'servile,. accessories, -" monitors,' printers, paper, boos and magazines, C W COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 732 Queen Street„ Kincardine, 1 -396.31 14, 17tfar ACCORDION Scandelli. white pearl 120 bass. 5 ,switch "treble fpp`r'ciTsed.`-af""5450.00: "Phone-' 524 6623.' 011fnx TECHNICS 'portable stereo 60 watts; r.m_s,,, music scorch 7 band equalizer ' Dolby NJ?, S400 00.7 Phone 529.7974. 02,03nx •- SET OF FOUR Uniroyal Tiger Paw all season tires for rale,} P205 75 Fly 5350.00. one Dune Buggy needs work 5150,00. Phone 524.6946., 02x TRENCH Provincial chesterfield and chair green 'ripest'y priced reasonable three slider win• dews double paries with hardware excellent cirnditton 5242960 02. VIKING two door refrigerator, and 30" General Electric stove white. Phone 524.4820 after 5:30 . p rn 02 BOY 5 SKATES sizes 2 5;rnd 6 'Coll 524-6547 after 5 02 REf.ISTERED ' rt DIAMOND for. sole 5925 00 retail will sell for '5615 00 Phone 579 7286 49t1 - " GENERAL Instrtirneet 10 It mesh satellite dish rind equipment for sole Call 524 4243 anytime 44tfnx • CALLING ALL PORTABLE KEROSENE HEATER OWNERS Come in and pick up your SPORTS r RECREATION CENTRE OUIPMENT 7 classifications fAl,.,, 11• MFiRKET. 7A. For Sale General '7B. Wanted To Buy 7C, Wanted To Rent 7D. Bicycles 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7J. Service, Parts & Repairs _ 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies 7A-.--For-'"Sale General. •154 NELSON" Street East opartmenrs' Gdderi'ch; now taking appfwkat.ions for ono bedroom apart- rnent, available February 1st. Phone•'.. 523.4525, 51 tf BENNETT APARTMENTS now taking applications • for srnall,,,one bedroom apartment available first Week ,of January, and two bedroom apartment.. nvnilnhle mid January utilities paid, Phone 11 classifications 524-6653,,. «--, • 11A. For Sale General, 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. 'Livestock 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 11A. For Sale General TWO BEDROOM upper' floor. Appliances includ- ed, available February 1st. Not suited for pets or children, Phone '524-2246, 02 , ' • TWO BEDROOM apartment. in Goderich, near Schools, available,' February 1st. 5425,00 in. eluding utilities, References required. Apply to Draw N6. 74 ,c o Signal -Star P,0. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486, 01,02 • "ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, fridge and • stove included, located 'on Square. available February 1." Apply to Drawer No. 77, c o Signal - Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont, N7A 486. 01 ,02or ONE SET of nylon race harness slightly used, also •new set of hopples. asking 5475,00.: Phone' 1.527.0497. 02x. 11J. For Rent • , GUN SALE - • January Clearance on all guns. scopes and ammunition, Lake Huron Rod ani Gun 368.7182, Open seven days. • 01.04 a 7F. Snowmobiles & equipment FARM LAND`'')o'lease approximately 90'acres in • part Lot 8, Conc, 1, Goderich Twp., just south of town. Phone collect 1.433.6131„ 52-04x 12. Real Estate for Sale 1974 SNO JET with 433 •Yamaho'engine new car• buretor kit, .asking 5600,00. " Phone 524.6653. 53t1 ' 1979 ARCTIC . Cat Linx 5500.00, Phone 524.4884. 02:03 . '1976 ARCTIC Cat Jog 2000 excellent condition, asking 5795 00 Phone 526.7759, 02 FOR SALE 1980 John Deere Spitfire{ 340 with ' cover and helmet Excellent conditio\ Phone 524:9178, 02x , • 1976 RUPP snowmobile 400 Nitro, new track in good condition 529;7864.' 02,03 8. Computers Videos etc. • AUTO BODY SHOP, tools and equipment in. cluding' 5 h,p.. Devilis compressor," like new, Lin• coln 'arch welder, spra equipment: air powe'r'ed tools, hard tools. lacks, etc. To obtain list or to inspect contact Edward Fuels;, 202 Anglesea Si. Goderich 524.8386.. 01,02ar • GUN SALE • . January Clearance on all guns, scopes and ammunition Lake Huron ,,Rod and Gun 3687182. Open,7 %toys 01-04 9. Automotive NEW HOMES FOR SALE (Huron Contractors) TWO BEDROOM. (rpstarrs apartment close to Square. Call after 6.00 , -p.m, .. Phone 524.4948. " 01.03 , ' CLEAN, one bedroom upper apartment one block from Square Goderich, Call 565.2955. 01,02 BACHELOR apartment ';for rent in Goderich. 5240,00 per month plus heat and hydro. Call 524-7605. 02;03" ' ONE BEDROOM apartment near lake, carpeted„ including utilities, references, ' available February 1, Apply to Drawer No, 78, c o Signal. Star, Box 220, Goderich. Ont. N7A 486. 02tf ONE BEDROOM apartment, for rent available January 15. Coll 524.9147. 02n x GROUND FLOOR three bedroom apartment for ,rent, Fridge and' stove included 5340.00 per month plus utilities„ available immediately;, Phone 524-4966 after 6 p m" 02 *BENNETT ST. W., 3 bedroom back split, carpet, 2 baths, finished recreation room, 2000 sq. ft. living area plus basement. Deady to move into, *OXFORD ST., '2 bedroom bungalow, carpet, ' large kitchen & dinette, BULK KERO$ENE FINE=ST "1-K" QUALITY •Any Quantity •Check'outllour •Cana & Drums supply of Manual Available & Auto Pumps OPEI4 agar ws k CHEVY engine 350 C I Super T 10 4 gear transmission, clutch, mounts etc, Coll 524-2924 (days) for complete list or perfo mance ports in. eluded A steal for i1000.00 c plete Can be heard running till end of the m th 02x ri. CALL NOW FURNISHED bachelor' apartment. references re• quired. Phone 5242902. 02 03 ATTRACTIVE spacious upstairs heated 2 bedroom apartment close to The Square, Fridge and stove included, not suitable for childrenr pets. Available March 1st, 524-8837 (mornings) 02 03 GARDINER'S MOTEL Offseason rates week• ly monthly. Fridges and stove?,, all utilities in. eluded 524-7302.- 02tfar 2$6-42'30 13. Mobile Homes 5ATIONDOI♦1;1 1 ANGLESEA ST . GODERICH JUST PAST CASH1rtii1Y LUMBER 524-8386 "Advertising helps good things happen. PINEVIEW MOBILE Home Park, Grand Bend • Adult Pork with homes for sale on tots, and lots available: Rent 59900 monthly; will buy used mobile homes. 14' ft, width olnly 238.5584 or 243.2294, 02.12 I16. For'•Rent • MOTORIZED wood splitter 525.00 per day calf 524.8110 after 4 p m, 43tfnx 18. Houses ,for Rent 126. Help Wanted REL'IABLE.'caring person for occasional sitting (Saturdays, some„evenings) of 6 year old child, Could be suitable for student, transportation pro- vided if necessary 524.9304. '02 BABYSITTER required to care for three year' old, in` your home weekdays 9.4 Non smoker,pref r• red: Phone after 6 p.m, 524-7887`:- 02 LOOKING for kitchen help `and experienced waitress. Phone 524-8088.' 02;03 - GROWING LOCAL business requires driver. with a.Cfoss D licence, -Farm, background is on asset, Excellent opportunity for a farmer who is looking for. off•farm em'ployment.; Looking for responsi;" ble person with clean dri:ang•record. Send op• plication` with resume -,ta Drawer .No. 76, c o Signal -Star, Box• 220: G_odench 00, N7A 486,. 0.1,62x r .. .n. CASUAL 'par,.ftme studerit m:. -clod for, camera' store, Experience preferred. Appl•y,with resume to Foto Pros Suncoost Mall.; Goderich. 01,026r • FULL-TIME SMALL 'ENGINE' MECHANIC Experience with small engines Including chalnsaws, lawn i garden equipment Is required. Experience with agricultural. equipment would be an asset. Good benefit package Included; APPLY' IN WRITING TO: • - P.O. BOX .820 CLINTON, ONTARIO. NOM 1L0 Attention: Don Duff THREE BEDROOM bungalow •Ducharme Estates , a Bayfield. ' Available 1st of November. 236-4230. 44tfar • THREE BEDROOM house in Goderich', 2 baths fireplace in livirig room, dining room, available January 15, references, 482-5875 after 6.' 53tf ' TWO BEDROOM townhouse available March 1 or before.; Please call 524.2879. 53tfar THREE BEDROOM home close to schools, Square,. - fenced lot„ Reply to Drawer No, 75, c o Signal... Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486 01,02 THREE BEDROOM house in Goderich area, Phone 1235.2723 after 5 p.m, 01,02 • THREE BEDROOM home plus laundry roe ,. ten miles north of Goderich at Port Albert, 550.00 per month plus utilities, Available February 1, 1987:, 524.9016, 01 ' \, • TWO BEDROOM hb'use close to shopping, available immediately„ raferences required. 524.4226"after 6. 02x The Corporation of The Township of Colborne Requires an • Assistant Clerk -Treasurer The Township of Colborne is a predomi- niately rural municipality having a popula- tion of approx. 1,800, located lust go the north of the Town of Goderich in the Coun- ty of Huron. - This position reports to the Clerk -Treasurer, Duties include assistance in budget preparation, assistance w th financial management of thl municip lily: prepara- tion of bank reconciliations and regular financial reports: bookkeeping functions in- cluding cash receipts. accounts payable, taxes receivable, payroll and other financial- ly related duties and statutory duties • associate' with a rural municipal office. designation and completion of - Municipal Accounting Course or equivalent. or willingness to acquire this training will be an asset. Salary will be negotiated at time of interview --- There is a benefit package included. Applications marked confidential with detail- ed resume of experience. educational background and references will be receiv- e ed by the undersigned until 5:00 p m„ Tues- day, February 3, 1987. H. Milburn, Clerk Township of Colborne 11.11..,.,.. GQDERICH, Ontario N7A 3Y2 1 4