HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 77- -,1,011111111— ----�--- - --I I I - - , I - I I . .1 -11. - - - - I-- I - - � __ - _. - - � - , ___ - . - - , , , __ . . , , ", - .", I . -, , - , . - - - __ - - , - - , . , , . . , , - - , , ..... . - , � , - _ ., " , " � - 11 11 -1 11, �, - , " � " , � ",.�-,�--"-1'7�-"�""----�,�"-�7 7 � � I :. I , T i ,� I � -.--
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9 .*r+,1,-+++++*++++++ ,+++++ ........... �, """' SITUATION. IN C W *drwa . 0 00 Ou , , '' �
1 . ANTO . I BANGOR I'S . Al III . �
,1�r . . rn,% . . . I . I ,
� aft ftft 1 I . 1. . _. . I 'a. � ;�,
� : , �
I � arm anD ty L� . n ration' 9 , t EP L:��,,
�� I � : — f . OF THE NO rOR � I
I : * Desper Proper 'Three Are Qead .and Eight Miss- � I
I; � Wllv^ M0.1solib, Bank ** 9 ate Crisis Has Arisen In A",& .oss In Co flag
I I � I � � � I ;:� 11��
I Inoor crated 1800 4. chime,96 city, � I I 'I',
'It � 11 11 . .p $4000,000-00 + I Will Jae $6,000,000. Ing at Easton, Pa. � � I , i 9
CAPITAL (paidup). - � , . . . .111 ... ... I �._ �* I . . . a,rd 9 1 14 WOU 40 9 I �
�� . $4,400,000.00 - � 1. 'I U en 9 1 aererorft 011ad 410110 I 1�
1� RESERVE FUND .... .... .. � . . . . . .. . . . . I .". Disloyalty In the Oar d Hund Ity, to convert grass Into blob 141 I 1
� . rison. Is Feared ,reds of People Are Homeless art
. TOTAL ASSETS OVER .... .1'.. -.1 1$44,000,0?0,!� 1 1. =17_1 ' r �d .8pocial Train Oarry;ng SchoolmaFams . I r
I ____ �
, lb�ef. They mature at au earlier a
,� . If Those Who Are In Revolt Almost'Entire Business Section Is From Utica and Syracuse to W,Ish� � . f . I I � .
. I than other cattle.. Belxlgo the m
*,. Against j . I . .
1, ... 'Has 78 Branches in Oanada,aud Agents auaCorrespondents in 411 4 '� TREATMENT OF SEED CORN, Devastated by a Fire Which Start- ington Jump$ the Track and Ex� docile Of the bovinq ..
I the principal Cjbie�, in the World, I the Manchv Dynasty . - I 11
� ,j . species, they �1 9 1 .
� . ,,, f $hould Prove Victorious -Property` Proper, Methods, According to Wash- ed In a Hay $hod -Attempt to 9StOp ploding Oil Starts a Holocaust- on flesh more readily and g1vo, be .
eA ) A General Banking Business 'fransuded + I Destroyed By the ' Ington Authority on the Cereal. the Flames by Dynamiting Build. Fifty Are Injured - Fatal, Wreck results ,In feed, lots or pasture ,be L. I .11
� � ,; � I . + Revolutionaries .
I ,, o
19 and Several Off 14 f ,pastures I I I I I
. . $�I.i I Saving Bank Department * � I icials Killed. . ,4 .4rmers' bulletin No. 415, on ing Proves Fruitless. I . Occurs At Tampa, Fla. . thet represeutatlyes of any otl4er br ... I
' ,
I + � Seed Corn," 0. fl. Hartley, one of the I I
. I
1� � � 9 'Bangor, Me,, May I.-Pgroperty val- Easton. Pa., May I. -Three per . sons writes Overton Harris lu the,Bree . I I ,
. ' ' - UOng Xong, May I. -All advice$ corn expertsof the,Uulted Stat*de- Qw4otte. Being uniform In color. L ' � I
It , ,, th
. . . Highest, Current Rme§ . tied at upwards of $6,000,000 was dow at their lives eight axe missing, and �
�. . Interest allowed at + reaching here from Canton in(Peato a artment of agriculture, asserts that stroyed, hundreds m J ' .
A I � . At all Branches. N. .D. HURDON, Manager. + � P 1110 , .. 4ke market stock that catches I
9 9
1, �1, desperate condi in at of people wade �believed to be dead, and hall 0"Irun. eye , of th 1)0. L' L
. "*. Dickson & 0arlIng, Solicitors, I . + city. There ar tion of affairs t th the same day seed corn Is gathere .e yard buyer. . epo4 . I
.. ".,,.4-.I..t,--t,-,,,,-+-!-++-t-++-Ie++4-4-++++i'�'0+ + the walls, and great fi,,1*,r t,,1119t husked ears should be put in a dry place �&Y aft their flesh on those parts of the Jq q. , .
� I � 11 I + I soldlors w"Lli'll d the homeless and almost the entire busi- �dred others Were injured on $atux- .
� I 10,
I , th ele�% . , aess section of the city devastated . ernoon at Martin's Creek N J
. I ......... ".++ ... + ............ L . 1, " *1 tou fXOM which, the highest. PA
I . + main during the first six hours Of a con� in & " ., .
1, 9 . if� y these would prow. 01'1'1� 11 where there Is f -e circulation of air aagration which at midni � - i , �
� I - I I t I wreck of an excursion Train, 19. .1
� . I I — ared that thO rebt-N u-cro glit was still ring 170 school at& are cut, the back and ioiu, tilt. I
.1 �1 L . i . cam teachers and ,me I �
' .
"t" � about %Pg"a n . and placed In suet, a manner that the aging, although the firemen seemied I are specially popular with butoll '
1, � 4. -In- the upper hand ., � . friends from Udea aid Syracusei � I
.1 . The 111111 � N.Y., and vicinity to ZsWngton, for and killers, ' 4.� 91
119'.� , rebels axe strong,, ill I ,)or,, ears do not touch each other. This is !o be malting some headway. One life ; .
i.: , � ,
,�.:I" 1 H E CANADIAN BANK and have carried on their work oi the only safe procedure. The writer La known to have been lost, an un- a weeks outing. Since fat =4 lean are. blended In.*"; . I
� . L
I n fire. iteachers by the Delaware, Lackawan- � any other beef animal beef I
; They made an attack uioon the 70� because it was thought to be already Ma ror Mullen placed the city under 'i I I
, . destruction With fan, known man being ldlled by a falling The Zaln was one furnished the 11oreford carcass more evenly 6an. `
�! : �,�, atical bravery. has repeatedly seen good seed ruined. Wall after his clothing had take from le
�[ �, , �� � " I � 9 ,:� OF Cu'MMERCE ' 3 d the acel- has a juiciness a flavor and a ten '
11� . athered and that Itnaxtial rule. Portland, Lewiston, Au- .
. ) vincial arsenal, but were repulsed by 9 dry enough when 9, im Western Railroad, an
, I ". .� � I the troops under loyal officers, � Many Ident. occurred while it was traveling ' $
. 9: . n ot , I -
!� SIR EDMUND WALKER, O.V,O., LL.D., D.0,L., PRESIDENT of the revolutionists were killed, while gusta., Old Town, Brower and every, ;at, a high rate of speed over a stretch breed. Herefords are the klugs 0, 1,
. , ness not to be found In a
I , 99 1 . � . Some of them fled to tin unoccupied . Pther city and town within mch were of track controlled by the Pennsyl- justl6rs. Their record on the ra,ngeo,1 �
�,,�� Tice store and built a barricade with 11..-_.._ , asekd for help a -ad sent it. I van!& Railroad. The l4omot' * �
_,.. .,
. :...,.. . . . . . . �.. 111��X ; 1 �
i�, 1 1 ....�', K...�.:M.M .1 lve 3t'mV' of the west and their achievements -in! I
�_, . � " The fire started in the hay shed,of ed the track, the cars toppled over
., VA-PITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, - $7,000,000 hundreds of bags Of rice. The troops .. ..
� ,, corn belt pastures stamp them as the'
. � �. Frank GTeen. on Broad street aild and were set on fire by exploding ".. � 1. I � lw*
, found great difficulty in assaulting 9
1� * TRAVEMLEARS' CHEQUES the barricade, owing to bombs, which I In a short time was sweeping through, ,oil, the wrecked coaches having side- fittest of &V breeds to th,dve under a' . � 1 9,
,z ',..,,..!N the rebels threw with gre Ihe city in a northwesterly directi wiped an oil tank along the track I .
"v-" - . at accuracy. I on, 9
- ----"��q,-,="vsft,.-%-_ � '99'. ; � ".
't 4 tornado of flame beyond the power when they left the rails. I � "I :1 I �
J1*,..,1 Xssued by The Canadian Pank of Commerce are the most convenient Finally the store was set on fire, While .`,:�,:::j:,_..,. - Df the firemen to stay. 'The entire train Was quickly ea- ; � I i ;
. : I They are negotiable tile troops remained at some distance, 1. .. : _�&i� 9 1 . I
I form in wbich to carry money when travelling, .,I., � �
,� " , '05.g .1 .
�, �, I ":�:�;_;g,' Before midnight both. sides of Ex- veloped in flames and.opompletely,cpa. �
to Pick off those Who might seek to �g3;'M"".
everywhere, self -identifying, and the exact amount payable in the prin- -_ 01. 1 ".. "I""...", I . 1 .
� �rr . The 'ses,po the flames. Thirty or more of , I change street from York to State, sumed by the fire. The eight missing .11R..,.."-,-,.-",-! .1 :�
. 1: apal foreign count.ries is printed, on the face of every cheque, I rebels Were burned to death, while both , from Ken- persons, seven of Whom were Women z � . I
. �
9 .4,1 1 1�
11 I cheques are issued in denominations, of . others committed suicide with their . .duskeag Stream to Broadway, a eon-. and lived in Utica, are believed to %,� :
. 1. I 1 $1.0, $20, $50, $100 and $200 935 revolvers rather than be taken. - ....... 1.- ;1derable part of Central and Franklin � have burned to death in the wreck- I'# L ...
Z �
. . ttreets, nearly all of Park .-rtreet aizd age. The finding of charred bones led 41 9
. There has ,been a gathering at Can- ! Karlow street were in ruins, and the the railroad wrecking crews to the ;. , !" I I le
9 2nd may be obtained oil application at the Bank. " ten lately of those opposed tp the I I 11 I
. .. I � Rames had made inroads of nearly 2, .
f 4444 .. In connection with its Travellers' Cheques The Calhadian Bank of Manchu dynasty. A few days ago � . . . . . . . . , i .conclusions that they are dead. .1 I
, �V, . ", several hundred arrived from. Hong I � I haile into the be-st residential sqction I I I
A 9 Commerce has issued a booklet entitled I 'Infoirnation of Interest to those The most seriously injured were re- .
"I'll I �� � about to travel", which will, be sent free to anyone applying for it. Kong. The Plot to overturn the Gov. In Broadway, Centre and, Fiench moved to the Easton hospital, where � I I .
,1;111�1 ernment was betrayed and the leaders ... 9treets. two of them, Miss Eleanor Ruther- . I -1 �
� I � .1
* ��l , � 1. .9 One of the few buildings to escape hrd, a Utica tea-cher, and Charles M. 9 . I
, of the movement ui�ged the viceroy's .. 9 .
��,;? Exeter Brancb7z—W. H. .Collins Manager �. ile6truction was the City Hall. Person of Stroudsburg, Pa., a Penn- — - I . ,
-, �-,,) bodyguard to join forces and kill the This, 4
,,.�, . Branch also at Crediton, . ..-,.,,,,5- .--- - ,�
t��. . Manchus. This the bodyguard refus- J,9,:j..-,i;. kras in the direct path of the fire, but � Sylvania Railway conductor, died On �
M , " - -
", -
�...�, . ed to do, with ,the result that when ��_-.. , - I 1. ., .. _�- In some way the flames leaped over Saturday night, while W. M. Vanoy I �
"111; -_�� �__ ___ _.- the attack was made u on tile official ... I I � :: . It and it was hardly scorched- 'of TreAton, NJ., engineer of the train, The Hereford breed of beef cattle I �
. . . . . p , Is a prime favorite In the fV west �
�,, . residence of the viceroy a few days An ineffectual. attempt was made to ;succumbed early Sunday -m ' . I
'111 orning. _____�_
; , +++++-I-++ � and southwest on account of its su- I .
N . Church Direetory ago the revolutionists were routed. 4. Stay -the progress of the flames by dy- The physicians at the hospital said perior range qualities. Cattle rals- ! 19.
I .I. tiamiting several bl,ocks located in a 't era of Okkaboma, Texas, xansao, 1 I
r " -i + There are cettain bodies of troops . � hat mostot those in the hospital will . . I �
" I .1: � '" ...
�� I a _:�,-..:.... angle formed by Hammond and i jet well, Those :tlot ini-ared and Who Colorado and other range statip
J!".("" JAMES STREET WM,ch may be depended on not to _ ,,.,I '� � I ki
,i�, . * abandon ., .. X Central streets F P114 i :
" V and Kenduskeag .1were willing to return at once to their their faith to the WhIto facoo cat- I
,! the rulers to their fate, and 0e. The 11114W4.090 040wo 96& .
��,','�- - , : - - �:,:. ., Stream but the fire bridged the,chasm I homes, left Martin's Creek late SatqT- '!�.&Asft 19;
,-.4 TH � BUSIHOSS * METHODIST CHURCH all attempts by rerbels to induce them . ; I �
. 1. ,, �. . 4"'SID, who -_ ,
I' to join in the movement have been . , d I., 11 -_ - _. and continued with unabated fury. I day night. aj"J - - .enior yearling i I I
�I "'Orla '* Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor I . . eford to- . . I I
+ I futile. But the -rebels, working to- I Help from outside cities began to, The cause of the wrec1c has not v-1, - .rond, champion Her I
� . m�. gether in a well -devised plan, 'h,,IVe ED311AL 3=11OD OF TUBATINq IM -1p nolix 6rrive soon after nine o'clock, the Au- � ,en ascertained. Tha, -'- � .. male at the international live stock. , . �
�� * Sunday Public Worship -10-30 a. , , I e show, Chicago. .e
i,i �- + succe gust A to: ' � " g.:
96 "' . t�s d . ` 6 a'ocidea�t 'n�urred had been url I I �
V1 and 7 p.m. eded in doing much damage to (From bulletin of United Sta� a depaztment being the :ftr it ,-ace wher
Is caliij�F you, why not pre- + epart- 9. 1- -_ - - -- , i
Property, in addition to killi . i arrive. IdergOil" -rep ' and unfinishe(l worx I I
I Class Serviee-Sanday 0.80 a.m. and ng some ment of agriclilture,j I
. Ide variety of conditions, Sin .
pare now? The leading mer- of the offici,als. The family of the hay h- air's wl I
I ,cantile houses of Can ada and af ter Morning flerviee and Wedncz�- w ' ave been responsible for the ce thei
� 1! , I
I [� day night. viceroy .is now living on a gunboat." the preenution mentioned above was TELEGRAPH!(? PF!1EFq1 �rain leaving the track.. lead all breeds in rustling qualities i1i
191 tes jecongnizes our � nes '
1 r United Sta, Wil Sum, a Chi e, who was edu- unne'ceqsary. Many farmers believe I Vice -President Sherman was to Is natural that they should also stand I
� , r 10r, I efficieficy. �4 Ac a� ,* Yaung.'Uen'o Wam %nd Gakasvhawl'�-k` cated in Japan, and wears European that their autumng are so dry that Calgary announces that it will spend I have given a reception for the,teach- first as regards health, constitution,'
il Sunday At It D,aL I . I lers in Washington and it -was report- .
� , clothes, is the leader of the movement. such care is superfluous. Seed vigor and prepotency.
I'' The Suotfon Busines's , 11 Suliday .'Sohool and 131ble Vlaa"a 2A0 corn in $1,000,000 in, paving and grading its Essentially au,
. I Both he and his ,confederates came every locality gathered at ripening I outdoor breed, Herefords r t I
. DIM I streets during the present 7ear. $ad.he was oil the ill-fated train. Later, a, e hj� .
� �
. to Canton from Singapore. While the William lLarga of Arni fh S Falls, I however, it was learned that he had bealthiesPeattle In the country. -This ,
I Colleges t Epworth Leagne-Tuesday at 8. p.m authorities have not been able to cap. time will be benefited by drying as aged 45, -was strxick by a C.P.R. train remained zt his home. .
Have given thousands Pf I Prayer 'Reetine-ThuraA" ,zt 8 p�w. tare these, a n suggested. If left in the husk long WbUe walking means rf�slstapce to tlip couir - . � �
young people a good start in .& ;,ma.s umber of suspects ha-ve I . on the tracks six m3lesi Another Fatal Wreck. 9 _ ppou 4is
. life. We can assiat you. St. Methodist church. the pas been arrested and promptly put to after ripening it may sprout or mil- from that City Satuxday night. He Tampa, Fla., Jyjay 1.-1rValteT eases which make success with ot4W7 : . ,.
. + tor will. preach next Sunda -y. death. It is feared, howev dew during war-, wet weather or be- Was deal. breeds difficult and in many cases I=- �
� ... I er, that Hagens. of Chicago was killed, and -
,X 1 4 ome StudY . ,- — some -of these were entirely innocent. come infested with weevils. *. possible, �
: , Our H 11 . The Canada Gazetts Saturday eon- T. F. Cook, baggagema.ster, Was fat-
. -
! � �, I h I I . Yhe -kMerican gunboat Wilmington The vitality of seed Is Often reduced taim -the Official announcement from I Wly injured, when Coast Line train Most strains of breeding produce a5' L . 9 .
�11111 Courses + ( . .-------.--- is now. at Shamien, the foreign eon- by leaving It in a sack or in a pile for �he London Gazette of the appoint, I No. 39, from Jacksonville to Tampa, good milkers as are -found in any of . L -"-.,,
....,_ 1- . ,4
j;' . Offer unexcelled advantages Eloped With Negro A - - cession, which is on the. Point above even a day after gathering. - During ment of the Duke of Connaught and lWas wrecked near Odessa last night. the beef breeds.. There are no milk- -�' 9
V ctress
I to those -110 Cannot attend * -New, York, May I. -A report that the city southward of the westernAub. warm weather, With Some MOIS Strathearn to be Governor-General of , N� passengers were more or less less Herefords. Some are shallow
,college. Full particulars up- * J 1"d Stewart RoberLson, a retired !n- urb and fae,ing 70cao fort. ture in Canada. 0 1 isezious17 injured.
t � on inquiry. + ' -_ 9 . the cobs and kernels, the ears heat or I milkers because they have been highly,..
� 'I + I I ;;ia;;e broker of Montreal, had visit- It is reported thaf, Sir Daniel Hun- 1, Hageas, a 12 -year-old boy, was in
�, 1 9 01 New York for the purpose of hav- mildew In a remaricably short time. ter McMillan, whose term of office as i the baggaV, -car feeding a pet dog specialized to excel as beet types. ancl- 91.
i 1:-, , 4 1. . KILLS BOY'S SLAYER. The best P6ssIble treatment immedi- Lieutenant-Governar of M-xni a ex-; and it was in trying to save him that whatever the loss of milk giving in � 9. "I I
Write'for particulars . ling- winulled the marriage of his son, - - . such spec I Imens it is more than offset .
t IV" 'StewartJr., revealed the fact that New Yo * ately after gathering is shown in the Pires in May, has again WnE��ied_�o , ,the baggage master was injured. . I
rk Italian Takes Fatal Re. illustration. by the increased superiority ot the an- �
ilie young man had oloped from Mo Binder twine will sup- take up the duties for a fu.rther term!, ISpreading rails caused the wreck. . I
, n -Business $ 'real with Gertrude Townsend, a yo ut- venge on Truck Driver. port fifteen or twenty ears oil a string i1 six months. �- imals as beef models. "White face!? , :�,.: , �. � 9
4 clillto, I T -New York, May I-Gliseppe Bon. arran ed In the manner illustrated. � the To- FAR MEEI 4HOQTS. H I MSELF. cows are the best of mothers. An over- � f 9 . I
Ordinarily the best place to ban'-; these ronto fire &15artmen't,' I - �. . � ,, . 1. � I ..
. died on galkir- I vVIielmirgmajority of them give plea- , � � ,�
Tolinson's "Red Moon his three-year-old bby trampled be. � . ,
+ I chortis of Cole J . 9 Thomas Graham, ex-allief of
19 negress, who was a member of t e. gicei, an Italian ci=nlaker, who saw �, - .
t, + " —
. .
College. +1 Company strings of ears Is In an'open shed or day evening, at the residence of his Arrested for Forgery, 'Western Man ty of milk properly to raise their I
+1 Roberts�n and his wife are living neath the hoofs of trfick horsed Sat. son, W.- TAGraham, 56 Lalreview ave- Blows Out Brains. I calves. What few nurse cows I bave . .
I �
+) in an extensively furnished flat i urdaY night, took summary justice 'OfL ilue, after an illness extending over a for MY show cattle are Herefords. If � I
... I Geo. Spotton, Principal. + in upon the driver, Wm. Krugmall, by Permanent seed racks, with a sepa- cou Swift Current, Bask., May I. -C. G. �
�1 , +1 the negro quarter, where he was Ple of years.
� �f�.,#,- ..... f found. 'He denied that any proceed- pouring four bullets from a revolver rate compartment for each ear, are . Sadlemyer, a homesteader at Burra- a man wants moro milk in a herd Of' . I
.�14 The civil service commission is call- k'lon, a farming district southeast of Elerefords 12e*can soon get it through � I .
,"r," I ings lacking to an annulment were into his body. The driver fell dead more convenient than the use of bludef ing, for applications for th .
M ____ e position 'here, shot himself Saturday when breecting; if he wants the bla t type .
t �, f,,m his seat almost into the arms of twine, and when they are located in a of French translator in the Privy �es
I ;:� to be instituted. � I
placed under arrest by Corpl. Sned- of beet animal Ile can select it r
I il I . - 11W a Policeman, who had halted him, dry, breezy place the ears dry success- Council OM
, , N . , I "My father and sister were here � ce, initial salary $1 600; den, charged with forgery. He died 4tom
; 11'1� I ; HIRAL tand a mob of two thousand persons, fully. established liercls.
, 110 11 I - three weeks ago and stopped at the . bent upon P . and assistant On the hydograph'=" instantly. Sadlemyer saw the police .
..� ." . I I Manhattan Hotel," 'he said. The7 - unishlAg the driver, first — , vey, initial salary $900. There will
L � I I visited us here at our home and ap- stood aghast at the shooting, then set be competitive examination. touring. He took a revolver from the . Cara of Young Pigs. . I I
!.. i� .. peared to be very well satisfied with furiousl on the slayer. - I bureau, but his Wife took it :from him The pigs should be separated from
'I, 1. ,
I'' L STRATFORD. ONT.. . 41 The yl,nue'> olieeman fought the � i land placed it back. When arrested
I L our marriage. Ilere are no unsightly ash heaps Negro Escapes Mob. I he asked time to change his clothes, tile sows and �Ider hogs, since they " -
I , I A, LARGE scHOoL A. GOOD * crowd valiantly, for the slayer, but on the farm of the man who know; I L
L . � THE'BEST. * they were not to be denied. 'Reserves Lakewood, N. J., May I. -Detectives. and he and his Wife went into the will not get their share of the feed If,
�1' , I , slclaooL. *1 Man Swept Overboard. - their f�rl:ihzing value.
�r � 4 rj:�bil� school has a cogtinvmtal * who charged the mob on the double k c murderer of Mrs. Charles' room together. His wife.went out to all are allowed to run together after.
I 'V I . r,.putation for n, May L -With her crew ex- quick, found the blutecoat bruised I - -1 =Z Xse body was found in the� tell the corporal that she had a re- the pigs are weaned.'writes an Ohio I I �44iw
� -' * ' lteol] from a two weeks' str ggld ;
I., L of !'a stild - . -
: $and for th"O SUZOeS9 and battered and the Prisoner uncon- I woods near here on Friday, arrested, ceiPt for the money in. question. As farmer In the American Agriculturist
I . 11!11 * I zk i storms and her flag at half-umast scions, with blood flowing from a doz- Saturday nigh Henry Graham, a soon as his wife left him he reached I feed ground corn, tankage, mill feed. . . I �
�, _ . _.
7 ,0 OM � t .
:: �_ � : , I �a�lts�- r Mate Sames Horner of Baltimore'; en wounds. He was taken to a I - shnrt� powerful negro, wh,om.they had I for the gun and shot himself through and when they cannot get out on the 'I', I
%rtments- os ved af ter. ;
. � We have three dep, M, -ailed in andout of the pine forests grass I put finely cut elover or alfalfa!
* who was swept overboard and dr -own. Pital, then lodged in jail on a urder C U the breast.. He never mo
I 10 ed on April 20 off Hatteras, the f*ur. �Eris wife is prostrated. She is only
� I
I , COMMERCIAL, ,go - charge. The child died on the.oper. I and manhes all day. Graham was
11�� * masted schooner Lydia M. Deering In their feed. In the cold weather I L .
( ' ' Sjlop�THAND and * ating, table an hour later. . � found at the home of a farmer named 17, and he was 24. They kept a res- I ". �
r', 0 like ;to give them warm slop every
, was towed intd Boston harbor yester- . Jennings, near Jamesburg, 25 miles taurant here last summer and were
!I. TiamEGRAPHY : day. She had lost her sails and a I from the spot where Mrs. Turner met Well-known.
�, � I I morning. For this purpose nothing Yz
I AmbitlGa$ Young inem ,a�n:,df 0 deckload of railroad ties. Seek Pointers on Taxes. n A her death. He Was rushed in an auto- better than a feed eooker or a boiler I
11 women s-hould send at otcex-forO . � - . London, Ont., May I. -Assessment ft- la N mobile to the county jail at Toms Millions In Rebate. I to heat the water. While some authorl. I I
I our larize, free ,Qatalogtile. * I Commissioner Grant has been writ- River. . . Washington, May I�Preliminary ties say that It does not pay to cook' I I ;�
�: � Wrl,tg YEAR3 U I . I
I , fOT it at ,once and sde I ! ten to and asked to explain the sys- The black had been crowded all figures have been compiled by the feed, I think Puy rpasonable man can I � .
;, What our araduattais are doing. * tem of the "business" tax in London , Interstate Commerce Commission in-
liks I's ia gopa timle of -.thc *4 by the City of New York. The New tl,Rlap VIV
, '.11-, , 0 YOU IT Lv RY day, His clothing was tom by the see that warm slop will help young .
. WLb . U ito L r. our ola'3- * D % JUS E 10FILLS ? � . . 11 forest undergrowth and he was fatigu- 1 VeWgatoxs showing the amounts i hogs especially. And they whl da I I ��
�,� viar foT 70 ealtie I Yorkers have been making enquiries I%L ed almost to exhaustion. He told 'which the Government will allege ' much better than on cold slop or dxy �
. Studentis laTe enterinx * about a business tax, as it is the in- ,,
I , se(s., mer-ce, . your* the detectives that he had left his have been illegally rebated in the re- i
� earoh wetek. Zom tention. of the bureau of finance of 1910 t feed One reason for this is, I tbink�
.. i I * If In Doubt About the Ri.g,yht that city to take the matter up and hanxe to get work- with a farmer nam. , cent cases at Cleveland. *
. .. - that bogs of any age do not dn]nk
i - " .�,,?, at once. *
- ", .
1-41 . 001il . . , * ed Reynolds near Southard, four miles Between April 1, 1908, and 'Tuly 31,. 1 enough water during cold 'weatiier. I
D. 'A. DIcLAORLAN. -.0 Pills to Use Read the F01- see how the system could be applied from Lakewood. Ile was committed :1909, it is alleged $482,000 was rebated I .
# 'to the merchants and business men All Relieved by Lydia E. Pink. I
� Xrtndpal. . .. . to jail on suspicion without a formal ;1iy the Pennsylvania Railroad to var- ,, Where the slop is warmed up the bogs. I �
" <* lowing Letter Carefully,, of New York. I ham's Vegetable Compound.' ' charge being placed. ious shippers, of which $133,00 are glad to usp more nearly the proper I
I . 0 is � ,
�% W. A. Pendergast, comptroller -of Sikeston, Mo. - "For seven years I said to have been paid to subsidiary amount of water whiell is necessary tor 1,
. , 1_�, I the bureau of municipal investiga- uffered everything. I was in bed To Attend Coronation. i companies of the United States Steel 1 produce the most economical gains.
, . ' S . I
- "
I I I "I am. one of those persons whose, tion Of statistics, -has been referrred ,-. ..."'..... , -.V-.'.`.'.-,'.�.'.!' for four or five da� I Corporation.
. .. ... `;'. ys Ottawa, Ma I. -To consider a pro- � I Where a warm stop has been fed in .
. -
s7stem requires aid," 'writes Mr. ?roung by the Provincial Secretar `.*.'�--','-`t*-`- at a time every posal to 8 nd Y200 representative Cana- 19W, I
I Gledhill, from Picton, "but It '. "'.1 e 'the mornlug Par corn will be all right I
, Tho Mom aud nibbert Between Jan. 1, 1908, and June 30,
1 1 is so missioner Grant for advice on the sub- . . . . . . ,.... month, and so weak than boy scouts over to England in � it is alleged more than $798,000 1 for the erening teecL .
A easily,,affected by reason of the great ject. . ,
� � , ", -
,ururs mutual Firc iusur- sensitiveness of the bowels that or- I - .%'t I could hardly walk. %ime for the coronation is the object ,,by the Besse —
- 1 ' � was rebated to the Carnegie Steel Co.
?. dinary drastic pills inflict great In- I -,, I cramped and had of a ineeting of the Dominion Council er and Lake Erie Rail . I 11
11 Jury to the delicate coating, and excite Huron Wants Hydro Power. . . :road. That mamount was reYbated, ii. I D..k the, L, -b. Earl I
1,; daGG offlodau 1;- **` backache and head- of the movement, which met &t G,ov-. Y_ .
; F ... .t ache, and w as so ia said, through dock charges, by The animal hustianciry division of
11, ' such per-91stent activity as to be with Goderich, May I. -The special com- " . - �, . - ernment House on Saturday af ter -
difficulty . ,..........,..nervous and weak which a -charge of 25 cents a toll was ; the department ot agriculture in blin- �
I Bead Office. , Farquhar,',Ont checked. mittec of the Huron County Counci ...... L . ll,00n.
. .
"I wdsh'in the highest terms to ex- named to investigate and deal with that I dreaded to The original plan and that proposed i made for handling ore, and 17 cents I tfesota suggests tne dur-kIng of lambs �
. - i L' .PresideiA, J. F, RUSSBLIU � Press the great value of Dr. Hamiltort'a the question of the development o: see anyone or have boy the British organization, was that I was rebated. I at an early age bemnise the uudoekerd I �
`V . PIlls in cases like mine, and- I am sure power on the Maltland River,. will, " I anyone move In the the colonial boys should arrive just . not only present a filthy contifflou I I
, ,. �oe-Ptreis.. ROBTi. GARDINER, also for elderly' people and the very to Toronto shortly to inte room. The doctors I Abolish Common Drinking Cup. .
, I I � � weak, there Is, no'�Ill like them. rview tg,( . ga ve me medicine to in time for a monster scout rally to , Berlin May I.-T.1te, Board of Eft. when turned oat to pasture, but soon �
I . "Speaking of my own experience wit' Hydro -Electric Commission )n take place in London on July 4. The get Into an insanitary condition that
DIRECTORS. ,h th( _____ ease rue at those I ca�ion Vas authorized the abolition of : I
I Dr. Hamilton's P111%, I can say they 1, Dominion authorities,' however, I
� iAWT. NORRIS, 15taTta r!ibj('Ct - Two engineers were in Gode- times, and said that I ought to have ail are InvIt" disturbance tronA flies boetted
I I J" I J bave proved the most stimuldting pills lch a few days ago in the interests operation. I would not listen to that, of the opinion that Canadians will , the common drinking ,cup in all of I
:M)�(I. RYAN ,. - DArblilk.. for the liver I have fdund. I have 61 the commission . O tll.e schools i ewe lambs are also -Alown by the Sta- .
. . , and as a result of and when a friend of my husband told give more su�PPC)Tt if the b after May 15, and the I n experiments ro df-.Yelop Into bet- � �
have been asked to say whether they will take rem y_ .,
I tIon, ,and the sanie results - Pinkliam's Vege- ing to be present at the coronation own cups for drinking purposes. ter and surer breeders. A large.petr I .
' ffirm. J3.RGCK, Winolaeleta. Proved their tonic action upon diges- the conference the commission will be him about Lydia E Pupils 'Rill be instructed to bring their tio,
.;,,WM, e-01. FARQU)TAIR table Compound and what it had done ce 'on During Apxil thdre has been larger cent of undocked owe lambs utterLv
, secured by friends upon whom I'have whatever power may be possible of for his wife, I Was willing to take it. H. R. Hammond, provincial secre.
1,7' I . . AGENTS, , urged their use. The . development, and also to furnish an Now 1 look the picture of health and tary of the movement, is here. . numbers th:an usual of contagious dis. fall to breed. 00 the market the � I I
. are to be congratulated upon possess- . - — caises here - eleven of scarlet fever I docked sheep, 'being .,41-htly and cleavi, ..
%OHN ESSERY, Uxater. 9�gent fatt ing so valuable a prescription, and the estimate of the quantity of power feel like it, too. I can do my own house- . 11 I
�RRWMUS MCI JBWful,#h. public should know that so Valuable a available and the cost of development.. work, hod my garden, and milk a cow. To Spend $10,000,000. and nine of diphtheria. Three Of the bring 25 to 50 cents a hundred pounds. . I � ��,
, -*, OLIVER HARRIS. Iffuntro, lNkft* rMedy. has been placed at their com- i __ - . X can entertain company and enjoy Montreal, May I. -It was offieially latter proved fatal. The Board of more thatA the uudr)f,Rpd. The market .
. Ift Death. . a .
,'46r.'Ilibberf, Fullarton amd Logiaul Inand.11 Met Swi them. I can visit when 1 choose, and announced at the Grand Trunk offi,ces He Ith has authorized the immediate demands clean, wholesome looking : .
No other Pill for colistipation, for Quebeo, May I. -A little boy named , walk as far as any ordinary woman, on Saturday that the company . etectiOn of an isolation hospital and stock. I .. I , . I �
I liver, kidney, or stoma,ch trouble, c a .
CAMPyREL11 In Pro- a smallpox shack. I , �
14 a� day In the month. I wish I could poses to spend between nine and ten I .
I JOR oul. G ngras met with a swift death while kto I
Seov.Vrleas. F'ArqUhar pares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills; the a-Very,sufferingwotist,%ndgirl.'I -,million dollars on its great scheme for Hanna Vetoes License. Tuberculosis Precautions. - I .1 �, I
Y 0 t driving with his parents Satur� .1 I I I
re y . � I I
� are mild and sure always to testo' d afternoon. Mr. and Mrs- Mederic Xrs. DEMABr,T]1-UNM, Sikeston, Mo, the improvement of its terminal faci� Vvery'stable wbprp ,tuberculosis bas � I .
"OVADMAN & STAN917IRV. F3o,1JeJ1t&tiF health, lbefuse substitutes, Sold by The most successful remedy in this Woodstock, MAY L-4 letter was re. I .�
I .. I . I I 1. all dealers, 26c pot box, or Tho Ca. Gingras were out enloying a drive country for the cure of lities in Montrdal. , * o'eived by License Inspector Shave, emsted should be wott whitewashed I : I
, .
� I � -7` tatrhoirone Co,, Xingiston Ont, W, their I �tv& children. The little f- . all forms Of The plaits for this scheme have now Saturday morning from Provincial twice lift the ties:t stv months; also I I ,. ,� 11
I � � 81111116 complaints is Lydia PD. Pink� been e - I .
. � � I a - ones were sitting with their bhoks to ham's'Vegetable Compound. a"Way COmmls� Seorctary Hanna ve,toing ihe li<�ense the remaining cattlo ,4iould be tubpr� I I
.the horses. While on the Little River sian as well as before the city authori� I granted to thLe, hotel at the ,G,aud anlin tested again- In -N months to s,oe . .1 .
Ir 1B It Is inora widely and successfully trT eevation of . . I
S roAd, near the Canadian Northern 8 a Bo I
. I CA S� T"' RIA ,..Dr. Hamilton% Pill' used than any other remedy, It ha 'i" S' Trunk Railway station. � � . ,
I � W I Railway crossing, the fatbor touched cured thousands of Women Who have the aelts between nave If the disease still romains in the rttt- ,, . 1 , �.
1POr. 104ntil 8114, (111dren, Dtu,rd sta- The commissioner granted the li. tie that are left. ("Of If, out Mid thpli , I
� t � lit the horse with the whip When, been troubled with displacements, in n uroot yards, and from St. cense last : .
I - �
1.--�', i
. it. �
I "
t 9
i i" .
� "
� .
I . A Fam, il Medicine , . W"k, and tho temperance .. 1
i ;lhe Kind Y00 ;Wo AlWays, ON& , - � Y tile aninuil suddenly hicked, hriking flammation, ulceration, fibroid tu ors Henry to the Point St. Charles yards. people sont thoir prote.4% to the be, careful how, ,von wur. it in ap.,rin. � �:�
Pro. I � :_
I i , ,,,, it I Ithd boy in th-o back and killing, him irregglaritics, periodic pat s ,40kaolle, The work as contemplated 8180 in- I vilicial S".retnry, Mr. Hanma states Look out for.tbe di-;�a-9(!.qt, m(M) %3* 10, I , . � I �)
Riars the I ,� was only 61(.,ve); that beating down , estio oludes the. erection of now freijgl that he oftneols f n license owing t I 0 1 . I , I
I I I instantly. Tbo boy 11 I , . i� (io i
I proe years of agd., I I axidner ousprost, eli , 5, all n ' er term A. and ve their cattle qfw Vim give �,)IT; .. � I I'� .
441 A e� passeng public sonthilent Iving against it Another do80 of- tbe aw�;vqse. I
, I . inals at "" Ature. .
. ,
L � . I . I . � L
I . .. I
. I iftheahs failed. I ,) Ou. t( . I L
olictuxv -4 0�14 L I . , I "no"", 10 , , ryit? . I I I I
. f 9,0 , I * I , .' .i. . I I � (10 y . . . 1. 1, 11� . I � ,
� 6;� . . . - . I , . . . � . I
I I �. . . . . , 1. . . I I ' ' " � ,"", I L I I I I I .. I � I . � �. 1 � � � � I I I � I I I . I . 11 \ � .1 . . IL I I . , �,.' I
� � . I . 1� ,
: . I .. . . � � . . . L I . I � ,, .
I . � � .. ,I, o4 ; � � \' . . I . I ,, � .1 :� : . -� 1. I I .L . . . . 1.� I � . I I'll , � , � � :1 . �.. I .. . I I I 4""LL, . -1
� .1 . I I
� �:� .. 11 , ", I I . � I . �. I . .1.1 ... -1. �%�I'L�.1:111 .... _ � ,10
. . I � � , . (-� � . � � �: ,, 'L - - -1 � � I _��, ,� , -'L, I . . . �,�.�,..,�,��,..,..���;.,��,�.�,��,.�. I ____��,;�� &.,, L�A
- I I "I J-- . i - ,� , "-.,I 11111.11 A_ _ .1 I ,_�__L.�.,p _.�;,; ... .... 1, � 1, 111 , F : , ,