HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-07, Page 22PAGE 8A - GOUERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1987 Family News BIRTHDAY CLUB Filter Queen 'IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA' 482-7103 KING'S BOOK & GIFT SHOP Just off the Square on East Street. Beside the Post Office. Your 4fARGIA.gutic,, Community Card Shop •Gre.tlnp Cords •Party Wore •Offk. Suppllos •Suoks & lfts •W.ddlnq StartIonory YOUR FAST AND HANDY REFERENCE FOR BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES! SHOPTHE Hi! I will be three years, old on January 12th and f would like to join•your birthday club. I live at R:R. 3, Auburn With my parents Donald and Marie and my four: sisters. Happy Birthday to Dad too. •Rabbie Young ' Q Hi! '' My name is Jonathan Allin•and 1 will be four -years -old Sunday, Jan. 11. 1 have a brother Jeffrey that will help me celebrate my birthday with mom and dad, Lynn and Wayne. Happy New Year! Love Jonathan R ECTO RY Be yourself and try,to get along with -others Colleen advises - ,DEAR ADVISOR: ' During recess I sometimes have trouble• getting along with others. What can I do? Angela E)EAR,ANGELA: You should be nice to people at recess'and then do some of the, things that they like. Don't be someone you're not. Be yourself.` DEAR. COLLEEN: I can't understand why some people want to waste their recess time' fighting when ' they' could be having fun playing games.': Steven'& David DEAR STEVEN & DAVID " Some people start fighting and don't stop until' they win. That's when the recess bell rings. They don't know that they're wasting aheir'recess tune until someone tells them. DEAR ADVISOR: How can we stop dogs and eats from runn- ing acros§-"the road without getting hit by a truck or car? • Xours truly, Mike KIDS KORNER Colleen Osborn MORRIS DRAPERIES Your One Stop. interior Decorating Service Centre Custom Drapery Kirsch Traick and . Installation Available Draco Window Shades Wallpaper& C.i.L. Paints Harding Carpets 36 West St. Goderich 524-2551 OIL GARDE "IT'S A MUST AGAINST. RUST" •Wash & wax exteriors •Wash -& vacuum 50 Picton. St., Goderich 524-9094 Ronald L. • 1 McDonald CHARTERED -ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST:, 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario. %cool' AtLo 1 _ I0CESStN :CAMPBELL'S IS PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY FOR EVERY NEED • EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -t . FRAMES AND 5214-7532 MATTING PHONE R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524.7661 DEAR MIKE: Your cat and .dog shouldn't really he crossing- the ,street 'when there is' a lot of • cars. When there is lesstraffic let them out. Wheri no one's home keep them indoors so they can't get out. When you are home and see them crossing the road- correct them.... If you have a problem, I'd like to hear from • you. Drop your letter into the Signal Star, or mail it to the Goderich Signal Star, 'Kids Korner', P.O. Box 220, Goderich, 'Ontario. N7A 4B6. ' • ``surviving With Style" is .new 4-H.project Fix a.leaky pipe. Get grease`and grime out of dirty clothes. Change.a tire on a car or bike. Vacuum a floor., Feed yourself. Buy wisely. Handle a stranger at the°door. Sew on a button, ' ']'hese skills and more.,are included in '"Surviving With Style", the 4-1-1 project for young,people 12 to 21 years of age. Informa- tion learned in the 'club will be useful to members whether they are living with their family or living, on their own. During the six meetings of' 'this club, members will "Learn to do. by doing" many things which are basic to living happily and safely, and at•the same time, have fun with Llf., StRSP Anuniti.s Inv.stm.nt ' Funds Group ' B.n.flts • GARY W. SHOLDICE Mutual Life of Canada 1.78 Widder St„ Goderich, Ontario N7A 3V4 ► 524-2277 MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO MISSISSAUGA ST. CATHARINES ` PORTCOLBORNE . BRAMPTON BURLINGTON HAMILTON LISTOWEL GODERICH WINNIPEG VANCOUVER- " Spicer MacGillivray `CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. • RESIDENT PARTNER.. A Canadian name with internationokredentiols P.O. Box 147, 40 Th. Square, Goderich. Ontorlo N7A 312 (519).5.'24-2677 for sky-high advertising' results...' Call our friendly ad -visors for more information 524-2614 fellow members and leaders. To form a club, ypu need 6 to 12 members - male and -or female and one or two adults Who will be your leaders. Workshops for leaders will be `held as follows:' on Thursday, January 22 at • Belgrave Women's institute Hall .in. Belgrave; on Friday, January 23 at Cen- tralia College of Agricultural Technology; and, on Tuesday, January' 27 at Wesley ',Willis Church in Clinton. For more' information, contact Jane Muegge, the Rural ;Organization and Ser- vices Branch person at the Clinton office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food by calling 482-3428 or 1-800-265-5170. FRED"LAWRENCE• Electric Ltd. Contractor HOME. FARM ANI) 'COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Don, Auburn 526-7505 Phone Paul, Wingham 357-1537 GARDINER'S MOVERS Locally Owned And Operated i,1CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENT PROMPT & COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES ]EXPERT ADVICE :EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL f. PACKING CARTONS :CAREFUL HANDLING 'REASONABLE RATES For Moving Anything LARGE OR SMALL 524.2421 MOBILE WASH tt UNITS for yo&thard to get at CLEANING REQUIREMENTS. GARDINER'S MOBILE WASH -IT Goderich 524-6031 lir Q.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. Goderich ' 524-4555 Queen St. Blyth - 523-9321 •ECONOMY • •QUALITY • *SERVICE N THREE PHASEILECTRIC •P.O.BOX 1136 CLINTON, ONT. NOM ILO 482.7374 ' 1-800-26s-9255 ASK•fOR Pager 3078 • BARRY BUCHANAN • Unsafe Jeiiny Lind style cribs recalled by ,K Mart Federal Consumer and Corporate 'Affairs Minister Harvie Andre recently urged parents and•guardians to immediately stop using the K Mart "Jenny Lind" style crib number 1688-18. The crib was imported and sold by K Mart Canada Ltd. from May to Ju- • ly 1986. "K Mart is co-operating with Consumer ' and Corporate Affairs Canada in recalling; the cribs that do not comply with the new Cribs and Cradles Regulations issued under the Hazardous Products Act," said Anure, adding; that the regulations came into effect on September 11, 1986. "We believe the cribs pose a serious safe- ty hazard, and are particularly concerned 4 WHEN HOT NEWS BREAKS Phone The Signal -Star and Let Everyone Know PHONE 524.2614 ASK FOR THE NEWS ROOM! that the mattress support could collapse and trap the infant, with risk of suffocation," he said. The cribs were manufactured in Tai'wan, and approximately 250 were•sold in K, Mart stores across Canada. Crib owners are advised to check. the label attached to the inner bottom of theend panel of their crib for the model number. If* the model number if 1688-18, the crib should be immediately returned to the nearest K Mart store for a full refund or for a replacement by another style of crib. Andre advised all parents and guardians to check their cribs regularly, regardless of . make and model, to ensure they are in good working order.' Huron Junior Farmers elect executivefor calendar year The 1986 Huron .County ,Junior Farmers Executive is pleased to announce that the new 1987 Executive has been elected. These officers will take part in a candle service to symbolize the change of responsibility from the old executive to the new executive. This candle service will take place at the Annual, Banquet in the Clinton Legion, on Saturday, January 17. The new Executive for the Huron County Junior Farmers is: -past president, Dianne Oldfield; - president, Robert Hunkitlg; - first vice president, Linda Axtmann; • second vice president, ''.Jeff Hearn; - secretary, Muriel Taylor; treasurer,' Andy Williams; - newsletter editor, Annette f,osereit.; - publir relations officer, 1,inda Cunningham; ,:_agriculture contact, Sharon Niwins; - assis- tant agriculturecontact; Have Vanneste; - provincial director, Janice Mttrray; ,.alter- n'ate provincial director, Ann Alton; • zone representative, Dianpe Oldfield, ...The Ah'nttal Banquet and candle, service • PANE REMEDIES ,Verticals, Venetians, 11111Pullshades, Woven Woods 0 and-Pleated Shades . By tevelnr, Flexalum, North Toronto, Draco and Delta Sun "Your Custom Blind Specialists" 32 Newgate St., Goderich 524-8111 -Across from McCee's "I4 INTERNATIONAL PHONES Bus. 524-7379 Res. 324-6210 Direct Parts 5'21.7389 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERiCH t, ONTARIO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER *AIRPORT ROAD McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth will be followed by a dance..Members'and guests will enjoy this event as it is a great' beginning for the new year.. For information about this new year in Junior Farmers contact your local club president or the OMAF office. 1987 is looking like a good year for the Huron'County Junior Farmers. Plans are already underway for another exciting year! A banquet and dance is planned for .Jan..17, trips to Quebec, a broomhall'tourna- ment in November and' many other events such as baseball and talent shows are planned. )• Looking back at 1986, we are pleased' and thankful for the wonderful work that the ex- eciitive `compJefed. Dianne Oldfield, 1986 President did a great job and,the group is confident that the 1987, Robert Hunking will work just as hard as Dianne did. Best bf luck with 1987 to all! FARM, ROME, ' COMMERCIAL AUTO COVERAGES AGENTS E.F. "Bill" Durst Bob McNaughton Graeme Craig Banter & MacEwan. insurance Brokers Ltd, John Wise lnsurance Brokers Ltd. 527-1455 527-1571 887-9,'381 524-8376 482-3401 iregel Mast HARDWARE AND INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES WHOLESALE: •Wire Rope •Chain _ •Manila Rope • G.E. Light Bulbs • Rawl Fasteners •Mops & Brooms •Fire Extinguishers i Color Yow- 14brfd •Paint - • Wallpaper Over 100 patterns in stock Ti Vinyl Flooring • Cerarnle ic Solarian 84 Kingston St . Goderich, Ont 524-9671 •O ADV,ERT_IS_ E;4YOU-R"B.USiNESS ESR PROFESS Oft 2 • AIL