HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 67 E IMIKETIMIR" Til '0111 1 1 , "I WFE IN HHOKSM ift en,glishwornan $eeA In It a Promised Y00 Can wre Land. Miss, Charlotte Nausfaeld has writ- Ok ten a delightlul volume of travel Cheot ColdS 1041 - sip in recording the story of her a - venturous wander' S th Afri- ea. She begins bx"Wasleribing how I - t And Brmehitis by Using OR, CHASES Nyaa that she resolved to try to jour� ney, unaccompanied by say whites, SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENUNE �from.the Cape to Cairo, and apropos If You (let the (lenuit me. of that tells an amusing story. "X was traveling to the City in the The. mere mention of pneumonia Tube, when an elderly woman oppo- and consumption causes a person to site nudged bar companion to lool; shudder, but a cold is such a common at an illustrated paper sbG was hold- thing that it is too often left alone In& and observed in audible tones, until theso other ailments develop 'This woman is going to try to get from it, from the Cape to Cairo without any You can readily cure throat and whito companions with her. Well, chest colds, croup and bronchitis, by with a face like that, I should say using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed she would be safe anywhere. It re- and Turpentine. This medicine is d an effort not to laugh outright. both thorough and far-reaching in its surprised the good soul would influence on the system. FZr this. have been had: she discovered the reason its merits are well-known and identity of her vis-a-vis," . its sales enormous. If Aliss I�IaAsfleld did not carry -out But there are at least four imita, her full intention of getting thTough tions of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed Africa from South to North, she did and Turpentine, '.And imitations are succeed in getting a goodly variety always a little cheaper, bow else of adventurous experiences in doing would they sell. They are never sold what it may well be believed but on their own merit, but on the merit comparatively few women would care of the article they imitate. to undertake. "Why did I wish to Their likeness is in name only, and visit Rhodesia?" she asks, and pro� when you are in need of medicine you ceeds at once to answer her own ques- don't want to depend on a name. or tion by indicating that it was the de- imitation. Every bottle of the genuine sire to get as great a contrast as pos, -bears the portrait and signature of s 'bl to the more terrible aspects of A, W, Chase, ALD., the famou's Re - 1 0 L 9n,don life: c eipt Book author. 25 cents a bottle, Darkest Africa?—oh, how he who family size 60 cents; all dealers, or has been there anuat laugh at this Edmanson, Bates & Co,, Toronto. desoriptionl Africa, with the suft al- ways shining; Africa, with the free air for alll Darkest England, rather BUTTONS COVERED —yes, deadly dark, where starvation, with your own materialin Plain, Oval, called by tlTb authorities consumption, Bone, Rim and combination styles. Call, is a shadow always at your heels; write or phone foi prices. Mail orders darkest England, with its crushed, promptly filled. seething masses, whose ideas are -crip- TORONTO DRFSS PLAITING CO., pled, foor. want of space in which to phone North 3M . . develop; whose bodies are maimed for 600 Yonge Street, Toronto lack of room for growth, not only maimed, but murdered; darkest Eng- Mdrne. Dubois et Fils,t land, whose death is, -where the un- . wanted baby is o*verlain—there being BYERS, CLEANERS AND MANUFACTURERS too many to feed already—the hungry mother refusing food, the famished OSTRICH FEATHE4 Rs. father sinking to crime, the woman WILLOW PLUMES A SPECIALTY. sold. Why? WhyP`Too many for too little: London the vampire, life the TELEPZIONE XAIX 2D48. victim," 97 KING STREET WEST TORONTO In describing her journeys in thb* wild—we had almost written I61k­I ' � Al THE MEXICAN BACK YARD. jQurneys, but Miss Mansfield says that ffiere is no loneliness On the veldt— A Delightful Place Where One Finds the akuthor again and again insists up- on t4e value of Rhodesia as a white Comfort and Elegance. man's country. She tells of a Inan A description of one Mexican town who started in Northeast Rhodesia is a description of a hundred, says with a capital of but $250, and in a man who has traveled throughout seven years had a flourishing farm, Mexico. Take old Monclova, for in - with 760 head of oattle, and a good stance. It is a sleepy., languorous house, and had been able to pay a place, out of the world, and appar- visit to England. ently well satisfied to live its own 140ven the tent door, peep through, quiet life, sleeping by day, and u�- and beholdi The world is yours. Per- jug its pleasures duiing the cool of �aps it is early morni:1, and the air the evening. I 'had the pleasure of is cold, as yet unkiss by the sun, ,spending the better part of a week a heavy mist still shrouds in sof here a short time ago, and found it vaporous garments Dame Nature, yet full of things worth looking at and beauty is around, a cold beauty which lingering over; a most charming and Zou admiza, but treat as an hors interesting place. d t oeuvre of human life; this -chilly Like most Mexican towns, Mon - white dame will please yon little, but clova, has its public pai'k, where the you smiI6 contentedly, knowing that band plays evening&, and where the soon a rosy hue will embrace the senors and senoritas parade and earth and a glad smiling dame will show off their finery. The park is not appear, with hair of golden sunbeams, large, being only about -the size of a t, 111cia of singing birds, and a gar- four city blocks, but it is well kept, 10 of 11oweis. All the earth 'is contains many beautiful flowers mad yours, for no one shares its picture many varieties of shrubbery just higb with you; you will rejoice, and life enough to give a semi -privacy to the., will become a warm, glad thing." walks, making them most delightful lovers' lanes when the soft light of HOW THEY PROPOSE. the moon mellows the lines of -the cathedral, and -v�hen the languorous -Different Ways of Popping the Qu,s. waltz musia of a really good band softens the feelings of the promen- tion by Varous Nations. aders. It is easy at such times to Priipitive man wooed and won his succumb to the influence of the, occa- sweetheart with a club. Sir Launce- sion and to imbibe the Mexican idea lot, on bended knee, beseeched the of "manana"—that nothing need be fair lady of his ohoice to 4do him the dpne to -day which can be putoff un- lionor to become his bride. Theraod- til to -morrow. ern young Canadian settles his tate The iown bas about 4,000 inhabi- by r yerely inquiring pf his "steady," tants, and you are willing to admit 4i an off han.4 way, if she would care that at night, though you miC well for a license to -open his letters. EuT0- be skeptical during the day; or it Is peaki countries, however, still adhere apparently not the proper thing for .to the methods of the chivalric days any of the women to appear on the of King Arthur qs the foll9wing pol- street during the clay, and the few laction of marriage proposals, typical men lexcept the loungers and coun- of different nationalities, will show: trymen and Storekeepers) seem to be A Russian ..... Natasha, my little always in a hurry to get back to their dove, soul of my soul, I love you .9patios," or back yard parks. with my whole. heaTt,.with my, whole And it is these back yards which being—I love you madly, I will love are the important part of the real - you unto death, and should troubles dece,. The house is merely a place befall us my love will conquer any- in -which to sleep and a shelter from thin Be mine, oh, Natasha." storms, while the patio is where --- - A �renchman---"You aredivine, my "live', Where we of the north fur - ideal. To -morrow I will press my suit nish.'and beautify the house, they before your parents, and you, my lavish their care and attentich upon fairy, you will become my Nvife." their outdoor residence, and the re - An Englishman—"I am about to sult is a most decided success. start on a long voyage and I shall be Under a blue semi -tropical sky, sur. very lonely. I wonder if you would rounded by flowers and grass and care to marry me? Let us make the well kept walks, carpets and -rugs Journey together," and furniture take on new beauties A German—"Fraulein, you are a and have an air of comfort and ele. notable woman. You haveread and gance all their own, understood my book. I cannot tell you how much I admire and esteem Ctartled the Quakers. you. �day I dare to o2er you my hand?' Of Diggle, Mr. Barham used to tell An Italian—"Cara. mia, you are many absurd stories. The most amus- faver than the blushing dawn. Your ing, however much to be condemned, voice is more melodious than the soft of his practical jokes was one in west wind. Oh, let me kiss those which his Iriend Barham also had a dark looks of yours, and, let those share. The two boys in course of one heavenly eyes not spurn me, forother- of their -walks discovered a Quakers' wise I must die. Live without you I meeting house and forthwith procured cannot.,. a penny tart of a neighboring pastry A Montenegrin—"You are a hand- cook. Furnished. with this, Diggle FARM$ FOR SALE. W, 0 BOR .4 et eat, Toronto. 1[,117X,DUBD 4pRES_COUNTx PENT, _11yo thousand. HUNDRED ACRES—cOUNTY HAL- TON—Avo thous4a�L F%-v4&ACR1,3 VRUI_T A district; ten thousand, TwEN`Tr-sB'iEN& c R B, S — ALL infrult; good building, Ilf- teen =d. rVWBNTX ACRES FRUIT — GOOD buildings; six thousand, FRUIT, STOCK, GRAIN, DAIRY forms' all sizes and all prices, 000 me before buying, ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND Manitoba la nds, 11" YOU WANT TO EITHER BUY OR sell a farm or any. other land or pro- perty consult =a, I , W. DAWSON NINE TY COL - BORNE streei, Toronto. Phone Maine990, Xightsorholidays,272Wright avenue; Park 527, ANUMBER 01F�PL_ENDID FARMS for sale in Western Ontario, Western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd., London, Out. S .4 S K A T 0 0 N, SASK.—DO, YOU want to make money ? if so invest in 5M toon property and Central Saskat- dhewan farm lands, For full partioulars as to good safe investments *r1te ond, if you are coming West, call on G. R Clare, McKay Block, 2nd Avenue, Box 1194, Sas-. katoon, Sask. Reference, koyal Bank. 480ACRE8—IP GELY DISTRICT— three miles from new 0. T. R. Melville -Regina branch. Good house and bar,n; 350 acres under cultivation. This district has. never had hail and seldom frost. Price only �32 per nore; terms right. Come� at once if you want this. DI! G. A, Pollard, Real Estate. Office, 1713 Soarth street, Regina, Sask., Canada REAL ESTATE. .Q;ASKATOON AND ITS OPPORTUND )�' TIES—for a. few valuable pointers on rual estatesituation in Saskatoon,togethex with current list of investments available and particulars of our co-operative syndi- cates, write Box 292, Saskatoon, Sask. 11tf WA�NTBD—SOUTH AFRICAN VET- . . BRANS' land warrants—spot cash paid; write or wire immediately. W. P. 3odgera, 603 MoIntyre Block, Winnipeg. FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE, ]EPRUIT FARM -95 ACRES IN WIN- ONA district; best of land - peaches frapes, plums, etc., in full bear" 1" Ouse and building; handily ALIM'; price, nineteen thousand. Chas. H. Page, Winona. EGGS FOR HATCHING. REGAL WHITE WYANDOTTES— ' eggs thatwill hatob. from prize-win- nin t Ick, 41.25 per 18, securely packed. y%Ms are snow white, block � type and very hardy. Northern White 7yandot e Poultry 'kards. Richard Lush, Burk's Falls, Perry, Sound District. REGA1 WHITE WYANDOT70 " first prize - Burk's Falls, 1907, 1M M9W, 1910; -hardy, healthy; curtain fron; ses- free ran e; stronilT fertill d r ff Yis. 11.25 per I . D. S. L , er, B Z's a Is, arry Sound District, Ont. ur WHITE WYANDOTTET —EXCLU- SIVELY—quality high, 16 0 $100- 100 eggs, $4.00; trial order soli.= &kdafe Pollitry,Farm, Sarnia, Ont. PLANTS FOR SALE. STRAWBERRIES, POTATOES AND Raspberries for sale—Williams, Sena- tor Dunlop, Splendid Persons Beauty, Sample, 60c. per 100, $3.00 er 1,000. Early Potatoes—Early Ohio, Earyy Puritan Ear- ly Fortune, Early Norton, Late Virst Choice Green Mountain, Delaware Em - tire State Hamonds, Wonderful, $1.00 per af Raspberry cains—King Raspberry an Cuthbert Raspberry, $2.00 per 100 cains. 1. W. Krouse, Guelph, Oat. This advertisement will only appear once. LIVE STOCK. HAVE A NICE LOT OF PURE-BRED Tamworth pit! (both sexes) for sale. Pedigreep furnis ad. Oorrespondence so- licited. Ifigpection invited. P. J. Red - dick, Blorrisburg, Out. AGENTS WANTED. STUD'k F OTHER AGENCY propositions conTincesus that none can equal ours, You will always regret It if you don't aqly for particulars to Travellers' Dept., 28 Albert street, Ot;. tawa. START TEA ROUTE TO-DAY—SEND postal for circulars or loo. for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, London, -Ont. W 0 M E N WANTED—TO TAKE T �, orders in sRar@ time; no experience necessary; our iines especially used by mothers and girl$. AppIT Dept, A., Brit- ish Canadian Industria Company, M Albert street, Ottawa. TEACHERS WANTED. WANTED—FIRST AND SECOND T . class teachers, holding. professional certificates, to take positions in Saskatche- wan and Alberta; highest salaries paid. Address the Moose Jaw Teachers' Bureau, Box "5, Moose Jaw, Saskatche wan. PHOTOGRAPHER. MATEUR PROTOGRAPHER-4— developing 1 roll, 10c.; DrintinF, 04c. Amateur' ii "Story, The each, on Photographer, lroptVaBiiam, O.t., o..- ada. PORCUPINE MAPS General M�p of District - - - $2.50 Property Map, showing operating center - - - - - - - 1.50 Cripple Creek, Keekeek, Swastika - 1.00 Inc'fividual Townships - - - - 50 A. 40. GOUDIL" & CO., -. 621 Traders Bank Building, Toronto._ - I - "My Little. Darllng.�' The Wild Giraffe. A Willfal It was the late lord Brampton, bet- Perba 4 the most 4ftult of all Pftt,�', 'lq an ter known, perhaps, as Mr. Justice v.n I papturo is ine $Xraffe- Y� Y. ng, verg Hawkins, who once thus referred 0 In addition to b0i ra-0. i;4 - Mr. Justice Darling, who presided affes are oxceeftoly U44 V0 04 44 over the recent Stinie Morrison trial very swift f1poted.. Thal �s 40 6 0141 in London. And certainly his. boyish Way , to capture g., Me,, as_Armoo app�arauce belies his age—sixty-one. every W4 k, $4.9p, -A y has, Des A He is one of the most astute and most have 'been alWost 0 valy successful judges on the Bench, and ful. The, m6th d'WJa'_ hc4d, ,r! VIVA prei J"' Q. a brilliant wit. One day a prosy all resulted Jn a c.�Pj counsel was siving a long disquisi- a T( ng cord, at eab , end i row_ p, Sir. J tion on the powers of. a county Conn. a round Wear plin, Siaclair,, - yq oil In restricting certain manufac. by the himthr in tie IiIiAl 110 Ili upa yo T il, 6rp, 016 d. u as'k e�n 'o. a Iture, 'inted tures, and gravely informed his lord- to wifid'.)m I J� 4 wT4.. bb "ahi lg # :4%& 81, t# ibnointed nger� either b 1% ship that gut-MraAng was a da ougg trade. "Then, accordin t rendQrin p4ble df escapin, 11,14, romptly repUe'd,'�'all before it - his lordship Is made a prfe( lifoh�'-,Slr�L64. IFwent about w violinists shodd be prosecuted." Mr. the giraffes in captivity have bae V4 bjts 114IX4 exclai ing: "I'D Darlill, once said that he became a caught whei) young, PH "I was sue a judge %ecause he wished to lead an — fiaeksv"ain' I TM Idlelife. His guardian. asked him what he would, like to do to eaTn living. "I think," said the judge, MORY MUNINE EYE REMED relating the episode, "thaf lie gave For Red, Weak, Weary, Watay Eyes me the selection of several unpleasant AND GRANULATIED Ll__. way—all ways seemed unpleasant. I IMurine Doesn't fturk­ Y� knew nothing about �bem, and so I soothes Eya Pain said, 'Oh, very well, I'll be a s V Mu&eEykRemecly.tlquid.25c.SDc.$1.09, Mu&a Eye SaWe. In Aseptic Tuba, 25,:� 1, tor.' And I can assure you that f&' dV19 ROOKSAND ADVION FRFE bY several years I realized -the he! "16f !!�rine Eye hernedy Go.,� Chluelir( my ambition." A True Philosopher. Hygiene. ','The doctors are urging all kin "I wish I were eligible -to join one 01,84nitary measures and preeautiM. of these patriotic s(>ns of something." 11 0 'Too bad you're not." ic", orl the publ I'SUIL if my ancestors hadn't al. e 706s; if . all the regommendatio yed a mad E KN %Ali ad V11 and warnings were follo3 home "Noul ways taken to the woods in time of warfare I might not be here.-- d look like &,hospital. What You -See. A- gbod many decided blondes get A UL WOWD 9t It is arnazing," said the youn the decision from a druggi I N1, Operations in Canada to-daypro-rido rn�an, "how it happens that when fae, chances ­for y0t111 V teach-TelegraPh , WsOtllu- have a swell girl oil youi = cgggs I Vete ln� Ifte. you are only 25 cent4 stroi tt -1 'Ri�Li._= see restaurants in every sp6t *hei 00, 00- 11"P the �ay before there were only vacan- an4j" Rum ntO. Uto. 111ris,"IR. , dent.J W. Prvsl lots. Naturally Slow. Some men are a long. time getting anywhere, no matter where. Sure Death. The badhelor who sympathizes Nvith a fair widow is lost. C.P,A. 18, 1911 lv es'iff es., _�je �ep equipped factory for ub - .. X t APPLEFORD producing Obunter Meek Books in Cana& COUNTER' OAFACITY Counter CHEOX Check5ooks 50,000 per day Y MAIL ONLY— BOOK *e are supplying the Largest users of 001111ter Check Books I.0 Dh I N 0 L 0030ANY9 ravory in Cangda with our $1.00 box. 6 for $6 on* officas "IMPERIAL BOOKS" I t hit I � aulleatis W"h 1 411 0 r [lot P olr, T 4 StIrton Ave J;J argama&�. Qosltlye. LIMTED. APPLEFORD COUNTER ,w AN11100N, OOMMON SENSE (Not In the Trust.) CHECK BOOK FOR PILES ONT. COMPANY, LIMITED. Quickly relieves and positively cures plies In any and All stages. $1.00 box. 6 for $6.00. DR. SNAPPERIS. Nfilirm and Nerve Food Tff,ftT MW 6001 LL IN A specific Tonle. More powerful'and yl speed man any medicine hitherto ex- ploltel. 6s,00 per package. 6 for sm.00. TGRCMT,-0 NIONrREAL WM'NIPEG LYLE MEDICINE CO., 718 QUEEN WEST, TORONTO, The �L�, Ptintexs!16upply. -H,�ouse� in, Canada. We C&MAlwayS in �&ock Cylinder Presses, Job Pres4es, Pap,= � Cud= -S7 1",-, �_ and MateriaL CM -FM Onkxs �Jm C=*te Pwuhmlmt fix= &DCL V,.&e -m the��Lwgest- R*ady Print Pvb- Steel Watep lishers-Mitlje W�esL We .,Ftb1ish,,Peady.;`Pr1ntS Tpoughs es. lWo of hea,,y gbIgnt 13-4 ste� Q4r I Ot h dT X 00 1� -EGI;TA, stoo tho td6t R '44t a are a led 0 r No a ti 460 ad. bao t 0 a k 4 6 f ra a N_ d fretalou - 11 opciev Spanc I'll ze or attyle o er. AM Or t1d1>- MT111218. Agents w d. STEEL TANK CO., TWEED. ONTARIO. SUITS 'OVERCOATS TO OrRDER Send for Samples and Measure Forms. 138 BAY STREET. TORONTO. t 'a 10', -w l!"A s J, !4 7 Tl:, MADEAWAY WITH mONK t V y RL ST S tE8T BE USSIAN FANATIC WILI 431 VE NO MOM, TROUBLE. I HY AVE% "E 0 t., v, 'Yo ung Man Who Startod as a r of High Church Officials Became. So Violent In Denouncing Vice That He Terrified. the Authorities Threatoned� to 1pie if Not 6oft With the Pecpla of Tsaritsin. U-assia has apparently solved the 'th ',the humble Problemof dealing w4 lliodoxe," the Cosss44 monk who, for mo�t'hs wa4 a thorn in the� fleeh of the "officials and at one time seemed des- tined to start a religious revolution Whie'Ll would get beyond his own con- 4rol and would make the Government iowerle3s before an aroused populace. �He -,his lol- has been banished� and been unable to I ijowks have leari where he was sent. Iliodore is a young monk� still :beardless, athletic, powerfully built, long haired and handsome in a wild JK&Iinuck sort of way. During the eight of the Russian revolution of 905-6 he began to distinguish himself y fne extreme violence of his at soks on Jews, heretics and -revolu- AiGnists of all descriptions, -with the result that he was summoned to St. Petersburg and there became the pro- tege of Anthony, the venerable metro- politari of that city. Iliodore's eloquence was wild and stimulating as the gales that sweep Over the steppes, and he might have been a power in Russia to -day and the successor of Holy John of Kron- stadt in the affections -of the people were it not for a strain of the "free wandering Cossack" in his blood. This strain made the -violence of his Ian- guage at time Utt erly unbearable. It made the holy and irate young man Socially iMPGSSible, and it led to in itances of tactlessness and bad Ian- guage which could not be overlooked. Nobody knew when he would do something original, unexpected and alviull. If invited to the -christening �Df a little grand duke at which Count Witte was present IliodoTe was as likely as not to climb on to a chair and denounce 'Witte for his sins in a voice that nothing could quell. IliodorWs fanaticism makes him a subiect for experts in mental diseases. His personal life was above reproach, and his prayers were veritable whirl. winds of emotion. Hewas finally sent from St. Petersburg to the monastery of Tsaritsin, a the Volga, where his onslaughts on the local bigwigs be. came intolerable, and his bishop, the most holy synod and all the local dig- nitaries of the church united in a powerful and combined attempt to promote him from the monkish call which lie occupied at Tsaritsin to the Post of abbot in a wealthy monastery in the prosperous Tula distriot. Tbeie are nrt many monks in Rus. sia who would require much coaxing to make such an exchange, but In this matter, as in everything else, Ilio. 'dore was exceptional. He first let it be known in town that he was about to Condemn himself to die of starva- ��on, The people of Tsaritsin were 'tl�illed by the news, Nn thousand of them flocked to Seve the monastery church, where they 4bund the man of God in an ecstasy P9fore the altar. Coming to himself '�nd finding the sacred building lull of people, the monk conducted a relig lous service which roused the congre. gation to the highest pitch of religious K;otfon. Having thus created an appropriate Atmosphere of ecstasy, he annonncqd that he would remain with them to the end and rwore a solemn oath not to eat or sleep until he had received a message that he would be allowed to stay in T6aritsin. Amid tears and groans and faintings and all the other evidences of acut% strain the people swore a similar oath. Telegrams were, then sent to the most holy synod and even to the ozir. i%ha Black Hundred associations, with Ivrhich -Iliodore had long been con- Inected and for whose newspapers he wrote fiery and incoherent l'Sometimes artioles, took up the cause of the re ibellious "monk, and -religious Russia !was stirred to its depths. She church dignitaries played a waiting game and then implored Ilio- 'dore to release himself and the con. regatio'n partially from their vow. He id so and thus undermined his whole !posi -ion, for in the Greek church no- %ody can 'release from vows save the 'holy synod. The last scene finds Iliodore coaxed W.) a railway carriage and then whiTl� ,Od away by a special train to some ;unknown destination. ? it may safely The prophesied that this i3 the an,& of q1todore. The Wrongs of Richter. Dr. Hans Richter, the famous com. 'poser, whose retirement is announced, *ankly confesses that he has never ,,been ablo In master our language, �%nd many amusing stories are told of his quaint perversions of our speech. Dn one occasion,� when he was eX_ Yplaining to some friends that his wife ,,7a3 subject , to fits of giddiness, hich compelled bar to lie down, he Astonished them by selying that O'wben she is not 111ing slie swin- 7 E IMIKETIMIR" Til '0111 1 1 , "I WFE IN HHOKSM ift en,glishwornan $eeA In It a Promised Y00 Can wre Land. Miss, Charlotte Nausfaeld has writ- Ok ten a delightlul volume of travel Cheot ColdS 1041 - sip in recording the story of her a - venturous wander' S th Afri- ea. She begins bx"Wasleribing how I - t And Brmehitis by Using OR, CHASES Nyaa that she resolved to try to jour� ney, unaccompanied by say whites, SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENUNE �from.the Cape to Cairo, and apropos If You (let the (lenuit me. of that tells an amusing story. "X was traveling to the City in the The. mere mention of pneumonia Tube, when an elderly woman oppo- and consumption causes a person to site nudged bar companion to lool; shudder, but a cold is such a common at an illustrated paper sbG was hold- thing that it is too often left alone In& and observed in audible tones, until theso other ailments develop 'This woman is going to try to get from it, from the Cape to Cairo without any You can readily cure throat and whito companions with her. Well, chest colds, croup and bronchitis, by with a face like that, I should say using Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed she would be safe anywhere. It re- and Turpentine. This medicine is d an effort not to laugh outright. both thorough and far-reaching in its surprised the good soul would influence on the system. FZr this. have been had: she discovered the reason its merits are well-known and identity of her vis-a-vis," . its sales enormous. If Aliss I�IaAsfleld did not carry -out But there are at least four imita, her full intention of getting thTough tions of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed Africa from South to North, she did and Turpentine, '.And imitations are succeed in getting a goodly variety always a little cheaper, bow else of adventurous experiences in doing would they sell. They are never sold what it may well be believed but on their own merit, but on the merit comparatively few women would care of the article they imitate. to undertake. "Why did I wish to Their likeness is in name only, and visit Rhodesia?" she asks, and pro� when you are in need of medicine you ceeds at once to answer her own ques- don't want to depend on a name. or tion by indicating that it was the de- imitation. Every bottle of the genuine sire to get as great a contrast as pos, -bears the portrait and signature of s 'bl to the more terrible aspects of A, W, Chase, ALD., the famou's Re - 1 0 L 9n,don life: c eipt Book author. 25 cents a bottle, Darkest Africa?—oh, how he who family size 60 cents; all dealers, or has been there anuat laugh at this Edmanson, Bates & Co,, Toronto. desoriptionl Africa, with the suft al- ways shining; Africa, with the free air for alll Darkest England, rather BUTTONS COVERED —yes, deadly dark, where starvation, with your own materialin Plain, Oval, called by tlTb authorities consumption, Bone, Rim and combination styles. Call, is a shadow always at your heels; write or phone foi prices. Mail orders darkest England, with its crushed, promptly filled. seething masses, whose ideas are -crip- TORONTO DRFSS PLAITING CO., pled, foor. want of space in which to phone North 3M . . develop; whose bodies are maimed for 600 Yonge Street, Toronto lack of room for growth, not only maimed, but murdered; darkest Eng- Mdrne. Dubois et Fils,t land, whose death is, -where the un- . wanted baby is o*verlain—there being BYERS, CLEANERS AND MANUFACTURERS too many to feed already—the hungry mother refusing food, the famished OSTRICH FEATHE4 Rs. father sinking to crime, the woman WILLOW PLUMES A SPECIALTY. sold. Why? WhyP`Too many for too little: London the vampire, life the TELEPZIONE XAIX 2D48. victim," 97 KING STREET WEST TORONTO In describing her journeys in thb* wild—we had almost written I61k­I ' � Al THE MEXICAN BACK YARD. jQurneys, but Miss Mansfield says that ffiere is no loneliness On the veldt— A Delightful Place Where One Finds the akuthor again and again insists up- on t4e value of Rhodesia as a white Comfort and Elegance. man's country. She tells of a Inan A description of one Mexican town who started in Northeast Rhodesia is a description of a hundred, says with a capital of but $250, and in a man who has traveled throughout seven years had a flourishing farm, Mexico. Take old Monclova, for in - with 760 head of oattle, and a good stance. It is a sleepy., languorous house, and had been able to pay a place, out of the world, and appar- visit to England. ently well satisfied to live its own 140ven the tent door, peep through, quiet life, sleeping by day, and u�- and beholdi The world is yours. Per- jug its pleasures duiing the cool of �aps it is early morni:1, and the air the evening. I 'had the pleasure of is cold, as yet unkiss by the sun, ,spending the better part of a week a heavy mist still shrouds in sof here a short time ago, and found it vaporous garments Dame Nature, yet full of things worth looking at and beauty is around, a cold beauty which lingering over; a most charming and Zou admiza, but treat as an hors interesting place. d t oeuvre of human life; this -chilly Like most Mexican towns, Mon - white dame will please yon little, but clova, has its public pai'k, where the you smiI6 contentedly, knowing that band plays evening&, and where the soon a rosy hue will embrace the senors and senoritas parade and earth and a glad smiling dame will show off their finery. The park is not appear, with hair of golden sunbeams, large, being only about -the size of a t, 111cia of singing birds, and a gar- four city blocks, but it is well kept, 10 of 11oweis. All the earth 'is contains many beautiful flowers mad yours, for no one shares its picture many varieties of shrubbery just higb with you; you will rejoice, and life enough to give a semi -privacy to the., will become a warm, glad thing." walks, making them most delightful lovers' lanes when the soft light of HOW THEY PROPOSE. the moon mellows the lines of -the cathedral, and -v�hen the languorous -Different Ways of Popping the Qu,s. waltz musia of a really good band softens the feelings of the promen- tion by Varous Nations. aders. It is easy at such times to Priipitive man wooed and won his succumb to the influence of the, occa- sweetheart with a club. Sir Launce- sion and to imbibe the Mexican idea lot, on bended knee, beseeched the of "manana"—that nothing need be fair lady of his ohoice to 4do him the dpne to -day which can be putoff un- lionor to become his bride. Theraod- til to -morrow. ern young Canadian settles his tate The iown bas about 4,000 inhabi- by r yerely inquiring pf his "steady," tants, and you are willing to admit 4i an off han.4 way, if she would care that at night, though you miC well for a license to -open his letters. EuT0- be skeptical during the day; or it Is peaki countries, however, still adhere apparently not the proper thing for .to the methods of the chivalric days any of the women to appear on the of King Arthur qs the foll9wing pol- street during the clay, and the few laction of marriage proposals, typical men lexcept the loungers and coun- of different nationalities, will show: trymen and Storekeepers) seem to be A Russian ..... Natasha, my little always in a hurry to get back to their dove, soul of my soul, I love you .9patios," or back yard parks. with my whole. heaTt,.with my, whole And it is these back yards which being—I love you madly, I will love are the important part of the real - you unto death, and should troubles dece,. The house is merely a place befall us my love will conquer any- in -which to sleep and a shelter from thin Be mine, oh, Natasha." storms, while the patio is where --- - A �renchman---"You aredivine, my "live', Where we of the north fur - ideal. To -morrow I will press my suit nish.'and beautify the house, they before your parents, and you, my lavish their care and attentich upon fairy, you will become my Nvife." their outdoor residence, and the re - An Englishman—"I am about to sult is a most decided success. start on a long voyage and I shall be Under a blue semi -tropical sky, sur. very lonely. I wonder if you would rounded by flowers and grass and care to marry me? Let us make the well kept walks, carpets and -rugs Journey together," and furniture take on new beauties A German—"Fraulein, you are a and have an air of comfort and ele. notable woman. You haveread and gance all their own, understood my book. I cannot tell you how much I admire and esteem Ctartled the Quakers. you. �day I dare to o2er you my hand?' Of Diggle, Mr. Barham used to tell An Italian—"Cara. mia, you are many absurd stories. The most amus- faver than the blushing dawn. Your ing, however much to be condemned, voice is more melodious than the soft of his practical jokes was one in west wind. Oh, let me kiss those which his Iriend Barham also had a dark looks of yours, and, let those share. The two boys in course of one heavenly eyes not spurn me, forother- of their -walks discovered a Quakers' wise I must die. Live without you I meeting house and forthwith procured cannot.,. a penny tart of a neighboring pastry A Montenegrin—"You are a hand- cook. Furnished. with this, Diggle FARM$ FOR SALE. W, 0 BOR .4 et eat, Toronto. 1[,117X,DUBD 4pRES_COUNTx PENT, _11yo thousand. HUNDRED ACRES—cOUNTY HAL- TON—Avo thous4a�L F%-v4&ACR1,3 VRUI_T A district; ten thousand, TwEN`Tr-sB'iEN& c R B, S — ALL infrult; good building, Ilf- teen =d. rVWBNTX ACRES FRUIT — GOOD buildings; six thousand, FRUIT, STOCK, GRAIN, DAIRY forms' all sizes and all prices, 000 me before buying, ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN AND Manitoba la nds, 11" YOU WANT TO EITHER BUY OR sell a farm or any. other land or pro- perty consult =a, I , W. DAWSON NINE TY COL - BORNE streei, Toronto. Phone Maine990, Xightsorholidays,272Wright avenue; Park 527, ANUMBER 01F�PL_ENDID FARMS for sale in Western Ontario, Western Real Estate Exchange, Ltd., London, Out. S .4 S K A T 0 0 N, SASK.—DO, YOU want to make money ? if so invest in 5M toon property and Central Saskat- dhewan farm lands, For full partioulars as to good safe investments *r1te ond, if you are coming West, call on G. R Clare, McKay Block, 2nd Avenue, Box 1194, Sas-. katoon, Sask. Reference, koyal Bank. 480ACRE8—IP GELY DISTRICT— three miles from new 0. T. R. Melville -Regina branch. Good house and bar,n; 350 acres under cultivation. This district has. never had hail and seldom frost. Price only �32 per nore; terms right. Come� at once if you want this. DI! G. A, Pollard, Real Estate. Office, 1713 Soarth street, Regina, Sask., Canada REAL ESTATE. .Q;ASKATOON AND ITS OPPORTUND )�' TIES—for a. few valuable pointers on rual estatesituation in Saskatoon,togethex with current list of investments available and particulars of our co-operative syndi- cates, write Box 292, Saskatoon, Sask. 11tf WA�NTBD—SOUTH AFRICAN VET- . . BRANS' land warrants—spot cash paid; write or wire immediately. W. P. 3odgera, 603 MoIntyre Block, Winnipeg. FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE, ]EPRUIT FARM -95 ACRES IN WIN- ONA district; best of land - peaches frapes, plums, etc., in full bear" 1" Ouse and building; handily ALIM'; price, nineteen thousand. Chas. H. Page, Winona. EGGS FOR HATCHING. REGAL WHITE WYANDOTTES— ' eggs thatwill hatob. from prize-win- nin t Ick, 41.25 per 18, securely packed. y%Ms are snow white, block � type and very hardy. Northern White 7yandot e Poultry 'kards. Richard Lush, Burk's Falls, Perry, Sound District. REGA1 WHITE WYANDOT70 " first prize - Burk's Falls, 1907, 1M M9W, 1910; -hardy, healthy; curtain fron; ses- free ran e; stronilT fertill d r ff Yis. 11.25 per I . D. S. L , er, B Z's a Is, arry Sound District, Ont. ur WHITE WYANDOTTET —EXCLU- SIVELY—quality high, 16 0 $100- 100 eggs, $4.00; trial order soli.= &kdafe Pollitry,Farm, Sarnia, Ont. PLANTS FOR SALE. STRAWBERRIES, POTATOES AND Raspberries for sale—Williams, Sena- tor Dunlop, Splendid Persons Beauty, Sample, 60c. per 100, $3.00 er 1,000. Early Potatoes—Early Ohio, Earyy Puritan Ear- ly Fortune, Early Norton, Late Virst Choice Green Mountain, Delaware Em - tire State Hamonds, Wonderful, $1.00 per af Raspberry cains—King Raspberry an Cuthbert Raspberry, $2.00 per 100 cains. 1. W. Krouse, Guelph, Oat. This advertisement will only appear once. LIVE STOCK. HAVE A NICE LOT OF PURE-BRED Tamworth pit! (both sexes) for sale. Pedigreep furnis ad. Oorrespondence so- licited. Ifigpection invited. P. J. Red - dick, Blorrisburg, Out. AGENTS WANTED. STUD'k F OTHER AGENCY propositions conTincesus that none can equal ours, You will always regret It if you don't aqly for particulars to Travellers' Dept., 28 Albert street, Ot;. tawa. START TEA ROUTE TO-DAY—SEND postal for circulars or loo. for samples and terms. Alfred Tyler, London, -Ont. W 0 M E N WANTED—TO TAKE T �, orders in sRar@ time; no experience necessary; our iines especially used by mothers and girl$. AppIT Dept, A., Brit- ish Canadian Industria Company, M Albert street, Ottawa. TEACHERS WANTED. WANTED—FIRST AND SECOND T . class teachers, holding. professional certificates, to take positions in Saskatche- wan and Alberta; highest salaries paid. Address the Moose Jaw Teachers' Bureau, Box "5, Moose Jaw, Saskatche wan. PHOTOGRAPHER. MATEUR PROTOGRAPHER-4— developing 1 roll, 10c.; DrintinF, 04c. Amateur' ii "Story, The each, on Photographer, lroptVaBiiam, O.t., o..- ada. PORCUPINE MAPS General M�p of District - - - $2.50 Property Map, showing operating center - - - - - - - 1.50 Cripple Creek, Keekeek, Swastika - 1.00 Inc'fividual Townships - - - - 50 A. 40. GOUDIL" & CO., -. 621 Traders Bank Building, Toronto._ - I - "My Little. Darllng.�' The Wild Giraffe. A Willfal It was the late lord Brampton, bet- Perba 4 the most 4ftult of all Pftt,�', 'lq an ter known, perhaps, as Mr. Justice v.n I papturo is ine $Xraffe- Y� Y. ng, verg Hawkins, who once thus referred 0 In addition to b0i ra-0. i;4 - Mr. Justice Darling, who presided affes are oxceeftoly U44 V0 04 44 over the recent Stinie Morrison trial very swift f1poted.. Thal �s 40 6 0141 in London. And certainly his. boyish Way , to capture g., Me,, as_Armoo app�arauce belies his age—sixty-one. every W4 k, $4.9p, -A y has, Des A He is one of the most astute and most have 'been alWost 0 valy successful judges on the Bench, and ful. The, m6th d'WJa'_ hc4d, ,r! VIVA prei J"' Q. a brilliant wit. One day a prosy all resulted Jn a c.�Pj counsel was siving a long disquisi- a T( ng cord, at eab , end i row_ p, Sir. J tion on the powers of. a county Conn. a round Wear plin, Siaclair,, - yq oil In restricting certain manufac. by the himthr in tie IiIiAl 110 Ili upa yo T il, 6rp, 016 d. u as'k e�n 'o. a Iture, 'inted tures, and gravely informed his lord- to wifid'.)m I J� 4 wT4.. bb "ahi lg # :4%& 81, t# ibnointed nger� either b 1% ship that gut-MraAng was a da ougg trade. "Then, accordin t rendQrin p4ble df escapin, 11,14, romptly repUe'd,'�'all before it - his lordship Is made a prfe( lifoh�'-,Slr�L64. IFwent about w violinists shodd be prosecuted." Mr. the giraffes in captivity have bae V4 bjts 114IX4 exclai ing: "I'D Darlill, once said that he became a caught whei) young, PH "I was sue a judge %ecause he wished to lead an — fiaeksv"ain' I TM Idlelife. His guardian. asked him what he would, like to do to eaTn living. "I think," said the judge, MORY MUNINE EYE REMED relating the episode, "thaf lie gave For Red, Weak, Weary, Watay Eyes me the selection of several unpleasant AND GRANULATIED Ll__. way—all ways seemed unpleasant. I IMurine Doesn't fturk­ Y� knew nothing about �bem, and so I soothes Eya Pain said, 'Oh, very well, I'll be a s V Mu&eEykRemecly.tlquid.25c.SDc.$1.09, Mu&a Eye SaWe. In Aseptic Tuba, 25,:� 1, tor.' And I can assure you that f&' dV19 ROOKSAND ADVION FRFE bY several years I realized -the he! "16f !!�rine Eye hernedy Go.,� Chluelir( my ambition." A True Philosopher. Hygiene. ','The doctors are urging all kin "I wish I were eligible -to join one 01,84nitary measures and preeautiM. of these patriotic s(>ns of something." 11 0 'Too bad you're not." ic", orl the publ I'SUIL if my ancestors hadn't al. e 706s; if . all the regommendatio yed a mad E KN %Ali ad V11 and warnings were follo3 home "Noul ways taken to the woods in time of warfare I might not be here.-- d look like &,hospital. What You -See. A- gbod many decided blondes get A UL WOWD 9t It is arnazing," said the youn the decision from a druggi I N1, Operations in Canada to-daypro-rido rn�an, "how it happens that when fae, chances ­for y0t111 V teach-TelegraPh , WsOtllu- have a swell girl oil youi = cgggs I Vete ln� Ifte. you are only 25 cent4 stroi tt -1 'Ri�Li._= see restaurants in every sp6t *hei 00, 00- 11"P the �ay before there were only vacan- an4j" Rum ntO. Uto. 111ris,"IR. , dent.J W. Prvsl lots. Naturally Slow. Some men are a long. time getting anywhere, no matter where. Sure Death. The badhelor who sympathizes Nvith a fair widow is lost. C.P,A. 18, 1911 lv es'iff es., _�je �ep equipped factory for ub - .. X t APPLEFORD producing Obunter Meek Books in Cana& COUNTER' OAFACITY Counter CHEOX Check5ooks 50,000 per day Y MAIL ONLY— BOOK *e are supplying the Largest users of 001111ter Check Books I.0 Dh I N 0 L 0030ANY9 ravory in Cangda with our $1.00 box. 6 for $6 on* officas "IMPERIAL BOOKS" I t hit I � aulleatis W"h 1 411 0 r [lot P olr, T 4 StIrton Ave J;J argama&�. Qosltlye. LIMTED. APPLEFORD COUNTER ,w AN11100N, OOMMON SENSE (Not In the Trust.) CHECK BOOK FOR PILES ONT. COMPANY, LIMITED. Quickly relieves and positively cures plies In any and All stages. $1.00 box. 6 for $6.00. DR. SNAPPERIS. Nfilirm and Nerve Food Tff,ftT MW 6001 LL IN A specific Tonle. More powerful'and yl speed man any medicine hitherto ex- ploltel. 6s,00 per package. 6 for sm.00. TGRCMT,-0 NIONrREAL WM'NIPEG LYLE MEDICINE CO., 718 QUEEN WEST, TORONTO, The �L�, Ptintexs!16upply. -H,�ouse� in, Canada. We C&MAlwayS in �&ock Cylinder Presses, Job Pres4es, Pap,= � Cud= -S7 1",-, �_ and MateriaL CM -FM Onkxs �Jm C=*te Pwuhmlmt fix= &DCL V,.&e -m the��Lwgest- R*ady Print Pvb- Steel Watep lishers-Mitlje W�esL We .,Ftb1ish,,Peady.;`Pr1ntS Tpoughs es. lWo of hea,,y gbIgnt 13-4 ste� Q4r I Ot h dT X 00 1� -EGI;TA, stoo tho td6t R '44t a are a led 0 r No a ti 460 ad. bao t 0 a k 4 6 f ra a N_ d fretalou - 11 opciev Spanc I'll ze or attyle o er. AM Or t1d1>- MT111218. Agents w d. STEEL TANK CO., TWEED. ONTARIO. SUITS 'OVERCOATS TO OrRDER Send for Samples and Measure Forms. 138 BAY STREET. TORONTO. t 'a 10', -w l!"A s J, !4 7 Tl:, y RL ST S tE8T BE I HY AVE% "E 0 t., v,