HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-01-07, Page 144003[ ".:3,0.C. ES! WE DELIVER! LOW, LOW PRICES AND FRIENDLY SERVICE vfi QUANTITIES TO N00RMAL rAMICY REOUIREMENTS .IMA I5 SUPPLIED AND SERVICEPBY ELLIOT T MARR & CO WITH THE SHAWAGROUP L® a v ipkg. WITH COUPON BELOW 2.49 without coupon CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SEMI -BONELESS BLADE ROASTS ALL BEEF CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF MAPLE LEAF 11 0 -Ira CROSS RIBI WIENERS kc�asoq ea ROASTS s:r "eaMINIpr PQft,. SAUAGE (71 ���I SHOULDER ROUNDS 500,11® pkg ROASTS • F LI .r [MAW +ar:ef v 04NFIF t'. & It AN STEWING SANDWICH ®¢N� %..J' k BEEF MEATS Mame, q ®.. p 9 MAnf .F., (� SLICED Lear SWEET PICKLED �r,(T1 OOKS 1 +CJI COTTAGE ROLLS 5Tlkq • aIn COOKED HAM zq • . Dk9 Mph! 4.r r."Tm , '"I'F°' r) CORNED BEEF (2h �'(�I BOLOGNA �e®'cog/�•ll(�IDkg,BRISKET . nk9/L• Ib Leal.�' Iwr 1'P'r•unl,•,NP n„+. Lear- CANADIAN (7� Q MAPLE LEAF 11 g1. ea BACK BACON 6 27(5 • O� Iln DELI STICKS 2zoq • 439k511 • )Allo 439kg11 •4C"''In 4 39kq II • 1I IID. DOUBLE COUPON! 111.1 tOUPON, yAU0 " 500 ,,,TM TNI} IMA P40POM MAPLE LEAF SLICED ^• MAPLE LEAF SLICED a^ • ;SIDE BACON' 99;SIDE BACON'•99' eft; ".500 KRAFT 2258 pkg without Coupon 2 74 MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER 471 ®�1�I000PO,, With SUNNY DELIGHT CITRUS PUNCH GAO) I/ Ili NABOB TRADITION OR SUMMIT COFFEE without coupon 3 49 WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUE H LTH &" BEAUTY ...AIMS �r. asst var 5699 vac pac ❑1 PROD. OF ONTARIO -CAN. FANCY MCINTOSH APPLES �1 ed C PROD OF U S.A FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS INDIAN RIVER RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT Ft PROD. OF U S'A. PROD OF ONT CAN 41 210 ROMAINE LETTUCE . 11'yI;.A: CARROTS 'PROD OF U S.A -CAN 41 CUCUMBERS PROD OF ONT -CAN e 1 210 �!•' �I` 11 COOKING ONIONS PROD. OF ONTARIO CRISPY OR 4 40z•60Z 'ALFALFA SPROUTS '11.'1 II' PROD OF ONT CAN N I 551q) RUTABAGAS PROD. OF U S.A. GREEN ONIONS PROD OF USA 6oz RADISHES I. 1II, ' ADD A TOUCH OP GREEN ASSORTED 4"pot 1 .y 1, TROPICALPLANTS e OVEN CLEANER • 1' 1 CHAPMANS ICE CREAM assorted flavours 2L carton ID\ MILK DUDS AJUICEPPLE 4'iq • Y BLENHEIM CHOICE WHOLE TOMATOES 2oo2 tin WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE with coupon ss't Colours pkg. Of 20b 1kg bag MISS MEW CAT FOOD 2,02•)6 r � LADY ,LYSOL SCENT 2 MwM tll ��j��� �] (� a„AAAA 1a {{SWIGSPEEDSTICK aOa. /J1 a'DISENFECTANT35ogoi •.JI(Jl 05.4av } SCOPE ', � NO WAX t1. 4 (. MOUTHWASH ii re 41-. id CLEANERL20z e CBued uj pgi ' (owthuj Tialzetti SUNSHINE 05Tg bac ,n•, mPnJ n. mT n WHEAT .69 BREAD SRJNMAID 4t0q IOa& RAISIN BRAD • WE5 ON R'S IIPT CROSS DUNS CRUSTY , ROLLS 1.6% 1.29 6/.99 FIEDLER'S 44811009 COOKED HAM - 1.99 o FIEDLER'S POLISH 41cn0o9 SAUSAGE "I .301b FIEDLER'S1�535/1009 HEAOCHEESE2.3i0Jlb -MOM'S 19001009 ' BOLOGNA 1.291s PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL JAN 10t11, 1997 YOU'LL FIND KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Q➢ 3SOg box TOMATO, SAUCE ALL PURPOSE 140: • IC (al FLOUR REAL REAL ( DOG . I MAYONNAISE 250m1 /C.• 41 CHOW ,,hg 3.3,1 2kg �• JI :11 `. ASSOaa04.14, 44, KITTY LIPTON -- " t 1( I UTTER NOODLES N' SAUCE ' 2e. "og • � " •I� �1 DETERGENT MINUTE RICE • All, FANCY FABRIC APPLESAUCE 28oz 11.41 `�' SOFTENER 11.21STATIC I GUARD VEGETABLE JUICE 4802 *HUNDREDS* 05 15.51005 FIATURIS TNR000HOUT OUP 5T001 54(1! ARI JUST SOHO TMAT 000111. IDI AT 40110 LOCAL AMA MV110' RR20Nit 4u&541•, APPLE JUIe'E. CAVI (0' 44041(4 500141 SALAD DRESSING FRENCd FRIES OR7IDT M, rAVI 10. 0004442124 7N SOFT MARGARINE 22(ETGHUP m. 041 20' 2227 N a5 PERRSONAL SOAP 44N 40' NOR( IMw DISI! SOAP 1402 20/ DUOI4. 70, GARBAGE BAGS 2402 40' 4004 44149177419-0 00=J TOOTHPASTE 'Shia OIL 1.29 1.19 7 7 EIVIA COUPON COIRNER 'I•neJI•(11ItJI xj/L• �(JI rA oa c=.Pr TOILET BOWL WELCH'S r I� 11 (11 CLEANER I _�•� 1' GRAPE JUICE ,tre /L • J ell h ' J yy��yyrr lnNn one. Pm,: nrru roof a ■■i�N r0.D��. SANKA i o r w y!.� INSTANT CQFFEE 170q (50.1`,...' MACARONI & Ans, vnn CHEE 3E DINNER 80401 C CADBUHocoLATE R • Y oapTc :0o:11 • `J1„LIGHT DELIGHT(/j(` •` i ,�1 DINNERS'° 545 ;log A� • J HA�R r , c 1.r-- (1 JN LIGHTDDOCK BATTERSOLE ssoq o LJ • 'lb 11•'..11• NABISCO SHREDDIES r.,ArAif DAIRY SPREAD .59 2.39 2.59 3.49 .99 1.69 3.49 Ww+ fa.; awa cedeOA NABOB 'TRA0ITION 00 SUMM T COFFEE ai.04144 4. 4494 GOUP,•N5 vRi.Y Lt..: S. 9 ., 2.99 orf TN,5 AMA COUP&14 NABOB MecnRPNIAM1.(.nc©ssE 'OEOREEEINTAFO ®INNER l FE 3.99 S/x.99 I nadIT =ST vhL1iU'- :1271 CHICKEN - BURGERS •,.s Awn c4MPRN SUNLIGHT LIQUID DETERGENT TA, ttttt CAPON ®99 ,;94.17 30C: COLGATE• TOMPOT 1 • TOOTHPASTE AZI.LI .rc3S9BPOSEDDE 2.9109 AMA Twist vMA RUPON KRAFT 91 VICTORIA ST. N. GODERICH Across fomothe Pool PAGE 14 -GODEHICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1987 Fa hifly 1 r / END OF SEASON PRICES 1 1 F t� i 1S on Snowmobiles -. At the Peak of the Season There's still lots of time to ride your new Polaris'Snowmobile, but Hui ty Gully is giving you prices thot will make you think it's the first day of spring. 1 L with electric start RIS SkiNG 340 *NLY $349 1O0's of in-store accessory & clothing specials In Va• rn 282-3318 JUST OFF HWY. 4 BETWEEN HENSALL AND BRUCEFIELD . ttir Cathy Elphick Cathy Elphick, the wife of Brian Elphick of RR 3 Lucknow and the daughter of Bob„, and Shirley McCall, formerly of Goderich, graduated on . November 21 from the Diploma Nursing Program, Conestoga College, Stratford Campus. Course :helps families manage ' .,-lave you ever said, "Look at the money We have spent this year; what do we have.to show for it'?'' With the excitement of the Christmas season over', do you wish you could start saving now for 1987 Christmas gift buying.. Making our.family living dollars buy what -I we, need. and want is a challenge. Family Financial Management, a. new home study course for Ontario farm families, helps families plan how to use that. money before it disappears in .unexpected ways. The course includes five' lessons for a registration of $10,00. To get more informa- tion, contact your local OMAFoffice at Clin- ton before January 20, 1987. ��➢�/➢C CORNER Huron County Council will meetat 10 a.m. on Thursday, January 8 in the• Council ChaJnbers. of,the Goderich Court House. The Huron County Board of Health will meet at the conclusion'of the County Council Session on Thursday, .January 8 in the Coun. - oil Chambers at the Court House. - • THe Huron. 'County Museum Committee will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, January 13 • in the Council. Charribers at the Goderich Court House. Benrniller United Church was the setting of the November 22 wedding of Peter Feagan of RR 5 Goderich and Sheryl Gilbert also of RR 5 Goderich. Peter is the son of -Hugh and Marilyn Feagan of R.R._5 Goderich and Sheryl is the daughter off Murray and Erma Gibbs of Parkhill. Matron of honor was Sharon Sudler, sister of the' bride,,, of Parkhill. Best man was Paul Feagan, • brother of the groom, of RR 6 Goderich. Following a .wedding trip to Quebec City, the couple have • taken up residence at RR 5 Goderich. (photo by Harvey McDowell, Blyth)" Hi, My name is Jonathan Stright and 1 will be three on Saturday, ,January 10. 1 live at RR 2 Goderich with Dad and Mom (Rick and Debbie), my big brother Jasonand my sister Tabatha. 1 am having a party at McDonald's with my friends from "K" Day Care on Saturday: Please wish a Hap- py Birthday to my special friend Big Bev who has a birthday on January 9. Love, 'Jonathan. Zurich Recre tion Committee New .Year1s Spee I 10 Schneiders Olde Fashereed H . to be given away Thurso Jan. 8 Zurich C =mmunity Centre JACKPOT $IOOO must go Bonanza game I- value over $700 - 55 calls NEXT BONGO JANUARY 22 • • • 4 flash games • 1 • early bird • 10 regular .• 1 mystery prize Doors open at 6:30 Start's at 7:30 '"p.. Bring your dabbers No one under T6 allowed to play ALIELIMINDIXIMMEOMMIIIIMMIUMNIXEMESIJ JAN-UARY SALE NOW ON We Service What We Sell MAJOR APPLIANCE DRYSDALE CENTRE LTD. HENSALL 262-2728 Ontario CLOSED MONDAYS "THE PLACE TO BUY APPLIANCES" • t • GOLD & SILVERSMITH JEWELLERY DESIGNER h _k.. ,.., 4. _.___ • limm",%N.00..nta One of a kind Designer,;, 4 k Cold and Sterling Silver Jewellery '• Complete repairs to all Jewellery 81 Holloware also Diamond and Semi Precious Stone repair J Pearl Restringing ' VIVO P" d�►1 DesiGteleit 72 THF SOt1ARF (1C)DF RICH ONT N 1A 1MF\ (519)' 524 4509 t Londesboro United Church was the setting of the December 6 wedding of Darryl James, Beattie, of, 19 Bennett St. East in Goderich, and Leanne Marlene Thurlow, of 151 Bruce St. East in Goderich. He is the son of Mr„ and Mrs. Michael Beattie of 19 Bennett St. East in Goderich and she is the daughter of Mrs. Marlene Armstrong of RR 1 Londesboro and Mr. 'Bill Thurlow of Sault Ste. Marie. Officiating at the wed- ding was Rev. David Snihur. Maid of honor was Amanda Snell of RR 1 Blyth, with bridesmaids Mrs. Valerie Gauley of 101 Newgate in Goderich, Laurie Arm- strong of Stratf and Ann -Marie Thurlow of RR 1 Londesboro. Best man was Bradley Beattie of Guelph with ushers Michael Frayne of Owen Sound, Scott Kerr - , err, nighan of RR 3 Auburn and Kevin Jewel of RR 4 Goderich. A reception was held at the Goderich Township Hall in Holmesville. Following a wedding trip to Crazy Angels in Manzanillo, Mexico, Mr. and Mrs. Beattie have taken up residence at 15 Bruce St. Eact in Goderich. (photo by Gary Walden) SAVE UP ON.��ee O9A N'ST d11011 COPIERS OOLYMPIA,SIVIITH CORONA TYPEWRITERS. OFFICE FURNITURE Sibeeie Dc"eod>s®a - "at at e Old•eird ' ALL SALES - cash, cheque, n astercard or. Visa ALL SALES FINAL ALL FLOOR MODELS PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY HURON BUSINESS D7':- HINES 482-7338 50 Albert 7' 4