HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 577.
Q1 V A;tamv 6, Wm_KI
anna V. A, Se,oy� OW�Iprd% Day Al. I -Lh:ls 3cotlon,
(A it villa nry oflstr4tfor "WGCJJE"�01 BUGGIES1
A I resl - Supply Just I", ooveiilag W, G.� ber 0ons and other fileadi-s j.4
lionoe will a4idrpss a Public in Lampprke of 15 Aa
eat;imj�� ka vWflAw hcr paroutii Mr r aaA'� Xr6.
in 010 AXetIlDdil$t 0111roll ar" $ p"in, pol
Urs, Waahburn'o barn was juav,-IcL Jan Lam -te, 1)ry�sjdaje,
Portland k
celve about, 6 ft, la -Sit Wcidlaelsday by a �ri;t Mkiss. Xart.� Dueharmj� of J3rOmpo.,j A CARLOAD Of NEW BUGGJES HAS
Ak T d 0
of is ind, liva 09'!Iat 41 week Wilth friiieOlds, and
C t Xr. Ilobt. Doupe and. family of St. r;1-I4*jveS at 1)rr)ji4alR, � ton, ARRIVED.
-------- ofarys move,4 back las� week to tb,�Itr Mrs. of Prwi whp
took qnit* J,If, while visit,
farm here, ing her hom,
Alloa , Lankiri iS Visiting - bor at 0134 Lutheran is r.vp.:,d'jy
Touiorrowwewill place on Saleanother shipment of si.sNr Mrs. Iria Marsliallri. avoo.vering,.
We have on handa IN163 flawiai�l. Seaforth. visited h. Ur, J, '8� 4�lir Deex.�n.- ag e ester Cow"
-itsix(sod Of a car loRd of Clover
od supply, of 'aunt. mrs. $.Taftia.*k . kturday a r ha,� d A; the (,ja4 Th Internal �onal pany 6ving
ave your nixt Ny 6a t;af Isi, , stationed- me at Ex
above cement. Let usIT, )readers an -d over a car of oth. eir full Line of
order. pl',s Cod'Lliver COMPOUnd eter to handle th
Sar4day lut, .:r implements 6o far Ws seasQn. goods such as the
This is the greatest alli,round Tonic, strength restorer and body Mrs. Jose drid eon Jaok are oil a. ALi.9sLig Anar'e and Tillia. Fisher of
that can be �oaud, and, 4b is no wonder . that so many people are vitsit 'to Iloatingns couirly. Llort Ar(hur V�s';Vnx thei M
op im. the mercury recalled
11*1 aseld 6"') a 1111 41 or ir molh- McCormick Binders, Mowers., R kreS
buybag it', for it is equally good. for children, for middle aged persons, Tau-.tary wejnorlets� prei�enit, a 91n -
and for old people. .0— Mildred Eilber of Stcphen iP,
I v�'*�ing With her qrandparelyts, Mr. ore Spreaders, Seeding Tools, 8'
it is a real ton* coat c0d liver exbracO, extrub of malt, wild WHALEN ind ldr�i. Geidr-vei Kerner, Ind
cherry and hypophosph=2411 splenald combination. on olir
Tli;.� ;sadnaws reached lieM Q& Th,,, bowl; wn i� b(?ipg leveled eir
IV inz tzj Twine Gas ne Engines,
n.g&y last of The eii4dkii death of ap !umdvar tbe suporv,*js'ja of Mr. J.F,
The cod liv6r evi'tract,builds you up Mrs. Kramer, of Regina, Who is N�,,ejj I
known in theae parts b, -In- the �vr_ lt�iv, G, Fi. Brown of walkertidn' Windmills, COLkshutt Plows.
avd. youngest daughter of Mr. Mav- broth,,,r of Xr. Jacob Brown of the
so doqs the extract of rnalt. The hliii, Goshen Lize w2l be the. new Mr. Hunter will remain with me. Particular at.
tir. Td`oLau.1 For eaveral,yjqLrs
Mies Xatie tau.,ght hdre It. our p1lb. Of' the Evanixeli church in.Zarib*4- tention will be paid to Machine Repairing ofall kinds.
ild cherr3 life Lic �ojri
w gives -you a betterappe- hool Vroii1t and will pi7i�aeh YjSr inagural. fermdrti The first shipment will arrive on Saturday:, nd w
-she 'tati-lit for a while. The fatnfl�- next aunday, con
tite and the hypophosphite had no ` word, of liar betn� C-lek and sist of a carload of First Class Buggies, especially
the sudden news of her doeath caintit
!_8 U �Pp I y Young Men's Outfits. - These will be the Celebrated
is a, severe ehqek. Her sister Afary XARyro
to a c-
ph.os phor,,isto the nervous system left on Thuraday I -or Reg High Grade GRAY BUGGIES frum Chatham manu-
tend the fuiiveral. ' NiValtvr S. -13xook. 0. B. of Toronto factured by the largest co-Deern in Canada.
't needs- Aln and Mrs. �Ga�rze. -wilson a- lis 1;iylala thm plans for a new sewer -1
just the thing t"Mood Ithe fumexial of hiis uncle b
1; a&-! Vatell, for the town ok St. MaryLs. 8 P, 9P " IBM
I TOM at Exeter on �Vodaysday, Z1r. 43M]c Was engai;A to do the
The taste is pleasant -and agreeable -it will not nbuseate, the weak- UrIA. Win. , 'Gumiairi.- is unddr the 1vork it the last )ileetlng Of '(11c town
'AJS TH:bI RESULT. OF, A' TIP, i I) r',,: e a —4-k . 114 couniell (it a salar �f ennn ---"Rww
est stomach. Large bottle qjjL..Ou co ar.0 0
many a w6�man now has a, Just the Tonic for after this cold spell, 0
repuita- Iiiing 'to hir aclivaace-d mgr� Is very J. W, Ca -.,`;cart has buen offored
Irion aLs a �,f ime baker who IM w-k�ak. ;!2) for a Durham calf four days o:,d.
c Inary _Uvissrs. llectpr and Clareace 311ill- Th-� 1. 0. 1". chialleng-ed Lh 1 0. 0. V
one. The -fl,p 'is 1to son have improved1he Appearance of. thQ ObamPlous of the St, Marys car- er
kormerly known -as Jbdt ara 'A Ria., peL ball league an.<1 161jeceadod N JE L L, if "Avet
bu.�zgies by having, 1hpin 1) W
k USE SNOW DRIF,11 FLOUR W. S. Howey Phm. B
A. They vertaiisly-bAeild to deal'i'n Out by shots. -The y1,v,.',ors
Care), _-oo&q tliiiid i5timmer. %0.,rL, entertained to lu-1.cheon at 1-1.
mhait is all 'the secret fabou't, i� Willi dhemist and Optician At a ineetin7 of the. congvoigaj�ojj
,the use of 'Snow Drift flour half rthe
ETER OXTAR10 on Wedoesday eveninX. it was Mirs Noll.e Spearin, of Galt has r0 -
baking is already done. With juat EX turnA to re
opdjimary care and okill ttwice als, doicided to hoj-d the sammer anniver- sume her duties iu Galt.
N kIr Izood results are aosare�d. sary on Sunday Jun,,, .18th. Rev, Butt -,k- S. Sinith of _Moosoji)iij Tbwn Topi". Handling Silage.
our pastor who'k%aves a1a at, the friends .:,i St. -Tfarye. Mr. The quality of the silage' may
06- �.of bis ttrm, was. c5rdially invited to 91n1th ha,s bver. ;a) t -he west for ae New York has raised her assessment materially betterea by using care 14
H. Cook Sons and C ,,,I on t&'oacaslan. On Tueaday NSL 15 yitars, and has prospereid, and is now allowed by law to go into taking it out. Don't put the fork
th,�y Were headed off after stratch- 210th a dtrawbarry festival will L'� At ad_'3�,.;ent ineating of the 1vater debt $W,000,000 more. Will. , she? down five or six inches deep, ao
Hensall Ont. C red i t on iLZ (JjU1ns0lvM somewhat and break- lilht and beat board
-badly. the resilgimation,
in, tha harness Pain from lodigostion, dyspopisia, Of NV-C-Dr,01v01,Y firsi: ex-ghi of t1w .W,-Atch her. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. though you were plitebing manure, bug
oard New use a fork with tines close together
Mr, and Mrs. A. Clarke and children Xais. Mills has staited his ggrocery and todheartycatini; 'V, r�lieved a -ii 1TIN"i"rho"SO was accePted "�r ' York Is bragging on a lowered
of Alsia Craig spent Sunday in town waxon on ithe usual summer. routes. The b
visiting the formers parents Mr. and 97blartin, of Evetter was a basimfc1as one,-! by Itakimg One of. Car'.,r'�4.4 L'V-Tir, h! ?"died 'ia request the coune:kl tp death rate, but Chicago can console andt skim oil the top, only loosening
Mrs, & Clarke. callair -in th6 villa,,zia- thio week. . Liver P,*Jls immediatoly after �dinner V!a" $-'1,000 'to their criedt! for Imm- Itself' with the time worn statement what you need for the day�ls feedlng�
Mr. Frazer Brainn accompanied -by Evorybody iis now busy skidin"j. A Dont Cor-pA Ithits. -re.quixemenis. that everything Is bigger In Chicago- - Keep the surface level and perhaps a
his sister and Miss Mable Wenzel aut- zreater 'portion of 'the ignqu Will be -------- Louisville Courier-Sournal. little. lower ilear the outer walL
oea to Exeter on Friday last in th'is Week. The. soil is wareely as BRUCEFIBLD We observe that East kit. Youls Silage cannot be handled as careless -
Mr. Graham spent Sund�aj in Exet- mollow as last year. Irdiere i�, ho-,%,- HENSALL counts on 200,000 people by 1920. Im ly as ordinary roughage, The cows in
er with friends. over. little room for complialat. Jami,.�!is lGeratniland Rev. E. If. Saw- eating will throw some out of the
For Sale Bd to Regina All the ladies are honise-�eleahing. 3`0-r dttended the synod incroti I . Mr. and. kri Darnum. are visilitia? that case she would better be looking
Rev. b. Braun returm 13offoick lavt Week. in 51r_z. Baxuum's mother. mrs. Nesbit. for the east end site of a trolley car mangers, and some may be scattered
after attending the Conference which Thl�, W. M. S., of Cooper's church WOO ilong the feed alley. It. this is al -
y % Mhe 'Rovers' football t-eam are pre- 11-lis.9 B11arzarat Bonthoili who spent trumel undex the Mississippl.-St. Louis I
S"'Veral lowed" -to remain there It will soom
LOTS-flkst class in the great was held at Zurich. ineit on INhursda' last April 27-th for
q coming year (Geoige Swan left last Ireek 'to Toroato last week.
WaLthern addition withilin the city lim- Mrs. Roweliffe returnea to Exeter their annual meetlm� and election of. t paring for a M:,- 1�aasi Weeks at her -home iftre re- Globe -Democrat.
its of calgary.1 Tlits is what the after spending a few weeks with her Gf-fbO,?rs for th ci�. . result- for Uninod. - cause a bad odor. The man that useiN
Q. P. R. states; sister Mrs, R. Dinney. ing as follows,-Xlrasid�ftt. Xrs. A, Toronto where he has seeured a po- �r:- Saml COUIE-a, Who jS atteniding the broom freely is the one that hadt
"You can recommend this p Mr. win. Wenzel left for the North Jobnjgtonl; VLoe-pres. INIrs. 'Goo, Hud- Mtion as f iiraman on Itihe 'Grand Trun& rbi., medical eolle.�e a;t Lond�x ia Aerial Flights. the sweet smelling stable, a condiVork
roperty 'llni,iss. worth 'while, for milk takes up a for4
�r After several months'of holno lspenffin� the holidays wift(h Mr.
ison; Ibelc.-Sec'Y Miso Fildremice Jam -
to your clients as a good investment West where he intends spending the idson; SuDt. `Systemat;ia 'Giving. Urfs Mrs. Dunican McDonald pa%s.,,d i way and Ml-�,S. John Coulter. Airship hi�tory seems to be made ;f eign odor with surprising rapldi=�
voth safe and profitable." summer. We all hope that the on Saxday morniaz -lat5t a.wd 78. breaking records one day and breaking unless everything is sweet
These lots are selling now at $175 00 West will do Mr. " enzel lots of good, JOIVa Wilson- Mie -is Marlion Caea.. of Toronto. is m
achbine'third down arid balance 'in What about the 24tb. celebration. spndmig a 'couple Of months at her necks the next�-Bdllwaukee Journal. the Milk will tell it, and eventuM
raindfatheiis Mr. wi.11*,am Moi.r,:%.
air, twelve and eigbteen montris at 6% -Quite A number of people here are PA)RKi . - . .1 There are twenty-six: licensed avia- the customer -will find It out and Mx�
laid up with the measles. Is lt�_rigjlt Xltr- Waltier Hobkirk returned re� tors In Amaerica. We hope each of histrade elsewhere.
interest. If you want to make some to send some children home from - Dou Mcleod of th� Toronto Dootors, Condemn untily from 'southern Manitoba. them may live to see his license dx-
,Se oof t5
Anoney don't delay in looking me up as f
lef t last
School when' there are lots others, h practical jsclanWe re he had been for isome t1m,, pire.,01deago Record -Herald.
th" is a chance of a lifetime. ay Mmonton,'where he Good Breeding at"Law Cost.
Bon't Forget that we have Farm Use everybody the same Woana id TGr D Oily Liniments "Milis Rannile, of Zuriieh- having been Reckless men can kill themselves at
Miss Alma Hill returned home after' be has r�ocured a poj�tltion. *!ted by itilie zespion of Carmel . Pres- The cheapest way for a poor
Lands, to sell as well, of the very best, invi aeroplaning, but the time when careful
and splendicpy situated, spending a few weeks visiting friends M!rsis Lloy Fenn daughter'of 1AIr YL,, by1t,?r:;in church 'to become leader of obtain the use of a pure bred sl
in London and St, Thomas. I Fuiru. lef L on Tueeday to 'take. charge holr,_ hats acelYted. amid en(tered meri can use the new machines with Induce a'dozeu of his :asighbori trot's
This weather puts people in mind of Of it in l3aska;t0tke- The Public are Warned to Be th"' 'e little greater danger than one rides operate with him in the purchass, ot,
wan. upon 'her duties on SabbWth I&A. M.tj3s beltind a horse is coming and m3ay not dre of merit as may be desirable.
Winter agam. Rmnulva 'Its not oftranger to the (comigre-
Caiiefiil of These Strong- T4
'Mr. Chas.Braun, is spetuding a few Mr. Thois. Watson. who has been, �ratiou. 1 1 be many years delayed.-AMwaukee Minnesota station believes this a fes"I
Wlsiwe)rilt of Parkhill for over 40 avimq on rsararal oteasionm.
'days in Woodstock on business. � hiF sold his res:01. M 1ha cholir, and will no idoij�at, Wisconsin. sible plan for poor or well to do fa=3
�The four W's met at the home of y*ans. Smelling Oily LininjentS
Mary Bertrand on Monday evening. A. E. Benham. of town a era. The poor man can h
L it 9 i' id 0 wil fill the Poa�,tion ,vith credkt Ito hew-
rl 0 11
shortly leave. - &ceompaniedl: by Mrs. Oontaining Harmful aelf amid IsalLsfauthom the #the con,.,re-
All had a gootl time as,usual. gation. Wireless Whispers. to own such a sire for s exci�sil
IP1.1 Mr. Wilson of Exeter spent Friday Wabson to make their futtuv homc 1 Acids, Ammonia, Etc. Our villagera are all very busy use The more fortunate nelgio
PROGRABLE OF THE GUEL in Br.'11tio-h Columbia, where the other I gar -
evening in Town. di and vheia3 With eaek I doesn't want to waste money in exclif-
CONFERENCE OF WIM ' members of Ithe family reside.' Mr I uthar Chicago is said to have at least SW
Mr. Geo. Ellber left for New Ont- 0 as %G who will have jibe jbe,st. amateur wireless telegraph operators. sive ownership, so the practical wayls
BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ario on Monday. Geo. has accepted a Wa�ts'o` icondueNd a harness shop 1, Many people have' clung to the,old- to own a bull in neighborhood partnei.'
ANDREW job as bush ranger. Mr. N. Sch�nk here until 6even years aZ . Ot When he fashionedt idea that -a th-lek, greas'y 'Vla are pleasad to report thab Mr. An invention which seems to solve ship and all use him until his usef
May the [ith Gfh and 7*., left for Porb Arthur where he is rang- isold out Ito Mr. 'Fetan, formerly of llrilnidnt Is the best kind. Doctors Johr- McEivan has improved coni the problem of insuring secrecy -in
The Western Ob(tario. Conierenoe er Da;ithwood Sinea 'then Mr. WaAson. say xiot-and they know. larablY .d1urIng the past -We-ek. -encl wft-elm mesuges was recently wEhlb- negs is exhausted by- reason of re
whieli ithe Brotherhood of St. Andrew has llvod' retixed. takinv occasional Recently a number of the while yet very weak aud confined, to lted In Paris by Professor . Cerabotaml tionship to the cows of the c-oriam al
The SefiiGr Alliance of the Evange- Be white, �gtyk
i-4i.o- li�band hold"I'ag in Guelph, On't.. on l! trips Ito Eaxlai and'tiZ West. TAIr oily lini ents were, analyzed, andthey his, room. we hope that lie may con- of 1Then he may be iqold to some o
cal Church will, hold thdr Meet!DgS -mi Rome.
Rriday Saturday and Sdin&y, May on Thursd ay evening instead of Sun- Watson bas been an honored ci(tizen were found to contain an enormously tinue improving. equally wise neighborhood.
Ithe 6th, fth, and 7tb, promises'Ito be and hils daparture %vill be reigrettia& high percentage of hariniful acids, and The Austrian government has or6 I
day evening. Mr. G. C. B�tty has installed a ver�
the larigedt attended. Iguttihe i such irritating cheinicals as ammonia, fin.d Tefr dered that AU Its ocean going passen-
,�s[g!7 of Ars Mr. A. ZwIcker of London is spend. Mr. 'GooTge L. Putman, of Torc(n:to "Igerator durtug 'the pasiL
kind ��ver held in the d t. The ing a few days in town. (Supdrihtc(b&nt of Ithe Women's in- lete- For the moment they may cause Week, Which fis a Ireat improvemant ger steamem must be fitted with wire- Mares In Foal.
lGirialph men hav-o bpen making prep- Housecleaning is the order Of the Ntituba MR vi4slt Ithe Parlihill Wei'i a w -m sensation when first applied; on hIL5 forra,�.X om�. less telegrapby apparatus. Austria to Mares do not usually give trouble
aratiomi§ for tha Coafc-rence for the m(en's Inst-Oute on May but their continued use pever cures The neW hotej Opposi,tL� th abortion if given good food aiid re
day the brooms, catch it now. rheums6tism, and only deteriorates the a ral the Orst European state to make com," 4
V,a;.slt thriae months and ams now re- Thit, steel work of lihe'Springbaink station Cis al sonable care. Of course when pre4-r,'
ca , Vv'ng advices from all over 'the --tiver 4s, com- Man, sets up inflanimatlon and causes znWt completed a�� ill pulsorythe adoption oftlils.precaution.
briAl-g-o -over thct saub't endless trouble. go�rg.' (t�o be fjirLA'701a'�S in every re- nant a mare should not be overi
-%veoiern gart of the province from ploted.
men and bo�,s -whio oe:qpeat t� atteqad, The youn, laffies of When a doctor warns you to quit SPOct- nor be compelled to smelI blood ol
wOODRAM ii-:� mak- The C
4und een attendance of upwardei of 200
ina a bann-vi- to be pivLimattt .: 'D 11he-
ui�inr, a white. olly hudment—do so. 11fe
knovVs that a th-Ick liniment can!t pen-
0 e 15 ab%o oem�
push.,2d forward arid tte (I le L at
m e �iu�.
Is conf�.Icntly Tooked �nr. It its quito
niew pupils are fin attend oa
l3oy jgeoubs on Vieftor*.,- Day. - ThRI
etrate, can't sink through the pores
basement iis nmrly ompl,!I:
t ed
possible -that several deifegat,�s� Will
at Una publho school fftee the op--�,aing
-company of kaeoutis coix-sisis of fi:,w-, 1�a-
and reach the seat of the pain.
1W. E. Itannie has giiven the con-
att,�nd from the Av-,�liean church-
*3,uion followip,g Easter.
itrols and the -you kest patrol en-
Wben asked his opinloii a few days
tract to Mr. R. Cudmore. for, -the bi-ick
icV,. The program:c�_-*vbi�h has hnn
Aiiiss. Malile Sa-v,,yer of the Bell Tel-
joys Itha : ditstimiction - of hav-
'ago, Dr. Roberts stated that he consl&-
work and work has alm,&dy commane-
,arrwngiad 11s an unrisally mftraat��,4s
'tee . -don has been is!veni
ephon3 Offi !Lou
I n O111j of fts members nan�e,d
ered a strong, penetrating, paln-sub-
Jun,or F�LlrthiJosaph Bro'
Clinton Morlock, Jagt�,iph Sc'hwerg;.
in� -a Env days wlith relatives heire.
th,,, ball th4e
Badi,�n Powell Connors, named, after
duing Uninient such as "Wervillne," to
to the
ATX. amid Mrs. Horsely, of Clinton
boy6 are talking bame
th,:! ori-g�Mator of the Isleout movememt
�be superlor any of whitei am-
t week moved into 51r Aindrew
warm.. days and it is expeetted the
1%J"`,,,doriiG,.,mvra1 Bad= Pow -Al .
manta liniments. In life twenty-five
Xo:r*s cott,
agia on Queen street.
Children Cry,
t,, in will be In good shape by jthe
of practice he� bad witnessed.
birls E. Thompson, of Toronto. hao
vnn vi rTrurope `
24th of May.
MT. Avn uCKITU Tn rifirurn ign oun
Inases of rbaumatism, sciatica, and
10-1 +1, + — I Would n-+ re-
boicii -the ;;uest of rs. Jahu aoL
onal and should not back or hold bael�
heavy loads. 1EIer staR should
have much incline. Noum-rishing
pure water and fresh air are ess
dals. If one suspect ergot or sin
bay or feed it should be discarded:
A Discovers,, of
T TrAdm I
CA!570RI A
Georp Stanley of Lacau Will b�
th-- igpe&k�ef at both mirvibeets on Sun-
day AUT 21sA im con�aiactlon v th the
.14nuday Gehool;anuivemsary here. Mr.
Stanley has had long
S. work.
0 U,
-ctd for over SIXTY YgARS by MIL341ONS af
XOTHIMS for their CHILIMBN wltirlo
is the
UM iiii - � I
spiond to ordinary treatment-butNer-
villne cured theur. The saurne phy . si-
'cian " also apoke of the great advant-
ages of keeping a preparation like
Nerviltne In the house always, be-
Our 'Council. moa are Pleased !-% o
learn. have draf led -a by-law 'to b -
submittold to 'the riate-payjrs. for th-
I e
eliefftiOn of 41 town ha I an efficien�
You'll. have to show me; rm. from
You'll have to hold me; rin from
It Is Now Admitted That Bron -t
cbitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughgo,
Th -a Womeas Misii1onary Society of
best reinedy for I)IARRH(FA.: Xt is ab-
solutely harmless. Be stire amid ask for I, Mrs,
Winslow's Sootbing Syrup," and take no othex
cause of cramps, �dfarrihoea, stornach
disorders, earache, toothache, head-
gy!st,,,ju of Water works and firs pro-
bdCtion lrfd ".be 5 , a lin Z of
1),Zt I
and Colds Can Oray Be Quickly,
Ajb.-.rta five dollars was sent
,to,tha Central offiee atTdiaaito. The
offmars eleet.e,d for 'the yioar ar�, ais
th,3 Methodist,ghu-rch hold theiiranp-
tial meeting on Wedneoday afternoon
Jand. Twenty-five ceuts a botUe.
ache, and such rhinar aflinentsi, Ner -
viline IS a first -Class Cure. , There Is
Weigh mcaje%. Our 0011ne'l has lon-vi
been Ito "i
y on have to forget wei rin from
Oyster Day.
Cured By Mixing a New Nedi.
Ufc n er DIC
Apr. 2nd.
- Par -44-P tory a bale of --ods
Th.., followin, h- the modtbli
scarcely an ach4 or a pain, internal or
external that Nervillne. woni't cure,
uxgied '
toka ac on fin, theig,
matters of the vory utmost impor-
You'll brve to pity me; I'm from
cine With the Air You Breathe.
19ecause it is the oi dicUonary
vvifh fhe. neur divided
page, A I* Stroke of Genius
Becaus it is an emeyclopedim in
a single volume.
9ecause it aceppted by the
�0 0 i" coutts" schools and
Press as tlie one. sqprewa Ott-,
')to who knows Trills
Because $waeess. Lot us toll
you aboUt this now work.
WRITS toe Ali aotmoift of nOW divi4ed pap.
C, wARaft, Co., PAIA, 6�k, $V&gfieK mau.
"I have three tailors," said Cecil.
"I hoped you had more,,1 replied
Mas 11art. "It takes nine to make a
Catarrhozone treatment affords littl*
deops of heating for sore plaoOs in thO.
lungs, throat, Lnd nasal passages.
, A2�
Catak, 0
Does L _3v And Cures
worth thirty dollars was sent to a
j .� 111 1
for Ithe nicr..,,'.b'a'f April bassed. on the
in thousands, of hornes no other pain-
tedlue, so ilt rema"hs wii-'i 'the r:itp-
payers Ito leanisIder the
Battle Creek.
xf nv -Mipss�Qn on the Peace River Dlist.
county axam:hOV.6m. The name;s are i
relieving medicine Is Used. r, ifty'
yearsr continued success and the en-
isame, and 1.1
in 11ite Welfare and inbo.reist of thy,
You'll have to love me; rin from
East Aurora.
Scientists acknowledge that inedl-
Ajb.-.rta five dollars was sent
,to,tha Central offiee atTdiaaito. The
offmars eleet.e,d for 'the yioar ar�, ais
:)..n Mrickx pf merit.
19on4or Fourl%—E meraoin !R oeszl"r -
Edna Amy,� Lavinal%mi!tli; Ill
dorsement of the profession are proof
that Nerviline Is t he, 11niment, for the,
plaw, and we 'thin], no one will ch%l-
k0r.V' 'the Wisdom of som-afthinig ""Or-
You!ll have to pardon me; I'm from
ated air treatment Is the only treat-
m2ent that will cure these diseasem,
and that stomach medicines are worse
pr,,;acn,c -,jis,
thy bi&ir.g dam, !:n -thlis eonmct�oj.
D i %rO'lr 110NARY
e. �njirq.
tiit, Vboe Pres. Mrs 2nd vice,
Jun,or F�LlrthiJosaph Bro'
Clinton Morlock, Jagt�,iph Sc'hwerg;.
0 0% R. N'S CURjED
wilth our cil�izene lo tb,�ir
pit-4titd .,d h,,rtY Istipport: i to wha�
She Sized Him Up.
tban useless.
Catarrhozone air treatment has beetv
the to�
T-lr.,-*. Mrs. Samuel. Ford Recording
Mrs. M. T. Beavers,Correspond-
R,nrlor Mh'ird—Cla'ra Brorlojok'Garrie
,v(,iiiy villige of Army injporffanc,� re�
found to be most effective way
cure all diseases of the throaty fungsr
n- isac. M;ps M. Exethour Treasurer.
Juntior 1Y.h."ttid—Mary Wild .
Tou can paiwessly remove any corn,
either hard, soft, or bleedIng, by
qiilri,is and ikl; not safe or eompleL,,
and nasal passages. Its action is so.
Because it ia a NEW CREA-
jas .*Routly, Sapt.
'G.v'!n,-; Mrs. (Riv.�� W. M V4ivce, Or-
NVi -,Adal'jee We!_n;
Jux�j:ox Sscond�Da_x,'1s. Sdhrmidor -
applying FUtnatn'S Corn Extracton, It
neVer burns, leaves no scar, cont4ins nd
A M111;cting of the Lorda Day Allf
pro!npt that in less than an hour- an
or in ary cold is oured, and after a
TION, covering every
_Ws_1d_.f the world's thought.
gian�V.; 'Mrs. Whitfield Switzer; Alsst
Ej;�In Mlbor; Clifford Brokenshire'
acids, Is harmless, because cornPosed
only of healing gums and balms. Fifty
anee wifl be held latho Pretsby(tk�.rittn
church on rfbursday ovening of fh'is
more thorough use of Catarrhazone,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseases
action and ciliture. The onby
unabridged diaUoni in
Organi'o,t Mrs. J�hrt Hooper.
k"'Ir Mr. John Parkimson, of 'the
Earl INTIelvin wein.
13r: rit ma Sm�th ; lifilil
, . I � Eilber
years, in use. Cure guaranteedi Sold
'y . I druggists, 25a bottles. Refuse
w -Mc. when Mr. Hanna, *(�arotary of
th,, Alliance tive
of the throat and iungs are complete-
ly cured.
10Pli con. wa:s bitchba-S his bearn in
Gordon Mor!ock; 'Fern a chtoei
-1I] in address.
Mr. imd Mrs. 'George Hunit, of Nova
Catarrbozone is a very simple anel
111- �-tlrd if. felir cTays �jgo they
friggilit and ra Ti down fha road a iniile.
Olar�nee Wijd�
' Jr. Pt. 1"Laara 'Wild.
Seofia� Who havo. been here v'jsijttn-,r
rra, 7-Tunt ldbj8t
powerful niethod of treatment You
aimply breathe it through the Inhaler
fh- uq-,i o� -the I.clephorar
Miss L. Roi be
and Rollie., thelx
L*4vois. retnrnir�d M.0 week.
and It Immediately passes over ever7fi
:air cell of the throat, lungs, and bron-
chial tubes curing and hezilng ar. It
19ecause it is the oi dicUonary
vvifh fhe. neur divided
page, A I* Stroke of Genius
Becaus it is an emeyclopedim in
a single volume.
9ecause it aceppted by the
�0 0 i" coutts" schools and
Press as tlie one. sqprewa Ott-,
')to who knows Trills
Because $waeess. Lot us toll
you aboUt this now work.
WRITS toe Ali aotmoift of nOW divi4ed pap.
C, wARaft, Co., PAIA, 6�k, $V&gfieK mau.
"I have three tailors," said Cecil.
"I hoped you had more,,1 replied
Mas 11art. "It takes nine to make a
Catarrhozone treatment affords littl*
deops of heating for sore plaoOs in thO.
lungs, throat, Lnd nasal passages.
, A2�
Catak, 0
Does L _3v And Cures