HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 4'".1"W-7— . 1-1 - � � , , � ...- ,"". ", _., 1-111117. 1.1-111.1 - 1-11 _ , " ", , , , T_ 11-1---t""-,-,.,,�,,�.�1--l'�.1-�l-.� 11.1-1 ',',. ,"",-, 1111 111.�:..�.�l--.,.�11-1111.111-1�..,. 171111� � "I 1� ....... -, , ,�--:.--�-.-,�.�,�"-��.-I�-11--,-.e ....... !"-"---"-I��ll-,�"""'',.-, - I -1 1- - _ �;__1______ -1 -1 - 'W�_
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� � 7,1- �0_17"W-JWPFIM I I , *14 ,; I I I I , I I � I . I
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11 I I � �, I , , I . IN vs * � �
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�� .1 I � � . I .... .. 1. _';,____'., 14". . .-1..-1---- ...... -1.1- I � 1, I � I 1. I I . i
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&� ... � I � I I .1 . �, : � " P-0 �!!! ! ____ :
- , 11.1,- .�� . � .! �,:M� �!�� !� ; �! li: 1: I-: t,::11::I�
. --- __ --.-- a . - _1111- - � � .1 I 11 I � ___ , .
OPPOsite Bleptrie Light Plant,
MI d . I I �
F. � ... Keep uavvy in the Rome
Pf, � .
� � b:F ginan vmyr,,�
I'll, .. , HOUSEHOLD '
11 ��
. *
" �,
� �...
1i 11 .
" . Jgere. We handle only
� �
- J,w
I 11 he BEST and we have
: i. everything you Aeed at
1" 4
� I I 01 seq'sonk
, � , 7. -7- �,.--. r'--", - -, - - - -
I __ _ .
I " f
. . - W,AvT=)-Cbo1ce Butter and
11 Vresh Eggs,
With ltb'o probl'ain of Accowo(datlnx
�4 p0pul0104 ,of 40a - =1111QU fIV,
yeam since starilaa her ku. the tact,%
lfotr,treal is planalu; .to rob VT�atb(�r
N-,Yptuf�e of nearly a square 'mile. of
torritory Jr. an cffort to provide Ad-
%UUPal room. Xu ItJile ,ease of many
=04,i�'r fettLes Cho plar. in quetgtio�
isim3ly proposia re,olamatflb,u Inthis
msa ithe ,reclamation will be from the
rivl'�-r Involving an amount of land
which Will ba Worth som4hiug .like
4 million ,dollars, The idea or,,-111-
at-�d ly"Ah an erl3liueer Arho ha%� goted,
in a corilsultlnZ capaoity in the, ,ereet-
!on of Li:o=,, of the lar.-eist batld�yu,�
in 'th,.,� olity avid. .his raadi� a specialty,
Of f0and4t�'On and callsson Work. Ililq
i'10 . , J4 bl'10, 1-5 to lenatlen 'the isl!*.
7 .
iqgd Qr Dx(kutreal tly, knect,qn 9f sea,
11ralis. bailiud NV1114%11 tile t_5060 Could
bi� filled fin by pumping sand from the
challin,01. -Chimerical as, the poheme
may Isoaud at first b-Oarlin., I
. there ap-�
11"arz to be no, reawn Why it Should
not be, icarried cat since the value of
madio. land Will far exceed the cost of
f ('Jrb,t lcowwtttoo �ropreaexMiiz U,
prag ant 'Chux0hes, 4J)POIJA04 by Ithl
Toronto MmNtleirjal ARi4clatiou, Ito, in,
� 1%'�40.,Tale th We fj:iem,ore Pap.g,j , Ide.
I icroa Q,44,040 Alixeid,mar4we qU1*19X
liaviuq� !.r*OT,te4..fLf tier 4'0=44; loii)
;advloa, ItU6 Association lucs. passed re.
I 061uitl�na affixming Ilia e,%uAllty �01
� all rellglogs ,befor -1,10 law.-
, ot ,.the bind.
oharactfcT of any marriage verformce
40001141AZ ito lair of arq plqoo(a atith.
oriz-od, qiy lair to do ISO.; -tbo:t lt(he
InulgatioU ant! microoment of Itfic.
� .
roo T,ewere decree, lespeoiall � y as ro-
gards' mixed marriages 1�s �Iolation
of 'ths foregoing als; t,hat th(�
4rimlwal la)v Phopurit"bi?, amended a-,
to xce,ch Quy man Who declaxos w*
I,egally *Outraoted marriage null and
rold, or UL�L% hils influence Ito separ , a�te
man and lViLD except an groundA and
by prme�,�soa reoogjilzed by the 1,1wof
the land aud that &Is !ill Ithe prov�ue,e
Quebeo �tha Canon law of the xlomwn
church Valid Itho civil law permi(!; Ithle,
a0nulrucVt of Isuoh InIzad marrlag,4i
'tbel PrOltel9tAnt Alln;�qter% lin'terest,ad
,4101314TP this
, 1. � icond'i't-107a 14tplexable
arLA lacda,Agteot With B,rIti*h freedom
Itharefore �Lhe Britloh and .Oanadiata,
Gov,arumentis ,Ire urged to take the
anlis*axy p-teps by .axAm-em,11a; J
� 4ho
B. N. X *kdt, ,ito remov ,marriazia
from lth� jariedildtion of Itha provi4cog
creating a uniXorm marriage law.
Tbeoa� resoUtiono were unep"I'mously
IA 1. 11 .
I . 11 11 ��-_-_— I . _-
its Iom,vtlicla. 04 coarse aultil borluxis
VA! K;! 1.
, , I
i;11, 91 I
, ,
and sur,wvys have bee made it �s im.
Ito i;han
. - ,
. (
: 41: * % * a * *
I ,
, , L'e-om
poissible more roughlyetstini.4
. Sarah Brum-llow do I look in Ithila
I � I. 1�
at,,� the cost of such an andiertalla,
haLq. I . � r
.� It will pay you to see our prices be
bat it Ili', believed that V ' t would not
Sarah Rellum-Tarn, around and
� , fore placing your order for
only pay for ib�elf but would leave a
. -
11elt me Isee 'the back of it %dear.
,� .
ban d some, profit besldeFt.
Why kt'iis perfectly 0plendi,d �-Chic-
,4 ,
I Peerless Wire Fence -
. � -
ago fflrlibaoa.
-------- 0--
Ch toatl'- $9.TS397.51 are being
eque's .
XftA on the point of falkar
. ,
:1 .
,go.nit . cat from the 01ty .11*11 as' kv
�' Frost Wire Fence
cheerful May Day present from the
-city 3o Sts various
Altbou.n-h D. 1). D.i PAvzoriptiolil.
� I
. ,
credlJorts .The
been recognized for year,5 as th&
� I
whol-a sum comprises Monueal's half
OL,e, -remedy ,for eozerna. Psoriasv�
, ,
Y,arly payineut of interest on the var-
and all other for of skin di�oase�
I i 0 -_
� I
loans civic loans iniclUdin'.r intere4ts on
it is now kn�wu libat th, ere is no
scilato Wife C,hoercd Up. b
. y Voi,04
the loans of the several maniloitpalft-j
other Ivash. even thos" utsed by Itzie
;, ..
12foot Galvanized Gate
a "c' Were last year anlixexed to
ilise Ic'r]h;w
beauty �-�pecialigtp, that ca !�i�ccmvare
,I)a I
od. :Aor part! ul4rs apply Wies.;
Nearly two millions of dol-
with ,th,i,s mild liquid for cleanising
! l .- '
at $4.00
lars, are expended each year in this
Way. aum, of 94,509 IL�s.
the shin of PlmNes.. blackheads, ras!
.Mhe pounds
and all Isimilar skin: affections.
. .
Cedar F.1ince Post at
*d. goes to the Bank of blouireal
in London 19,204 L,t. 3d. goag to the
r -or this reasir alone a bo.ttle of
D. D. D. should-'b,.� kept on hand In
__� , . .1i
I —I - - -i -
I --- 1;;;;Z.1;.1,..1=�
National Bank' of 8!co(tand tu London
overy housLhold. A free trial bottlo
:, I
20 cents
abid 46 poualla,s Os. 6d. gaks to the
will IshaW "You the merAis of thia
SWRA'S with my xuall. cart
IF, IF thd other morning. I saw a,
of Scotland in Edinbur-h.
great remedy as a -mulploxion wash
Cedar Shin Fles a t
ThD foregoir.- amountis aW equLv-
alex-t to $553,632,25 in Camadfan cur-
D. D. D. seems to remov,, �tbc caulse
iihatever the trouble may clean, -,-
11 ID
02,30 per Square
rc,ley and 'the balance of the intereLA
is made uz) as follolvia-Coupons pay-
In York
im.- the Iskin leaving .it as soft. as
smooth and clear as that of a lival.by
abh� .Ni%r $66,495.56. coupons
White Cedar Shingles
payable in blontreal $118:103.49. rc�_
lat,cre-cl .stock d;vidends payable in
Write The D. .I). D. Laboratories
Dept. T. L, W. S. llowey.
� I at $2.10 Per Square
Montroal $94.116.28; Catholic i9chool
Commission cou_rion�- �11,000.
and provO
itS WO11der-ful effeetivOness.
, . 0
- 1
00,000 IN PRIZE3
: All Kinds of Lumber at
Note and Comment
canaldian- Vational Exhibition
,�, cxtremel�y low prices
VUPM -a Snowball, - aVwe.
Prize L.Ist for 1DII is ou.t.
1: ^ T%
� ,., a in
and raw the tarmer's wife flying
, �
around. After three or four minutes
Ill 1801 th,� im'Pulation of Dtn�glauld
and Wah-s I% -as 9.33,1.549; at Ireland
5.319.867;. Scotland 1.608.420.
.Tile Prize Vat of 1,he Vanadiian
Isletional Exhkbfition. Auguist 26th Ito
she was ready to explalu to lne:
of 1
&2PteMber lkth -Which ils being dlis�
. -
In 1901 Ithe, figums ,,itood Rn,,Oaind
and NValzs 33,045,'049; Scotland. I
tributiad, au'vve that the pri7w .have
. been Inicreased 1= nearly every
� I
1472,103; Iriland 4,458,775. This year
artm-ant, ,till the gwrand 16tal rellichez
I . , .
it is ,,�xpect�d that England and Wales
$60,000. 1
,-. ,
will ,,haw about 36,000,000. Scotland
As no priz-2s ,ire gi:ren for maxtuf-
. '.
5,000,000, anddreland about 1,009,000,
azturzwlthe -Whole of fthis amouixt go,,ti,
� : ,
� Do ,,you know there'a lot,,s ol people
Th�-se ,ire. rather startling figurelp
to liv!e Isitook dairy. products, horti-
1 r lSittin' 'round in every town,
und sroem to show that eith�r through
culture Nvoman's work educat-Waal.
� Vxiowlin' Ill,%, a broady chicken.
Brit,.',sh milsgovernment, Irish tuX
exhib3ts and similar IiL�s of Clanadian
I `
� Enockin' ,avery goad th,in.�
ulance. or priestly interferance and
InAuAtry. .
I I Don't be 'that ki-dd o' caftle
iatok!ranze. or alto. -ether, poor Ire�-
T&_ &;riase &n the amount Igiven
�'.. _� -46*&-V,4,,AEhey ain't Vo Use on earth
land, has� uaver bad a fair ebow.
to liv,a lAock its PartioularIv noticeable.
, ,
I , 1you 'imst be a boosIter roolster.
Tbere iseems to be no good raceson,
NiaaxlY $5,000 has been added Ito Ithe
� I
I :, . Croir and boost for all you're worlth
. I
'Illy whh.-n Englaind and Scotland
hwsleis alone -while speichal pxizes of
� ,!
have more 'than trebled their popul-
$500, )each for the be�t animal In the
I � I
E � � If -your to-wn n,Oeds boogtin' boost *er.
ation. iraland is-hould have suffared
Holis-tein and Shorthorn elasses show
, , � I
I . � , Don't :hold back an�d walt to we
I J�
tin � -il�ercase. If Irl!lan;rl had
that the cattle have noit been neig-
� , - It Lsoure. other feller's willin'.,
� - r14ht in. 'this
b,E!n as her ,neig-liborts
,beeu. 'to
h-,cte,l. Poultry aiz,o gets an addi"
� � I .0all oonn'tri's free ;
liay.! ishe ou,�lft have had by
tional $1,000.
L .
,r .�, No ona'is got a morhar,age on it
thIs tfml� 16,000,000 or 17,000,000i of
In fthe women'sand children�s work
I � YOUr�s as mUch as his;
1 �*,
1, - boositin'..bocist 'or
I ,� If ��our town need,
pcuple. Who ils to blamel',
ax.d. educational exhibits new clasIses
�d, an1d in tiphort
kare beert adde every
: , � you '3-e,t in tle boois-6ia' b1z.
delpartment Lshows 'the exhibiton ils
. I If Ithinzi; don't just scein to suit yo u
W,a won't print any such ,stuff als
IL - --ce Iri-th I. derful in-
leelyin2' pa its woln
,. 1 An' Ith-i-, World seems kividex wro
I What';$ Itht- matter with a boostib��r
tb� Isaid the aA,,*Itor loftily as he
hand-ld ba,ek 'the manuscript
crease im atterildance. I
The, 'prize Ifist can be had by wr�t-
I �j
. Just to help the thin,� along;
"Well 'you needn't be so haughty
I nig Alana;p_r J. 0. O.rr. Glty.Hall Mor-
� . Vaasv i" thinz-, should ston a-
� gain'
W-e'd be in a sorry pIL--ht-. �
I .
about it-" raltort ted the Lxreqular con-
tribuftoir.. "You're not 'the only cure
to� 1
00 .
That 'the pianagement fully except
to rea;ch the millwil, thi�s
I � I it' t k eP ilat h
, , orn blowin�
Boost *�,r up wit.b all
IIho Print kt-Ttft Bfts.
. mark year
us jav!idenced by the bmilouncerxienI4
. your m!*;XbLt.
Wtth UP-to-daba furnalce. I l5oft and'-.
hard wattex w$th. kdog power to drive
that Ithe spectacular attraction w1li
.1 . If 3� cu �- ., .some foller tryin'
be 17he Festival of Em-plire. a xe�prd.
'or rnak,� soln(- project -0,
, r '
Vou ,an' boost it tip a trifle. �
King 'Gcorze isent a special mess-
aZe It'D 'the
Liaetion of lh;� glor.r.cz of the corojaa-
tion ,eexemon7tm-, in -which 1500 p -r-
' '
� . That'
I Is Your cua to IL,t him know
tercentenary celebration
of tho authorized verslon of the Bible
formOr.s Nvill take part -while f 1e
I I . That you*r%� not az,oln to knock it
hald in'Carne.,iie Hall New York Apr.
fammis Coldsavain Guards Dand
11 Just bcoaase it's- �Dt Your shout.
25th It Was datad "Buckingham Pal-
muc-Ic'-Ins 'to 'thz Royal Ilou(sehold.,
. -
I- ., -.But you'r- goin' to booLst a little.
ace." and Was .read by the Bri,tilgh
Ill 1-
vv ,�,, the mas!.cal feature.
� I Cali,;�� he's' xot the best tbin� out.
Ambassador. th3 Right Hon. James
---a-- .
" . I
Bryce. The me:sssage read as follows
I _ —
"I rejoloe that Amer."vex, and ED--
land should join in comxneanoxa,.gi�a
Two iiii,4zOrable-looklaix hobo. -s call-
, .
the publicat;
ton 'three hundred yeani
,ed on Ili(! dean of a I-
nedical college
There are "-mp thinjs about Ivb,'ieb
go of that r,er,sion oftbe Holy 6,cr "p'
and proposvA 't 'It p rchase ,ir
he u the
� I
"ZhOr-3 'can bc ItIvo oplhm.on�.% .One. of
tures which has so long held Its oi ru
bad',.,is ror rhellil-'T,siolin- room. *.q
' '
they ,the
I - ih,,L1 t'; ,the rural Ielepho,n�. No
among En,, -Ii -.h sp2akrag peopic. It -s
circulaej'on im our homes has 4o,,nio
m11%, oil vcrZ,O �f .%tarvatlon
and had not long 10 I�VJC-'
4;�oand ,xrxurueiit can be ', dduced[
� .1
mora perhaps than anythl)ig el.s,- o1b
"I't iis an .
Odd prop Lis%t io,1.11 il,�s:_
I jagainit ,*,:. It is chOap for t -he sar�
,,*rth -to promote among old and
tat,,d ,the dean. I ..
vlo�� 'rendert-d. Its benaf.it in ar,�r r- U-
yoting 'Llis. moral and religious Arai-
"But it * occaslon�lly dorfo,." ,311;-
x1ul ,community ean!n6t ba ovef '35V�
fara o' a either ishile of A tlanti-c.* "The
vvrsion whifich bears Xi,ng Xamfi3'
zP,,1t,cd the cspokf�sman Pag-erly.
e1W,11.11 Emid the dean "wo in , 4ht
ma%f,d. It ,removes isolation, encour-
na-a fis isDelearly iinterwovefla i( t
a he
ar �', it- W ,
"an. -� h Lt prfice �o you 830"
. -ag`6F; '6Ore1aV;I1tT_ and is of an rudvan-
history of Brkthsh Am2rizan life that
"Ov-r in NeIr York," repl!`,ed the
I taZ,�� 'in many wayl� 4hri econoin*tzi n?
it fis right ire should thank'God for it
toiz,(�h;r. -I
,,Tok�-glnan. "they ;;ave us $40 "
I I 'h.
. work- ond miMmizi,a- L -- ,difficulties
,congrradulatc th,
Prasidant and peopliq of the Ulgit,ed,
I I under which many iarme.ns labor. To
Stato-4 upon their ,,share In this our
. !)OWN AND OUT. .
, I 4vdv`eat'�' 'ihc Tural Phone therefo
� !Is 'to st,ind up ror som,;thj'hg t re
common haritage. A con6=tulatory
and sympathu-tic letter fro n Pres'ident
"Down and out"* fis a�rlhra&i we use.
Too oft in a beedlecss careless way.
. I Is Of 1A03timablP benefit to the 1,vb_)I.O
CoI-atry. A community ivfffhota
watli x,zLd. In course of hY15
;,,dd)r;its following 'the readin.- of the
Because one battle ,,I man may lose
e'lle is down and out." the scoff,�.ris
I � I � rural Pbona iserv,'ict- ia not avallin _S
in:,!ssagp, from 'the King Mr. Bryo,t
laid-I'Li'at us hope that the year We
say, . . I
But many have, risen 'to w5n, renown
I U9� ..,
, 'If of 'fll the privifeZO.g of modarn.
cGmmpmorate is the anniversary of
i�b. having f,lt the atVI(T of faVls
! � 'nivilizatiox. as it - should. Tfi,�,re
a XrPat event in our religious history
knotted. knout;
I �Fhc`11-1'd b' SaCh a a �rvici vverF rur
may also be reineml-cred as th,� yc,tx
-It dotaan't follow ,
-1 at di s t.ri bFt Onm� installed. it will
wh'.,ch a solvmn renunciation or
wara.g .it mi-,ans oflsettliU2�theix dis-
That a man has also bawn coun1h,.d
I -naver be ,diisicardrakl, In e�ties It,?O;p I'
Pnt%fii',vas maze bytiromighty and-
V*0 OU0, �
I .90ta phone iin llr�.Ir home`$
k%nslNdr,a 4= -
41 ,T4,teful to,God for
Th,,.,,re'a always a 0,harleo to ri5e naar,n
'has 'and'
,. "
6i1lk life hardly worth livin- wi
. 0 th-
I!Xbt more preolotis than the weal-
,,.)I ondtha powerivhI,,ehIe,&,xvXivc;3
if a man faith ;a him$_,If
�txiwis. .,
01A On- If 'this be true of the e.�ty
and grateful. also for the poac� of
Ili,! can win the cheer's of hifs follow-
wh, - on,- can fraternixe �jh hi..
.. VV4
n-trly a cethiry u-Mch has .%ubWbt_
, � .1-,
,1�:11.ntbor over lh.e back tencc,, ha -W
:11 l"etwe"i; 'them."
And �!�om,?�time calpture the .z
. o!den
- *. V� of the country
�. -nrr1!. '11101"'i fra� ..;
� ,
1� III,- ,., bro,ld Miirrls separate th,o f,.Ir-
T p r -'z e�.
O-daY'�; 6 -feat isn"t Worth a frown
K,.,eb your ,cTos ahead
I tw!r front 116 AP4reSt na,'ighbor. Ta(,�
and your
,courag.., j,jtov.1t.
I �, . , ,t4l-la( Tlhou,�. h" bc!c6m_� an iutegra I
Oldbox-4-Do, YOU `bellcVO W here-
It dascn't follow beaaui,yo your down
.� 3:1 of 'Ithe, ,raral life of Jh,.,Is 0OuW,ry
: . r,. .
,I -7-nfln-necis'?
* yo�T.,rgr,<;1)�ShIlk,., ,�,�cw. ttly baby ,vii
That youhave also b�en coun!tW1
. - Au'd Ah�� farmer or U0 community.
wak4ul at ni,rlit ,and I frilly bol"eve
� . .
� thal, lkq IV! 11011!� fts advamtax,ea does
'1� , 14 jTIA b -cavof, Illy ArIP. always in .
, 'is never 'that
own anT1 out" Alan I
I 0.6t .. tval4'e, 'what . it rnil��
. I _ ..O. For ,
sc '0
*,(If.�A on s,xting I'll Vnd Irliftilm-4
. for
Z. �, V I, q17
m, Ito laortniWft'e" F 1 �'.l
If hU, ha;s the oonragoe, -to Aart rti-_riin
If fato bai humbled and knocked him
. I ,�' � f" ';7' Ido'llor,; ma 'J�,
I . . ,year a f,,trin.gr a buy
flat .
.1 , . man, Teal bene-fift ar fort for
I . d Corn
00 �_ I tl�
1AI still can -amilf on hio�lellow-qlcn
1 I I hil't0vil' ltyl,,l hleily 40 a rnral pflon(!
0 h 1 1 d r C.):rw
If ho ha,- 'the coura .ve I to hlid,_, hh�
1, I I thn,rr Ir'. paft ,Tcit iimilar invest'.
. I .
I � , ber
)P,1:Jfl in oft
e n
- I
!R.kmexuhir 1hi-a as you I go about
� �riny ,Iray,�Conibcv
11 I
Although ft'b- 'dAy'he 11� 15113:rilY d1DWn
. , -
� . �, 13W%141N I " , t "�,,$�t�.,�""'-,,_�".I�::�'.',,
� . ;�Z . -
0 J64% SM -3
-* "I' 0 R � A
�Vs a mortal lainob Kbat hi,i %oll.
I Ft *
�, I ...'�'. � F00400
,4, I .. �!. - "
I _
. - I . , - .'??
. -0 . F ("
� � , , � 4 4 , , I � I . I
I ��
I 1. I .
., , . I
. I � . " I � . ,
. I � . .� . ,
"I'll, I'll,
' I .
- I
- L
. .
Jected. Bridget; "I havp a corn ein my
I I �
I . I � �
. . I � .
�� I '��' L I .
I . �
- X I � I
td'. . I
. ..
11 . ,� I 1.
� I !j�- � . I � I . I �
I I I :
I . I
, -
� Ill. ".114 1111, I VVV 11;091,ov
I , .
- I L 11 -0,
MOr* If $00" Than He Al 4".0s'.
. 11 -1.
L,r,Qvr,x %tto, 04Y the- thluvoli,* 01'x
proolaus, ;Iewel. 11
. � .
- . I... 11111- __
I I Farm For S-41 "' ---
'' e ,
I 011460'411 Concert,
I She as Ili lov with Joseph White,
w I 0
� 1. I
, , oliovo It, yqu'09.r"
Xott 'WIU not b
V OR $UX -Via I
I I rM �coutainfng Aft. . 4
� ,
I � aV-4uch",go9C*seats tliesearel X
Q ld be AUOtL. W ho�,* , ., ' _ 4� _1 I
t, 14 J
'Au voloo Itwas L ilr� 4 It
,i: ; III 0
lac.m 'Of A M-t,� 0 1 and 0, - - --!� �, , : :�
. . I
, $� , , r- , _J,%4,%,'J t .tftd� vi.14
a8e of Vftodham. , Good
1�- , do so love to Watch the =nsl-
Honest Abe, U. & M, Out(%.
uo yell od at hero "You,dodotll
fr,141,0 house; bank b 4 r'n, 'a4 I �,
. byL 4% - L
. I Re-,01ad you like1heM, dearest I
Heals the Afflicted.
. I I
I not 0400 he yelled, but twenty thA600
. 01A040111 a-yellwg,
'with U1)40�4,ate stable, fauzid4tloo 11
. . ,
buil l; about a Y*4r ago.. 3balilidin
got them by sUpPlIcat lbu and Jmp�lca..
� i
be 4 --opt
Apd twehty times that fAintIng Wife
,L ,
O" I
P-11191xted thtrougboa'f. Ailiso, 0, r
8110--ludeedl What do -you =60,
XftA on the point of falkar
. ,
cellar ,24xlS wi0i *emout top, un,o �
igangly:Ay. New driving shed of 09r,q
my dear?
, . I
. Wodo, you sli;0ol" he wildly cried,
� ro
� I sidLng.24X40; ben ttausgi
Ile -Oh, I made an, early application
� I
. ,
Az .
,,, (I home silo Went,a-skatlW,
. � down my cheeks the?L*ars the:V, drip
174% Also la Read supply b1i botv .
hard' "er.
. and, with it, tin Implicatl9n that they
Farmer r4w;Ws Chickonpox ,tho
. . and
_ .
. Agrthls*�aiurelatlhg. ,
and .
wa. T
,, he faX, in
I Js thOIN,
OU9111v Arained. IfIcnlc
ivere for persons slightly dearr. I
Widow 4arkin's Measles -A. Qispo
WAl abe come ba*, his laying WOO.
and well 64.
'Mcs�_;ly With all new Wire feno .
es, M7 .;
meal' -but, excuse 34e, dearest, you
scilato Wife C,hoercd Up. b
. y Voi,04
Ohs Whom he only trusted? ,
. I
ten, atorels- of good bu,blit mos(tjy bard
haven't, taken off 7our hat.
One Victim Turns on the Poet,
I . .
41ho niay, she may, but 40t Vatil
,I)a I
od. :Aor part! ul4rs apply Wies.;
I She --I know I ba),en't. I think I
What boil of Joela,hiis bkwted.
.to .
Shiers Woodham, Ont. 17tt
won't today, my dear,
And he must j;ot upon his, knees
. � . . I �
1,1e_13Ut_bUt_ .^Qb, 1�1 think, I
�Copyrlgbt,' 1010, !by Associated :4ter"r
. � I
AnO do some awful weeo= I
__� , . .1i
I —I - - -i -
I --- 1;;;;Z.1;.1,..1=�
� would, dearest.
She -No, I Shan't today.
. . �. press.3
JUIN I got dowit to Variner
, ' ,
. AZA Promise not to dodo,jawe
, Yvhuo she is in lis keepInr..
I I .� I i ,*J
1, F I I
He -Why, you -why the rnles--�
SWRA'S with my xuall. cart
IF, IF thd other morning. I saw a,
The Widow Turns.' .
Xleftqhe young wlfe,chftked.up.,=d
.11 .
t , One:Gasoline Eogine and purnp
Sbe-Oh, bother the rulesl And I
don't believe the rules
. red flag flutterin . g -from the
,hopeW, and down - at t; a -plaW
six HorSe Power Goldle ' . 1'101� I
& MCC61- I
are on now,
Charles. . .
kitich en window. That is the wireless
Bra=$, I found the z*10p.W � ft_�
lough make. Same in good cola'.
. He -Oh, but they are, Mary. Seet
signal, along ray route,that I am ,want-
I .
In the house to a and
. 7.-the,wwwpatottie,$a
*�Vq ` ',tO�l "
. . -
'., '
i _'J',__i)o0
.10 n. By order of the Council,
. Here they are, 6iluted on the program,
ed compose poem,
, t4b _try?1'i-aSk'b'd-4'a'ri,W
� ted,,
and--� � I
it niust be respected at all hazards. As I
oftil"shet UPI" sheiivAeid4ai�--'dp
"" .
I T. B Ming I �
, ci
8he-1 don't c;At�e if they are. Ee-
landed In the house I smelled herb tea
VUPM -a Snowball, - aVwe.
I � . � I
sides, my hat is such a.small one;
I -le (glancing at,tbe hat)-fl'm! . If
and raw the tarmer's wife flying
, �
around. After three or four minutes
AWftt!8d4e,=fte!&' -
. "..'You kwroteip,omerWetv , 51, "
� ,
.... - I
_ .
she was ready to explalu to lne:
, ,
�t 'r
year ap, and lea kial j,(r�
. . I
that is a small one I'd like to see ove
"Abe, grandpa has come down with
� , � M"iWA0114�
aVIT, Since. '..
I Notice ! � �
that- �
She -I shan't-Ishan't-I shan't take
the chickenpox." I
roll-alulbsbacks4i! I � . " -
. I .
it Off! There, tbe'rhusle Is beginning.
cwt mean It!"
"But the doctor says so.".
, , .
Part only of ithib-$7.000 of ,fh� 4 ,
' I
stock Offered for ,sale ilin t1ble. 0,.t:1 - . .
He (with a lofty show of ludiffer-
"Must be second childhood."
�fl I
lifarva, Kixkton and Lgypvtcr friet;.1" ,
ence)-Very well; aR you like. Only
1TVs worse than that, The W140W.
Philofogic2l. �
Vh119 kbeen wid '
phone Comipany. lia I . A
somebody will complain to the usber,
and you will be brought down In dis-
Larkin has come down with the Inea-
. . � I
Maud -The girls am, daftyll
,, . I , "
f a,bout.ourTouAgpest�b1sho ' ,
.1. �
. .1 4* .
tials been d�,iaidl�(d ito, %P10011111t ielachf,
dircietor as an iagent Ito sell balalno&
of stock. Anvon,O -,
grace. I
She -No, don't worry! ril. tale the
"But what has that to dowith grand-
� �
Jt his mgt6i�16rll .
ft2ttb?a44r . .
mi6i�, we� - , �
wj�hbi ":, is �Ocx -
should isee one .of the dixedtors bea
chance. Oh, .see that man with the
pals chickenpox?" I
And then'amid smiles and tears $140
. ,
it", �.
_ - 11
� . ......." 41 16
forethe, sixth of May. 'The followin ,
are Ithe directoral, D. Bohis, H, 71,
tronihorip! flow red he Li already!
told me ille-kory and demanded that I
I - .
Shlier, A. Brethour, -W. Johnston. a;
(Doring the entrIncte ' C]iRrlpq exnnres
I write a . poem on it for the moial,effect
EtoatleY. J. 1G. Jones and .T. Plerry-J . ,��
himself to go- and sm0ke a eienrptfe
. on thei world at large. When it was
-1 ----------- �� — I
- --- 0
In the foyer, Itetuins in tinip r, r tile
second haff.)
� the bed-
.finished It was carried into
, .
Auction Sale .
For Sale
She- -Oh, the lovely neel;
-tie on tbni
roarn and iead to grandrizi , and
wept and promised never, never to d0i
I -6
I .
first violiu! It's a dream: \Thy, tile
so again. It nih as follows and can be
. . I
. � I �� -1 . I . .
A beitat-Iful Lome composed of pa;�V , .
. .
condnetor's coat eollar i,.q dusty I can
, ,
su,ug in grano opera or at a barn dance:
lot,15con. 1,,TOWnL%hlIp of U,sboxfdia W,
see it plalilly.
He -That's more than the penplp
Cure For Chickonpox and Measlar.
Mr. B. S. Phillips has ' been. iu�;true-
the villa -e of.iHkeiber. ,contailW;nIg %, Ir
1-2 ajores'Of land- On tile pr,,cnuseb,,
back of you van sliv. Yonr hat Is-
Ob, winter snows, your failing ceasel
ob, Boreas, stop blowlngl
ted 'to sell by publiie auction on th,D
its an up .
, -to,date two storey b,xiIO4!'
haltsta danLng-room.
Mark my Nvords. Mary, snmi- ns0ipr
Ah. here lie ist
. I have a tale of woo to tell.
on SATURDAY MAY 13th 1911 at
IvAll parlor. six
larg.3 bed rooms klitchen and ,wood'.(" "
will- ilow: .
iThe uslier ionns ort -r and in vivid
Twould from my pen be flowltigm I
ano. o'clock sharp the following * val-
ishad. lar,ge cellar. twell furnliqhed
pantomime innke.s hi I -i'%vish I;iiowrk.v
A widower Is Jacob Swan;
A widow is Mrs. Larkin.
nable prdperty,-�-S bedroom r:,iii(tes; 3
-be , dsteads; I bureau; 3 matitrersses;
Wtth UP-to-daba furnalce. I l5oft and'-.
hard wattex w$th. kdog power to drive
Sbe (stillenly rpillm-big hail -The
Each one Is sixty years and. ten-
3 pair spria.-s; .P feather ticks; a
. water Io ,bdxn. Up-totdate ,, banij �
I)rute! Stwh ,I ,-nnill",nat, t do holiv
Too old, you say, -for sparldn!, I
iko in b,ar of pillows; aboue .30 yar40
. barn 42x32. f6alisheld rila tibe mo,qt mod.;, " I
*uy hair- 0h, h.:w little, n man it 11-
But Cupid came a -s-111119 round . .
Axmix.isber tearpet; I !parlor ,suite 2
ern iAvle for horses joat!tle itmd hQgo, , W
4crqtan(N,! Awl I don't bollovo theSIP
And fired at them his arrowss
parlor itables; 4 rockln� ,chairs.;�, I
drivie Lowe 22k3O and !hian - hoUsa.-I
Small ` '
�vas tiny real (ouipidint by nny oil(-
And in the night they did forget
banzing, lamp; .4� lam�_,71 1 couch, I
orchard of Wttnter apples a W1141 -
He-Re�,t liqmnri�fj there wa-A. nild I
Their former griefs and sorrows.
exte.r.elon itable; 6 dlniAg-roomcha1xI%
I lsidelbiaard; ll� piece linoleum; 3
a Zarden of small drutt's - 8 acre6"' � �
ready fox crop. the balai)�LPI,n gra",.
there wolild bf..
She Charlos. -
They -were engaged --oh, bl1SSfUI f=tll-
loungeis; 2 drop leaf tables; .1 eight
This is a wry desixable prope:rly all,af,.: , �� � ON
- _ I
-Oh. you art, so unqyin.
natflvtic! yoll-y0d-
I . . ,
Of bands they were a -squeezing,
And romance they were talking of .
day -clook; I ranpa nearly nuir. wood
or coal (Happy Thou. -1'r,'-, I wood,
must be sold Ias Itibe CproTraieft,SN, -
. ' '
tk�alth hats falled !and be m6s�t - ka;�4
Iii- NY o 11, nevor wh id, �-Prre,,t: let's
I .
Except when they were sueezidg.
-cook stove; 1 wash machine-, 11
-� "I- .
Ot loatsy for a time I ' I .
� .;'t ut th- pen,arnln.
.,ujily W11:11's It ' ,
� .
They had it planned for to elope
wringer; I baby ,carria-ge; A quanti-
Easy terms of 1payment.. For 'ter '
(After tbo vou, ert , Ili tnt- owridon)
From their dear sons and daughtexVg
ty of dish,m; ,I orAy Oommade, istiep
and Vart�culars ,apply ,, Ito Tilds, I
Slit, (giving thevishor tt'solvor piecp)-
To wed and hand In hand to, go I
ladder; pdd kitcben'chairs,' I lawn
P�Ior. on Ithe ,premil , el". or tio Mhaig.,
Now tell Ille., I'lid nnyhody really Ob
And take'ui� other Quarterli
mower; .1 cupboard, and other. ar-
Camerpn. Auctioneer.. Varquhar -13�
'ect to oly hat?
The,,day It came, but cruel fate
tioles Itoo numerous to melation,
0. I - t
1 4 -20 -SU .
'u-s-bel-t-Ilm ladly!
She f5�wo�tly,-All Some-
Was oil their track to beat
No sympathy was In her -heart
'All sums of $5.00 and Under oash
� I
body bal U UL .'I-,- *... Vwr blu'll?
As she set out to cheat 'am.
over ithat amount 6 mtonths ,oredR.
Opera 111ouse Block 1�1
U�hPrNVPlI. vil-no Iad,y.
'She I
The widow got the measles, and
She went to bed a-wallint,
nill igiven on furnishingap'proved
joint nbtes or a d4scount of 5 per
For Sale - I
(with IwlII;l,�iV(' sinflo)-some
� I
And with a case of chickenDox
cent per annum. off for owsh. .Thos.
one ill Ihe lioNt I,mv,.,
Poor Grandpa Swan is aillne.
May' Proprlidtor, M.S. Philli'ps. Ame-
Usbor tstoll(' %.i- No. lndy "Twas the
. .
Thz p.resent lessee ,of ithe ObWA,
gent beside yvy --i-It-�irlk-.�i,,f,'-'Iilll�iiI In
Thelr love is busted all to smash;
. Ilouis� havin- .closed tile Same to the.
. �
Pu(.k. . . � . ,
I �
Their romance is a-blklng.
They'll not elope, they -will not wed, .
0L blIC, -'tb.e �111ners :of. 'Me same i1a.ve .-, " - -,
tzistrilebad Mr. John jSpackman' ','to ' `_
. .�. :�'
e 0. 0-0-,-,,^,--->�, ��,-�-�^-<tx-,^-",! �! :- -�� --)
For Cuiiiii's off a-pikins. .
Cheer For a Disconsolate Wife. , �
Old Folks Should, Be Careful In
A%ll this most , valuable prove,.rLyl ",_
Tl:mder4� for the I
mistorica I mystl�ieq. f,,�
Six months ago Farmer Taylor'$
Threlir Selelotion of . Reg I
. tivie Aledicine it- u a-
i, Will be relceige,d
by ]'!in up to Jun, Islt next. Pbs.
. .
The Man with ille ]run Mas k 1 -
daughter Mary was married to young
. �
eeission tziven on Be.-Ptember Ist. 19I1JJ_ I
. P:tphlhied. f
Farmer Joe White, and I -wrote a wed-
We. have ,a 6
safe. dependable ancT
aftopither &deal remedy !fbECt jJ6 par.
. I 4 -20 -'rt, .
- __ ,�
,11Ay. %vifp cuNf, my h.air,'* he., ,�
1.1 e
ding bells poem on the event that won
tiloularly adapitied (to 'the �vequiire�
. I I
. I .1
. I I -
. M I erowl I "I'MileR 1. , 14, -
taeots of aged people and per W. 'of
Farm For Sale -
- _NPw ViirkTI,nk,.. .
lea c u ons w o su ,er. am
�t . . . �;.�;,-:-�,"�-",-F,."�-i�,--,�K-X-%-01-*-'-,,',-,�.,
e liorde
ondtAlilUou br other bowel dil �Ya
We are so, oeitain that it wVI relieve
By Tender
. . --- . .--.-
A New Meaning. .
I .11
these (complaints and mlve abisolate,
satisfact�ion in every Particular that
. Tenders will be received by the uu.i ' ,
, what does 'Willet" mane?"
We off eir it IAtk our Personal guar-
-deirsigned UP to and On Ifth May for
inZred Bridget of bt-r illistr0l4r..
. .1. I
antee 'that it Whall co,it $the ulser noth-
the purchase of N. .Pt. 17. Con. Z ,
London -Road. ITowmship ,of Sje�pheu
11 'Kisillet, Illeans fate," rcplIed the
. I
ing -if ft fails to su1*tsfa16at(a', our
claims. T -his re-medy !,is called- B.'ex-
0011-talluing 25 acres. On the prem.�
lad� of the house. .
all Ord4rlies. .
I,S� . S a . -d
. .s . -ood ,brick house kitche
The next Sundny Bridget's sweet�
'nexall Orderlies have a soothinx
and woodshed. with bard and aofb
heart proposed a walk in the Park.
hela,ling 19trenlibelaib;w tonia and r6,z-
water. a bank barn 32x45; .also heu
� "Sure and I can't walk r,o lar," oL,
tva action uPolithe bowels. Tbey
and pig house. Larze orchard of
. .
Jected. Bridget; "I havp a corn ein my
. - %1.
remove iall irT111taltillon. dr-Tuess. sore-,
choice winter fruit, also '&a`ide�n of
Small frait..
Llsmet."-Sunday lilu--,tral-edi hlaga-
. f, I
aeiss ,and -eaknLAss Xjae:f xesto,re all
the, bo,weIr.; -and, aqsaoUtio organs -,to
abundanza R spiiri,gi -
warer. Thi ^5, is a devirable propirty
rnom viligorus ,and %healthy activ;fty.
neai town of Xxetar and must be.
. A Plagiarist, .
- %
They are eaten hike ,candy may be
tabOn at any -time without flniconven-
sold. Easy varms .of payment. irlor
terms and partieularstat�ply 'to Those .
, Travels -When I knew young Crib-
i,ou,ce. ido not c,aU%e any griplp taz.hau-
Cameron. A-Uctioneer. .Farquhar iOl. 0.*
, ,
ber several years ago be serwwd to
soa. -diarrhoea, exceissive looseness
--- . .
have quite a literary berit. . I
- --
_� , �- 11
S - ,
flatulence or other d@Saa-reeable off%
Seed Potatoes For Sale
De Ritter -Bent'.' Well,,hes out -ind
.�et. r�rice, 25c. and 110c. Sold only
out crooked now.-Catbolle Stan(llii,d,
I -
at Our altore-The % Itexall Store.
I 0.
and Times. I . .
. . _��16,
-W. S. 'Colle... . �
Delaware Early Potatiq,es. A new I I
. �
I _
varitalty. - Good. plean and smooth po-
Just Sick Enough.
�Vill poisItively cure sielc headach�,
,tato. Ap�ply -to 'Geo, Alantle,1% sed&
Stop.,. -;h ft. 11-1,-. I. h- I I
. I . n, 0 e. �
- -1 and pr.,,vent [tis return� Carter's L�t- I . � � I
- t1a Liver 1�11o. rThi-s is not, talk, out , . . --
I . 11
. WIMIN JOSEPH WMTZ rKICKED THE COW. ,truth, Ono Pill a dose. See al,dver-' ,, T . -i
I ti-_gLomcut. Small pi.11s Small dclso . ,,H.ouses,for Sale,
. me many congratulations and a dozenr Sm7all prBo,h. . . rof . ir ,
mince pies. The other day ,I heard I houi�hs for sale, and shop i.( ,
, __! wanNid. Apply t
J a Mr. and M -
that there was something wrong be- � Bra . hn. r4i. 3). . I"
tween the, loving couple, ,but did -not V I
get the particulars. On this trip, w,hen AT . I 1.
I made Taylor's, the old man called me TKI I I I I .
in. There sat li,fary with disconsolate � r,q I A
I .
face and' iears in her eyes. I had a . i- E 11 _____ I
. f -------.--
'Pramp In my forefinger from the cold, i " _ii*�.�,'.--`: .."
. ... Mmi,,.,f�110��.�R .. .... : .
,,-;.,.,�.;..�,,.:.�;�,.;�.;�..:.::;����,�I ......... .0- ..... N
but after hearing her sad story I thaw- ...%.�,:;%:;��.:Z� 11 1`:i:��..'Nl ... :X.' : The Popular Tourist
.=�11'iii� ��l..."$*",:i":K�.,*".;iii:��.el��.11�r:�i?r����'-
ed it out and wrote: ..;�.",-:;;F::Pffi;Z.: ,".... ..... "I ..... ...
50". '! ..��:,.
. .V".0'.. .?;.:,;,X,X..I.
. I I n1-1'.*':1- gl�'.- �i��g, -Roiute to=
I I I - 11-1...,
'VO - -50::!�:i::�, - `.'�i��:�il". -�
, M. -K.1; "
t. �.I.i -ii��
Oh, whose blithe as bonnie Xay� , g.� .,�
. 'IgZ��:�ie*i��i I
-..1.11.1;.-. .. -:�O:-'��,,: .. . . .... . '.." ,�: �
, . ,
. ,. �.'
. A.�sldpplug aler the lea, 3 1X$ , .. - 1. 1. - :: "I.- .
%�---xs- A— �-;'�:P.�,�,�-1.1-:;;.,�:,�;.,:*��,?;.:..
.. ;1 :::�;�":;-, .-M . I
".g.g-z -- ,..-,".�,�f.!:-� -.� Muskoka, Lakeg
3EXer heart so full of happiness, I gge -, . . .
_g�1! i
o ,��&A.�O. 1k -, 1.!K*.�:;fi�g,w!i,. LaIe of Bays I
Caller (to man on the door) --4 am -
lkyr song 50 MA m wee
J..e.:�:�?": , .:::.;��:�_. .:�
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Temagami .
sorry to hear that Mrs. Lobson Is not
I She as Ili lov with Joseph White,
w I 0
.,:::. " , .. .
. ... ...:�',�, : "..i�3,11.'111'-.`�Ii-
, . .......
T ......
Algorignin Park
well. Is she "Ver
, _v sick? :
A.tid she lie did adore.
He vowed held love her unto death
,yr,?-.�,,� - �
.1-1 V.,
.....-N. . ��i��'�i�,..*� i. I
-.,',��.,-Z:�ii� :-:-,;r&.---;.* .
;!p,.,i�i.�. I
MagaDetAx, an River
Preneb River 0
doiet know, mum. fte lest said
And then he'd love r, 0=0 more. .
.M. .111U. .,.....1....,.P . .
N� .
. �:KN50_ .n.,
I � ,,,
. Georgian Bay -
If ye called to say she waa sick, but
she didn't tell me to say how stck.pp
I She was,his sun, his III-% his all.
He swore,to be her slave.
".., : :.:.I!.,;:. ,10,oz:
;r:!:�.�...,. I , ,.0!:.:.
M, 1. .;,..,.;.; ... �
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n;z.;�";,,,�'., �.�... "***.,:
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Lake Couchictinig . .
� Xawartba bakes, Etc.
33a vowed in caseahe ever died
.r . . . . . �.,. .
. �
� ..�.
:�,i: ..
. I I . I I � It 0� I
"Mither," said Willie, "whaiVs the
Reld die upon b jr grave.
No frown upon his brow she'd see,
. - .
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: �, 1,
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- I . I
ound Trip Home=
liffer6rice between a sanitarium and a
I But his strong arms around her
.. .,:�a:,�
ganatorium?" I � . I .
,Woilld be a lIvIrIg,squeezIng proof .
. .. "'. ... I
I . . .
seekers Excursions
U,IL -
"Oh, about $5 a day," said, Mr. .
,That lie -was glad he found bar.- I
...... �- .
Livs.-Ilarper's 'Weekly, .
". I
The holieymoon was simply great,
I .
To the West at Low.11at6 Via Sar,�aja
PR Chicago I
. . .
Railway Raillery, '
And so the weellca were after.
They sang Of love the livelong day
. DO 106
� I
0 - I
"What are we making such -a tong
. Amd:111led the world,,vRth laughtm
I . *_1
Literature 'and full infortnation
itop at this station for?" .1
But came the daywb6n Joseph Whit%
Because boil devbloped,
frolin any Grand Tfank Agerit� .or
address A E. Duff, District Passeng-
I no one happen$ to bt, try-'
ng to catch the train." -,Tudgq,
a ,
LWout looldng round with savage riflen
I � �
. �
or Agenk Toronto, Ont. . .
. � I I �
To see what could be wallopod.
- I �
And an ad. ATTRACTS ,
. I I..
.1. S.. KNIGHT, Depot A gt-n t. I .
, �
I I .
The Vehicle Ownapi,
H03 hicked the dog;,ho cuffed the out;
� � .
. .
I .
. 8 .
01f, for those happY boyhood 4aYd
. .
�Mien We could go on starry nlghtOr ,
Ire kIdlCGd the eow,a-1 ootnM .
- .
He made the ilnNhbors all sit tip
And that thtnga Welm dotng,
. I . � . �
Let Us BOOM Your Trade.
� I
bildre:a Orr . . . I
C, I L � .
On 011M at skates.out'varlouo Ways
I ,iee
I . I
? -.---- -, " � 11� �
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, 110,7040 carry lightal
, r,� 'I � - hington Star.,,
�, -C 'W"
,� ... � . . � .I
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, � 3ad did not ldpli or cuff his wile.
I. But It - more cruel .
ful. �
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