HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 2I 1; �� ... I ­ -11 _­ I - ---"--- --- - -- � _i - - - - __ " . . . i " � . . ..... .... !" - " , , - - --­­--­-­ ­­ -, -, ""'.­­­ ­."',"", '__'­_­, , . - , , , .. . .... . � . . . . . . . . �, - "� , ­­­ ,� - ­.­ - , " - - . . . . . . . :� ... ­ - ­ - .- ­ �­ , ­­.- ­­­ ­ I ......... I . � . I I , , � ",", 11 I I I I I , � . ,­­­­ , . . I . I I � I - - 1 ... I; . I . . * . . I I . [� I � � I I I I I I I I . � . I . : . � , I . I I � I I I I I � I I �;, 01111:11::,- ­­-__�'. -11-11 . � I THE * EXETER TIMES ", , 1, I ��W,0 _11-1111.1i, . ­­ A i 11 ___._ . , =71_!'---____ I . . �.." - � I . . I I . I ___­ . I I __ - 71---_-_-- - ': .... N--, — - - ­ "" , I I I , I I � I I I I , 1. � � � I : � I I I I . . � � I I .. 1L., 1. ­ 11" 11 ­ - I I I I I I I r � - - — , I I . � I .. � FREAK MSURANCF. SIVAPSHOIS OF ME I I , 11 .11. I .: �! - ,,, � V . I . I 1_-4__ - ­ VVICbt I � n I " tH'- NIIA8��k-�4�, ­ . I . I .. � I - - ___ ., 11 11 I I ''I roakisboo;S I � b 111 Ovemool Wh I 11 , � I a Characteristic of New Parasols. . I " , eat Futures Close Hig,4, � �01- I, , - 111=1111111. I I I � With Odd Risks Taken. Individuality to Point of F . I , For the Childreo ­,­_ or,. Chicago 4ow,er-Livo Stock ' M04"Inh Of LloYds and VaderwelterN allNDAY SHOOL 11 I Individuality that goes to the point � I I - ; I I � , ", . I . 'Announcement that the, pearl nook. , I 6 -Latest 9votatio Children Cry for Fletcher's. �111' 1, lace, diamondii glid lewelq of of freakishness is a charnetorlstle of ", &."Uqson VI.—Second Otiarteri For ' "$* , � I .. " 11 1, LL, I I I I 11 I , I ; � Mrs. ! LIVERPOOL, A141129 -N - market I the parasolq of 1011. While there are A Little Musician an4 . Vheat I .xm4u1juw4s arrected by tirrnnern in Am- 1 14 Kaldwill, pi�irni,,�)nd, valued at sl3o,. : � � W -O and stolen fr�,,�-,, tier stateroom on some ab9olutely plain styles that de a 819, 810, Bassi, May 7,191 1. , CrAvaa cables, and values were 'Ad higher, 11 �� I . I i , - I . , L pena for tileir edect upon the beauty . I — ___ I � With October unchanged Followl thlo, I ; , .16 j (be HaMburf,I-Amerlean liner Aweri. �__ . too x r., "Wre4ic- " � , Vons are for Increased Russian shipments, 10 � were in.1111red 4y Lloyds, of Lon- of the silk of which theT are made I .narket rnled dull, but rrm., , I .. , 11 case Z.-.�­g---,-,-., ..... . ,��; , ��`1`111. and weather and crop outlook in most I I t .1 .� ', .... I. , -�gi ., 1�' .;�i� N �� " � I "I I a�;, which will bu out $100,000 i more parasols are to be found of odi P ,..%p -.P .. . , %M THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ' A 11 1.0, � I . '.. . v­---­-�, .., �. , i!N.­R�11�.',?,11 . � I . the missia gems do rio-t turn 'tip, re. shape and with unusual trimmings. -�I,�..�.'�- � ,`,,�-,- - t ,,,_,._ I I � countries Is favorable, These were off- - S�r�., ,. , � ,.�;-�-­­":�� -,�`- .1��,,�'��'..".'--,�-'��'...".-.��",,Z.�.�,.', — however, by ,a ,continued good de- 11 . 2'1'.1'_.`.;�..,Z �, R. -q..'.. -, I,. .,�­,.":�_ - � 1 4- , R,N I Illand from the contilleDt, and especially � 1 s7m -` ". , i get, � - 1 C411S the ctance& that this organiza., , Etc - � �.i . Quite odd and, pretty is the st .1, ... �­­,-­­­. . ....... �11.�-., ' I r -� - p, ­ ­ Text of the Lesson, 11 Chron. xxvi, 8.21. t from France,, wiliell 1 _g,g-.-;4,-.Z. �.g2'.� _*11, rl­..._..-�,� 1. 1�1 was buying freely' I ". .- L " Uon taker, un a�lj i1launq ul illrur� shaped parasol, This Is, made of t*o t3T-,.� 'N'ti .. .... , , : , R W, .1 �., ;A, M - I Of nearby .. I., 1-1,411IN- '%&-\ i � 0, I -��,� Memor Australiau cargoes at fuu 'W" NO : unce. four -pointed silk tops placed one above , - .., ,�.1­141,� y Verses 19, 20 -Golden Text, I , Lloyds, is not aa insurance 0 the other, NOW the points and spaces %'1111-1'� '..., ,'­­ -1 �,,� I I 11111e,1* Tl,,,,,,+ was a sharp covering move - 11 Party` 4s the term ishnol,ril there. I )m_ � I '. � ��'.,,"r-i�;,.,',�.-..'.-.,��,", ,."III., Prov. xvi, 18 -Commentary Prepared inent or 1s.,u;i,l.�: in Parls In the near The Hind You Have Always Boughto and which has been ,. ,"i -ell�.rajiy . -, , , ... . � . . . I AA 45sociation of individuals who are `-l"', _, .f � " ,; , `- ", wonths. It is g thought that I,, .1.1 "f�l.--.������,,�r�ll.�.�.�"..'�,�.��ll"�.�..�". by Rev. M M. Stearns. , 01 t is alternating so that the center Is dow ,...`� .,.-. ��: 11 0�.11��.11, liquitualo" In �%Iay in 'use for over 30 years, has borne the signature og . of *1 I.' _,.:�:. 0-1,111, �. �. - " . is over, and shorts .. :.. ., ,. ...�, .. 1 1 1_*�-` �,��,. � 1. _. 1� ()�'Qicd- .-�[ Ille Oose the tnarket was $-,�--`­�" .. � ­ 1 1 ade under his Perw � I 1prepared. to accept r,raetically any ble and there are eight pointed Sec, I . and has been in, 11 tions of single Silk. - AS We consider the lives of theSe �, tek,d.,,. i nohanged, I !I --"w . I I I ­��..�... .§.*� -' V sona,l supervision sinoe its infancy. ' ,lack and white effects In sun- -, b .F. W �: I'll kings of Judah we must remember that� to 14,4 higher then. . I — - r4sk, 'the varlous ILL'InbOrS, (IL- gi-uups , � - " " .\ estel d, y. 7� zz;� .. .1*`11 I 'O, Api it 29 - I ' ". 0 them, taking the chanctis, each ar.,` �.,-.',--�_';��,'�.'-. . � .qKzew _.. I ... !..."I'll ... 1"---...�,::-.-."""111 . .1 011WAU ­Reilorts�that Euro- &Y__�, _. Allow no one to deceive(you in this, : -i , �� ..... ��, - . . . . �.-,-' .?; .11 � the throne at Jerusalem is called the 0-ali.- were large buyens a wi I . �.,,.` .�,�,*;, �... .*.1. .1..1. 6ording to his own views and the ats. shades are wonderfully good, and the .,III .. _ � . � .... I I .�� ..... ...... ­.. -e.... -.,,-,,g . throne of the Lord, and those who W71*.�d "j)'LAt up%A-ard t Pe Counterfeits, Imitations and 6"Just-as-good"' are but i +�,, I � Obci&tion itself not in any wav assum. .. i.,.,Z"".",�� ill th i.t"111�%f! �, .�,,�,�4, e ; . I , ,,"N".. 1,0- t)-d:yv, notwithstanding weakness 1. , _ tAg 'rerponsibili .......: � ... Operinlents that trifle 'with and endanger tke health. of � .. I ties for the individual i'N I . ... reigned ther(i were kings for the Lord ­­ 0-0 L110 vule al, the�rest of the ses- I . . .... p livics. . a ., �'1011, Cl.),'111.4 Prices were unsettled, Ysc, Infants and Childrem-)Experience against Experiment. i � Originally the organization under- I their God (I Chron. xxix, 23; II Chron., (.ft, as coill,ared )v,lth 'twenty-four hours . I I 's - of: before. Tho end of the dar left corn %c I- ; took *nlY marine in,mrance, In the . ; . Ix, 8). There were eight kings I - :1 - -,s the owner of a - I whom to i1c' 101ver to Vic up; oats V4 d t _1L I dAYS of the Georg( .� it Is written that they "did right. &C, Own, 0 1 Wnpat is C A S* T 0 R- F I A � .. . a shadQ advance, and Provisi ns at I,%c I . � 'vessel would go to Lloyds coffee house in'the sight of the Lord," and this Uz., to 15c decline. Castoria is a It , , t : = Alchurch Inne and his frallow mer- z1ah, or Azariah, W6 one of the eight' 1 Winnipea Options. I I armless substitute for Castor Oilo Pare- I . &afits would s.gn their names under . . . . (verse 4; 11 Kings xv, 1-3). But they, Close. Open. High. L , goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It t � nd opposite the amount .. I I I the, policy w ­ I Wheat- OW. Close. 1 e0ntftins neither 9pium, Morphine nor other Narcotic, . . ,, .. l ill, I i . only did right in Some measure, some . . . - "W'. * ;L- 1 f 11 ,..� May ..... 937/6 937/s 94%, 93% 94yo Substance. Its age is its guarantee. Xt destwoys Worms , ,� I which eaah. was prepared to pay in -, .. ­..*.'. , . ; . 011 rl;,,*.� more, some less, and all failed in many' I July ..... 95%, 95% W4, 9W_ 96 and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind we of shipwrt'Ch. Hence the tenn ­ , , , '' , "* * .- � "nnder v :Aer,�, " ,"'. ._j,1*-*-,. , - things. The time is still future wheZ 1 Oats- . ,; t - I I . .. . ., , - - :1 I __ the twelve tribes shall be one king- May 84% 842/: 34% 34Yz 84% i COU0. Jt relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . ,, '' , IQ , , - - � I " . . . � July . . 36 S6% 36% 36 Gradu..Ify the u-iderwriting c'ustom. � � I "::, 1�q . :,. ., dom and a king sitting on the throne . 36 1 and Flatirdency. 1[t assimilates the Food, regulates the 11 I * , applicd to risks other *.- , � . * . i I �;, beean N be . ' I , Boys and girls will surely be amused Toronto Urain Market. Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. than m! rine, aiij 1. of David at Jerusalem who shall reign i Wheat, bushel ............ I;o So to $0 U , the speculative ha. , .", (it the comical picture of a little mite in righteousness, bringing peace, quiet- wheat, goose, bushel ...... 078 .... � .The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. � I bit was devolo-,,L1. To -clay, like the I 4of a girl playing on the double bass ness and assurance to all His people 070 .... I I . I i older cuiderv�r!�,�rs the various mem, I Rye, bushel ... � bers are wil:ing C� consider "arly old tuba. That Is, she looks as though she and to all the world (Ezek. X=11, 21, B I Y, bushel :,:::::::::,: 0 70 .... � . I Oext e &I � I _ , bushel ................ 041 - � �isk,­ and wil�` accept almost any at I were playing, but it is extremely 22; Isa, xxxil, 1. IT). cwheat, bushel ........ 048 6*6 L; Z* _% � . . . Puc$l 1 GENUINE "A"TORIfilm ALWAYSW I a Pace. . I to But it shall be, for the month of the (180 - . . I I doubtful it she had breath 'enough I eas, bushel ............... o7S . The various fornis oi freak insur- I ., 611 that vast born. As is seen, it Is, Lord hath spoken it. "They shall call' Toronto Dairy Market. Bears the Signature of ,, 11 anm'that Uuyds have indulg-d in ha5, . :.4 .. � Jerusalem the throne of the Lord, and 33u tore lots ............. o i7 I . __ ­ kepit its nanit, in the public eye as larger than herself, though she seems ..'".r. S I .. � .. , tt -separator, dairy, lb. 0229 . 4;. o:w � � . ! ._., all the nations,@all be gathered unto 0 . I : � .1 - , Butter, creauiery, lb rolls . 0 26 028 anylaing. Lngland, of I . . . to hold It without difficulty. Appar- _, . � . . ". 1. I . it. to the name of the Lord, to Xeruisa- Butter, creamery, solids.... 0 24 025 i � I I course, has lon: be, -u �aectist.ciio.cd to � . ently she is making a brave effort to n, ggs, new -laid ............... 017 018 � - I - . " KI " "� At that day it shall . . : it, but it was .'a0*4 insurance as poli- .t , -�.., k extract music from Its profound lem" (Jer. III, 17). Cheese, lb . .................... 013% 014 i. , 4 . pies against Blach Hand -outrages, tr.k-- ., , - I � depths. But the truth Is she Sang be said "The Kin- of Israel, even Xe-' 111oneycombs, doz&2 ......... 250 . i . . I . .1'r -'Ji, .11 1� . in � .... 10 I . �eu out two years ago, that drew the - ��,,, .!. . hovah, is In the midst of thee; thou , 110ne.7. extracted, lb ......... 010 ou 11 i ;Special attention of the public to this -Aef, �i I lk,. . I the instrument, and what a queer lot Liverpool Grain and Produce. , , 't� , ,�# -A, of sounds she must have producedl shalt not see evil any more" (Zeph. " i - ­T;.k­ * P111111 Irra Practice of Lloyds, that one can he - � -�*_ 15). "And Jehovah shall be king over' LIVFA:LPOOL, April 29. -Closing: I " Im r ga,i ,st anything irom, tivins, -!�.,%�4, 7 . Her childish treble, broadened and : � J* 4...... all the earth" (Zech. xiv, 9). In those Wheat -Spot, du�ll, No. 2 red, western u '! . - Z. qj deepened, passing through the tuba, tock Puturesi steady, � Vv'irl il rainy weather to a cold ., . ;j� N, . s. , . , .. 11 days the kingdom and nation that will w1nter' no s - 'He d You Have � Always Bought- - .,- ,- . May 6s 9%d, July 6s 9%d; Oct. 6S 9d. : in the head. . 1� 1� .4 � I doubtless delighted all those fortunate not serve Israel sh 11 perish and be ut- � . V..,.; a . Nars and the lives of crowned . %�^ �, I enough to bear It. The little girl is . Flour. Winter patents, quiet, 27g. Hops, In Use For Over 30 Years r � .. terly wasted (Isa. Ix, 12). Although in 1,ondon (Pacific coast), fI � 21 . rm, 9 4: THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NKW YORK Ctvy. I ,k . r . r .gads have always been the gn-atest I . "Z� I the daughter of an Unglisb bandsman, . 10S to ;2 5 10s. I -_ I I - ­. ", . Uzziah reigned fifty-two years, his I , , r .1 .. I and the picture was taken at the na- Beef -Extra India mess, easy, 92s 6d. I wm=�� = 01�=! I I e of Lloyds policies outside of i n-1. . I egitT . ,il. I whole story is found in this one lesson - Prime mess, western, dull, Sig, I . imate business of marine in- ; , 's, tional band festival field not long ago Pork I , �� I ace. During the period of con- ..,. _:1 at the Crystal palace in London. chapter and in the first seven verses 3d. Hanis-Short out, 14 to 16 lbs., I - I - --.-.— --- _—, � �� 3xtal disturbance in, Eurone be. '.". . A A of II Kings xv. In his days Isaiah and steady, 52s. --- -_ . - ". --- � , I � . 1. Amos were the prophets, the Lord's Bacon -Cumberland cut, 26 to 30-1b,s., PELLETIER DEAD. Z-'V?gbr6us ­aMW'A1UfTCM-Me­MVVe=- . r go went :% � . ,% . ment, bill in committee stage, coxf- .. -.� 11 : sea that Nvas not hiswed. against .4 . . Story of a Tame Bear. messengers (Isa. L 1; Amos 1, 1), full quiet, 51s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs� . . e and during the more recent , . ... ". . . . . Tom Is the name of a big tame bear of rebuke for sin, but also of predic- quaet, 55s- clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs.: Sir Alphonse Dies After a Prolonged ceirtraiing its;,.efforts on amendmenth, . � . I steady, 5is; long clear middles, light, I liners. for securing a minimum majority of I em-Russdan conflict the ship- . ..< ". , , . which'O'is owned by a Pennsylvania tion of a glorious future for Israel - 28 to 34 lbs., iveak, 53s 6d; long clear: considerable size in the; House 4 11 ts of contraband to both parties . .- , "J /(-O��- farmer. The bear has a pen between when she shail receive her Messiah. Inddd4M heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., easy, 51s- � Quebec, May L -Flags are flying at ' 1775 and 1815 not a, oax - . I : inevitably insured at Lloyd& .". .. _. Gonimons and for providing a refer- : n there are costly animals 7 the house and barn, and a long chain Elvery good king should turn our short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbo�, quiet', I half-mast all over the city in memory endurn for,horaerTule. The Ministe�,' . . fur � . fastened to his collar lets him play all thoughts to the Son of God, the 48s; shoulders, square, U to 13 lbs., of Lieutenant -Governor Sir C. A, having guarantees for the creation of King quiet, 43S 6d. Lard -Prime western in Pelletier, who passed away at Spen- peers, are willing to compromise ' � es, last horses, bank ac- around the pen. One moonlight night of Israel (John 1, 49), and their failures Oik : , the fingers of great violinists ONE P3:9OE HOUSE GOWN. tierces, strong, 42s 6d, American refin-, cerwood at three o'clock oil Saturday the maiu clauses of the measure, anM . I I the,farmer was awakened by a great set Him forth more brightly as the one ed in pail,s, strong, 43s 3d. Cheese ---4' afternoon. 1; pianists, voices of eminent spaalc- bordering is seen In a kreat many gro*-nn His honor, -who had had indeed, the -only chance of corilpTofuiSo .1441 : 11 - and �famous singers -all these are models. I ,,g and rattlini,- of the chain. who will never fail nor be discouraged. Canadian finest white and colored,' several bad turns since his return lie,,Sn the acceptance of the House o ! lishi against. which Lloyds will Looking'out of the window and seeing Uzziah seems to have been greatly new, firm, 63s. Butter-Maest Amerl-* This is a most attractive bouse gown can, 80s; good do, firm, 80s. Turpentinel . from Atlantic City, had rallied some. Lords' ref o,rm � insurance. scheme after the rela� � .. nothing, lie sbbuteci to Tom to keep helped by a prophet named Zechariah, spirits, firm, 66s, rosin co what on Friday and was able t6 sign tions of the 0 beeli I I with the waist cut in one. with the qule4 but just then Tom broke tits I I mmon, firm,. tw * Houses have . � of the longest standing odd.in- . who had visions of God (verse 5) -not 13s 4%d. Petroleum, refined, Steady.- some state papers, During Friday i-eg Watecl_ by a Parliament bill. 4 , ces is that held by a London sleeves after the latest fashiO.u, and chain, ran to the barnyard fence and the one who wrote "the book bearing 6%-d- Linseed oil, steady, 49s 6d. Taa- night, however, he again began to The Housia of Lords may be allowed . man whose shop is overshado-.­ the closing is made at the left front. quickly Climbed It. The farmer .pulled his name, for he lived after the cap- lo`w--A-ustralia in London, firm, 34s.' sink, and it was realized that the end to save its face afrLer submitting to;, � the Neh,on monument. He has ,The skirt is narrow without exaggera. on his clothes and ran out to the barn- tivity, nor the one of II Chron. xxiv, Cotton seed oil, hull refined, spot, easy, was near. His honor died surround- Ichanges by which on absolute vetd . � .- . a policy for a generation tion. JUDIO CHOLLET. yard and found Tom trying to make a 20, 21, who was stoned to death fo 27s 101/zd. � IL . L r ed by the members of his family to omradical legislation is converted in- 0 � , whom he gave his blessing prior to his to a sus I � st the possible damage to his wild bear drop a sheep which he had his faithfulness. It is a grea C pensive veto. The bare su,-,7 I ses should the xaoilument, fall, This Way Manton pattern Is cut In sims Stolen froni ' t thing to . . the yard. The sheep was see God, -and this we can do in Jesus passing away. � I from 31 to 42 inches bust measure. Send gestion.of this method of conciliA- 1. '. n group Of underwriters mal, W- . 10 cents to this office, giving number, 6914, lie bear's Christ, who said ','He that hath seen New York Live Stock. A range for the funeral have I oxi, seij& the Tory squires int�D a ,�'?, I bleating and kicking In t r ment" I I ty of insuring , I and It will be promptly forwarded to you paws and Tom was dancing around Me hath seen t1le Father" (John xiv, I been 0, ple d. The body will be getizy. passibn. 17it 41,��4 - against t � b, t'ansl,. . - , ..iL :11 . I of twins or triplets. One v.-, NEW TORK, April 29.-Beeves-Re.� .,.% :fl� Spencerwood late iO- I The'imperial education conferelic-4':�� I � � OL . in .1 ,�, t "I � if in baste send an additional the thief; culling film and doing b1s: ut- 9). We can by the Spirit behold th peipts, 21.2100 head; nothing doing; feel- day to the Parliament Buildings, , wil 11 has been holding drowsy S4W- , .1 ter has made the public a � I two cent stamp for letter postage, which most to head him ofr. The wild bear. glo Ing steady. bc � �, ! I cement that he is ever ready f Insures more prompt delivery. ry of God in the face of Jesus Christ: Calves --Receipts, W; market steady, at where it lies in state in the Legisla. sions during the past week, has I I a � 11 thouand to one against a- I dodged to the right and left and theD (II Cor. iv, 4, 6), and thus we shall be $1 50 to $6.W; choice, heavy, $6.50; culls, $4. , . . -_ - - , " . ­_�t­­�� ... like an' ordinary English sc o 11. I blessing 'overtaking a family. suddenly dropped on all fonrs. seized Sheep and I s --Receipts, =0 head, �.-�.L%'I�.'._ L��.t.�,.'�..,::,"....4:'..'_--__.' '-. %1'.'.%!..%.'t:',, ��,,_�t�. _­ - h 1�4 ­ � ' enabled to help others to see IIim,.too ; ,.. .- 11 ' ,;-.,�,� �,...,..,.-.�".--..",..,.".".,.�. ,.j..":�,,�1­.. .V..�,`- '. %�.... I , `,t�,`1,.-_.--3.'--�.` . i .-.V.�,��-:�*,` _ _ .-' ., ��-, .�.-`.t..'.."�.'-.�, r maxket steady; sheep nominal; cUpped, _..t�� N t`�� ... �.-�31 ters' c*nfexence. The same su I I I I __ i FOOTWEAR GOSSIP. the sheep by the necir with his teeth "..�*.,.-.�."'��:;t,tt,-z,-6.�.�,.�-��..,�...";t�.., ..�,...,.,-"n,*.,.,.-.?��-�..�..".�-., ."X��N'V..­;,.�I. I.. 6.�;�� ;; tob'im,2 , - �­­ ...... I ......... . .. � . ............. ;! i and know Him. While this prophet lambs, $4.85 to M55, culled. $4.50; wooled zr�,%�'.`�� t�,.:,.-.t'%.`�'."t�,'r.' �'t-t"..'..�'.."�...-tk.'...'..'.,..'�"i..'.�.'il- ha-�e been discussed by the same pe(i� � . . �.s��,..,.*-...-,,.�'...,"-.,.*.,.,.,.�'..*..�,'..,.,.��'i . . . . . . . . ii.- . - � ..., . ­ - .1�., ... . and started to drag, it alo- tbft � _11%t'. %11%, - A Boot of White Duck For the Woman ground. Tom Sprang upon his back at I u e Lord, and I ialn-s, ,-.- to W-60. him to prosper H09-Recdtlte, ZriOD; market So higher, "_ God made 'vers� r �. , -�'.'.'!�- .��­­_ - %.!%. ., �� �,,�%-.v.-."t.�......-.......-�� - - , ...7, ... —In, 1 I.......-"....:-��.,.".��..'.�.",.'..�'."�.'...",.".'..'�..� ple, and tlie­� lonial delegates havd -.1".....- _14.1 ���*,"�,.��'�."'��'.'.'.."-.,'...-.."-""-.-, ., - " .- - - N..., ......." 0 -, .�, ,�, " %%t,�� ._:' *._'.'�­ -'---,A�'-;'-- Who Can't Wear Low Shoes. Here's a summer shoe for the wo- once and bit him In the neck, and then the wild bear let go the sheep and He seems to have be spered: en pro ( at $6.40 to ;6.80. . Chicago Live Stock. ' I...'-1 ­ 11i, ...t,,.-..,-.--.--:�_.-.", been brffl, iant by flashes of silence.-'� .1 t-��-�­`�.T%1-..%;�. -_ . eg -"I�'*..V�'.,...'-.;��-,-O..%--t �, ­._ ... , ;1 "_,_-_.�­ �t�,.��,l�:�'t,'---.'t'.*-.�,-,�'�-.�.- ��*.�'..�,�--,'-..*..',".-.*..,..-- ( 7�ip Ministers have been forced & .. - . ._ i,j'-,'�"; ��.-.,.", ..,.:F,._._- . ....- ....... r . �jaw­ " �!.,.'-.'-..'%*..��, ',"'.., man who can't wear low footwear gave battle to Tom. During the flght through roost of his reign. God helped, ' him against his enemies, other nations Chicaco, Aprii 29. -Cattle recelptil .. . .!-:�, . ___ ..-....... , -:�.--, admit that' the Imperial Conferen: Z' A t,-.-A;V-., ., i��;�--,,11?t , . lf.'�t:;,` 1* I , .." - , ­­ . I 1--�V-1-1.�W-Wi5F.-'r, . M'.' I " , - 9N - '.1., _-..1--,1-?-.'_' _5 '.......,"', I.? ...., �`.%N --"� - ..' I �.k I ­:��--.,.,'� S-N.I.,�e"�.." -�...�.....2-l'.." .'..-� must have a '�rograln which will i& even In the dogg days. It's a white boot In sea island duck, which mate- the farmer ran to the barn and got an a.x� but for d long time he had brought gifts to him, and his name esthmated at 200; market Steady; beeves, $5 to $6.45; Texas steers, $4:60 - . -I '" - i �" -.-.tt,,-,.*-":�`t�-�'.`� feM'�t:�`-.,. .�p � terest colonial Premiers vitally, e , W�.Iyt�; �.. i -,-.- , "' ­ .% . , VI-1*7i .��".r.-,.�-�....'..".-..-.;."."- I SA . = rial cleans beautifully and is comfort- no chance to use the weapon. Finally he spread abroad (verses 7, 8). Thus God bonors those who honor Him. Itwas to $5-50; -egtern steers, $4.80 to $5.75; stockers and feeders, $4 to $5.50; cows Vi ��, -,,:_1.'...1.1 %.-�i-. ., - � -­.'��.,.st�- r .N.;. -v, --i'...., ..,.,: ':'!",.._.;.,.-. !'. '.... cially when Canada is pre-oomp I b ... . . - - ��`_.��_.,�� I _1, ... ., I � iv,�­g,. bj,� .`r, .. -, - " -,*,* 1. i,! I _. ., � . 1. �. .. c��v-.V, -.'-'.-' ..*.', -...-!!.­.-,`:.-_��,, with reciprocity. Hence the num' ,_�t%.; able and cool. The shoe is built on smart lines, modifled pointed toe and saw his chan ce and buried It in the .wild bear's neck, and Tom theneazily so during part of the reign of Solomon and heifers, $2.40 to $5.65; calves, $4.25 to $6. ,�.­,.."-.!�`�, ., � , ,�q� ..... ���, . . %.­,�. ­ ... , �m .... � -.1 'a .. ­ - ". � of imperial urojeots in incubation if� - -.'._._1 .,. ��-t --!i,:%,-.-.-&.�Z. Meadily increasing. ,�, � Spanish heel covered with the duck, finished him when the queen of Sheba. and all kings ! Rogs-Receipts estimated at 13,000; .. � . I % llt.,�, . -_ �� .'.W.',�'-,'.k1,' � ... -%:,J�%z�t-,,... I The Imperial Council now takes tb�i . : and fastens with pearl buttons. of the earth sought him and brought market weak; generally 5 cents lower; I 'i�i �.��.-.�...-�..�i,-.,-t�---,.-.-.-...-,.,.... form of a permarient committee. T19 . .. Very classy are the satin boots in black and brown for wear the i Problems With Forty-five. him gifts (II Chron. ix, 8, 9, 22-24). So it shall be in an unprecedented degree light, $5.85 to $6.20; mixed, $5.85 to $6.15; theav'A ;5.70 to $6.10; rough, $5.70 to .. .,..% . . 5- W ,..%*, � Premiers are in constant communi't , �� _ . .. . . . 'ba - tion with &16' another by with satin tailor made suits that are going How can 45 be divided into four Inch parts that, If to the first part ,when Jesus Christ Shall be King,12 $5.85; gvod to choice heavy, $5.85 to 11*10; P! , $1.11 to 11.11; bulk of I , gis a e2I B V11'...". -cabld. _,..',':, �. � T,,_, .1 %� State-owned cables will also be did-� to be so smart In the spring. yon add 2, from the second part you sub" .Jerusalem. Then shall all nations, $s to $6.1o. �iissed, and, the construetion -of laniall lines Canada There is a kid luster boot that is I tract 2, the third part you multiply by like the wise men from the-east� bring Sheep -Receipts e,s,timated at 10,000, market steady; native, a,cross will be fa,vor4 . as taking the place of the patent leather 2 and the fourth part; divide by 2, the their treasures unto Him (Isa. Ix, 9-11). tR to $4.60; western, $3.25 to $4.60; Yearlinos, $4.25 t , a necessary imperial link. I � 1 In popular fancy. It is said to wear ' �. SUM of the addition, the remainder of Uzziah was so greatly blessed that to $5.15; lambs, native, $4.25 to $6.10; 1 : EARL . � the subitmetion, the product of the ec me f he b a sel sufficient, strong in western, $4.75 to $6.16. � I LEAVES WINNIPEG. . multiplication and the quotient of tho himself instead of in the Lord, and th6n he fell. He presumed to take British Cattle Markets, -, . . �. . Excellency Starts For Rideatr . . His I...%, � . ... . . . .., . . . .4 division be all equal? I The first Is S. to whfoh add 2-10. - The second is 12; subtract 2-10. upon him the office of a priest and to burn incense In the house of God, and the Lord smote him LIVERPOOL, April 29. -John Rogers and Cb.'s Liverpool'cable to -day Says that owing to the scarcity of home cattle th-e w— I Hall After Contests. I Winnipeg, May I. -Contrary to th ' hopes of Winnipeg rX_O p I 0, "; who lia , I � 1: The third is 6. multiplied b 2-11 y with'Ieprosy, and — advance of one I anticipated that the ..-.,-* The fourth Is divided by 2-1% he became a lener untor the dav of his half cent. per pound in the price of Earl and Con& - �­ I ";�'r I I death and, had to live in a separate cattle In Birkenhead, bringi � . I tess Grey would spend a. large part . ,� -_ . 1. - _­ - - I I .. � 1; . . tatlons for both States anng = ;;;; . .. 11 "I of next week in this c ty, the vice.- I ' . I , � Subtract 45 d C i AP% I I ?!* � from 45 and leave 45 an house. The bnIy King of Israel who � to .,/ 11 I VA -Zug I 1. I a remainder. steers to from 13, is , cents Pell I )!egal party left lor the east Saturd4, . 1� will be a priest upon his throne will be pound. The shem trade vaXUA ver� .. — , bight. The earl was present at th2i. ,. hta�void f I 4 . Z- 9 8 1 6 6 4 a 2 1 equalB 0 the man whose name is the Branch little, 011PPed Iambs making from 14% SIR OHARLES A. PELLETID,R., , play at the theatre at night, and ad 11 �,� . 14 I I . I � (Zecb. vi, 12, 13). He will.be a priest to 15 cents and clipped weathers from tive Assembly chamber from 10 a,m. 'the -close of the usual performaneei! � . . forever after the order of Ma 11% to 12 cents per pound. .. the members of the paxty bid farewell' � Which Eat&, ifin a I I �70 8 6 41 9 7 5 2 2 equals 45 Ichlzedek, ... .... I . to 10 p.m. on Tuesday. The funeral to friends in Winnipeg. It is under- , � 1 2, 1 .. who was both priest and king (Gen. A Costly Lie. service will take place at the Basilica , pto,ocl 'that the political situation at I � 11 I 1. . �!, R611712rkable Fish. - x1v, 18; Ps. ex, 4; Heb. vil, 1, 17). at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning, Ottawa had had some effect on his I �. , Sevime Aaw=k, of 11 I I If we are redeemed we are kings and '�'My wife found a poker chip in my after which the body will be ta en 1�, , 6�.a,7 ... 4 i ,. I - I �, The curiously named trigger fish are priests unto God and shall reign with Poc'I�Ft, and I told her it was a dys, by, special train over the Intercolon- I ... .. � I! � .1 I . �'i h sudden ,departure. .'_�r 'I' - � ; In Japanese waters. 'They Christ when He reigns (Rev. I., 6; v, 9, . , � . , , plentiful pep.sia tablet." fal Railway to Riviere Quelle, his na. , Very great regret is expressed thati . ; PneumGnfir. I . - 'P.0 " , am of the t-listes genus. and their "That was clever." tive parish, where another service will it has been found necessary that the . " . . !i� ! � I.- . " popular nain,.- Is derived from the 10). Back of this sin of Uzziah it is "Far from it! She swallowed the be held and the interment take place. Governor-General 'and Countess Greg, � � I - I � not difficult to see the great adversary iihould leave . :r chip, and the doctor's bills cost me The funeral will likely be military in for Ottawa so soon. Ar-� . I I � trigger -like 1-cullarIty of the second who said "I will be like rangements -Iiad -been made for a nun�-, I � 0 . . �0 ��J spine of,the (lorsal flin. When the tin to the' Most more than the jackpot." its chax"actex-and will be a most im- I , : . �' TOO much fifrew envat ba,j4K4u�.tho . I ­ . High" and who said to Hvej "Ye shall osing one. Telegrams of condolence ber of events next week- at which itl� - . t when a pamm� . , V � erected the first ray.,or spin% which is 1. was hoped that the vice -regal party: I , �Ai r be as gods" (Isa. xiv, 14; Gen. ill, 5). An Expensive Habit. Me been received from Barl Grey, . , L entebm cou"If .. �1. 1. - . . very thick and strong, maii1tains its Humility, riot pride, is the characteris- . Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laur inight be pmseat. One of the cl-def of - , L : "I I be attended to Immedibrety. � . elevated Position so firmly that It can. When you borrow trouble you'll fl.nd Stagn e these was the militaxy conceit, to, bei . resaft aw, NablimwTomw. .. 4 . . � . t not be pressed down by any degree of retty high, g"; , 1, I s, , . 1 , I tic of a true child of Go;d, realizing that the., rate of intere,,t 1, G i, Hon. R. Lemie i r. Y o , , I , . , . nerin of Montreal, and , x , Y y � - 1. , we are not sufficient of ourselves to - Ill ram: given by the Sheffield Choir, on We&j . . I , _7�=':'­ ­- , : 1 aWnch� Fv==V1&,=4.C,0usmup_ , . force, butif th4 second spine is pressed --_7- �' . , . , - I think anything as of oiarselves, but our from Sir Lomer Gonin, who s in fiesday night. At this function it was, I SkmAre all canwil by nqgkaK,r, to ,we the first Immediately falls down vrith sufficiency is of God (11 Cor. Jil, 5). The All Skin Diseases -Paxis. Numerous floral tributes are 1101>ed that there would -be a very largo] � ." fte*wyleeon -) EL spring. like the hammer of a gmb. only Way for us is to be "strong in 6e also arriving. , . m -Presentation of the military of thi . e, I L lodr When the trigger Is pulled, Th . k, 11 .., SKIRT WiTii Tuxic. - t- — itY, 'and it was intended that, -,,,it I I ner, should be made one of the I I fish are marked In a striking man eso Lard and in the power of His migh P Can be Directly G ETT I N G TOG liTH E R. . � � . *a' 0- W' ]30WWA'4 ysttaa, Onf; better than the patent leather, and the having no confidence in ourselves, for gatherings in the musical sto of 1 :1 L wTAeS:--J'Tbx,w Ya" agap -1 caught u kid is softer and molds itself to the some of them being very richly colored In us -that is, in our flesh--dwelleth . Traced To Unionists in G------ the city. Lord Lascelles had I ii -t I 11 , L . L *aM which ended in a owem atkw1c,of foot in a very shapely fashion. -ashen gray, blue and gold, no good thing (Eph. vi, 10; Phil. ii I reat Britain Are Talk. cate-d his belief that the earl amilil' . 1� . I I 1; 3; ing OF Concessions. , I.. PhAumitini& &NO* *0 time ," -the' , The shoes in rather dark shades Rom. VU, IS). We have a great High countess would 1--i present, but thel , I . *,,. begirming of ewkvr!ntaT,AemA.�*,Cg�00b Will be very popular in the spring. BAD BLOOD. London, May I. -The King's Mu- Al U -1- A Short Delay. Priest who Is touched with a feeling . ence is beginn )'afis ha.,v �ad �,) be 4changed, an', I corcl VwY em*. I Lw&beem so hearse They are ornamented with perforafed A little boy set' out for school oue morn- of our infirmities and who is 'able to , ing to eAlm the trou- 't: Zedru� y 1,�,Yht the party WE I - It was unable decorations. ing. and he crept save to the uttermost all of those who Therefore to get rid of these skin di bled waters of politics. The two front in t 1. .Ri&all, 11411L. t . L I* 0pe"k'oVd.e8M&-"';J0 Now,, what do you think of the nevr Mong the way as slowly ae a mma come unto God by Him. eases it is absolutely'neeessary 8- benches of the House of 'Commons are - _.� ... , "' .. pcould ever go. . � that the reaching an understanding by which I L - � : he:W& acrow *ho rooft ra* W'ntors moire silk Pumps? They're the dain. Outed, and he lifted up his voloe, ad* Let uti rejoice in Him and serve blood should be'thoroughly dlearlsed of the Parliament bill can be carried to Ho�*, It was. . � , how"ft, a ftlend Advberl mo to fry�vr I I ; L f '. tiest thing in footwear*seen for a long L then he wept the accumulated poisons, and for this a second reading in th,c House of last nickel I gave I :L w0wra liforvmy ,F%o &Jmpi ovjug ,� i HIM with all humility, remembering to Lady -Did th;�; .; , �, � , 14 , time and are only rivaled by those of And laid the dust with all h19 t*"4 do justly, love mercy and walk hum- purpose there is nothing tio equal Bur, LoTds before the coronation and dis. * You go for beer?' . I W ht1ped ba, I bought 8 b,0100=3' satin and velvet ' which Came In steady flow. bly With OUL God. All self rlghteous� dock Blood Bitters, cussed in comnlittee during 'Ttlly- The Weary Walter .. Not alone, mum. I' t'01 L : befte it was bolf used, I vra& 00MVk 0i 14r - L � I ' r P I The skirt that gives a tunle efreet, "I do not want to go to schw4wo be whialp, ness, self anfaciency, pride and ambi- This fernedy has been on the market Ministers admit that they will be sat. went for the beur and took It along.- " I I VISO find it a good ft,xUcj=ft I but In reality: is all In one, is a favorite, . 'tion to be somebody or somethin:gapaxt. or o P *RVWX pered in despair. I �ver thirtY-five years and when u isfied with this result. I L "­ Ohmaktildreo When tkoy h%w ooV9,­ This one Is laid in a wide tuck at "I want to stay autd6ors and viav with ' from Jesus Christ we must shun as we use it You ava not experimenting 4h Prominent UnioniAt members reluc- Puck. I . L ., . .. other little boys. some new and untried remedy. . tantly cone �-e the ultimate pass -a __­� I I it flounce depth, which suggests the tu- I will not 901" HO eat doWn resolutely would the devil himself. . I I ge L Bemire of tho MUT im, stiow Of Dr. nie, while the perfect simplicity of the . then and thdre. ,,as L tyliss Stella Eichel, Maitland Fork. of the measure without the creation. � And They want to Vote,, , 1�1 vvood,ii Norway rimer Oyv , It Is written of Vzzlah that 10119 N.S. wtites:-11I have been bothere4 of "Puppet peers." I � 'Volin, I don't bellere you. Look me 11 .1 I I UP. model is maintained. A6 It forever, but just then there ewm as he sought the Lord, God- made him witi� Salt Rheum on my hands for three Amiable Radicals assert that Lord . an GaFful noise, In the eye and tell ine the tTuthi,, . L . _ :.L LL :L� A* for "Dr. 'WOOd's-" and b9is# 0lb I'M= CHOLLET. to prosper" (verse 6). This LIS in ac. years and it itched, 60 I didn't know what Lansdowne's reform scheme may b,e A'Yes, my lov(�. Which. eye?11-91)9�- . I I WAft, what you ,aak for, OL It was the bell a -tinging, calling ebtldt,m Coed With 3osh, 1, 1, 8; Ps. 1, t-3. Trite to do. I tried everything but nothing substituted for the preamble of the icane SpOkesmall-Iterlow, �, .L , V Thl�j Way Mantbripattern, Is out In sizes to the school seeking Is always according to Ser. sceffied to be any good, I heard of Government bill if oppositi I � . 1114vout tlp,ivk,* yeftW�W,rA1Me*A*4* from 22 to 80 inches waist measure. Send And threatening to punwh them It, t1h4w oil. to the .. L I , LO cents to this office, giving number. 019, 1, tiftovX100 ,the U00 %AftL-, tht ahould stay away. wn, but this I ,,, XXIX, 110 and the exhortations thereto Burdock Blood Bitters and bought two main clauses be withdra, . iW 40 I Owd 11ttle boy, I bottles of it, and now I am I 1", IF=u V knd It will be Promptly forwarded to yoll; with all fft hot res,tila ate very plain in ls;�. IV, 6; Zeph. M perfectly is liaZLY conjectute. � Known ,by The,,. Fruits, . , , , . ,�� 4i t I . ment grown quite cool; . cured and have no Salt Rheum on m When the results of the peers' re. 1 We'r6 often told . 1. W�,i�� e2, ,Z by mall. I I , ." It Ill haste send An additiciriall ,:,. I ,, .i �, 0 S. Consider Hezekfah in 11. Chrom hands an.V y I The love of gold . I _ I I . , �? two cent starnp for, letter ,postage, WhIcul Got on his feet and dried blig ey�g% " 29t.21, and also i`10 lbrit 'dit 10, - llighly of B more' I 0 cannot speakk too construction policy are known er- Of evil 10 the root, 1. L I � ....... ' '­ L .., . Atigurel more prompt, delivery. I ­­Vatiered On b,fo Wao"' ­­­­­ .J !F!i�� L. urdook B1 od Bitters." tilinIv, flw..Uausa�,Cd��td,s, W�11.' c I . : I I * � , , i0i MIM . L ­_ ­ manufftet, red I . , , XDa-�e I I Yet early, ):ite, L .1 11 : L I ii"** " . I . , u ,,4 only � 71 301bum I � , . Men cultiva te, I I I I L I . I I I , 1 I I L I I . I I . I L I L I P., Liblited, "Onto / , �, Then crumble at the fruit, , . I �1 . i . . r: I . e . I � - I .. _­ I I ., , I I . . 11 . I , , I ( I , : , -Amerloan A#rfdUIWrW�'X1' 11 I I . I I . . I I ;. I , . . . I I ; ii,� 'L I I I I . . I � : . I I 11 �. �, I,_ � '' . I I ­ .1 . ': , L ' I . _- . '�.",�i; . ", I . L'' IL I I IL I � - I �- - i . I . I . . , 'I , 11 L I I r . . � . r 1�1 1. I .11 1, 1, .... L -1_1-11 I - ­ 1-1 I ,&­,­�_­­. . .1-1-1-- -111.111. � 11 11.1�1­,k_ -.11 -, I., I 1. 11""'L . ... 11 ­ - I—. I., . I I , 4 '( . I ­�.­­­­­-.1,�,4 ... ­­` L � L "1,:" I -11- I—— 1. - I.. 11 � - - L'. I , �, ­­', ", I I . L'� # I � I C I , ­ ' " ' ". L " " " ''. . I . I - 11 I I I I .... I t " ­ . ' ' ", , , , '' L. 11 L.. ­ � � � ­­ 11-1.1 � I 1. , . , , -11-11 . ­­' I., L 11 : I L : __