HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-5-4, Page 100MUTUING NEW SOURT)RINGG001) RED CEDAR FLAKES tent 000)1. 4 6010 Phi, 0 ............. MuRnr�EIGRT)l YEAX-NO 1906 JONES & MAY, Phone Not 32,. Spring Wash Goods A few Items of Interest About Them They are all here and ready for the warm weather. Every thing that ia new- will be found herej Come and see them and bring your friends with you, 0 J� A26 4 Scotch Giagnams Repps & Linens That are perfect washers In Navy, Sky, Tan, Brown, Plain Checks Plaids in a big Linen, Rose and Black. They variety of Colors. are the thing for coats Suits all at 12je peryard, I or Dusters 15c 206 Ze per yd. Very mueb in demand this Jaquard Silks 0 year for Dresses, and 'real Another lot of those lovely scarce We have them from wash silks. and Silk Mulls in IS in. �o 45 in wide. the season beat shades Prices 40 to 50c, per yard. JUN JN E&S q0L"`CEa"PG A All No. 9 wire. A carload just received of Ideal Fencing, Coiled Spring wire No. 9 Brace wire, staples, Hooks, Pulleva'. Stretchers etc. f; wire all No 9 2�5c 8 wire all No. 9 32c 7 " " 9 � 0 11 Hog fence 350 Gates from $2.50 to $5.75 Spring Hardware List In The Ready=to=Wear Department House Eurnishings $3.7r3 Gasoline stoves $1.00 1�0 * Black Diamond $6,75 Oil stove wickb 5 to 20c, to This is humming with us this spring. We are more than 04 40 * 4� + pleasedwithib. Everyone should see what we are doing in this line. 04 0 Wilton, Axminster, Velvet Brueselsi Tapestry and Wool 4� *0 40c, AlabAstine and maresco 25 and 45c mustbe showing theright goods, you must come along Rugs in all sizes, Lace Madras scrim and Tapestry Curtains' Ceme �­HEAMAN%S early and see the styles and . 011cloths Linoleums and Rol - Childrens Dresses White Waists 4 4 ler Blinds. Nice whit dresses f -from 3 to 16, years. 0&��,u'rtis_ A. big lot to show you in :4 fully made and trimmed smart little Main Chambrays longandshort sleeves. The plain or fancy Tailored 4 and-clieck dresses for girls 3 Waists are also here. They * 10 4 to 10 fast colors Pke s $1 to a are very dainty thid yeax the 0 4 May $2, best we have yet offered to 0'0 # us our c tomors, + Eadies White Wear Soils 114- cools ON Skills 4 Now is the time to buy your summer supply just when We have sold %lot of thim '�lefb. If + they are opened up. We and'have-only a few T bave a swell lot f skirts, you want a , good bargain Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers to show you. come and see them. We will make it pay you. I + JUN JN E&S q0L"`CEa"PG A All No. 9 wire. A carload just received of Ideal Fencing, Coiled Spring wire No. 9 Brace wire, staples, Hooks, Pulleva'. Stretchers etc. f; wire all No 9 2�5c 8 wire all No. 9 32c 7 " " 9 � 0 11 Hog fence 350 Gates from $2.50 to $5.75 Spring Hardware List Millinery' House Eurnishings $3.7r3 Gasoline stoves $1.00 1�0 * Black Diamond $6,75 Oil stove wickb 5 to 20c, + 4 * Do not forget we are doing the biggest Millinery We are headquarters in Exeter for House furnishings 40 * 4� + 100 a yd, Elephant Floor Pafnt 500 40 a d� Se nouis 'Floor Palnb 60c y business inourhistory. OurMilliners Wilton, Axminster, Velvet Brueselsi Tapestry and Wool 4� *0 40c, AlabAstine and maresco 25 and 45c mustbe showing theright goods, you must come along Rugs in all sizes, Lace Madras scrim and Tapestry Curtains' Ceme �­HEAMAN%S early and see the styles and . 011cloths Linoleums and Rol - leave your order as they are ler Blinds. extra busy.. it May JUN JN E&S q0L"`CEa"PG A All No. 9 wire. A carload just received of Ideal Fencing, Coiled Spring wire No. 9 Brace wire, staples, Hooks, Pulleva'. Stretchers etc. f; wire all No 9 2�5c 8 wire all No. 9 32c 7 " " 9 � 0 11 Hog fence 350 Gates from $2.50 to $5.75 Spring Hardware List JMET9R, --ONT. CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, XAY 4th, 1-9.11 00 per V, ar la'advanca Exeter Council School Report Locals I.O.O.Y. Attend Service Xb-., Council me,,, Pursuant to ad- V. S. Department- Mr. and Xr*, TbQs, &,ldon,, 0 jDurnime-nit in 'the Town I-Wl Vixi;das v.*,1qitvd at Rd. SeldQa'Qf 'n- The� members of Exeter Lod;g;e, In. e,,yeniira UMbers all to losl�? &,, P of Qddfellowts, NO. 'the 28th inst. IROOM IV. ende'upt order Few PIVIU-tut with 'the aicceptio� of Mr. ST. IV Ilm-oria-Brace Walker �3; XZIss Marjorki 861don was laid. u, 67_ veletimtcd the anniversary of th-o 0 Rivers who was ill, Irno Sweet 78; Yxancjs Hill 78; Arai for a Lm, AaYi last week Ithrou 3 Order 'by attendling Divinc w-orshi irmbos� of ithe lag meetkn6- Nrere -ia Case '76; Artel everley 75, in ItIle, T4vitt Memorial Church 0 read and 'approved. B Sunday morning last (r,lre we&t -Lola To and Sydps�y 1 -le 'Mr. S. G.,,Lamport. of ClankUboye its was somewhat di�sagremble,but, nev. Malexce ivaitied. on ths� coanZ D,elve 71,,,Lteta Roin 70, rs�thej Do,), vaeiAlv purcliase,4 from BIr. o5. Hardy there being about elighty ersi 14vaeakilig plaxis for 'Propogoa. Q.; Gordon Fi4abole 06, 0 1 . Nla'weleome Dix. Lamport and family 1)zo;sen�� The arrile, May 'N"Y , 10 tor. OX.JVr. Collins. manager of the Ba., q3; Glady�% this into the house he ertbaloss, a larXe number turned cut ber ak feuqal 74; memb M UA new bank bnildff�nq askinq - permit '66; Harper Rivers 00, Ernest Har. to our toira. Rector. Rev.' D, W,, from ftbIe, counqil to build same. very 66; )3lanche Quanee 65. hllddjt� Th, Collins. on belaalf of 'the Wardens and Levett and Day that pormpt �Q IV, a Jackson Mf a'. Co. of Town istar. coh.-ro.� Je pec� _13,eaErice 'Hod�ert 72; La PW- s tQd oPerall4ars on Monday, after be- a cordial welcome, both. individually granted acQOXdiAv Ito plans and ig Iloinors-Willie Xanson 77, �ation of Ithe church, xtendnd r a. week ptoc!c and collectively to the member,$ of ay and Walper that �C't a a or D% i d:,, tai:u,i� -This Wle& [they re.ceiv,!d a the society and hop d th t th; ca- HarAlford 70; D ition, for berta KYU31it 69, Maurtce Senior 67. ehipment of gonds from tthe old eotiu- sion iroald be one, of igreat bleissimfg, 1� th. ring Pf Brain i8t,, 1'hroai,�h_ BRunif-, Way 67; Anaie 1)4y.04. No. try coming on 'the ls�-teamer llvirgii 'TERS ifimtlrni's. 'Carried. ar Hornkay 69 0011c briv lcic;,�!A down lo SA V but be, nceepbsd� Carried. rRe. preached anexcellent sarman, bas- Ple,LiQaa was presented i10 .44' on Toll $1, aVe.ragO attondan.ce 01. lian't', Tha tstil)men% Incladed, 9.0 , Ing, h5s remarks on Mark Otli Chipter ve, 0. Vopg�ber 'teacher. yards of 1vbft,,, colt,ton for Muln'35 Wellington, Wtreet Nvattexed f rom �Ld 27th varse "But Jelau's took him Main Ito R. R. Txack. ' Llavtt and and 4.000 yards of cloth idolibla wi,,dftb y 'the� baud and lifted b"Itu lip and Day 'that Ithe, k3ame be igra;ul.e& 1tooM V. Mr. Dews. ',Wa maaa�er. iUfGCMS U� hia arose.." AT OUR. Jr. IV Honora-Carman Powell 92 that itirc, Godorilch 'branch wi.11 prob- The speaker isaidthat the acen,� in Levett and Day that tenders' be Marjorie Huston 135, Oliver Davis 83 ably Itaka double,Wfs amount and ",he 0011101actiarx wl)Lh which tWa i(a &,l$_ asked for Ithe ivatiextnq df the fol, Harry Par"ns, -7'�). Pa".- MIrjorlk� 10l.. . 0, lo)ring streets viZ, Brain gt. from the 8-,ltdon 71, Anna Bell 70; plorollice .:Oton branch I.Eiree times. cribed Its a very imPres$iva one. Jesus 177"A 0 0i South Boundary 10 the Lake R.oadr Wood 70; Oliv,� On MOL00Y ni-ght ths," 'adjotiraedi had taken ti�x.ec of his 4�lscitpiea up in- We% Huron street from X-ain. S�trec�2 McDonald 07; Aoc str. -.be mount land. was transfitsured vej v meeting Of the T1x1vL1t% to it Carlin, street,; Well tio FollIck 6.5; jr-�,c.tor Roweliffe ol. 13 Mem- I ltut�ton st from 10� orial Church was held in the School b,:forc them. If we are to rightly Blain 'to �R. R. Taiank Temdcxs to be IR Ronors-Marvimi Vincent 92; Nei- Hall when the fira4cfal report of the 11ml,.ustand Ithe Iteachingo of Je�sus in, %be hanUts ville 0laidman 85; Lila Zuefle, Q2; clurch was read. showing the bek of t1he, clerk not' later Karl WkAdpjahammer 81; 'Gerald hit- Xe t Chriii Wa axe not Ito belikeve Ithits sim- I . ,Port in the history of �,he, tchuxch. Ply a mi,�rweltd bult a xevieldtilon. Araid, 'than 7 p.m. Priday evenin;­ the 5th ton 78; Xabll XnoV;m77. Pas�-B�r- 'Ihe congregation being entirely ouf. cWsXQn Of that future, life, ithe Of May. Carried. all dbc� tha Horney 74; Edith Dav-,Is 11; Iva Of &,bt 4nd have the finest ehurdh'tracst and noblest reprolsentatioa of Leliett 'that the 1su . m Of $10-00 be Delve 71; _A -MY JDhr-S 169 Dorothy p,o,,j-,,rty i;u !tbe dlocese, After thi., that lifo, isto be found in'thei atter- -xantk,,,d MX& L91111ton for 10barilty. Np Kuntz 06; Xessie Drijokwood 65; (1`0- meetin.- a'n1ce lunch was ise:i azee of St. Paul "And as Iva have Ortwein 63. Jr. III Ironor rveld bv a-MLIV:Ori thn ladies and a hearty va,e borpe 'the liumaze of 'the earthly, iy-e Walper itnd Lorett thil� the Laun- ton Xydd,64, Viola Welsh 77. be saPPlkd With water at -,he Rhoda -;Cornl�&h 60; Mildred ma the beav- dry Pa�%4 thanks was �Unaldered 'be Rector a�� shall also hear the i � ge of Ut rate sIpeaker was not to t�at 68, Lillito Walker 66; Dori��,' "s Of $10-00 per anlaum and Hardy b- iy!R� and :the offitials ot T i� UOIY," But the tha clerk have contract 04gried, Car- PthilUP-65i Milli,e, Walker 6.1, &rj church, dwell an fthis, smiply 'to iatxodtice it Tied. Pbivell 64, !Grace Carling 62; B1.11- � 1lrh�Thc,_-. Piroi.�r of Huron At. haw by WAY of' ao4trai.�t, A father had Levctt and Wolper that the stree., zuerite PIckard. 61; Brary Day i3o., old 's l&O'PeXty thlougli BIT, Tbvs lbroaght his son In hop�� 1.hat he commissoin-ar be authorized to exam- Alice Taylor 60, Cflm�_ro'ii. to Mr. Charles Harvey. would be healed and when J NO .0a roll 43, aircr- Of down from the esms came Usborrw. We con�ratulate Btr. ki:tr,- he spoko IDa idro(lw at the creamery and re- agia, a. Murray, teacher port 'to Ithecouncil at Ithe -newt n�pet_ Y -3X on, acouring such an excellent tha word and tjie boy was heal -d. iir .-. Carxiled. Room V1. property near towu. Mr. Cameron. and rejok4n.- they Nveat home Walper and Day �-hait ,either. ithe comml3i- Jr. IN Hon)rs--Alvin Corm,'ish 7 Nill-I Offer BIT. Harvey*a fine farm in I fsionler 'be fin*rmted. to have WelliA7 Rass-X-erbert Hector 63; Mar-a,vel Uisborai-q for isald'in a fdw -%vee",. The speaker said that ire niiss the ,ton 1AXvIeft JgTadled and Put in phwp�d Sharp 162; Win. J'acob! 60. Sr,' Mr. Vrior who has r�ot been well VexY essence of our society if we for - as Isoon as ]Jcssibki., Chrried. Hddions.-Vera, Sweet 81; Czar II for several weeks. ibut who is imprlov- get that Jesus Christ came to 'this Walper and Day that all Har- In earth Ito form a society, He was to What be ftbe head, It -he heart was 'to be lth-� account to. be paid quarterly dharlton ii); -Mary Morlock 76. 11 ia will do hat 9t wiR fridadihitp. and Ith,e synabo). ats far worko ivaUl neas 80,- Vera Marshall 77; 'a slowly, has not Yel defelded is probable h4 CarrielrL Llarold Boyle. 72;. Bruce Rivers 71 Uke up bis resriftice in town and Lavett and Day �that Ihe clark be Drair Xrighf 681- Clifford 65 take thir..7-9, easier. 'He will hold an as sm Christ.. Nvas coacerned. was the. extimided. hand, and all societl 0 mcilre One irater Prep- room lD' auotior. sale on May 20th. 11,313 i�nVtructed t. Sent on Ito Room V V.o make Mallet r A very pretty wedding took plaze sura �Zuaqe for pump house. Uarxipd. others fl;. xeceivet! from room V11 are f ounded uT)on this. All sacuotit(s Mens Suits $5 to $13 WalPer �Lnd Day that the Commils- 9. No. ortrolled at prescAlt 39, aver ' Zurbah Gut Wodbeaday. May 3rd that follow !iflis Prjncf�ple- are but i�r4n,er look sharply after the. partiels when Miss Phoebe Riiakbeil daq7,Tater brapches of the parent society. The ax,� oettvLjdlan�cg �5,4 H. Br. Kinsman spirit of all organizations who are continually bicycle riding on teacbeT, of Mr, and Mrs. John Irl. R!�J-bell. lgath�,,r the side walks and to dnforc6 11he was united in marriage to Mr. David axourAd �he ji, . Boy Su' Ord betitermen't. Ther,-A'iz. S Us 2 to 7 BY -Lair. 0arrifeA. TtooAr Vil. S. Morrow,pf Bee�or. The ceremony no word mora adopted to the beaety of Levett fthalt wo adjou�rn. was performed by the Rev. A. D. Gts- the societeis than the word better- CARLIXGi Clerk.' NInta. ivere promoted to Loom VI chler in the preisence of the immedi- menit. Alen are 31vin-b time and Shirts 35c' to I �00" and t-,velve receiv�_d from room VIII ate, relatives and friends of the eoL­ ineana for what ihey comisider to be MID ST. II Ftws-Verda Hill 74; Mildrect tractix�.- parties. the bride beiing the bdtterment of humamity. They DLESEX, LICENSES, Marchand 72 ; Cora Sandors 67 Cora . only can do ir as i4hey understandi tba Odd Pants 85C up rt Ord 61. Jr. II Olohons- Blildried, given away by her fattier. Aftee a lbea,chingis 'of Jesus Christ. All such In PLrkhUl last week the. ndrth Harvey 65; J%lanrice Harvey 76. Po"Na shorf honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Mor- methods, if they have not sitarted out BIliddlelaox board of lioecnPa cumission, Thelma Connor 71. Sr. I Honors -- row will tak-, up their resideki-ce in on right princiPles, fail init,.tue OFveralls & Smock& Beeton, Ivhere the groom -axis 010. Mhuxeday granted li�oelnies to Edward Davis 9.3 ; Vaul Wididetuliam conducts a G6d has given us love, power and af- th, folloiri drug store. AlUis Relekbeil is well 'A, botels-Parkbill-AxIl , er 87, P�r,.as­Tosephlne Davis, D divar4l, `ht and . lmoi% n in town having, ir-ork Ze'GUOU that we mi. erstand bhe 50c to I ix,gton N. 13. McKinihion t Hdtizl Schat ,t Yellow equal 71 Z�ildre:,d Woods 71,.1 love&, power and affection. Lof 'God, 400 Luca'5i-_Caatr illir.ery e- and visited at the er. .'obn Schaler. al. Baul Collins 70 Joisisie BoiveY � 86 ' [I'M S. gartly or. different Albert McLean.; Queen!s F.Waraball Alio,� Vincent 61, Jr. I Honavz�-GT. I ame, of Ir Wh�m Jesus Christ came to earth, te NNI,eist�ern. Jodm Mcrialls, -Clandboye- Harness 90. Pass E arl Russel 70 ; Ve r- Occasiorls. Her many friends will 14 ptifled himself with the Poor. 'Underwear, Summer,, James 'Henv*iey. joir. with the Times in extendinT This i's the work of tbe church to - da 'Rowelifka. Elsie Knight: e4tial 65; elay and [this iis the irork of your -The application for a. license fOr Dlae Webster 64 Earl Magee 62. Av- cani.�ratulationls. society this ir�orning" said the s 20c to 40c tl,-, hotel at lGranton was �hro-wn oac era-ge atifelddata(ce '37 No. on Toll 16 wir. In so far as �vou can car peak - as being irregular from Insufficietriti G. Bl, Alexander teacher. Distr'ct ry that Isignatums. The applitcation for lie- life and 1spirit into Your aaciLty. r Underwear, - wool, so ense Ito Ithe Fxanklip House. Parkiliar Itoom VIII. Te-Lders are wanted for fur4ssh!ng far ivill your. isopflety- 'be a succc&. mat-eri'al and erecting a number of The Object should be rightepaisnttss, was laid. over until the adjourne,,J Sr. Pt. I to Jr Pt. '11- Mildried brWgos and rulvexts for the ToNviishilp What 'via are confronked irith to -day 6"o to 1 .00 in-atetir.g on -Thursday 2M� Norry 81; Arthur RoNveliffe. 79; V. Of Vl�sgouri& is w1at are, ive � *ng go., r to do Ivith the Walker 77 ; Clyde Heywood 76; Willie The rale of revolvers stilettos and man who ii1s dowrb?( -What am You sov,l,"ItHIGN DA �K AFFAIRS SOON Webi;ter 74; 'Hazel Cookson, Waldo various other offensWe irmpons in 'aing to do. wi-tili tb(,� man who f�§ glot Work Sox, wool, IN STIRONIGIUNDS Bellwood Beverley keheaon equal 72 all parts of On:atrio Ls to be, istriictly only socially, but morally an ou.'t cast. ;Tb1a Toronto lGlobe of Tuctsiday sayfa Joe iBradt .6&; Newman Hardy 67. m-ulated by *the poll*�, and in zer- The. "settlement" Idea of isoclial work 2 prs 25c .1y. . in "Ev,oryLhing 114 moving-,sallisfatatorl Jr. lit. I -to Sr., P., I-Durathy Balk- fa? cases problibRed. This decision as It, is conducted in the congre-Vated irI119 Mabel Johns, orze HWa How- has b,,, re,ch,-�d by the Qatario gov- The, subserilytion list has row been 0 sLIctions of the large clitLeis of En- ard Dignan, Verdi Vail. Reggie Tay- land where scores of the most learned Work Sox 10c per pal ten days, and,we have $1,815 000 exnmen� as a consequance of the in- lor. Levern Harness, Marguerite creasing frequency of stabbl, and proinivont tPeople have given up in I§Laulc sulbscri-p1tion wired and ' lim Kuntz;. Pieria Sanderf,. Eleazar Cook- a Practically �ivcryth.ng. Th".y have li,!Vcra, We want Ito rget as muQla shooting affrays among the forelign son, Clifford Brimazombe. No. on 901cla down into tibe alums� nd live isub�icrib�od es possible. of course., �roll 46 aviera-Ze attendafhta 40. r. Population. thte, life of the people tii-ay arae endea� Black Cashmere 20C but our i9ptacial object is a little ovex W. HO;rard. teacher. Many farmers report that in their voring 'to xatts,4. NVb,,n J, $2.00,000." LQ � they have found the esus Christ Air. Aetrillius Jarvis made It his pring plowin- sought to Aav�� the world ho came Fancy Cotton 20 i-,bet,�nrient 'to The !Globe lait eveniti �;Iarth Iteamin.-. with millions of June dowin as a mnn. 11.4i :got 016se to the _4 Dr, Quackxnbush and. J. 1G. XOnes Bu�s which dogreat damage to bavis- When �isked about 'the pragre4s be- motored out Ito Cromarty Jast Thurs- %,,o�d. Plum and cherry ti�es- Tha Person 'he would benefit. We. are 31oit only Ito endeavor to lift ap the fallen Stiff Hats L50 ing Inado in 'the movement to orgtm­ day on buslateds. beetles lay their eggs !in the, grougil but to keep then, there. iz-,! o couipany U take charge of the Mr. Thos. May will have an Auction and after hatching, the insect, known A. few years affaim of lthk-. now dufninict Soverviga Sale of his household effects on Sainii- as lLho wbi:te grub, feads, on the root's ago lv�a wer,� 'n yinpathy with the Armenian �.,!Ieause of h! pemo- Felt 11ats 50c to L25 .1lanic.. Ile sold Itbat as V-oad as the day May 13, see add on page four. Of- grain for three years balore knn_ fa iiiin towcuoding $2,000,000 uras reached - arzing as the June Bug. cutian by -tha Turks. and. yet if aiD a iuoeLit!g of'Aihia subscribers would Mrs. Samuel Essery of Centralia " . 1� Armenian came to oar doors lie ,rou.�d be recalled. and the company organ- spent a, few days this week at the home Mr. F. G, Sandei.rson, Mayor, of �5'- be turned away. We sympathize with 4.00 Shoes for 2.95 iy,o4d.' lie waia the stibscrliytioLs were of W. Jas. Handford. .51arys has become a property own- the -cause, but fail 1.6 _sympat1.a:fz- ,ar in Motherivell. W- undei�4tand he with 'the 'n,divi-dIaal. Chri-j- always r- corsdr.g in rapidly and from 'every Word was received this week by Mr. nas Purchaspd-the farm form-erlk Liar(: of 'Ivre zoimtry. as far waist aio D. Mills of the death of Mrs. Mill's sis. sympathizod ivith '�hc individual Tfii,?. 4.00 own,,,d by Mr. ; McIntyre. When tb� hand of sympathy must always aa the llti�cific ar.d. as far civ9t 'is the terMrsBeedof New York. caros of- office becom� too ardino-qi AtlaVtic. held Gilt . A fortunaie man ia fo,r 0 Mr. Clarence Whitby; accountant of and iklaxation hn the 'caller' air of twatia becalmz he is helping some Work Slimes all Kinds Tlia -death Of Elizabeith XoNab, the Canadian Bank of Commerce in AlOth-rivell when he will be iniltdated other max., it isn". only �y "Vour w5dow of late Duncan McDonald*took town. returned Monday after releiving -ntD the myserks of agri,eultural -sympathy. %4ow,over. You must Vir., 1. and that other land place at her resbde;nce im Brueafield'-. in Cobalt. LifL We underst hbor- yoiur*�J,af. A i -S easy Ito ve mo'�,�Y, Childrens Jumpers 35c on Liadday April 23rd. The funeral Mr. 114chael Doyle movecT to town '&!als are under way in Ebb ne.49 or means, but it ',`.9 '.be htirdelst thi'114, services 'were conducted &t I o'c 1� look last week tato his nbiv house racently hood. to givh', Yourself, Your personal-%(,�% Of - p. m. with iintermenL Ln. Baird's oem-- purchased from Mr. Tlios. Haadford A diafin;te annoucement from thc tegtimes 'when 17 means to say Aihii- alteryj We )% c1come 'Mr. Doyle and f amily to provine'al dopartment was received Your bmrt ay.d'.,soul Ittils you yoll I lall. Of- Clinton, -should find it bard,,IFt.. NV C, our MU by prilrjcipal�l?. 13. 1 cc tha e6eet that Clinton has been. should -give. ourselves for rho be - Stationary for r, armeris Messers Palmer Bros., of Exeterwbo chw2n as one of the three Wo;stOrn, ti�rment Of humani;*.y and the tsupr-nit, As !L1110 years go by it I'Is pleasinq -to far a number of years, have conducted Onitario omtxes in which the model glory of Jetsus Chri3t.. Come in and See the note 'that more farmer�s wrice letbars. the Commercial Hotel, have sold out schools are, to be re-cistablished.' It Wb%1n the lodge retunned '.o thoi- m i)rWb,,-d lefter heads and have to Mr. John A. Newall, of Parkhill. js undtrstood that Chatham and roomis: ,t vcte of thanks iNns pasgo.-d : eir loar h da On thefir envolopel,5. It Mr. Newall takes post4ession next Sat- Guelph are 'the two other places de� 10 6ha Rec�or, the '"rardons ar(d con- VALUES YCURSELF xacl once Ithought that no one could urdaVbut the transfer will not be A, ­d on, axXI three in Basitern Onitar- :Zr-,i',at1on of Trtvi-t'-' church for the ga.,ved in the made till the license Oomu issioners a ito LVis unlqss tie ivas en Tha ischool in Clidton ivill open ard for. 'the very eXcellent d)4voiira,,. )roduidtion lot Isomle slicpi,alitY pr weetintwo weeks. Mr. Newall con- 3n. Septembar 5th and close on Dcce�a- t)rivilege of. lrorvbiOing with tht-;11 Drzedimg iso.me pure blood farm 6teek. ducted the Hastings house at Parkhill bex 15. A large atten0ance is ex- N7o oia bleieves that now. Let the which was recently burned down. .'arin, ba named and then give that Mr. Geo. Thomas met with an accid. Charks A. Mustard B.. A.. oon of BORN 6vi(h Itbe name of the ow,'ner and b*,S ent on Wednesday mornirg which will Mr. Alex. MusLard, o I � Bracefield has 13:LOP'P-At the 14th con H47. on 28 �a;�t offiloa address and t'he buskaess ' him up for a few days. He was paisoad his W,rd year examina;Gn at inst. to, Mr. and Kn 0,c -,,r KIOpP. no.t Phe co%t of pr if- lay ing a car at the station when the Knox College. loronto, taking ver a 80A 1�, do, fE idting is tri load ..Ing in comparison with iftis banefilts, truck which be was using sl' 1 lit Air. Must. Y13 n Usborne, on bid ihe TIME, S. a t tend 't o ilt f or yo a. cott, another third �year situdent' April 2fth to Air. and X ­ss, Oall and get prbags. Jo IpEed anc gh standing, ard and - LLOW-i Saturday over balanced, allowing Mr. T omas to St all --------- 0- fail between the car and the elevntor, tied for the post graduate fellowsli%3 1-61low. a dau-!.hter. He struck his hpad on the cement which :neludels the David Smith ROZ3 UvBRrDGB­At Ih-,, Mind Li wall, rendering him uncon,ciouti th-a Jane Huixter and the MaeWilliam on ty', 27int'. to Mr. ard M -a jo,�n for about an hour. No ser-lous injuries icholarships of $200, $175 an-cl $25 MeBridgm a son. Instead of dividinw the BROTHERHOOD. are auticip ated but Mr. Thoms will be. respectfully. SURBRUS-At Zurich c n. d au ad&Uional fellowship of $400, or ZoeW fugitive wbo flees lest A Medal contest by the VV, 0. T. T.T. o dauzhter, W ,o 3[ have no respect foi. the intill laid off work for Several days.. pnyz of $1.00, the senate has prov'4- to Arr, and Mrs." Olivor Sureras. he falL. U the brotherhood of was held in the Main Strp� t niiureh onk, of Ithe finvt sc�ttlera of Hlibbert DALY-In Seaforth on Allril 26th, man Is fact instead of fancy on Mondayevening. Alorg,,40uymber pa�Foid away on Thurs.day April 18,tb ]ITT and Mrs, T, lil. Da were present and a very a 'able n thit, yeraon of Mr. Hionry WI:n1slow who has fa len has � (Lho Ifuron Road. BIT Wbaslow BIARRIBI! the tp jL helping hand. In eveilingwas spent The contestiwt. al i IS19 andeettled !,a Xib- I born ii I way it is possible to acquire in elocution were Vdrcie Greiger, ArW ...... 4 a nio' , worth unequaled by Beverley, Myra Morgan, Luld i-1,tstinu h% -rt in 1180 on QL- farm where he .�Alvllr.e,�Aay May '3rd, M:t,15 '11.1 Vbtie Bowey, Lola Taylor and Blanch "Y'd -to the day of hils death. Mr. Pickholl to Mr. LavA 6. Al� $a will long ba, remembered as �the Inultitude-to acquire a U 1A llo-111611- 14 the Itatv, A. i u,1.14 were Dorthv Kuntz, Amy Johns, Phil- an umthusiastlie OranZeman� a Ter, UTITI g the plaudits Of, Q ance. Thet-ontestants iij Ainwng " in4aiv , moral heroism unequaled by the &d type� of farmer and a ktad anti ippa I-TArness. WNW Man -m. Xwrl gi�invi3 n6ghbor, Doecaacd came of a Warriov. Ifte MoguitiOu Of,140' WeidenhOmmet Gordon Ford and good Irish family, mfligirattog from 'GOULD-In Hnot= on '&:ndov A 4�kl duty is the key to the PeRCO Maurice Senior. The winner of the Ir8and first in 1839 and, aft -or lilts ril 30 th, James Gou I d. agt-d 01)� y. �i'r 4�t the worm olue recognitioli medal in elecation was MiAs Lulu Hns- marriage, there in lam s,,ttjc,A V, 11 months and 26 �days. bf, social 'duty will ultimately tings and in singing MWr Dorthv Xumv llibbn-1, He ',is anvvived, by his wife MeXOIII and tivolve children. The bineral OITA m L -:In 1100,�, jt. Universal tz, After the contest Mrs, I E bring to the WOKE ovin M a in d lr4l& former Pr cial Presidebt0of the W, April 28rd, No� BU*J.3 peaee and the end oil all w4fs ak place, loot r1riday of ternoon. 0W V, 'IV 11 very itlter�stii)g ti�d' ititormont being in. Trinity Church --,Senator Gore. IV d as I dress .11A. G. Powell acte tv a;;A 22 yeir;i 1I Oil Stoves from 00c to $11.00 Biockville inowers $3.7r3 Gasoline stoves $1.00 Whitman and Barres $6450 Ovens from $135 to $2,50 Black Diamond $6,75 Oil stove wickb 5 to 20c, Curtain Su etchers Carpet whips $1 00 Screen-doora $1.00 to Ift 10 and 15c Ready Mixed Paints, 18 85 and 65e Screen wire 3?0ultry Nabbing 100 a yd, Elephant Floor Pafnt 500 40 a d� Se nouis 'Floor Palnb 60c y Gardiell Sbovels iaxkeg 0 7 Campbells sbains 15 25 and 45c 250 Paint brushes 5 10 16 and 20c. Hoes 40c, AlabAstine and maresco 25 and 45c Basobaill outfitsq Fishing Tackle, Portland - Ceme �­HEAMAN%S HARDWARE AND STOVE S' TO, _4 JMET9R, --ONT. CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, XAY 4th, 1-9.11 00 per V, ar la'advanca Exeter Council School Report Locals I.O.O.Y. Attend Service Xb-., Council me,,, Pursuant to ad- V. S. Department- Mr. and Xr*, TbQs, &,ldon,, 0 jDurnime-nit in 'the Town I-Wl Vixi;das v.*,1qitvd at Rd. SeldQa'Qf 'n- The� members of Exeter Lod;g;e, In. e,,yeniira UMbers all to losl�? &,, P of Qddfellowts, NO. 'the 28th inst. IROOM IV. ende'upt order Few PIVIU-tut with 'the aicceptio� of Mr. ST. IV Ilm-oria-Brace Walker �3; XZIss Marjorki 861don was laid. u, 67_ veletimtcd the anniversary of th-o 0 Rivers who was ill, Irno Sweet 78; Yxancjs Hill 78; Arai for a Lm, AaYi last week Ithrou 3 Order 'by attendling Divinc w-orshi irmbos� of ithe lag meetkn6- Nrere -ia Case '76; Artel everley 75, in ItIle, T4vitt Memorial Church 0 read and 'approved. B Sunday morning last (r,lre we&t -Lola To and Sydps�y 1 -le 'Mr. S. G.,,Lamport. of ClankUboye its was somewhat di�sagremble,but, nev. Malexce ivaitied. on ths� coanZ D,elve 71,,,Lteta Roin 70, rs�thej Do,), vaeiAlv purcliase,4 from BIr. o5. Hardy there being about elighty ersi 14vaeakilig plaxis for 'Propogoa. Q.; Gordon Fi4abole 06, 0 1 . Nla'weleome Dix. Lamport and family 1)zo;sen�� The arrile, May 'N"Y , 10 tor. OX.JVr. Collins. manager of the Ba., q3; Glady�% this into the house he ertbaloss, a larXe number turned cut ber ak feuqal 74; memb M UA new bank bnildff�nq askinq - permit '66; Harper Rivers 00, Ernest Har. to our toira. Rector. Rev.' D, W,, from ftbIe, counqil to build same. very 66; )3lanche Quanee 65. hllddjt� Th, Collins. on belaalf of 'the Wardens and Levett and Day that pormpt �Q IV, a Jackson Mf a'. Co. of Town istar. coh.-ro.� Je pec� _13,eaErice 'Hod�ert 72; La PW- s tQd oPerall4ars on Monday, after be- a cordial welcome, both. individually granted acQOXdiAv Ito plans and ig Iloinors-Willie Xanson 77, �ation of Ithe church, xtendnd r a. week ptoc!c and collectively to the member,$ of ay and Walper that �C't a a or D% i d:,, tai:u,i� -This Wle& [they re.ceiv,!d a the society and hop d th t th; ca- HarAlford 70; D ition, for berta KYU31it 69, Maurtce Senior 67. ehipment of gonds from tthe old eotiu- sion iroald be one, of igreat bleissimfg, 1� th. ring Pf Brain i8t,, 1'hroai,�h_ BRunif-, Way 67; Anaie 1)4y.04. No. try coming on 'the ls�-teamer llvirgii 'TERS ifimtlrni's. 'Carried. ar Hornkay 69 0011c briv lcic;,�!A down lo SA V but be, nceepbsd� Carried. rRe. preached anexcellent sarman, bas- Ple,LiQaa was presented i10 .44' on Toll $1, aVe.ragO attondan.ce 01. lian't', Tha tstil)men% Incladed, 9.0 , Ing, h5s remarks on Mark Otli Chipter ve, 0. Vopg�ber 'teacher. yards of 1vbft,,, colt,ton for Muln'35 Wellington, Wtreet Nvattexed f rom �Ld 27th varse "But Jelau's took him Main Ito R. R. Txack. ' Llavtt and and 4.000 yards of cloth idolibla wi,,dftb y 'the� baud and lifted b"Itu lip and Day 'that Ithe, k3ame be igra;ul.e& 1tooM V. Mr. Dews. ',Wa maaa�er. iUfGCMS U� hia arose.." AT OUR. Jr. IV Honora-Carman Powell 92 that itirc, Godorilch 'branch wi.11 prob- The speaker isaidthat the acen,� in Levett and Day that tenders' be Marjorie Huston 135, Oliver Davis 83 ably Itaka double,Wfs amount and ",he 0011101actiarx wl)Lh which tWa i(a &,l$_ asked for Ithe ivatiextnq df the fol, Harry Par"ns, -7'�). Pa".- MIrjorlk� 10l.. . 0, lo)ring streets viZ, Brain gt. from the 8-,ltdon 71, Anna Bell 70; plorollice .:Oton branch I.Eiree times. cribed Its a very imPres$iva one. Jesus 177"A 0 0i South Boundary 10 the Lake R.oadr Wood 70; Oliv,� On MOL00Y ni-ght ths," 'adjotiraedi had taken ti�x.ec of his 4�lscitpiea up in- We% Huron street from X-ain. S�trec�2 McDonald 07; Aoc str. -.be mount land. was transfitsured vej v meeting Of the T1x1vL1t% to it Carlin, street,; Well tio FollIck 6.5; jr-�,c.tor Roweliffe ol. 13 Mem- I ltut�ton st from 10� orial Church was held in the School b,:forc them. If we are to rightly Blain 'to �R. R. Taiank Temdcxs to be IR Ronors-Marvimi Vincent 92; Nei- Hall when the fira4cfal report of the 11ml,.ustand Ithe Iteachingo of Je�sus in, %be hanUts ville 0laidman 85; Lila Zuefle, Q2; clurch was read. showing the bek of t1he, clerk not' later Karl WkAdpjahammer 81; 'Gerald hit- Xe t Chriii Wa axe not Ito belikeve Ithits sim- I . ,Port in the history of �,he, tchuxch. Ply a mi,�rweltd bult a xevieldtilon. Araid, 'than 7 p.m. Priday evenin;­ the 5th ton 78; Xabll XnoV;m77. Pas�-B�r- 'Ihe congregation being entirely ouf. cWsXQn Of that future, life, ithe Of May. Carried. all dbc� tha Horney 74; Edith Dav-,Is 11; Iva Of &,bt 4nd have the finest ehurdh'tracst and noblest reprolsentatioa of Leliett 'that the 1su . m Of $10-00 be Delve 71; _A -MY JDhr-S 169 Dorothy p,o,,j-,,rty i;u !tbe dlocese, After thi., that lifo, isto be found in'thei atter- -xantk,,,d MX& L91111ton for 10barilty. Np Kuntz 06; Xessie Drijokwood 65; (1`0- meetin.- a'n1ce lunch was ise:i azee of St. Paul "And as Iva have Ortwein 63. Jr. III Ironor rveld bv a-MLIV:Ori thn ladies and a hearty va,e borpe 'the liumaze of 'the earthly, iy-e Walper itnd Lorett thil� the Laun- ton Xydd,64, Viola Welsh 77. be saPPlkd With water at -,he Rhoda -;Cornl�&h 60; Mildred ma the beav- dry Pa�%4 thanks was �Unaldered 'be Rector a�� shall also hear the i � ge of Ut rate sIpeaker was not to t�at 68, Lillito Walker 66; Dori��,' "s Of $10-00 per anlaum and Hardy b- iy!R� and :the offitials ot T i� UOIY," But the tha clerk have contract 04gried, Car- PthilUP-65i Milli,e, Walker 6.1, &rj church, dwell an fthis, smiply 'to iatxodtice it Tied. Pbivell 64, !Grace Carling 62; B1.11- � 1lrh�Thc,_-. Piroi.�r of Huron At. haw by WAY of' ao4trai.�t, A father had Levctt and Wolper that the stree., zuerite PIckard. 61; Brary Day i3o., old 's l&O'PeXty thlougli BIT, Tbvs lbroaght his son In hop�� 1.hat he commissoin-ar be authorized to exam- Alice Taylor 60, Cflm�_ro'ii. to Mr. Charles Harvey. would be healed and when J NO .0a roll 43, aircr- Of down from the esms came Usborrw. We con�ratulate Btr. ki:tr,- he spoko IDa idro(lw at the creamery and re- agia, a. Murray, teacher port 'to Ithecouncil at Ithe -newt n�pet_ Y -3X on, acouring such an excellent tha word and tjie boy was heal -d. iir .-. Carxiled. Room V1. property near towu. Mr. Cameron. and rejok4n.- they Nveat home Walper and Day �-hait ,either. ithe comml3i- Jr. IN Hon)rs--Alvin Corm,'ish 7 Nill-I Offer BIT. Harvey*a fine farm in I fsionler 'be fin*rmted. to have WelliA7 Rass-X-erbert Hector 63; Mar-a,vel Uisborai-q for isald'in a fdw -%vee",. The speaker said that ire niiss the ,ton 1AXvIeft JgTadled and Put in phwp�d Sharp 162; Win. J'acob! 60. Sr,' Mr. Vrior who has r�ot been well VexY essence of our society if we for - as Isoon as ]Jcssibki., Chrried. Hddions.-Vera, Sweet 81; Czar II for several weeks. ibut who is imprlov- get that Jesus Christ came to 'this Walper and Day that all Har- In earth Ito form a society, He was to What be ftbe head, It -he heart was 'to be lth-� account to. be paid quarterly dharlton ii); -Mary Morlock 76. 11 ia will do hat 9t wiR fridadihitp. and Ith,e synabo). ats far worko ivaUl neas 80,- Vera Marshall 77; 'a slowly, has not Yel defelded is probable h4 CarrielrL Llarold Boyle. 72;. Bruce Rivers 71 Uke up bis resriftice in town and Lavett and Day �that Ihe clark be Drair Xrighf 681- Clifford 65 take thir..7-9, easier. 'He will hold an as sm Christ.. Nvas coacerned. was the. extimided. hand, and all societl 0 mcilre One irater Prep- room lD' auotior. sale on May 20th. 11,313 i�nVtructed t. Sent on Ito Room V V.o make Mallet r A very pretty wedding took plaze sura �Zuaqe for pump house. Uarxipd. others fl;. xeceivet! from room V11 are f ounded uT)on this. All sacuotit(s Mens Suits $5 to $13 WalPer �Lnd Day that the Commils- 9. No. ortrolled at prescAlt 39, aver ' Zurbah Gut Wodbeaday. May 3rd that follow !iflis Prjncf�ple- are but i�r4n,er look sharply after the. partiels when Miss Phoebe Riiakbeil daq7,Tater brapches of the parent society. The ax,� oettvLjdlan�cg �5,4 H. Br. Kinsman spirit of all organizations who are continually bicycle riding on teacbeT, of Mr, and Mrs. John Irl. R!�J-bell. lgath�,,r the side walks and to dnforc6 11he was united in marriage to Mr. David axourAd �he ji, . Boy Su' Ord betitermen't. Ther,-A'iz. S Us 2 to 7 BY -Lair. 0arrifeA. TtooAr Vil. S. Morrow,pf Bee�or. The ceremony no word mora adopted to the beaety of Levett fthalt wo adjou�rn. was performed by the Rev. A. D. Gts- the societeis than the word better- CARLIXGi Clerk.' NInta. ivere promoted to Loom VI chler in the preisence of the immedi- menit. Alen are 31vin-b time and Shirts 35c' to I �00" and t-,velve receiv�_d from room VIII ate, relatives and friends of the eoL­ ineana for what ihey comisider to be MID ST. II Ftws-Verda Hill 74; Mildrect tractix�.- parties. the bride beiing the bdtterment of humamity. They DLESEX, LICENSES, Marchand 72 ; Cora Sandors 67 Cora . only can do ir as i4hey understandi tba Odd Pants 85C up rt Ord 61. Jr. II Olohons- Blildried, given away by her fattier. Aftee a lbea,chingis 'of Jesus Christ. All such In PLrkhUl last week the. ndrth Harvey 65; J%lanrice Harvey 76. Po"Na shorf honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Mor- methods, if they have not sitarted out BIliddlelaox board of lioecnPa cumission, Thelma Connor 71. Sr. I Honors -- row will tak-, up their resideki-ce in on right princiPles, fail init,.tue OFveralls & Smock& Beeton, Ivhere the groom -axis 010. Mhuxeday granted li�oelnies to Edward Davis 9.3 ; Vaul Wididetuliam conducts a G6d has given us love, power and af- th, folloiri drug store. AlUis Relekbeil is well 'A, botels-Parkbill-AxIl , er 87, P�r,.as­Tosephlne Davis, D divar4l, `ht and . lmoi% n in town having, ir-ork Ze'GUOU that we mi. erstand bhe 50c to I ix,gton N. 13. McKinihion t Hdtizl Schat ,t Yellow equal 71 Z�ildre:,d Woods 71,.1 love&, power and affection. Lof 'God, 400 Luca'5i-_Caatr illir.ery e- and visited at the er. .'obn Schaler. al. Baul Collins 70 Joisisie BoiveY � 86 ' [I'M S. gartly or. different Albert McLean.; Queen!s F.Waraball Alio,� Vincent 61, Jr. I Honavz�-GT. I ame, of Ir Wh�m Jesus Christ came to earth, te NNI,eist�ern. Jodm Mcrialls, -Clandboye- Harness 90. Pass E arl Russel 70 ; Ve r- Occasiorls. Her many friends will 14 ptifled himself with the Poor. 'Underwear, Summer,, James 'Henv*iey. joir. with the Times in extendinT This i's the work of tbe church to - da 'Rowelifka. Elsie Knight: e4tial 65; elay and [this iis the irork of your -The application for a. license fOr Dlae Webster 64 Earl Magee 62. Av- cani.�ratulationls. society this ir�orning" said the s 20c to 40c tl,-, hotel at lGranton was �hro-wn oac era-ge atifelddata(ce '37 No. on Toll 16 wir. In so far as �vou can car peak - as being irregular from Insufficietriti G. Bl, Alexander teacher. Distr'ct ry that Isignatums. The applitcation for lie- life and 1spirit into Your aaciLty. r Underwear, - wool, so ense Ito Ithe Fxanklip House. Parkiliar Itoom VIII. Te-Lders are wanted for fur4ssh!ng far ivill your. isopflety- 'be a succc&. mat-eri'al and erecting a number of The Object should be rightepaisnttss, was laid. over until the adjourne,,J Sr. Pt. I to Jr Pt. '11- Mildried brWgos and rulvexts for the ToNviishilp What 'via are confronked irith to -day 6"o to 1 .00 in-atetir.g on -Thursday 2M� Norry 81; Arthur RoNveliffe. 79; V. Of Vl�sgouri& is w1at are, ive � *ng go., r to do Ivith the Walker 77 ; Clyde Heywood 76; Willie The rale of revolvers stilettos and man who ii1s dowrb?( -What am You sov,l,"ItHIGN DA �K AFFAIRS SOON Webi;ter 74; 'Hazel Cookson, Waldo various other offensWe irmpons in 'aing to do. wi-tili tb(,� man who f�§ glot Work Sox, wool, IN STIRONIGIUNDS Bellwood Beverley keheaon equal 72 all parts of On:atrio Ls to be, istriictly only socially, but morally an ou.'t cast. ;Tb1a Toronto lGlobe of Tuctsiday sayfa Joe iBradt .6&; Newman Hardy 67. m-ulated by *the poll*�, and in zer- The. "settlement" Idea of isoclial work 2 prs 25c .1y. . in "Ev,oryLhing 114 moving-,sallisfatatorl Jr. lit. I -to Sr., P., I-Durathy Balk- fa? cases problibRed. This decision as It, is conducted in the congre-Vated irI119 Mabel Johns, orze HWa How- has b,,, re,ch,-�d by the Qatario gov- The, subserilytion list has row been 0 sLIctions of the large clitLeis of En- ard Dignan, Verdi Vail. Reggie Tay- land where scores of the most learned Work Sox 10c per pal ten days, and,we have $1,815 000 exnmen� as a consequance of the in- lor. Levern Harness, Marguerite creasing frequency of stabbl, and proinivont tPeople have given up in I§Laulc sulbscri-p1tion wired and ' lim Kuntz;. Pieria Sanderf,. Eleazar Cook- a Practically �ivcryth.ng. Th".y have li,!Vcra, We want Ito rget as muQla shooting affrays among the forelign son, Clifford Brimazombe. No. on 901cla down into tibe alums� nd live isub�icrib�od es possible. of course., �roll 46 aviera-Ze attendafhta 40. r. Population. thte, life of the people tii-ay arae endea� Black Cashmere 20C but our i9ptacial object is a little ovex W. HO;rard. teacher. Many farmers report that in their voring 'to xatts,4. NVb,,n J, $2.00,000." LQ � they have found the esus Christ Air. Aetrillius Jarvis made It his pring plowin- sought to Aav�� the world ho came Fancy Cotton 20 i-,bet,�nrient 'to The !Globe lait eveniti �;Iarth Iteamin.-. with millions of June dowin as a mnn. 11.4i :got 016se to the _4 Dr, Quackxnbush and. J. 1G. XOnes Bu�s which dogreat damage to bavis- When �isked about 'the pragre4s be- motored out Ito Cromarty Jast Thurs- %,,o�d. Plum and cherry ti�es- Tha Person 'he would benefit. We. are 31oit only Ito endeavor to lift ap the fallen Stiff Hats L50 ing Inado in 'the movement to orgtm­ day on buslateds. beetles lay their eggs !in the, grougil but to keep then, there. iz-,! o couipany U take charge of the Mr. Thos. May will have an Auction and after hatching, the insect, known A. few years affaim of lthk-. now dufninict Soverviga Sale of his household effects on Sainii- as lLho wbi:te grub, feads, on the root's ago lv�a wer,� 'n yinpathy with the Armenian �.,!Ieause of h! pemo- Felt 11ats 50c to L25 .1lanic.. Ile sold Itbat as V-oad as the day May 13, see add on page four. Of- grain for three years balore knn_ fa iiiin towcuoding $2,000,000 uras reached - arzing as the June Bug. cutian by -tha Turks. and. yet if aiD a iuoeLit!g of'Aihia subscribers would Mrs. Samuel Essery of Centralia " . 1� Armenian came to oar doors lie ,rou.�d be recalled. and the company organ- spent a, few days this week at the home Mr. F. G, Sandei.rson, Mayor, of �5'- be turned away. We sympathize with 4.00 Shoes for 2.95 iy,o4d.' lie waia the stibscrliytioLs were of W. Jas. Handford. .51arys has become a property own- the -cause, but fail 1.6 _sympat1.a:fz- ,ar in Motherivell. W- undei�4tand he with 'the 'n,divi-dIaal. Chri-j- always r- corsdr.g in rapidly and from 'every Word was received this week by Mr. nas Purchaspd-the farm form-erlk Liar(: of 'Ivre zoimtry. as far waist aio D. Mills of the death of Mrs. Mill's sis. sympathizod ivith '�hc individual Tfii,?. 4.00 own,,,d by Mr. ; McIntyre. When tb� hand of sympathy must always aa the llti�cific ar.d. as far civ9t 'is the terMrsBeedof New York. caros of- office becom� too ardino-qi AtlaVtic. held Gilt . A fortunaie man ia fo,r 0 Mr. Clarence Whitby; accountant of and iklaxation hn the 'caller' air of twatia becalmz he is helping some Work Slimes all Kinds Tlia -death Of Elizabeith XoNab, the Canadian Bank of Commerce in AlOth-rivell when he will be iniltdated other max., it isn". only �y "Vour w5dow of late Duncan McDonald*took town. returned Monday after releiving -ntD the myserks of agri,eultural -sympathy. %4ow,over. You must Vir., 1. and that other land place at her resbde;nce im Brueafield'-. in Cobalt. LifL We underst hbor- yoiur*�J,af. A i -S easy Ito ve mo'�,�Y, Childrens Jumpers 35c on Liadday April 23rd. The funeral Mr. 114chael Doyle movecT to town '&!als are under way in Ebb ne.49 or means, but it ',`.9 '.be htirdelst thi'114, services 'were conducted &t I o'c 1� look last week tato his nbiv house racently hood. to givh', Yourself, Your personal-%(,�% Of - p. m. with iintermenL Ln. Baird's oem-- purchased from Mr. Tlios. Haadford A diafin;te annoucement from thc tegtimes 'when 17 means to say Aihii- alteryj We )% c1come 'Mr. Doyle and f amily to provine'al dopartment was received Your bmrt ay.d'.,soul Ittils you yoll I lall. Of- Clinton, -should find it bard,,IFt.. NV C, our MU by prilrjcipal�l?. 13. 1 cc tha e6eet that Clinton has been. should -give. ourselves for rho be - Stationary for r, armeris Messers Palmer Bros., of Exeterwbo chw2n as one of the three Wo;stOrn, ti�rment Of humani;*.y and the tsupr-nit, As !L1110 years go by it I'Is pleasinq -to far a number of years, have conducted Onitario omtxes in which the model glory of Jetsus Chri3t.. Come in and See the note 'that more farmer�s wrice letbars. the Commercial Hotel, have sold out schools are, to be re-cistablished.' It Wb%1n the lodge retunned '.o thoi- m i)rWb,,-d lefter heads and have to Mr. John A. Newall, of Parkhill. js undtrstood that Chatham and roomis: ,t vcte of thanks iNns pasgo.-d : eir loar h da On thefir envolopel,5. It Mr. Newall takes post4ession next Sat- Guelph are 'the two other places de� 10 6ha Rec�or, the '"rardons ar(d con- VALUES YCURSELF xacl once Ithought that no one could urdaVbut the transfer will not be A, ­d on, axXI three in Basitern Onitar- :Zr-,i',at1on of Trtvi-t'-' church for the ga.,ved in the made till the license Oomu issioners a ito LVis unlqss tie ivas en Tha ischool in Clidton ivill open ard for. 'the very eXcellent d)4voiira,,. )roduidtion lot Isomle slicpi,alitY pr weetintwo weeks. Mr. Newall con- 3n. Septembar 5th and close on Dcce�a- t)rivilege of. lrorvbiOing with tht-;11 Drzedimg iso.me pure blood farm 6teek. ducted the Hastings house at Parkhill bex 15. A large atten0ance is ex- N7o oia bleieves that now. Let the which was recently burned down. .'arin, ba named and then give that Mr. Geo. Thomas met with an accid. Charks A. Mustard B.. A.. oon of BORN 6vi(h Itbe name of the ow,'ner and b*,S ent on Wednesday mornirg which will Mr. Alex. MusLard, o I � Bracefield has 13:LOP'P-At the 14th con H47. on 28 �a;�t offiloa address and t'he buskaess ' him up for a few days. He was paisoad his W,rd year examina;Gn at inst. to, Mr. and Kn 0,c -,,r KIOpP. no.t Phe co%t of pr if- lay ing a car at the station when the Knox College. loronto, taking ver a 80A 1�, do, fE idting is tri load ..Ing in comparison with iftis banefilts, truck which be was using sl' 1 lit Air. Must. Y13 n Usborne, on bid ihe TIME, S. a t tend 't o ilt f or yo a. cott, another third �year situdent' April 2fth to Air. and X ­ss, Oall and get prbags. Jo IpEed anc gh standing, ard and - LLOW-i Saturday over balanced, allowing Mr. T omas to St all --------- 0- fail between the car and the elevntor, tied for the post graduate fellowsli%3 1-61low. a dau-!.hter. He struck his hpad on the cement which :neludels the David Smith ROZ3 UvBRrDGB­At Ih-,, Mind Li wall, rendering him uncon,ciouti th-a Jane Huixter and the MaeWilliam on ty', 27int'. to Mr. ard M -a jo,�n for about an hour. No ser-lous injuries icholarships of $200, $175 an-cl $25 MeBridgm a son. Instead of dividinw the BROTHERHOOD. are auticip ated but Mr. Thoms will be. respectfully. SURBRUS-At Zurich c n. d au ad&Uional fellowship of $400, or ZoeW fugitive wbo flees lest A Medal contest by the VV, 0. T. T.T. o dauzhter, W ,o 3[ have no respect foi. the intill laid off work for Several days.. pnyz of $1.00, the senate has prov'4- to Arr, and Mrs." Olivor Sureras. he falL. U the brotherhood of was held in the Main Strp� t niiureh onk, of Ithe finvt sc�ttlera of Hlibbert DALY-In Seaforth on Allril 26th, man Is fact instead of fancy on Mondayevening. Alorg,,40uymber pa�Foid away on Thurs.day April 18,tb ]ITT and Mrs, T, lil. Da were present and a very a 'able n thit, yeraon of Mr. Hionry WI:n1slow who has fa len has � (Lho Ifuron Road. BIT Wbaslow BIARRIBI! the tp jL helping hand. In eveilingwas spent The contestiwt. al i IS19 andeettled !,a Xib- I born ii I way it is possible to acquire in elocution were Vdrcie Greiger, ArW ...... 4 a nio' , worth unequaled by Beverley, Myra Morgan, Luld i-1,tstinu h% -rt in 1180 on QL- farm where he .�Alvllr.e,�Aay May '3rd, M:t,15 '11.1 Vbtie Bowey, Lola Taylor and Blanch "Y'd -to the day of hils death. Mr. Pickholl to Mr. LavA 6. Al� $a will long ba, remembered as �the Inultitude-to acquire a U 1A llo-111611- 14 the Itatv, A. i u,1.14 were Dorthv Kuntz, Amy Johns, Phil- an umthusiastlie OranZeman� a Ter, UTITI g the plaudits Of, Q ance. Thet-ontestants iij Ainwng " in4aiv , moral heroism unequaled by the &d type� of farmer and a ktad anti ippa I-TArness. WNW Man -m. Xwrl gi�invi3 n6ghbor, Doecaacd came of a Warriov. Ifte MoguitiOu Of,140' WeidenhOmmet Gordon Ford and good Irish family, mfligirattog from 'GOULD-In Hnot= on '&:ndov A 4�kl duty is the key to the PeRCO Maurice Senior. The winner of the Ir8and first in 1839 and, aft -or lilts ril 30 th, James Gou I d. agt-d 01)� y. �i'r 4�t the worm olue recognitioli medal in elecation was MiAs Lulu Hns- marriage, there in lam s,,ttjc,A V, 11 months and 26 �days. bf, social 'duty will ultimately tings and in singing MWr Dorthv Xumv llibbn-1, He ',is anvvived, by his wife MeXOIII and tivolve children. The bineral OITA m L -:In 1100,�, jt. Universal tz, After the contest Mrs, I E bring to the WOKE ovin M a in d lr4l& former Pr cial Presidebt0of the W, April 28rd, No� BU*J.3 peaee and the end oil all w4fs ak place, loot r1riday of ternoon. 0W V, 'IV 11 very itlter�stii)g ti�d' ititormont being in. Trinity Church --,Senator Gore. IV d as I dress .11A. G. Powell acte tv a;;A 22 yeir;i 1I