HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-27, Page 8If you baverlob already bought your New Spring Suit we
W11111 nt to see our Up To DATE CLO,,rHES FOR MEN, We
do not7e,xp9ct to make a fortuae by selling you a suit this Spring
batweOWIlose a good friend by selling you a Poor one, We
have 61likup this buslue4s b7givirig you values that bring you
back ;,gain,
Suits from $5.00 to smoo
Black and white shirts are
We 86-11 King Hate, for men the correct thing for this
and I tcl�'S, for Style and Quall- year. The cloths are good
ty t1wy are unbeatable. and the colors are absolutely
130 % � -06 the new Telescope fast All sizee 75ats, $1.00,,
at 8100. aud'I.25,
In R few day$ we will be
having warra weather and
You will be needing new un-
dar:wear. See our special val.
ues at it g4tmenb 50, 7.5, $I.00.
No matter how well you
are dressed, it your shoes are
shabby they spoil the effect
of all the rest, See our Pat-
ent, Tatr and Gan Metal Ox-
fords $1.00 and $5.00.
have just placed in Stock 3 Pieces Of yard wide Black
Silks. These are the famous QUEEN QUALITY SILKS and for
Self wringing 35c
color, firiest of texture and extra wearing quality.
They have no equal just the thing for Odd Waists, Dresses or
.Lor g Cc -ate. At per yard,
LK 1.259 1.5041
All fresh goods. Prices
10, 15, 20, and 25c
varnishes FIaxsoap is the best
cleaning material to use on all
la 2. 3 and 4yds. wide, In allsizes in Murine Wool,
Lovely floral tile Tapestry
makes. Bissela Grand Rapids
National Sweeper Co. Newark
and oriental "d Velvet, The
X, J. We have them at
$2,50 $2,75. and $3.00
eff-eetb. We sell Nalrus the most, complete stock we have
------ Z__
best quality made. ever shown. Prices $6.75 to
Long donble extra strong
elganing cut glass. windows and
wire; big values at 10 and
filid. it gives splendid resultsif
nqed on linoleum in the
Thisisthebeat family wringer
-A. 8"WART
on market. Solid rubber
rolls warranted for one
2 wv�� bottles 25c and 50c
I E To DL5
N P Ty ficla Root 50waltics
Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle
Gate Post Longr Red Mangle
New Century Swede Turnip
Selected Swede Turnip
Mammoth Intermediate Smooth
FhonoWhite Carrot
This variety we also sell in bulk
Bruce's Famous Hamilton Lawn Grass
29 Seed
Bruce's & Sta.l. 'R�;
Prepare For Holite
This is the quickest and bekb
Silver Pollfh made, Just a dip
and a rub and the work
in drinn. , 9fir
Weoffer an extra good
qualltv full sis'p, hn.�A f 7fir
We have a fresh lot of new corn
brooms. A yery fine
assortment. i3ricAR RF; 40 A.r�
T T 0
"We deliver promptlyf,
TIM 'JNX1;rrUR �Tmvs
F -V Lao report; 9T nxater 44tv
cor" ilhVis wk"ck.
rocted up jto April 27th. .191.1 Th04-Bl"et h,%
Whviat. st 4 r",c.Qv0r%.1 from
andtirl. I$ texito, '14.s oorlous cold. The PlaQe Where 0000
0. G
'Its ;30 �to 09 w!RL$
cents 'Air- -X410. Spark;s 4sp=t Sunday il't B", 0 y A :15 P POWELL 8, G 11
Barley 06 to,. 00 tIX-a 'home, in Illenewl'. CIO'thOs Come From We have a large or. AVO Soft
Brain *200 Tborrltoa Rubber Balls and.
D�, der Coming nGXbLWe-L_
Shorts 1$22.00 '1k,er eXpo L 614 4LS
new auto. �hjA week. of BayebEkI
Is, Mitts, it d 134ta from
slodel Flour $2,40; a.
JUats, Fishin Lines and
r, eed flour $1.45, Xr. J48. Walters wao In Lacart. Isait: THE WELL 'Hooklit 9 . 5 cents UP
Butler 20 cents, U11P$04Y oil bumnop.s, "I ------- BAZAAR
B;IX3 ID 01-2111tS, Miss Xay JOWL% returiled to solpool
50 to. 60 'Cents. la Hamiltola
On Olonday, 04SSED MAN
Hay mo. Mr. 01411d%� Bluett of London, val- FATHERS AND MOTHERS
chotc,., vxpert (4t,iers 5.80 lo 6.00 Wd In tow.4 oil pridoy la$tt, is Ile Who has his clothes We are doing our best to make bh1s store a GREAT VALTiH
4� MeUani export otivrs 0.60 ito 5.75 made to ruib his figure. you STORE and we believe we are doing 00. We invite every pe
1> ahq4ce butchtr's hetfexit 5.60 4.0 5.6or -DIr. and Mrs. T, 4oyle and Uarold. Cannot always ,rson to
Roalum btitchers helfer� 15,40-5.00 Vbsit0d -Iu Cen:tralia an Sunday, depend oil visit this store every time you are on Main iStr
ready -wades, bu Get, It will pay you, to
Common cone 3.50 to 4.00 Mrs. IGeo, P.,,phar,lis able to be out, t ; , :,: . '
Cliolee, lanibi% 6.52� (to k6�75, again. tift,,r tseveral monttWs illness. 10_U_ALVT4_y8 !ITT IT
Look Over Our 5, 10, and 15c Tabl
TkN-dium lauihq 6.50 lto,;6.75 Mr. and Mm.'Frank Caw, of I)Wsb:- when you get your clothes at I .,es
04o'be'e Ialleep .1.50 to 5,25 WOQd OPeut Sund4r %K0i Mr. Thos, and to Watch our windows for BARGAINS.. Special sales going On
110x- llw 6.051 Cas,& all the time,
Mr. Cb4s, Atkinson. of LolOorl, vils- W. W. Taman's
it,,�d Lis brolther Jartes here last
We have the goods and the Chi naware, Grailitware at Temptin
lveelr� 1. g Prices
1# Uns. Ed. HDwald, $vjo experience, and we call in
has )been Get
ill witilil La(Grl(ppa Your wishes at every point.
LOCALS a " , is able to be, o a,-`
Mr. Lorne. P�tlhick. of_X_4fort4
Sunday last was .5t. Geor-se's Day. sgMt a couple of kdays of IaIst weak Of Jewelry, Thursday to Saturday. We are closing out ny
lines, and -if you want these ma
Ed� Anderson. was kdown. from Sea- in EdIvu, goods at and below cost, come
forth on Suin(day., Mr. and Mro �Efy. Jengings arriv- Want the money. quick, we
lialome Saturday a
P T.Illere certainly is go lack of flour 14ght from their
and teed stores but after all th;e mill W. W. Taman''
is the place to buy, %lit., ttoot tout of 'the auto i� =earq The Nifty Man's
School rv--opened Monday after the Q-49,111- XlAs must be 'A k5uxe slign. of Saturday is our busy -day here,'
holMayii;. Many li.ttk tots in towta warm '*N,,,Aat hie r.
Remember out� fruits
V��Eaxted off for the firs' Itinic. Twe .1 0. 0, F. 1will attend div!,Eify Tailor Fan' and candies. Bananas 20c a doz. Exbra
service in thie English church next OY 25c, Oranges (verY..,sweet and juicy, all Sunkist) 25, 40, 60 dnz,
On� Tuosday ire )vare shown a I)lr-
04 C-ilip that was taken from the vrouW0 Li4day at 1`1
th16 1APrinz whiiah imeatsured 037 1-2 NOW that the hard work is to be
I Try us for Perfumes, and Toilet Articles, We give premiums
lncb�,.s lung. done you need Zood breacl Model with these.
Dr Roulston conducted Ithe service flour will produce, it. . Dental Offices Closed. Get in on our Peanut Contest. you may be lucky,
at Soxamitht on Sunday afternbon. Milse DdA& r(olliok / vrttextai�wed, Kindly take notice (thalt -my office
lust'011111-- to tW illness of the pastor a number of young , Ipeople last is
It"r. Mr. couxeirs. Thursday evening, elosed every Wednesday.afibeTnoom
Mr. 'Geo. Moir, left Itillis Nve&k to "Miss Steere w2io has been visi,tirig
visit in DArolt. Grand Rapi(Is. and Ler. brother here left. Wednesday for COSING NOTICE REMEMBER THE PLACE'.
Traverse City, Traverse CUy' her home all iRiagetown. Please remember that MY Dental
Mr. MuWs old lihme. Little, Miss Vera Sweet Office is closed ever Wednesday after -
gave her noun.
Maud S., the famous trotter, owned Iltt - la friends a party on ITtlesday —DR. KINSMAN, J. Willis Powell, Proprietor.
by �ha I -ate i,George M. Stearns, was night in hottiorol hex brithday.
L�Ihot to death last week. -Mand S. Miss Jeasit, Mdrison eirittertalitied a
Ir" 35
-vears old, and blind. allinber Of yating VeOple :Fxilday NOTICE -1 diasire to annoujaoL, )to
Zhb W. C. T� U.. of St. Marys have mah�t in holdior tof Mik�a ateere. tta PulDlio, that I have oi
pened up a
appointed a committee to interview Afts. Jas. Howard k3ava a pleasant tlour a nd, fee ' a River, s old
I'L4 business men. In regard to clos!4; d store i
party Monday rr�gbt ifor her soin. stand where I will carry a full 81fook
10 t1reir 13tores at 9 o'olock Saturday Otlea - who Is tbome for his holidays. of all kinds of
flour and feed.—Yos
Mr. and Mrs. W, X. StaVitam Ivere Davis, rlext to �H
eallian's Hardware,
was circulated last.,week and the eart attendi'ag Ithe funeral of Mr. Stath- Stirina I She zomes toon waste
was out for the first time ca Tuesday am's -siater. and wood,
Thq� pett"tion for street %vaterfing in Aetorl the� fore part of the week 'USE IN A I 3h It" 1)
Aliss Lizz-5a Frayne's auction sale "'.)Rassrs, Frank Taylor, Garvey Ach- On thle, farm and field; bixt eji!�er A M UJ
als-o hexe.
add. will ba found on page four. eson Wil Knight "d Jim B@Iard D�ff ul-
-ioner Btxsett j3il,% Taylora auto. blood. y Never caused half the Sensation that out'Stock
Str�eet Commls, came upfroin Lorldon Sunday,in Mr. �5!a �(hyklf At Will Uro� all in
h,ad the, TGadaof town put in excel- And Itho, thy vollet 01tok
I'm', Isl:kape arld,has had the wintcr% Iffiesep 1�lorenoe and (Viola Rowe Lotd'gla w� ert j�afto sere. .0 and Prices are doing this season. Our purchases of
accumulation of dirt! removedc, The 9,av6e a pleasant %)arty aast �juMday th me all the Yearl—Ten-
streetts now prelsput a very fidy a evening to 1"r dvounz frleMda be. XIY�011.
pearance, rura leaving �town. Miss Nina' Carlitig.jeft Mdngay
Mrs. Mpmxo-,, who ppent the winiter several .veal -
in for
The Many frieudA-uf Mr. A[. Ma- in Brantford
Donald will Wk pk-aicd to learn. i hat England and Xor the paist several and Toronto. 10 MUNK DININ'SwROOM
li;1 is improving Vind is weeks has been visilting in Toruhtc. Mr. J. W, 0
has relturned. to ttown. 3arth. Of Avon., who *
able to he _IQ
out of bed jand sit ap for awpidexgs spent 'the hGhdays-around bere ad- * mm
nur8e, Mkis Johnstoh..of Lonatin, re- Miss Janet Brown and hbr mother dretsSed -Mr. T. A. Handford's 'class *
turried home Titeisday. W,00t,- On 16mmday afternDim, Jar
Thfay will vistt Mrs. Fre PARLON a RM"A00M MITES
leave next Tuesday for lth&
TWare will be hro eiGlipses t;h% year for a couple of =unthIs. d 1<rrtXbt- Le -4th of James Tom.—At �js rcjs�_ 4' Q6
OeAce On Mainsrreet, Exeter, Ontar- Q,
both of tha sun. The first'ooaurs Tlbwl large water 'ttmk bczLde ]Sir. io. there Passed away on Mam 0
April 280, and will lie total in Canil- Riaswil's Blacksmith shop which hail April 24th. in hiB 91�t . day. Are very Choice and tow
da. and United States from 5.�o p.in. vear. Mr. 0- er head and shoulders *0
* above any others offered to Y07LT and the
on 0-01 by itha i9treet comm-lisIsioner. wall, Enz1aLd. of
for -an Yhour. Tha other falls belome unsafe wits lf,$Iled in Mo4d�ly James Tom. Born at 'Fadstow, Corn-
12tih. but will not ba visible in Cabri� lo�riz- unbrokeiit
ada. Mr. Case Howard..�of,?Tbronto, who line of INOrman blo6ud A
' Re received
is %;perldmg hi�q holjdays�at his lipme his edueattort at Boscastle and beio�
Aj.. of �tLhl2, here. isang a -solo in iqa-*,rn, Wtreeit a Prices are Clean out of Sight,
Qr 6011, at the a. -e of twent'Y'
First PzOsbyterian rWlrch,St. Maryis church oil Stinday eveaimg. f 0 11 h�e_�
came to the Western world,
I froin'the oderiob Ramp Eon. located at
I*s aXm01iD0ed to 110s 0011gre-gation Messrs. J. Elgin Tom. of G to 'seek his fortune. He
tbat ha hwsixecelved a cal and Frank Tom of Toledo, are here Durham County. Ort.
Enskina Pxesbyberian church at Ot- where in. t&
this week aftending-JIle fancral of Year 1851, he marrtad.
taiva. Mr. BfordeA has accepted their father, Mr. Jam�s Tom. A. Kerniok. in 1853 they came, to
the call and nivill probably take Hil-ron, County. whexe he -bought a 0 R%J VV e 1, Atkinson
rl?,�w charge thq,3rd week in May, Ontario Lords Day Allianoe, — A farm and began the formidable tsak *
meeting of th-.� Lard's Day kIlIance FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Over eight mont-lis for $1.00. The will bS 1%�Id iin. the James. street of clomring the jiurriense forest which 0
Christian Guardian "rill ibe ecitit to cillarch Exeter, on Only the indamitable -couxa.94, of the
WedIrtesday May Britlish pioneer would a:ttempt. T -here
ai�y address in (Canla�da to -,L ne,%v stib. 3rd 1911 at Z �.m. 6,11 rnin!�4.ers of, _.�ras born to them foar gone
'scl'iber To January 1912, for $1. the town amd ipubliz 'generally iinvi-t- aad three Agency for Aut0matic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner,
It -vraz never so good as now. Every eid... Mr. W. G. Eanna, of Torcdvw. E, inspector of for rent at 75
%�thodlt slch4ls. G�Aerich; Gre cents a day.
, iri. :the Domlinioin sbould� S�eo**Y.. will addressrEhe ineetln-. ?OrF 5. Prin- 4 0
r. ad oipal of Stratheona tsehool. V&Dcou- 4
-ft -weekly. Address, Will!,qm Ovier eill.-glilt moxxth% for $1.00 Tht� var. -B.
Brlgrgs� W�:slev Build,rigs, C.; I-Taniez J., deceased. and.
Out. Xoronto. Glilrilstain. Guardlin will the seAt to rirank W, I<. Merchant of Tole -di).
any addmos in Canjada to a new sub- Ohio; Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet, _'�arloy J'.:
A modal contest ix elocution arid scribax to January lisi: 1912 for $1.00 and Alary A.. all of Exeter. la 1884
Ginging, under thb atls;p,ioes of tbe W. It was never Go good as now. , Every he, �retixed from (acti,,ra life and tuok
C. T. bk :haldat Main �,, ArAth'Ddist -in the Dom-niota Mould up his rae:dencc, on ;.ilain street.
u ree t
c&hiirch on Motoday nijgbt, Alay 1-st. read it -weekly. Addrclss Will!)AM: Tom was a conservative in politics.
T.Lie -cun:te-4tants for the medal in BriZzs, Wesley Buildlhg�h, Toronto. and a in -amber of the laorigregjatdpa 'ff T tN
33 Ont. a—&.' R
IrOh'ns. Philippa Harnoss. Win. Mani Street Commissioner Dissett has In his early vdays Mr. Tom tool-, an kam U it
�nZiuig are. DDrotboy Ruiftz. Amy Of the- James 9treet Methodiist church B U E
son. Karl Weridenhammer, Gordo'a had a number fo men enga�cd re- &OtivO interest in school, mu,njleipal BUGu
Ford and INfaurk-, JSenior. Tjie con- movin,, the dirt from Blain street abald and Polit.'ical affairs. He was well
tostants in elocutiou are. V�rcie Gei- fillin.7in a couPla of old water taikka Dead and had -arl'.acourate knowled-c A CARLOW QF- NEW' BUGGIES HAS
zzer, Ari -el Beverley, Myra Morgan. Whi?u one of -tbe LamIris was nearly of affairs Pertalmtng -to Cabada il;�a
Lula Hastings. Ettie tBowev, Lola filled, a horse b�longlnj to Mr. Thus. the, Empire. Evcry�ne knew Ji;,ni as
Taylor and Bl�nche Qutmc� Bc*ldes Cr,�ech �war. 4riven too near the'fedglc a friend and he 'WaS -gelierally be- RRIVED.
Uihs lhore 'rill be -an iiddre43 by' and it ��Ilppvd Im. After several LOW111. Always a man of
Mrs. S. peace, es -
G. 2. Dftl--vae, former Provin- plunges it got out. and wifth ain extra teemed by his neighbolls. Xhe and
Mal Rn�islqerl' , of 11he W. 0. T, U. An team 'the wa-10:0 was pulled out. fOlInd him as ipeaceftilly as he had
admission of 10 c,�ntrs. Doors opeh, On Wedracm`da-v evening the ichoir liv,,A, "Surely the lak;Ot leild of the The Iuternadonal Harvester Company having
at 8 o'clock. of tbia Tr1vf.1t Memor'al ichurch met good man is peace. How calm his
- Ia. 'h, at Idile home of Mrs. Wr wksh ex�t, �he nilghtlY dew falls not more stationed ine at Exeter to hiindle their full Line of
On Frfday , vo nita it I * Can A. EEL aw
a,d,',,Ln Ordqr. Woodm�cn of the World" and pretieribed tv bf�. and Mrs. Hy. gently to thoground, nor Nveary worn goods such as the
.init`kded a good class of yourix men Xanr_!hgs with a beautilultcabinet. of out winds expixe ad soft."
into its mysterletrz., The followinz is of lsilver knives. forks aL-d spoolusi..
the list of officers elected for -the Mr. and Mrs. jewatmgs are Old The followin� was taken from de McCormick Binders, Mowers, Rakes Man=
Present yeiix. P. C, C.. W. Johns; members of the ohoir and werje agree- IT, ree Press an'd has reference to a
Clark. E. H. Axt; E.,:cort, W. BaXler; �ibly Isurp4sed at the kirldnicas of son of Mr. and Mrs. John 8rodexick. ure Spreaders, $eeding Tools) Bind=
a. Markham ; Banker. R, D. Quan.ce * ub� marnbors. Lunch was served by of t-vil. J-�M.(Brodexick forl,�Jre past
Watchman. H. Griff; S,,ntry Geo. thi-, hoLvtess after wbijoh a very pleas- '5 Yrs. ags'stant accounta:ht of tha Na- er Twine Gasoline Engines,
Sanders; Mtinia.gers. R. J. Luker. R., alit eventn-g was epent by all prrls- clunal Drug Company pf th:ls ofty, hats
F. John$, F. TAL Quanoe_- The buw- ont ill differmt amusements. been appointed. tlecourriftant of the Re-
aess belm- conaucted �tlle Camp pre- AA noon On 1$atturday last tha edl- lina, Dranch offioa_and lea'ves to-da� Windmills, COLIkshutt Plows.
to ta-ko up his new 13ostti(dr-, Thl
sented t�7 Sov, J$eawright. a_ watch tor had tha pleasure Of diallng Q11 a Mr. Hunter will remain with me. Particular at -
fob bearing . the emblems:- of the Orde r- i-.,,cord-hreaking ben eigg, Ithrough mornitg 'th,.1 members of the staff
on his departure from t1ae town anta Ilia courteay of Mr. Albert Nejl,'of tnet him in IL�,e office and prescifted te ntion wil I be paid to Machine Repairing of all kinds.
for th'a able asaiMance rendered the dii-, Thames Road- A double yolked him w:;th a txunk and an arribreiiii
Camp hare. Sov. Seawri-'�bt made a is no Inovelty, but a triple yolIC121 -L)f r- G- M. Rowed, local secretary The first shipment will arrive on Saturday and will con -
reply. thanking cbe mem- -,IS was sometbing riew in the ed*?n made. the presentation wh;%oh sist of a
berls for theik %kindriess im their re- tr'sr�% experkrice, and ltb&o k.'s iV, companied by an ta I Was ac- carload Of First Class Buggies, especially
e yol _� ddxcis& Wb;je h,, Young Men's Outfitg. These will be the 'Celebrated
membrance. W. F. Chard. Deputy of vVhat 'thm, e. -g containq'd.� The egg has been conaeoto,d twith the * Prin
the Older made '.the preaentati�!, ' wa6 O'gtht ;l;d a half inches the Mr. Brodi,!riick bag made man) fr:1,,nU High- Grade GRAY BUGGIES fr(,m- Chatham manu-
long way and six and f 1 v�e-eilghtbls the and all will di,tar. of h"Is future 6uc- factured by the largest concern in Canada.
Hiick'is Forecasts.—A rogular storm, L,tos With pleil(�Urie, Tb*
1%�rlod Iiiving its begin.'aing in ApTll Other vAsid wel3hed foar and a balf e address rca-d
aunoas� Tht- was ladd by a Ply-' J. 61. Brodexiiek, OAy
will rM611 its culmination. in eaaceira
parts of tli.� country, the fir8t two moudIr Rook and Mr. Neil says he D-�ar 8ir.—it was wilth mingled feel -
or ',.'h�ae days da May. A ocksmi,o, per- %i, , nerally Igiets an vxtra large onia lngrs of 0--,asure tand. reigret that we Imam -W
about onoo a Nve-,k. This !s a rewrd loarned of- your �d,cpa -E r , -
I u e to take
iord also rvaxb�j? ilito ille came days.
A wav-. of higher' barometri-c pr:... that will bo hard to beat. dharg-o of the (offioe'at our Re,gina
branch; Togret at loanig �ou from
will follow from west and nork(W One of the ways to keep trade at, our istaff. whexc Lyori have always
br�ngf,nlbv cooli�r weatliike,bell'ind -the borria is for'the business inan to let b,,7�crl a mWt COXV9isticht Workew �m the
'storms, T(hii. Alercuty veriad which ebe publio know what goods and WLN` N LL Lut r
,mentt—,he has to offLr. Ways boven pleasax')t, iaxreeabl�_, and
comes into Alay from April will last Wbat indu,cy� int-Ore'As Of 'the Vat,!Ianal. have al
unti�l affier thO 10th. causing, pro- Poople are influtmeed by .1th(IL adver. t1arnest in the tPCIxicillmallice of your
long�od cloudinp,gs. and into tilsipments of (he city man. who ad- diltiols and cGurteouaalld lc�kid to ar[
r,xultir and reao-tiongry istorr'11,111_1�lyiilllllt viortises at an .4-normodis 0xPOnse- with whom You came in -oodtaot;
fall undor Us influonw. A xemotion. rVose 'Succesaful,men Are shrewd ad-
ary L%tur)n P"'Plo.d will r pte(atsure at the thou,ght of your a.
te o n wirtiaers and ah,`hough 'their a.dver- ibook-kecp-
and tonoJi1jig, tb,a 14th and 15-th, and t,Pi,�mcnts co�f a lot, A pays th�am. er. (to, being ph�jcf of' tba office of tim?
thi,E; Period being.under ihL influe f
, n,,,. c Tdvy gannot afford to stop, or ebso, of the branZes, We jeot fd riat 1pt,
of tlza Mercury cqttinox will bnng tb,,ey 1vould. The buyers from fthe 'oil go wihtout -tast"s-yinw to th�
storms of t1under and rain With coiti. mail-ordi�r Nome$ are often ftap- Ugh ".0tee-In in 1while'li YOU ara bepdf
tintlatlion of cloudy threataftin'g Nvpl. pointed in the good$ arld when 60 by the rAaff lat Lundoin aind vor FIf ty C e In t S
t1h,,?r for several idays, TUnder itress wear is consl4eted. they are L101 W§ h I, w, % i tankk'
eriod. and "tar con- far alWad aig Ithose who deal at home -and umbralla to you as. ,In ovidIN
of 'the Mercury r pleasure in pzesenting 't
ditiob;S paicullar to 'this month. very and personally Selelet thajLr goodts, It of good qvill In whijoh yo
dCVe_re k1torms are probable. a are
at t(his has simply been a matttk of ind 0'a- h -Ad by 'the rnana;�er land ,;4tt f t.
Wi ing
and other May tPeziodi, Ri The Exeter Times Will be Sent to anyAddress
,gh bar- ment 'by rea-kag The adds. Thpillo. Sh YOU suicoass and happmo"
ometer, very coo) wa-th ,rob- cal inerehfant to oapture this 'trade In your; new isphere of ac.616,i. -tvitb
abla firo4te northward. will be ratur- 'must keep his name, and good(8 be- pleasarit ";rney. we rremain.
publito. There ';is no be�tter
al from about 161),, 5th to the Prh— f ura 'the
fIr-A to �4hCi WO& and riorlth, ae%drife. me4fum for this colnEnuaR-y than the Th,� Alanager and Staff. in.:Cana,da for the Dalance of Wt. Year,
ing �eastward and Isoath whrd. r"Xetor Times. .1 1 . X. . I I I., I I . . . .
right. Flaxsoap
Self wringing 35c
is an absolutely pare linseed
soap for general cleaning, Ow-
ing to the fact that pure linseed
oil is the life of all paints and
All fresh goods. Prices
10, 15, 20, and 25c
varnishes FIaxsoap is the best
cleaning material to use on all
painted and varnished surfaces.
Flaxsoap will remove and
We handle only the well known
stains which ordinary soaps and
makes. Bissela Grand Rapids
National Sweeper Co. Newark
powders Will not. At the same
ticas it brinF4_ out the original
X, J. We have them at
$2,50 $2,75. and $3.00
lustre of the'.�Errface when ap-
------ Z__
Flied.. It is especially adapted
or loors, woodwork and furni-
tute, It is also exc0lent for
Long donble extra strong
elganing cut glass. windows and
wire; big values at 10 and
mirrors, The housewife will
filid. it gives splendid resultsif
nqed on linoleum in the
Thisisthebeat family wringer
kitt.licrt or pantry 25c
on market. Solid rubber
rolls warranted for one
2 wv�� bottles 25c and 50c
Rx.tra, large sizeand a, very
fifie quality Price 40c
bro hoops to loosem, will not be-
come foul or musty. tight to
handle. Three sizes, *70,
6U, and
Full plated. thre irons,
liftnale andetgZ per set $1.00
Selected wood, very
strong and light 15
Ask, How to Get Free Stencils
T T 0
"We deliver promptlyf,
TIM 'JNX1;rrUR �Tmvs
F -V Lao report; 9T nxater 44tv
cor" ilhVis wk"ck.
rocted up jto April 27th. .191.1 Th04-Bl"et h,%
Whviat. st 4 r",c.Qv0r%.1 from
andtirl. I$ texito, '14.s oorlous cold. The PlaQe Where 0000
0. G
'Its ;30 �to 09 w!RL$
cents 'Air- -X410. Spark;s 4sp=t Sunday il't B", 0 y A :15 P POWELL 8, G 11
Barley 06 to,. 00 tIX-a 'home, in Illenewl'. CIO'thOs Come From We have a large or. AVO Soft
Brain *200 Tborrltoa Rubber Balls and.
D�, der Coming nGXbLWe-L_
Shorts 1$22.00 '1k,er eXpo L 614 4LS
new auto. �hjA week. of BayebEkI
Is, Mitts, it d 134ta from
slodel Flour $2,40; a.
JUats, Fishin Lines and
r, eed flour $1.45, Xr. J48. Walters wao In Lacart. Isait: THE WELL 'Hooklit 9 . 5 cents UP
Butler 20 cents, U11P$04Y oil bumnop.s, "I ------- BAZAAR
B;IX3 ID 01-2111tS, Miss Xay JOWL% returiled to solpool
50 to. 60 'Cents. la Hamiltola
On Olonday, 04SSED MAN
Hay mo. Mr. 01411d%� Bluett of London, val- FATHERS AND MOTHERS
chotc,., vxpert (4t,iers 5.80 lo 6.00 Wd In tow.4 oil pridoy la$tt, is Ile Who has his clothes We are doing our best to make bh1s store a GREAT VALTiH
4� MeUani export otivrs 0.60 ito 5.75 made to ruib his figure. you STORE and we believe we are doing 00. We invite every pe
1> ahq4ce butchtr's hetfexit 5.60 4.0 5.6or -DIr. and Mrs. T, 4oyle and Uarold. Cannot always ,rson to
Roalum btitchers helfer� 15,40-5.00 Vbsit0d -Iu Cen:tralia an Sunday, depend oil visit this store every time you are on Main iStr
ready -wades, bu Get, It will pay you, to
Common cone 3.50 to 4.00 Mrs. IGeo, P.,,phar,lis able to be out, t ; , :,: . '
Cliolee, lanibi% 6.52� (to k6�75, again. tift,,r tseveral monttWs illness. 10_U_ALVT4_y8 !ITT IT
Look Over Our 5, 10, and 15c Tabl
TkN-dium lauihq 6.50 lto,;6.75 Mr. and Mm.'Frank Caw, of I)Wsb:- when you get your clothes at I .,es
04o'be'e Ialleep .1.50 to 5,25 WOQd OPeut Sund4r %K0i Mr. Thos, and to Watch our windows for BARGAINS.. Special sales going On
110x- llw 6.051 Cas,& all the time,
Mr. Cb4s, Atkinson. of LolOorl, vils- W. W. Taman's
it,,�d Lis brolther Jartes here last
We have the goods and the Chi naware, Grailitware at Temptin
lveelr� 1. g Prices
1# Uns. Ed. HDwald, $vjo experience, and we call in
has )been Get
ill witilil La(Grl(ppa Your wishes at every point.
LOCALS a " , is able to be, o a,-`
Mr. Lorne. P�tlhick. of_X_4fort4
Sunday last was .5t. Geor-se's Day. sgMt a couple of kdays of IaIst weak Of Jewelry, Thursday to Saturday. We are closing out ny
lines, and -if you want these ma
Ed� Anderson. was kdown. from Sea- in EdIvu, goods at and below cost, come
forth on Suin(day., Mr. and Mro �Efy. Jengings arriv- Want the money. quick, we
lialome Saturday a
P T.Illere certainly is go lack of flour 14ght from their
and teed stores but after all th;e mill W. W. Taman''
is the place to buy, %lit., ttoot tout of 'the auto i� =earq The Nifty Man's
School rv--opened Monday after the Q-49,111- XlAs must be 'A k5uxe slign. of Saturday is our busy -day here,'
holMayii;. Many li.ttk tots in towta warm '*N,,,Aat hie r.
Remember out� fruits
V��Eaxted off for the firs' Itinic. Twe .1 0. 0, F. 1will attend div!,Eify Tailor Fan' and candies. Bananas 20c a doz. Exbra
service in thie English church next OY 25c, Oranges (verY..,sweet and juicy, all Sunkist) 25, 40, 60 dnz,
On� Tuosday ire )vare shown a I)lr-
04 C-ilip that was taken from the vrouW0 Li4day at 1`1
th16 1APrinz whiiah imeatsured 037 1-2 NOW that the hard work is to be
I Try us for Perfumes, and Toilet Articles, We give premiums
lncb�,.s lung. done you need Zood breacl Model with these.
Dr Roulston conducted Ithe service flour will produce, it. . Dental Offices Closed. Get in on our Peanut Contest. you may be lucky,
at Soxamitht on Sunday afternbon. Milse DdA& r(olliok / vrttextai�wed, Kindly take notice (thalt -my office
lust'011111-- to tW illness of the pastor a number of young , Ipeople last is
It"r. Mr. couxeirs. Thursday evening, elosed every Wednesday.afibeTnoom
Mr. 'Geo. Moir, left Itillis Nve&k to "Miss Steere w2io has been visi,tirig
visit in DArolt. Grand Rapi(Is. and Ler. brother here left. Wednesday for COSING NOTICE REMEMBER THE PLACE'.
Traverse City, Traverse CUy' her home all iRiagetown. Please remember that MY Dental
Mr. MuWs old lihme. Little, Miss Vera Sweet Office is closed ever Wednesday after -
gave her noun.
Maud S., the famous trotter, owned Iltt - la friends a party on ITtlesday —DR. KINSMAN, J. Willis Powell, Proprietor.
by �ha I -ate i,George M. Stearns, was night in hottiorol hex brithday.
L�Ihot to death last week. -Mand S. Miss Jeasit, Mdrison eirittertalitied a
Ir" 35
-vears old, and blind. allinber Of yating VeOple :Fxilday NOTICE -1 diasire to annoujaoL, )to
Zhb W. C. T� U.. of St. Marys have mah�t in holdior tof Mik�a ateere. tta PulDlio, that I have oi
pened up a
appointed a committee to interview Afts. Jas. Howard k3ava a pleasant tlour a nd, fee ' a River, s old
I'L4 business men. In regard to clos!4; d store i
party Monday rr�gbt ifor her soin. stand where I will carry a full 81fook
10 t1reir 13tores at 9 o'olock Saturday Otlea - who Is tbome for his holidays. of all kinds of
flour and feed.—Yos
Mr. and Mrs. W, X. StaVitam Ivere Davis, rlext to �H
eallian's Hardware,
was circulated last.,week and the eart attendi'ag Ithe funeral of Mr. Stath- Stirina I She zomes toon waste
was out for the first time ca Tuesday am's -siater. and wood,
Thq� pett"tion for street %vaterfing in Aetorl the� fore part of the week 'USE IN A I 3h It" 1)
Aliss Lizz-5a Frayne's auction sale "'.)Rassrs, Frank Taylor, Garvey Ach- On thle, farm and field; bixt eji!�er A M UJ
als-o hexe.
add. will ba found on page four. eson Wil Knight "d Jim B@Iard D�ff ul-
-ioner Btxsett j3il,% Taylora auto. blood. y Never caused half the Sensation that out'Stock
Str�eet Commls, came upfroin Lorldon Sunday,in Mr. �5!a �(hyklf At Will Uro� all in
h,ad the, TGadaof town put in excel- And Itho, thy vollet 01tok
I'm', Isl:kape arld,has had the wintcr% Iffiesep 1�lorenoe and (Viola Rowe Lotd'gla w� ert j�afto sere. .0 and Prices are doing this season. Our purchases of
accumulation of dirt! removedc, The 9,av6e a pleasant %)arty aast �juMday th me all the Yearl—Ten-
streetts now prelsput a very fidy a evening to 1"r dvounz frleMda be. XIY�011.
pearance, rura leaving �town. Miss Nina' Carlitig.jeft Mdngay
Mrs. Mpmxo-,, who ppent the winiter several .veal -
in for
The Many frieudA-uf Mr. A[. Ma- in Brantford
Donald will Wk pk-aicd to learn. i hat England and Xor the paist several and Toronto. 10 MUNK DININ'SwROOM
li;1 is improving Vind is weeks has been visilting in Toruhtc. Mr. J. W, 0
has relturned. to ttown. 3arth. Of Avon., who *
able to he _IQ
out of bed jand sit ap for awpidexgs spent 'the hGhdays-around bere ad- * mm
nur8e, Mkis Johnstoh..of Lonatin, re- Miss Janet Brown and hbr mother dretsSed -Mr. T. A. Handford's 'class *
turried home Titeisday. W,00t,- On 16mmday afternDim, Jar
Thfay will vistt Mrs. Fre PARLON a RM"A00M MITES
leave next Tuesday for lth&
TWare will be hro eiGlipses t;h% year for a couple of =unthIs. d 1<rrtXbt- Le -4th of James Tom.—At �js rcjs�_ 4' Q6
OeAce On Mainsrreet, Exeter, Ontar- Q,
both of tha sun. The first'ooaurs Tlbwl large water 'ttmk bczLde ]Sir. io. there Passed away on Mam 0
April 280, and will lie total in Canil- Riaswil's Blacksmith shop which hail April 24th. in hiB 91�t . day. Are very Choice and tow
da. and United States from 5.�o p.in. vear. Mr. 0- er head and shoulders *0
* above any others offered to Y07LT and the
on 0-01 by itha i9treet comm-lisIsioner. wall, Enz1aLd. of
for -an Yhour. Tha other falls belome unsafe wits lf,$Iled in Mo4d�ly James Tom. Born at 'Fadstow, Corn-
12tih. but will not ba visible in Cabri� lo�riz- unbrokeiit
ada. Mr. Case Howard..�of,?Tbronto, who line of INOrman blo6ud A
' Re received
is %;perldmg hi�q holjdays�at his lipme his edueattort at Boscastle and beio�
Aj.. of �tLhl2, here. isang a -solo in iqa-*,rn, Wtreeit a Prices are Clean out of Sight,
Qr 6011, at the a. -e of twent'Y'
First PzOsbyterian rWlrch,St. Maryis church oil Stinday eveaimg. f 0 11 h�e_�
came to the Western world,
I froin'the oderiob Ramp Eon. located at
I*s aXm01iD0ed to 110s 0011gre-gation Messrs. J. Elgin Tom. of G to 'seek his fortune. He
tbat ha hwsixecelved a cal and Frank Tom of Toledo, are here Durham County. Ort.
Enskina Pxesbyberian church at Ot- where in. t&
this week aftending-JIle fancral of Year 1851, he marrtad.
taiva. Mr. BfordeA has accepted their father, Mr. Jam�s Tom. A. Kerniok. in 1853 they came, to
the call and nivill probably take Hil-ron, County. whexe he -bought a 0 R%J VV e 1, Atkinson
rl?,�w charge thq,3rd week in May, Ontario Lords Day Allianoe, — A farm and began the formidable tsak *
meeting of th-.� Lard's Day kIlIance FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Over eight mont-lis for $1.00. The will bS 1%�Id iin. the James. street of clomring the jiurriense forest which 0
Christian Guardian "rill ibe ecitit to cillarch Exeter, on Only the indamitable -couxa.94, of the
WedIrtesday May Britlish pioneer would a:ttempt. T -here
ai�y address in (Canla�da to -,L ne,%v stib. 3rd 1911 at Z �.m. 6,11 rnin!�4.ers of, _.�ras born to them foar gone
'scl'iber To January 1912, for $1. the town amd ipubliz 'generally iinvi-t- aad three Agency for Aut0matic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner,
It -vraz never so good as now. Every eid... Mr. W. G. Eanna, of Torcdvw. E, inspector of for rent at 75
%�thodlt slch4ls. G�Aerich; Gre cents a day.
, iri. :the Domlinioin sbould� S�eo**Y.. will addressrEhe ineetln-. ?OrF 5. Prin- 4 0
r. ad oipal of Stratheona tsehool. V&Dcou- 4
-ft -weekly. Address, Will!,qm Ovier eill.-glilt moxxth% for $1.00 Tht� var. -B.
Brlgrgs� W�:slev Build,rigs, C.; I-Taniez J., deceased. and.
Out. Xoronto. Glilrilstain. Guardlin will the seAt to rirank W, I<. Merchant of Tole -di).
any addmos in Canjada to a new sub- Ohio; Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet, _'�arloy J'.:
A modal contest ix elocution arid scribax to January lisi: 1912 for $1.00 and Alary A.. all of Exeter. la 1884
Ginging, under thb atls;p,ioes of tbe W. It was never Go good as now. , Every he, �retixed from (acti,,ra life and tuok
C. T. bk :haldat Main �,, ArAth'Ddist -in the Dom-niota Mould up his rae:dencc, on ;.ilain street.
u ree t
c&hiirch on Motoday nijgbt, Alay 1-st. read it -weekly. Addrclss Will!)AM: Tom was a conservative in politics.
T.Lie -cun:te-4tants for the medal in BriZzs, Wesley Buildlhg�h, Toronto. and a in -amber of the laorigregjatdpa 'ff T tN
33 Ont. a—&.' R
IrOh'ns. Philippa Harnoss. Win. Mani Street Commissioner Dissett has In his early vdays Mr. Tom tool-, an kam U it
�nZiuig are. DDrotboy Ruiftz. Amy Of the- James 9treet Methodiist church B U E
son. Karl Weridenhammer, Gordo'a had a number fo men enga�cd re- &OtivO interest in school, mu,njleipal BUGu
Ford and INfaurk-, JSenior. Tjie con- movin,, the dirt from Blain street abald and Polit.'ical affairs. He was well
tostants in elocutiou are. V�rcie Gei- fillin.7in a couPla of old water taikka Dead and had -arl'.acourate knowled-c A CARLOW QF- NEW' BUGGIES HAS
zzer, Ari -el Beverley, Myra Morgan. Whi?u one of -tbe LamIris was nearly of affairs Pertalmtng -to Cabada il;�a
Lula Hastings. Ettie tBowev, Lola filled, a horse b�longlnj to Mr. Thus. the, Empire. Evcry�ne knew Ji;,ni as
Taylor and Bl�nche Qutmc� Bc*ldes Cr,�ech �war. 4riven too near the'fedglc a friend and he 'WaS -gelierally be- RRIVED.
Uihs lhore 'rill be -an iiddre43 by' and it ��Ilppvd Im. After several LOW111. Always a man of
Mrs. S. peace, es -
G. 2. Dftl--vae, former Provin- plunges it got out. and wifth ain extra teemed by his neighbolls. Xhe and
Mal Rn�islqerl' , of 11he W. 0. T, U. An team 'the wa-10:0 was pulled out. fOlInd him as ipeaceftilly as he had
admission of 10 c,�ntrs. Doors opeh, On Wedracm`da-v evening the ichoir liv,,A, "Surely the lak;Ot leild of the The Iuternadonal Harvester Company having
at 8 o'clock. of tbia Tr1vf.1t Memor'al ichurch met good man is peace. How calm his
- Ia. 'h, at Idile home of Mrs. Wr wksh ex�t, �he nilghtlY dew falls not more stationed ine at Exeter to hiindle their full Line of
On Frfday , vo nita it I * Can A. EEL aw
a,d,',,Ln Ordqr. Woodm�cn of the World" and pretieribed tv bf�. and Mrs. Hy. gently to thoground, nor Nveary worn goods such as the
.init`kded a good class of yourix men Xanr_!hgs with a beautilultcabinet. of out winds expixe ad soft."
into its mysterletrz., The followinz is of lsilver knives. forks aL-d spoolusi..
the list of officers elected for -the Mr. and Mrs. jewatmgs are Old The followin� was taken from de McCormick Binders, Mowers, Rakes Man=
Present yeiix. P. C, C.. W. Johns; members of the ohoir and werje agree- IT, ree Press an'd has reference to a
Clark. E. H. Axt; E.,:cort, W. BaXler; �ibly Isurp4sed at the kirldnicas of son of Mr. and Mrs. John 8rodexick. ure Spreaders, $eeding Tools) Bind=
a. Markham ; Banker. R, D. Quan.ce * ub� marnbors. Lunch was served by of t-vil. J-�M.(Brodexick forl,�Jre past
Watchman. H. Griff; S,,ntry Geo. thi-, hoLvtess after wbijoh a very pleas- '5 Yrs. ags'stant accounta:ht of tha Na- er Twine Gasoline Engines,
Sanders; Mtinia.gers. R. J. Luker. R., alit eventn-g was epent by all prrls- clunal Drug Company pf th:ls ofty, hats
F. John$, F. TAL Quanoe_- The buw- ont ill differmt amusements. been appointed. tlecourriftant of the Re-
aess belm- conaucted �tlle Camp pre- AA noon On 1$atturday last tha edl- lina, Dranch offioa_and lea'ves to-da� Windmills, COLIkshutt Plows.
to ta-ko up his new 13ostti(dr-, Thl
sented t�7 Sov, J$eawright. a_ watch tor had tha pleasure Of diallng Q11 a Mr. Hunter will remain with me. Particular at -
fob bearing . the emblems:- of the Orde r- i-.,,cord-hreaking ben eigg, Ithrough mornitg 'th,.1 members of the staff
on his departure from t1ae town anta Ilia courteay of Mr. Albert Nejl,'of tnet him in IL�,e office and prescifted te ntion wil I be paid to Machine Repairing of all kinds.
for th'a able asaiMance rendered the dii-, Thames Road- A double yolked him w:;th a txunk and an arribreiiii
Camp hare. Sov. Seawri-'�bt made a is no Inovelty, but a triple yolIC121 -L)f r- G- M. Rowed, local secretary The first shipment will arrive on Saturday and will con -
reply. thanking cbe mem- -,IS was sometbing riew in the ed*?n made. the presentation wh;%oh sist of a
berls for theik %kindriess im their re- tr'sr�% experkrice, and ltb&o k.'s iV, companied by an ta I Was ac- carload Of First Class Buggies, especially
e yol _� ddxcis& Wb;je h,, Young Men's Outfitg. These will be the 'Celebrated
membrance. W. F. Chard. Deputy of vVhat 'thm, e. -g containq'd.� The egg has been conaeoto,d twith the * Prin
the Older made '.the preaentati�!, ' wa6 O'gtht ;l;d a half inches the Mr. Brodi,!riick bag made man) fr:1,,nU High- Grade GRAY BUGGIES fr(,m- Chatham manu-
long way and six and f 1 v�e-eilghtbls the and all will di,tar. of h"Is future 6uc- factured by the largest concern in Canada.
Hiick'is Forecasts.—A rogular storm, L,tos With pleil(�Urie, Tb*
1%�rlod Iiiving its begin.'aing in ApTll Other vAsid wel3hed foar and a balf e address rca-d
aunoas� Tht- was ladd by a Ply-' J. 61. Brodexiiek, OAy
will rM611 its culmination. in eaaceira
parts of tli.� country, the fir8t two moudIr Rook and Mr. Neil says he D-�ar 8ir.—it was wilth mingled feel -
or ',.'h�ae days da May. A ocksmi,o, per- %i, , nerally Igiets an vxtra large onia lngrs of 0--,asure tand. reigret that we Imam -W
about onoo a Nve-,k. This !s a rewrd loarned of- your �d,cpa -E r , -
I u e to take
iord also rvaxb�j? ilito ille came days.
A wav-. of higher' barometri-c pr:... that will bo hard to beat. dharg-o of the (offioe'at our Re,gina
branch; Togret at loanig �ou from
will follow from west and nork(W One of the ways to keep trade at, our istaff. whexc Lyori have always
br�ngf,nlbv cooli�r weatliike,bell'ind -the borria is for'the business inan to let b,,7�crl a mWt COXV9isticht Workew �m the
'storms, T(hii. Alercuty veriad which ebe publio know what goods and WLN` N LL Lut r
,mentt—,he has to offLr. Ways boven pleasax')t, iaxreeabl�_, and
comes into Alay from April will last Wbat indu,cy� int-Ore'As Of 'the Vat,!Ianal. have al
unti�l affier thO 10th. causing, pro- Poople are influtmeed by .1th(IL adver. t1arnest in the tPCIxicillmallice of your
long�od cloudinp,gs. and into tilsipments of (he city man. who ad- diltiols and cGurteouaalld lc�kid to ar[
r,xultir and reao-tiongry istorr'11,111_1�lyiilllllt viortises at an .4-normodis 0xPOnse- with whom You came in -oodtaot;
fall undor Us influonw. A xemotion. rVose 'Succesaful,men Are shrewd ad-
ary L%tur)n P"'Plo.d will r pte(atsure at the thou,ght of your a.
te o n wirtiaers and ah,`hough 'their a.dver- ibook-kecp-
and tonoJi1jig, tb,a 14th and 15-th, and t,Pi,�mcnts co�f a lot, A pays th�am. er. (to, being ph�jcf of' tba office of tim?
thi,E; Period being.under ihL influe f
, n,,,. c Tdvy gannot afford to stop, or ebso, of the branZes, We jeot fd riat 1pt,
of tlza Mercury cqttinox will bnng tb,,ey 1vould. The buyers from fthe 'oil go wihtout -tast"s-yinw to th�
storms of t1under and rain With coiti. mail-ordi�r Nome$ are often ftap- Ugh ".0tee-In in 1while'li YOU ara bepdf
tintlatlion of cloudy threataftin'g Nvpl. pointed in the good$ arld when 60 by the rAaff lat Lundoin aind vor FIf ty C e In t S
t1h,,?r for several idays, TUnder itress wear is consl4eted. they are L101 W§ h I, w, % i tankk'
eriod. and "tar con- far alWad aig Ithose who deal at home -and umbralla to you as. ,In ovidIN
of 'the Mercury r pleasure in pzesenting 't
ditiob;S paicullar to 'this month. very and personally Selelet thajLr goodts, It of good qvill In whijoh yo
dCVe_re k1torms are probable. a are
at t(his has simply been a matttk of ind 0'a- h -Ad by 'the rnana;�er land ,;4tt f t.
Wi ing
and other May tPeziodi, Ri The Exeter Times Will be Sent to anyAddress
,gh bar- ment 'by rea-kag The adds. Thpillo. Sh YOU suicoass and happmo"
ometer, very coo) wa-th ,rob- cal inerehfant to oapture this 'trade In your; new isphere of ac.616,i. -tvitb
abla firo4te northward. will be ratur- 'must keep his name, and good(8 be- pleasarit ";rney. we rremain.
publito. There ';is no be�tter
al from about 161),, 5th to the Prh— f ura 'the
fIr-A to �4hCi WO& and riorlth, ae%drife. me4fum for this colnEnuaR-y than the Th,� Alanager and Staff. in.:Cana,da for the Dalance of Wt. Year,
ing �eastward and Isoath whrd. r"Xetor Times. .1 1 . X. . I I I., I I . . . .