HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-27, Page 2-11. � 1 7 ­,.­_.K��­7 -111111-111-111-1111- ­­_-, __..­­-, ...... � .. .... _­­­ -­­­-­��­­' ---,-.-1...11N11117 7-1--1 ........ ... _ � . ..... NPIIIIIIIII _�, , - ­­ ­ � -; -- -, �- - , "­ - - - --7-- n � i-- ,­­ - ,---- ,:­ ­-­­ _� - - -, -­' '- 7-7-7-_-_-77- ­"­�W, I I � I I I . . , I � '91111pi,ppp,qppp.pplpl,W'*" - . . ' : "7 _111" . I I � � , I I I . I I , � I I . 11 I I . . � . , I . 11 . . I I . I � � . 1. . . , . i I I . , � ; , - , , ­ I . � . . . I . I � I I .. I . . . � . I 1� I ,. � I I I I I . . . . I � I I . I � . . I I I I I . I I I I . I . I � I I I I I , . I , I . ; I 11 11 1, I ,� . I � . � I � -1,11 � THEM., EXETER' TIMES . 11 I I I I I �10. I . I , _­_.________.___.__._ - - � w v. ,,,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _1_______ "I I -____..____-____._..w._ �. I - I ­ I I I ­­­_ - � - ­ ­ I-----.-,-- � .. 11 . � I 1. a. I.. I ,� . . ,,, __-, .11 ''I I .. . 1p !­ . 1: ­ I I I . � I A RI ICTOA � L . THE, MARKEM, � . . . I I . � It I � I . I fit, MOWS FLAR � : I 11 - IN SHEEP HUSBANDRY .: i . I . . . . . . * I I 11 I ' . MAIO I anivi W, . . I The, Newest Materials and Trimmitift , For Spring Lingerie Waists. Where Is a new weave of I I -- ­ . I ,"UHURN Chicago Wheat Futures Close Higher . IF I . I SUNUAT 4 Liverpolol Unchanged 14ve Stock I - . .1 I -Latest Quotatio4s,. . � � .------. � I . I I - __________. I . i � � -61 - I ­ I ... I � I I I . I . �. L ., 11 I 11.1 I I I . "ti�iiiiijklililitill�1114111(iiiiiiiiiiiI 11111111 11 III 11111141111111111; -,- __ , I . I I I -, . � �1 600d ,marquisette said to be washable that will bO ex- I Lessoti V. -Second Quarter, For CHICAGO, April 02 -Corn to -day had� i the greatest advance fox, week$ and the 1 I ing his friends to meals as often as . : - ST I 0 A ORIA 1 i . I . ... s: . . . . . . ZZI. " teadviely used for waists the comins , , � b$guept trade of the year. startling re- April 30, 191 1. 1 1 1 _-11 � 1. ' 1�; I Ampr1co owes a great deal to the I the Mer1no . . . . . .1 �­.,, I . ..); ..1-1,0 0 spring. It Is very sheer, and over the are tiny dots placed , Ports of widespread crop failure It, the I Argenthie brought about the u ,vn i qhea I such is the case your way is simple. 1 � � I _ . , , ��r'� � r'' breeders who developed I I sheep and also a great deal to those I . .... .. i "' ..,:. , ": %.,;�,',­ --� li, ",.�, "; " .V., r" ,@N,--� , �, ki;",�'. :.,,� .,.� 'J'i I . " ._., . For crapy surface I closely together., . 'I V44MIng prices were firm, ,he to . I SERIES. 1 ; , to / I Irbe, end )f the I bigber than last night, , � THE INTERNATIONAL day left Wheat %C to %c dearer I ____ I .. I I I �1.1 . ror 131falits and 01111drem. I . I .1. . who maintillued t1i,eir flocks Ill the 1 1 . times wheo they could not sell them, I 4ow tlw�. Twofit lina vvhmi wma wn.q hp -ofit lina , .;:z- 1-.-.111-_1' .... I.....,., .�111H",..",�.*,,.,',%��*,:��::i:ii:.",:::�i��::,.� �� III .�N,.ki.%�,�w-�5:�-.--:,�:.:,,,.- � . ���'.."1,'�',�,��""��'*'.':�"�'�:�i;ii:.':,..'::��i�"i&�"'.- _4 i , , . , '... 1W... ., .. � , , 1�:�in.�', � - �,,...' - , ..." " .� There is, too, a washable crape with herringbone stripes set an inch apai% . down, with oats i4nehanged to %e o I I provisions the outcome was 0, gaIA aiLl I..... ,I ... 6 ; I arotuv�, varying from 121/jo to'3ft to U%el .r. 1- rv_ f n IV I v,+.f +h. I I -, - ' � 1� --a I I 9 . I �, ,�, 1; , -1-he Kind You H ava - . I and shepherds of all. classes losing "�""' .11 .-1':";X- 0, , ". "ix- .,i�.,,,�,�, " � , 14 .�'� � a .o. �g.*11,1,`MNII 011 . , '711 @ I IN 01 1101 , I � money and di.icouraged. T Amert- be 1%. , , ", I 1 1* I 1140 I -�, can. Merino breeder has produced from -I'! i I " . the Sponish, stock Of It century ago Let Him Play Host. I . . the world's bost wool producer, and Grant the boy the privilege of hav - I I then be has gone Nlitlier and .made a ing his friends to meals as often as combination wool and mutton sheep you can conveniently arrange for It. that is very useful. , Perhaps you, are among those forttli- The wrinkly Merino has not been a nate ones who have a large family . popular t;heep for the masses for a with a big table where the addition of , � 'long time, but it is indispensable to an extra plate counts for little. It , bur sheep industry nevertheless, To such is the case your way is simple. I 'Its blood breeders of the smoother Should there be several sons to plan I � for consider a system of rotation that i . I each may have his guests in a fair city penit(�nt. when ratio. If your family Is small, so that I F, It Is desirable to have a little notice I , .. In advance before adding another- I i., .1 hearty boy's appetite to tho;� you have . I . . . "k reckoned for, fix on a certain time � I � when your boy may ask a friend in � I ..... .,A�,�- -, . 1. . � � to dinner or supper. Boys are delight- . ., ­ - . �' , ill ... . -NIV . 1,% fully uncritical creatures, bless their .1 - 1. - - � I 1'41� .". .. I .. W hearts! Give them a cordial welcome 1 , Z`�;i, . - , and plenty of food and they Will never : I . miss frills of se Ing. - � I __ - - - ____ -1 ­- -------, - ----- , ' - ­. ! 2, = I 11 -Memory Verses, Chapter, I,,, 16; The Liverpool marltet closed to' -day un -i : - - _�_ . = � � .71 . = E : I nged from Yesterday on whea- ,` - wl__�_. 1 l - I'll, ... �.. .... -'.1'' ull .... 1 ...... !.1. $ ..... � ..... � ......... . 11-GoIden Text, Matt. )( , 34d to I'/.d higher on corn, compaxea ),Kthl I 11�,�,�.�': � I I I .i in t and' N Always Bought I "'".1"11 . . ill Commentary Prepared by Raw. - - 1_ yesterday. till Antwerp closed %-c lower ow t '"I".-kye'gel � I . Stearns. I i wheat, Be n lAc higher. .1 � I I' L .A�Jd)iepgradonforAs- . 11 . . I I I Winnipeg options. SIA&U69 Wood atid'Reg Ilia- � ,�. I I I � The committee calls Close, Open. Righ, Low. close.! I tW9111P.SkIllullsandBowelsof Bears the 1. I , . missionary lesson, and �It'si, ace=y Wheat- I - , � , [ , Way ...., 94 Wi 95YL 935A 94% , . . I I I a grand missionary story, reaching on July .... OVY4 953/2 97 W8 9 b-4 i ! I , . Oats_ I - I , even to the kingdom when it shall be May , 3 35%1 I -4 Signature 11 I 1, 01 J .... s5i . ,g 3554 36 5% I �� fully seen that "salvation is of th uly .... 36% 36v:a 37 a b-/.- 36%1 ! M0tegV1&-SRo-n,CheerfU1- 11 I . I . Lor -W' (If, 9). With this saying of Toronto Grain Market. ' ' ssa�dllbst.Contalns neither . Jonah I have in my mind the WOrft Wheat, bushel ............ $0 So to $0 82 ! 'M of I ,, orphine llorNmeral, ; t . Wheat, goose, busl,fel ...... 0 79 .... , � .. he Lo ; NA -RC OTIC. . L' of t] rd Jesus to the woman 011 Rye, bushel ................ o7o 140 T 'I , L , I I . I Samaria, "Salvation is of the Jewall Barley, bushel ............. o 70 :::: I .,--.. A � (John vi, 12). Putting the two togetlii- Oats, bushel ............... 040 1 _" ,. 1'j er we have the great truth that salva- Buekwheat, bushel ...... 6,96 1 . . , P . I I I I ..Q 48 ,e,7&e�&Xt&,= IluffER � L is Peas, bushel ............... 0 78 080 I A&W I - . I tion of the Lord through the Jews.' 1�./& . � � � Toronto Dairy Market. : - ;r X,,I- . , , This is and will be seen to be true of ".J'aw" 11 I . all individuals and also of nations.' i Butter, store lots ............. 017 4 019 ! Rvoler& SO& - I � � I Butter, �ieparator, dairy, lb. 0 20, 1 -024 1 - Ain sc,W# 1 1 .� , 11 All the redeemed in heaven and on 4� Butter, creamery, lb. rolls.. 0 26 028 1 . I n I earth owe their redemption to the Butter, creamery, solids,_ 0 24 0.25 I AF012-111-L&- i .1 . '_� Xggs, ne,w-lald ............... 017 0 is I frdm�rqcd - . blood of a Jew, and the nations aS ' Cheese, lb . .................... 0 13% 014 1 Honeycombs, doz fMr1J_1iF11111,-;_. - Boy's sun iron SpEnta. such,will not be saved till the glory of en 4 ........ 2 50 - - .. I I . 0 the Lord is risen upon Israel. Then Honey, extracted, lb ......... 0 10 0 U I 1� U S 0; � t Remedy for Constipa- �j . This makes many of the dainty waists Liverpool Qrain and Produce. . k Aped'ec. - of Fhe season they shall come to her light and kings . I I tion, Sour S tbmactiVarrh6ea, . , Am 4 Study other compensations for the I Venetian, Irish and cluny lace sep- to the brightness of her rising (18a. LIVERPOOL, April 22, -Closing - Ix, 1-3; lkil, 1-3; xxvii, 6; Xer. III, 17* 1 Whest-Spot� dull, No. 2 red weateM to smooth sheep for generations ,will NMorms,Convulsions,feverish- LOSS SLEEP. -I'! i 10%1 For abstinence from natural racketing You ariLtely or used togethdr will trim the I Winter, no stock; futures steady, MaV� I kway of restoring it. It would be a ness aid or- �i ..' 1.0 1 are obliged to demand from your boy I Provide him new shirt waists and blouses of the Zech. ii, 1.0-12). I 1 We have In our lesson the only * ft * 10%d.; July, 6s: 98/4d.; October, 6s.: 9�,d. r,licur winter patents dull, 279. -..- TacSirnile Signaturf of I I 11 . I while he Is at home. I ! chances to let off steam elsewhere, In spring. oIor outlining padded embroideries stance, as far as I know, of a whole, But Israel shaa, Hops in London (Pacific coast) firm, 24 15S. to 95 5s. 1 644/�Wawl_w� Ill 11 Thirty �, -Years A places intended for just such relaxa, Is a new touch on waists, which in I mco city penit(�nt. when Beef extra, India mess ea,sy 95s. I-TE'VIT VOR.K. i* I ' oftener than we imagine we parents ! ; tions. Send him. out into the open on ( I holidays and give him the means of st instances are cut on the peasant I 1hat in the bodice. have had her resurrection from the dead and a nation of Pauls shall gaii Pork prime mess western dull, 81s. MI. Hams short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, I I ,!I i 11 IiIiIII lil��' � - , iIii I.- ,,,'I' I . ��'CAS, Amh 1 any athletic sport which at- lines --- is, all one with forth into all th e world witnessing asl 151s. ed. Bacon Cumberland out 26 to I I 0 .1 I 11 I =7=W , : ,I I am pursuing I tracts him. Be sure that the re Is a The sleeves are of the kimono variety He did in the power of the SpirW1 30 lbs., weak 51-6.1, short ribs, 16 to 24 �Ii; � j � -_ ! people come to English I I Methods of ralsing roots and feeding ! gaod playground connected with the and of elbow length. beaded Imowing all languages and having all� . Jbs., dual, 56s.; clear bellies 14 to if; lb., quiet, 51s.; long clear nidddlem . :, 1 U � school he attendiii. Encourage him to Ungerle waists elaborately are the smartest and newest thing in wealth at their command, whole na-, tions shall turn to the Lord In true light, 28 to 31 lb�., weak, 53S. 6d.; long clear middl- beavv 35 to 40 lbs. easy EXACT COPY UF WHAPPER, : I I . I I work the gymnasium ­ sorts must resort to keep the wool on I All the compensation you offer the 11� their floe k. Breeding smooth sheep I boy need not be limited to the posses - to smooth sheep for generations ,will ! 131on of a pleasant room and the other Tesolt in loss in fleece, and the use of privileges I have mentioned. Don't , � . the dense fleeced rams of American forget that when he displays the con - Merino blood is the quick and sure sideration demanded of him In a well I kway of restoring it. It would be a regulated family lie is putting a re - I � I tremendous calamity it those -who straint upon himself you can hardly . breed A_ Type Merino should sacrifice understand, no matter how close your . their flocks. sympathy with him. Many comments The great part played by Merlaos -_ have been made upon the wonderful kin our mutton industry is not generally self control displayed by the child who realized, says the National Stockman. submits without protest to a prohibi- . ine Merino ewe Is the foundation Of tion or grants prompt obedience to a :that industry on the ranges, and on command beyond his comprehension. .1 n=y of the farms in this country. The Largely a matter of habit possibly, but there Is a great deal of thought , Merino's flocking qualities, its hardi- � going on inside that small head, and .� . Tiess, its ability to prosper without ' oftener than we imagine we parents gmin, its capacity for wool bearing are being baled before a chilTs men. :And its ability to rear one good market tal judgment seat and condemned un - lamb have made It indispensable to or with recommendation to I sheep industry in a large part of reservedly ,#e . I .aw country. The Merino ewe and the mercy. - . . Hutton ram. are for many, If not for I most, lamb ralsers the most economi. ,,How Do You Do?" Merely 2 Greeting. . I 1i ";i and conseq�iently most profitable It is a wise person, man as well as "How I I ,0I I -mutton producers that can be found. woman who when asked do you dorl responds by saying he oi she I 1Me Merino's place In American sheep is well. I 'in is secure and will be until, =eriZ "How do you do?" is really, gener. people come to English I I Methods of ralsing roots and feeding ally speaking, a casual greeting. ac. � .. I �4ud caring for their flocks -which is cepted by custom as being the sim- If .. �niffiitely remote. plest form of addressing a person. � : either Individual takes the greeting . L � I I seriously and answers that she Is not I 1, - I , � �, ­., I Horse Notes. well the other person frequently is I .1 . � One seldom sees a vicious horse that much astonished and almost without . .19 bad by nature. He is usually spoil-' exception is bored. With close friends . '40d by his trainer in youth. a woman --or man, either -may be � I � Vith the winter letting up of work, fraink, but with acquaintances it is bet - let up on heavy feed. Like men, ter to be causual and answer, "Very horses doing little should eat little. I well" to the salutation "How do you ' In a horse actioD should be light, do?" 'free, easy find straight. Reject a : A fact persons learn with advancing I ,horse that crosses his togs in walking years Is.that each individual, as a rale, Or trotting. I prefers to talk about himself or her- . Horses with tender feet need lots self rather than bear others tailL ,of attention, It should be remember. � Nor is the dislike to listening to such l�, ' ,ed that a horse can do no more than 1 topics strange. We feel sympathy only -his feet will stand. : toward those of whom we are fond; to In the purchase of a new horse al- others It is necessary to appear sym. vrays purchase a mare. She will raise pathetic, and this Is not an easy mat - I you some colts, which will _ increase ter when we would rather be talking thefarm profits. on gay topics in which *e are really . If a young horse breaks his halter Interested. tt the first trial he is pretty sure to The person who Is post popular Is The a puller the rest of his life unless she who amuses others generally, who I 'broken at the very start. goes about with - s,)mething lively I . � rather than something doleful to tell. � I ­ I In nine cases out of ten a doleful per- A BAL) COL son will be avoided, while the gay one vw% 1. I will be soughiL � . . -) . I . Developed Into Postoard Etiquette. * . . I 11 v I 51.9 head; very littlei AS a general rule a postal card . . should not be used except for business 7 CT , BRONCHITI purposes. Socially it is only to be em- .3 * ployed for rather impersonal commu- � nications, such as announcing the the winter. Panniers not too pronounced, but meetings of a committee or society or, , Neglected Bronchitis is very often the forwardIng an address. If It Is an ab- 4ireet cause of Consumption, d th I solute necessity to send one to a friend' . first symptom appearing D7 Cod': or a member of one's family, as, when � � Norway Pine Syrup should be used and I stopping for a moment at a railroad . the Bronchitis cured. " station, one wishes to send a line � I home, the sentences should be short I - The symptoms are, tightness across I and to the point. with ,in apologetic � �, the chest, sharp pains and a difficulty in word for its use. The communication . I , , . breathing, a secretion of thick phlegm, It bears should not be prefaced by an I I -at first white, and later of a greenish or alfectionate salutation. All ,personal I I yellowish color, coming from the bron- messages should be omItted as well I .1 . ,chial tubes when coughing, especially the as the intimate termination that Is I proper In a sealed letter. The signa- I l I first thing in the motning. ture should be simply the Initials of � I � I Mrs, Dan. J. McCormack, Cleveland, the Christian na e and the full sur- i I � N.S., writes: "My little boy two years Mtme- I I . old caught a bad cold which developed : ; Into r3ronchitis. Howas so choked uphe Etiquettd'Gooks Popular. . - I I I ,could hardly breathe. Reading ,about Ilie fact that the -old fashioned eti- "How � your wonderful medicine, Dr. Wood's qaette manual on to Act In So. ciety," etc., Is still popular, even In I I I 'ne Syrup, I decided to try a : Norway P1 I the big cities, was shown by the recent . I bottle and with such good result I got disfribution by a New York Sunday I I I I I . Another which completely � cured him, paper of a book on good form. This I . without having 0, doctor. I cannot say pamphlet told the reader how to act I � � � . too much in its praise; I would not be an every conceivable social occasion, I I without it in thehotioe as I consider it a What to say when spoken to, what not . I . I . I � cure for Colds and Bronchitis." to say, how to gay what was to be said, ' � . , I sure What to do with the hands and the I . � .The price of "Dr, W06d)sy) Norway . feet truder certain circumstances, how � I I I I I . Vifie Syrup is 256. It, is put up in a to address letters of Invitation or deell- I . ''I I 31ellOw Wtapper. Three.pine trees is the nation or acceptance, and a best of otb- - � . I ttudo ,mark. Be sure� and accept, no et thing%, PersOYA Wer0 se6u diligent' . . subotitute for br, Wood's, ly reading those etiquette manaals in 11. I 616vatetl and subway U%1W for . dayo � 11 I ''I . Manufactured only by The T. Milbum ' after th#IL_,ffigtt1b_0t1On. I I � I I I I 00.1 Limited, Toronto, bnt, � . 1 I . , , ., , , .1i. . I . .1 . I I '. . � I � � I - I . I r", I .1 . . . .1 I . I I I :� "I !!. 1. i � 1. I'' � � � [ L L I . I m 2 . ., ... I , I . , ,:, , 11 ,_�­�­.�.__ _,_._.._-1-1 .111�:.­.-.-­141.11�'­��_ I . .1 , �, , . . 'I., I . I , 6 . , , I , 11­���4 ­­ I.. I'LL 11 walstdom. And there is a Wedgwood effect achieved by a liberal use of tiny blue and white porcelain beads that is chic. The Russian is a favorite boys' gar- ment. It Is simple and becoming and penitence and "All kings shall faA down before Him, all nations shall, I serve Him!' (Ps. lxxil, 11). 1) The Lord Jesus spoke of the experi- euce of Jonah in the belly of the fislij his preaching and the repentance of I M; shoTt clear ba,cks, 16 to 20 lbs. dull, 489. Shoulders, square 11 to 13 I lbs. easy 42s. Gd. Lard, prime west- em'in tierce,s, steady, 41s. 6d.; Amer- : licay, refir.ted in pails, steady, 42s. 3d. C2reese, Canadian finest white and bolored, new, firm, 63s. Butter, finest . I . ­dfikyLl - THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. Or= YORK CITY. I EZEMM i �MIIIII I 0 I I I I , I I � - .- - . . � .. - � to1he-iPlatform, a , I agata''"",Vhen ',a IOU ic � ,. I �, Inasculine, In effect. This one can be Nineveh, and those who question the American, firm, Ms.; good American, nrTn ftrnT CON ROOM SCENES , � . I "'Keep ill . .1 made from any material used for truth of the story of Jonah question!, I 6 Turpo ' - entLne spdxits, strong', 67s. ­_- I ti F1 I t .. perfectiv I ;,- 4 . . . . . _ -J�g to + , - ,* I am,zjZ4 n1p- fl 4 I . blouses. It is supplied -with a gener- the veracity of Jesus Christ. it is the � ,,mm", steady, 19s. Petroleum, � 9,M - W hadl evdidentl ­ . spirit of the hive and works only for , .. ous patch pocket work of the devil to question the word American refiried, 61A,d. Linseed oil, a Philharmonic concert some year s . xised..,of this part of the' � JUDIC CHOLLET. of God or the love of God (Matt. xil� steady, 50s. Tallow Australian in Lon- WljlioH HAVE OC6URRED IN RE. .. , ,khe was 'oleoxly ; Lordps and not his own, and,the peo- . Way Manton is In 39-41; xvi, 4; Gen. III, 1-5). � i don, steady, 3s. 6d. Cotton seed ollg Hull refined, spot, quiet. . I i . CENT YEARS. - � ; I I ­ I , but like fhn laughi g . , I , Z - the inevi . � This pattern out sizes an for boys of six, eight, ten d twelve Could there by a more vivid picture, of the churcheW indifference to the � , i CATTLE MMIKETS. ! 11 . . I � �5tihe wed- -to 1, - ; I .,� , - got his pie re,. I , "th .. I , ye= of age. Send 10 cents to this office, giving number. 6918, and it will* be prompt- command of Christ in our "den Text than that Jonah this Th4 I - i I 1A Remarkable Affair at Ste i nway C I . ,I ducident which oc a - �-- . e:r -i's recitals n t I* I I I ­, ly forwarded to you by, mall. If in haste of on ship? East Buffalo Cattle Market. � Halt -Wax Figure of Vocalist Plac- *1 � 4 lkhle talk. he - -1i . , send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage, which insures more prompt only maii- who knew the true God is fast asleep, while the heathen sailors EAST 33VFFALO� N.Y., April =-,CaW8;I -Receipts, 100 head; steady. ed Upon Stage - Loss of Memory some . bianist, as everyone Im ws, is gre I I delivery. are diligently calling upon their gods.1 ' I Veals-Receipts, 30D head; slo . w =4 W� lower, $S.60 to $&50. Compels Artist to Leave' Platform iidit�ired by the ladieso, and 011, � 0axticulax 6"s6on some of his should be the rule with every one who FRIBBLES OF FASHION. They only found out who he was an& why he was there by questioning him. I D-Rec, Pts. =0 head; slow a" Hog A , stead7 to 5c higher; heavy, $6.25 to 3650,� -Paderewski Declined to Accopt;r , � � . vorshippers ar , � ,,,,,,nt feminine i , somewhat different hinA. He was be extracted from tseemingly black andl In a certain place we read that - buixed, $6.56 to $6-65; yorkam W60 to $s:'T0,'1i I to s6m; $6.40 to M50;4 Floral Wreath. � I i,bgXel I.. or the prehenL-Aiou to him wyeath, a little boy being';' " " New Lingerie Frocks. Jesus could not be hid (Mark vii, Mi pigs, W65 roughs, stags, $4 to $51, The sonsaiion. recently created in a ; patad�ito,ofler the tzibl4te. The rii' I .11 1, Hobble Effect Is Dead. but some who bear the name of Chris, . Sheep and I . .1 6W head*,J - -, ,Berlin concert-room,.when Dr. Rich- , � havmver, was disconcerting, !or Pa �'; , - : 11 . ;, On many of the new lingerie frocks tian seem to hide Him quite success� jart%ba fairly ne ; lambo J=W, $r%25 to $6.0;.' � pyd Straubs, who was conducting, i , 4w4i,de4Hned to accept the gift, I . , Z" �.e there is a touch of color given by a fully. Contrast Il Cor. iv, 10, 11; it,1 W Ift lower wool C'e ; New York Live Stock. ' il�rned" iib�d rebuRR some niemVers i �t , . - ."I ignormg the boy domplet6ly,�i '.' ��,� . �'"'��,.; sash that runs In and out thrvugh the 14.) Think of Samson and his kitaf tor'lle knew everything from the be- the audience for their lack of con- �aght-off the platform. AAfter rar ',,, frames of sealed boney should be ex- , :�� fabric away down close to the knees. gleep, Peter, James and John asleep in' NEW YORK, April 22.­Beevo-_­­Ro­- Ipts, 12-k head; nothing dOing; atoaft c.e. sideration in leaving in -the middle to fe-w 'compliments. . was explained -that he.disli e Su . to."', The style seems to be a compromise between the moyen age efflect of a cou. the presence of great, privilege and I also of great suffering and consider it * . . I 11 v I 51.9 head; very littlei of a work, serves recall not a incidents" of one sort and =w"hich _-1-_V,. - . �Anothcr eminent pianist who holcbf I 11, I ple of seasons ago and the hobble of you need the questiofi'of chapter 1, %: doing; feeUng easy; veals, $5 to $6.75; culls, $4 to $4.60. have entertained con- cert- audiences during recent years. I - flar -views is M_ Godowsky-as WA aim revealed by little occuxrence at", , roron to, Out, the winter. Panniers not too pronounced, but and it so what will your answer be? As to the great fish prepared by the .1 Sheep and Lambe--FecoiPts, 6700 held trade slow and 11milled; prices aboa Many Londoners will recall, for in- stance, a remarkable affair -which -a - I - �� ltah� at the Bechstein , his ,Xec At the ion. . easily recognizable, appear .on some of the latest said to be forerun- Lord to take care of Jonah I often Wonder why have, been so long steady; fair clipped sheep. $3.60; clipped iambs, $4.50 -to 15-40; ordinarvii woole& Iambs, $5.75. caused no little sensation at the Steinway Hall few Some .r of 'O ezt,,year. a conclus n 11 bt%ihe items in the program an at I I.. I -A& , � , gowns people Hogs-Roceipts, 1800 head; market IOW-' a years ago. 01e . 4ant welked up to the platform a"" .- 11 . looking for fishes of the same kind, er at $6.40 to $133.80. practical jokers ddsired ,to a ri:,_e halta-ed up a I&Tge bouqu,at f 0 magW . I for the record does not say that the� Chicago Live Stock. I out of a well-known singer, and for qtent roses. Godowsky, hows. -.-.,, 4 ., I �,, Lord made two great fishes to propa-' gate the species, but that He prepared CHWA�G,Ci, � April 22 -Cattle reoedPtg' this purpose they dressed up a wax figure to resemble him ase losely as lRuntly refused the gift, remar caustically in explanation, "I am ' 1 - � I I ,�.. I EL great fish. I eolibnated at 200; market steady; beeves, $5.15 to $6.00; Texas steers. possible, and then, assisted by the a ballet -dancer." . . . . . r .1 . For aught?ve know the fish may haVe $4.60 to $3.60; western steers, $4.80 to arrangements of the building, thrust ; this effigy on the plaitform. in full ' a '�, . . died when it finished its ministry to, $5.75; stockers and feeders, $4.00 to $5.70; cows and heifers, $2.65 to $5.75; View Of the. audience while the vocal- , Rush For New Stamp. I � Jonah, as probably did the little fish calves, $4.75 to $6.50. isti4ii question was actually singing. The new 2 1-2d. stamp of the Unimm- ..�, I I that brought the coin to Simon Peter.1 ' I i-rogs receipts, estimated out 7,00% Naturally, the audionce was -dumb- of'South Africa is the first stamil� .1 . , . . The winds of I, 4; Iv, 8, were special' market strong to 5 cents higher; light, founded for the moment, as also the bear the effigy of King George I ; winds for the occasion, as were also' ;6.00 to $6.3M; mixed, $5.95 to $6.35; victim of this "joke," which was, in and so keen was the desire of 'Coll 1 ", . . the gourd and the worm of iv, 6, 7,1 heavy, $5.75 to $15.25; rough, $5.75 to , reality an outrage. Quickly_,recover- I tars to g�dn possession of it that th , - i . . . - �1 I : special preparations for special minis- $5.95; gK>od to choice, heavy, $5,95 to $6,25; ptgs, $5.95 to 6.80; bulk of sales, . I Ang himself, however, he addressed a 'digmfled was .% great rush for it. One collea , ? 1, I; k �� try. I have long rejoiced in the trutli $6.15 to $6.25. sentence expressive ,of his , bought $50 worth, ancal ilai a s - 11 ,Ili � L I of Eph. il, 10, and firmly believe that: Sheep-recelpts estimated at LOOO, 'ama,zement at the occurrbnce to the � time.$62,600 worth were disposed of. I * ( , , I- all the good works of all the Lord!s market steady; native, $3.00 to $4.70; audience, and theTi left the platform,,i . I " t �' I , - people are prepared beforehand for' western, $3.15 to $4.70; yearlings, after which the offending figure ,Nvas ! His Promotion. � � . , I I I , them to walk in. It is helpful to say $4.30 to $5.25; la,mbs, -native, $4.50 to $6.25. removed - by the attendants. This! "Pa," said little Johnnie, "teacho ,�' , . , I . � * concerning all things, pleasant or un_ 111.25; western, $4.75 o vas certainly an occurrence of a very thinki n ng about promoti g me." is , , . . .. � ,� pleasant, "prepared for me by In- British Cattle Markets. LIVERPoou Aprdl 22 -John Rogers unusually kind. i A personal incident of another ord- i t How do you knowP" 'Trom what she said to -day." I . W. ; '. I - I finite love." , I & Co.'s IA-verpocil cable to-da.y eaYS er occurred in a London concert- ., "And what was thatP" I , With all Jonah's peculiarities he th,t tb, trade in the Birkenalead m r- room more recently. This was in I "She said if I kept on I'd belong, ,� � seems to have been a man full of the ket was very firm and there was an March, 1905, at which time, ,it may to the criminal class." word of God, for his prayer in chapter advance of one-quafter cent Per POund be recaUed, a great revivalist mis- I . .� , � i . ­ 11 r U Is almost wholly Scripture. In the On all' ca,ttle 'sold, ,both States and, Camaidian steers a-nald,ng from 12 3-4re - &ion was being held in. London. The Very Easy. �i I 11 , margin of my Bible I note in his pray-' to 13 1-4c per Pmad. The sheep tradet 'scene. was St. George�'s Hall, and the I ballad con- I "Is she easy to get along with?" ,lies. I I I Ot I 11 er nine quotations from or references W" also firm, la.mbs w&ldng &b<mt1 ,ioa an afternoon ' I She believes everything yomi , % I 6 to the Psalms, besides some from otbL-' er of Scripture When he did the same Prdee as last ,Iambs, 17 c-ItS, `1=1= cart at wbach it had been arranged th � at a well-known society entertainer [ I WQ=. 't * - 11 4 1 Z., I parts . making 1 _.� _,.- won nro de"a "humo us inter- I ... � , � , A SH.&UT OvEMBLOUSID. ners of the summer modes. One at- tractive model In which the pannier is a fealtire is of dark- blue marquisette over black and white. The panniers �nd in black satin ribbon and tassels. )M,h. __T,11� .. - 114- -11 411 1'. finally start for Nineveh the word of the Lord to him was, "Preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee" (ill, 2). Compare Jer. I, 7; Ezek. if, 7; III, 11; . 11 Tim. iv, 2; Acts viii, 4, 25, and . note that our Lord Himself said only what the Father told Him to say (John x14 49; xiv, 10; viii, 28). It would be a great thing and great- ly to the glory of God and the good of both speakers and hearers if all preach- ers and teachers would prove them- larnibs 14 1-2-c per pou., ers "clipped" showed a sUght advence,l making fT=n 11- 1-2o to 1W.per, pound. !, . � . ­ ____ -.--..- -1 Peace Advocate Dead. ' Londoxi, April 24. -John FassmoTel Edwards, the well-known publicist,l 'Philanthropist and advocate of inter -national peace, died Saturday. He was born at Cornwall, March 24, 1823. -7- _____.___,__i, .. . ___________ - a% am in lude.'�� When, however, the artiste appeared he startled the audience by . announcing that, &5 he had been 11 converted to God through the agency of the mission at the Albert Hall," he did not feel inclined to pr,00e with the. task pf amusing peol ,IV and therefore begged to be excused, Whereupon he left the Platform, never to return to the stage again. The modern practice which requires all instrumental soloiAs to -lav from . V - one of the most useful little garments selves to be "the Lord's messengers In the Lord's message unto the peo- %OUR,* I 11_Jq I NUM memory has been respon6ible n<yt in- I 11 � , I 11 , . I of the spring. As its name suggests, It ' ple" (Hag. I, 13). All such might rest . . . CURLED BY THE 'USE OF frequently for trying occurrences. The late Htnry Holmes, formerly -Well The Hum of the Hive. I .1 Is a little waist built on peasant lines to assured t i hat His word would always .1 known as a, violinist, once figured in be worn,merely over the corset cover accomplish His pleasure and never re, MILOURN'S a painful incident Of this hind. He .&-uy bee whibb, loses sight of thei , , �,,��, or over a lingerie or silk slip. The turn to Him void (Isa. Iv). was playing in a coneerto of Spohr at . spirit of the hive and works only for , .. neck is low and round and the sleeves . lengtb, Jonah was like a 'man alive from LAXA-LIVER . PILLS a Philharmonic concert some year s private good is coilsidered sick, nally insane. the CM, . elbow . I Marquisette, the dead, and [ Iis message was the I ago, when, on reaching the cadenza in the last ' his . and communit I , longer hira cotton volle and a wash- Lordps and not his own, and,the peo- movement, miernory coin- I allows, to take up .goodl ' able cotton crape lire, materials used pie of Nineveh believed God (lil, 5) and Constipation is one of the most fm pletely failed him, and, coming to a, space.-Xlb(�i,t Hubbard. i In the handsomest lingerie waist of the turned from their evil ways unto God, quent, and at the s, ame time, one of the sudden stop, he ran right off the plat- tprm-leaving duct,or and orchestra ' Honey will candy or become white '� season. The newest cotton crape in filmy, and God saw it and did not bring the most serious of the minor ailments to to finish the conork as well as they and hard doring cold weather. This I for# li sheer and with a'herringbone threatened evil upon them. It would whi6h mankind is subject, and should could Without him, Is really a good test of purity, I stripe. It is said to wash beautlfully�, have pleased Jonah better If God had never be allowed to continue. Mr. W. Matbhews, a fainous ama- while all pure honey does not candy, , � These waists are trimmed either WWI ' destroyed Nineveh. And because he A free motion of the bowels daily teur -flautist of an earlier generation, yet all hoiwy candled solid Is pure. . cluny, Irish or venetian laces and some- three knew that God was gracious and might should be the rule with every one who . had an unpleasant cxperience of a � An excePunt grade of beeswax caW4t­' times with all varieties. have mercy upon them It they repent- . somewhat different hinA. He was be extracted from tseemingly black andl The overblouse that Is laid In tiny ed he refused at first to obey God (IV, E'spires to perleet health. Mrs. Fred. Hall, I glaying a solo at one of the Leslie worthless combs. The market pricie tucks at the upper edge Is one of the newest and prettiest. It Is especially 1-3). Concerning God's repeutings mention- 299 Hibernia Road, Montreal, Que., writes--" Having been hoir concerts in the old St. James' Hall, when it was noticed that 11is of wax averages about 29 or 80 cents . a pound. Beekeepers too often over - well adapted to thin materials. It can , be both for the separate waist ed in chapter Ill, 10, and in so many other In Scripture must re- troubled for years with constipation and trying everything I knew of, EL friend tono spemed to be getting weiker and weaker, till eventually not a note look the possible Income from wax, � utilized places we advised me to use Milburn , s Laxa-Liver . would come, and ht 3had to leave the If yon use modern movable fratue ,' and4or the entire gown. member that God cannot and never Pillo, I used four and a half vials and I platform. Tempo-rary paralysis of the hivestbo ptoved honey shouldbe equal�, , , 4 I * JUDIC CHOLTAET, does change His mind about anything, I � at, Completely I cured, 1 can gladly . lips, indneedby extreme nervousness, fted among your colonles. That JW ,� � .1 . tor'lle knew everything from the be- riee.mrnond them to all.who mffer from I was understood to have been the frames of sealed boney should be ex- , :�� This May Manton pattern Is cut tin frIzes, ginning (Acts xv, IS), but He does constipation. -cause of his, breakdown. . clianged for frames of empty comb, . feOm 24 to 42 iftebes bust measuve. Send' 10 cents to this 01mco, giving Tkun � bet. 6004 It will be lorward(A to 70% Zhang� 1110.mode of procedure, and, as God al,WAys know that He would Milburn's Laxa,Liver Pills are 25 cents Pot Vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at 0,11 dealers, L Mme�. Melba was once the victfin of a rather <1isconcerting experience in from the light colonfeii. A.'strong hive contains 10,000, beft :�; and promptly , by Mau. If ii basto send an w1ditl6nat L L in Just ,at that� place In history and Ot Ce _mailed direct on reddipt of pri by The T. Milburn Co,j Urnite r d, ,hoi� -native Australia. After 8I � :1' in Vebroary, 15,00 Atarch, 40,000 , two ten AtIlthp for letter Pwtal;ei *" I . tbAtWlty� . I , roron to, Out, 0ne M, li6r 10-nints , I , ,. f�c "­�Qlap I .In L In April "d,from 00,000 to 80,000 lit 1. tvatro, hwutedL tA Pr lit . ., _.,,_,,,�., ­­ ­­ . ,­� . -.-.- - _ - _ I . . _ L I I 11 � . . I I . I � .1 : : ,� , - uxf� "".., I �: I . I I I I \' , � I L I I . I I I . / , �i, , I . 1, I I - � L � ( ] , . .�:: I , " I . , : \-, ., __�­ All -11 I "" .. ..... _ .� I L I 1, I I , , " I . " , I ­ : A_ - ­­ __­ - 1­1.1­11­�:.­,­­­ I 11 I IL . L I " ' L .' : .',­­�­'­ ­ � ... I � - ,,, , ". t .1-1 I � )� " , . . ­ , 'I L � , . L I r . I � 1, I 'i (., � I L .LLL ," - L I ,, " . ! 1, �), I I ''