HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-27, Page 1T 7. `7777-mr-r` A ............. as per coot off Rubber Goods The Best To Stock cloarlog $ale This week only bo wake room f o. other,goods, we offer You the best rubber -�'goods wholesale priom BUILDRI, Tired 0,44, Languid? -all a Headquarters for sick room supplies, System), own? 441 appetite 9011e�Xlo ambition? Then, tako 0 60410 to strengthen invi orate and purify_ this B1004, Large botIes $1,00 Ruron:0_1 'ddlwex Gazette Cole's Drug store 'ftwry-ErGaTH YBAI�­XO MTPRI ON ;'CANADA TRURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 27th 1411 X-00 pe ear InAdvance Exeter Council Locals Conference at Zurich T04 cQuacir met kat the Town Hall, a L oha Gillosple had a horse dle one JONES & MAY" 0 0 Ad Th,3 47th annual sew1o;n of the Can. F oR rsay P'Vening th'e 21�st in5t, 39=� day la t week. Pbotite No. 32. ada Conference Eva�ngelical Associa. of Mr. Walpeir. kinutes &of t4file las , Mr, X Culbert, of Lucan. yi.,40otj tion Wgan Tu�,.-�day �April 18 W-. 1911 Meeting Were, Xead.and approvtiO4, iii.town 8xi;ueday In th,�, Bvanxelioal Phurch, ZurLeh. Leyett and Day Chat the. following Ur, T. G, (Jon%jis was in CredQuill 0111. At 9 a.m. thli tstu4ents' exam 4 MAL be 0", presen" 'vuw the e Accounts ba pald and. orders iissue4j last 14'rlday 'on'bu-sla"458, !nations L were - b0d., Various '8o,ole: OPENING, In Payinellit. Paul Coates Treas. Us- 1)1r�s. jus, Devr and DIrN,. Jno, par. tieis met during th4e toxenooa and af I borne., road , scraper $10-00; vom v�stbeid in 111010WI oil Tuesday.' temoon Isegstolus of- (Racsday anA S P rin g Wash Good's Jalrk,14 UurraY and , son, W,�dne:sday, viz; th1e VBOto" Sa6iety Of Our Ice-Oream Parl -Wa te r Tba new auto Sor Dr. ArcLaughlirl &uI?!P1De4 Dbkisou iand 1,Qarl1,n,g' of.. Da,4hwood. pass-�d ahrouZli to,%. Ile Sunday school 'and Tre'e't Socle� Legal Facis 11,00,4 Harvey Bros. coal art Tuosday. ty %ad tMa X.I&sionary sariety. Ray. RIL 29 *11for to.111a h1all t12,62, Bxo�vri 2r.01,% SATURDAY9 AP Oron AL L., Wing, Waterloo: presid*41t of A fewItents of Interest About Them 'book for usa tof Treasurer 0,00 NT Mrs. Flfe, of Ailsa Crai� returaccl. -From 2 till 10.30 p. m.- t1b,,-, lifji:mlonary saole�y of the confax- X. Carling, brooms 190o., Jno, after visijing Arr% ence presi.ided at lbb meeting of the 'They are all here and ready for the warm'weatber� Every So rxy homa oil EVuesday thin Waberwox6. 6.40, Geo, A:tkjnwn. do P. Baw-dibil. - Wmiouary Society, and spoke very 0 tit g that is new will be found here, Come and see them and 2.63, David Russell �do 1.75, Tno. Mrs. 31e.rd, of %London, is y:15it,' e�nicouragi�ftgly re.the viii�5.slWary ac - bring your friends with you. froxea. and xi -T drawing stone 1,75;,P, ber father . DIr. illobt, Leathorn a�. tivii0elp of ME-- conference. Plain lee Cream 11, dd do 1.75; Jno, Gloucihi,,r do 1 5 thsi Uansion House. i Tap�sday evenin-, April 18W, was de S ury Restle 1.75; Cveo. CuklmorO Bitzs Stella 'Gregory ,has return�(t wta of educational SODAS I voted :to thie !,intere, In all the leading weet allowance on drailh 1,25; T1hbs. 1.0 Chatham after topeilding t1l,., �,Ol*. and moral reform. Rev. G. D. Damm SUNDAES y Flavore Brd i I Scotch Ginghams Repps & Linens ok �sx.. Repairing drain and ejean- &ys at her ome he . Arl%.A re B. D., aetcd ms dhafrinan, 'Rev. 14 4 iav Istract 4,81. Tot& 0105,02 D. Becker. Part Rlgin. delivered a M DIr J. 11. Scott, of the Lr AIL Is will 40. Dj Hurdori walted on i&,� Cr, t9tirring ad-dro�5,� on 1�hti That are perfect washers In Navy, Ski, Tan. BrQ eamery llis eilga.-ed Arx, 0 CGUndl re waterklaying on thb slide - Linen, Rose and Blackt They 0 walks and road on main kxaet noic,11ax h1orements in our Jliand Specials Plain Checks Plaids in a big of Catailidon, as ibuttermakt.r. Try Our 10 0 to %Lqva, isame iremov Wednesday evening, April k19 was variety of Colors. are the thing for coats Suits 4 e(d. No actio -A. hh" Bella of Usborne, all at 12je per yard, or Dusters 15c 20c 25c per yd tak-m left Saturday. for � near Ingersoll, devoted to thb icause of mi,�gjons. Rev. MARSHMALLOW CREAM Mr, Gladman pr�r-aerted te;Qt�,on where olre has, ise.-oured a school. G. F. Brown. "Walkerton. presidod.. MG FRAPPE si,gnad by a number , of ratepaye-ris *Uo*srs. Harry Carling % and Clar- Rev. X J, Betebal. Winnipeg, Rev, refsIldents on Albert street asking to *uou Pickard rctum-ed Ao BraaAford P. A. ZAler Swift Current and Rew MARA.801311NO SUND.&E EMNIVed Jaquard Silks 00 hav � mains laid,, RLvers iand Day Aloaday to resume studlim ri - 11, Wagner. P. E. Regina, reviewed They Tonch the Rigbt Sp6t Very much in demand this' * * i*haL tha, petiltion �be filed. Carried, thm, work of the church in the Can-' -1 . Another lot of those lovely * * Nrs. Jas. -Stanley jand two so -ns, of adlan Nortilitvest during the past Con year for Dresses. and 're *. PettLtion 'to blave Iffuron istree't wat- kVlu;n;jp1,­ are vl%it�A-z Ithe .(ormer's forence year. The Wnferencet dias 17 )�; . wash silks and Silk Mulls in scarce. We have them fn * * ered from Main to CarliAN street wELS parents Mr. and Mrs. mcin istaiioned in th5A great X-11old. the season best shades Prices vrantod upon a motion Levett 18 in. to 45 in wide.' 40 to 50c, per yard. oxi&d by Riverz. Carried, Lsaa" Mr. Jas. `Gould_irasit of the xailrioad Ttho 6peakers spoke with enthusiasm By-lavvs No. 2, 7 and 8. -h I track, suffered a slizlit % paralytia oathij progre-s-gthat was being waide. 0' Bs aw - atroka on Fixiday Jao't. At present he Tjhf.-y were filled with zeal and op- oo No 2 appointing- T. B. Carlio�ghtreas-. is somewhat improved. tinitsin and left a profound impres- RUONE Ka We are Selling Out. In The Re'ady=to=Wear Department -rc,- By -Law No. 7 1 giving , the, t�b-) 'Rf ei� and treasary.,,r the power'to Alm, J. Beidlar xmtertained a ilum- elon upon tbo andiezee. borroNr molleY on the 1creffit of th--* bor of y ounj peq!ple Tuesday evenl,air Excellent music was rendered at This is humming with us this. spring. We are more than 0 corpox,,Won, By -Law in honor of MiLseer. Vtola arad F loranca thUse iservices by the chair of the AAHitting EIHSf pleasedwithib. Everyone should see what we are doing in this 0 NO. 8 fox, it�h(a Rowe who axe won to leave town for Zurich Congregation. Mr. �Thois. Hawkins was 6oftfinj�id Mess. -15 of road ibeds and boul-e- to the house 'through line. vards -,vexe read tUiL, neod I osary I num Walla Deburg. 7 TIbursday at 9 a.m. tho conference Mrs. T. GregOrY Cis v:iqitin.,- ber bar of" times iand finally pa-Ised O�o The many friends )of Ur. Haroild, w s formally ppened by Rilshop W. a motion of Rivers geconded by Day, a IdlauZUtlax X138. Co',titer of Tole43[oj Sellin-f below Cost Santsay ison. of Dr. Rainsay, of Otti- Rom. D. D., of Cleveland, Ohio. Ohio. wa, will ba -plewscd to learn that he %ho Bishop read a portion of the Children'g Dre4ses White WiMsts Day ..and Rivers it-blat the I]i1i'eef" of - was suceepful in isecurin.- h4s B. L. acts. After sini;in3 thre wcon�exencel Mr. and Xr.s. J. G. 'Stanbiiry havia # th6 'Fire Department be imAmcbed, C. at th%% 4<1A n To eagaged in prayer, (thre Bishop lead- a pleasant tri!P, �to, Nice. white dresses for girl's - g�sto Colle 'retuxiled after A big lot,to show -you dn 0 to have the hall calciminie(d.-Carrivd. Aft. Jois. McTavish. of Shakespeare. I New York. from3 to 16 years. Beautl_ Ing. long and short sleeves. The * vis&,)d Reeve Taylor. on- Sunday and T fully made and trimmed be biallap then �read 'the diseip- Milsse's Ida RoNve �and 11da. Arai - smart little plain Chambrays plain or fancy Tailored 0 Law 4,t th'atl -,re tadialim. Momidlay.- Mm. INticTavish and jeWd. Unary' rules of business for confer- �,trong havp- returned to Llondon to Waists are also here. They * X . 13. CARLING. Clerk. who have. been vis9ting here ret r and check dresses for girls 3 h enice,, upon w',hich the chairman makIn continue itheix otu,0ejs ,at Normal. to 16, fast colors Prites $1 to are very dainty'this year the 0 �7,d i,�Jth Mr. A1rTavil_qh -Atonday even- some remarks re [t� neeessitty of $2, best we have yet offered to TaAMVI S 'ROAD hltVin- GOd's presence Mr. J'ojs. Senior was in Zur On our castomersi in spilritual -)L 6to, Ioaday and I I Mr. John. MiEohell underwedt in gu;�Zcp durins -thi- iconfeTance *cs- , took a group Oh On Saturday evening last Mr. Sam graph of the memberis of 'the Evan.. *4 uel Passmore passed away at his home OPeration At St. Joseph'a hosphtal on stion. He 'touched upon ithe gvreat Aloxoay. N��glical confere�nca, Clothing 0 on Lob'12, North Thames, Road, at the 4r. BlitchaJl's coad:ftWa is privileges IgLven to4hk �?xeaicher. and re:ported favorable.. Dr. 01, E. Arc. pointed out t�hfat fthe min:$.ber was, Mr. and. Mrq. Chas. Sea-wri�ht Eadies White Wear of 55 years, 2 months and 16 days. , left suils cools 001 If Is #0 gre Panniore 'had been ailing for GillLeuddy, of 'town, was. down for expected to be 'WIrRual and inot IaLA wleek for BEsex wh-oro Y1r, S� NO weeks last d positloat summer supply jusb when' We have sold a lot of them summer took treatment at the' hospl- Mr. Boadda and famlay 'arrived very He. em- with a 1caim!,'ag` factory at ,hat place. and have only a few Iefb. - If he from England IaL-st wleek and axe -set- Tibaisized the resl3onKbUity -of the A,, y jj,acdet they are opened up. We 000 talin London. Since New Years F t tr- nis h I n 9! 1 the Operation. w(ir Y. a Gexman term "Gewt- wriglit ha's secured -a -goo, w is the time to buy your nearly & year and for i4ome l,,,V%.(Pbr you want a good bar i 1h r, not to hills pres' IvUl-Poe, an add-reoks have a swell lob'of skirts, gal" has been confined to his bed but w &a. 1,11e, �houlse recently vaciat vdin-, elder On as tied d by ure" el Gowns covers anc, H a c a 0 n 15. Biddulp�h* or 'to lMa NL�Phop� but to G&L' He Bualne2a" ut till"! Corset I come and see them. We will 40, somewhat improved a couple of weeks R. 11 d, liff, on a wild -week prayor lservDce in Ca;;�­a Drawers to show make it pay you. 0 before his death when he was able to Xr. Boiidh�-T h*.% been engag,d �to aiftoniW110d 'the bret-Ixei! tto be care- c)luxch ithlis (Xibursday) .e�enlmg. you. 0 be up aronnd the house, However work fox Mr. W. D. Stanley. ful a� to ponducit and asisoolabes. Ray. E, Bum, Tav4gtock Mr -John Walper.elerk with. Joned p� he - took a turn for, the worse and pas- Dr. Lind&y olf Agerautorn, N. D., is ointied recording seoreta M) and Blay ..h p �ap- aa restgned h:js positior., ALffl .0 0 hings 42� Mr. iGilbe-xt -Dow.' r , us,eEurnis sed away about 9 o'clock Saturday visilting with' Mrs. PoWbed Rev. W.J. Yaege 'w Ir and hais, a;,c epted a similar one at 0 0 t zs-r &1-5 h 0 e S I'll ­ * Z eyenirrg, During his illness Mr. Pass. Lindsay has. been i�.'fsFtiftiq Nare for c' Millinery * 4 more was a great sufferer but bore it some time. and vxpeicts to burg as capyiizt and Rev. E. M. Girsoh- Harrow. 110 leaves for his md,%v pl&ee We are headquarters in 10, O� [ce'tuxP. har as itranslator. this week. Do not fo get we are doing Exeter for House furnishings 0 with patience and fortitude: He was home with the Dr. the latter pare Wilton, Axminster, Velvet 4 born on the, farm on which. he died of -this week. Tbb revised business xules of the The following offi%els 11,,ere elected. �he biggest Millinery business in our history. Otir Milliners 'W 001- 0 being a continous resident of Usb ead by.,'Rev, M. V. at the Ala -in isitreet League on Tues - Brussels, 'Tapestry -and A conference were r * 0 orne. Mb� funeral of 'the late Urs. Robt. Win,, and adopted by conference, day zvening of last waek: pxcs.,1dk,.&lL1 Raincoats must be showing the right Rugs in all sizes, Lace Madras t 83 years ago he was married to Hunter of Tuckersmitif.who died on Rev. George Johnston. Cleveland- T. E. Handfoxcl; �;st vi!cla goods, youmust come along SCTLM and Tapestry Curtains. Miss Rlizabetb J. Huniin who is left Frildlay last at the, age of 71 yearis Ohio. .0 -Pres,, 21ris. to mourn the loss of a kind and loving 3 moneu a jnllssl naTy treasurer of Evan- A. J. F Drd, 2nd vice, 30'is AV. Howard early and see the. styles and ollcloths Linoleums and Rol- v nd 3 days, �vas held on leave your order as they are Aer Blinds. husband. Five children also surylve Aloriday., Mhka remains -were . take7i gelloal Association; Rev. G HaAsar 3rd viea. llr�jss Jyl. -Brool�s; ith vice publisWr -. Rev. A. Halmh' extra busy. three girls and two boys: Mrs. Jbhix to Brutefield and from thiere to Kin-; "her. B11P` L� G.' ZT."Watson; Seoretary, Miss D. orintendient of Ebenezex Old -People's I-lowe 'TreasuxL I Hackney,, of Hibbert; Mrs. A. Snell at cai'dina for interment. y; rl Rev. Mr. Yoflind Home and Rev. �E. 0. Brown- Pian�ist Minis Al. baun!vay. home� Netta of Toronto; William and Mr. Berry of tho Xilrkton T-ele- Confexenee, wexe received to4 advis- Hats &Capb. Garnet at home. The deceased was 17boute Co.. is engaged in extentrIfg-W ory membexot. Y, 4, of a red ring disposition and was a 0 tha line dowu !to the Revere eoctiolu Rev, Q K. Koephe Nvas appointed to 4,,6 man of integrity and high ideals and whIe're nearly all tthe farmers have receive It -be deaconeiss money. xams, Entrance E & Mct 4, one that stood high in the estimation boicome 6ilbscribers. It may also bas 'Rev. E. X., Betfhbel wos &pJ)o1j3�t(Yd1 of the entire community, Thefuneral e�tended down the toWpline to Pros - on Tuesday was largely attended, in. to receive the anoney �0,r the Old f1ill's Year the Entrance Examinft: termePt taking plac4 in the Exeter people's Home. Lion will lj.2gin Oil b1onday, June 2� cemetery. On 'Saturday �_,venaZ whide a horse Rev. C. Hauser, publiaht-r Cleve- at 3-:15 P.m.an.d will be conducted ac - was tstandrixg fin gront of Mr. W. J. land. Ohio.. was prqsented to the cording ;io th-1 I h"C-I able xlvon be- exenee and sp A large amount of Carling's otore, tle�jearth igave way GOuf oke briefly re the low. In. or& --r to ensure rhoroligil- Licenses Granted in Cen= under itis feeit,i(caused. by the caving interests Nvbich be. represents, Tha a-ess in lb -e Public school work- an publishInZ buslinkiss of the church is to prevent the owrerow,din, 0 X tre, and South Huron in of th-i serwe�r. One of htis hilad le,,s . f the this stock is belind sold. WQlAt down the hole. The axl;xiiZ�l in a wry prosperous icondi'Ooii� [131911'61,01loo7t, by the adinias�on of- ill- e) Centre Huron has but one license in %vais raised by planks wfithout any. whe, examination of the members Prepared Pu.Pils. thli chairm�rl of En- I- the rural -district but it has its full damag,e, bein- 4one. of the, conference was codducted saCl, ranca, Boards urc InsLructud to fol - share of town and village licenses, At �lra London Conference examina- isfactorily. 1-MactlY �:1110 rulill.- of the Depart- at there being in each case as 'It -was reported thfat the following ment bydemandkog.40 per cent, on many as tions of t'ha Mrfethoftt 'church held ' cach subj -ssf ill; Yrelimfmary died during th(c year -, Rev. A. Geligic r Ject and a 60 ver cent. totill The town of Rl'dgetown for instance were sucoL Z the Liquor Act will allow. in St. Marys last week the followinx Rev. Joseph Umbarh� :Ittv- E. Eby from each: candidate before he I al- -Harola and Rev. 0. Bolender. lowed to pass. A circular has been has two hotel licenses with the mme S.. Swann 75 pex icen't; Alonzo J. Hey- TLbe, h1shop then treported the var- issized calling rol- a strict marking population as Clinton which has five wood,65. Fzalimlilary (iu paxt . ) Johp icws committees. Of tho answer vape , rs, and fwicruering LESS Thail and ailiquor store. Seaforthhasabol't A Walker 85. ffirA year' (in paft, On blonday April 24. 'the Eva:ilgvel- 100 too few for the fifth hotel license, j.- A. Walkar.63, A, T.'ri, Butt 40� Oat a riport of the examination re - so the.commissioners could onIv grant cal Aisssoci�ition by a voil�g of 43 to sults inubt 11of, publisa,ed 6,11 the four. Among the �mccewful Normal stii- 10 d-,�cldcd in favor of church unicfa. Deipartment revilse"i I)ba flndiv�gs of The following are the licenses grant- r1inits of lfte� London Normal were. Tbe reviis.'.ou was reached -after lonj Qh� examinars. No candidate below ed for the coming I icense year: blifss Marzaret L. Cowarct, Winotiel- This means -that the 'n -e- required *tandard jis to be pa4is- Cos r 1price Dublin. L. Wolze, Brussels,- H. �sea; Miss Bella McDougall, Lumley; zdtihftions that ax%-. on foo't.dhall be ed except wklh I-110 approval of th'! A CARLOAD OF IDEAL FENCING� James, X. Qaern, G. McDonald: Sea- 1)11ss Lena McMahon. Usboxba; Miss nontinued -w!ilh a view to affecd�vx Department. Freeda lnc�ss. 7 d u1iifon. furich ; WAs fKabe I 'Ln cx%a!nIze: Tani; TA 13LE forth, F. Klong, A. McLellan, T. Ste- Grant, BxyatusItch; Mizi Mabel For4 Tha inaming �ess-:'Ora Lo -;day was. Aloaday Jima 261h -P. Nf. 1.15-1,30 GATES, IIOOKS� STAPLES, PUL phens, D. T. Pinkney, shop license, E. Dawson; Clinton, J. Ralliuburn, a. S. Pax1rhill and Norman R. Boyee. ddvateld to Per-eiv;xxg Wf reports and 'Reading 1n;z;t.rucLiOn.14; Com_ Cooper, it. Graham, J. J. McCa gbey, Blaka� bie,, elocti , on of WfBeers, of 'the g-eU_ VOISIuti�n; 3.40-4.25. I . Iral .,onary board. These, ;%ve.ra sal LEYS, PLIER$ FENCE GRIPS miss aY �7uxw 27t.h-A. i5l. J. Reinhardt, shop license. 0. H. Pugh; Alex Wilson %vho was fined $11.60 president 10:. L. Wiaz; viee-pres. -10. Arillhin,,Lia, r. AT, 1.304).'40. 1�tcad- Goderich, N. R. Swarts, Thos. John- with the option of ten days injail. il - �v. L. 'If Wagner; secretary Acv. lirig. (ExalylinaLon.. paper,, JUST RECEIVED ston, Fred Davis, Jas. Reynolds, Capt. by i9quire C. D. Hawkeshaw of La- -3,. F. Brown; tmasurcr, R(,.V-. X. G. 'Saults, U. J Jim:! 29ili-A. 51'. 9.00- Nothing above Cost Babb B. J. Fair, R. King can, on a oha�ge of being drunk and Fitt, 11-00, E'ligI6.1i Grammar; shop license W. W. Saults. dilsandexly was brought *to London In Ithle. afternoonithe committee on Writing; f?, B1. G.aog�alftiy 6,Wire, Fencing.25 7 -Wit e Fencing 28 Stephen Township, in South Huro on, jail IaLst Fr!iday morning to 88r7L 1XIL5 11alindarlieB Teportod some �obange_§ Orol lteadinq will be taken at such, is rapidly getting license reduction berm as he,0Id'no;t see Ya way clear -feir 110111's fl,' are scorivenient during the wwra madt. re boundarlels of a SIX WEEKS ONLY 8. Wire Feming 32 9 -Wire Fencing 40 and without local option, Two years to contribubo -the requfxed Lium. '%,1,ds of labor adopted. The conimit- 40Ys Of ihl,�Iexarninatlan. ago they had nine licenses but for the The. 'Canning r1a,atory have recently ­v�s report on statitrt.ffes reported a - ------ 0- cornine license year will.have but four - I inorease Iii all departmentis. add-vd Game new machinery. hav';nIx 'Mera . BORN The following get licenses. In this dis- -1. p-l"a 'wVshor an n Tiva. f1l 0. D. Damm waLs elected as can- SALYTRE-At 'Grantan, on Saturday' Muk Be �4_10]d )nd ali� i�.�rcnce 'treasurer. so a v.ap q)laeing acb!(ii-o. 0,. day AprA 16. to Mr, and'Urg. R. Emeter, Commercial L. W. Palmer; Sunday right last a port:vin oj',.h� M.m. S. DI, ealich, opened the do - Central, W, T. Acheson; Metropolitan I . . S .-T smyTh"', a som c�ocon-4 floor of %the biiild',ng ;:n -mi ­i;�! an church anioti; Ile referred Cash Prices Only John Morlev; Bayfi6ld, Commercial, PACK-11AN-In Uuaph, on r(riday, - r en -a 3 Lhia finantoial isttuatiofn 19 years WIfty Dnd saill in little dtatanice Fleury Darrow; Whim. Mrs� E. Elliott IT ba cement fourddatiob,of one of the �7ro. and to the 1)rpisent ,15it*uatiJc#n. AI)r!J 21ist to iMr. and Mrs, F. 0. For Housecleaning. Wants Look Down This List Oent�alla. Dufferin, W. Moffat; Bk'n- la vtrong movem-ant Spaokman. a daugh;ter, as pillars ;crumbled and allowed.the p�.l V that time DBNOAIY-At the Townilime South .11, Commercial, W. J. Perkins; Zu- ,, -to 6ink somewbat. ats, On foot for a l3riloin, ba:t largely Stanley. on the 15'h laist :a J19r. and 15 to $2.45' Curtain Stretchers - $1 to $2 rich, Dominion R. R.'Johnsou, Oom� cause of the Iangumge dif0pulty, AM RT to _& r,aintS ercial, S. P. , Rau, Blake, Mrs. W. Mrs. Edward byriomy J. -,.,a -oil, 1i A ,feabj& Now the was FOR DTSPEPSIA ras & lan�uage ,�"Varnll Stains I& to 85, Dnstban6 3.50 Nicholson, Grand Bend, Brenner, H, roblom is eaUraly changed. He PVAlr,-At f(lib Tovvn Line sourh V.Lpfflt: Earl Brenner, Oreditonp Central A. III 'Yon Riisk Ndthing;by Xry.�n* :a -,n . ts Hay. on the jl5ch jni.,�t.. to Mr. and 10 to $8.50 Step Ladders , '11. poke art th,� varloas obLiiga-, fy -Varnishes 950 UP DashwoodCommercial, W. Zinimen This Ramedy Mrs, Win. Pfaff, a son, 25 to 45 Sweepers 2.75 Up The application of Jas ons,rto be asoumed should we. the Alabastine Coxworth for Wo -want every one txoubl.d ivi,lh L_rch unite 'wIt,li the Methodist% at, Queen's Hotel Blensall, was laid over 1 r1ERGU80N-PE,0X1lAA1 At 1;hte, 25 to 46 Wall &rapes ndlg�.%.%twa a -z -d dyappSla 16 e4m! maa�n "-,n the Evangelical Association ;��ure8co further considqratinn. Jos, Zille.r �o our 0'tora ai�d Obtain" (bomo of Mr. and Mrs, for a box of Rc.X_ r� imuch then mferred to the spie- Geo. 13urgiln, Carriage Paints 25 to 45 Wondershine 26c of Mount Carmel, and D, Cunningbain all Dyap$psla Tablets. They )coiita�r -,ill tsid-,, of. the situation. Ile touch- Andncson, On Wud.tesday Atirit 12 f Kiva, were SIVen three months to T31srhuth-Subultrate AT -d 1>1cps'h hprv- Or ,he of discipline on by Htv, 13. Snell, �.Gs.s 13, IA. Tesolt� 'Paint Brushes 5 to $3 Liqui,d 'Veneer 25 e, 0 1 01alu.. to Mr. 1. W� 10,.�r;uson, b0Lh se 1 out, pared by �L process which joevv:o-, I rharazter of the izenaral officers --e- of Londmi. Xvqhuid. PAlsomine 20 to $3 Alum, & Gold Paint 10 to 25 thair greatosit power �to ovcrcom(, ih%� two churches, Insihopis, saper' TTPVJTT_BATES_In Blawbia RVSSDLDALE dixestive &'isturbanoo. ote; nn the atUude of rd on T�hnrsday. April ISLb. by R,�v. W. Mrs, Wm. Balfour Itexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very Nvo eburohes'to flxt great moral has returned L)Ietugant 'to take. They soothe the v, mont of to-day, ., -R. va.11,06 Of iw�odtham, _111iss Edith limiie after spending the Raster HOII' irxitable, wealt L§tomach,jstnongtbvn v.-. 'G. -Drown. W... t, Beesc. Mr. Satea to, Mr. William T,,,p,,,, O,oall. Garden Tools of All—Kinds days with friend,, In London,. rind invigoxaLc �11� , q,,fj t_v,- OL",L!,"'-�' 5. Pallet (lay droligate- llwvs. S Miss Martha Wiley., who has been relieve namea and iintd'igeatic,�J, 1-1. Wag�far: P. X. 11 DIED pro f, spenditig the winter months with note, nutrition and brIxg iM. riler, 1G. D. Dam -M, M. L1, jWin;r. POAT-In J!'iXoLer. u Moovday April -Ral-es 25c Shovels 70c, Hoes 3 friends in 13avrie, returned home last. Y. lTaist and. A.� W. Sauer also K &,eling of COMP.or,, 24th, Air, Xames Tow, atxedi)n y� It, 5C week. if you -give d1exall Dyipzpaa Till, 7 Top- many friends Of the late Mrs- 1i report of rthe statioli'mg com- PASSAXORE,-In vbs a roaqonabl,e 1xial � - I - Alfred Gbap�el, of Staff&, were sorry turn your lnon�y if you are liv, &Y, April, 22nd, 1'�i j.. saoi i � Pa*s� a), k4atar- EVIM *OEM A t to bear of lipr, death which occurred tied with the rtwult, Three .2- orth Digr%et-X. G. Litt; Watar_ mor", -aged 65 �vnr­ 9'irowhi,4 aiad, on Monday. lask The Deepest sym. mts, 50 catits. vviid$1.00. Rolf.tombe. Wing, 16 da. you can ob�ta,m P,,,xnll ttomed-ts onjy t, lik�, St. Ta�W,�. tJN!Tt'y;_rrx TilivIt'. r4i,d'Ji. �,n Fr' HEAMAYS HARDWARE AND- STOVE STORf pa'Viv, is exttnded to the, bereaved c U IS. C '!F 1) 1 %,, ,:, llt�444. I rli A r1l -.1be Roxall store -W a, Bum; Elmwood, W. at tt1`V1 a& 71 yeavi 3 llu:n df.d 4 TL4. d A_ . ..... . ...