HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-20, Page 8L
TEW 9`04"K.11"ATEAR 7"1 MISS
D$Arket Aeporb,,-24o tollQwip3r, is Mr. John Coarlton �'Nvas in, A00%
the report of rmoter naomlml* 0or- Craig, Xonday, L
"%6 Wh��gt, oi-Audard. 7a cen;t*. Lucaa on Stga,(Lay. L Clothes,como From 7
The Ptaoo W hero 000-(i
0 i\Ncted vp to Aj)rl1 20th, 19111 Mr. and Mrs. vW, 9. 010
F0101 PO WO E, LC
S Katill'ova Stewart v161.0d ov- P,�.To4y, acts 111kcC
tKFEIVA" TPS Oat's �U, Ica 8� cents zliis� Is,
Barley 05, to 60 er SuAday in,,Lcindon� Wakip, on cold 111tue
Aran $20.0
1144 � 0 old sore lips
Bliim. Vorue QuanLOL",rpent,sunday� 21 IM head and throat.
25c. So, ellery,
Sho.rtq $22.00 And Monday in All Ut Us Post You , w coupon
�sa Craig. coupon each j,
P4_10:N'ril '16 Nodel Flour $2,40 Ui*,% Glanville, of !Goderlioh, visit- BAZAIA411 v0th each Jar,
rieed flolkr wig"
9 ed the Misses Sweet over Easter.
Butwr �0 C01105. If you, get your clothes
E-_-ks 4 oarits. Was Elva Horii,�yl of Mop, is visit, from us you are sure to get
Whi.tof Ord.
R 0, Clothes that ab
Bliss Dtalmy Dialinw. of Toronto via-
Ohc�iice, export i0eers.0-90 0 6.1Q %, Ld
60 �ka 60 'calrbs. in, aurit, 016s X
Lted her moither, .Afr$ X, D111141 ChLa Clothes neatly made To t ht.; U vzi
Xodium export otLuers. 15.75 to 5.85 week, Clothes. well, made
Clothes that look well
Ohoitm bixtelitars lielfers 6.75 to 5,84 , I -e. Coronation of our King and Queen is nigh at
ens Xiea Brie QuacLwsibusb. tteachtr at
ZUKlLuin biitolier'a Clothes that wear well Th
R1d3h$ADWn Its V?p1tinZ. at her holue Clothes that last well
Choitcta, batchers cows 4,80 ft 5,00 h rand and we have put in stock a crate of
M�djum butchers P -to 4.,, Clothes. in latest style
Owe 4.50 TN116s (1mgoxy,.teacher at Chatham
6 Common cows 8.50 to 4.00 Clothes that please
holhdays, at he home
Its ep=dLug the
-0 Cbo;itos larahs 0.76 to 7.00 Clothes that satisfy, Nifty, Austrian China bearing Photos of
$Ivoep. 4,50 to 4,75 here.
aNT�odiqm I-ambs 7.00 to 7.25 Miss Ida Armstrou� ,Normal stod- eirL
0+ liw_ $6,06 a owt. the hollAtLy withbew We understand our business Th Majesties and British Coat of Arms
+ 4� �0. i)arents4 We have the goods
es 0 0
0-0 Mrs. T, 'Gragory� who has beim vis- W� know the styles
4 iting in Stratford, tham, . r�lluvgcd Our charges are rig lit to sell at from 10C UP to 75-C
4 L
TJ. you havo not.already bought your New Spring Suit we *+ 4 dus, and Miss BrOWA-i This will be all thelrage, so make your selections early
0 Qj inMrs. G. Hawl
wall t. you to see our UP TO DATE OLOTHES FO& MEN, We : I& . wexa in tLomdon the forepart of
040***00# the week.
do �, oL expect to make a f ar-tune b g you a stait this Spring 04-00*0*4
4 but, we can lose a, good friend by yselilleilallgilyotl a poor 0114., Ave 4 t 6zhooll dl� clamd tthlis wee.k. 'Dr Quaokleattwh has bee�a out this W. W. Tan
* ba,� built up this btuii4eev by giving yoii values that bring you 4` Week with his atrto. Thir. is the first Remember this store is, -a VARIETY STORE
The Nifty Man's We hav6 h ndreds of Articles you'd-iiever think of
Vp ba,k,k again. Araister Clvde Heaman., of the season. t. u
in LQndoln.
Air. John Willis, of Detrolit, v lalted Conie in' Often.
0 Air. Al. Htastin�,s was jja lGodtarl I% Tailor
Ehux0ay and F Plaay. I
Suits from $5.00 t hits nephew, Air. J. Willis, 1�'qwelll in
tolvii. this, week.
Air, L, Day X
�'ls makin Mrs. Ready. of- At. Marys, vislited
with t1his wwterworlco. Itev. J. R. and, Drxa. Kestle aurrilT
I Don't forget tbab we still sell EDISON PHONOGRAPH and PE,
'Q* Bliss DeNaJit Hobbs spent e,,ha Eas- the,'past weel,-,
HATS SHIRTS tor holitdays in Toromlto, CORDS and at all times carry, alarge stockofthembstup-to-aat
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Nation, of Cllta�
4 Black and white shirts are Birs. Dowas of Lotdon viatteld,Xiss ton. vistlitteld over Easter with Mr. aad Dental Offices Closed. kinds. No trouble to show.. We can save dollars for you on thes
10 W4 Sell King Hats for men the correob thing To . r this [4a Cdttle� over ethe hollday. goods, Send f9r us, we Will send a nisn,
ttrz, E. Heideman;
R-indly 'take notice rtha;4� my office
and boys, for Style and Quali- year. The,'cloblis are good Mr. and Mrs. W. I)Lgaan..,of Luromv Air, Chats. Dunsford. of the Chath- is closed every Wednesday,afbexnoon,
24 ty they are unbeatable. and thp colors are absolutely ;risittad In t�own over Aufaiday. am D'ustioeps College. is spendign- the
#0 see the new Telescope fast. Ali sizee 75cts. $1.00, 40 The Tine. wea:ther. of Easter broirah+ holltdays at hit& home
*+ at $100., and 1.25. ' 0 a CLOSING NOTICE CHOIOE MINT CANDY DROPEC, SPECIAL 15c a Pound,
48, 0 U t a a lextra. lot of new isprim-4 i7ata Mr. 0. H. Becker, of New Ramburg,
4� it visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hawklnta Please remember that my Dental
*0 The Xisses Mary jand Ida Carilnz
isited in Norwich durlAzz Easter a few days lasE week. Office % closed ever Wednesday after -
00 0.0 tiolidays. Mrs. S. Burke, and daughter M103 noon, J. Willis Powell, Proprietor.
I Harul
In a few days we will be No matter how well yoa IStrG. (DX..) J. J -VV- son. of D4-' Dfay Aurke, visitedthe former's son
#0 Imming warm weather and are dressed, if your shoes are +4 trok. vleifted with irclatives in own W. D. Bixrke�, over Sunday.
shabby they spoil the effect 4, : during Easter -.ve,ek.,,
you will be need.ing new no- Mr. W. S. Pole was in T�qro:njta FOit OALE
dorwear. See our special val- ofalltherest. Seeoar Pat- 00 U!6s Annie. Hawley, �ot'Catn�eisvilel this w�ek attendial,'I a canventinn o. I topbuggy. 4n Wir con4gon.,
i 0 lucea at a garmerit50,'75, $1.00. ent, Tan, and Gan Metal Ox- 00 was thia ,Zuelt , of M-ims Venetta th-a Rexall dealers. �f Canada. ply to 1. McTatVgart, ExelterNorth.
:0 forda $4.00 and $5.00. I?xayna over Ea;ster. Miss Nettie Walters 1who bas been 3-27-3
Alm S. F. Sharp and daughter. undexaotilag Xreatment in Xondon io MAKE THIS iTFST
Mar-7,iiierite viisitted over isundavwlth home for a couple Lof weeks. Row !to Tiedl df Your Hair W
04, relatives at Arthur. W"I T 0
0 40, Mrs. Cole. of Lucan, returned home D4,abaft4, AM
00 Mr. Giffard Hag-arth. (of kle, 0. A, on Friday last after spendinX sevr- Even if Tout have a luxurltznd %ead
4 ts ILK. 9 %N C.. Guelph. visited at bi)s homa , tu Fil days with li-,er son, W. S. Cole.' of hair yoir may want taknow wh, Lveryming Upsid1z
6 Stephen. over Eastber. 't et'l
0 Miss Johnston, Miss Kelly and Miss hiex A is in ia or It
0 Afliss Nina Xlaasmah.qcn_- a rcry Do -Ila Kestle- of Lon -don. visited Mr. not. 1jP pax taentz',of ttlie Veople need
0 We have just placed in Stack 3 pieces of yard wide Black 01 0ealsing solo in Caven 'FWsby1t-erfaiD and Mrs. _Nelsoo, Xestle over Easter. a halr (tonle.
4 Silks. These are the famous QUHEN QUALITY SILKS and Tau 0 4: A_%W
* b%uty of color, finest of texture and extra Weariv # 4, hurch on Sunday ;evebf1:nZ,' Bliss � Mary Pbxsons, -of Peterbor- Pull. a hair out jof your head:t if + DU
0 g quality. * * the bulb at the tend of the, roa W *
0 Tii-y have no equal Tust; the thing for Odd 'W eists, Dresses or * 0 Bliss Ruth Rover w1ho is a�4tendikl- G��gh spent the holidays with her %
0 .0 school �u Londofi, xis sPaWillh- tthe pareutS Bir. and XrS. Win. PAXgd�i& White and ohru.,T�ken it PrDres that the *
0 Long Coats. At per yard, 0 * hair is dkste-20ed and requires promvt 0
* holiday�s a:t 'her home 'here. No busilnew transarotada A honest
0 + to so would be avoia-
'L tir"'Otment "f. i 'a
*+ Mias bientrice Clark of London v.lt3. unI '[as jjtL hats ifor As object the well
0 1.009 1.25, 1.50. !Wd at -the home of Mr. Chats. Cann bLdng of both parties. -Lyman Ab- ed' If the bulb tits pink and fall the
haiT is 'healthy.
in Usborne. over the holidays bott. , That is about the way things are in the home -at house.
We want every Dne , who'se hafir
Ur. and hirts. A. J. Ford, and two Mrs. Dannett. Rldgetown and Miss recuires itrea:.tment 'to �� It' --Tall cleaning ti�ne. You have been considering purchasing some 01
children open� vhle Eatafter holid.ayt Bennett of Blehhelm. vishted Dr. and -931- Hair TonRe. We Promilge thalt
vilsiting in ltar�s an'd �Xorohtioi Mrs. Quacknanbush. over the Easter it shall not. Ao9t any-thin�g, if it dfDeP 41 new pieces of
LINOLEUMS RUGS Miss Mary and of . holidays. . 4�
Aa;etha Majok. nct giv6 L�wtisftctory results. -it
In 2. 3 and 4yds. wide. In allsizes in Murine Wool,� Toronto. vissi(ted their parents, lvlr.*. Mr. Jas.' MzFalls. of Hay, is able to is datsigned to ocarcome daddruff
a a
40 Lovely floral Vile and oriental Tapestry and Velvet, The and Mrs D. Maok. orex Eateter., be around &�tabxafter hit, receot Ul- relieve tscalp trriltatin. kuo stimulate 41
00 kfectb. Wesell Walrus the mOstIcOuiplete stock we haive o Mrs.. R. Maddy end Him. Blatioliford at:ss and is tvislblia_- at Mr. Wm. tht�,, hwix xuatis tighten Ithe ha?.r al- 4' to UN nnure
4' best quality made. ever shown.. Prices $0.75 to -*+ of �1,ensall 0ent the, holtidays visht- readv fin the head giow haitr and curet 46 #
41 $4000. t -n.3 with !theiitit isister in T Mrs. Rd. Seldon tentertaitned a f' baldneoi*. 0 for a long time and now is the chance to do it.
q. GroKtOA. 40,
40. on Mocaday evening a honor Tt ikA betcause of wha:t Rexall 0'03" 0
Mr. F - L. Eefler of . Wood9tock. Cr1eud's Z Ij
1460 11 g, of h -ex guest, -Mm Annie 'Seldan. of aalx Tonic ha;sdoue. amid out sincerii 0 We have a complete stock of up-to-date Furniture Of all
4 6 00 visited In town. over $ajkd1h_A faith in jt�s, goodue(sp that we wa 0
60 1kit on Monday morning for Calzary Ingersoll., � "`�4 * kinds on hand, and we can guarantee the quality to be the
try ft at our ritsk. Two slzeW 0-
BIr. W. M, Partsons. of the Omitar- You 'to
ALLL KINDS OE PRODUCE WANTED The,� Grand Trunk have comMenc: 50,e ..and$1.00. Sold only.a:t our istora best and the prices reasonable.
ed io Veterinaxy College, ToroAto has
o co lay new irailts on the L. H. &'13,1 The Remall Store.
been engaged by Dr. Sweet to as- W. �3. Colek +
Tha xallts axe.. 80 pounds to the foot. . 0.
�ist him ivi&h: him pratatioe
+ 010 Mi&S Madaeine Sheere. of Brant. Lutcan Football Club inv-Pbets corTets- ml;rror
OT WN stieked the mercury tall off
Litth- W1111e. from the
JS An E%wART tord. vWted her grandraoitther. Alra h Exeterplay to ar- 4V
pon&uce wit exts Rowp�, IL At ki n,
*0 L Sheere.duriag.the Raoter holidaya Thinking '10 hils qchildish alee - V
range matches also, to axtran'bria a his whooiyiug coilzbL
Suell, and chii'd
Mr. and Bi
zs. Jaol league in this pectioto. F. S. drigpds it would cure, FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
or ot. xlomas. witsited the formerlo Sec., Lucan. L
mother in town iover the holidays. At his funteral Willie% mother. +
The B16-ses Hilda 0�nnifrrg and Lot, Smartly is� to alze. Browns
.9. Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccum
Messrs. Claxenoe P�ckar4 and Her- fie Squires, of tWhalen, have rented oTwais a chIlly daY,for Willta. Cleaner,
A) ry Caxling. who are a�ttendi!lnq school ed part, of Mr. Xas, Beer's re(sidence Whien 'the mercury we,"at dowaj for rent at 75 cents a day.
at Braritfoid are home for the hol. aLd intend lea=�u, , dresm-makiiiiji;
days. with Bliss Tom. t. A quiet weddin- tPoIr platee, at the
'Good Friday passed off quietly in
Mrs. las.SmIth and dattzlittax Neva . Methodist parsonage, Ails -a Oraiq.-ozi
returned home Monday. after v�&It- town. A large number'of citizema Monday April 17th, whta:a Mrs. L. A.
7'b,e Sherwin-Williams P.aints Cover the Earfli inx for a month WRIL her father h13 were out of Town for the day. while Evans, sister of Mrs. S. Quance, of
Cieveland and relatives tin Detroiit many from out -of town came home town, was unIbed in marriage to Mr.
ES71 or visited Nvkth relatives or friends. A E. Brown. also of Ailso, Craig. Mr.
RUC M.�,ssrs John Walker and Lo7jey The ',HIrou ndiajis'l held their an- Biw. and Mrs. Eva.. visIted Mrs.
Elev'wocd Divinity isitadents are thia 1111al WIXJ3�=Mt. Quance over 'Good Urtiday. The Times Ar7 -9 W-1 d -V W'u W T fv gt`V
tveaek writing on the ;conferenvie ex -
NOTICE -X doisire to annomlace Xo joins in e-xteoYding coA&atulationls.
atas. at St. �Warys. tte public that I have opent-d up 1 5
Sap season as xow over and ttiera flour and feed store in River's old Th zij-ritdh Herald says. Mr,.NVm. BU"Ultba BUGUIES1
O'Brion.. r1reisident of the soum;r
BUILDERS SUPPLIES SEEIJ ttzs been a lot of syrup made around stand whlzre I will carry a full sifock man's Biifble olaqks of the Evanzalical
litere; Some of the older settlers say of all kinds of flour and f%?,ed -Jos church.. was olected ;SaPerinteinda:nd
Vt has ba&n :the trest season in foxty Davits. nomt to �Hea.maa's Maraivare of ths adult .13,11ble claases'Ittr Soubli 'a Carload to Arrive ob Saturday
Hod Root S0661altles Mrs. E. C. tDeebe (;nee BUas Cora Huron Convon"tion �%t 4 Xetex. . la�st
NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY Mr. S. Hardv thas, rented Miso Liz- i1riar). of bunnville.,returbed Wed- week. Bi,IIY has been a tactful lea -
THE LARGEST AND B[ST IN 1XISTINGE via Frayne's house on JaMeZ stree!t, cbasdaY after visiltin, ther Parank,,'A &r of.the Yonns Men's Bible Class
IROPIPE FiTTING5 Nils-, ffrayno will hold an aucitidn) Mr. and Mrs. Thos."Pvior. We axe of the Evangellical church sinoe It was The Iliternational Harvester Compan having
SOLD IN I POUND PACKAGES Salle of her -household effects on Ap. 1 pleased to report that Air. Rfritor i0 Grganizea The committee made a y
I (Xh. improving from hi�i �r nt illneiss. witsip choice in electitag hiin to sucht a and
Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet vil 24 etce stationed me at Exeter to 1i le their, full Line of
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle ]Sir. T. E. kUandford. irs tb1s w -l -est: Mes'$Ts- W- -G- %Weidianhammer. J. orominent V06i"t'da for SOUILL Huron. goods such as the
(late Post Lone, Red -Aangle moving into rooms lin Tdr. Jae, Griq,- and,11. E. lidgtoin are in Tor.
'denae - onto ehis Nv�eek iatteud6az a conran.
New Century Swede Turnip' Gould'lsorrvsit which the N01 oc W 7
e I Ontaxio Ddiieatitond
upv tio�i of Ibh_ t McCormick Binders, Mowers, Rakes Man=
Selected Swede Turnip few weeks before IeaV- ' I -s-
1' satiation. Bir Welder-hamnler 1,
dammoth Intermediate Smooth tog for th,�twest.
White Oarrot Vresident of the Cor-timliation saotion, Dueb Y OtIr ure Spreaders, Seeding Tools, Bind -
FhoncThis variety we also sell in bulk Rum W. C. and Arts. Beer. of StL Dog Lost. -A Fox Tjf,,r'1or-. with
ALso Xames st. London. tspent the [past two black earis, and one. bl'a�ck spot ad
wtock v1sitim- frionds tin and around back. antswers Itollhe name OfPs'po.tl'. d-vt er Twine Gasoline Engines,
f-% Bruc 's Famous Hamilton Lawn Grass gxzter. bhe 7guestn of Mr. D. C. and Ahyonia litzarl(og of or iseeAlag, such a
'4;;f See�l the Misses Wvnii. i0arliag street dog will. kindly notify Mrs. Jae.
2,_ B Ift I WindMills, COLkshutt Plows.
ruce's & Steele Briggs Garden See(Is Mrs. W. W. (Xa4tsteir. and Little Xewell or leave word,a� ituic "Time&" NX:
daughter. of London vistlited Bir, office. Mr. Hnnter will renlai n with'me. Particular at -
HOUSECLEANING time is house painting time, the and Birt. E. n. Axt over Good Fridlay Wies Elsie M.cCallum, (Gf London
Floors, the Base -boards, the Cupboard, *the Ohairs, the Tables and a On Swrday Mr. and Mrs. Axt and rhu its visliting, ka:t 'her home d)exe tention will be paid to Mapbine Repairing of 'all kinds,
dozen pieces of Furniture need re-paintin varnishing. We have NErs. Xmitser and idau.,zliter TiGhted this week. antertaincd tt'he )?tlus Ul. UP 1
9 01, r - Ith Dried The first sbipmerat will arrive on Saturday and -will con -
the agency for, bbe. Sherwin-Willisilas Painz and Varnishers. This wi r * clativeis at kZuxlich. tra Sunday school clam of Main. at. sist of a carload of First Class Buggies, especially
means that we have a ..F. W. "Gladman attended the as o-hurch on Blonday.jovehing.
high quality S12'as at 'Goderiehlast week. He was the usuai basiness refreshment% were Perhaps you have not been Young Men's Outfits. These will be the Celebrated
rapnellelalfor every PUr- Counag for ithe plada%Lff iba thtb �C&qe !9,irwid and the evening )Vxs pleamant-
pose or surface. Tur- ty spent fin musbc and Xamos. taking proper care of your skin. High Grade GRAY BUGGIES frcm Chatham manu-
penbine, Pain� Oil;s -of Campbdl Estate va BOsoncmtte and
and White Lead al- 06ntine which resultod in jud:xment Among thoaa who -spent 01e,h011- Itneeds care and attention factured by tbe, largest concern in Canada.
for 131aintiff wtth cW4.5. days in town twere -Mr. and Mrs. J.,
ways in stock 'Air, and Mrs. J. G. Sta�aury Int X.nwoad ol� Lonaog; H, lifizKay, 06- just as much as your teeth or hair SBO 9P 1-1 la M
on Thuxstay of last week fox a plom- trohI Mis'; MarY Dav;
Call in and let, 0. its Lon&n; If we could five just as nature
niss Eth.�,.I Armstrong I 0�iicknOW; IVROMMI-
aur� 'trip to Neiv York with a �artY �jjss
us explain the -from Toronto. Thay expect to be � Ethel Northco-tt of Brantfords intended weshould we wouldn"t
�rrs. J&s. Collinnvood .and ehjldrejn
superior points of Zoni 6bout ton dA_w and have left Hamilton.; Wrli, 130Wman, - tondorh;, need to worry about our bodies
Masters', r6tc�wart and ., Xeobt Arrs, ,Graham- of toodarlich. with Mr and would die Of old age,
merlt of the 0,har�-�,,of Bf-10A Swan of Henisall who a r Geo.
ir-ill remain 1A.Town until they return nd Ifts, C. tDir.&.,ji61cld; M IN PL L X q: U
4 N t^r
1-ToclooY,. of Biantfor&; I Air. �rvxk But if we would repair the rav- WE 0
ONE, 4 J-unlll 3. 'the b�rtthdaY of hits Altijeis- Gornitszh,� of Lcodc-i, *�11�s;p Annio I
V King `George,anA June 22nd. Cor. gand,,jrs, of Jar '. Harry Ipar- ages incidental to the artificial life
vj,.%, Air
'bs 4 proolainied ao ion,% of Lohadn; Mr;
MINUTE Dnation, Day� Caige, Deward We live, we suggest the regular
statu,cory or lt�,,gal,holidays in Cawi,- ot fflotronto', Mr. 1H,� Hoopar, of Loa- use of some such dainty emollient
WASHER" da. Sorw,-, time ago -hils MajeSty' ln- d an of Ma:plfa L6d;ze
6trjWto Pia 1 11,118, tfiompson as Nyal's Face Cream. It smooth -
d through Ithe tColo I offiee with Mrs. S, kXartin; M;J.qs F ra&cls
tj t ho would L outthe.drawnand uncomfort-
Prefer. to have' hila Davis, of Wingliam. Wise Mabal F 01- "S
Inger, ia
Head for Washing Machines! Wri P blTthdavoelebrateA on the actual qn. [,lick, W� St.'Ofarv;, Mios Roland of able feeling from Wind sun' and
and AouSecleaning Sa plies, nivi,xisary' of hi�% thfrth. i,rtistead of ad- don,:aLt Dr. Evndmbm1o; ATIOS Anjill-3
P . I hard water, Leaves a �ensation
h,erl ;,to tjhc xrtr"�d(,TIL Qvt b; the &,Idon, of Ingevoll. - W40 , Mr. alula Of Soft rateful Comfort.
Ic of
at"'ins - - For,'' Itt CiAlts
Whose Ntr�s, R� �G� 4aldon'� Mr �Tri k
A of � 'Cart. a
rth4ay vras on 0Iittor;,B9ss XzWi h Z
�7' a T)ay imblad Of November ot 6rils'e4 'N"'Ittie Douglas tof Ildert cost nly a quarter and we guaran-
Victoria Day ana,Domixtion Day ftr6 With. Mrs. 8, tltowe' -, gr'. Alf, Saltoonrl v illlikeit, Attheprice you
"We deliver'promptly" r ly afford to be without it.
now stalutorY holidays and with and son Xcftetb iarrd Mr. John Sal
rhe VWxVin-Williams Paififs C,o vd r 'th 6 Earth Yurt,i, 3rd, added as'a fired holidAY t�,,r. of.Lonaot, Douglas Stewart. of The Exeter Time's Will be Sent to any, Addregs
from now on. cana 06ronatlon DaY Toionta; GaVVY Acbe$cx), Ot �omid=
'Ir, the Maiz Tag. DISAlett. ot-1on- W y P
mwdo. an extm �o),1140 ffjbI0, r's lt-d' and S. Howe h m, 0,
inl6n we
Dowl will. lx� 11 I§er%-,,d w'iltb dort;, Alvin Urg6tnefl', gtrtttfOrd; W,
'bl,' COMIOT Sullivan, .01 L011441n; 'W"PAiloy, 'of Cheml,4 a�d op(tkran
15ablIa ONTARIO in Canad f the Oalanee of the'Vear.
r i a or
C1 11
t� 7 1., 1 1�
Nuaffimmii W, �11 10 v