HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-20, Page 400",
W"'I'l , ) . I 111.11 I
1 ' ,Ina Goorge, ha:4 ze.rived Queeri
Mr. Thao. Rariilfordla sab T.es`tar.
- OV-
JR11"IN $tocicand Ha'r-
1 I I . I
V1,,ttorWS xv,gula,don, oxcludinz from
day wo, NY141 attended QYerY'tlii*t
- 1.
".0 0`0
-have beca"div d
brlu';"` -" v,004 Prboes-
frame house; bank, barn, ,U by 8&' 1
11,Uli ,up-ton'date, stable, 'foundatigixg , ,
I i
I I . I
"I"01 U Tule wa-a ismewh,tt
xed durlag 'the, rolwn of KipLo L, &,
U . W. 1. ,Bawden, of ,'Valrfield,
, I
Nrard VII,
ip-Ut lb,he Ea;ster Ili *%Yrth
_; . Olt
gwij avay. Nei
I T. drivilig ,slh.q,d .of COT., ,
roll#,ated steel siding 124x4O ; lien house . P
I L .
6f,e 4s in St. Thomas. I
Isballdons ...
". , I I
. ..
11,43 Talompsork %ealdher -,it, Sha:u
Mos tly wit9h 61.1, Aew wire fences., Al -
I ,
I f . . :
Ali. lio klnd lifellava *
tWs ochool smwt .t'he holLidays ,.it
Two q9 64 4 3
. I , I
no vkDret
''I I -PHONE 47.
For our happinv:$3 like ItWis;
Mr. I -Tarry Carliaz gavk an excol;-
I 1 7 ,
I I I 1
I Opposite Ble 001c Light Plant,
x1ndly hearts aro, seldom Isad ones.
Blessina ever briiiz6th ibIllss.
lent qddreza on ttlie f miibe 1,n CeMaa
Three yr old carriage stallion 4 8
. .
Horse, for Sale,
at tbkl Jarnea istreet League Tue;gday
* * * * %I * *
evemin, .
-, 1
I A tgooll general ," PurPose horse.
! ____4
r. 1A Gillicady has gmrolia%od the
Horseo in ,Elaxne.9s '-
I i
'The. Ciastoms, Court at w0c"hiniVon
Eino reside , of "Mr. S. Rowe ou
this Will be read VY persons
wan ting .just such a horse and *411' I
,r .1, , 100 Per Cent
in a dootsiou on April 10, held in ef-
'favoro d
Main ;str,oet. The Property Is a vk ry
Two year old, heavy draft .
,,ct Ithat 'the 50-called. na-
ab n
da:,4r, le a e. I
I -
1, .
I Value in Food
,,,, tclau sio, in, Nflao exlistihg covani,,i-
Xr. Win. Sh, ,a. who was eaga,,med at
--- I
I I . J I I
'nereal treat -Ws with B u lzlard
Vrauev at,& lGormahv. dovs, 2iot ro-
the Commercial iiatel ,4a,s't wimmer,
Two year old agricultural filly
or gelding I 3 2
I .
All foods ,are not all alike but
%itritet tho, United i ,tat, S in effedtiln g
dlv d a few daT.-.sago and w.vs buried
at INrind,gr on
I I I OPmetimes the lower grades Im-
I'll late in Appearance ibe better
th vravo:sed, recit)roottv azrVemcAr
with Canada. I
ITuoisday, I
' )lr$. .E, ,3,),,,,, -ho has had a
auah, N
lough make. Same in good con.
11 11
I I . ''I kind so closely that they a e
room with Mrs. J. Cornitsh on Malillii-
Two year old catriage filly or .
. gelding 8 2
11 I mistaken for them. There is
* * lz * * * *
wroet this we2iz onoved into a ,room,
: . however, this material difterence
Single Roadster , 4 3
Nvith the 1,16-seis Cudmor, , Albert st,
1. . ,
' . I -
. ,
I .1 I - -1`11911 Quality ,Foods always
. 11 So your husband is perf"Lly wil-
Mr, Clarence Whitby. accounta-iii.
General Purpose Team 6 4
: l -
. I I ." ' e Eating,
' A!"
Ling. for you (to b; Icome ;a suff'ra-rPAILL,
of tho Canadian Bank 0 Commeme.
I w1aiffthisefactoi0onrerin qthuallties do
t, replied Touzig,Mrs. Torkir-is
"Only 6ld, dtlel
in town, left Moiiday la-st to relieve
Tools and Stock complete in a good
not. -.1,
Ho mado me, Promise tha:t I wouldii it
at 'Cobalt. Mr. R. 13, Wilson. of Lon-
don. i,s takina htis Place ,here.
filly or gelding 2
,,, :
I We Make a Specialty
- Ik about votinl- un til I ca n Precisely
ofine Toolprociity 'the Monroe 1doo-
I Tboro arL, two nasty .holes !,a the
11 .
.11 of Foods
I ,
Krino, and tthe i6i lativo and refer-
si4ewalk just south of the to,%vn;caus-
,o -d by the icavinT in of a4 old woodir
. .1,
. i . If youhaven't given the *od
i.,ndum."-*V '"a;.;bir,:Ct.01-1 Star.
kin culvert. P"thinatotgrs of Itaither
I .
I I question that serious consiftra-
Stophen or Usborne should hava thiO
I . tion which it demands, do so
Tha taxpayers of (Great BrIcaln will
mattor attended to. I
,GL or.p Vimtona, of Goderl-th, was
Wecarry very lull lines of
contributo, osovk ral hu-n&,ed thoijsa id
Pounds 'to 'Pay th, exponsels at the
on Friday last .sonten ced to life im-
I ; High Grade Groceries and I
Coronation pagoadt. The PO-Te'ant
pri-sonment in thop ienetentiary for
having beaten his five-year-old son.
will eiia:ble Londda hotel oNmers to
Char.".0, Much 84,26 day for
rwddie, to death, .
aS as a
, I
rooms. vill ,ona-ble Vro'gerty bNvn-
Mr. Jazs. Hodgins. of near Ceiitralla
ers along 'the routc, of prooe_,81 on to
mot with a serious accident on Atom -
eharg-,, all khidzi of prices for alittUol.-
day last. 1-1,e was fixing the blind-
'the 'hay
\ ,
room a,; the, pageant 19assos. Has it
in - pole on toLa of a load of
W.A.NxTL,D-Cbo1ce Butter and
occurrod 'to anybody 'that Ithere, r,k
wh,in the pole threw ,h.lm to
. L
Fresh Eggs.
anvth!xi_- pi ,ruliar ith% iar,
xromid. 11-e was insenGibla for 'near-
, .
rang!oinviit? ,
I. -y half an hour aud is at prvisP:n`kcou-
, I I I
fim d to bed isufflerin, from li after-
nal trouble. I I
I , ,_,
, I I
Littio Elsie -What is a. dea, d -let'
qui% Nrieddinz Itook Plate in the
Trivitt illmorl.al church on Wedze6-
1'. p I I
I -11 _Mp. f llr,q*n ?Jilp fnp
ter office- mammal
dav aft,ernoon at h-hreo o'clock **heb
I I .
... . .1 I
- * 11, I I . . . . . . I z I I I - ; - . . .
I I .
r. . 11,
Farli for. Sale, .
- OV-
JR11"IN $tocicand Ha'r-
! I I I .
FOR SAIM-Farm contginiii4. 100a I
I ;
0 first clas,. % land at .,,the vit- '
ness, Hor cs
,'abreo .
Ia-.e 'of *Oddham. Good two4t
, .. Grey(
, .
The annual Spran'T $,holy of $rtal.
frame house; bank, barn, ,U by 8&' 1
11,Uli ,up-ton'date, stable, 'foundatigixg , ,
I 4
1.1oxia 044 Bulls, und(er. the ausp ves
of the sowth Huron . Q.&1*(ou1turjat
, ..
baklt about a Year ago,,, .1b uirf, Inz
,quanted throtughout. A
, . . RsO R a
SOAAY will be held i7a (
I :
oQ:Uur 244-3. wikh cement to.)p,. an 111 I I
I . I
.. , PlIETAD ,
FRIDAY- APRIL 28.,th 9111
gwij avay. Nei
I T. drivilig ,slh.q,d .of COT., ,
roll#,ated steel siding 124x4O ; lien house . P
I .
Vxl .1-1, . .
. ., MPG a good eupply bf , '.
' I 0oft I I
and hard wa,er. The farm Js fhop-% I
Isballdons ...
. r
dlxg.h,lv ,drained, and well 'fenced,
Aged draft Stallion $6, $4 2
Mos tly wit9h 61.1, Aew wire fences., Al -
Xhree year old draft Stallion 6 4
kso ten acres- of good- bush, motdy bard
Two q9 64 4 3
wGOd,- particulars appl to, wa, ,
. y . es_
Porcheren Stallion 4 3
ey Shier, Woodham, On t. 171bf
Ageh.car.riagis Stallion 1()
I 1 7 ,
nd or over .
. I
1 . ----------- I- . *1_1
Three yr old carriage stallion 4 8
Horse, for Sale,
Aged roadster Stallion
Three year old roa.daterstal-
lion 4 3
I A tgooll general ," PurPose horse.
valued al aboult $175 00 is, what mqny.
. I .
Horseo in ,Elaxne.9s '-
farmers are lo kLrig for, A -a add like
Heavy dratt team $8$6S4
Three year old heavy draft '
this Will be read VY persons
wan ting .just such a horse and *411' I
filly Or geldinR 3 2
save them probably a week of drtv.; .
Two year old, heavy draft .
b1g. Advertise Ithe live stock y6u-
. filly or gelding - 8 2
have, far sale In 'the Times, I
Agricultural Team
--- I
Three year old agricultnral fil-
ly or 8,2
. I
I .
Two year old agricultural filly
or gelding I 3 2
. I
One Gasoline Engine and put . np. I
Carriage Team 5 8
six Horse Power Goldie & McCul" I I
Single carriage horse 4 3
lough make. Same in good con.
Three yeax old carriage filly, or
gelding I I . . I 3 2
diti , on. By order of the Council, '
Two year old catriage filly or .
. gelding 8 2
T. B. Carlin 9 .
Roadster Team 5 8
I .
Single Roadster , 4 3
1. . ,
' . I -
Xhree year old roadster 3 2,
Two year old roadster 8 2
' ,
, Blacksmith,Shop . .
General Purpose Team 6 4
For Sale
Three year old general purpose
I '
filly or gelding 3 2
Tools and Stock complete in a good
Two year old general purpose
live village and one of the bqst farm. . Ir
filly or gelding 2
ing districts n Ontario doing!% good
.A. .1, 4, A I .
I % - F. . pp Y to
. I
I! ,.:.: I I ' I., Hamma=your father'S T.)ocket,T3O-- Mits, Honor Moyk of town, was un- — - _ _ 113alle . I I
." 1-:1 t,, n Tra%-cript. $6 $4 1
li I ,, I . . ft d in marr.1'age -to Mr. Harry ,Ten- of- Ontario, Aged Shorthoru Bull $89 Rirkton, Ont.
Sale. iiinam:, byth,4 , Rev. D. W. Collins. Tho I Shorthorn bull calved after , .
. Miss Mary F ym, %of London. a aidt For Sale Sept Ist. 1908 ._ I
, . . I b;', i,' was given away by Mr. Middle- Mrs. Duplan, of Centralia. spent Good Sho ter 8 16 ,-
.*4 I I I . . I,pow offer all my tille on hand UP Tho Canadian Government ha,, re mass. Mr. and Mrs. Jennlngs left on F riday here with, Mitzss Pyrals nephew A beautifmi h Sept. lab. 1909 . 8 6 4 ,
tpbeA inches, that axe only 12 inches (us&d to use he dezign submitted by thv evenimg train for a ShO' I lot 15. ton 1.,T OMO comnosed of part Strawberry. Plants
rt honey-, Wesley. Wright. owiish.jp 0 Hereford Bull . 6 1, 2 . .
. I I 'Wng, at reduced prices. All tiles guar- the British Postal authori-des foc moon 'trip after, ii1lich they will set- Tho% Easter services were well at- the 11111;1 -e of E,xete f Usbox1hia In
, _r I Polled Angus Bull 6 4 2
1 containknig 7 1 . I
I enteed. 9izes, 4 in. $13.50 per thous- the new King. ,.George Post tamp .room bended here on Sunday', the Pastor. 1-2 acPe%'Of land- the promisal3
. O'ge 5 LI -0 in Exeter. Both bride and - . O : For Sale. , -
and; 5 in, $19.00 per thousand; 6 in, tt its understood that the deslan sub- an- well know in town and - is an up -to- All exhibltors mustt become Mem- ,
have: Rev Butt. preazlied. ja very appro .da"b8 hVo -storey hri1,k bers of t Choice Strawberry Mantis for Sale ,
! 1 $26,,50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 per mitted was intended for a sort of im- many friends who will jolh with the pr a he Society by r-aying.sl' ,,o
; A thousand; 8 in, $48,00 per thousand; 10 p,prial stamD and net distwPtivelY a Tinies in extend6- ran,- 1 ie sermon and our alioir were house Ni"'Ith dinIng-rOOM, Pax -10r. six the Secre % Several of 'the 1p,'adingy varleties 1_pr%lo i
I 1 . - tiary, .
, gratulations. highly complemented for their ls plen- targe bed room khbolren and wood -s ZintrIes, ,can be made mvilth ) 'Iho as right; .plaice orders -akarly. , .Afpply
I I N, $72.00 per thousand. Canadian One. ,The Government in- 'arr. S. Rows has dlisposed of 'his did Easter selection. I shed. large cellar. klinall I
, 12,14 and 16 inch tile also on hand. &jst s -that the ineir stamps sliall ba . interest,s Sry at Ross, Hotel_until el6ven to 8. Powell, R xeter. I . . . .
, Ufuture will make all tile 13inches anmistakablY and isolely Camadiaz. in the Same & Atkitulsoa 'O with uP-to-datia furnalce, i Lsoft and o olock on (the- morna3in of the show . .
I long. furniture business 'to his broth -or. hard water MdthidQgg power to drive Prizo money wi(i. be paid by Ithe ' "' '
Air. R. N. Rowe. Mr. Rowe 45 tgding Jardine to be Hanged Witer to barn. up .
. Lto-date , 'bank SacretarY at Ross' Hotel. after fthe , Chance in the West
I ,i ' ' ' S. Cudmore, Lumley, P. 0. into parthVrahip , Lth Mr. .T. (I. Continued from page I barn 42x32. ftnish,atd ,La 1the 111014t mod, ,awards bama, been made by 'the Judi . I
.I- \.7 'Yeas I had ten childreg. frhey all S !i int, of Wallaceburg. and will move arn i9tvle for 1horsem calitle and hogs q es. I . . I I r, or sale, hardware stock in Abe -
.1 Lon- Distance Phone at Exeter. ,up and married off. " . his family to ithat plaoe this month. The Judge, however, TOfused permis_ drive 'hGtise 22x'30 and hen 1. . . A41;
1z hotitse Arrant, ts wi 'thy. Salsk.. as ii. gob:4- coiaoern I .
Crew ne .
I - wdntor le's also amplR stable accomm6dation for all mat th!
-X suppose it 1P lonesome now ,xt IT,,, is havimg, a sale of hi s household: sion. isaying he jivas perfe,otly Clear Small orchard of omen .11 be nVade, to have
wJ f app sell at onee oNvk,g F; ill. heal d
. - honiall, Jole 0 zarden of Mall if.rufts. 0 acreis horsia.s. Communica1e with Ray X. . ..
off"ts on the 26th. Mr. Rowe and on the poitut'lof law. Tite 0 a
.11, . ., : I 'oh. no. Every once!W. a whileLone family have. many friends in , towu the mOrI11113 was occupied by the a:d- readv for crop the balance in, I Fauson '.
I 11 . who will be sorry .to lose 'them but dre of the pounsel and Judge to I This is a v,a ' 9XIIISIS. VT. P. McLan. Seafoith. 1socreitary. 429 E. Gd Blvd. Detroit, Mich. .
I 1. . of 'them geto ja divorce and wa-nidinv. as?s 0 . .
. . " Property anct . I I lw
!;_ . . bsrk.`-Lo,!isV114 Cauxier-JoarA&I who wish thein success in their new the jury. The former,, were both must ,be sold *_13 Ithe Wro prle*orl,4 J. FaCtiarson. Hensall. .prAide!dt. . I
I o L I . . onterpri;sa. Air. R. N. Rowe will be very eloquent, but dt waz fevident health has fa,iled iaimci be,.mus[t -take 11. , I
'. L L i stce. In ! welcomod back into busineiss agalt that Mr. Danoey, for the defetuce. tt laotsy for a time . . SOWS FOR SALE 11
1, 7 by %is many friends. had little chance of *eeurin- a fav- Easy term's of 1payment_ For 'L,B,rmm I
I - —,--,,, - , It will pay -you to see our prices be An air__ahLPL 1!nth-hded. for trans -at- a orable verdict, so ,complete -was the and Pa.tQlculars appi Farm For Sale -17- - --ra,
I , " I -1 fore -placing Tour orderfor taiitic -tra,vel will be built ;at Beelibm CENTRALIA ca, 2 Of Arr. Blackstock against Jax. F(rior. on 'the. ,pre' y \ tt.0 T,has L A number of pure bred Yorkshire
. _ . bv a company which ha s dti9t been inioes. or tb rrlhd,s. Sows ail in good'o,ondlition and due j&
fhe Easter visitors have been n um dcme The char2 p_ -of ithe-Judge ,ivjus Cameron. Auct! . . .
' The new dirla,L ble will erous to numerous to mention. partial., but it left (), oneer.. -Varquhar; P. By Tender I . 11, Y. .
! incorporated. v,ery fair and Ini - . . I I Farrow in April and Ma . I
I . .
. .
P I . , . -
I 'Peerless Wire Fence be eizUt fAta-els as large as Count ZeP- Gordon and Luthur Butt are spend the jury 2-ttle %option in' the verdtdb — ' I . :C I I . 11. I.,"... I
n Blr: Thos. Russell ival
I I __ Is 'Deutsahland.' and will carry ingtheir Easter holidays, under the" . .receive "ten. , . -
i , th,ey were to find. . da's up 'to Salturday. A_ ril 22nd. for has. Harvey
, . two -hundred palsx-noexis-,as well as Parential roof. . Mr X. E. Dancey argued that at Hurondale. '
I V a cr--,%r of one ,hundred. Equipped . Notice ! the 'sale Of 40 Vcre s adjiid0lhz.'it1he L4 26 Concessioti 3 Usborne.
I irrost Wire Fence ulth thirty motors Et will be 775 ft. Miss Ruinans of London, a former the time of the crime Jard ne was I I . o 5 anie6 Eroa:.d, I . 6 .
1, "/' teacher of the Fa;rfield Lhool, was wholly irresponsible and 1he asked for 1 A part Only of ithe $7,090 of the ,also for Ws houbo and ,lot on -A,b- I I
I ." . Med Gel, 0 f,e e I I .- ,- I . .
- ton-. and.. Bov.ner. who has de% burried on Tuesday. Some of her a verdiiet of not guilty on 'the lgroun,d. at - f , ,d for 'Rate iin 'tke gq t. dre- is;tree-r., .bxeter, 11 1. I 1. . .
: . - , - 0 - 9t do clares the airshtp will be. able to nce of insa4tT: This did mat mean 'tie blarvs KiXl,-'tGn and ,Ex-o,tel. e .
I "
I ", travel from London, tto 2 ew ,york personal friends were in attenda would be liberated, vtor fortunately PhDn,e'C Irele- EggsJoir Hatching
. , upon the funeral. Omtryal)Y. having ibeen "d. it I
. IL """Y A lot of square timber is being the 'Government hats =ade provialdh. has [Yeen -dL,,cj.d1e(d Ito ,p . . I
. -------- 0— for such unfortunate . DO-110ft cladli I
12foot Galvanized Gate 's` - loadedaboard the cars here. Some Ille WOuld be dire-etor as an tagent :to 'so For Rent M for h;a%eh1ng,,Rhode, WabW, .
, . o3ifineld and kept,for a tArm of hts of ;stock. ,11 balattice R ..
say it is intended for the new Cana, 'a I eds. $1.00 for 13.
], at $4.00 Locals than Navy, Well if we don't care to natural life, or aintil Isuch U I Anyo;71 1vPihqb6- istock i S. POWELLT, -' 1!
Inle, af3 should sce One of !the directors be. Thirtv acres of land 'ready , for . I I I I 1.
. furnish the men, we caia supply tim- he may be eared of his malady. H,a fore the sixth or Afay. The follojvjnft crop. Privilege of drawing crop off, . - — . - ==Z--7= I ;=,
Thz . Board of Health met on INIon- said, that outei-de tof -the conf". iola arO, the directorsk D. Zonis. E. N'. the, Place. A number .of 'hares of . I ,I
I Cedar F -1.nce Post at day evenin ;. ber of the very be9t even though it be - *1
I scarce. mada to Dr. Mriice SmXth ltb,er-e was ShLor, A. Brethour. W. Johnston J. Pasture land to Tent;',alco a number ,
ill., Mr. Vordon Maims was in Brantford The Epworth League auniversar not a 't&tl%! of .evidence to coLL,uecti Routl,ey. J. !G. Jones and J. P16r*rv,. Of ea:ttle, Pastur PropertyJ r Sale
. over Sunday. Y him with tdia, 4death of blve ig n. I 0
11 20 cents was a great success. Sundaymorning Arl. H,qjs ed by 1he seatso I i
Mr. S. A. Stewart was in London the pastor, Rev. Mr. Butt preached to Lordship, 'he said, imilght have taken W. Al. BLATCHFORD1 Valuable _VV,esi4e,ntal prdp-,rty in t4e
" , , Monday on business. a large congregation and in the even- this con&' pjon out tof the ev,deta[a& . 11.111. 11 . lf,X of 'Exeter - * . 14 I I i-
- Red Cedar Shingles at . altog,ether. Admitting ,khz ltxa I . The E xecutors of.the- Pstate of tho .
I b Bl,i;ss A. M.. Johnston is slv -ii-&,nr ing an exc:eptionaly fine Contata was 5 . th ,of Opera H .
. the, confession, however. .couzael. for . 'late Mr. William Bawd6n. offer for,
$2.30 per Square the, hollda.rs, in \Tarcoto. given by the choir under the able tha. defQnce po;-Uted out that 'there For Sale sale his beEuutif(al and 'well aprpoint-,i . I
11 Mr. WHI Hobbs visited at the,Tames leadership of Mr. Andrew Hicks. was absolutely uo mottive shown for For Sale ' ' . I I , ed residenc- in. Exetex and M - Z
The chnrch was literally packed and Wil- I acres e 1
, st. parsonage a few days this week. the orline. which iwas one of (tihe That depsirable, Prolverty on Of land in connectiosif tiioz .,,
_, White Cedar Shingles Miss Maggie Kilpatrick, of Kippen the musical selections were of a very mast atrovioms. acta jin tth,a orinii(ual The prescut 1q:wco tof ,the ofrgira Liam street Owned by Mr. Thome;s %ri:th. I . I I
I . Miss Makins this week. I , high class and most Leautifully ren- annats of th-o ecoutn(,,r3..L Could EIDULSQ. havin, .closed the same to .Y.Js oMxed for, sale.L It Go=,stS . The house is of. solid brick stxaoi- g . I
- -a to any other conelutsi.c'n L . have of two loto ou whi h,there isa com- . is in good frepair.' It fig
.at $2.10 Per Square vle" dered. Miss Elliott and Mr. Hicks jury pom the P bile, the 1'vncrls-of -the same the Bla- ture,and
, ` Mrs. Norman Montalth, vis;ilted in gave two excellent solos and the Quar- than that it.twas dova by a listriic ,,?d mr. Jobu SPackniam. t of , 0-Igh't ,
I . map be- a Cortable brick dwelling mast advantzgeously situated -on the
,,, -------I*-- Windsor, ov,ar Easter. tette rendered an appropriate selep- r,!ft of his reasond Mr. Da' . 6,11 this most , valuable property rooms. a igood 'Della .
11 . ne-2y polin- I r and furnace hiah ground north of the river.11716
, Urs. A. IG .D-r,or, who has been ser- tiOn . Z,nders for the came 11 it
1. I ali Zinule Essery and six , ted cut to ,he prasoner, %s ho had been will be recei,7,pd also a ofable, There is a' kobd var-.. draiiialge jand pellarage is unexcell-,
," All Kinds of Lumber at iously Ill ils wlowly reicoveri-ig. little h lyr gave recitations, the aktiu- in the ibex. apparewcay very ' ' li l him up Ito JuI0 lat next. Pbs- ietV Of 1011gEl and minall frutts. For ed. The bouiso, i's equipi)cd wrtli , %
I extremely low prices Ma, I stolid'and indi aelssion ;given on Sei)tembor Ist. Hkii I particulaxis apply. -t good furnace, ba:th room, lavaltory, I
I I 9t,,r Harold Bovl, ,i.sit,d in whole making amost delightfu I ser- fferent. Without ,s,!em-. . a John May kor
I Aim Centralia a few days last week. vice . in-, to Pealize ,even at th-Is time, -the . I . I 4-20-4rr, J. G. Jonos. 4-13-4ts hard and isoft. bot .and ,D jd -wa:teg; -
U The Monday evening- tea -meeting . I . .. .
iI I Un 7 Alv-s B,Ala McDou-all. ,of London gravity of his pos'Ition. Such conduct and Possesses other modvn- conven.4 *
" I
. , ft. J. GLATW JULTH Is visking a t her h e in Usborne. was well attended 'amd the young wa, not that of a radidnal malnC — . I I . .1..1.,.__ iences. Ther, is a good stable , d1l . 1.
! - ;GRANTON. __ 0INTAL,10 Mr. W. H. Johnston, of Kippen . ladies of the league deserve are- _AIr. Blackstock. thought on kh,. . I I . the Pre . s. also other outbuildingst , I
. I
I 1 was dit for the energy displayed in the oth. r hand, the acrown Auction Sale I There iTise . iod orchard with W .
I a pleasant caller in town on Mon had a ease Eggs for Hatching a gp . I
I'- 1, — , day- way of preparation. The floral de- which was q*ilib otronz enough to ' 1. 49 .. ' I M:11it 'trees in 1906d oondftiob. (_ . .
, l Mr. J. Wood and Miss Mabel Wal- corations were very fine and the buns so -cure conviotid03, He dwelt,p-n -the OF HOuSEITOLD FURNITURE , . . . The' -property is peculiarly suj[toA ,
4. B11rd's out Of for a person deAirinT.a home wha re:
Span -led Hamburai, ,
, I I ters of London, spent Good Filday and maple syrup were supplied in un- ta:ct that th-) girl was not seen with The undersimied At'Lationeer Ila's this fl;;k were awaraed secondprize .h I
re.ceived ib.str 7Ji,oas at isell by - orse, Dow, and ponitry'may,be con
I LIFE,S .brIp,RoR with Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Walters, limited quantitie. The programme as anyon-, ,el,e Arlin- khe whole, -day Pub- fAt Toronto. 15 e-Xans for $1.60. Send veni.ently and profitably kelyt. and 14
L . usual was a good one. Mr. John b.,isi,des Ile Auction at. the Real,dence of the A
Mr. R. Irwin and Miss Irwin, Miss , Jardine. . %*o latter ts a `d .
'Chere, , are loyal AcarLs .liere are Lavis and Miss Sykes, of Clinton visit- Essery filled the chair with grace, hii had gone home early on that mtll-gtht Proprietor, MAIN STREET EXE-TEi.'t ord,ors tn D_d). CritkF,.zideu Blytb undoubtedly ape of fte finol 6 home*
. 1T Isvirits braw ad at the home ot Mr and Mrs Wm. dignity and ability. Mr.JohnWrigbt I On WEDNESDAY APRIL 26, 191 ont I . ,. . in the Coun ty of Huron. 's I I , I
I . '- 6 ie Gze 6011154hat are pure and Carling over the holiday. Whalen, one of our own boys gave a -111, at 1.30 o'clock, p. in. th,a fbllo I I I — I .
f*u:,,4 . * __ .1 -.1 - . Xiiispe.ation. imvited-Terms r 3ason.q i
luz I. . I . able -'apply ,!to - I I I .
good practicle address. Thenfollowed luable namely, wd , 4101
* I m 91M, tathe Nrorld the best T,;o Mrs. Jna. Atkimson-,of Lucan. vis- ,S: e -
I ,Zbe Mr and Mrs. Milve of Chatham, the 4f board, extenston table, tcouch AIR. S. G. BAWDEN. Exeter, or td .
, . u lbod at Mr..4, 1P. Jon.LV an Saturday foe marvelous Recovery" v' itft I
. I ba 70i, . last. . ; er a successful carriage manufac- Milton XuZ. 6 perforated ichairs. I I . DICItSON & GART4ING, g,ollei.tons fe
, j?, . .
I And the boot will come back to Vail. turer, who spoke,oa A Successful life. 10un&e ; 5-Ple-os parlor isullte'nearly-no.w BlAnte. - I . 1, . I . :,!
.: Blvssrs, Chas. Monteith and Simon Hisaddress was most practicle and 3 Parlor tabl;es; combin'ation mu,s- V — I -_ - I I
, 101%1 lare. and love 'to Your heart wal 0ampbell left on tWedneaday for the of absorbing interest, with that of his Montreal Man So Ill With ic and parlor cablnet,.new; jardii . I , , 7____ . . I I
I . 1- flow . lvv,st. . : mere. . NEOCTERS I I I
I -wife on mission work -was of equal Pair arch curtains; hall saa!t an, .,r- . USHER
I I I I— A str,ength 1XI SIOUX utmost n ec4- Mic-st s Muriel and Mildred Evans interest and profit. Mr. Hector Mil- Dyspepsia Thought W -W; 2 large be d rack I House For Sale , .1 .1
I . drGOn1 isaltes, igood . . .
. I Va%-A Wth,and a score of hearts will of Aiksa Craig, ,are v5sUinbg Mrs. 8 ]son and Miss Marley of Vvbalen, Miss He Would Die. repair; I mahogany Jbedroom ,, Iqutle. . NEw ' I I . I
. show ,, 4 ,
I I I Quano. . Fleeda,Baker, Exeter; Misses Elliott xhdW', 3 sopring,%; .3 mattreases; 00111-f(ti-table b4icld o,dt t'.1q.,je on. Jamm . , I
t one . Ot,reof-,. i I .
. _7,N`1r taith in 70= word and doeid. .Mr. Gordon Hooper of the Chatham and Isaac Fairfield; Mr. Duplan and I piano and stool. AT _ lconifidb-! I!,- 11im xopm.9 a442 , 11 I
. ftbln6t, .naw; kl tibrar tabla; bake I HTE10011AF-SHIONAL Summer kitchen, .1ood cellar and gooil, , I
bw4n,,*a colle-P, ,was homic for the Miss Vera and Iva Essery furviebed W 'hen I
. No more convincing a ell'ot 11111r.ar It ]at and a lialof I
-W han evidence was w
I _ -Or We is ithe m4rror of X.Ing and holidgy;s. . excellent musical selectione both in- ever put ,on paper t the chair; 5 kitchen chef,rs; 5 rocking . alt,adl . 11 -
. I I following qtable. i-ruil, 'trees. and small fruits,, : . ,,,,, .:
lslavo DicTioNARY I — . , I 1, , ,
1, hFlirs; coal or wood range, coal 'r. -ar .
-d do, ,.Own were taken in and all report a good known citizens, Mr. D. R. Larose,,of beater,earpets; linoleams; PictUrems - I
'XiA hlWt lrha.t you are an Un and Mrs, 'Robt. Meri,_W% of: ,strumental aud vocal. Nearly $30 letter from one of Montreal's well. a Everythinv in gooij repal For f -
London. call,d on friends, an ' ther partf.ciiho,s apply to iqTSS I "
Mheu 'Ive tO.t!h(?, world the best you la,st jv,eek time, 338, ,Toliette street. - 3 cords of- bardwoucl -ready for sto' ' I THE MERRIAM, WEBSTER? ZlJrj ri RAYNr1L . _ If t ,Xlt I .I.
- , V I
1havel, : to rou. hIr .and &J.r% 'IT, ,Baker ot I)etrWt .116— 'Permit me to write you 9, few Now Century washer. ,new; , pewe I . .
r, words, concerning Dr. Hamilton's Vills, wriiagax , bugg , r 1; , ' -33 - w I I .. - 11 I I
And the best, Mal ,come bacl W;ii I itism NEW CR,A I
I 041ted reladves ajad. friends in town ': , , in good . epa r ; F 11 C- Because IrXON, 60-verin,g every I I I I . , . I.
. btad,t4izle ig, Bridzies, N t suffered from dYspepsla, and Indiges- wr in good Lwiir; r"Ind'sbozw_ dilsh- Aeld of the watid, ,. I L , '71; , 1.
. over Easter. I I Mr. and MX0, Rasgil Skinner and tIGn :for f1re years, I suffered so tm ana'Planb5._' s thought, :
1 ----4.— I Xr. 11. F: Surano. itoacher at Vdoz much that X,could hardly attend to action aAd culture. Tile Olily lull , L
b,or brother, Dr. Roy Hodgson, vi,s- my work.. I was weak and lost all D S. TERMS C&SH -Xiew lanalAidged dictionar3r in .11 . - I . #. ,
Millips, Aucti,on,eier, - ,S. ,IV,. =any yomrs. I , I ,
L . is %pondinZ Ther holidays at his hOmb 'Ited at Xr. John Rodipgon's here oin courage, I enjoyed no rest until I R ve. Proprietor. . , ,
In Fullartor. - stinday, . decided to fallow your treatmellLt, after , , 1. . . EASTER RAT I S I , 1 1
. Note and Comment Blhm Lifla Martin, ,vvho has beent I B,ee.a S6 it dellnes 6vel' 4 00 1. . I L I , I
L I Mr, lle ctor MillAon, spent the hot- having read your advertisement In 11 "... - I Wb.rds; more thaono6pover SINGLE FARIT 1:,
t-oaching sehool at Ettriek, has re!w tday ; with his brathov Newton, !a the paper. To MY great surpirlsek X - L I
. , , Immediately began to i * before Oppoared betweelL two . volt L I I I
I . 11 3!hc Dulic a t0onnall-ght iz ill wi-th cunv d home, 11 Windsor, feel better. X but ho 'had ibrought xio member coveM ;070o.pages. GOOOXI. R ' If. ,
. . ,itmicvare atta,ck of f1bronchiths, Mr. Will Fcv ster and Uttle son. AUss Violat Short. of Win'to Lako am now Using the second box and X tho, fainilY to lback upli. of 4 lustrations. L ROUND T IP . i
1 I I .11, 11 L . 'tin _L& feel 80 well that I Want tO- tell You Mr. BlackiAock . is *atell'I'dZ021, . . . ,(with minium chatge'of twenty.fiv .1 1 .
I 1 . L * * *'* Harold. of Toronto. epent Sunday ,It i,s vis% -, r Aunt..Mrs. J. sugiTitted (many pas- I I.. L
11 L I . . .1 * .* * 11r, Jas. Handtord's. 1 :. son, V' Will- that X OWO this great change to -your Q,i,,bl,e rnativos which h -t have 1,d Because It is the MAY ctlotlonsr,v cents) 11 I I 1. 1;
I . .. famous Pills. I recommend them to to tb,, ,commilit%ion ,o _ with the, new divIded n all Stations in C& %, also t' .,
, . Ur. llfietSDTI 0111. %VhO i-3 attecd10,- Mr, Ed. Awry, of London, ta[IM evet3, who iligo ar!iiiie., Xil . betwee 4 t1ad, a, L*, L
L11 V.h,,, dama-c t, 1ruA erces and the Person Is suffering from I %)ago, A "Stroke ot Genius,, N" 't ' * '
I . I I bwinona college in Torc4ito is home on old frivnda bpre In Ithe bur;Z 011, dyspepsia, Your grateful servant, 33. rt,E Vl,dence of how (stoically Jard'b,.j. I I I . I Niagara Valls and Bufralo. '. O'et_ L , ' _ , . ,
I I I t1d 11 wiv0d .i,
'r,""k-Y1 - ,qs Nv,e go 'to other crops , an encYclopedla in rott, and Port Huron, Micb, I I . .. I I I I
. ' 'IT014 and 1.11torin i n F, rvin-ce, will, for the, holiday.i. I Saturday. R, Larose, 338 Sollette stq Montreal . 'the dea.th , eiitonac walls Because it is . .. I
"'L , I I I I bY . . L Mr. and Mrs. Robt. GunAwg visIt. 1>.Q. I . I shown hl V&% remark he made to the . a bitgle volume, GOOb GOING APRIL, 18, 14,, 15, 11 . . I
I I Mrs. Robt. Copeland, ,of X.irk"toj3. t? . ' 'jho , 17th. .. L
I I I 0XIMITif''to alariv =1111d,ns of fran-es. d friends, here on Swiday. Let all 161
I I .0 I WhO have Weak, stomachs, lan,litablo. taking him ,out of collr 116cause it is d,6cePt6d,b,r . . I I
I L' vioit,, ,d her daughi,or I Airs, trlicis. . I I I
* * * Mles Lottie And Verdi, Eq those who =fter With indigestion, "Ohi wfoll. we ,can only -go th.'Js ,qy Oourts, ischooig and - Rh, ' URN LIMIT A, PR1,1, labl, .1,911 I
I id
- ar
L I I . . I . . . Drock Ithlis w,fedk. * L .,rav;! a pdrty to th , o uiri';8 . 08, k . now they.can OXX1,1.' -was all -Ale s'al-d, I L '?'as" ag t110 One suPireme a.u. . .r I I .L 11 I I
I I I L Oir young. friendsi b(adaches, billousne I
, I IL '1 isld fri%ild ` ivh` ed ft.b.0g.,ger Miss Olive Quance aoil Mies IV on Wtidjuaid,qy evefrying of'laigt Nvovk. be Pe cured by Dr. I_XamJJtOnL'S Justice Valeonbridgm WAs moro af- mority. I I .1 .1 I LOW RATES TO THE Wio8T L I ..
lvok tiv,64 tw lz!t to ,Glas . Do L ' r1octly L
il ford Ari'. .he , t'he Vill -
I . _ n i 'IT 'I'DIZ7 link-7 TI -.-re w0re'about 40 prosont. and. I I s* es-dulY sed for imanY I!,oated than ahYC63,3 (In the court and I Ask iiearest'Graiid Trunk Agentabout - I
W. and , 11 succ I u ' I
I I I Vvo t-'66 Iliik ,P . fo a -ticket Pill b,at at XanIOL4 & May. . I . not4le,gs to say, all .c.ujoyed a jolly Years, milcl and Safe, 26c per box, t,ll Rocause hO who knows Wins 1111onieseekevs," "Colinist- abd t qet. , , , "
rice , al)11Y'ared nc.rvous dtvriin v all tho trial '. I . 8tfcooss, Lot us foil
. "ttJ$,,ft# 11,1 V , lflg ft , Ood ti . 'Ile at gnrno,g and or 'r aMU o dqaJers, or ,rbe Catarthozone c,o., of, 'Vanst000,, whi,eh foiloweld. YOU abdut thb neVv- wovk, tlera excursions Or addrees A, R, X)l
. , _
, t. 'W* . OU, 11e):1) We '. ;, .of, s A JIL S X11191ston, Out, L . . ,lop. P.
I 11 ("Ntil, 11f.0 't 'o , a 0 otltl'* ' 'Tojonfo, 'p,,1r,Jt lm'71N4 als J t-',-taffy ptljl 1. I . I I . L . I L I I D V A,;'Torgnto ODI,, I I L 1.
It 19 I Y , me nxdc' hol1d,# is Wng ,with Xelatj L I I ,
. I I I dv,14,0. I 1 j I 't,h Tr. J , ,,s, vi V,W - X Cl:,. -)n VjLs:,t `d t '.r,V :_w.W"_s._ I -1 To ;got tellot fro '42w0iorn b ,. 11114 . I ......... .. ........... ....................... "-- . I . . I I I I .
I ,Imi 1 It tho' focnitle L In (-'h'IA V'kdi`n'ify Till. J. .. ., .he 4.al in ind! it I - __ — . , 11
, ___ I " 't
il I
. I ` 11
- I
I ".."'..i.. 11 I I _M`_
, , f ___!
I pill
0 14
(11, , --' "I ;O 8 a I I
L "
"' , .
11 I
11 I
EZIL,n l . / 01 I I
; - Ot'. f I
i r 'p k. adav,4 L "qr, ,1,T,ak6 !the tr&ila , I L 141111 farm O ente ort 11-drd, at' Drif4lit oWn 1 % c0s`tJ,PaL1c1h or ;tor ld, I I v C r
A $i I , WAlft 14 Apectmai of tow d(olded pqe.
60,6 ,_J
I J, I - nr* I I witholit difta . 13(-cr)),.,o ticket awl foll p"t-fle,J)p , ,
J Mrs, Carter and ichilAren, of All,sa, on Sat I , Hamilton's Pills, I
I ft a Isix.001% , 11 I _Npbrbs, Afn Baird I the ,dtomaoh or L * I
L , ,fare of OlaAaolv . I & C MARIAM CO., Publishos, Spri'doidla ma". 0vo
0* " ",
' , ,
., A t% .1.
_. .", Cratg, v1sited Mr., tana Mrs, D Cob. to b,, . 130 of Pur in'. ..he ',r"1111141 -,,,ikb a fell 'A'so, A I -. frorn I L . ,., . . ''I
vla lh, IT Walk,% ,&Pllt!l, , 0 i J;f jv, I , a herd at Jor Y. . 110'L -, It - 0111 ,s t 4,, r d6soo 1-tto ' hlol)CLPbtit4odvevAggliN tofk I . I L ''. 1
, wk,,J ; _%r I 1 1_ 11 I _ L "" 11 -1 t -i"00. 1- .
L , , ; PU llg. tile =2_
I I ,:" thal-5 ralrllq I L ) I , ., . Y - 11. KNICIIZI,,T,' .),,$)(,L.A$ t- ,t ., I
" L I I I btaMok' over VmAtw , ' L ' : ' cowielas, L kand In .1 e, , L cu'l z 0 , Of 'a f 60), A.,X, = X - L
I I L L I I . Lt :. , I . A, I .-r-1 IVFP 0 Will 11 I ' I ,, ; "".'.71 I . L
I , I , I . % I ,4*Wff"N**M*4*ft.0wX1i0i , L' I , , - "L 1 . . . I
, L I I I 1'. , , , : I I , - " 1 I 11 . . . I . I
. i . . " I e . " L " I , J Y: , , I
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' ' I
__WAW-- 11 ...... L "" I ._ : 1, I . I . L I .. = ,, 'i
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-,t " I , , i . *.,4 _'. .% k . . I I L - 1. : ., I . I I . L, L I .1 :
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