HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-13, Page 8'71, -7
for 'the
++ Nlarget aeport.-Tho tollowlar is
Of Buter d 4rke% 00r. 0
To_ulorrOw will b,e. Good Friday and
Mated Up to April IAth. publilo lioliday. The Place Whore,Good
Wheat. sian4ard. 78 ven,t s.
sire WTV FAR A 49;:7 ArjrF Loni'ly Tleywood, of Union, tts Clothes (' mme Prom
oat's 30 w 32 cents Niue M01001 P 601011h
Barley 05 to 00 V.,.4tialr at 1IN home here. OWELL a
Remotly, acts Ilk
Bran, $20.00 ureachapped
_Arr, and Xrs. Jas. Ander0c(a were 410SInVaud sore lips
I c on cold in the
PHONE 16 Shorh4 Ift
_2,0Q, , in Tho.dford over SundO. Lot Usfost You 25c. Jewellery henaW and throat,
I-qdel Floar 2.40 Air. John Walk- x of Bervj a, coupon each jar.
isyjs., Jewellery coupon
Feed flour $L45 ltiuv, his Parento town, BAZAAR with each jar.
13aLuer 20 centis.
E;gs 15 0exim Air. 18. Powell s advertilsk,X vgg2k if you get your clothes
T 171 ror hatchia3l,. See page four, from us you are sure to get
Potttoes 50 -to 00 'conts,
Clothes that fib
Hay KO. Air. John Utty Ds offerlazz h:khou e
Oholoa export steers 0.00 to 0.10 for sale. SeTa add page foaro Clothes me tly I made
Uys, export steera 5.75 to. U0 Goderdich b4s eecureid the itr4ining a To the, Ladies,
Clothes well made
Choloe, butcher heifem,15,75 to 6.00 amp for 'the, woldlers Ithir, yeay. Clothes that look well
Xodlum butcher beilers 5,40.- 5,-50 Afliss Biaxtha Gmeut!her viollted he r Clothes that wear well T -he Coronation bf our King and Queen is nigh at
Olicilm butcher cows 4.60 to 4 00 pamuts in, Dashwoo4 on, !Sunday. Olotbes that last well
M, dium butcher cowis 1,50 to T65 Clothes in latest style hand and we have put in stock a crate of
Common cows 3.50 to 4.00 wfth
Choio% sheop .1.50 'to 4,75. a Vlaxy Iseviere attwak Of 'La t:z.,71ppL. Clothes that please
Choivo lambs 7.50 to 7.75 Spalcial EaOter services will be, held Clothes -that satisfy Nifty Austrian China bearing Photos of
Bled;= lambs 7.00 to 7,25 -In ths idifferent zhurcla-es 6A Ban-
lloz, livo, $6.05 a cwt, Allss Lindenfield of Das % cod. I is We understand our business Their Majesties and
V We have the goods 13ri is Coat of Arms
visEting Alr. and Xxs- Ctajs. )Ljadeh-
We know the styles
fold., .
11til leaves. to -day; -to visi't Our charges are right to sell at from 10c tip to 75c
LOCALS walth his isons !a Toronto avlt r the This will be all theirage, Is
hoofty1g. 0 make your selections earl
Mr. Dan Sanders has 'taken Mr. 'y
Nv Mr.;.David Rusaell was in Reusall Chas, Saawriigh'Vs poagttlon at !the
11%.", 1 Q Ito suokay. Cannin;z ftctoxy. W. W. Taman Rem
Air, Jatok Walper Asited in London Mrs. Alex. LejavAt and daugh''ter I The Nifty Man's ember this store ii a VARIETY STORE
last V rdiday, Lou ,;e. , olf Walkerville-, are vis0ting' We have hundreds of Articles you'd never think of:
Mrs. 11. N. Creech visited. 'in Xo- Bir. Wm. LeIav6tjt. Tailo Come in Often.
ronho IaOt week. The. land amid read$ are drvilA19 n1ce-
icommenced and
Mr. `W. W, Taman wais in LUdd a IV, PIO'wing has
We have what is neW In Boys Clothing Io Iaedln will be aeupral. nexb week.
Prilday on jbm (niggs.
Air. Jais. GrLeve 'WaS. in Toronto for Mr. Jas. Jewell and Xdr. Xas.. Beer Don't forget thab'we still
we sell the famous (Lion Brand]. If You once wear this ..I sell EDISON PHONOGRAPH and RE -
Brawl you will Want no other. Every suit has double eeats a fe davis 'this week. left On Alonday for ALIgibla,. Bask.. CORDS and at all tilmes carry a large stock of the moat up-tovidate
double k6ees and double elbows making them wear longer than DU'ss, 14EL Rowe, of London, jr. ljoa, where !they will opend the summer. Dental Offices Closed. kinds. No trouble to show, 'We can save dollars for you on these
any ordinary suit. for the E,.Lqtei 1,bidays, Mr, W. X. Blatchford iis adriartfils- goods. Send for'ue,,we will send a man,
trL., some land or xent. 1n*Iud1k)g Kindly, 'take ndtlIce (thalt my 6ffIce
Air' W H. M.116. of Centralla-visi- astu land. See ad on age ifour. szlosed every Wednesday arbernoon,
. COME IN BOYS AND TRY ONE ON bod 4 to A 1-st Vxld,y P re DR. RO'UL BTOX.
#1 Rev. Dr. D. N. BRRac. of Glan EASTER POS
*0 Mr, anA Birk$- C. McFalls -of Lucan Bay N. IS- has atcepted the call to CLOSING NOTICE T CARDS and XOVELTIE 8 NOW IN,
*# vial`to,d ja1t T. Boyle's Sunday. 1 4 CHOICE MINT GANDY DROPS, SPEOIAL 15c a Pound.
$4600 $5,00 $6.00 to $8.50 Knox" Pzet bvterlarx church Mitchell. Please remember that my Dental
ATM Chas. Bixnell is vislitimx her chLp,
d6u,ghter. Louis. in Win.d*so' Office is closed ever Wednesday after -
A mum -bar Of allple %rce lorunera noun. -DR. K1XsX&X,
'Air. Walter Connor was tin London transferrairl to Go,derich on
Wr Willis Powell, Proprietor.
this Week im.-ItalltuZ an fentrdive. bl; day'raornimgl' help the men. oiat
Mr. Jno,. Wood went to MorovLo up, 'there.
V S k i r t zsvo 'Saturday u1th a loa:d of icattle. BVL35 J. J Allan.,haye siaht: special -
I topbAggy, Lu flair condftian. tk p.
Soveral from Exeter tool- in the i1sit will ba at the Commercial Hotel.
ply to Z. Xic ,T
.0 Handsomely Embroidered Black Voile'Dress Skirts, You 4F tra-d-3 In Lundoca trip laet week, Exeter. Saturday. April 22nd,, one 0 .Vzavt. Exetex North.
410, .0 should Ree them. early They are so new and look so different. Don't worry, 6f you -have 'had tro- day only.' AI 3-27-3
4-1 figul.P.We take your m iasure and have them made to fit any 4, qbk, jinith your baking. (try Olodel.
Mr. J. Brack. of Exelter Ispent part Bir. Ivy. Doyle, of XzGlllivray
has purchased the fine re(sidence and.
0 ATr-';. Fred aiedtt, of Hami4on la Of 1V t week the. iguest of.11r. and Istable, of Air, T. E. Randford ano
A`VerySmartSfy e for $8.50 her mother. Mrs. Bar aer ]Virrs. L. ToNviers 2nd Coucessinn oi Will move to town and con,(jinue the
8. 4han.
aIdi a,riIvan horse business. BIr. and Mrs. Haca& P e
0 ey- who recently dis-, rd , daughter. Labell , will
1Z. -d A Uvms*d
Id 6; ro f Put on hi s house on NorC jin M. How, fo ad
44 MIEW A. posa-ft of htils drug business tat Win. take a trip
0 Lh throuxh the Nredf.
orp. Svak.. has olpened UP !L3ajLM 'tjn. the, le
0 Mrs. R d. Seldon And Mrs. J. G. ading- cli.tier. and
Stanbury were in, London last Fri- at. Harwell, Salsk. 'goin r a's
far as Vancouver. They will prob.
See the Hats you'll like them Bliss X-abal Tuckey returned iSat- ably spend next wihler in the south. D 0% w n
Ali ss BiaY. tird,ay eveniml? to her home near Lon- hrr. Handford iis, undaerlded about his 0
Try them on you'll be delighted JOnE45 Tetuxned home
Wear them you7II be satisfied from Hamilton Baturday for Plans for Ithe future, .but it jo !Prill
tlie don. after vdailtimig bar isister. Birs.
01 aster holida (Ray.) E. G. Powell, bable, -,he will return -to ttowA,
Exeter Irebuild, He is hav ';ag a clea
Ole For Ithe lav%t two weeks the pupij8 BViss! Emm,a Heideman. of
Rugs Wall Papers 4, Of the Hilaeh Sabool have lbe en-ivxlltim ,_ ro lturned home Wednesday hfter,ra sale, of hid effe, See a,44., on px,,,e
their 'test cxamYj2atjojak% twoweeks, 0slit'with ber.sist-ex. A S. four. That is about the way things are in the home at house -
Youvvillsobn be wanting A little time a little money Win Maeon. PrimiCeAs street.-GlinfOn On Friday evenin'-
New Rugs. Our assorbroent Mrs. Wm. and Afigs Jean Hawki.. of last week the + cleaning time. You have been cons
and a few rolls of our New shaw v stted at Wm. Shoisenber.0s. N3,%vis Record. *'plus Ulta" SunZ7Y School CI&W %of * idering purchasing some
r e and better than ever Wall paper will do wondeiLs. London last ;vj, ek.. Will the, person. or DersoA im, Blain Street - Me th * new pieces of
WNIgbe pleased to Show you odist church beld *
Per roll 5a 10 15.20 25c, town who is 15andic- letters avd in- an excellent musical ejAertainmeat.
$6 75 to $40 00 Sulocess is !raxelY accidental. There t axfering between ;7y The, class have recently had the bajse-
'is a reason for the faat Chat Model parents an&
myself, please stop or there . will ment of- the church baaLAitfQy de- 4,
flour iis so ro1pular.
-xied- Birs. H. corated and It was wjith view of
Svelor bias betan %laid up Et. pundy-,..
Try our RED ROSE TEA. Mr. Jos. be, furi er troubleS, L. Furlwaliturt;
Its Good Tea. wiping.out this &.15t thatLa
held. The 't -he enter- A,
With inflama:tory rbeum&tiem. but is ta lmment was '0
pkrag.ram, 4F
SUGAR. Have you bought your Sugar. It is sure to go able, !to ibe cut ia gaiz On. Good Friday Ihe . 1131uron. I consisted of several choruses, inolud- for a lon'g time and now is the chance to d6 it,
1 igher. We sell REDPATa,s. ians" will hold their k3iOAh axmual
4.4 iax a whiistling hzd a. Ilaughbig,
BIrS. D1. Dyer. of Brantford. IvaB tonrnhmeoif da Ithe, .Zun hlub'* We have a complete stock of up-to-date Furniture of all'
*14 berL thl's 'Week a:t1tending the firneral cborus ; mixed quarltette t OF
* kindson hand, and we can
4 zzround, . In 'Previlous Tea:xs Wls3has Piano duet
4,Y0 of bar taunt- Mrs. R Wher. by Agas Howard and &r. !Sleere; guarantee the quality to be the
ALL KINDS OE P'RODU(,E WANTE D' been one. of Ithe bijg.t hodtis throu,0111- Petadjnzs by Earl Powell and Jo best and the prices reasonable.
:'.,o Mrs. Mhok Allen, of Faxqubar, vj- Out L&,11s P Vt and thiis vear ipromiLses lick -e F01-
4;lt Red at her Parents. A.U_ -and Mrs, to be, mo emoeipItfiaor Tibere will' be isolos by Mr. AA--Ia and 11, 0.
M_ 'j"o South-cotit; cornet solo Mr. E.Vreble 4,
FlabGherS %exe_Itj@s week. -six events and tbey will be much the
4, *_ and instrumei tal by R. Phillip. Tbe
Js An S'E'A same as d3a other vears.
ww K 1111- KarlXxret Hamdford 'milliner IeAdin;Z attraotions of the eveming
has 'taken a posi tjion ,vjith jotle-a I& Air. A. I-Ioopar_pt- Hay.entertainedi were the L<M,d1n6- e(nd Playjn2t Of Ted vy
MaY fO-r It!
ale, Ew ter rutsh. the plus Ultra Sunday school claiss 'Williamson and his father. Rowe IL A-0-kinson
Mr. Pi6te 'Bawden, !of R1,dj-,,ieIto-,v= of Alain street church 'to a ma-Ple don. Tied's siAzimg w.as of LoZi- OF 0
vii;sit d hi Monday
a is vareliC... Air. and , oirs: taffy Party on eva"DIAI" Preiciated and hie was heartily en -
Jos. Balwdeu hex,jla,gt week. A -bout twenty Young People drOVc Out coreld. W -he audience was also Ide- 4'
and had an L xcellehat time- \ Mr. litzh-ted %rifla the selections on
Quit,& a numbek of our town peo- ith what the # Ageocy for AutOmatic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner
a Good Fri-
Plo, are iZoIA-_ to LonidxC Hooper.. who its famillar w mouth orzan and maludolia
voung peovIe enjoY-pr the, ol-der 1)eo- 17'y IMr- # for rent at 75 cents a day.
day 'to hear the Sheffield kChoir. Williamson. There was a aood. a:,,- +
Arals. Rd. Murphy and tsiiste'r. aiiss ple elthex for tha:b matter, .bad an lbandance prese6t and the broceedo
abundance, of the 'Pride of Canada" went far towards wiping. out the
The Sherwin-Mlilliams Paints 001rep jha Earth Bru,11ce-and, Nbtle Wiiss Mildred ),Tur, on haucT debt. Mr. H. E. Huston 1-cupizd the
PhY spent Heuday Imsit in t0liltn't-on.
Connor Bros. have commenced tea- -Ohaifr-
Several of Tthe Odd Ucllowa of
RUCES77 ing down the old buildivig Lont the Another of tha, pioneer rw;ideots
town arp, izoling 'to GoderEchL Lto-mor. Dye and Howard property -,whiah
row (Fw&diayD !tc Lwe 0ei-Oo4lZe of In- thev recently Purchase.dL They -will of this community was called to her FF I
"ruobio- erect a new element block alld Won.- last home on Saturday- APr1l 8th in
Ehe person oi- Elizabeth Bui welI.,7re-
A.Viss Pollard who has harn visit- crete bullding two.StoreY. 60 feet
weeks kft On Alonday for thex1home mand for -the Connoy air-.0ooled a
Fisher bad been in poor C thealth for "UGGIEST BUGGIESO
lilt Of- fth'a late Predierl k Visher
-Lag Bliss X4ay Hawkins for several bv 30 Net. On account of*,theibiz de- aged Q years and fir momth;s.'Ajjt.
BUILDERS SUPPLIES lin Walkerville. in.e they have uut-&own their Pres. -the-past, A mopths but wa s improv -
MEcHANICS FINE TOOLS Bliss lyla,1910ba 'Coward. Normal Fitu- ent; buil4ing Oid a new one will ing nircely, wlf she Vvaa takev ill
demt of Londdii. 6is or,oted on tle V41te of the old PlaniftiIz. with la grippe . w,hieCh oaueed, a.
NAILs,GLASS, PUTTY Ficid Root socGialtics ',day -,vd1fh heT p*aren,tr., Bir. and Mrs. ML11. braial.-inx up Of the SVS[tem and she A Carload to Arrive on Saturday
DanCoward. Gorernment Atnnuitieis.-Alr- B. D. Passed aiVaY on Saturdity. The do-
IRONPIPE FITTIN65 THE LARGEST AND BEST IN EXISTENCE Mrs. Chel,,ter Fil'tzg'erald amd - 4: on c,,jm.%!ron of Lurknow. aUthoxi7c'd joj.jjaeh was born in U14barva'atfdspejit _400ft""",
a -
SOLD IN I POUND PACKAGES Lorne. of Lcinldqn, Air. aAd Xr,$, ko tirar In con'naction. with Ithe 10, r days in WA tommunfity.,
Thots. Skinmto r of Blitehell. and Mis na-di-an Goviorament Annuities. re- About 36 vears ago she iWas marrie,c] The Internatlional Harvester Company . having
Giant White Feeding Sugar Beet Edpth 13uswe'll, of BrinsIay_"attsnq0dj cently inaugtarated.. will adifteiss a to th a late Frederick IyLsher, -Fi
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle the funeral of 'the late Airs. FFed 3'a stationed 'in,%, at Exeter to handle their fall Line of
pub-Iflic mimt-Inz, -in the Town '11all a number of years, they ifarmed * ?X
Gate Post Long Red Mangle Fillsher an Monday laist. ExL ter _ Tuacsday evcninl _ Abxil ARUJI Vsborne-and- came to loWba % about goods such a's'the
New Century Swede Tornip
Do.g Lost. -A -Fox Tierrior. with 8't '8 0 liclock. 2xpI9)1,h1nZ I.tibe twelve yedrs.aao. The deceased was
Selected Swede Turnip two blWak tears and one la of the Act and Lo to -provide a member Of JamLs street 7_qethodjrs
ck spot orl
Mammoth Intermediate smooth back. ansivierstolftc name ofPSipot,1. for Vasa_ .0omfoxt and V!zmilty ' in chuxch,and was highlY reispecced dh McCormick' Binders, Mowers,
&V White Carrot , Rakes Man=
Anyone hearinig of or fXellug such a Later vearls Of V15a. Every citizeil 1the, commun.Lfy, She is turvived, by
MR This variety we also sell in bulk dog NVAII kindly notify Air$. Sas should hear how and -,Vhem, Wa, an- 002 d1aul0iftex, XCIss X. V ilsheir ; one ure Spreaders, Seeding Tools, Bind=
ALSO to VOO, (a,-vear for r. Bir. Geo. Busiva.11. of Eden
dllr-,well cvr 12ave word at: kUie %mest; nui14 from $50 ibrDth,
&%9 Bruce's Famous Hamilton Lawa Grass oWioc. lite may '-be ocIenreld, Ali. 0ameron 'and Ono aiister Alre. A. G. Dver- of
Seed tovn. T , u' er Twine Gasoline Encrifles'
It _W4111 IS0011 b10 1Qma for the bust- has addremed lar-9 e aneet:xws in hC f neral was held utr
Bruce's & Steele Briggs Garden Seehg malsts peciple ;to ji 't'licir. early iclasing
get WQdtern OnItario and everv"Where 'the Monday attexnooh and was large ty
Ita:ribei& Lost year i"t Was - U :bi7 a:t)tend d.
A pre-tse is'peak hilg;bly of his leicture. (He 0 Windmills, CoLkshutt Plows.
July tand
ismcoags during -an excellenit speaker amid, )relsen(ts
HOUSE OLEIANING t1me is house paintfng time, the What jis Qv., matter with ha Mr, Hunter will remain with me. Particular at -
Floors, the Base -boards, the Cupboard, the Chairs, the Tables and a Lving ilt I thl's important sulaileidt 'in a roonular
dozen pieces of Furniture need for June- July and August for -tills an -d atItTROVIve. MaApex. rrhe man-,
re -painting or re-varnisbing,. We have rj3lax. q.-ral public 1,4 invilteff. Aldmia4;ion is tention will be paid to Machine Repairing of all kinds.
..the agency for the Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishers. This
means that we have a W9th 31ai taf- next Sunday frue. Reeve, TIiylor wIll oiccupy the The first A ipment will arrive on Saturday an
ManY of chalir. 1 1 d will con -
special high quality our xe0de*,-;s would gliadly, '! re a sist of a carload of First Class Buggies, especi I ally
finish for every pur. fetiv dozen cggz the Bame size es one Re-oPeminq ServIces,-The 'trustees
pose or surface. Tur- tha(t wiws q&thja of James Street Alethodili5t; 10hurch Young Men's Out
zed by Air, M. F. Exeter, have been buOy for 0 fits- These will be the Celebrated
and White Lead dal _nths4m 0
pentine, - Paint Oils lber dt Mr. A. J. Fordlis slauighter td G A in maki!mgextenisive j'.m- HiA Grade GRAY BUGGIES. frcin Chathdhi manu-
14c'use M"he InQ9 w ls 63-4 inz`hyp one I r
ways in stock. lray and R dmichels the dther., VrIvements to the church and chureb factared by the largest concern in Canada.
- ------ pro -party and now that -the varjous
Call in and let imnroviaments are iabout icompleted
V Olt CONSTIPAmoN the re-openiing Igarviiaes will be 'held 113 1B T. H
118 explain the A Aleiditeine That Does Not Coqt, fls folIoWs:'SundaY.A1Pr!I 16 Rev. A.
'I P ed
ve lips
superior points of Anything: TJnjesg It Cu'res K. jaljjr i. 13F. A.. L, L. 11., tpreoldenit,
The arotive med4ieinal inigredI!c#n1d3 of of the London Conferenaa.,wgl vreach
merit of the Rexall orderlies. wbijah are odorless :t, 10,30 a. m_ and 7 P. m. Suzdtay
t1rarblass and col' ,Rev. AlbLrt Carman. D. DF
i go N.IFft Ojr1e8& is an, e-dtlre LApxLid. 1:,
'icovery. Combluld with D sllperint,, ntdant of
IY n0v V i:
other extremoly valuable ingre'aicubs 1 V-dthodi q Church., will preg ch 1,t WESs SNELL, Exeter
t forms a wi-fect bowel reigUlato-r, 10.30 a. ta.,!and I P, ra, Btills,.-s Lillian
MINUTE lntdAinal ifliviqora tor and otrengtra- of Q,vtralia, hats lbaen J.un- The Worst Case of 2MIN
VAAI %IN ener- RIOXIII Orderlies tare, egf-h -mg, jd to,wFii st im the music ou-the Dh
114,1a oandy and are totable for their -13,rd. 'Atqnd,,ay,aven1rai;, April '21L.. Rev.
rLgro.eableneas to 'the palate an 0. T. Scolft. B. A., D) D., of Dxant- can be relieved by the use of
HeAd4tiartevs for Washing Ma6hines, Wringers, , ,do kthe
A ,iatlenms of mcitiont' They not 'ord.. undler A -he quisploas of
a id, will deliver hin vlabra- ItB WAS DrSCRARGED Irl""'Do Noll thiuk theyn happy mar-
-Croiss of Gold. T1,10ka;js City EdAor-Whalt did you (dia- a(dll I
rn d th, NaDru-Co
Chu so a Aouseeleanin oaalov, :gripTP1iIUg Oj: any djs 'ireembl.a L,%Vols' AA
g Supplies. 01foof or iUconvc ,rj%cjUep.
Vllkla dther prvlparielt,40nfs for a liltc. 15 -akintO. Doors open 7.30 ;.jactura at RIIEUXATISM ItElally aharge thatreporter for?
TJpu.rpoL&jo, 'they -do not ormte AbIbit .001
At"Inaging RdAor-for ly-4
her isalodc
which is a tried, and =6 9,141t hi'm tip -to bal..evview myrnoth- I
Uil" W,kha-11=11 ii6quirad 'through tbd Use 6.rdlna y C.
46wMk r r6it Vrec Prom.
A lhxwtiva q, etLtlbartics and haTsh,ph Forbhe first sPecific fo this dis. and,he oame back wbid, MA41.
'WO delf 4c, and perMLajn(+j;tjY r't ,nJOVQ Y, Potatoes f-u day of -,he woulda t Valk,
Ver promptly" 'the.
1--Aluft, Ot 00496001(ion or lrmg.ular this coming Not only relief but complete
Th a Sha Pwin-P1*11japle, pa -fits bovpal 46tion.` cures folloW ILs us Was DkInMo(ah'ath-Mamma do YOU,
ivefor Potatoes 606ts, 6. "" t .
th a Rarth week we w1`0 lbg, in trade. if *66 1109 SALE By 01, on Itthe lsvowju ro,albr make th'am call for into, in hiis, acroplaj ,n
We will nfund your moopy wa:6. nor bag of 0 Thelir iztutic v6taan a-nd, 1good. df, think PAPA kn wt4 Harold Is
cut afrOuroan't it they-ld n t do ae we -ant No. I Government standard, Red W 8 go
0A "D clleffiisb A vtrfeldt 1010e (Pill, Tthey plea"56 IVO-unraft-oh, I think kw dear.
7 will. T Vu 2$je. In& 01ovaij Timothy or Alsike, will take wat PPM A I& op 4;Ia; who Use Chem. Carte'ris. LVftla
100, only at, our wt,om _T hc potatoedhapsymenGtorsame. r. Villis may well1hedetmedVP jigbt wilft,111 ;club 1, 11
I les been han,,:Imj , aroun,a the, sky-
Rraxall Store-. W, 01 er
0nes May,
A _A , : f . I., I