Exeter Times, 1911-4-13, Page 3"A, N m1i k On,; On B ol incorporated 1856- 1,40 0,000,00, 0 -T ­� *.. I 4 �O �17 A P AL (Paid uP) I - . U N't) .... .... 1 RESE 44400D,0001010. 41 TOTAI-' ASSETS OVER 'All In BreInelles in Canada, and Ageuts and Correspondent$. all the* ppluelpal Cities in , the World, General Banking Business Tralas%084, Savings Bank Department ntereot allowed at highest current rate. at all Branches. C). HI U R DIO'ks on&GarltniK,8Qlie1tOr,3- T fiff E C A N 'A' A N BANK 0_",F COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, o.V.0., LL.D., D.C.L., PReSIDENT ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENEFIAL, MANAGER f-APITAL, - $10,000,000 REST, $7,000,000 1 MONEY VORDERS , . 'r,he Money Orders of The Canadian Bank of Commerce are a safe, qpnvenient and economical method of remitting small..surns of money. T-)iey are payable without charge at every branch of a ' chartered bank in ,CAnada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal ,cities of itbe United States. The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained �on application at the Bank. . I -n the event of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, ori receipt of -*..satisfactory guarantee., make arrangements to refund the amount of 232 ,the lost Order. Exeter Branch—W. H. Collins Manager Brach also at, Creditoa. ........................ Church Directory JAMES STREET + CHURCI­ 1-4L * METHODIST Y 5 + Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor + Sunday Public Worship -10.30 a,m + and 7.p.m. + Class Servioe—SundaY 0.30 a.m. an CLnd + after Morning Service and Wedne + day night. + + young Menle Clasp %nd Catawbaml + Sandu3 Cl + Sunday school and Bipie Oftabewo 2,4 + 0Should laavn those subjects + + by which they c,%,n earn. 9 iir-. + Epworth League—Tuesday at -6. p. 1141, + Prayer Weeting—Thuradax at 8 u.0 - - Ing. spotton Business Col. + St. Methodist church, the pa.4 eges are the largest trainers 411mos 0 1. one geada%tes tor will ureach next Sunday. in &na;da, snc i secure the best positi( I- A MILWIV911,11' NZWOV oto Aro No 1"O"90r FrOAkfAt 'but Pmtty And pecomingo The pletu re hats and the general run afterawn, ollapgs are MQ411104-43 to ze, giving promise of a rational $ea, - in millinery, not so many entire hats of flowers. seell. this Teart.04 tberO.ArO straw odels with brims or crowns buried la $soms Q�, foliage. The toques with gh turned up brims are welladapted, this kind of trimming. A soft Out* y stra* has its vlerdc4l brim entire - hidden Under a'mass of velvety Pan- es J;a delicate shades of 1%veaderan4 Uuve tints, A. plaIger 'model has a r1m, of dark green, leaves tbrough rbicb peep here and there clusters of he tialest white blossoms. White lilacs cover the crown, of A mart new spring hat of 4, small shape nd its sameness Is relieved on one ide by a couple of deep red roses. . J�ot wbot the otm, will oon-� older A "Dear" W*ttlo 14Well, you may go down and eat It. as to out the b4d; Ina t4 out over the Alley towe (to, SUNDAY SCHOOL$ 74rd you, No dinner for me tonight. No dinner BOWSERHEFASTS opry as , a boy 04 ton. What Dotter got by fasting and'.00- healtb,cau 'You I "Oh, no! He�s going to try. a fast places. That He should be a man Ing 4rouP with hullger preying at your vitals Less For Ille—Seo.ond,QUOrtelt ot Resolves to Give -up: Eating Makes Signs. 'Mr., -on April 16, 191100 Hearty Meal& T" r Bowser had no ar. IF or a luute I'Mr. Bowser, have you gone, crazy?" "And eat nothing more?" gumeat Then he rallied, and, drqp- or SL'U33 AND WRIT.0 FOULARD, plag his. v lee and casting furtive looks THE 'RNATIONAL SERIES a INTE A GALLON OF WATER. DAILY. at the Ult liell door, he tapped Ills fore. Custom cannot stale the Infinite Va- sense into my head. Go on down. head and aid, ps, xvi, 10,; xxii, 292, 27, 28, and We- AIILVs he e, Mrs. Bowser, It's here." Text of the Lesson, John' X9, 1-10- 111 Cut$, Out Sausage and Pie. For Lunch- "Re4du 110". Memory Verses, 15,16—Goiden Text, t( eon—Druggists Talk $ends Him 'IN 9P � 0. . "Goinfr." to grow whiskers up there?", Loke xxivq ��4-0ommentary Prepared 14 , . 13 $aqk� Home, Where He Lustily�Callv "Loss )f memory, absentmindedness, by Rev. P. MI. Ste;krns. For a Boiled Dinner. insanity t a We hav; the bolee this week 9 a By M. QUAD. xplains a hundred Then! that e. dif- lesson on Jousb, the boy ki ng, or a b (Copyright, 1911, by Associated Titerary ferent things. Indeed, It explains this resurrection lesson, and as nextwe6k t a rejuvenation has taken place in tha fastinglibusiness. I thought It.-Vvas iu� we Shall.. have another lesson on Toash, As ur-`owser was ready to sailitY,�iVh011 YOU tivst SPOkO Of It" we choo lesson for this Se the r44aSter If IL shove baelt from tbe,breakfast "And I'e ., I may got so after awhJ that, week. The resurrection of Jesu#from S JMtable the other morning, hav- Ing a look of peace and 60n- I WiIP'— A):r(i lie reached for a table knife , the dead Is in many respects th e great- a teutment on his face,lie remarked,to tnd,:d rew it slowly across his throat. est topic in the scriptures, for if Christ Mrs' Bowser-, - "Then we'd better chain them up." be not risen preaching Is vaj3l� faith I$ 11aet about six pounds of lean liara ,or I may do this.,. vain, there Is no forgiveness Of sins, for -a boiled dinner this evening. Get And lie reached out a hand and made and, no one Is saved (I Cor, xv, 14, 17, carrots, beets; turnips and cabbage. a claw of"it and worked his fingers as 18), X want to sit down to an old fashioned 4f clutching her throat, His great atonement Includes BUB square meal." "Better eat about h pound of that Ferfect llfe� ina mortal body, His death "'You must be feeling fine," rephed ham," was IN-Irs. Bowsees smiling an- in our stead bearing our SIM, ais,*- Mrs. Bowser. "Fine as Silk. Never felt better." swer. "By the Lord Harry and jiminy urrectiou from the dead, all of which The "Well, you shall have your boiled Christmas, but I am being insulted in may Ile included in the saying, dinner," my own house!" shouted Mr. Bowser precious blood Of Christ" (I Pet 1, 19), It was ready for him when he re� as be sprang up. "Woman, how dare At present, as our great high prles� The odor of turned from the office. , you say such things to me? How dare Re is at the right hand of God, iOr that fragrant ham greeted his nostrils you provokd the demon lurking in my us, and He will come again to recelTe as he stepped into the hall. brain? Hov,­how—darel�— His body, the church, and to set up "Cook is just putting it on the ta. And he clattered -apstaLra and got His kingdom of peace and righteous- ble," said Mrs. Bowser. Into his hat and'overcoat and left the ness on this earth. ,,w.hatr, house. �4 That the Messiah of Israel, the great "Why, the boiled dinner," "Was it finding fault with the ham, King, should be a. man was plainly MILWIV911,11' NZWOV oto Aro No 1"O"90r FrOAkfAt 'but Pmtty And pecomingo The pletu re hats and the general run afterawn, ollapgs are MQ411104-43 to ze, giving promise of a rational $ea, - in millinery, not so many entire hats of flowers. seell. this Teart.04 tberO.ArO straw odels with brims or crowns buried la $soms Q�, foliage. The toques with gh turned up brims are welladapted, this kind of trimming. A soft Out* y stra* has its vlerdc4l brim entire - hidden Under a'mass of velvety Pan- es J;a delicate shades of 1%veaderan4 Uuve tints, A. plaIger 'model has a r1m, of dark green, leaves tbrough rbicb peep here and there clusters of he tialest white blossoms. White lilacs cover the crown, of A mart new spring hat of 4, small shape nd its sameness Is relieved on one ide by a couple of deep red roses. . J�ot wbot the otm, will oon-� older A "Dear" W*ttlo 14Well, you may go down and eat It. ma!am?" asked the cook as she put for, 5; xxii, 18; Dent. told in Gen. Ili, I No dinner for me tonight. No dinner her head into the dining room.. I xviii, 18; Isa. ix, 0, 7, and manY Other or any other meal for me for the next "Oh, no! He�s going to try. a fast places. That He should be a man twenty days." cure." risen from the dead, an immortal Mau, I'Mr. Bowser, have you gone, crazy?" "And eat nothing more?" was also foretold in Gen. M, IN II or SL'U33 AND WRIT.0 FOULARD, "No; I have just jot a little common "Not for a- long, Iong time." Sam. vii, 13, 16; Isa. ix, 7; Iiii, 10, 11; Custom cannot stale the Infinite Va- sense into my head. Go on down. Cook Tells a Story. ps, xvi, 10,; xxii, 292, 27, 28, and We- riety the. blue and white foulard. ru follow and tell you about it." "Well, it'sonot for me to butt into where, and forshadowed in Isaac, and of frock which as regularly as the spring He took a seat at table, pushed his faaly matters, but my. brother tried Jpseph and Jonah as well as in the comes atound bobs up pret- plate away, and after a lingering, 16v- that same fasting business on. a horse, two birds of Lev. xiv and the two seas on tier and smarter than ever. -SU& Ing look at the ham he continued: and at the -end of six days there was goats of Ley. xvi. a rejuvenation has taken place in tha "Airs. Bowser, I've hada cure right just a hide and a bundle of bones, in When He -was on earth in His hu- I -m is neat frock The desig at hand all these years and never used the �stable!" miliation He repeatedly foretold His pictured. attractive, and the blue is the newt Mr. Bowser hoped. to find a sYmPa- death and resurrection In. such pas- S, and 'king's blue," which is bright and be - 4. curefor whatT' A. thetic voice and encouragement At his sages as John 11, 19-21; Matt. X1 40; "For what ails me." family drug store. Ile went in and xvi, 4, 21; xvii. 23; xx, 19; xxvi, 64, coming in tone� The s . idrt . Is very like the plaited "But I didn't know that 0317thI49 asked for a bottle of sour mints and and yet even His own disciples did not jupes of several years ago, but d ailed you. You were boasting Only talked of the weather and finally got receive it, for In verse 9 of our lesson " John blouse waist is extremely, up t8" date this morning how fine you felt2' around to ask the druggist what lie we read that even Peter and with its natty sailor collar and blaeL Ill: did feel fine for a few moments, tbought,of the fast cure. . "knew not the Scripture that He must but I had an attack of vertigo before IlIvs nil right, Bowser," was the uu- rise again from the dead.,' He said to satin tie. U exper-ima, answer. I the two with whom He walked 'to The American Woinsn. . "is t, though? I'm glad to hear you D4 mmaus, who were so cast down be- Themostspotled wom( -n in the world n U as just discussing with say so; -I W, Mrs. Bowser about it." cause of Ills death, and so disappoint- ed because He had not redeemed Is- PRETTY WORK APRON. are the American wo men. No one di% - 471ne thing—flue thing." rael, ,0 fools, and slow of heart to Do- Hats that allow of a generous dis- putes this, not even the America -0 we- I 'AThen. you have known of Ws help- lieve all that the propbets,have V01- play of underbrim are faced or par- man herself. She'accepts it with com- in people!"- ken.11 He also said to the disciples In tially faced or dIse have folds or placency. 4Z 'tier 14Scores and scores." the upper room that same evenlrg� other fiat motifs. Soutache braid is A ;. . But are the grounds for Com- 4A ill -1 1 - - ­ her cr6&I youca,ustndy at home, - Trea%ment For z*cratcher- knew it won] rpose an placeucy JUS partly at home and finish at V "By thunder, but I d! ,All things must be fulfilled' wblcb much liked for this Vu The first thing to do in a ease Of They just fasted, did they?" were written inAlle law of Moses and used in. a variety of 'Ways in'trimming it that the man spends his last dollar the College. + that she may be, indulged, that she I. scratc4es is to see that the horse "Just fasted." in the prophets �and in the psalms' the spring hats. individual instruction +I stands in a clean stall, where no mud, "And drank water?" concerning in0' (Luke xxiv, 25, 44).. Such a work apron as this is pretty occupies the position of a spoiled dar- + g or urine *can come in contact "Barrels of it." He appeared it least ten times to and practical. It covers the gown sat- ling, rather than aq helpmeet and Com- + d n her dayq vacillate be - Enter any Day that L .+ m in "And if I do the same thing"— paaion. + with his heels, writes David Buffu one or more of Ills disciples during isfactorily and is suppliedwith capa a a a a search for Failure to attend "Better look out or youll make a ys between III$ resur- cious pockets. The lines'are graceful. tween re. t ure nd al d + Farm and Fireside. those :forty da, W�Lte,�foc particulars i to this is often the cause of scratches, mistake." rection and ascension from Olivet, five JUDIO CHOLLEIT- excitement? appear wit I hout any "But hOWT1 times on the first day.'and our lesson Axe,..n6t the American -men respon51- though they also y manton pattern iscut In three -e of ther .1 This Ma ble, for this helpless attitud 11toll Busilless- external �eause, owing.to some condi Why, what you want is the fool. tells of His first appearance, and that ail 34 or 36, medium 38 or 40 and C 1 9 xvi, 9). sizes—sm. American woman? Rare they aQtAk- I.tion of the system. cure. If you --take the fast ciire you was to MaryMagdalene (Allark large 42 or 44. Send 10 cents to this of- 'women from Scratches are sometimes very obsti- won't live three dkiys." We.do. not find that Alary of Bethany fee, giving number, 6929., and it win be their desire to guard crippled thein College. + nate,about healing. The best external Mr. Bowser will. never remember was with the other women at the promptly forwarded to you by mail. If in every pin prick- really iu� as a s a i al two cent stamp +1 Ow of is white lead. howt he got out of the store and back tomb on the resurrection morn .. for h t end an ddit on and spoiled their efficiency as assistant !,w Geo. Spotton, Principal. + remedy that I kn for letter postage, which insures more burden bearers? I -lave the sore places perfectly Clean home, but.Mrs. Bo7ser will never for- she seems to have believed what He prompt delivery. -then see. that they are get how be stood in the front hall and had said about HIS death and resur- The attitude of the American woman ................ and dry and Completely covered with white lead. roared: r�66on, and she anointed Him before- DOINGS IN DRESSDOM. has become definitely frivolous Sbe "Woman, have the cook hustle that hand for His burial (Hatt. xxvi. 12;1 wastes ber abundant vitalt!"Y On things Bind it on with -i bandage if I - t 'Will on the table! I'm M,rk bile. sbi, bends ber "en, 110 Ick witbout one and r 'Ir the boiled dinner bacL 8). The Inwellase of spices not worth w t st elle �au act of Tailor Mades In Black and Brown mentality upon thL- littalament of' go - application twice a day. Alreanwhile going to eat every last crumb of it by the other wome­z was, feed the animal generously, keep Salt WHMN BOWSER WAS VZLL. and then lick all the plates besides"' love, but not of faith, for liad they Satin In Spring Suits. cial prestige, with its eDdless'and life I reached.tbe car. Then it was sour His fast was ended, and he was se again tbeY Satin tailor made suits of the strict- destroyfnl� competition-. she recklesslY, In his manger and give him enough believed that He would rl pe are to be very populax I` . I f %,f, RATFQRD, ONT, bran every day to keep his bowels stomach and indigestion all the way Cured. would not have purcl;ased spices with ly tailored ty saps tier strength In a hundred Line - GOOD old which to anoint His dead body. for spr costumes. Bla fectual ways S(;1.1.00L. A open. This treatment, if faithfullYfOl- over to the office. Then oneof my ing, walking ' Ch A LARC, ST. 41 daches. What ails me, you ask? As soon its Mary Magdalene saw and brown are the favorite colorings. But her ambition is. frivolous, her Sol -100L. TI -1:0 BF lowed up, should make -an improve- hea energy spasmodic, and the expression outin'dilUt, 4� h If ihe Why I could name twenty different that the stone -was rolled away from Serges, and striped effects in gray T111,S school has a c work. ment In him very -soon, thoug filings. My rhpumatism and lumbago tones, together with shephei-d's checks, arade case is a bad one it is impossible to say the sepulcher she ran back to tell There of both is futile, because the�objects 4 "apucation for hi�xh s t Lid- e leaders in spring materials. 4 succe5a Of its ur.. are worse than ever." and they both, ran to ar upon which they are spent are a0i Lh, how long it may Like toetrect a a Peter and John, and Jor "But you've got a cure at last?" both went in, Peter go- is a new shade--chickorY, a' greenish worth while. Why not give her in - the tomb, and VV, have three departments— 0 "1 have. It's a sure thing, and nei- in� first, and saw the. linen clothes tone not unlike the reseda nuance. sight and tier vitality to the men Ot 0 The Hog House. The bobble skirt is�dead, but skirt su- 0 ted on ther doctors nor medicines are needed. e7dently as' -when Ills body, bad been her family in their struggle for suc. 0,%&B& 0 Hog houses should be loca 'All I want is fhoral courage, and you in them, and the napkin that "waS Hiles are straight, though not exag-, cess? And let tier mak-e of society a SEEORT11AND and 1P well drained land, and any type of know I've.got plenty'of that. Yes, I ad wrapped together in gerated. relaxation. not an object; let her use It 0 t rrELEGRA.P.Hy f permanent house should be situated so ee the day of perfect health before about His he, Coats ire short—in fact, the modish aceful ornamentation, Out not a place by Itself, and they believed as a gr m"n' 11 -o as to be as convenient as possibiv, to S exc-eeds tNrenty-sevell me at last. It's the fast cure." as a foundation. Anibit'Ou Ge'. f or e. The .1and � I, that Ile was risen and went away length never ad at on' taining gliad —some ary,hav- �holtla sc, pasture eon sit, Nv cul, 11 And who put you up to it WOMEN again unto their own home, �1 should, be slo�iug and bave no surface F ,), Who is to blame for so UnJUSL catalogue. free and SO(' do Ing returned to the tomb, remained U,,%tiou? Both, The American mav be.. oar larr ctor"" for ,it once lect vater 1 hollows or low places to Col cause ho fot)lIshTy shields the wonlAn latiLls are do"fig' man get well and out "Not by a jugful! and was so intent UPOD finding the No doctor wants -r tim, of the a, a d bec_�me filthy wallows. body of her Lord that she had no eyes from every wind that blows, Makihg lvhat 0*'� to see an allin MRS j!,bils is a as.- 4, of his hands. �_L man -who happened even for angels, and when Jesus Hirn- orchid of bothOus9 o to cn,Ltcr� Our ci, r for ic of tier a fra-Ile i hitrdy yo,"I idLaltis lar"! �ntexla*x into the office and saw my condition MAYAVOID supposed Him. to 'e youro self spoke to her she beauty TheD "Fhf ft " �s S�) !'went away and got me I '9' * v,Lk, C0mmL'r­. SHOOTING PARINS IN a magazine in blinding is unbe- %roman is evch_, e drew him- be the gardener, so garden rose. And the at 0110L. which a writer tells how h llevIng griet blame for shutting her eyes to IIfWS coUl'i" ve. SIDE, ARMS, BACK selif back from the brink of the gra Not until He calied her by name did, serious aspect, for chasing butterflies Pr:nciPal- He had forty-seven different ailments OP"' ATIONS $be r6cog ize Him. One of the pre - LR 'n in the fair gardens of convention day when he set out to take the cure, and cious words of -the Spirit to my soui., in and day out when she might be Prove the Presence, of Rheu. inside of thirty days he bad to hire is found in Isa. x1111, 1, ,Feat7 not, for climbing. side by side, with the man an ailment to make things seem like matic Viru.s, Midi S, home." By taking Lydia E. Pinkham's I have redeemed thee. I have called to the high mountain tops In the land thee by thy name-, thou art mine." of fine achievement Illo usborn a9d fiffig.rt Cured Quickest by ITervi- I Starts the Fast. Vegetable Compound How wondrously gracious of our Lord "And it was the fast cure?" The following letter from Mrs. to a I ppear to 11ary and speak to her Good Things to Know. insur line—Rub It In. "Just threw all food aside and bL- Orville Rook will prove how unwise while on His way to HIS Fatber (verse table MUM firt !ga�n to drink water. I began the samO it is for women to submit to the it In preparing grapefruit for the t, -ion when 17), and how wondrous His words to if you will roll the fruit before cotting, Z1116d offlodflu Fains In the muscles, in the Sides, thin- a:bout 11 o'clock this forenoon, dangers of a surgical operat her, and through her to us, AcAly Va- you will find that it is improved. Et the back, the nAk, or the chest�the3r, and I feel better already. I usuallF it. may be avoided by taking Lydia ther and your rather, my God and -es the fruit more JaICY, uhar, On't E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. not only mal, 0fflQ0. F,�arcl always carry with thern great discom- have three pieces of pie, two Cup$ of but loosens the pulp and gives It a far, She was fourweelphi thehosPital your God." fort. if the inflammation is severe the coffee, three fried sausages and as President, J. 1% 11USSOiLL pain will be Intense. If allowed to eon- and came home suffering worSc If we would only believe fully that better ftvor. many baked potatoes for my lunch. inue they are dangerous. Nothing scy than before. He has made us one with.Himself, a A mirvenlent broom holder is made. 1110BM. G&RDINEIL ttuickly cures,local Inflammation and, but 'this noon I got along on a g"111OU He I re is her own staten-tent. part of Himself, children of . God and in this way: Take a, squaxe of cloth a CJ Nervillne, Wervl� of Water. Yes, Sir, just started right 0 1 gBOTQRS. drives away pain as raw Paw, Mic .—I'Two years ago joint heirs with Himself, it does seem little larger than will cover the brash I won't keep I suffered very everely with a dis- line d�es this because Itpenetrates, so In, and don't you think as it our liles would declare that Put a hem ail inch wldi�, ILN-k -deeplyl NervIllne is not only power- it Up'!, placement, .1 could Of the broom Dublin fuli but soothing. -By relieving oonges� Jesus lives. in each end and run a -tape or string "It's all very foolish," said Mrs. notbeonmyteetfor lt'YAZN Note the words -with which H greet- In each hem, then all that is needed head away M. e to have a broom cover IS to lay Cloth C LC- It cannot fall because', is a true anti - W i�cbelLae�, tion it cures paln. It does, this always. Bowser as she turned her a long time. My mvl�l, BRO physician t r e a t e d ed the disciples that evening and also dote for pain. You can scarcely findl to sigh- n tl�'w6ek later, "Pence be unto YOU!* over the bro draw the string at .&oy. anybody that will not tell You wonder- "There you go! There you go! Just C�l meforsevenmo ths �vithout much relief (verses 10, 21, 26), and remember John mph endaud tie. AOUNTS, fill things about the pain -curing power, the minute I want to do anything to and at last sent me jxix. 11, See Him ask - f Nervilfile. Remember. that there Is x1r, 27; Jer. i t all the reserve corks are too large, regain my to Ann Arbor for 0 try . lost health you Jump on "x"Af 0 'Nervlline will CRAUNIX0 ROUSE J'AOTI'r, j0flN 68bAgy- aln -that Ing them to handle Him and to thrust lor the bOtU soaking one in hot not an ache or ip no dra an operation. I NN, ttu(j lilddulfih, not cure immediately. NervIll: js�, an me with both feet. You SOO Ine g- OLIVEEL rA, LJkLIB., nan'tKII, old. ging around day after day in de- the band Into ills side and see HIM Inches. There is a promise of a m� Lwater. It will go ftsfly into the bot - a therel-four Weeksand A (141 anchor of health in every house�h eating broiled fish and honeycomb be- vival of the X4)ton jacket later on in the Ve'and leave no space for air to'get In. 1ow Flibboft, IeUll1LJ'LOf.1 ItefuSe anything that may be offered spairing way"— came home suffering at they might see the season. 33efore hemming heavy table linen you instead of Nervillne. which Is guar-. "When have you dragged?" ian before. fOve them tb worse tl gia, A., dvised reality of His resurrection body (Luke The house jacket that is Pade with rub hem with dry White soap and Uee- joflN CAIPVJ!,BELL anteed' for rheumatism. neural "Don't take that tone toward me, My mother a Sacy Treas. F arptut- t selatici, lumbago, and all muscular, me We vill go through more readlly� Mrs. Bowser!" to try Lydia X�,Jv, John xx, 27). Hear IT -Is lace and ribbon Is always a dainty and Aches anci palns� COMP01111d, word to Thomas and to US, "Be not Charming one. The raodel illustrated 'rry pntftg lemon Juice On Mgt Spots Large bottles, t0c, trial, size, 26c, at "But you are so foolish. Becaus- J:y lying a hot Iron. It rost, spepac 0 00111,q Mr. Somebody has given his dy t, and I (lid. Today I ATA welland strong faithless, but believing, Bless- 'may be treated in this w.1y or It may tL'dd then a p I owe all dealers, or The Catarrhozon and do all my own housework, n t seen and be carried oat in any plain material, iffoi-I's Aot disappear try a Y, xiligston"Ont. stomach a rest and feels better for it my health to Lydia E. Pinkham's ed are theyi that have 0 Pin. REST ANDHEALTH10 MOTHER AND CHILD, Pan you Imagine you have, got the same yet have believed"- (John xx, 27, 29). SUDIC CaOLLET. URa. wwlsxoWls SOOTITING Svittir bAs boon Ve�etable Compound and advis y Then lay to heart Ills words.to them e. 81%TY Y1,AR$ by MIL14IONS 01 Complaint and must do the same thing." friends who are afflietod with all Gbod to Live By' wed for ove f6� t1leir CUILDIMM W111144 it",_XTS. and to us, IIks my V ather hath sent JhIs May Manton pattern Tg cut In si-tes � Nvitlj XUltVPCT SUC�CVIPS- It NERVILINE "But he tells bf four other person,4 female complaint to try 1 MhOe in, only One Vay to get read, 1101riltits Who Cured thehisblVe:9 by f-asting.11 . OV, 11; R. Xo 6, Paw 3�aw, me, even so send I von" (verse 21),aud from 94 to 42 Inches bust measure, Send IXAV11,11INC cl-IlLo sovrrn4s the GUMS Onvirmn no ts 16centg to this ofnceo giving number, 6921, for IMmortal -ft. and that Is to love, thwi's S swTut. a t 0 COLIO wres? Well, that's five stomachs out W.Chigan- may we be such Spirit filled believ6 We and live It as bravely and Taith. ALLYVS all PA -IDT; Cul>fls W'N') . it i,.1b- AIN and it will be promptly forwarded to you tcliledy for WARRA08A CURES ALL P If you are S11 do not, drA%4,long Mtil shall 11 by mail. it In baste send an additional is the best I d ask f r " uts. total Of W10001000F -in the Vulted at In 01 that is written that we I ftlly and Ch0erftlly as Vo eA%—Heary Be sure,ail 0 of a ilotp An operation is necessaxy, once oll �lflnps glorl f.v [Tim. two cent starnii for letter postage, whick Winslow's soothing syrup, and t4kc no other States. You eat like a horse, A . . a P1,. 11iii1djam'S "VegetOle Annures more trorm%'- dellvoxv. VIM Dyki& kind, TvVenty-five teats a bottle. hen take Lydi like a. log, And the �o.thq night -w Compound. 44. 1- � U­