HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-13, Page 211�A 11,i _____ __ 11
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of Those Who,Mo
.1 Pet I Appell,ations V0
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g,'_ ,
acl�� luou 1,01B BI GLift'-)
CLUM.my red rrds in Cana
1,600 birds; I
n Oircles:,
leas. �,
0 Isla,
� �
� I 0OQV1--,T §IGNI$ ,MEAN. A LOT T 0,
, BILL �IkES &'
. . : I I , , Co.
ltoya4l. per.qonages, like folk in less
� exalted ranks of life, ,often Possess a
Cough Cure
only; the best wl 04 rt in, 0�..
,14mes L. an "w .. , B�'x i
er �0;cl � ,
Y..;,. 1, Olt.
"VM13',W-W .
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naineor nickname, though a roy�
Imitations are never'sold on merit,
but dep�efid on the anerit of the article
I 11111 i
0 T TZI X -
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L, 'Three Nicks I n the Bottom of a Gate
. o I I I
alty ts seldom called bv such a., name
except by members of the royal �am,
. "
. I �
I SIV,ULT- unlit ; 15 e
*If 0; . I or pr lie,,
I 00; 100 eggs $4 so
tolkdal(,) poultry or 14, Ont.
. . Are an Indication That There Is
I " . I . - a,
ily� and rarely even by his, or her
most intimate friends -who are not of
,. . 0 Imitation Cough Medicine
'FOR r
. Dog on the Promises -A Chipped
royal rank, . .
. .
Good Enough for Your "
S A"
�A 471, 0 0 N, SASZ�wl)o yi
. . (,: � , I Wall Shows That 4 Policeman Fre-,
I �
Kims Gaieorge has not had a pet
name .for very many years, When
Chi 1dre ?
want to mal, -e m4ne �,? Ifsainvest
sasImtoon prope I
I , r 7 an Goatal S.ask
chowau farm 1411
. quently Passes the Spot -Pipes and
I ,� �, � . �
. : ;j .
� I Thimbles and Broken Glass.
quite a little boy he was styled
"Archer," from hi& great 11.4ng for
sick and Bond
When you, Are for th%
doctoT �ou doll't him
s. or f V a icull
as to good safe invest outs I
I , I . Ate, and
YOU are coining West, call on , ,cla
� i
I . 4 I Ouse,40-
1; � Like beggars, -who, in their h
playing,with a bow and arrows., The
name -was d ropped when His Majesty
want to, send
a Young medical student ho has in
NOMay Block, 2nd, venue - ox 110t, S
- qask� eferelice, y I j8a -,
!�atooii, , _A� & uk
I ,: I :house ivisitations, learn much which
� I
I , � I . � . Ina7 save a eonfrere from the sting
was about twelve. Re was call�d
"Georgiell until he was about six-,
his office. You iyould rather have
it4; young fellow experiment,oll some-
. . REAL ESTATE,. . L,
.. h ,shrew's tongue, a dog's teeth
It , 01
teen, but since he has always been
bodyelse. .
- .
� lortilight's free lodging at the coun-
''A a
, I" I try's expense. and who ,convoy such
called "George" by members .of the
royal family. .
X; more do you want. Imitation$ of
the,m edicine you know to be of prov-
T1301S-for a few valuable polntgrs
I real estate situation In. Saskatoon,togett
with current list of investments avallal
knowledge by means of mystic signs
I . I lon the -walls, gateways, and doors Of
The Prince of, Walem, when q�aite a
little boy, was known as Eddy among
exx value in, the Cure of disease.
Vale, remarkable success of Dr.
and Particulars of our co-op6rative syn,
Cates, write Box P,92, Saskatoon, $ask. 11
If liouses Where the welcome may ,be
Ili -warmth, burglars use
the royal family, and Eddy lie might,
Syrup of Linseed and Turpen-
tine, in the cure of bronchitis
.&IN ' 11.11-60 TH AFRIUA—N TZ
4laolting var-
i . ,
. .161us signals by *rhicli they provide
still have been Called, but for Que
Alexandra, who greatly disliked this
. cold's has pit . oven too gre
, at
- landwarrants-s ot ca
a Id. ; write or wire ini ediatel , W.
i their colleagues in crime Nyith inior-
$ 44 1
particular tr
con. action of Edward...
temptation to imit tors. They expect
. 417--
eplook, inn
------- �_ ,. __ . ipel
on I
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h THE 'CINEMA" CULT. . The Bud of a Tree. Unnecessary 976tions. �
, �1�011 �J
1� .
N Among the ,curious things discover. Dobbleigh had just come Upon Ha. .
= How They Learn Lessons From Liv. ed 1, - 4- ,1 4. . _ ,�
V . .xua on ca bulated to save Iii e and
I trouble when robbery is afoot,
and ill was chiefly owina to Her Ma�
jesty's influence that Oe
.Y,. a ,61iiaric idth Lheir medi-
cines because the rice is a few cents
-T Is
ing Pi0bres.
J . . � Un s 01 Plant hie is the
fact that a bud taken from one tree
1dris stanUlng All, Ine middle of
road -with his motorcar turned co '
I � I "791A see, it is like this " said an
pet n
. . . ame
was dropped.
leas. �,
. -
Time was when only one idea con-
and grafted on another carries the
� I
pletely upside down 'and surround
,! ex-convidl. "Householders'are natur-
, .
,il ally not going to warn a burglar that
The prince is now sometimes Call-
�; Drwld"
Imitations are never'sold on merit,
but dep�efid on the anerit of the article
best Premium proposition In Canada
__Ono that appeals. toeveryoneii-ap ply to
cerning the teaching of children was
held. Physical force
age of the original tree 'with. it. It
has always been believed that the bud
by a,crowd of curious urchins. I !
"Hello, Hawkins!" said ,he, sto
the Y.M.O.A. seen a blush pass over
they keep a good dog on the pre-
ed by his,brothers and als�
ter, but.is -usually styled Edwaxd"
they imitate, You don't want to be
Advertising Dept, 228 Albert
street, 'Ottawa.
was the great
" and the, young idea acquired
so transferred began a wholly new
ping his own car. "What's the in Ni
ceives the letter which perhaps she
, that the windows are fitted
by his older rel ......
experimented on, and for this reason.
.- �
—1 I I 11 —
Icn1io'li,giedire bv knocks
life but th
., le new theory -it may, af.
ter? Car turned iirtlep"
borrowing any, . .
� _,�_ .. I' 'VI I will insist -on seeing the portrait -and -,---- —
� 4 th electric alarm -bells, or that t1ke Prince, AiTth-ur of Connaught haa signature of A. W. Chase, M.D., the' - .
� ipolice are keeping special watch. 01-1 been called "Marcus" for many years famous Receipt Book author, on the ^
4the houses in certain streets. And it by bi�; relatives. In this connection bottle you buy. . %OP o a -s field
I i is very -useful to know, when you are a .rather amusing iAcident. may be re -
I I going to -crack a Crib, by three marks lated, -which ,occurred me e a ago A -ade of simple ingredients Situated In the beautiful Province
? so 7 ar a it is iii
, cut in the bottom of tile gate of the when Prince Arthur went to Japan to of proven valuo,' it is well'suited for of Albertai within 50 miles of Cal -
1 � garden, for instance, that there is a Convey the inzigna. of the Order of as - a treatment for Children. That gary. I
I �
� I -he, darter to the Mikado on behalf it -is effective in the. cure '.
I '! dog to guard against; and that a little t � of croup , I have a quarter section,
. V4haped piece chipped off the out- of the late King. . bronel-litis, whoop th' fenced; .70 acres in cultivation; all
� , i , Ing cough and a
. I .. I .01de window -frame means that trouble One of th naoet severe coughs and colds is at. can be brokell. up; 2 1-2 miles west
� . e officials at the Japanese tested by its many years of continued of Crossfield.
� imust be looked for if the window is court, whose duty it was to enter the
I I ,raised. And when any of the boys see success and enornious. sales. 25 cents,
I I names -of the visitors from, the Eng- ates & $1,600; $2,500 cash, balance ar-
� urt in the roll of royal visitors, Cc ranged. This is a snap. .
� . the ivall near the gate -post chipped to lish co all deale�s or Edmanson, B
i. 4 1 tform. the outline of a policeman's- heard the prince called "Marc -Lis" by .. Toronto. Ad . dreps Box 1871,
1 i .;truncheon, they are immediately on a m u , much to I I
� . 4the qui vive. for it is a sign which Central Press Agency,
'�, I l the prince's amusment. his name was HOARY JESTS. .
. .indicates that the district is being entered in the roll-bool, as "His . Toronto
I . I �patrolled by policemen in pairs. Royal Highness Prince Arthur Mar- Some Current Ones That Were Crack- - I
"Who makes these signs? Perhaps cus of Connaught." .
. ,� -burglars who have worked the neigh- Queen Alexandra has always been ed 1,500 Years Ago. ' . POOR -BOX IMPOSTERS.
. I particu- known as "Alix" by me be f ,he
. � . boitood and have learnt, %11 in rs 0 i . That the nature of humor has not
I ilars, or may -be one of the gang em-
.:" royal family, and among Her Majes_ altered greatly in the past fifteen Remarkable Attempts to Victimiz
I P eye in e ousp in some capacity centuries may be ascertained from a .
T tv's most treasured posmessions is a
I , r false references. There are prob- photograph of the late King., given perusal of the jokes given herewith, I Magistrates.
� �ably several reasons why he should her shortly after her engagement, oil which are taken from a jest -book. en- Quite recently at Westminster
� not endeavor to communicate his which is written "To Alix, from Ed- titled "Asteria," whose authorship is young woman named Alice Mau
, , lknowledV to other members by let- commonly attributed to Hie'rooles.
. t, . ward." Brown was sentenced to 1ireemont1v
" - I ,ter, and to be seen with his pals while Mi,, Charlotte E"nolly, That thecollection was made by Hier-
, , s, in private hard labor for attempting to obtain
I ght xuin life has for many years, called Queen charitable contribution from the coui
I . ,he is still employed there mi I ocles, is unlikely; one writer states
- their plans, especially if the latter's
I., . � Alexandra "Alix," and is the Only with positiveness that it is the work poor -box by fraud, says a Londe:
� ,mo- ents ched by the of a laterhand. A more potent arga-
I ,�. vem are being -wat person ouiside those of royal rank paper. Some days before the woma:
I I lice. He therefore communicates ineut a Ainst him is the character Of had Called upon Mr. Barnett, th
Ili, . 'po - y cer- who has been privileged to do so. w 9 . .
, ihis information as he gets it b The, nurses who have "he care of the ork Hierooles did. He was a court missionary, and handed him
� tain private signals." Neoplatonic writer, and devoted his letter purporting to be written by th
. The veteran mentioned that there the little. princes and princesses of atte tion to philosophy. But whether Rev. 0. Browne, one of the clerg:
11 -were quite a number of cod6s in exist- the English royal family tire never the ll�Asteria are his -or another's, of St.* Anne's Vauxhall, which stal
, .1 ence amongst the various gangs. As allowed to call their charges by anx they serve to show that the joke which ed that the bearer had been an at
a matter of fact, each gang -and as a pet name other than that of "Baby. won a laugh in the vaudeville houses tendant of the Church for six years
. I rult, burglars work in gangs -invent From the age of t ' hree years a royal of Herculaneum might -and in some and .was 4n need of financial assist
.,,z-' " , their o ,et codes of si Rrince is ,styled "Sir," and a prtricess cases does -serve th.6 same elt'd, ill ance 6wing to her husband being un
�11 - wn seer nal'ing .. "
. I
I 11 411, such circumstances. But e, s _ ladarn, r 1.
i - . Ill. e by their nurses and othe this enlightened age.
I n;ous code known to most attendants i The .only exception to able to work through heart trouble
I one inge . A young man,. meeting an acquain- The letter was found
I this rule was in the case. o ta , to be a forgery
Z burglaizi. ' f the nee, said, "I heard that. you were and the prisoner confessed that shi
� .
. I Queen of -Norway, who was known in
� stance, notches cut under- dead." "But," said the ot&r, "you had written it herself. 1.
il For Ins the days of her infancy as "Harry " .
.. neatil ti, ,'bottom bar of the front gate, I � see me alive." "I do not know how
: ! ,put of sight, but deep enough to be and the pet name has always stuck- that -may be," replied the first; "you Poor -box imposters -and there an
I . _ to her, for Her Majesty is dozens in existence -go to work ii
�, I . leVanfod 6-v feeling in the aark, indi- "Harry" by her relatives. still called are a notorious har; my informant many different -ways. During tw4
. crt'� t'l �umber of occupants. An was a person of credit."
: The King of Spain is one of the years a young woman, who had un
'- I Old c fa r pipe broken in several bits, 1 A man wrote to a friend in doubtedly seen better days, managec
.1 �* .` men and how many, and a very few foreign royalties who has a Greece begging him to purchase to induce many magistrates i4 thi
I . -"I'
- -� - buried by the gate -post means nickname;,,. and he is never styled by 0
1 1. '' books. From negligence of avarice he kingdom to advance her money fron
11 _'11w �0,1')r oc-cruparits only. A glass but- it except in England, where it was
� . to;� � . neglected to execute,the' commission; the poor -box. Her method was this
� � �: , ,�, -shell indicates diamonds given him. Among' the younger but, fearing that his -correspondent She would make a.pretence,of commit
, � � , " _ ,yster plate members . 'of the royal family, and by mi
� or ;z ,vols, and a piece of broken .
- , I warns he King j -ht be' offended, he exclaimed ting suicide late at night, either b3
�� : 1h,d:(,,qtes plate. A scrap of iron a few very intimate friend,,, t wlien next they inet: "My dear friend, severing a -vein in her wrist or by tak.
11, I the burglar that firearms are kept. A of Spain has been known as "Jack" I never got the letter you wrote to me
� for sonie years past. 1 i,ng poison, in sight of a Policeman
I � � bom-- carelessly thrown in a dark cor- about the books." � he constable, naturally'would ai�resl
� . I
I I ner means dog, and a torn rag or It is a grave offence against the 3. A -robust countryman, meeting a her, fi4ding in her hLd perhaps E
I cloth shows that he is fierce. etiquette of the German or Russian Physician, ran to hide behind I a wall; sharp4bladed. knife or it small bottlE
, , . And it is a fact -which must of ten courtv to call any member of the being asked1'he cause, he replied, "It labelled "Poison." When charged al
I I I make burglars themselivesilaugh-that reigning royal family by any pet is so long since I have been sick that the Police court, she would burst intc:
� � -these signals, when ,a burglary has name, and it is not done even by I am asliamed to look a physician in tears and tell a most pathetic story.
: . oft -.d to royalties themselves. � the face." .. I . .
- been committed, are � en referrL , .
: . I lu the newspi,pe '. which woulU call forth all the magis.
I � rs as clues to the 4. A man, hearing that a raven trate's 4 �Jn It the wo.
) I identit'r of the criminals. All -Round Sportsman. would live two hundred years, bought o yathy. Asa resin
I 1� . . man w be bound over to come
. " Ho,w valuable these signals are wad There are few more versatile'men One to, try. I up f or j , udgment if called upon, being
5. A foolish fellow, having a house given a little money from the poor-
� strikingLy illustrated by an incident than Mr. Horace G. Hutchinson, to'sell, took a brick from the Wall to box of the Court. Making her way
I related by th- ex-cDnvict already re- book, "A Saga of the,
,thpr mem- Sunbeam exhibit as a sample. ' .
� ,ferred t,,- Ho and two o whose latest
: 'bene of a 1�ang -decided to rl�.b a house li, " (Longmans), gi,vitng a de- to some other town, she -would prac-
1 . - �!,tflll 1 6. A man, meeting a friend said: tice the same dodge again.
"I I _, 1. Iftecount of the a voyage e
. ia one of C-� -P remote corm-iis r)l Sur- 'I spoke to you last night in a dream., I
� 1. � 'r L.)rd Brassey's famous yacht, has "Pardon me," replied the other; "I
I __1 � rey. Th -y liad survey, -!-d1 the pre- :
;� . �llsit been published. Novelist, ath- did not. hear you." I '.
. AlUles, idl �, suitable ,opportunity oc- White Women In South Africa.
.�� I curriiia-, tam- decided to ,lo the job lete, journalist, and sportsman, he 7. A man that had nearly been The South African -woman is gen-
� I.. Wit1l'y7't -,Vqifi1l9 to get 14,11 rarticulars has crowdt-d many achievements into drowned while bathing, declared that erally very hiphly domesticated; she
q . . I - the fifty-two years -of his life. I -Io it he would never enter the water again is not only'ca�able of � managing her
L �� 'i as; it) tli�� precautions ,i(j--�nfod against was who hold the amateur champion-
� , . .till he �had learned to. swim., native servants very,cleverlv, but -she
, — livarglary by the ininat-s ,Tf the house, ship of golf for the first two years of .
LEu-mI-.-*-,,- li-ast, for t1i � burglars
1. m " I . S. During a storiq the Passengers is able to cook well� make jam and
-11 -
. . .011, _7 iall 1,-:1i7., q� its institution, 1886-7, and the ,
: - ii), num, oning ti, e matches, niedals, and cups which he On board a vessel that appeared in pickles, look after poultry, attend'to
� , cuhidp gate in the. dark,' laid I danger seized different implements to the garden and make her myn dresses
� I 18 has since won at his favorite game are
�: I 1: �,u t � 1* 1 e gatepo-stt. oni the top f aid ihem in swiniming, and one of the and* those of her children. .
. . -r. _,. i , 0 1—oa. But, alas, many of the latter
I � ., 1: ad 1;e , ; in "'t"
.1 � .. I en cut �i r-,�i!r'i d.agra have vanished, for Bill Sikes one day number selected for this purpose the - The social life in all'Soutb African
� I . I �� � .. T- "T...- . I . . .
.. . , . � i
� . �', 17 0. 411.40 , t vast a coveV)us eye upon them, made anch6T. towns is a strong feature, dancing is
I ,5.'ii�,'- recognized It at# a signal an PfT-etive clearance, and left Mr. 9. A wittol, a barber,. and a bald- a favorite amusement and holiday
, a,di%-IrM by anothr�r gang to warn the 11t,% headed man traveled together. Losing Picnics on river banks are general.
; .� ' .H , .i% )a lamenting,, their way, they were forced to sleep nornen play tennis, croquet and golf
j I inen t'hat it was no gooi trying to There is a story told to the effect �in the o I d 0 a
� 11 use I j4�lrmlk,s to forv, anything. How- thi- d -ii wilen at Oxford Mr. ,pen air; and, to avert danger, a good deal of cycling� Life
" 1� ev.?Z, tlic� burglars proceeded warily, 1Tr"1-!i1,1"F._"�Vas seivod -with a ' it was agreed to keep watch by turns. in South African ranges from old es -
11 And eff�?ctt-4 an entrarco through the , -, - ra's- The lot fell first -on the barber, who, tablished culture and luxury, -with
� � , ,4�51ight of the greenhonse attached. chievittus fit, and while showing a fel- for '
. . i low -graduate how to play golf on the amusement, shaved the tool's every surrounding convenience and
� But UWY I -'-ft a way open.10 rotreat., head while he slept;
1, oil , a -ad th e .he then woke taste, to the loneliness of the veldb
!- fl I e6e quadrangle, him hus -
,d it was fortunat�� rer them that he so nlaced the -novice that he drove to scratch his head, exclaimed, "Here band's interests 'the Englisb-born girl
I fool, raising.his hand farm. and to tbig life and her
� " �. . they did so, for no sooner did they at-, a balf through his tutor's window. is a pretty mistake 1 Rascal, you have soon adapts herself if she is at all
� Ompt V) enter the house from the And Yffr. Hutebinsoxi biVaself has told aked the baldembeaded man instead adaptable. She can be healthy, happy
( � i�r-,�i in.,(1-1� the greenhouse than elec- the story of how, during a cricket %of me." and free and usually fairly prosperous,
� -w
ID . Mi,, bAls ,&,av,r, the alarm, and they match at Rolllognv�, on a field at the . , 10. A gentlexhan had a cAsk 'Of fine with more money to spend than she
1, I I 1,tol.,,edly decamned. They afterwards
- NOrnt, that tllv bou-sia was occupied top of a. cliff overlooking -the sen, one wine, from which his ser-Oant stole a would have in a. similar position at
� 1 by �, retired soldler, who had an of the batsm,m mado a hit which sent large quantity. 'Mien the Master per- ,home. .
, I Ahe ball to the ed,�ye of the cliff 200 - . .
I v . ttrarory of weapons and a ,dozen and &t below. And by the time the ceived the deficiency he diligently in- _. - _.
� I ol- inv,.nious d�wlces ready to I spected the top of the cask, but -could Provisional Grand Master. �
I . . give fieldsman had made a detour to get find no traces of an opening. "Look
11 I wiv burgdars who might get into the the ball. the batsman h,, -d notched 157 if -tber It was v,hile acting as Mr. Cham,i
I . . I 1-118C a Very wnrin reception. -Tit- . I .1 .. e be. not a hole in the bottom," lberlain's private secretary at the Co�
I I P� i ts, runs. . ." I . I "Blockhead," he
� .. said it bystander. -ice that Lord Ampthill, who,
I lonial Off
�, 41 .11- .. . .- .., __ I ' do you not see that the de. ac; the Provisional Grand Master of
I replied,
:", 4 . f
� � I Graceful Cocoa Palms. 'ciency
� ; 6 Roastfrig Coffee. I I . I P, is at tbe,top, and not at the England, tecently attended a great
.1 I -t good Chunk of money can be The cocoa p0m is on.e� of t1le most. bottom ' .
� -1.1 �11 gatheting of Freemakils at Reading
. 511v0d in a year by roasting your own beautiful and attractive -natural adorn4 ------ ,! - .. 11 I t,i 1AY the principal stone of the now
� ., coffep, ard it is not so hard at that, ments of many bf tlie public parlm wing of the Royal Berks Hospital,
� I A-11 that i:, nr!eded is a good big heavy and private gardens in Brazil, often when asked some stupid question- by
� I 11 : ' Ighty to
, I bkillet. 11,,_Fore roasting a pound of attaining a horiglit of Irom el I a pompous personage, returned the
,k grCOn c0ffi�ti! 1)ut in a chunk of btitter ninety fer,t, The trunk ,Is without .
I ! the .,;,fZ-;, of' all almond mixed wit'i a branches, and the leaves, whicli clug- � cheerful but somewhat linofficial an.
� "', tom,i)oonful' ol ,,mgar. Roast on the ';.i�r in' ta tuft at the, top, Ate from fif� swer, "I'm blowed if I know." On
I . . another occasion, at a political meet -
.i fstovo or flaiw�, st-idfly shaking an,q tecm tn twenty feet 'in hnigth At the I I % . Ing he was addressing, a member of
� stirri"111- ill the o:d fnsh,rmod dotTlyle lms.?, (,)I th,� bil"Wes, the nut�� -hang in I . I A I
I . I � 4,L- - ,the audience persisted in inte
� i4itIffle IIy Until allAs a uniforny rich ,-Iti.iters, th:� innnber varyin6' , I I ing., and, amid cries -of "Turn him
I brown, Shako faqt when coffet,, g f I rona . out" Lord Ampthilt quietly stepped
I , thr;� to lift -f -ii, according to the a�a I I ... 1; '
" 1: 4$ - �r .�. PI-wo-, don't burn. .,,6 - ,
� . pops", to , wAv'S az"l conditloii of tho ,tr( . Occa.91on Trierels We Ideal 11glit for 111)11 s r down from the platfom, seized the
i . I
Tho butili-r and rliia-nr fret the flavo ))d whIell d r offender by the waist, and carriedhim
P . r ally coma ,,�ajns arn fou I o , eliurCh or home. Cheaper t lal a
� , , , , electricity. Gf.ves 600 0-andle p f I
I 11110toll 11Y111 1)01.1�LIM, t)f tho &-Ift'lous mit bomr nats, .and these attairt even Pure 'Whitz, brilliant light for out of the building. As an athlete
I I 1!
I . � <1ri r 1�. ?Ilit, t�i,� ))ut,,,r -,Iztl r, , � . I 'tY s6em., pet hour. (lan I)e Initallecl an er - a
� , ' ,4t be good : 7 ,aUn' 411,�Iht. t1leir 8",ril' . I nd oarsman Lord Ampthill earned
nrid not twi ulw�,b usz�(l at , Ump. ', 4,0 au"er",11t .r viril*,tv and Con- n your. distinction at 02ford.
. I � , thn, malws You Judel), Pnpen U ow
I one I. I - , owngasp!ant Tholisatndsolrt dally use, I mulch 11 ,
The �sviollcr tho ilml-itty, to, -do the � ,.'.'�A �,,.,,',,,-,�.!�"*Lv,.,.",Qss, I : Writoforaoilloet ',qf, - it I — ,
, I I S free; afosl�ili
isib right tbe bAt-r. I � I ___..., brItq8eiL L, " Planned P& His Exit.
I ,
, I � � � I . - , I I I cat coftects. Eggs, . 01.11,216m, -, - I 11 . 1811 i �&11 � air of assurartop distinguished
I I orl 'r
I .
�, I . 1. I 11 I Luc,lr,. 11 - . �=t!�=ttt ._7�1 the jaunty young mail who had ap-
L ',V �.�- 1 :�i - i-);;,, k�-od Almlf it's en Mr, , 12, .1. Gorrillge, a tradoadvan, - " " _ '_` ,
: . J" f , of bitchling Evident Misunderstanding. answer to an advertisement I
: , I ', "W'd that blow�t ,00d to 1),;body� ;,, Eng., has a bantarn . . poallod
. � `�V . hrit hos, e!,,iis�,Xywl to arlive, tit which lays, fier og,�q in difler--it parts , "I!Dw is the flora, of your I neighbor- for a clenlk, but his manner did not
11 I I f of- J� r I the .Vard, but i�is cat never fails hood?" asked the city man. �
I Of ,,L Commend him to the leathet mer-
, Present 'opinion?"' I O,y chant. '
't, , -7oll know. t.1w N, llinelorl to fitcl them. She takes the be- "Fine," replied th& sliburbanite. "I ,,,
, ,,y(,)u jrle�,.,il T,),,�qji�,, ffi,1liljg(,I% who tween her todth,. carrfo it Is there a good opcning,her.e
� for
, S 109 the don't think she was ever better in
I I 6 young man who keeps his wits
1�: Pl".,��!VJJV got S"y I)ti,lljr squeo�,od, '."n the back, placos it on the stop� and ,tat. her whole life." .
.. i,f,�,.!k i , li�rk(,.Wl � tlos the door -handle with 'her Puws "U"Aaf are you taI1dQ`i,, About, .illy. About him and doesn't paro to begin
. "'Ve" I - . udtfl fier mistress arrives t* take in �,,,ay? I said the flora &your neigh. at the bottom of t1lo 4ddor?" asked
, �. You seo, we livicA nPvt door .
I I I tlle.egg� Not one of th e eggs hap, ye , bo��hood." � the applicant before the mol'ohant had,
.1, I fo tbe 13illingets for a number of . t I . . � "' J
1: 1� I I ei . "Sure, I 11(,ard yo.u. Flort, fi, I all Opportunity to speak." . . .
yoan. Since' 'they bave - lost . �
I . th J Wn broRm. ,, � 1. I � W j -g a . 8 my , . "Yes." he ',replied after'a, COP-1p1re-,
. I
1; MOTH'y and, J)"'ni'l rmnlroll�,A w give Up .. . . I ifo �" , I I I , . .1 � I .�
, I - I - . . � I : hensive sulTey of his Jana )�
: I V Pir Automr I flo, ni � . __ , , Y., , ,� or";
� I I A pv � , of their HomelowLondbri. � I t I ty .. I
, I
I i IAP , 1, UA 6II-c 'In I I -,Ak�t afpn� ,lbou . t'' ; o,oqo, pdopl,c 'th f� h ,5 - I 11 there is� A th-ftghtful: I -
1, I .rvtln .,.I I I i1m, A , . wl on , SgT(.',, RoAdy f6r Anythift 11 th
.� �011, as little A . I I I .s'ftf9,I , , -4 _,. I; .. , fopaqed I 9 - , A gq-�"t�pft ., �
;; t `e Oy theflorl " �omnlon Afig. "Viiat'40 you, thin'k, 04�hha 1-__ � , �' , "' L
I ��fl �r( . , �,,�Tit � I I �
A.,"�A *IN.+ 4,W .L r � I .11- .1 � - -e �,' .": _� .A -4 - - , ji,�9:, �'
. That was in the distant past. NOW"
that idea is
ter all, be more theory than fact as
yet -shows the matter in an entirely
"Not at all, Dobbleigh, not at all,,!�I'
replied Hawkins. "These 'kid I -'; ,
quite dead, and
there are a dozen fresh theories every
week -some. foolish,,
different light. For example, if a bud
be taken from a tree that is twenty.
wanted to see how the machine
workg,' so I hired a derrick a
and others ex-
cellent-and one of the very brainiest
five years old ,with a natural life of
th3 car turned upside down .
ideas is that. now being advocated by
years and grafted on another
tree it -will not live as long as. its
please the little dears."
the bioseope. 1�
When a newspaper man went to
ent tree is entitled to livei, the fall
fif ty years, but only for the�period
They All Do. .
the -special' diamonstration given at
H street, Lon-
life then left to the tree, twenty-five
Mother -Dickie, what do you wan
for a birthday present? Dickie -I want, -
don, for the purpose of showing the
to -be my own boss.
____ . . ...... --,
advantages of education by cinemato-
the Y.M.O.A. seen a blush pass over
graph, ,he was inclined to sarcasm.
The Idea of turning schools into pic-
i swit
we all mix a great deal of medicinel
we refuse to take ourselves. �
ture palaces'd I
1� I
------ -------"4
.11 a ing bacK, after a two hours,
esson," his, mind was filled with
. Qt lVir-Lill-IrM
"'M-1molu - __
one great scheme ---every sel-lool
fo r C_ COLDS
— . 0 U
. should have its cinematograph!
— -
For he had seen sample lessons.in
Write to Mother.
geography, history, astronomy, orni.
."Write to mother."
thology, and a number of other "olo-
This -is the wording of a small sign
. gles," and, instead of being bored,
hanging in the lobby of the Y.M.O.A.
he had learrit .something from each
building -which has- prompted many a
young man to sit down at once and
For, instance, take the ornithology
send a message to his parent.
� lesson, which sou t
Many times have the officials of
. trying. At school every plapil was
the Y.M.O.A. seen a blush pass over
j told how the caterpillar comes to be
a young man's face'as he views the
a butterfly. You believed it, of
little sign. Often he a9ks for paper
course, but were not impressed. But
and pen, and, immediately mother re:
to watch the whole process on an en-
ceives the letter which perhaps she
laTged scale, as shown by the ineina-
has been longing for weeks, maybe
. tograph, is -something to marvel at-
months- .
something, you cannot and do not. de.
You can save a lot of trouble, by not
Or if the various dates - in history
borrowing any, . .
had been associated with a wonder.
"'It, I ----
fully enacted living pReture, or geo-
graphy 'with brilliant views, how
much easier it would have been!
1111IM11 . .
-- For Red, Weak, Vleary, Watery Eyes
Of course, the idea is hot brand
new. It'has already been tried in
MurineDoesn'tSmart-SoothesEye Pain
teaching medical students andothers.
Professor Doyen_ of Paris', was the
DrWeub Sell Marine Eye Remedy. Vqvii, M, 0c, S1.0
Murine Ere Sedve, in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00
first to use 'the cinernat-oarFinli in sur.
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gery, And, like other pioneers, he suf- MurineELveRemedyCo.,Chicago i�e
fered for it. I : il,
Professor Doyen brought the cine- — - � c;� -- .
matograph in_arid kept the students __ I I — --------------- 11 r-!' �
out. Next day he gave a lecture, at
-which the film was projected
The best equipped factoxy for ,
every detail explained. Unfortunate-
producing Counter Check
ly, the studentis objected, serious riot-
ing took place, and the police had to
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be called in.
But in the end the professor won.
- I I !,
,The students quickly altered the)'Lt
View,% and came to appreciate that
ff& Counter
the w method had big advantages
for them, as well as foT the surgeon
5 CheckBooks
and the unfortunate patient.
er day I.
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How a Snake Swallows a Frog.
The method of swallowing 'is a very
simple one, although if the frog be
large more than half an hour may be
consumed in, the process. The two
bones of the lower jaw are separate
and capable . of independent move-
ment, $0 the reptile loosens its hold
upon one side.of its jaw, and push-
ing that side forward as far as pos-
sible, it drives the teeth in again and
draws the jaw back 'to its orig I inal
position. The result is that the prey
is drawn down by the movement.2he i
process is then repeated by the other 1
lialf of the Jaw, thus irievitabiy fore- ,
ing the -victim inward. ,The snalce's
3kin stretches enormously, and the
law is of course dislocated, but the
Ixtensible ligaments hold the bones .
�,ogether. � . � . I
the Oldest Person.
Nina Turataviloff, a peasant woman
it Teley, in the Caucasus, Is probably
�he oldest person in the world. Re-
, I .
.ent y she celebrated her 165th birth -
lay, .Though she is now quite incap.
ible of using har limbs, she is still in
)ossession ol her mental faculties,
I 1.
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