HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-13, Page 1rq_ 4 THE, COMPLEXIOIN EASTER PERFUM9S. SPQd1;Xi1 attOntlQU Must be . 01YOU to the 600141plexion at this time of the year, If you TAX XWP YOV IT %rq looking for the best. face cream on the We h4vo the IsUst, and Ablusir use tiong Made by the bes u b inaulafalct, rets TOM oopce, Creaw of ' JIM 4A Althonds 10 fancy bottles 60 to $Uo un vpassed as a toilet lotion, once used al - bottle. Moeyour ow,100 at, wayR in favor. TA- 10 storo J1 Harm &IMiddlesex Gazette 00101's Drug $tOr", 'Tninlry-EiGuw YFAR--NO T; CANADA, T HU 4 -PAY MORNING, APRIL, 18th, IKI yvar 1*44vanco I I --,--1 11 1 1 1 11 - wk—oml 111 N 1 1 1 1 1. N A! Exeter C uncil C .0c I ,,South Boron S 0 Exeter'School Board Stephen, Ou 0i JONES & M AY Tho Exeter Council met.' on F rIcTay Tba I rrr,41ar monthly meetinr 'of TO Council Of the. Tow6shiq of c6fivention V've`111111Z With all the, inembers,pre' the Boar . d was held onMonday even In the'T'awn Uall, Ored- ASW aday t;lrt third day 0 A-couvieation of minutes of the la"$t- rueut- Ing last.. wLt t l0,,1.'m,. All. =,ember$ Rhotite N 0 a.' 3:2 a "t' The h only on!,? ;absenkee,S re read a a Mrs. ffld pp.rovedl" Vart ni.%, Zcsldes ',,eOnfirmlidg. the ithet dv.y School Workers W".,held, in, Z! xe M Wra. is on waited ere proseAL. The pilautles Of CO OiQ mlwice.4 of- last session the, foll0Nt.i11g 'splam Were on -ad ad -S, See Our ul'Oil iacldaix Eo have her iftxes re- items Wer:.- daly considered and a ious meeting were read a Oop- 1*11 on' T;hur: day lasit, se, mitted. No. action taken. prelsbvtexian. ihaxteb Xr., Jas, Secitell presented Wood and H, 19, Hu s' tl'd* hold, in Cavent proveA :Per F. a petj *- ton, the report Of ths PrInCIpal,a;- k?jfq( Sand,(, rs-lfearlv, Tbat H(tmxy M 111,s marntug iai d aftexiloort and tw Mat -a Eilster ats tlon nlskirtv t coqbacil to have drain k6r. drinklnz c n ups and p,11lis fcg. the b, appolated Deputy reWT-AE4.3 Officer Lqtrl et tehurah, lin the leveatn . tRev. Wo derful treet North of kthe a ilock for Jur tho Yet/-, to I be vaken in the Poll" IS, F. Sharp 'prk4slIdeld at tho moram-, lusted Out, Levett and mlss Xinsmaze's, room. and snggtstillf: VillaiTa of Qentralis. on. the. local Im the Co)mmisLqioner see, -air.. %the purchase Of all StlOdt, land bulbs tirovemenz Py­la-i :- and that )the Auca. Rev.. R. J., M, Glass-foid. of 1 & ii c-tiould Have One I Rvie the same attended to A r" rm___+_ &I I& QtrriedL vslravle, ullri-71 t-6 Wevic. AI D %the By-law ba printea. 111- 1-0 ralliton ar, e Mr.' P. SIVeet asked Pureba*3 of about -Ix loaex, Qf earth SLa,r,-Qktxrlod, tarlo S. &. Assolcia tlon. addrelssed, 1 -the, Select your new EASTER HAT now, while stocks the Conn -ell be reeeived and the necessallea se - complete or . ,der. We are sbo*ing the largest and V.-50 for extra work on - a XAlexman-Sax..ider,;s;: That A. Hill dialezatets Qn -the xew "Conte J- Stamd- leave your 01 d'al' on cure,cT.. The followin; accounts wq most stylish assortment of btyles ever 8110W.0 in ,Exeter, All at Alatn street. Day and, Rive - d. Per 241. W, Crl ' & Co. or Z -01tr rs\ that Passe 4dmaxx and F Iitchall 150 awardcd -thv. ard! and itflvi loose of Zoujity or- ko be -,-ranted $1.25.-C ried .. contract for ereotinr.- Ae, Ot !el bri I I reasonable prices. Wobdll T. Uawkins & Son. oil, cup% a River be- izanIza:t4-on;1' Thi, orgainiza:tlan 'Of 1, Devett and , Walper thaart Mr. War- t, 1.10; X. A_Ste . wart. inntaheA etc dg,e alor"g the Aum i9ap-bl, Sodth uu oyr was Ithen k)xocee-died 4 Vhir'-s Offer of $29.00, for Verity paye 650,: tw,eau Lorts 15 and 11Q.iin the Sib, con- w-fth. Stylish INIew Dress Goods F-ar 9., Huston and F'.i Wood nd, Joseph Law- , Inkint Plolv, laid, down here be accep- that' thc c oration of tha-Lvilla-10 D ssloxx of Stephen. X During t1iia aft-eftoolla wzeisWao Mr. n the contract for the coli'structiop El: of Exeter b treasurer for the our. '50 J. gz Tom., 1. P. ;S, . a Wlatst Rivax$ and Day that -cement abutpelats and,floor.- :H- . This is a bumper Dress Goods season With us-, the -Iollawirt, rent year. :eer T., B. Carling, -ad- of the uron. Gavle a very 'Praidtical 'and accoants be, paszed and orders Issued j Qirr1iex4. We are showing the. finest Waves that c8611 be bongbt in T. f - foroeabla, adiftess an ,the organiza. BlacU and colors at 50c, 75c. and $1 per yd. popular prices. in Pavm,, ,ut;. . B. Carling k)t.. ealar" G .4 Yearly -Love T31at the Creditor; and mada!:gament, of the Oup- color d Volles 43.75; W- X- BISSett. Pt. salary 33.; for Black Voiles e Poplins Jas. Connor. Llbrariau, 25.00, Sam St ir in,'Ntura 4D the priintka. day 01-abool. Mr. Glas6ford, in a 7wav 1 .6 :: I Lh% T4wnshiv of Stephm at the sa= tUt tzxW131a4 1khe convieaitfoh.. spoke Poplins Melrases 8andors Posta7c and.salgrY 19.25; Vf= AT.' GODERICH prio,,%j. a s axe now Paid tinder Tedder. satin cloths Satin Stripes Thos. Brock. jr. labor-. .1.95; Thos. "Flour F ohndiatioln Sunday sphobl Venetians ct Silk Glarias Cr4aech, labor'.' 75 Cents- ; TbGs. 3MOld QplrrLlcld . factors" and Rev. R. 1-1. Blean bf -The Kensinixtda VurnibitrO Corn, 13aTinty Reave Sanders(Na seconder Cne6ton. gave an exeellodt tdcire*,A 'Chiffons th %Vatlerworks 3,25 ; W. X. Heaman. .44 Resildas d Satin 010 pany. of Godarich. ownedi by H. E. 4,aw ten4ers be askod for the 'on "714, Iffame land its relatiou to 'the coal ete. 11 75; And many other kinds of new Fabrices J. Grlz g stattoperY Rumball, of London. Was 'Sunday, %chool." in t1vk evenaug, 2.95; Ele ctrlc Lilzbt Co_ 1o9,.oi5,j 4A-.1troytd by f1tre Thurafty nl ,ab[ 1P. o Bar. Mon. Glassford and Rev. D. W_ : It a t By -la -w n Llev:ett and walper that anyoa,,4 9 30 Q'iclock, only the machane. and cn deeply interested thi-a havinT ashos to dispose of 175 being a B.Y-la- 'to authorize OL, Collins Will kind- itine roorais. being is vyed Tlhe Tire Reeve and Tzeasurer of -this Mamaiip ailtdJenlee NvIth splendid addrevrest 40 ly sae' the Colnm sisioner and he win ,The loar bad reached such beadway owin; to alitT to borrow money to meet the Mr Glassford spoke on US$ RN00 0 advii-e Them where to dump the the inflammable nature of tb-a bailde. S. Vision- aiz d Mr, asho.s as the council cant make use or in x CUArej;,t egp,-udiltares until taxes ar Uadera- S. Isame.-Carrle4., i avinj, been read the third Ckollias and leowtieults. bereale the fire collacred. !xavtl a scholarly xe- brilAxda. arrived, 'that It got beyond tim,6 and -,,--.zed by the Rdeve and tsum, at 'the hls tory of Ithe, tralawa- Mr. Whittaker. represeritiax thR '40 L*OUld hilair Co ontrol-and okilY ithxevg h r trznuoujs Clark and the --eal of the corparatiolz tjonl; of the Eutzliish a4ble. Shapley . Rrantford. efforts Wier^ they able -to leculiine it rco. attaojxed, ttere&". Carried _1,110ss Manicur and Miss Rihisman; + waitvd on 'the council wiEb &,vI1e%v, to the fuld tory Pro,perty, The fira or,. The. following.persons won appolp- j%,z:dex,e:a ileautiful, Lsolos' at Ithe, a - That are Attractive and Practical havin, the, matter of Ind' r6nlalbed in it -lie paokitwg & )artmant. teld to tnforoe the PrOvj[SIGAS of iternoon Lseisision, The Main st!re,elti eu nllty be- magnificen tw,?en them and the couiabil settle& and th., caulse ils leVUraIY uAkno.1 ",, By-la.w no 1, 57. bain; -a By-law choicrhald cbar-L ai of the. muisia. in ithe., Until you have seen our t show- Day and Rivers that we make the as the factory.was runnii'Ve up t1II,9 vrowli;tinx animals- from rUnL1'JTM._ On evoning-.. Toivn1s&ip, enmaniza:tllo-as Will ing you will not be able to see what we are dcing Gould, ShaPlov & Mair Co. an offer o"iclock. It 6k kiotimated over $75.000 the, liublic, bighNmy, VW Willia= lie arranzed. 64- Possible, Aowardp of $600 In bill of thair claim. The dialmo-Oals W:as, idone. whiich iis c 'I same Was refur overaj& &nd,,_rdQn from ConceAsion, I to 9, in- th-o, end May. sed. in, this line. The council -adjourned to meat &I, bv- ix0suraillm. The compazY en,ployed clusive; Charles Stelnha;gm from Th,_ following %compoic, The execu-t a numlibav of- pae3k If it had taot beaLa Con, 10 to 17 incillsive, A id Sitephenj t1ve, tcolinell for -South Huron Pre. Friday lievenin-, the 101h injst- for the fdxe -wall 9t 'would hasso been Wiaibb from 18 to the we steru bonaary zid,,CiA Xr. Vrank O'Brien, Chisel - $5 Long Spring Coats T. B. -CARLING, cleric. hil,23dt; Vilm.-Pxes.. Mr. T. )1. Scatt oo Spring Coats impossible 'to have Mavldd tlha dry kiln of tha Township. and eni-affiae room. Owillig 'to the rain The followiu- are the r-ames of -the Exeter; Beta,-Isee'Y.. Mr. H. E- Hqs This is a winner and sure to lil fawn or Black. They tha1t fall duriA Ithe day the flames r(ath-masters, Ipouiid-keepers. I and ton. ErdteT. -Por. SeVY. and Treas.. take your fancy. It comes i are very stylish and you will Locals, Were confined to the f actorY aod did i-encieviewers appointed to act in 'the W G. Medd. Wluohels-ea; Pulft. A. D. light fawn striped and Blacks like them for their lies . fulness, not lspnmid 2 to ithe adjoihinitp, Jumber municipality during the, pxeseint year, :C. Dept.. Air. Wm. O'Brien. Zuricb.; S hos 6 V E e c s K- ] TcFauls is visitinz in 3aa- vards of Dle;an. & Co. Mr. J. A. Rum. Piath-mastars-Daniel. mith. T - 01- it t. I I in utary delp t.. ATx. X. W. forth.. ball-Itbe manaiger, had jusit rettiniadt iver. Victor Snell. Wni. Sweeit. Nel- Oibwein Renftll; Supt.. freliaheir TOP Buggy' for ;8ale.-In good' -con. from al 'Aubo to the West and says son Kestle, Robert Mitchell. Wilson Tra-InIng dent.i. Nxis. Colin ffletther ditl6n. apply d;t Times offit,. xh build:uz Nvill be k taxted at onza. son Andexac1h, 0. W. Chrilstie, Ed Tham._,i_,0Rowd; Supt. Masionary de`6t. Spring Suits Children s Dresses * L M Mr. Rich. WJ—Sh teturzted home 0. Shaptort. Wm. Fenbale. Wesley Dear- Mr. W. H. Sohmiston, Xitgpoi .% from tha west on Saturday. 1Ag Wm. White. Ezra Haist. Ed. Have you seen our All Anew line with us. We D. S, are showing a nice range of LT B,oln NE lcouwmu Short. Dan, Schroeder, Wm. Sanders NOTICE Wool Venetian cloth suit Mr. Gfeo. Xwck-son..of Londob, Was coatsilk lined in Navy or Whitei Checks and Plalia a callex in town laSit Week. counoa raiit April L%t inursnaliet, Wesley LamPort 'T. R. Espery Geo. .Colors at $1. $1,25, $150, $2 adiouinmient. All thd members we , Fahner. John Smith. John Roeszler. Havin.- knoved to the -.Premiser. Black for only $1100 Its 0, Mr. and DYXG. Alex. 'THOP,alls vipi!tedl (Henry wucate by Mr. Well- JOhn';$ VQ - $250, $350. at Jas. MePalls in Hay la lt Sunda Prelsent, The nainutes of tbe last Patrick Carroll, Wm. Hill. d _ R 0-0, beauty. 74 meeting were Tead and apb,rovekll Fdnkbeiner. Jacob Schwartz, W- H. door sodth of Wood's BuQie h;; Wha, annual Spriujr ftow %v-.111 be By_law, No. 3 IgIlt confirming Ithe Morlock, Mo slp Aray. Gaxtield Steep- I am PrePaxed to supply , your pizeds hiallid at Br=egeld on Rxiday. apria avoointment of Pathma0ters WaP er. Lvman Glanville. Robert Mai in Flour and Eced. Coal and Wood. I .219,th. ; I 1 -It i wr: Passed- sigged and waled. inney . Reuben Davey. Jonah Kestle would like to buy a quautilty of Wood 'Mrs. Chas. Undeafeld has -be3b The re eier. Mich for whitch I will, Way the , 1hi!;6he& Season %rAa _autborized to tilzn J&z. Carlay, Joseph McKe Hen markelt PACe. A Big Silk laid' up ,for several 4v's With '_ la Ln Drcher'for the -Durp!hase, of & ng, -W maidden. pavid.Lipphardt. T"ob g!rIppe. t. w steel Champion Road Griiider, Mann. haere c.. H. L, Kraft 'Stephen -Morri- GE0. 11A=LE. flaiettireld by 'the American Road Bra. son. '%Tjxvton Clark, 6 s. Keys. Hen - Miss Netile 'Walters has returned chiiale, Co., of Gioderich, machine. -to ry ;Engloled. Wm. Bxowm..John Houl- Jaquard Silks from London ito ispead the Pla-hi Silks Raster be of f till standard equipmenit. woo:cl aban. Jorry BropheYl. Chas. Lochner 'aac David Webb. Simon We bays i o extras. I extra iad g:e I extra se.t Morlock James ffedgins Nich _ - the popular silks in 20 inch 27 This is very popular' summer os. Webb. Phil ka and to include the'followiniz. I 'food wee Dom -al AfeD, I full range of all In all the newest shades olas PdT Mrs. Sam. Glidlely Who is undera -d ire 15 in. I yd wide and 40 in. wide silk and domes 27 in. wide at inx .trLa:tment at Duluth, is, We are of double and single W,11iffltrees. 11 lard. Wm. Nichols. P they are very much used. 40 45 and 50c per yard. pleased to rdate.zraduallv improving. oldsed box. -ana I threo ttleam equal- UP Baker, Jos- Carruthers. W. H The baseball boys are I . zer. price $200.00 F. 0. B. Exeter. Rayter. John. Taylor. Ab. Mollarcl tryinz to se- Alax. Pgriso, Arrhy Webb. Ed. Gill cure the payable in thirity daYs after delivery. school tZrOunds ithis Year. 11 offer be not acoepted' council to John Holt, Austdn Hayber, John Ba. and purpose, ski11463153 the dliamoya& invleWtigalte the offer of A, Za43 zleson. Henry Isaac. H. 'Pertram. Means Strengthl 40 Mr. Joel Day% intends startjn a ford. GraiAotm Joseph Brenner, Agdrew Disjardine. ne- flour and feed, store i n `b 1,s Aiccounts $1.50. Counaij 'th bd_ sr.- W. Relilly. Wesley Jones, James shop recently occubied by iet b Jontes May * Mr. 1W. jurned. to meet May '6th i ne McCarthy. John Baxry. M. Mobitym oUock. Win. Shaddock. Fred Green. 011as NYAL BLOOD I [Jr.. Wm.' Sanders. Mr. Ierk Stanlala. ExcavationiS are being made for MORLEY-9 Steel. Henry Kraft, Henry Szhroeder the. Creation of Mr. B. W..F. 'Beaverst 0. - Sam Millar, John Rhode, !Cdarad ]law house north of Majta . (streeU -Mr. Clarence Miners who has bee. o Walper. Areby Webb. churelb, workin-b in tha Post Office at Flor- Pound-keeper-s-Wra. Moffat. Hiram 0 Mr. G-eo. Andrew of Eliraville land ence -received a telezrara from Shapton, Wm. B. Gai-sier, B. Ounkiin;- PURIFIR Mr. Chtjs . Camm -of Woodham. T-Ttana. Sask.. With a *,,00d offer for 'ban-. Jos. Hickey. Geo. Webb, Joseph Ara a Position in !that pls;iya. Clarenbe Edwards T. J. Amv Chriz.Finkbein- a'Qt4q)a4,1inz court in Godexich th`iis week cama home Friday eveninzt We Un- arthi Senou as Juroms.. er. Philliip Baker. Jos. Brenner. Fred daTstand that owing to ill ..beafth Preeter. Silas Stanlake jr.. Wm. Z -1m. - There 'has been a zreat run Of Gap Mr. Wra. Miners inten& 1 0 0 per cte;nt c Is r Vex; during the I _Qing With tne, Albert Masser- 0. X. Wilson. rg LOOKED THE PART P ast Week. Maple yrnp, him. 1rhey 1ea I vie ThursdaY evening, kl ace-viewers-Danlel McCurdy, 11, Very Plentiful, so mu;ch belazdmade, Mr. Jas. Xonbefth. of 1 he Thames aac Hill, Ezr! Vaist. Peter McKen- 4o colors -to select from in tins from zo cents up. that the price has dropped 4o.$1 a Ro r Xiinx. 0. 11 Men must look right and be ad.'M10t 'WArb a Perious azaidenL zie. Geo. Mawhinney. Eli - last Week. He wa.%dxivjrL-g his team Wilson. Gtio. Down, Austin Heyter. right to command success. Clear Mr. T-bols, Rinsgall,of ov er the farm when they be -came Th3 followia- orders Were paid):,- eyes, clear skin and clear br in .SENOURS FLOOR PAINTS moving onto hii. farm on *thB Thames te talxgled in a wire fance and in U. O'Brlcm f1ii1n;c washollat on 0. B. ?Dries over night, wears like iron and will outwear any other Floor Road and is offerin., his house amd freeing them Mr. , Men.telth was $1.50. -Adolphus Allen, drain, 7.00. Sam mean money to tho man who pos- lot and also some fauld-adjolhaag the knocked down tinder them. He sue- BroN,,n broken plow, 1.00. Henry L sesses them. Dull eyes, sluggish Paint Made. Own, for sale by itendlex. See aAX, tained two broken ribsi and tseveral Kraf t, PION11 4.00, A. Hadzins Co. Lim - t tamp, Co., brain and a pimply, blotchy skin ro colors to select from 60 cents per Imp, Quart. on Page four. bad cuts, n the face and head that Lted. Zas. 3.15. Hamilton S requixed the &A,911stance of a doctor. cO`w tn,X` 5.Oo Total 24.65. The Conn are a serious handicap. 'IMd L in IL is doinar Well and able to be out cQ a1djokirned 'to in . 0 Mr. WM, C0UItI9,,Wh0 Ivor e. -t wqain in thel th,6 furniture factory at Goderich algain. Town Hall, Oredit;.n, on Monday.. the Nyal's Blood.Purifier will re - CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN that was recently destroyed, 110 re- 13th of May urext at I p.m. move pimples, and blotches, ro!turned home and is this , week LVELBER, Tp. Olexk. Ifor turnittirej flours woodwork and doors. Ing into the house he treleebaLlly BORN brighten the e e and increase vi - This is the original and only real Varnish Stain 12 colors to sO mov T purchased. south , of Alain Istreet tal power kV giving you pure Ject from in tins from 15 to 85 cents# 'Chure.11, . I CLARIC.---Irt :Usborne.. on 8undaY S. S. No. 1', USBORNE. The, marriax . Sit. Aptil ftb, to Mr. land Mrs,. Nelson Its of Earst' blood and good circujation. Price e took place in Clark. a daughlbeir. , Resu er Dpromotion ex- $1,00. John',% -Pathadral. Willanitpe:g_ on RD, 11) -Bosana pet Sunday March 20 aminiations for S. S. No. I Usborlat Alabastine, and, Muresco Wall Finishes 'March 30th. of Miss Norah 0. H av_ IV.- Colail Harris,., sr'. It . to i1r. and Mrs. Relld. -a son. Jr. IV. 'to Sr AIuminiuM Paint, Gold Paints and Enamels, Varnishes, Shellacs; and 111, ldalllghhar Qf Mr. Goo'. Harton 1jr. to Jr. UV. Elirin RoweliM hon- AWe reccommend it because we f0rnitexlY of Exe ter - to Mr. F nest R. JLANLE.-Islt. Carmel. Max -ah 20th, to k, Strang. Mira Dew.'John know what it contains. 'and Wagon Paints. Everything in Wilson. Miss Hartows many.friends Mr. and Mrs, Thos. LaaO.a dAu;'zih-. Ox`s;,111,1.ga1r y Neil. Frank Jarrott Crack Fillers. Buggy t(ex. D I . aTr,1 I 'Paints. and Varnishes. will join With tba Times in crtentdP I Jr. III. to Sr. R11. KwItia Sanders, W S. flowey Rm. iAZ cOngrattilatfons. W13DD.-MpGMlivrftY. Friday. March Sr. 11. 'to Jr. 111. Cliffoid Moir. Ila 0 lie 1911. to Mr, and Mrs. John Mitclildl. Jr. 11. fo Sr. Ill. olara IDON'Tj V . Il V, L J LU E a ison. Noll Rasa Moir. Malcom Douzal. Cheml,.st and 0110-d'ata AIKEN.,1IEAI).-A:t Holq-sall. on Sa;t- ii 13, RNdall. teacher. F, ET E R ONTARIO ABEAM'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE arday. March -)5, xol-f, ito Dr. and ---- C121. I LIXE'to lloar a fellex who will )Irs. Aloart AlkenhcaA a whilstbo, titblis work; I liko_- 'to hear a Worker who will MARRIED Be'loW is tha S 6'Xt h Le SMORY SYSTEM S. Sii No. 3, USEORNE , %0 q l A ME hum a little.tune. %e V, I e ct u nm d The, following is the report tof S. Ef a. ballerz igot some MuWi wh , WILSON-11ARTdN- At St. John% rj,Orget ea oh kindoess ''t1hat you No. 3. Usbgna for 'the Ponth of he ain't so iapt to,!&i[irk; Cathedral, Win:nip' Ch. to the school 011dren who are writind in ap you have, done it; Max h. Sr."IV. max. 300, Leonard e; an TUar you Itarrits 2.19'. Janiz 'McCulloghs,204. R, U10 kin thhoze a bleak Decembe- 30th Miss Norah X-larten daugh- jorglet the pralise that falls to Wto mI9d iantd merry Xifh -,,. ` 10 Mr. .r 6 DDIIPI fRi. Jr. IV. max. SOO, Fern, Wha)ts th,_1 use G' , tar of Mr. Goo. Harton, the Competition for Cash Prizes $5, $3, Th -el moment YOU havc WO,11 Vxanzis 204., Tema McCurdy 100. D. 'I"There is suxifsbi . aie here far Ernest R. Wilsobi.. Vorb, et the slander that You hear Balfour 184.. May Ho4ziaxt 119,01- IThere Is sunohiLe jl, .xe fur yon. CARAJOK-PROUTT - &t the jamds epea t ilt car CoPoland 114. Jr. III. Max. 300, Life s'rnos!tly Street Methodist Parsonage by $ Before 3;011 Mn T What yon make it; r h SOO a0b Heber Shute 230, Boy Fletcher 178. intake It inaellerlika an' true. :tho ReV. R. Hobbs, on Wednesday Wo h0v rxo baek to khe 2nkl 1,eeltill-L, dafective, e' (% czpeciajl "Org* Cale -t 'each splilte, e Lest(,r McCurdy 171., Gordon Cope- 0are will often rat, dway April ZtA-- Miss, Calinda P. proutv . .7 land 168, Jr, Ir. maX. 200, Bella Bic zli 'ho findis you're fee.14n, g iy, b to Mr, Wra. Carrick, 'All Of stq.. whileh tPelItteA oh 'Ifie aceomoitfalejon M tropllc will feel thIs Whl:,.ra, dr YOU Mav moelt R. Curdy OL. Gi,%orze Harah 67, Pt' I OP011 UIP Your- nauisl a. brother, ant' by bon, ox thei'liv&O if An tb js le otu.z , 000artban a Prefelet etdi Why tbliq . o'mber eve:rY killdMeSS donP Sr. Ivit Francis, ira, McCurdy. Olar thunder. let it, pIayJ DIE 1) w the, lease lvill make d p9hit fdr Vein volt Will at 6hoo s6le tha't when wo tin in Your,eLiqsay h1s, will To yon, wh(alibe"er tbs mbasti;rei; =orttv Dou'lle- Abtggie UtCutidy, Pt The!relo lcliolgh UVL lg oom an' sorre'r by others Won. I Jr. Vllola Hod1M' ,xt_.1,;rftest Harris r, ISIIUR.-In rIxiAer, QU prway ivad ot wr4it.d cif do . anyithRng It alf & Tho fzucc that one of the ff6t elth. E ,11,entembler PrA100 uvthta kind tbaL hez, -to, be. April ;Va. Nirhwh wo ui-4'0 O(If lqlil ,ht tbt OhOrt clis- of Prosbylyplat And pt10 11 0XI WAh blaaisure '-, Annik,, Cxilfialliln. 331gy1v Copeland, L. Uts, 'of ilu"a imni kin 't of ''thle, late r ick cominim on is th, romiso ldaide INI.001irdY Zilila McCurdy. Gordon enary*, , YOU* 111C i reder ri Jsfi or. :Jln'W L our Power Of acdainad(atioin inclinadon to hold the Bzmember oVeTY P whiwtba A Way. X0",4-63 years and 5 Months. mwist 4a In c000ka!Irt iioS. As little farther And keeP lit 't15 -the Gilfillan. No. enrolled 25- Arprage Wban, YOU %6e ol'a ltrouble skulkin in -Lh( baatl,( k it I, aWay` Ithan 119 hm4 prlei;4oUsly been the habit. Me fglo mber those W110 lend you aid. a6.tk!n&n;cc' 22. :01. M. Greasob ' tea:. -flhia, 161tis behind the. a itriec. ST,11nTC11r"R,_ln Or"Atton on abor. I ild,tilrally their eltigeildi And bia, a igriiiteful dobtor. Ldit him sea you're me'rry-heiix-tedi. 1U.01day, Apxil 11th, 1011 Mrs. madlness !(.o act freely tk and .4uring 'ClAie, '11'Zotint 6 f Presbyot ia put your re;aord o uazl Wayl (),136tvelcher. Add til)ils is (,`Tkir4 in'tO amy and -fillallY true of the nausolea A.3141 a a- all Qoctfs which we find I Mrs. A. G. 3)rar, I,% on the ii-,tok A awat Wedding was solem-.1kild Whalt's, the use c f-a,clia' bludl DA)v IDSOXZ-m-In .13osan(tttet, Tupsd y. meritts forming 1310 cry.qtallin-e 13 on Wefteaday evwigugl of last Wletk Nmfurls happylika an'. true, lQ&Q bviforic deciding 'the PrOPDX, alaowj 11arth Y Sltb. 301,L. Mir. Jotht David. Irour k yle ma rfelct oil) t may be to, I)e Ivory, Sk,,',jhQ of, On at th", James Street Methodist Par- 1111p, Ithe. world to ba. more cheerful iso)(1--ai lv ,q 74th y be pe 'is r sue.- imPerf.cet no lnabtior which, th , oclsq in tj,-ealti lip Edward Jardine., f whot iffias Valiida Pi, W- 1,twill do Ithz Isatne fur 'You. Apr.11 -ith w,wikness of the aiteoutudgkion 109 rrtbbyopla. iz2he Pro ty Was unitted lr marriage tto lin s'noh peo ,Goderich, for The murder of Lizzie is alzilght in Che sky, Whi-Mra, I&,iballn 13aslop, relizt of, to 1dVVPI0Pa 4111d Whe , b is suri, ,wiaeik, r. a m d4lils, eye. th., ln tt Robertson,sloN OVA 130 th, oisn R is -o, rnwd 'Troisb. I so Fitton leubbo. whial brue and i9room are 33 In a \Godle-r- loarrick by 'the Rev. A,, All right ila all! VC Ulf. -don't , gIP'lit i , our iy ofl,, m; t. 4, inoyi(Ils"At4i N iclaA. Of rourozo: it i, ciii,% both iolf, 'kill 8potjaliAlist, of Ste)7hrt, n'4*% ­J&4,,0one Tall Jp,\" 4V " I IM13 SEE THE::60008", THEN YOU'LL KNOW