HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-6, Page 8L
We have what is new in Boys Clothing
. . . . . . . .
001U NVILil J. J!,. 0MJLLu 11. rumor iis �cur-
r,,nt 1hwt -Air. Alf. Walter soon leaves
U, TCES11 +
0 We sell the famous [Lion Braudl. If you once wear this
Glaut, White F&diug Sugar Beet,
Brand you will want no other. Every suit has double seats
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle +
k double knees and double elbows making them wear longer than
Gate Post Lone Red Mangle
61 way ordinary suit.
New Century Swede Turnip
Selected Swede Turnip
$4.00 $5.00 $6.00 to $8.50
Mammoth . Intermediate Smooth +
ent lodges of the, 'dligtrict, Th.p has
EE D,5 +
S 4.
V ile Skirt
Mid Root sk0altics
X. I
Bruce's Famous Hamilton Lawn Grass +
Handsomely Embroidered Black Voile Dress Skirts. You
Airs T. W. Achinson Tave a tea ic
sho uld see them early They are so new and look so different.
froin poliffonous urlie a6d and do away
We take your awasure and have them made to fit any
Ahry Smart Style for $8.50
noon the LAdies of the. GuRd of
the TrivUlt A-lemprial church at their
match was held girls vs. boys. The
winners then chose. sides and a second
1:trumnta, work wots simply igranqt,
and its six cOlumnis wide. It is re-
oeivin,,� the hearty support of 'the
weekly mecting�' At 'the aloise of the
one.was held. After this an oyster
88toli., Root Oompound 13 400d tot), ii.
b,usinoVm men j U-6 gaing from the
nivetinq t,`hui! Uadies preAeuted Rev.
and Mli,,. Collins wRh a' boautiful
See the Hats yoWil like them
ttvv. 1". G, poNvell, The sp.-ache,ii wcre
inic.r8persed with isIb3igiiing axO ifter
Try them on yot i'll be delighted
b,b b,, -y.
- y
Wear them yotfll be satisfied
;nleoro.S. AL P, elt,V" %a
L)dated 'te
W.,,. wish the paper and its. ; editor
on TUo.sdtty Mrs. W. G. Blis-stitt
Re-openingy services of James street
ra wir whenever you wilat �jn
I -.(.I- Z j,n drulpi,., We w,111 q y-
ive yoii
Wall Papers
out a nambor of laidies and ge,1iitje_
You will soon be wanting
A little time a little money
16 and 23rd of April. On Sunday Ifth
Rev. A. X. Birks B A., L. Li B Pn�s-
New Rugs. Our assortment
and a few rolls of our Nevr
Theis. l3lissertt, sr., aged 83, 'Air. Will.
and better than ever
Wall paper will do wondeis.
following offlearts were elected: Plrea
pleased'to Show you
Per roll 5c 10 15 20 250
wild,r(.1sises, Rev, Bil. A. rear, w1io was
$6 75 to $10 00
birthday. Th,a tlaree -gentlemen are
A. Carwen D. L. L. B. deneral
Sriperintendent of the -Methodist chti-
an Oil Sprin, audionlce." Pxal
.-dr,�n, Roey-Treats., E. H. Axt, Mana-
gler and Oaptain. P. Boyle, Alan-seang
tmjoymg good beal'h and ilt bs hoped
the may be ppared for MAny
rch will conduct, the services on Mon-
Try our RED ROSE TEA. Its Good.Te a.
Y�,, ta, come.
SUGAR, Have you bought your Sugar. It is sure to go
also poke. The evening was
higher.. We sell REDPATR!9.
On another paige will be fowild our
D. D. of Brandford wil.1, deliver bit,
velehrated Lecture, The Cross of
in iit 8 o'clook, 21�
'0"' iz,;�erhi-1 "V;m;',.rj)ta of The, Alir
Lanois" -by Air. Herbert Quiiek. one,of
ofthe atblml� wri-ters of the day. !rh&
++++ . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . .
001U NVILil J. J!,. 0MJLLu 11. rumor iis �cur-
r,,nt 1hwt -Air. Alf. Walter soon leaves
U, TCES11 +
bar and part of th!o tiardeds
Glaut, White F&diug Sugar Beet,
for the Soo. T" is a false reporL.
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle +
brobvu and the two men reiceived a
Gate Post Lone Red Mangle
.11.1'r WhIter still r6naills iii; Smith';s
New Century Swede Turnip
.;hakinz tip and eaveral scratches.
Selected Swede Turnip
and has Do 40%etation of leaving
Mammoth . Intermediate Smooth +
ent lodges of the, 'dligtrict, Th.p has
EE D,5 +
S 4.
Mid Root sk0altics
X. I
F 65
001U NVILil J. J!,. 0MJLLu 11. rumor iis �cur-
r,,nt 1hwt -Air. Alf. Walter soon leaves
bar and part of th!o tiardeds
Glaut, White F&diug Sugar Beet,
for the Soo. T" is a false reporL.
Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangle +
brobvu and the two men reiceived a
Gate Post Lone Red Mangle
.11.1'r WhIter still r6naills iii; Smith';s
New Century Swede Turnip
.;hakinz tip and eaveral scratches.
Selected Swede Turnip
and has Do 40%etation of leaving
Mammoth . Intermediate Smooth +
There �,cre no serious 1damaixeis dane
ent lodges of the, 'dligtrict, Th.p has
e carrot +
ThWishi!riety we also sell in bulk +
On Monday evening last the you6g
ladie's and the young gentlemen, or.
were .;iveli as follows:
Ganqii,A. Whyl, '11, 3t% liosilon , The
A.L80 +
efited by Vbem.
Bruce's Famous Hamilton Lawn Grass +
Seed +
13ruce�s & Steele Briggs Garden Seeds +
HOUSE CL EANINGtime is house painiing time, the +
F loova. the Base -boards. the Cupboard, the Chairs. the Tables and a
dozen pieces of Furniture need re -painting or re-varnisbing, Webave +
the agency for the Sherwin;-Williains Taints and Varnishers. This +
means that, we have, a +
special high quality
finish for every pur- V
pose or surface. Tur- +
pendiie Paint Oils +
and, �Vhite Lead gY +
4 +
ways, in stock.
Call in let
t tb
lis b�t +
superior points of +
werit of the +
"0 N F. +
WA -M 6 E R
11'eadquarters for Waqhing, Machines, Wriagers, +
Charn�, �Lnd Rouseoleaning gapplies.
it V
"We deliver promptly"
Market Aeport.—The tollowtaX in Air. Ali. T�iylor Nvas. tiox�a fro, llm�
the report of Bveter mitrkwiI, 6.:.1
, % oor- 11 last. week.
imp'led. up lo Atpril Oth. Alw. Down., of LO)ACOU. is viortilil.;
Clothes Come Frorn ow
Wheat, N,,andard 80 4entls at Air,& A. C0;t((JeJ$, The Pla0e Where CA0013 NOR �.1094101 'P" "ELL'S Remedy, acts like
Oats. 30 w 32 cent-fs Mr. Hugh Sp;�Liokm4u wats In LolnUoit
65, to 00 Jelly cur4schapr aoconcominthe
l4an J.00 hands and sore head aud tbroat,
Shorts $22,00 Miss A. Uopkirk, of 11,�Wall. Visited 95c. Jewellery J,
in R Let Us Post You Jewellery coupon
xetor la;st )v,tqik. i
Model Flour $2.40 coupon each jar. BAZAAR with each jar,
Veed flour $1.45 Mr. Frank Sw,.�et was in London for
13tit-wr 20 eolic;s., t� 1,4�Nr daya last It you get your clothes
X;gs 15 ceuts, Mr. Wallatoe k1like is back to work from us you are. sure to get
Potatoes 50o. after la few days illnew.
Ray $10. Mr. X. 'X.oL,,,an. of Henaalf, was La clothes that fit
0, t h re L "a dio e S
Choice expari; *Ueers 0.00 Lo 6.10 town Alorid�y oil bwaiijess Clo�hes neatly made
Clothes well made
vf�dixvxn export stt�-i�xs 5.75 to 5-841
oboijo,! butchers lielfers 5.50 to 5.75 Mr. Al. ')Jj,16,tluTs wkis jin Claaa-o-
boy'a TULL, Clothes that look well
h1l,,djulu bt, t,eher$ hi�jf%!rs 5,50, to 5.07 L�:daT on. bcstnims. . T1- e Coronation of our Xing aild Queen is niall at
Clothes that'wear well
,Common buteliers �461exs 5.25� 5;40 Mr. I,,'. J. Chriot!)�, vi -silted f0eudls Clothes, that last well hand and we bave put in stock a crate of
Choicv, butchc�a:i cows 4.75 to, 15,00 ��t Chathain. ov0ir Sunday.. Clothes in latest style
MeXiiiii bUtclAvris etowe 4,925 to 4.40 M�rs, E. ]�Owslaugh was in Loadon Olot4eg that please
Common bilicheni cows .3,00-3-50 don on Monday and Tuesday. Clothes that satisfy Nifty Austrian China bearing Photos Of
AL-diurn cow,,-� 6.25 'to 4.50 Mr. Jais. Noithcotlt left last wook
to ecek his foritur
common voira 3.50 to 4.00 te in the weat T
Cho�ok� v�ht.Qli 4,75 to U5 We understand our business Their Majesties and British Coat of Arms JL,
c4heep 4-25 CO 4.50 Mr. Wm� Tap1p. is able to be around
Cho"Cv 1;Am,b.5 7.50 to 7.75 f*,rain aft,,�r several ly.citks 1 1 Iluess. We have the goods
ISO -'s liv... (31.30 Mr Wm. Polwell, of Celltralla. vils- We know the styles 11 at from 10c tip, to 75c
to se
itled hits, pareVt,% 'here last wieek. Our charges are right
-Air. Jais. Wilibors w�nt to namil- This will b6all the rqge, i: o make 'your selections early,
ton-Aronday on a parehasiril; tritp.
Mr. GeG. Walrond, of 'Stepben. 14
vbsiltin- frie-nds, On London t1lis week.
LOCALS W. W. Taman
I& Z - R ber' this 'sto e 'is a VARIETY STORE.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. oDw, of Hibber'. emem
vlsl'�ed Alios Janet Brown. VxKaY The Nif t Ma n's We have hundreds of Articles you'd'neverthink of.
Mr, Jno, 'Mallott Nvai-� in Loinlaon laist, y
Come ill Often:.
Mr. Rd. Murphy !s makln� 11 Tailor
3 Ca
131r. Jas, Jewell expects to leave Improvements in, hi bou v.
llexr week for Regina,
Mr. 1M. Of Lojaidion,, was 31-essm. JAo, Wood and Barry El- Don't forget that w . e still sell EDISON PHONOGRAPH and RE -
in town Friday an buski,�M. worthy toach shipped a carload of cat- CORDS and at all times carry a large stock of the most up-to-date
Mr. Eaxl Brickwood wais off ivork� tlie Rridily. Denta.1 Offices Closed. kinds. No trouble to show. We can save dollars for you on these
iac�t oNvin- ta La griVye. Mr. Jos. KoWltlams has started to goods. Send for us, we will send, a ma D,
Mr and Mrs. W. W. Taman. Yery work for Mr. W. G, Bi,,sae�tt� in ithe Rindly take notize kha!t; my office
r)I,-a;,;aiitly tatertallied. oil Wouday livery barn,.s.
iis closed every Wednesday aPtexnoom
Mrs.'Robt. Rawicliffe� of the nd con..i VA. ROULSTON. EASTER POST 0-4,RDS and NOTBIXIES NOW IN.
ay is very ill wfth sli-th't hapeis of
Mr. Bert Clarke. of Crediton. hals 11�
inovQ,d into Miss Vol�perls 'house oil hier x0leoviery. CLOSING NOTICE CHOICE MINT OANDY DROPS, SPEOUL 15a a Pound.
Huron Stredt. Meosils. Disia.odine Bros.,of Grand, Please remember that my Dental
Air Taornton Y�ir,, of Blylth� viis- Bend have hired with Mr. Sam Cud- Office is closed ever Wednesday after-
ii:.�d Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Howey, ttie more for 'the slimmer. noom, —DR. KINSXAN, J Willis Powell, Proprietor.
for,�,part of thlis week. Mrs. Jariia Atkinsan, William st'reet
Mr. GTo. Moir 'and family last who hiss bken so seriously ill. -as a
Nveek moved into 'the M(ouise valoat-eid little better,Ws week. FOR SALE
by Mr. Jas. Ritchardson, I 1topbi)u!vy, Cn Mir condAtion. tkp-
-Air. W. D. Weeks. left Tuesday to I to L.,McTaglgart. Exeter North.
Mr. NV - J1 Collilli, 14-hii gor of the viisilt his son. Frank, in Vi�rden, 'Alan. Py
Qanadian Bank of 'Comm-eree. ha -spur- Mr. IyVeeks qoes by Chicago.
chaisted an excellent driver. A pleasant 'party for little folks
Air. and Mrs� E, Williams. have wals lie'd at the home of Mr. Sol Mr. A. Dayman moved 0 town this
moved birek into Lhe country to live 1-TordN,',,: lasr Friday ovenin�.. week.
with theiir'aons and iiamqVteris- Mr. Albert Andrew. pf Usborue has Air. Thos. 1�rior continu�ap quiUe ill
Mr. Tho-:. Garin. of Usboixia, has ronted Mr. Rd. Gidley"is eottalge on at his bome Evulj th i - g U P i dle
milted Mr. E. Williams reshilenoe On William dt. and will mow,� in a few Air. and Mrs. F. Wood Were in Ulu -
North r4treet and moved in on Timis- da y;s.
4an aii tFriday Jast. 4*
Air Thois. Elliott intends leaviiaw Mrs. E. G. Powell war. in Lordd;'t
Mr. Gbas. Smrig�ht'a sale Of house- 'tor Be- na next weel 4>
hold -Afects laist Saturday Nvas NY -ell wo �i -, where he will TuaLsday and Wexlltiesday. Down 41>
rk for Mr. Geo. lleaman at brick 4�
kitttended, everything briAg�lng - good layin-. Mr. Herb Phillips left Tuesday eve- 0
pric-ns. ning for Saskatoon Sask'
Air. MaItthew Kelland, of central- Air. Win. Whitle, of New Litskard. Mrs, Evans of Ails& Craig visited
N,nr Ontairio, is home on a viisilt 'to
iii., has sold Iiii; - 100 acre farm li�t his pareadits M r. -and Mxis. Win. White Mrs. S. Quance on Monday.
Ed,�n. to Mr. Simon 31u;tAer, of Us- London Roa4l, Miss Mary Taylor is visiting ter bro- 0 That is about the way things are in the home. at house-
born,a at. a zood figure. Alolssm. J. b. and Rd. 0-Icinsnn. ther Mr. R. M. Taylor at Zion. 0 cleaning time You ha' e 141,
0 ve beeo considering purchasing some 6 -
Mr. Jaz. Grieve who for !several ralturned SXturday from Alpena Mich. Master Joe Craig is learning the 0
a new pieces
years has been travellhii; for a Mo1ii- ' of
whi,,re Ithey were attenidiing the full- tailoring with W. W. Tam n
tmal firm has resL-ned 'hills position km;il of Itheix sioter. .0
Mr. John Ford this week moved his
and nioczpted a similar one Nvilth R. Alikim May Hauass who lives wilth family into the. residence at the ceme- 01
B. Hutchison, Torojolto. 41�
Allis. 001�. Lucan, has been 'home for tery. 0
Mrs� P.hilip, and dauqhtexa. of Lo.n- few N,,,ks r6siltin-_ She -lef t The sewing circle meets at the home 4o F u r'n i - L u ri
don. arriviod Saturday evesitijbix tto
LlIgilin lat§t ,ek for Lucan. of Miss Louis& Carling this Wednes-
--reside Nvith 'her -,on RLchard who
Mvesils. W. J. Murray and Rd. -Wil- day evening. for a long time and now is the chance to do it.
lias rented Air. GLo, Xuatle'o houise
adtied by Ills, went to Hen-sall Friday to at.obwd Mr. C. W. Cross formerly caretaker
relcently v, Mr. D. W. 'It"i 4 We have a com, plete stock of up-to-date Furnitur.� of all 4
�rs. We S hi, 1. 0. 0. F., Lodge thare., T -he of the Exeter Oemetery has moved his. 0 0
lleavL welcom,� Mr. Philip it
Ica loi,
and dau,ghber4 to our tow*.n*- NvalsL Pll�titi " QXL degree Work. family to London, kinds on hand, and we can guaraotee the quality to be the 4
Mr. Adolphus Hoopax- met witJ]. a . Mr. Wm. Calwell, -of Centralia, 12ft Mr Win Thomas late of 'Cornwall & best and the prices reasonable.
Tuooaay for 'the wP4t with two ear England has secured, a position as
P -sinful mccidmI. ciao day last week.
HIZ and his son Fred were movi4,,f a lopcbs of settlers effe,cts. Mr- `Cal- blacksmith with Mr. Wm Digman of
will !is gbolnig into. farming on a la:rgi,3
lo,; Nv.Mm a stick broke and a piece Lacan -
of it vcale.
struck Air. Hooper Aght near Mr. Ray Fauson who recently un- �0
the left eye. stunmQiq him for the Workman have commenced t.e.axiiii; UNWILOwe IL Atkinson "1`11,'�"L`
_k. derwent an operation in Detroit is im- 41
'ruoill,0111. Ills face was ch't and sivol- down the Old buildinqs on. the !rrebl�_
lan ns a indriertk purehaiseA by the Bank of proving and is able to take short del- :4�
Yes dailv..
Commerce. Building operatilons will
"Counterfeit billa of the Danh of . on be in pro; The Ministerial Associationof South
so jrxess.
luontreal of ;the denomin-atloa of $5 Huron met in Zurich on Mondav last. Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccurn Cleaner,
ar, somewhere in circulation . !to Mr. S. A. Poppleistone, of Dlylth% at- The association was pleasantly -enter-
e for rent at 75 cents a day.
ch amoun: of, $5,000. Notice to this banded tibe degxee competition of th tained by Rev. A, D. and Mrs Glach- Jt, 5!4
elf(-Ct Wa-$ 6,�nt out ye.isterilay �y (,he 1' 0' 0- F- in Lodd6n. last' iweek.
Mr. Popplooltovac will
bank to the principal commercial be Grand
Maist,,�.r of Ontia.rio. A meeting of Libprals will be held in
establishments. It ,Von 11A appear Zurich on Monday next at 2 o'clock z,
from the warning thaft the couzi4�,r- , Mr. Geo. Mantle hais rented !the
p.m. to be addressed by Ron, A. G,
b2irs axe of tdlo sexi,,.ti No. 226 707" shop otecuphed by Air. Well 'John's
tailor. 4ind will move his flour and McKay, M, Y. McLean M, P. and Mr.
On Salturday teveni�nq while Aleasris, McMillan of Seaforth.
fvvd business there -in af ( f�e�v dilys,
Ellichard Blatchford and Dan Mr. .1ohns is b�iviimg up the Itailor4q,1 Sinoa Mr. -T. McIntyre has commea-
Nv,cre drivinz along Ma.hn strect. they
eolli&ld with an;Vher ibu.;,gy and
Nverethrown from tbe rig. The croass
U 31,�
. On Good Friday W11 1. 0. 0. F. lodigi,
001U NVILil J. J!,. 0MJLLu 11. rumor iis �cur-
r,,nt 1hwt -Air. Alf. Walter soon leaves
bar and part of th!o tiardeds
of for tbills &'lstrict NVial
for the Soo. T" is a false reporL.
Tlul., livot thing to, do ais iw tadv��
brobvu and the two men reiceived a
be held at Goderijoh when tihic Lodgk,4
.11.1'r WhIter still r6naills iii; Smith';s
tvel down (o a vou saWlyttlou's Xc-
piiisL 'prepared by t.he lahios and at
.;hakinz tip and eaveral scratches.
di4re-es will be exemplified by differ-
and has Do 40%etation of leaving
He could command tears froni bis�
There �,cre no serious 1damaixeis dane
ent lodges of the, 'dligtrict, Th.p has
tON, 11,
lm.! (11a bed. Kidney I;Mla Nve tavi.
The first L -sue of the Cxe,el,�on Star
bviawne an analial affaill wfth the I.
0. o� V. and thic order lls,girioa�tily ben-
On Monday evening last the you6g
ladie's and the young gentlemen, or.
were .;iveli as follows:
Ganqii,A. Whyl, '11, 3t% liosilon , The
has reached this office. 1� I, '
efited by Vbem.
ganized-Bible Classes of the Ca-ven
ion o4- "Yotisryiustbe Good" deliight-
brbg.ht, ne,%visy sheet and is a ioreffil;
Airs T. W. Achinson Tave a tea ic
Presbyterian Church held a social
froin poliffonous urlie a6d and do away
to the edttor, Air F. J. Wickwire
tormerly mianii-,er ItTle Exis-ter
tho achool Hiall last Thursday after-
evening in the church. A spelling
&lveL Women. T. 1J.. lInlin.' An
T�me?s. The palper zonta4us 8 Page6
noon the LAdies of the. GuRd of
the TrivUlt A-lemprial church at their
match was held girls vs. boys. The
winners then chose. sides and a second
1:trumnta, work wots simply igranqt,
and its six cOlumnis wide. It is re-
oeivin,,� the hearty support of 'the
weekly mecting�' At 'the aloise of the
one.was held. After this an oyster
88toli., Root Oompound 13 400d tot), ii.
b,usinoVm men j U-6 gaing from the
nivetinq t,`hui! Uadies preAeuted Rev.
and Mli,,. Collins wRh a' boautiful
supper took place. A very pleasant
time was spent by those present.
ttvv. 1". G, poNvell, The sp.-ache,ii wcre
inic.r8persed with isIb3igiiing axO ifter
amount of adviertisim-, 11; cona!talm
b,b b,, -y.
- y
'�Jlt not least "Ye
;nleoro.S. AL P, elt,V" %a
L)dated 'te
W.,,. wish the paper and its. ; editor
on TUo.sdtty Mrs. W. G. Blis-stitt
Re-openingy services of James street
ra wir whenever you wilat �jn
I -.(.I- Z j,n drulpi,., We w,111 q y-
ive yoii
suicoem in �the. new vaidure.
glive a dinner party to three of the
Methodist Church will be held on the
out a nambor of laidies and ge,1iitje_
A meeting of biseball e,nthusia6,Lq
01801:�t res',dielita in town. vix; Air.
16 and 23rd of April. On Sunday Ifth
Rev. A. X. Birks B A., L. Li B Pn�s-
if atik' bave evzir
was lield in young Meln's club
rooms on Friday evenlil)alz jast- The
Theis. l3lissertt, sr., aged 83, 'Air. Will.
ident of the , London Conference Nvill
following offlearts were elected: Plrea
83,,Pnd Air. John E-�isaTy, 6.1;
r.b,o, c,ccas,,On V s T. Bipset-t's
preach On the following Suodav Rev.
wild,r(.1sises, Rev, Bil. A. rear, w1io was
S. G. Bawden, Vice Pres... Jaz. Baw-
birthday. Th,a tlaree -gentlemen are
A. Carwen D. L. L. B. deneral
Sriperintendent of the -Methodist chti-
an Oil Sprin, audionlce." Pxal
.-dr,�n, Roey-Treats., E. H. Axt, Mana-
gler and Oaptain. P. Boyle, Alan-seang
tmjoymg good beal'h and ilt bs hoped
the may be ppared for MAny
rch will conduct, the services on Mon-
Committitoo. T. Boyle, U. Jones and T.
Y�,, ta, come.
day April 24- Lb Rev, 0. 1 Svott B. A.
also poke. The evening was
Chrlin.4. It Nvais dtmlded 'to pvdition
the. for lilhe use the
On another paige will be fowild our
D. D. of Brandford wil.1, deliver bit,
velehrated Lecture, The Cross of
in iit 8 o'clook, 21�
schoo-board of
school igi-milds. Tha melhberiship fee
'0"' iz,;�erhi-1 "V;m;',.rj)ta of The, Alir
Lanois" -by Air. Herbert Quiiek. one,of
Gold. I
was plac d at one -dollar.
ofthe atblml� wri-ters of the day. !rh&
Mr. Jos. W. Bawden, a graduate of
Mr. C.'-_.,�ster Harvey. M ", Ethel
1-farvey Air. Frank Rooke left
story &Etls wi,th a romance of. ttie
the Exeter Times, who at one time
published tha Alvinston Free Press,
air. of a youn-; inwatior figNtp,
and later was traveller for Lawson &
Tuesday evening for 'the Wa�t. The
for fam,� and love against un'.'.-wrupu.-
Jones, Loadon,'has taken ovev the
youn_r inm ha7e just completed a
thr(,,c montl3s' 'texin at the Gentral
lous monopolisto. No ono cii�i fu
apipr��,eiia(:e what tbe. - lly
complete illasbery
Ncrth: Battleforvd, (Sask.,) News,
BnAin.-ist Colle;pe. London. and left
ol Itho. air wJ,11 me ';Ili to jilimana. juat,
to t,�vke positions in the West; Ch6s,-
llk�� us. unbil he rea,da lbi(s faaclnatl�.
t,�r a6t llaxwell, Sa;*k., an4 Frank at
GalZary..Alta. Tbioy axe 'held in the
jl�.tlk�st; eistevill In Lown aMd the best,
Ilickla Voxccasstis. A reniationary
istorm period marks the clasing, of
A goad many people sufler W;Lll
follow 'them for suiwcss in 'Qb0
W,,ist. Mim Harvey left a vlbft to
Eartbs vernal equinoictial. vontral. on
4i-ekacho every mOrning. .-They thiqk
i,h.,!y havL, lain in a crainilledposilida,
hor wligter Mrs. A. E. Buswell at Her-
tIc 1,1,tb. 12-th and 13th. Low bar-
ometer and very hi,gh temperahlro on
. or olise have cau�hl; a little cold.
Th -0 or nized Ladlea and
and ILouching f1he 11th and 42th will
More thilu likojy lis'duic to ther
AID- 110L 1! .:L .�]
Olaji%as of Alain St. Nelbadist church
beld suacewful banquet in Ith'i
bring severi., thunde4r, rain and hall
to many sootiona, ROL mll!g1gy OOXI-
-�QVWIIC llt�; it b0n& to b060111.3- ohr'cinlc,
a, ,
church on Vrldny o�vcnainay last. All
d��'tionis..,with very low baromebor and
'111.4ry electrical clouds. should b-,,
Tlul., livot thing to, do ais iw tadv��
Vriday nigy1it will alsAit
'et '-Oroduced by Tied's lffireq't Voikp-
tvel down (o a vou saWlyttlou's Xc-
piiisL 'prepared by t.he lahios and at
I I 110n 1011M.110ov's ot 1111is par-
'40"d k'-dnay 1r1,i.d4c;vno ciuch for
instano,,,na Nyal's Kidney PUls. MhoN,
al cilbartaiWment gliven..
He could command tears froni bis�
the conclusiag of Me tea Wvqiral
. .0d. Tbl,�; aloo Is a. pepiod iii iwbiab
seistait. disturbance i0ll ho, 'hearct
lm.! (11a bed. Kidney I;Mla Nve tavi.
U11tTa Sunday igchool.
udl!once at "will and to bils ronl&t-�
were .;iveli as follows:
Ganqii,A. Whyl, '11, 3t% liosilon , The
from i�;iy withill '.fhrve days of Thuri.
.,ver hiid. I'hi,y btrivIff Ov,
holp 'them 01"Canso lbe blood ourrte-M
a n N'treet Mielthoilk;
ion o4- "Yotisryiustbe Good" deliight-
[a -,
Vnd;)y lSzhool, D. A. 'Ross, Thc 1)' iT
L 131M. AJ re-gul r rin p
day i he a sto -er
froin poliffonous urlie a6d and do away
n n kin -� the�t siarviceis
ad Ithe hoar6r: Air' Williamson's bt-
&lveL Women. T. 1J.. lInlin.' An
19d rxt/�iidis froin th-,k 10th to the 21gt
with Va.*aehia qu,lokly, §4yall,_-
1:trumnta, work wots simply igranqt,
tildichviss wils ji4ii by th-V fla,-421r.
will dv�qia ' mvii. ';;liv INJI, It"tIl
88toli., Root Oompound 13 400d tot), ii.
Adwit.ce, of Maxell
3-6-h Taither hind son relacived re.
ttvv. 1". G, poNvell, The sp.-ache,ii wcre
inic.r8persed with isIb3igiiing axO ifter
and Utb mi fko crIsls of 111i[s,period.
On and. touihing, flakia gin.it"Oo ""any
you profvr -i Fquld me&olne. Carne
'�Jlt not least "Ye
;nleoro.S. AL P, elt,V" %a
L)dated 'te
the ragular programme. was aarri�!d
attive April lind sq.11111,1s, at-
ra wir whenever you wilat �jn
I -.(.I- Z j,n drulpi,., We w,111 q y-
ive yoii
'4MI't the felablM of
:r.�,er 'their �nejct' appearanoo here.
out a nambor of laidies and ge,1iitje_
tend(ldbv hall and follow,"d
od traalmiiot�
taind instru.
if atik' bave evzir
railn ware called 'Upon for impromptu
COM111011 cooler. Notionly thisporiod
L1, no:, 1,� rc,� Iy Air. I&. C.
v6n' Go 'warm a placo, in the heax��
wild,r(.1sises, Rev, Bil. A. rear, w1io was
but Qie, entire month of Aprfl, lbfif;
we, $0 now Phm. Be
1.1 on T% 4, far
an Oil Sprin, audionlce." Pxal
visibing in to%v;:i was prcigiont imnd
the 81tOkm Veriod,4 will bring inorma)
also poke. The evening was
and wagulax phanorno(na sti,ch all tire
O'hemilst and Olytilejan,
tt4q;ne ex -
in iit 8 o'clook, 21�
6azlily 10,AjoydA, all preftnt.
common )to Itihis aeason of 'the yall;r,
che' ef-'eautig,