HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-6, Page 1J0;ETRR1 ()NT; OAXAVAO Tjn-aTyXiGjiTH YL, Alt—No Exeter Council Ispocial mee;tju- o� the counoij JONKS & Imo, h4lld on Wedaejday, Aralv;h a9th; wu-4 members all vrielsexLt. rxih� Mtn, No 0 ulbef% of 'the previou's mee�iuw )vere poad and approved. A101-1Wrts. 'r. W, 'Gladman and ti, R. 11 T" amdon HOW ABOUT YO School Board by order, from thc *9 'the )Coun- oil �vitb "k view to havin�� a WD,g- MI&I is N i+ st A 11- 11 1 k, 4 ..... . I -W IV �� . . 10P L, en TAt: pou'rij y O� ii* r I In %—M " 11� and thq Col,-o�il qI ms,,A & i 40. . . I W 0 a mlatt,,�r u,a* araicably ts'�ttled and ive lot of Ladies Ready -to noNv b,�qln the ypar wft-h . h clean 1* This year we are ShOwIng 9, SAVO" *I ale. Coats *d Separate Skirts, Do Pot good wear Suits. New Spring artffneat it will do you POT'Rivers and Day that �the Clark fail to V165 our Ready-to-wear DO writa the vollaon Foun1li-ry Company he now styles. Ms4pr 4.1 'to see t in ,!,ain the price of fho, follow. 4� . . eci&l Suit at $11 - 00 9 , 4 hich iv&te.r pip.-jovS, 6 1:aelij Our Sp _q bydrnnt, 4 Xo 0,4ndh Oels, 4 tacfi� ji, # Cloth ra&de up in the very 41 1 1 - i * :[n )31s�ck or Blue Venetian. iVALM, Valviils, -Carried, '4, the Price" , t_4 �6. eststyle, This isa beauty for :0ar Loyel-t and Rivers that an or - 4, 40� d.,�r be plarssed in favor of Dlek'844 Coats 4t Clarlill;r to, t'll'a 1111101111t of: $12.00 1+0 our Ladies SPritz, bra ng amount 'due in paj�,t Vaym-cae Ift for Nvatvx tower. Qaxrled. : .. P,�r Levett" and Walper -that 'the 0 In L0119' I* * Ckrk Prepare u form of an ra�nt to ba, Wed in cann$ction with 4D, <> t1w. IVIOex worlc�', k9yebera. lCarried Tbo council adjourned to me6t IF Ur a U 0 �j day 1.�-veaiug the Ost jmjg�, Comici mot Vridn ev,eni�i: Y long'Short brarell 31zt. all members PmLsetlt. 41 Nice Black Coats '11intes of laA'meaVnW were xead 0 5 to$ 13, 0() 04, at ladies 4'0 and approved �4 (or sto 0,0 al in � Long I or BJ0�t,-IrS Davis and ]")icicard� and1tors Diagon V"W1 5 to 0o presented their re"port and, %-he oame �,W Short , also iviouse Gray 4 0, %vas ap'Proved, on 'the mpition lof Lie:v- 41> itett. iste.,conded 'by Pay-Ciaxiied. $11 00. 4 Rivers and Walper thcct the treas- :0 urar's bond be accePtad-Oarried. Levett and DrAT 'that w-0, 1wish fto S1 irts 0 Place oil recordvur'hi,�h abpreeiation + Ladie K 0 0 of the fservicets of our late Lrea%urer Mr. Samuel igaxiderz -who'has b0d the office for Ithe last el4litcen yearts, nifty Black Voiles with d $10 4 Durin� all (these yaars he 'Jifia 14een 4 0 y trimmings at $8 on 10 ' sa 8 o a faithful paimsitaking. oblig" x fand nqtian cloth Panama and Ve a very ftrulsitworthy and honord ser - 4, yaut. 'true Ito (the e -nit, for which Itlae in Black or Blue for $4 $5 89. 0 0 Blunizipality have grealt irmson 'to a 4> be thankful. Su6h men are at a piem- ium n:8 Its evidenced irlien we reiid Of tFo much crookk�d WOrL- of men holdinz WF ]ikepositionsthrouightout the 10F Ed catimtry, bnt owirg .-to jil hl,�nlut Mr, jt; 40 .0 Sanders h4s ibeen com r6-1 11"k, It pelled 10 1131alve you Ordered 0 skrfrk. Trusti:rig- ltbat his bealth may prove and Uat lie may WE The �5par- Im 4 YOUR EASTER 'A A It' Ind for many,yeara of usegulnecss. K I, W� hereby tender lihn t9fl,.-4 ap- + -Easter is Only two Prociation of his faijUibil serviecs to 'Now is th(- time to leavei Your Oider. ur order the Corporation of hxeter.-Ctaxrie& are veiy busy and would likeyto week off, our Milline�s, BoNNET Rivers -and Levet1t, tUaR 'the Reeve a,up with your BASTER- , 0 �6 find Treasurer ba aulborized to bor- in early so they can RX70' ------ 0, 0, rou, seven . bundiod -dollars ofi tbei oredit of ffho corporatioxx for current House Furnishings Of Gents Furnishing, Now that the busy house- 400 Lovett and Wnlper that the Reev'e parchaec, xpoter Wow (Varifty make" 0 found keepers Vill soon be, house- -4, * 1! ' 4 TAurvby at khe loive;�,G I The robby goods are throu gh Mr. c lare cleaningwe want to Call your here. New8birtsNew 01 attentisn.to 4 bigstook of the 4, New ties New bats and caps '0 L,�,vett and N'Valpor that fhe Q,�,rk!is New sox ofriva be in the to,%,ev hall axi'll 'Ehat uderwear. finest house fuini;hings we tNew a tIM, bouis, of the eferk 4bp from 10;30 - nd suspluders everytbiDg bave Yet show" oarpOts 0 a Wilton Rugs to 12-30 a -in. hi Oxt mornibig viod We - new for, the , Boys, We . are J'inoleumg * Axminister ar.-cl Sattir(la) R� M showing a 8741 lot Of Flincy oliclothe * -, er-Lnilli fro, 7 [yet to 9, P. in. Chlr*rile'd, Tweeds and Worsteds for vel New spring stlits. It will Btussels Lace Curtains IV Tapestry 0 Lev,,,,tt and Dhy that 'the cleric pay you to see tbem before a TapesbrY 0 write lbe Ontario Goveralm [a-dt 'to' -Roller, Biiud,s ' ** Wool *# ;end ns a bookou'ap'proval forth -a zise T A101MING, Al"WL Otli 1911. 31 j of � averz and Day Ithait 'the Coi�amir.- You are invited— everybody is invited to come and, look over atypur leisure this Fashion + 44 it 4. 0* 40, '0 * n & Mav 0 sioner take the mea-surerner.ibs of the different `boulevards lha�t re, .. noNv constructed -also tht:., weciair-eld Nvidth Pageantry of fine Apparel for men and Boys, an exbibir, tbat for largeness variety, correct - �anythingg has, evee been showa in Exeter. 0 j W !of road bed between and to the ness and beauty, surpassing that raport Conneil nt their next, Adjourniad to m2et r1ri'day evianinq April i7tl.. T. �IR- (CA(BLING "Ur MAHN tO MOW thm ON to Cleric It lsYour DutU to 5cc the Ncw &016S. It 1S Locals ge oP 1N;�qy .1 for Sal-c,..—.Tn gooff con- RC 0 �Sto`VeNl Ran T "ANT NEEW S�,UITS and OVE ATS dition. apply at Times, Offiec. E L El ft.7 A �V U: I fol. I'Ar —1 line of stove values from $25.0 0 to $5U.UU . r, . o—y A. . ary.6 ws- itQd 6n Exe,tkr on krixiday lijst. Mr. Triieman A full good Happy Thought, U�ed three, winters Elliott has been laid a do -r I, lip 1 t ys vith La �, ipp, . 1 -+- second- hand $25,00 Dr. -Xinsman arod _Xr. C. Whitby wvre in London Tueaday cvcning�- Mr. J". '11. '86o;* hais purchase Mr. A. Q. 113obiars' farm north 6 - '.�he PLUMBING AND FUJRNACE WORK railroad trxck, Mxs.,R. R. Roa)axz and three 'Child)- AM of ChitcaiXo Mr. $1 a specialty axe v1sKilng and Bfxa, E". Chriistiln Iffl,M Crews -%vns off work rbe latter part- of la,;;t ircck and 'the. 130V rorvi)qrt of this witb La Giii,ppe. 34 complete stock of PAIINTS9 OILS AND Ll ALD2 Akr ' and Mrs. Curtis lT%rn!,jss.. left on Tuesday for Rezina where Mr. llawness -at 'A VARNISULS, STAINS, WALL FIN= will work his trade as mbison. Rev. R. Hicks. Craditon Rev. $3 of and AND BR USHES. 0. G. 1`1`6welL of Alrdn street, ExetvT will -exellauze pulpit" on 8ui�aay You'] ISHEIS m0XUkg b�iax_t. �. Xx .13. W I' 11o.aver,, %zave a vfry 1nbi,rc,3Ljn- �ddrass at Ow , You.nV 111111EAMAN'S, 'HARDWARE AND STOVE STOR, Mj,,nla in Maim str day lafbornoon last. oc t 011 Sun Thj office in the''Imvxi 11all is here- after to be used by the clerk. Hits ighe,st in Style.". PZarest in 1'3eauty.. ureatest "tin �'alue-44,p­ 0 $159 $189 $209 $250 7S STVLISH AND DURABLE UNCOANI`N SH013S POP, PA'�TI.C= SUITS AND OVE--RCOATS ULAR IVIEN AND BOYS �')ovs' Shoes Afen's,,Shoes 9SP'4 $6 $7 $1,50 to $2 00 $�-.00 to $5.0o I like the way tbey look ti,nd you'll See them, they look IMOd try ti -tem, they feet good— I` fike tb(,I weythey wom wear them, they waer good S-BEDRM I ' N THE WISP.L. . hblir-s� Nvill bti from 10;30 to 12.110 cv.� A dl.,pntch rroul Urinntpeg vlsayls— ory morni.nj afnd ri�oni 7 to 9 We& p ol livin' in a- 11011690 The i1mixon-, or it promatin-a �yrin& misdily and Saturday ovekibl;s. It Italrels a hea have bo.,xi avertled eby '(!he cold priap 'Mr.- R. .7,- Pickard -and h�on Allion 1[ada-to-measurC C I o t h i. nor to -makt, it home. an kand warty.i iday,% hemp 0, ;$un ajj� j9hoAder. YOU of t1ho pa.Nlt 1 ­XL lrl;" FrIday for Froblishox. Sa�k, IscmetimNi hav"�, 't, ronin li!;,bl frooth; at, nilght htave a` Mhey lvori� "accoinapined 'by Blr and yoll 1,1111,ly pre-ciaLt" �Lllc thing!.; iribi.iled'',tq a very zrnidual. tbaw cut Mrs. 7". J. Sparlin;�. of tho Thaine-q yer 1cf' bQihindo and qplondid Itond. who have been en,- of clotlis for Snits nnd 0V6rCW1t', Nvt% earr,,f. in ingerd by 311r, Wo witt't )011 to conle, it) and looL� tho I-AnL'o Ani, 1bunWor for 'eLu N�"th coald not be better thits sentmin. From Teports rezeeived from vftrlous -lo better em @11's on. yer rni',nd Catincillor 'Fre-cl V1hr1nqtdfj or u— Y oil will bo liv, i I th"tt '1011. 041.11kot j� any difforunivo, 110W jinri.4 of thn pnflil,o 'NVol-0�. 41 1111w'aM -ft 16xi,t Malt "t "t, *bi; I borne 16s purclin,sed _Mr.,Thos, Caft.n,`q I hl,� t 1"IrTnem will lbe Ig"AGai.,; or) Ito ri.oh Wer flirly). on .0.1o. 0t1h ot t7la- tb,,i.n Vlace yoiil� ordei! foi 0, 8t), ing all(l SWUM- V ',.'('it With U8 'flolIv 011=11 obnlr-� An' Ita-bles 0015t,' 4ho, laixd. fi-A f0ho mort� hrorwakl Plus- borne. Thl's 11 aw Makes Mr. EJ10 din, kticta next liv­?-ak with-aveldihitut ge'noral bow 41`00t Y'r luxll"' fon tfha � propricto'r of :250 , ftcres 'at pt ain't. ifo home to yrr Itholigh I't by tbo' middle of Agill, This app- jrjn.Z. )ibs- to mOAL lot 'the sprina� Iviiieffit 0, laicto of no 1000 1 o tt_ - I" b�e If he tin, I , A._­16� ylec XTOM .,cM01oNV y0r 11011 country. 11oreaftor rural -�cboolq in Ontarlo (111 . In Southern Alberta farynar& are ard to have Tho rnrno fir. ah -t -dr tit work. t, rt;,oturo ii) HW ban L-qahooN. the Lozlslitura having, th" hlrN wiptQ)ed lexislation 1111:11; '1111 sohools:. -bo .1n;r iioedod to flax, vshall open on Sept. Ist. This will b,,� I 01 whonit ii; r9portodrj'Ja excelledb to' -(-.he cotint'ry bos. 16 UAWDEN W, L.&DIES' 83" P( M1 11 PLN Appoj�ttupn Ni �vlll I- y"AAA 4 Tho a.11mial of lal'-n-, 4 ilidatos and probationers of Ifio AN th- 4 f(�p 11�'149 T, ;ja c1c.4on tir. of Qin!top leavo.,a -0 D. odll-4 church hi the Londori Uohf(v- an IfIrilday for his awiltal trilp 4to t'he t, '(I C w-hithor Ift, zom( "m tho flAor- nee �vj bl, held in *fic. 1,16thodist- all f4�01,unpno xl.�ed, church, 6t. Uqry6� � on April 18 '39 I's fi -ice 85c. 1 -.9111 4 k':'t Jaxksori Co. Ito ivill be and 20 1 � at 9.3.0 awily SC-V4?ral �verejr% and �011 vi6ft on TiibsPdnY,, div 1,91h, J,1T4V\'bam- I the biklols and.' larzr ttown6 :on M I bor ot _3