HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-4-6, Page 1J0;ETRR1 ()NT; OAXAVAO
Tjn-aTyXiGjiTH YL, Alt—No
Exeter Council
Ispocial mee;tju- o� the counoij
JONKS & Imo, h4lld on Wedaejday, Aralv;h a9th;
wu-4 members all vrielsexLt. rxih� Mtn,
No 0 ulbef% of 'the previou's mee�iuw )vere
poad and approved.
A101-1Wrts. 'r. W, 'Gladman and ti, R.
11 T"
HOW ABOUT YO School Board by order, from thc
*9 'the )Coun-
oil �vitb "k view to havin�� a WD,g-
MI&I is N i+ st A 11- 11 1 k, 4 .....
. I -W IV �� . . 10P L, en TAt: pou'rij
y O� ii* r I In %—M " 11� and thq Col,-o�il qI ms,,A & i
40. . . I W 0 a
mlatt,,�r u,a* araicably ts'�ttled and ive
lot of Ladies Ready -to noNv b,�qln the ypar wft-h . h clean
1* This year we are ShOwIng 9, SAVO" *I ale.
Coats *d Separate Skirts, Do Pot
wear Suits. New Spring artffneat it will do you POT'Rivers and Day that �the Clark
fail to V165 our Ready-to-wear DO writa the vollaon Foun1li-ry Company
he now styles. Ms4pr
4.1 'to see t in ,!,ain the price of fho, follow.
4� . . eci&l Suit at $11 - 00 9 , 4 hich iv&te.r pip.-jovS, 6 1:aelij
Our Sp _q bydrnnt, 4 Xo 0,4ndh Oels, 4 tacfi�
ji, # Cloth ra&de up in the very 41 1 1 -
i * :[n )31s�ck or Blue Venetian. iVALM, Valviils, -Carried,
'4, the Price"
, t_4 �6. eststyle, This isa beauty for :0ar Loyel-t and Rivers that an or -
4, 40� d.,�r be plarssed in favor of Dlek'844
Coats 4t Clarlill;r to, t'll'a 1111101111t of: $12.00
1+0 our Ladies SPritz,
bra ng amount 'due in paj�,t Vaym-cae
Ift for Nvatvx tower. Qaxrled.
: .. P,�r Levett" and Walper -that 'the
0 In L0119' I* *
Ckrk Prepare u form of an
ra�nt to ba, Wed in cann$ction with
<> t1w. IVIOex worlc�', k9yebera. lCarried
Tbo council adjourned to me6t IF
Ur a U 0 �j day 1.�-veaiug the Ost jmjg�,
Comici mot Vridn ev,eni�i:
long'Short brarell 31zt. all members PmLsetlt.
41 Nice Black Coats '11intes of laA'meaVnW were xead
0 5 to$ 13, 0() 04,
at ladies 4'0 and approved
�4 (or sto 0,0
al in � Long I or BJ0�t,-IrS Davis and ]")icicard� and1tors
V"W1 5 to 0o presented their re"port and, %-he oame
�,W Short , also iviouse Gray 4 0, %vas ap'Proved, on 'the mpition lof Lie:v-
41> itett. iste.,conded 'by Pay-Ciaxiied.
$11 00. 4 Rivers and Walper thcct the treas-
urar's bond be accePtad-Oarried.
Levett and DrAT 'that w-0, 1wish fto
S1 irts 0 Place oil recordvur'hi,�h abpreeiation
+ Ladie K 0
0 of the fservicets of our late Lrea%urer
Mr. Samuel igaxiderz -who'has b0d the
office for Ithe last el4litcen yearts,
nifty Black Voiles with
d $10 4 Durin� all (these yaars he 'Jifia 14een
4 0 y trimmings at $8 on
10 '
sa 8 o a faithful paimsitaking. oblig" x fand
nqtian cloth
Panama and Ve a very ftrulsitworthy and honord ser -
4, yaut. 'true Ito (the e -nit, for which Itlae
in Black or Blue for $4 $5 89. 0 0 Blunizipality have grealt irmson 'to a
4> be thankful. Su6h men are at a piem-
ium n:8 Its evidenced irlien we reiid
Of tFo much crookk�d WOrL- of men
WF ]ikepositionsthrouightout the
10F Ed
catimtry, bnt owirg .-to jil hl,�nlut Mr,
jt; 40 .0 Sanders h4s ibeen com r6-1
11"k, It pelled 10
1131alve you Ordered 0 skrfrk. Trusti:rig- ltbat his bealth may
prove and Uat lie may WE The �5par-
4 YOUR EASTER 'A A It' Ind for many,yeara of usegulnecss.
K I, W� hereby tender lihn t9fl,.-4 ap-
+ -Easter is Only two Prociation of his faijUibil serviecs to
'Now is th(- time to leavei Your Oider. ur order the Corporation of hxeter.-Ctaxrie&
are veiy busy and would likeyto
week off, our Milline�s, BoNNET Rivers -and Levet1t, tUaR 'the Reeve
a,up with your BASTER- , 0 �6 find Treasurer ba aulborized to bor-
in early so they can RX70' ------ 0, 0,
rou, seven . bundiod -dollars ofi tbei
oredit of ffho corporatioxx for current
House Furnishings Of
Gents Furnishing, Now that the busy house- 400 Lovett and Wnlper that the Reev'e
parchaec, xpoter Wow (Varifty make"
0 found keepers Vill soon be, house- -4, * 1!
' 4 TAurvby at khe loive;�,G
I The robby goods are throu gh Mr.
c lare cleaningwe want to Call your
here. New8birtsNew 01 attentisn.to 4 bigstook of the 4,
New ties New bats and caps '0 L,�,vett and N'Valpor that fhe Q,�,rk!is
New sox ofriva be in the to,%,ev hall axi'll 'Ehat
uderwear. finest house fuini;hings we
tNew a tIM, bouis, of the eferk 4bp from 10;30
- nd suspluders everytbiDg bave Yet show" oarpOts 0
a Wilton Rugs to 12-30 a -in. hi Oxt mornibig viod We -
new for, the , Boys, We . are J'inoleumg *
Axminister ar.-cl Sattir(la) R� M
showing a 8741 lot Of Flincy oliclothe * -, er-Lnilli fro, 7
[yet to 9, P. in. Chlr*rile'd,
Tweeds and Worsteds for vel
New spring stlits. It will Btussels Lace Curtains IV
Tapestry 0 Lev,,,,tt and Dhy that 'the cleric
pay you to see tbem before a TapesbrY 0 write lbe Ontario Goveralm [a-dt 'to'
-Roller, Biiud,s ' **
Wool *# ;end ns a bookou'ap'proval forth -a zise
T A101MING, Al"WL Otli 1911. 31
of �
averz and Day Ithait 'the Coi�amir.-
You are invited— everybody is invited to come and, look over atypur leisure this Fashion
+ 44
it 4. 0*
40, '0 *
n & Mav 0
sioner take the mea-surerner.ibs of the
different `boulevards lha�t re, .. noNv
constructed -also tht:., weciair-eld Nvidth
Pageantry of fine Apparel for men and Boys, an exbibir, tbat for largeness variety, correct -
�anythingg has, evee been showa in Exeter.
j W
!of road bed between and to the
ness and beauty, surpassing that
Conneil nt their next,
Adjourniad to m2et r1ri'day evianinq
April i7tl..
to Cleric It lsYour DutU to 5cc the Ncw &016S. It 1S
ge oP 1N;�qy .1 for Sal-c,..—.Tn gooff con- RC 0
dition. apply at Times, Offiec. E L El
ft.7 A �V U: I fol. I'Ar —1
line of stove values from $25.0 0 to $5U.UU
. r, . o—y A. . ary.6 ws-
itQd 6n Exe,tkr on krixiday lijst.
Mr. Triieman
A full good
Happy Thought, U�ed three, winters
Elliott has been laid
a do -r I,
lip 1 t ys vith La �, ipp, .
1 -+-
second- hand
Dr. -Xinsman arod _Xr. C. Whitby
wvre in London Tueaday cvcning�-
Mr. J". '11. '86o;* hais purchase Mr.
A. Q. 113obiars' farm north 6 - '.�he
railroad trxck,
Mxs.,R. R. Roa)axz and three 'Child)-
AM of ChitcaiXo Mr.
a specialty
axe v1sKilng and
Bfxa, E". Chriistiln
Iffl,M Crews -%vns off work
rbe latter part- of la,;;t ircck and 'the.
rorvi)qrt of this witb La Giii,ppe.
complete stock of PAIINTS9 OILS AND Ll ALD2
' and Mrs. Curtis lT%rn!,jss.. left
on Tuesday for Rezina where Mr.
llawness -at
will work his trade as
Rev. R. Hicks. Craditon Rev.
of and
0. G. 1`1`6welL of Alrdn street, ExetvT
will -exellauze pulpit" on 8ui�aay
m0XUkg b�iax_t. �.
Xx .13. W I' 11o.aver,, %zave a vfry
1nbi,rc,3Ljn- �ddrass at Ow , You.nV
Mj,,nla in Maim str
day lafbornoon last. oc t 011 Sun
Thj office in the''Imvxi 11all is here-
after to be used by the clerk. Hits
ighe,st in Style.". PZarest in 1'3eauty.. ureatest "tin �'alue-44,p
0 $159 $189 $209 $250
�')ovs' Shoes Afen's,,Shoes
9SP'4 $6 $7
$1,50 to $2 00 $�-.00 to $5.0o
I like the way tbey look ti,nd you'll
See them, they look IMOd try ti -tem, they feet good—
fike tb(,I weythey wom wear them, they waer good
S-BEDRM I ' N THE WISP.L. . hblir-s� Nvill bti from 10;30 to 12.110 cv.�
A dl.,pntch rroul Urinntpeg vlsayls— ory morni.nj afnd ri�oni 7 to 9 We&
p ol livin' in a- 11011690 The i1mixon-, or it promatin-a �yrin& misdily and Saturday ovekibl;s.
It Italrels a hea have bo.,xi avertled eby '(!he cold priap 'Mr.- R. .7,- Pickard -and h�on Allion
1[ada-to-measurC C I o t h i. nor
to -makt, it home. an kand warty.i iday,%
hemp 0, ;$un ajj� j9hoAder. YOU of t1ho pa.Nlt 1 XL lrl;" FrIday for Froblishox. Sa�k,
IscmetimNi hav"�, 't, ronin li!;,bl frooth; at, nilght htave a` Mhey lvori� "accoinapined 'by Blr and
yoll 1,1111,ly pre-ciaLt" �Lllc thing!.; iribi.iled'',tq a very zrnidual. tbaw cut
Mrs. 7". J. Sparlin;�. of tho Thaine-q
yer 1cf' bQihindo and qplondid Itond. who have been en,- of clotlis for Snits nnd 0V6rCW1t', Nvt% earr,,f. in
ingerd by 311r, Wo witt't )011 to conle, it) and looL� tho I-AnL'o
Ani, 1bunWor for 'eLu N�"th coald not be better thits sentmin.
From Teports rezeeived from vftrlous -lo better
em @11's on. yer rni',nd Catincillor 'Fre-cl V1hr1nqtdfj or u— Y oil will bo liv, i I th"tt '1011. 041.11kot
j� any difforunivo, 110W jinri.4 of thn pnflil,o 'NVol-0�. 41 1111w'aM
-ft 16xi,t Malt "t "t, *bi; I borne 16s purclin,sed _Mr.,Thos, Caft.n,`q
I hl,� t 1"IrTnem will lbe Ig"AGai.,; or) Ito
ri.oh Wer flirly). on .0.1o. 0t1h ot t7la- tb,,i.n Vlace yoiil� ordei! foi 0, 8t), ing all(l SWUM- V ',.'('it With U8
'flolIv 011=11 obnlr-� An' Ita-bles 0015t,' 4ho, laixd. fi-A f0ho mort� hrorwakl Plus- borne. Thl's 11 aw Makes Mr. EJ10 din,
kticta next liv?-ak with-aveldihitut ge'noral
bow 41`00t Y'r luxll"' fon tfha � propricto'r of :250 , ftcres 'at
pt ain't. ifo home to yrr Itholigh I't by tbo' middle of Agill, This app-
jrjn.Z. )ibs- to mOAL lot 'the sprina� Iviiieffit 0,
laicto of no 1000 1 o tt_ - I"
b�e If he tin, I , A._16� ylec
XTOM .,cM01oNV y0r 11011 country. 11oreaftor rural -�cboolq in Ontarlo (111 .
In Southern Alberta farynar& are ard to have Tho rnrno fir.
ah -t -dr tit work. t, rt;,oturo ii) HW ban L-qahooN. the Lozlslitura having,
th" hlrN wiptQ)ed lexislation 1111:11; '1111 sohools:.
.1n;r iioedod to flax, vshall open on Sept. Ist. This will b,,� I
01 whonit ii; r9portodrj'Ja excelledb to' -(-.he cotint'ry bos. 16 UAWDEN
W, L.&DIES' 83" P( M1 11 PLN
Appoj�ttupn Ni �vlll I- y"AAA 4 Tho a.11mial of lal'-n-, 4
ilidatos and probationers of Ifio AN th-
4 f(�p 11�'149 T, ;ja c1c.4on tir. of Qin!top leavo.,a
-0 D. odll-4 church hi the Londori Uohf(v-
an IfIrilday for his awiltal trilp 4to t'he t, '(I
C w-hithor Ift, zom( "m tho flAor- nee �vj bl, held in *fic. 1,16thodist-
all f4�01,unpno xl.�ed, church, 6t. Uqry6� � on April 18 '39 I's fi
-ice 85c. 1 -.9111
4 k':'t Jaxksori Co. Ito ivill be and 20 1 � at 9.3.0
awily SC-V4?ral �verejr% and �011 vi6ft on TiibsPdnY,, div 1,91h, J,1T4V\'bam-
I the biklols and.' larzr ttown6 :on
M I bor ot