Exeter Times, 1911-3-30, Page 87 771-
`-XRW7 F 77
Market Aeport,-The NVOwiltz ia, IV vs. J. J. Xalght Spent Friday in
he revork of Sxat4r tuarkitm,-, oor� IS
rt�oted up !to March Nth 1911,. Mr. Bert Wilson left ()n Tuesday for
V NOW 0910110
0 Wheat. mandar-d 80 vontK Winnipeg,
d=T1RWA"-r*%` 10101M
WN Oats;ao "IQ .12 "uts J. Mallett was in London on POWELL'$
Uarfoy 05 10 (10 Wednesday. Clover an -d home hapr ROmedy, acts like
Bran IM Jelly ourese led magic on cold in the
Mr. Thos. Baptan of Wingliam is hands and sore s
PHONE 16 Shorts 1�22.00, 1 head and throat,
vipiting in town. grown timothy �25c. Jeweller:17 Jewellery coupon
Modi%1 Flour ltia,40
Ui s. Dr. )1ouze is, iwpt
N&HwEnsput y Qed flour $1.46 ovIng f ron-A coupon each jar,
E her recont illness.- seed for Sale BAZAAR with each jar.
was, in
Jlutter 20 (,,cuts Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Brussels,
M ILLIX Potatoes 50c. town on Tuesday,
Mum 0, Miss Doll& Oke of Hurondale is visit- $$ Saved by Buying Drug Sundries Here
'Ria"livo 1.1'spoll. st,eers 5,85) to 0-00 W. Ii. LEVETT We give Coupons on all our Drug Goods with which you can se.
ow"s XeOum export siteers 5.60 �o 5.73 'r aunt Miss L. Frayne, cure Beautiful Jew . ellry free, ber
KNIP I Mr. J. G, Stanbury was in London Come e for the following:'
Choice 130cliems helfora 5.75 L o ra M Ohapp6d iiand & Pace Creams, Fancy Soaps, Flavoring Extracts,
K Medium witteltur, b.t,1fvrs5.50to50'7 -Grower, ToothOleanser
offiANI N G f 1# 1 on Satavdav on legal business.
0 Collinioll bntalwrs heifers 5.00-5�25 Mr. and Mrs. J. McArthur of Hen- Catarrh & Cold Remedies, Perfumes, Hatt
Dental Offices Closed. Court Plaster, Sachet Powders, Dandruff RQmedy, Talcum Powders,
1111.1 011011ce tilt 1.0i v r.q 4.50 oto 6.00 sall visited in towa. last week.
Ate-dium bwelicns co%vs 4.25 to 4.40 Kindly -take notice ltha!t my office Sore Foot Remedies, Hair Shampoo. Out, Prices are no -higher than
Mi,. Walter -Bailey of London spent, the our preparations are good or your money back and best of all
blIANtori cmvg 3.00-3.50 Su -y Wednesday. afWriloon, e i's'
Se(- 'he New Spring Millinery. We cordially itivite every . 6 0 g
lati v of Exeter and surrounding COMMUnitY LQ Visit (lilt, Show. 0 adaywith friends in town, 1,; closed evei e Beau Wul Jewelley Free to. every purchaser of ourDrugGoods
14'. R-1-10 L W iv
imeop A.50 ito 5.00 DR. 1�0 JLSTON. A kab
roo',r)s, Ths�re will be an oxdeptiorkat display of HIGH CLASS f All -d:11111 '11kJI( 1.�`,heop q..15) lo 14.50 Mr,T, B. Uartyn. of Stephen, Wen- outourPlan, Get the Habit of coming HERE for Your Drug
MILLINERY, such as we have rowely if ever 6efore Lhow Lt, The 1111h� ri.06 ta,�i,40 ds to move to town very shorbly� CLOSING NOTICE Wants. I r PAYS.
sea"Ou's lead ing and most favored styles are represen t ed,.
Hogs $6.65 Mr. James Sparks spentSunday and Please remember that my Dental
Moudav at his home in Hensall Ar'91. I A TXr A A 0 We have hu-cl ' A 9 a
turned to his borne after visiting his
mother,Mrs. B. V". Elliott, for a few
compelled to;;ive Jupi adtive labor and
for 'the past elglixt Nvel,,ks hap licen
confined. -to bed. 11r. ;Brook wa, .
ilerd in It -he hIghostesiteent 'and amde,
+ +
brethodist church aSsisbad -by
by Alr- Williamson and son Teddyl oi
.......... ................................ I .........
Miss Lizzle Frayneretarned Friday
morning after spending the past win-
ter w. ith hersister Mrs. Touilinson, of
hu_�;ts of friends ',in Rid:3e!tovrn. be-
sides many friends rin itown, who ex-
tended their b,eartfelt isympAby to
Mr. Harry Hooper, of London, vis-
ce c .v I ever e nes ay a ter-
noun. -Dn. XzxsmAx
"-VS X13, L'I 'u UremVeware anu Oun,
'bits. It will pa :�, ilesof Exeter to visit this
a� e;g citizen within I N7
store every
the bereave Th e many floral txib-
over George Manson's., Everybody
interested should be there.
week fbr'(!hejr n-1 bome i In. I Elid
2 .6 :Z.
aPes by lovin.- friends anid 't -lie ipx-
Cwut we"
at his 4 ome have on Monday.'
31r. and Mrs. Rich ardam
hav, iivc�,d iu Exeter for ovor tr%,�Vnjty
week Ireep. the stuff moving, no room for dead stock,
New Bargains
pressions of the Nvor�h of 'the d
and his fearle-a�ness to idlie. are ic . om-
of hearin..-
BOY Teddy
. oprano. Williamson.
DOOrd oT)en
Z �w
Years a7ad we 'Sorry tco lcr�., them
but w
. i�Sh 'them good fortune 'iri their
tb6; vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hempliiii1i Of
E;`4 ��tvm�
knocks ant %Twl 1, r do" 01'
Miss MaudSohns who teachesschool
WToxeter who are visiting re Iti es in
every day on our Special P.rice Tables.
AS Mr. Charl;,C Wood rivin.T
Hensall, visited at the home of Mr.
hro sti2iters survive, namelyi: �1�.G,&
near Dashwood was home over Sun-
You will be sorry if you miss It
morn:,ii he turned out -to go abead
of another riix 1"ben the �hfnd wboel of
C: F-4 M
Northcott and Was Mbel Brook of
olvn� Afr;s. Brook. of Ridgeleto 107
7 t'.d T.
poses moving his.famUy to Godericli
14"You �Have Smalp or 11,14r T rouble.
Our Confect'
toflery and Fruit. Business
i di Mr. Woodl,,C The
jolt thre 1v A Wood but
the beginning of April.
r. 0
:r- V-
4 1 (D Z- "'
-r -r. of the
bu;Zgy and lills horse -lot free. PaTt
of 'the harness wns 0 1-
* I
April Poopj Day Sxtur�aay.
Mr. Harry Candy, is moving into
the late Mrs. Harris' house on Enron
Take Advantn-�:e of th!r, Offer
We toollld ;i1ot mfford 'to il�o,1strowft
is growiLg by leaps and boand5. We handle only firsb-cla is stuff, Our
C� +5 0 CD k
0 0 0,0
W-Ocd r.
_.;m 0
27 M M
* -
Aft. Goo. Sandus hms st,
arted a
endors-e Rexall Ha.`�x Tonic �rtnd
Oranges are all Sunkist, our Bananas will be only first-class. ourfruit
people have orders to ship only the best so costumers to this
:t�o A-6 ,
0 0
0 M 4 �Q
2: fl CD W�
101 4
milk route in tolvii.
1�fj, '
Mr. Win. Hastings, of Orosshill,
visited his brother Al. few days this
-001`16M)10 r�o rell T,' &s' NvQ do, V ft, 4ild
- 40,1111 We ORAM ft Will- Should,
store will
be sure of the best tbat money can buy, Watch this part of our busi-
X I Ce Ca
r1rank Cornish. o -Z London.
spent Suifiday at his home here.
our enthuatil,asm catrry us: away, and
Rexall "Y311 11K"x Tonic
nesegrow. Comeandhelp.
We have the reputation for good Peauubs, if you like peanuts Try
44 d
Cr n IS
Gordon Taylor its learnifug the
Mr, W in. Thomas. of Cornwall
not , give
enfl:re Isaf-isfatetionito [Lh� mvers. 'they
0 rd CJ
1W grio e
� :9 a
Mwehirilst business wilth Connor Bios.
E is visiting. his uncle, Mr. Goo,
would lose ffhith in us and aux Binte-
A,w a, -1
. 0 00 , Cd
q �- =
M . 0 0 0 .
# *
Ur. Wallace F Like lias b eten laid o,4
ments, and !ui consequanou� our bu�si-
Don't forget that we still -ell Pr"I enrly
Nvork fl* fseviqxal tdays oiriii,- to ill- Rev. B.A. Fear of I Blyth SpEnt a ness pretst'[�e -%vould stlXei- CORDS and at all times RA11-11 atiU KIZ- I
carry alarge stock ofthe'mostup-to-date
4w couple of da 'Vs in town the forepart -of WO lissure you ltha!L ?X youir hair t6 kinds. No trouble to show. We can save dollars for yon on these
MeL-srs. Thos. Kay. Wili. Drem% and the week. bcqir�Wting -to vnnh:tur�lly fiall ou't or goods. Send for us, we will sen d a man,
New Carpets, Carpet Squares, Rugs, U you Jitive any scalp trouble, Rox�
TAO& Sweet are all conlanled to the Mr. Hugh McGregor of Varna de- 11 "9'3" llra,!ir fronic will -promptly
h6use throti�h Ulness. fiveredanumber of horses here on EASTER POST OARDS and NOVELTIES NOW IN.
Mats, Linoleums and Floor Oil-- Mr. Henry Sfathain, is movipl.4 hi -s Friday last, ermd:tdalte dandruff, k eltimulate hair CHOI I CH MINT CANDY DROPS, SPECIAL 15c a Pound.
gromth and qirevont (preniftuita bald-
ramily from thejarm, jus�t 1s1ja'6h aj Mr. W " Smith left Tuesday for
cloths in New Desi ns and the tO`A1n,. to Xhiva.
Snowflake.Man,, where he will spend Our rp'kh in Iftaxall "Op Hair
E. Cowan, of London, Nvho the summer, Toific iis go '4�trdn;R!. '11hat wo ask you J. Willis PoWell, Proprietor.
Colorings all boudlit at vilsited Mr. and Mrs. A. Oottle a fbiv to try U on our positive quaralngh-a
days last ivecic.�.,returnod home Satur� Mr. B. W. P. BeaVers last week that your arAoney W,21 be choex0illy Em
day. moved Into the late Mrs, Eacrett's rofnae�r, u it does nat, on all% RVIIN
Special Prices.
Mrs. i1d. Dav1s onteitaincd�lth,.% house Main St, cla`(m. T%%,o sizes 50c. and $1.0a4
me"�bers of the Lad'Ha Guild of- the Mr. Xas. Hern has purchased two Sold only at wir'ifore-The RexaIl
Tkivitt Uemoxi%l church on Thar,-: lots adjoining his property from Mr. Store. W_ Colo.
12� * daY alf'Nornooki. _�aax. Jas� Richardson.
as -to meet I -IN houLse 11bIxotigh fllncg�.
on Friday evening,
T _-vemin'g A We
�."-o-thirds of Tutir life isspent The adjourned collnell me".tjn�y The Messrs. Olive and Ella Wood
41* which W 4 �t Wednet5d...1,; entertained a ntimber of young people th-C, Irs. D. S. F(hillips is conIMeid to 4� "Yining -Ms
coutfort, style amd setvice. Let ve,
Will Your shoes ontw let there be
Was Postponed until,Frida. On another pa,Z(v ivill be found an * up
,yom, shoes be of thiis ireek. Mr. Walter Connor was in London intercstjn� addrem On the "I'Leligious *
F or Sale at a Bargain -A ne.w s on Wednesday installing a "Premier" Toachin�s of 'Tennyson" -%vh1ch -iycz
"THE BERESFORD SHOE" roomed hou�e and in acre of land alr-cooled engine. Ziven by G. Stanbary, B.. ..
The Shoe of Excellence Nvith fine orchard. Apply . to Re�., Mrs. (Dr,) Lindsay and Miss Ethel at the week -night service 'of 'the Ch 4
10 N1 1. E. - 0
# Butt, Centralia. Dow visited relitives in Hibbert a few vorl Pre--b-0-prian.elluidli and, also at
31r. JohnLeathorn. Who 6onducted days the past week. ono a,^ .-ii, School Uterary So -
a temperance thousa J!'
m) the 'ITAl-antsion Miss Lain Martin, who is beaching ciltY� meetinz's.
House," at th ie sou th end of the, ftoivr. school at Ettrick, wds home for Sat- On Thurosday alfternoon Mr
0 moved hiLs fami)y to Inaersoll on Satt- urday and Sunday. Qs
We want every BOY 0 * urday. John G'11 %va8 turniwr t1e corner at 0 That is about the way things are in the home at house.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs the Dank of (Commorce the, hor4e sh-p- 0
U - id'.M r. *
to see �our new Mr. Ratthoir rinkbeiner. of St�_ Willis Powell is out and around &gE61*' pod and fell on the -ptwpamemt al * cleaning time. You have been considering purchasing some*
phen. met With a serious accid,,!nr ou after her recent illness. G�11 iv, -_i fthrown from his car"t. Mr, 0
Wednek�day urwi Mill 1. 14'. li.- -A I- * n�_ 1.- _r
aig thei hoggs Lurs. LNeLUle walters left Monday V
he islipped On the eiment floor break- eve ing for London, where she will horse troin qV1t;tju.n, aNvfay. He T�,-
SPRING SUITS ing, ihis irrist. ce:lved a *h-a,ldnx up pnd Igot
visit for several weeks. 1 hir.
Clothes muddy bu,,t otherwise thexe 48,
The Ladiei Guild of the Trivift Me� Miss Etta Xorslake spent part of last was no klama:-e Oone. 0
We are "sole, agen' 4�* Zn6rial church Nvill hold a. sewing week visiting atEden, the guest of her r umm r n t u re
fits *0 meetin;
r and after-nodn thLa in the friend Miss Rettie Essery. was maide in la".4t wetAkls
laille of lbo, kleath Of Mr. FreldeTiCk. 4' for a long time and now is the chance to do it.
s`chOO1 ro�m oi the church on Thural Mr Harry Ellwortby is suffering 13rook. of Rid-etown. Mhe reinams�
for , the Celebrated day afternooa.
with the second attack of La Grippe We 1ave a complete stock of up-to-date Furnitura
Mns. John Cornish of suffer� and is confined to his room. were. brought'lo Exet,er on Friday ; of all 4
eld m.strOkL 013(T',hursday of labt vve.ek. morn -in .. g. aild -the fllncr�l- waig eon- kinds on hand, and we can guarantee the qualf to be the"' 41
LION,, BKY'AND 40* She i,'� dnow proga'a-,vIng, Messrs..Androw,oampbell and Chas. dueted'from the Exebar iAation. A ty 41
_ f livoraply. Jn- best and the prices reasonable. 41
Her daughter. A.frs. Routley of Us Monteith of Tham6 Road leave this 'eter
wee terment taking ,plazo rj,�n thi. EX . 0
borne. i0inattendamccupon her. k for Rindersley Sask. cemetery. ThLi`�deccased,%vus bom d -t 4$�
0,4 31r. 'Goo. Oeloir. of tha Ith Alt. Thos. Russell is in Preston this Mitchell, Perth -,County on the 3rd
'*;* Ision. ofXT-sborne. h. . cOaces- week where he is interested in stock- of Sept. 1870. Sorne itime la&,r he A.'a
ALL XINDS OE PRODUCE WANTED and has itaken u ax movrd to 'town ing a farm in that vicinity. ramp. to -Exeter with hi;s parents. 4,
p hJ's reil'alen;ao On VV e A k V I I
aerltly ,ton this vee
William istreot in the butrs, re, Mr, Chas. DSrer goes back to Ham- rhere he learned Ill! �§traide as liallor
0,* occupied by lirr, ja.s. Riehwx&son. k after a pleasant three, leaving here for RkIgidtown FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
T XeLisrs, J. D. and Rd. Atkij weeks visit at his home here. working fher� w�d im at. Thoinks. 16�
V Zd� 0
Ju An '0h0m"EWARw1m__ Mon left He was in Rid).'etown for abou't 20
Monday evenitug for Alpena. Miloll'.. Mrs. Rev. Powell very pleasantly
ower Vatcum Z
years. About 16 -years nigo he wa-s
to a't1teA,d,%he funerial of tiiie,,jr )sio_ entertained her Sabbath School class ;narried to D164s Eva E veritt,..,of tha:t
Agency for Automatic'Hand T Cleaner,
at the parsonage on Friday eve i g lac w
ter- fflrfb. who died la tfivt lj 0,� ho with thits Chailez. O'k for rent at 75 cents a day.
place atter !a lon-7 111ilpss of itT, son
fever . phoi,d last. that plaiee survives him. JkbGut
CemOnt Drain Tile for
S a I e.
4.;,,jw offer all my tille on hand up
;.in inches, that are only 1-9 inches
i��t at reduced pric,--s. All tiles guar -
Sizes. I- in, $1&50 per tbous-
OF, t in, $19.00 per -thousand; 6 in,
.128.50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 per
khougand; 8 in, $48.00 per thousand; 10
in, $72,00 per thousand.
12, 14 and 16 'inch tile also on hand.
In. futfire will make all tile 18 inches
S. CudMore, Lumley, P. 0�
Long Distance Phone 4 Exeter.
Opposite Electric Light Plant,
100 Per Cent
Value in Food
All foods are not all alike but
t,=Limes thelower grades IM
, in Appearance the better
kind so closely that they are
mistaken -for them. There is
however, this material difference
'-High guality Foods always
g1vo Sat faction i� Eating,
wil! Is t the poorer qualities d
We Make a Specialty
of Foods.
It vau haven't given the Food
question thak serious considera-
t46n wbich 'it demands, do so
NOW, .
W4carry very, fall lines of
High Grade Groceries and
W.&*,;TVD-0hO10e Batter and
Proo), 14981
Mr. Reg, Elliott; of Norwich, has re- years ago. o,.ving to ill health, kke 'was
-elland Jyrea,ah,,id in
Jurnes St, citurch onSlin.day evening
the Pasior. iRev. R. 11obbs. preaich_
in-� for -4rr*. Be -an, alt Croditon, Mr.
turned to his borne after visiting his
mother,Mrs. B. V". Elliott, for a few
compelled to;;ive Jupi adtive labor and
for 'the past elglixt Nvel,,ks hap licen
confined. -to bed. 11r. ;Brook wa, .
ilerd in It -he hIghostesiteent 'and amde,
+ +
brethodist church aSsisbad -by
by Alr- Williamson and son Teddyl oi
.......... ................................ I .........
Bean )v"ls to ��ke Mr. Hobbs' work
her(' but �Olvin2! (to illn.p&a
vented. Ord-
Miss Lizzle Frayneretarned Friday
morning after spending the past win-
ter w. ith hersister Mrs. Touilinson, of
hu_�;ts of friends ',in Rid:3e!tovrn. be-
sides many friends rin itown, who ex-
tended their b,eartfelt isympAby to
Nhen Opport,11,11
Mr and Mrq- J1111. RichardisoA loll�,
the bereave Th e many floral txib-
over George Manson's., Everybody
interested should be there.
week fbr'(!hejr n-1 bome i In. I Elid
and Mrs. John Caldwell, Of
aPes by lovin.- friends anid 't -lie ipx-
Cwut we"
31r. and Mrs. Rich ardam
hav, iivc�,d iu Exeter for ovor tr%,�Vnjty
Regina Sask., have returned to town.
They expect to spend the summer in
pressions of the Nvor�h of 'the d
and his fearle-a�ness to idlie. are ic . om-
of hearin..-
BOY Teddy
. oprano. Williamson.
DOOrd oT)en
'n ne occupied by Mrs. White and
the other by Mr. John Cornish.
Years a7ad we 'Sorry tco lcr�., them
but w
. i�Sh 'them good fortune 'iri their
tb6; vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hempliiii1i Of
f.orc:n�' ToAhose wito are left tb
mourn his lo. -4:,. Basides his sorrow-
knocks ant %Twl 1, r do" 01'
Pield I Of labor.
WToxeter who are visiting re Iti es in
In:' Wi,do"_ and son, one -brother and
Porecastis.-A % tRealutlohary
AS Mr. Charl;,C Wood rivin.T
Hensall, visited at the home of Mr.
hro sti2iters survive, namelyi: �1�.G,&
alonX janles street on aturdra;
J. Grigir on Monday.
Brook. of Killarney, BXau; Mris. 'Chas,
You will be sorry if you miss It
morn:,ii he turned out -to go abead
of another riix 1"ben the �hfnd wboel of
, Mr. Win, Coultice, of Goderich spent
Sundiy at his hotne here. He pa
Northcott and Was Mbel Brook of
olvn� Afr;s. Brook. of Ridgeleto 107
firgTt 7bui]3- locked ltvitb the
front Nvhe(!l
poses moving his.famUy to Godericli
and AIr Gordon Everitt.. of Detroilt.
, the ito
i di Mr. Woodl,,C The
jolt thre 1v A Wood but
the beginning of April.
accompanic.4 remains town.
We will offer a Beautiful new 'Upright Gr Piano
-r -r. of the
bu;Zgy and lills horse -lot free. PaTt
of 'the harness wns 0 1-
Mr. Melville Uuwey, who conducted
a drug business at Winthorst,, Bask
RA-WHInr Drina' Mq9lq f)r 0b 0
The plus r � n. . ". � I
Ultra 8. S. �cl , "
S Mss of Aralpo.
has disposed of his business, and ia
visitingwith Mr. and Mrs A. E. Bus-
+ +
brethodist church aSsisbad -by
by Alr- Williamson and son Teddyl oi
wdll ar, Harwell, SiEsk.
A-mbeting of baseball
+ Only one instrument will be sold ab the above price and thq.t to the +
+ first buyer on Saturday. If you are thinking of buying a, � piano you
and other local tialent will
Zive a - Musical '
wilt be held on FL-iday night at eight
* should take advantage of this offer and you will be the most fortunate +
E ntertaimme
the basement of kb�o nt in
o'clock in the young men's club rooms
person in the town or country call and see it and we will be pleased +
day. A-pril .7th 19LJ ,
has bee The basculent
taStefully decorated
over George Manson's., Everybody
interested should be there.
Chocid) I S
+ to explain its merits to you.
+ A number of good organs will also be on sale at prices from $12
and the
proceeds wiftl �O !towar&,; dot r05'1n,9
Harvey Bros. have purchased the,
Cwut we"
to $25 +
+ +
+ +
the exPen'96 Of decorat.4b6a Tji,e
oppole loving Public Will have another
lot north of the mill from Mr. A.
Hooper, There are two houses on the
"Taste a's good as Candy'-
+ +
of hearin..-
BOY Teddy
. oprano. Williamson.
DOOrd oT)en
'n ne occupied by Mrs. White and
the other by Mr. John Cornish.
so ple anb to ta
as ke soMe
+ +
. + A* V
so MwARTIN a `0N
at 7.15 J), in. Prulriitm
P- rll� ChM;tr Ito
MissMartba Butt of Hensaii, who
children ask for more -but
+ %X +
be taken byrg,
Hu`�fOn- A'dInkmimi, 25 erlFfs.
has been spending the past week in
town, left Saturdav evening for Con-
they do the work.,
+ +
+ +
Porecastis.-A % tRealutlohary
0alim where she will visf t for a few
Nval's worm chocolateE; kift
+ +
orin 'rAO'd i's In PrO)Zhrcs[S as we ..y - e returning to her no e. +
Lia4LS a
from iMaIrch Fnto A� Mr. Jno. Snell last T esday moved and remove the worms- ole agents for the P"rker Fountain
of. Tal,n. %vind and thunder �Vlill cul- formerly vacated by
WRLTING'TO A STRANGER irito the house
b 4' �K 6- 110 leaking perfect
No need of any womnoals ivrP.dnj;f M1,11ate On land 'tO11ehin,g,;9u1h'dt.y C Mr. Shirley Bobier -4,�top ' Vrinding the teet + --ifld
2nd- he Mi - Jae, Ran& + Pen. No shal
to opme far-off isitranger for advize ; Widda(mg uP 'With !VdWible snoll, ford of Ceutralia K&B moved into the 0 +
n northern while sleeping. +
reg1hr-ding her, onfieeblodcondition. It ' Rising )b,ro- hOu8e he recently purchased from Mrs + flow and a perfect point.
you knew that your letter -wrals hand- m(Iter. fair ive'albar and, frosty ni:.Zhts Sno. Snell�
Will Rolipve colickyL pains
ed around to lic xeald 'by a Idtf of' be vi'&it Most Parth of the country A conguregational tea was held im
aurloua people, you wouldn't wrilte 'twedii ;,Jh,e 2n,d anal 5t1h. A, ....... ................................ ...........
period, wbich is p 0ells"nic lme�s )Strwt church on Tueisda.y ev-
0Lher. The beliter way is 'to come entral on )T�ayeh M.%ke appetite normal
.10'th. ivill reach 1:' After an exciallent isupper a
to as and ;at a, bottle of eNyalls Meg- bree or tbljr dily, ;111(.'
n,d-1d bra�xain was cariled out
etable Prescription.. tha, best ittedicine into April, A (R(1,9nlar 93,ta),in jno ch conkslisted of Selootions byAfra�
�iyo.(j vh, 0orreat offensive, odor of
for women, we know anythin3 albout. covers ithp, 4!tll Ito 'the 8iffi, llavljng'it_;� Drahogtra and other musical and lit -
No Vg flaraby aidvertiislnjg�-the moti- center on ifilic 6Lh, - ypafi;n� ;h the breat4.
ey fa Into the qualfty of t -he ineilw meter., chanige q,o (inuch , .. , aro- .-rary numbers. A splendlidtime was A Li be, ral 'Of f e'r
."Icirle; �Iyl`cu can depend on it. lit lffl`OIV41A�l cloudibi v'armN'r 311�tb enjoyed 1by 'the largo number pratien;t,
ess and is _Givp. Children comfort qnd
'is the kind you have be,en lookin3 S -or. In
buT, rin 'th Tuesday's Toronto Newo loontaffis (t
c Ivest by' the 4th fild
We know ilt is qood because people 5:th. Dur,'hig the 0th )to fth'. large to'hoto of McIntyre OfT allartan healtb
TalInk wind 4tbrmo or the BahM., of -,"he Year
Y.'f;ht in thfis toi�bf have usod it; and of who 1,4; -playing ba;saball I
, vndthi�n,dcr .0111 mak() Toronto tprofo$sj�onalg , jith tihp.
tell as so� 006ts yoa $1.00 a b6ttel thdift. lwanart 100in IV&St this year, The
and iis ivorthLeVeXy Cent of tira �aoxiey Itowt oarfs' 'to e�qlyt, News, Isays "MOT.Atyre is a. clever Only 2.5c.
of 'Che count"ry.
Come and lZat a copy of -the litftl� TheigQ WtOrMs w1al lbo Ln MhO form of youngstor frol Fullarton who W
orth heavy A-pr�l p t" 6ome like Powders 01' 1OZ_L V T coffer 11TUXE-4 TIMES11
booktat ",Secrefig Of 111'eality." W. holver�..,breadrinx jilto ulakilii� good. wilth Ithe i WLoronto batzo..
severe (Squalls an(f hal balf)teaw ldoivA oww" enges and some Syrup.
9t0ims in
Spring stock 0-9 Xodak goaclo Tbo %arcenitenary of eho' aglish
)OcAlf'T'106, Val'r
Gtil- 'with version �of 'the Bible' was c,,,Jcbratod� We have them all in Nyals
Just arrIvod, Films aind velox ))ap.exe W0,01-ther and cool lalb fol
good t;:Il October. 14`�blc X-rOsts 6arghwarcr, %vill foll6w 12 fthtl Ttivi.tt Memorial church o -i and all are good.
W. 'these owwmtq, Sunday las�t who.n 11he Piagtor Ttelv.
nt ry
D. W.' Gollinj.4 prea,ehod two cxddlle
3, Howe Ph I -fl. B, VO4 13AL171, �eruion'S tm hjlsfc�ry oe _he fjRblj�,
y Ith wo a. HoWey9 Phmo B.
topbu "0 61 Aur. condli(tf6,11, %�p_ in the Vvenbag h] armon. P10alt phr-
'Y�a,,Wart�� Elteter ,14,Dr,th Hoularly whih lt'h� �Te aL441 rcgpoetm Chemist and Opti n
to t. Vio 4q f
EXtTE+ P. ONTARIO the 11bn; t8h peor" 0
111 Exeter L tarlo.
� 'IV