Exeter Times, 1911-3-30, Page 87 771- ­­`­-­XRW7 F 77 I J0X.W Market Aeport,-The NVOwiltz ia, IV vs. J. J. Xalght Spent Friday in he revork of Sxat4r tuarkitm,-, oor� IS t CHOIC rt�oted up !to March Nth 1911,. Mr. Bert Wilson left ()n Tuesday for V NOW 0910110 0 Wheat. mandar-d 80 vontK Winnipeg, d=T1RWA"-r*%` 10101M WN Oats;ao "IQ .12 "uts J. Mallett was in London on POWELL'$ Uarfoy 05 10 (10 Wednesday. Clover an -d home hapr ROmedy, acts like Bran IM Jelly ourese led magic on cold in the '0.00 Mr. Thos. Baptan of Wingliam is hands and sore s PHONE 16 Shorts 1�22.00, 1 head and throat, vipiting in town. grown timothy �25c. Jeweller:17 Jewellery coupon Modi%1 Flour ltia,40 ,d Te, Ui s. Dr. )1ouze is, iwpt N&HwEnsput y Qed flour $1.46 ovIng f ron-A coupon each jar, E her recont illness.- seed for Sale BAZAAR with each jar. was, in Jlutter 20 (,,cuts Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Brussels, M ILLIX Potatoes 50c. town on Tuesday, Mum 0, Miss Doll& Oke of Hurondale is visit- $$ Saved by Buying Drug Sundries Here 'Ria"livo 1.1'spoll. st,eers 5,85) to 0-00 W. Ii. LEVETT We give Coupons on all our Drug Goods with which you can se. ow"s XeOum export siteers 5.60 �o 5.73 'r aunt Miss L. Frayne, cure Beautiful Jew . ellry free, ber KNIP I Mr. J. G, Stanbury was in London Come e for the following:' Choice 130cliems helfora 5.75 L o ra M Ohapp6d iiand & Pace Creams, Fancy Soaps, Flavoring Extracts, K Medium witteltur, b.t,1fvrs5.50to50'7 -Grower, ToothOleanser offiANI N G f 1# 1 on Satavdav on legal business. 0 Collinioll bntalwrs heifers 5.00-5�25 Mr. and Mrs. J. McArthur of Hen- Catarrh & Cold Remedies, Perfumes, Hatt Dental Offices Closed. Court Plaster, Sachet Powders, Dandruff RQmedy, Talcum Powders, 1111.1 011011ce tilt 1.0i v r.q 4.50 oto 6.00 sall visited in towa. last week. Ate-dium bwelicns co%vs 4.25 to 4.40 Kindly -take notice ltha!t my office Sore Foot Remedies, Hair Shampoo. Out, Prices are no -higher than Mi,. Walter -Bailey of London spent, the our preparations are good or your money back and best of all blIANtori cmvg 3.00-3.50 Su -y Wednesday. afWriloon, e i's' Se(- 'he New Spring Millinery. We cordially itivite every . 6 0 g lati v of Exeter and surrounding COMMUnitY LQ Visit (lilt, Show. 0 adaywith friends in town, 1,; closed evei e Beau Wul Jewelley Free to. every purchaser of ourDrugGoods 14'. R-1-10 L W iv imeop A.50 ito 5.00 DR. 1�0 JLSTON. A kab roo',r)s, Ths�re will be an oxdeptiorkat display of HIGH CLASS f All -d:11111 '11kJI( 1.�`,heop q..15) lo 14.50 Mr,T, B. Uartyn. of Stephen, Wen- outourPlan, Get the Habit of coming HERE for Your Drug MILLINERY, such as we have rowely if ever 6efore Lhow Lt, The 1­111h� ri.06 ta,�i,40 ds to move to town very shorbly� CLOSING NOTICE Wants. I r PAYS. sea"Ou's lead ing and most favored styles are represen t ed,. Hogs $6.65 Mr. James Sparks spentSunday and Please remember that my Dental Moudav at his home in Hensall Ar'91. I A TXr A A 0 We have hu-cl ' A 9 a ST turned to his borne after visiting his mother,Mrs. B. V". Elliott, for a few days, compelled to;;ive Jupi adtive labor and for 'the past elglixt Nvel,,ks hap licen confined. -to bed. 11r. ;Brook wa, . ilerd in It -he hIghostesiteent 'and amde, + + + brethodist church aSsisbad -by by Alr- Williamson and son Teddyl oi Lon,don. .......... ................................ I ......... 0 Miss Lizzle Frayneretarned Friday morning after spending the past win- ter w. ith hersister Mrs. Touilinson, of London hu_�;ts of friends ',in Rid:3e!tovrn. be- sides many friends rin itown, who ex- tended their b,eartfelt isympAby to + + + Mr. Harry Hooper, of London, vis- ited ce c .v I ever e nes ay a ter- noun. -Dn. XzxsmAx "-VS X13, L'I 'u UremVeware anu Oun, 'bits. It will pa :�, ilesof Exeter to visit this a� e;g citizen within I N7 store every Mr. the bereave Th e many floral txib- + Ity over George Manson's., Everybody interested should be there. week fbr'(!hejr n-1 bome i In. I Elid W"Zt- 2 .6 :Z. aPes by lovin.- friends anid 't -lie ipx- + Cwut we" at his 4 ome have on Monday.' 31r. and Mrs. Rich ardam hav, iivc�,d iu Exeter for ovor tr%,�Vnjty week Ireep. the stuff moving, no room for dead stock, New Bargains pressions of the Nvor�h of 'the d and his fearle-a�ness to idlie. are ic . om- + of hearin..- BOY Teddy . oprano. Williamson. DOOrd oT)en Z �w MCC Years a7ad we 'Sorry tco lcr�., them but w . i�Sh 'them good fortune 'iri their now tb6; vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hempliiii1i Of E;`4 ��tvm� + '+ + knocks ant %Twl 1, r do" 01' + + Miss MaudSohns who teachesschool WToxeter who are visiting re Iti es in every day on our Special P.rice Tables. + 0 + AS Mr. Charl;,C Wood rivin.T Hensall, visited at the home of Mr. hro sti2iters survive, namelyi: �1�.G,& 43C ly LOCALS, near Dashwood was home over Sun- HAIR 'HEALTH +� + , You will be sorry if you miss It + morn:,ii he turned out -to go abead of another riix 1"ben the �hfnd wboel of the -a C: F-4 M 04 Northcott and Was Mbel Brook of t JVL olvn� Afr;s. Brook. of Ridgeleto 107 + ++ 7 t'.d T. 4. + poses moving his.famUy to Godericli day. 14"You �Have Smalp or 11,14r T rouble. Our Confect' toflery and Fruit. Business i di Mr. Woodl,,C The jolt thre 1v A Wood but the beginning of April. r. 0 + + n :r- V- 4 1 (D Z- "' -r -r. of the bu;Zgy and lills horse -lot free. PaTt of 'the harness wns 0 1- * I April Poopj Day Sxtur�aay. Mr. Harry Candy, is moving into the late Mrs. Harris' house on Enron Take Advantn-�:e of th!r, Offer We toollld ;i1ot mfford 'to il�o,1strowft is growiLg by leaps and boand5. We handle only firsb-cla is stuff, Our C� +5 0 CD k 0 0 0,0 W-Ocd r. cc V_M .40 _.;m 0 27 M M * - Aft. Goo. Sandus hms st, arted a street,' endors-e Rexall Ha.`�x Tonic �rtnd Oranges are all Sunkist, our Bananas will be only first-class. ourfruit people have orders to ship only the best so costumers to this C4 :t�o A-6 , 0 0 'L�5 0 M 4 �Q 2: fl CD W� Cb 101 4 0 milk route in tolvii. 1�fj, ' Mr. Win. Hastings, of Orosshill, visited his brother Al. few days this -001`16M)10 r�o rell T,' &s' NvQ do, V ft, 4ild not - 40,1111 We ORAM ft Will- Should, store will be sure of the best tbat money can buy, Watch this part of our busi- 41. 0 X I Ce Ca 0 M P 1 CD 0* r1rank Cornish. o -Z London. spent Suifiday at his home here. a week. our enthuatil,asm catrry us: away, and Rexall "Y311 11K"x Tonic nesegrow. Comeandhelp. We have the reputation for good Peauubs, if you like peanuts Try .0 0 44 d 9. Cr n IS CA Gordon Taylor its learnifug the Mr, W in. Thomas. of Cornwall not , give .1 enfl:re Isaf-isfatetionito [Lh� mvers. 'they Our$. 0 0 rd CJ CD 0 1W grio e � :9 a Mwehirilst business wilth Connor Bios. E is visiting. his uncle, Mr. Goo, Thomas. would lose ffhith in us and aux Binte- + A,w a, -1 . 0 00 , Cd V-> W. q �- = M . 0 0 0 . # * Ur. Wallace F Like lias b eten laid o,4 ments, and !ui consequanou� our bu�si- Don't forget that we still -ell Pr"I enrly Nvork fl* fseviqxal tdays oiriii,- to ill- Rev. B.A. Fear of I Blyth SpEnt a ness pretst'[�e -%vould stlXei- CORDS and at all times RA11-11 atiU KIZ- I carry alarge stock ofthe'mostup-to-date 4w couple of da 'Vs in town the forepart -of WO lissure you ltha!L ?X youir hair t6 kinds. No trouble to show. We can save dollars for yon on these MeL-srs. Thos. Kay. Wili. Drem% and the week. bcqir�Wting -to vnnh:tur�lly fiall ou't or goods. Send for us, we will sen d a man, New Carpets, Carpet Squares, Rugs, U you Jitive any scalp trouble, Rox� TAO& Sweet are all conlanled to the Mr. Hugh McGregor of Varna de- 11 "9'3" llra,!ir fronic will -promptly h6use throti�h Ulness. fiveredanumber of horses here on EASTER POST OARDS and NOVELTIES NOW IN. Mats, Linoleums and Floor Oil-- Mr. Henry Sfathain, is movipl.4 hi -s Friday last, ermd:tdalte dandruff, k eltimulate hair CHOI I CH MINT CANDY DROPS, SPECIAL 15c a Pound. gromth and qirevont (preniftuita bald- ramily from thejarm, jus�t 1s1ja'6h aj Mr. W " Smith left Tuesday for cloths in New Desi ns and the tO`A1n,. to Xhiva. Snowflake.Man,, where he will spend Our rp'kh in Iftaxall "Op Hair E. Cowan, of London, Nvho the summer, Toific iis go '4�trdn;R!. '11hat wo ask you J. Willis PoWell, Proprietor. Colorings all boudlit at vilsited Mr. and Mrs. A. Oottle a fbiv to try U on our positive quaralngh-a days last ivecic.�.,returnod home Satur� Mr. B. W. P. BeaVers last week that your arAoney W,21 be choex0illy Em day. moved Into the late Mrs, Eacrett's rof­nae�r, u it does nat, on all% RVIIN Special Prices. Mrs. i1d. Dav1s onteitaincd�lth,.% house Main St, cla`(m. T%%,o sizes 50c. and $1.0a4 me"�bers of the Lad'Ha Guild of- the Mr. Xas. Hern has purchased two Sold only at wir'ifore-The RexaIl Tkivitt Uemoxi%l church on Thar,-: lots adjoining his property from Mr. Store. W_ Colo. BE RESFORD SHOES %� 4 12� * daY alf'Nornooki. _�aax. Jas� Richardson. as -to meet I -IN houLse 11bIxotigh fllncg�. on Friday evening, T _-vemin'g A We �."-o-thirds of Tutir life isspent The adjourned collnell me".tjn�y The Messrs. Olive and Ella Wood 41* which W 4 �t Wednet5d...1,; entertained a ntimber of young people th-C, Irs. D. S. F(hillips is conIMeid to 4� "Yining -Ms coutfort, style amd setvice. Let ve, Will Your shoes ontw let there be Was Postponed until,Frida. On another pa,Z(v ivill be found an * up ,yom, shoes be of thiis ireek. Mr. Walter Connor was in London intercstjn� addrem On the "I'Leligious * F or Sale at a Bargain -A ne.w s on Wednesday installing a "Premier" Toachin�s of 'Tennyson" -%vh1ch -iycz A "THE BERESFORD SHOE" roomed hou�e and in acre of land alr-cooled engine. Ziven by G. Stanbary, B.. ­.. W IN The Shoe of Excellence Nvith fine orchard. Apply . to Re�., Mrs. (Dr,) Lindsay and Miss Ethel at the week -night service 'of 'the Ch 4 10 N1 1. E. - 0 # Butt, Centralia. Dow visited relitives in Hibbert a few vorl Pre--b-0-prian.elluidli and, also at 31r. JohnLeathorn. Who 6onducted days the past week. ono a,^ .-ii, School Uterary So - a temperance thousa J!' m) the 'ITAl-antsion Miss Lain Martin, who is beaching ciltY� meetinz's. House," at th ie sou th end of the, ftoivr. school at Ettrick, wds home for Sat- On Thurosday alfternoon Mr 0 moved hiLs fami)y to Inaersoll on Satt- urday and Sunday. Qs We want every BOY 0 * urday. John G'11 %va8 turniwr t1e corner at 0 That is about the way things are in the home at house. We are pleased to learn that Mrs the Dank of (Commorce the, hor4e sh-p- 0 U - id'.M r. * to see �our new Mr. Ratthoir rinkbeiner. of St�_ Willis Powell is out and around &gE61*' pod and fell on the -ptwpamemt al * cleaning time. You have been considering purchasing some* phen. met With a serious accid,,!nr ou after her recent illness. G�11 iv, -_i fthrown from his car"t. Mr, 0 Wednek�day urwi Mill ­ 1. 14'. li.- -A I- * n�_ 1.- _r aig thei hoggs Lurs. LNeLUle walters left Monday V he islipped On the eiment floor break- eve ing for London, where she will horse troin qV1t;tju.n, aNvfay. He T�,- 4; SPRING SUITS ing, ihis irrist. ce:lved a *h-a,ldnx up pnd Igot visit for several weeks. 1 hir. Clothes muddy bu,,t otherwise thexe 48, The Ladiei Guild of the Trivift Me� Miss Etta Xorslake spent part of last was no klama:-e Oone. 0 We are "sole, agen' 4�* Zn6rial church Nvill hold a. sewing week visiting atEden, the guest of her r umm r n t u re fits *0 meetin; r and after-nodn thL­a in the friend Miss Rettie Essery. was maide in la".4t wetAkls laille of lbo, kleath Of Mr. FreldeTiCk. 4' for a long time and now is the chance to do it. s`chOO1 ro�m oi the church on Thural Mr Harry Ellwortby is suffering 13rook. of Rid-etown. Mhe reinams� for , the Celebrated day afternooa. with the second attack of La Grippe We 1ave a complete stock of up-to-date Furnitura Mns. John Cornish of suffer� and is confined to his room. were. brought'lo Exet,er on Friday ; of all 4 eld m.strOkL 013(T',hursday of labt vve.ek. morn -in .. g. aild -the fllncr�l- waig eon- kinds on hand, and we can guarantee the qualf to be the"' 41 LION,, BKY'AND 40* She i,'� dnow proga'a-,vIng, Messrs..Androw,oampbell and Chas. dueted'from the Exebar iAation. A ty 41 _ f livoraply. Jn- best and the prices reasonable. 41 Her daughter. A.frs. Routley of Us Monteith of Tham6 Road leave this 'eter wee terment taking ,plazo rj,�n thi. EX . 0 borne. i0inattendamccupon her. k for Rindersley Sask. cemetery. ThLi`�deccased,%vus bom d -t 4$� 0,4 31r. 'Goo. Oeloir. of tha Ith Alt. Thos. Russell is in Preston this Mitchell, Perth -,County on the 3rd '*;* Ision. ofXT-sborne. h. . cOaces- week where he is interested in stock- of Sept. 1870. Sorne itime la&,r he A.'a ALL XINDS OE PRODUCE WANTED and has itaken u ax movrd to 'town ing a farm in that vicinity. ramp. to -Exeter with hi;s parents. 4, p hJ's reil'alen;ao On VV e A k V I I aerltly ,ton this vee William istreot in the butrs, re, Mr, Chas. DSrer goes back to Ham- rhere he learned Ill! �§traide as liallor 0,* occupied by lirr, ja.s. Riehwx&son. k after a pleasant three, leaving here for RkIgidtown FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS T XeLisrs, J. D. and Rd. Atkij weeks visit at his home here. working fher� w�d im at. Thoinks. 16� V Zd� 0 Ju An '0h0m"EWARw1m__ Mon left He was in Rid).'etown for abou't 20 Monday evenitug for Alpena. Miloll'.. Mrs. Rev. Powell very pleasantly ower Vatcum Z years. About 16 -years nigo he wa-s to a't1teA,d,%he funerial of tiiie,,jr )sio_ entertained her Sabbath School class ;narried to D164s Eva E veritt,..,of tha:t Agency for Automatic'Hand T Cleaner, at the parsonage on Friday eve i g lac w ter- fflrfb. who died la tfivt lj 0,� ho with thits Chailez. O'k for rent at 75 cents a day. place atter !a lon-7 111ilpss of itT, son fever . phoi,d last. that plaiee survives him. JkbGut CemOnt Drain Tile for S a I e. 4.;,,jw offer all my tille on hand up ;.in inches, that are only 1-9 inches i��t at reduced pric,--s. All tiles guar - Sizes. I- in, $1&50 per tbous- ed OF, t in, $19.00 per -thousand; 6 in, .128.50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 per khougand; 8 in, $48.00 per thousand; 10 in, $72,00 per thousand. 12, 14 and 16 'inch tile also on hand. In. futfire will make all tile 18 inches long. S. CudMore, Lumley, P. 0� Long Distance Phone 4 Exeter. GOULDS GROGERY PHONE 47. Opposite Electric Light Plant, 100 Per Cent Value in Food All foods are not all alike but t,=Limes thelower grades IM , in Appearance the better kind so closely that they are mistaken -for them. There is however, this material difference '-High guality Foods always g1vo Sat faction i� Eating, wil! Is t the poorer qualities d not., We Make a Specialty of Foods. It vau haven't given the Food question thak serious considera- t46n wbich 'it demands, do so NOW, . W4carry very, fall lines of High Grade Groceries and OUR.PRICESAR15 ]RIGHT THE TIA AMD. GORE STORE W.&*,;TVD-0hO10e Batter and Proo), 14981 Mr. Reg, Elliott; of Norwich, has re- years ago. o,.ving to ill health, kke 'was -elland Jyrea,ah,,id in Jurnes St, citurch onSlin.day evening the Pasior. iRev. R. 11obbs. preaich_ in-� for -4rr*. Be -an, alt Croditon, Mr. turned to his borne after visiting his mother,Mrs. B. V". Elliott, for a few days, compelled to;;ive Jupi adtive labor and for 'the past elglixt Nvel,,ks hap licen confined. -to bed. 11r. ;Brook wa, . ilerd in It -he hIghostesiteent 'and amde, + + + brethodist church aSsisbad -by by Alr- Williamson and son Teddyl oi Lon,don. .......... ................................ I ......... Bean )v"ls to ��ke Mr. Hobbs' work her(' but �Olvin2! (to illn.p&a vented. Ord- Miss Lizzle Frayneretarned Friday morning after spending the past win- ter w. ith hersister Mrs. Touilinson, of London hu_�;ts of friends ',in Rid:3e!tovrn. be- sides many friends rin itown, who ex- tended their b,eartfelt isympAby to + + + Nhen Opport,11,11 + & + Mr and Mrq- J1111. RichardisoA loll�, thl;s Mr. the bereave Th e many floral txib- + Ity over George Manson's., Everybody interested should be there. week fbr'(!hejr n-1 bome i In. I Elid W"Zt- and Mrs. John Caldwell, Of aPes by lovin.- friends anid 't -lie ipx- + Cwut we" + 31r. and Mrs. Rich ardam hav, iivc�,d iu Exeter for ovor tr%,�Vnjty Regina Sask., have returned to town. They expect to spend the summer in pressions of the Nvor�h of 'the d and his fearle-a�ness to idlie. are ic . om- + of hearin..- BOY Teddy . oprano. Williamson. DOOrd oT)en 'n ne occupied by Mrs. White and the other by Mr. John Cornish. Years a7ad we 'Sorry tco lcr�., them but w . i�Sh 'them good fortune 'iri their now tb6; vicinity. I Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hempliiii1i Of f.orc:n�' ToAhose wito are left tb mourn his lo. -4:,. Basides his sorrow- + '+ + knocks ant %Twl 1, r do" 01' + + Pield I Of labor. WToxeter who are visiting re Iti es in In:' Wi,do"_ and son, one -brother and + Porecastis.-A % tRealutlohary + AS Mr. Charl;,C Wood rivin.T Hensall, visited at the home of Mr. hro sti2iters survive, namelyi: �1�.G,& + ly alonX janles street on aturdra; J. Grigir on Monday. Brook. of Killarney, BXau; Mris. 'Chas, +� + , You will be sorry if you miss It + morn:,ii he turned out -to go abead of another riix 1"ben the �hfnd wboel of the , Mr. Win, Coultice, of Goderich spent Sundiy at his hotne here. He pa Northcott and Was Mbel Brook of t JVL olvn� Afr;s. Brook. of Ridgeleto 107 + ++ A ON -SATUIZDAY IST 4. firgTt 7bui]3- locked ltvitb the front Nvhe(!l poses moving his.famUy to Godericli and AIr Gordon Everitt.. of Detroilt. , the ito + APRIL i di Mr. Woodl,,C The jolt thre 1v A Wood but the beginning of April. accompanic.4 remains town. + + We will offer a Beautiful new 'Upright Gr Piano -r -r. of the bu;Zgy and lills horse -lot free. PaTt of 'the harness wns 0 1- Mr. Melville Uuwey, who conducted a drug business at Winthorst,, Bask + + + �Iid RA-WHInr Drina' Mq9lq f)r 0b 0 + + The plus r � n. . ". � I Ultra 8. S. �cl , " S Mss of Aralpo. treat has disposed of his business, and ia visitingwith Mr. and Mrs A. E. Bus- iNyars + + + brethodist church aSsisbad -by by Alr- Williamson and son Teddyl oi Lon,don. wdll ar, Harwell, SiEsk. A-mbeting of baseball + Only one instrument will be sold ab the above price and thq.t to the + + first buyer on Saturday. If you are thinking of buying a, � piano you and other local tialent will Zive a - Musical ' enthusiasts wilt be held on FL-iday night at eight Worm + * should take advantage of this offer and you will be the most fortunate + E ntertaimme the basement of kb�o nt in church o'clock in the young men's club rooms person in the town or country call and see it and we will be pleased + on,Pri- day. A-pril .7th 19LJ , has bee The basculent taStefully decorated over George Manson's., Everybody interested should be there. Chocid) I S + to explain its merits to you. + A number of good organs will also be on sale at prices from $12 + and the proceeds wiftl �O !towar&,; dot r05'1n,9 Harvey Bros. have purchased the, Cwut we" to $25 + + + + + the exPen'96 Of decorat.4b6a Tji,e .12mg, oppole loving Public Will have another rtun!lty lot north of the mill from Mr. A. Hooper, There are two houses on the lot I "Taste a's good as Candy'- + + + of hearin..- BOY Teddy . oprano. Williamson. DOOrd oT)en 'n ne occupied by Mrs. White and the other by Mr. John Cornish. so ple anb to ta as ke soMe + + + . + A* V so MwARTIN a `0N at 7.15 J), in. Prulriitm P- rll� ChM;tr Ito MissMartba Butt of Hensaii, who children ask for more -but + %X + + be taken byrg, Hu`�fOn- A'dInkmimi, 25 erlFfs. has been spending the past week in town, left Saturdav evening for Con- they do the work., + + + + Porecastis.-A % tRealutlohary 0alim where she will visf t for a few Nval's worm chocolateE; kift + + orin 'rAO'd i's In PrO)Zhrcs[S as we ..y - e returning to her no e. + Lia4LS a from iMaIrch Fnto A� Mr. Jno. Snell last T esday moved and remove the worms- ole agents for the P"rker Fountain of. Tal,n. %vind and thunder �Vlill cul- formerly vacated by WRLTING'TO A STRANGER irito the house b 4' �K 6- 110 leaking perfect No need of any womnoals ivrP.dnj;f M1,11ate On land 'tO11ehin,g,;9u1h'dt.y C Mr. Shirley Bobier -4,�top ' Vrinding the teet + --ifld 2nd- he Mi - Jae, Ran& + Pen. No shal to opme far-off isitranger for advize ; Widda(mg uP 'With !VdWible snoll, ford of Ceutralia K&B moved into the 0 + n northern while sleeping. + reg1hr-ding her, onfieeblodcondition. It ' Rising )b,ro- hOu8e he recently purchased from Mrs + flow and a perfect point. you knew that your letter -wrals hand- m(Iter. fair ive'albar and, frosty ni:.Zhts Sno. Snell� Will Rolipve colickyL pains ed around to lic xeald 'by a Idtf of' be vi'&it Most Parth of the country A conguregational tea was held im aurloua people, you wouldn't wrilte 'twedii ;,Jh,e 2n,d anal 5t1h. A, ....... ................................ ........... period, wbich is p 0ells"nic lme�s )Strwt church on Tueisda.y ev- 0Lher. The beliter way is 'to come entral on )T�ayeh M.%ke appetite normal .10'th. ivill reach 1:' After an exciallent isupper a to as and ;at a, bottle of eNyalls Meg- bree or tbljr dily, ;111(.' n,d-1d bra�xain was cariled out etable Prescription.. tha, best ittedicine into April, A (R(1,9nlar 93,ta),in jno ch conkslisted of Selootions byAfra� �iyo.(j vh, 0orreat offensive, odor of for women, we know anythin3 albout. covers ithp, 4!tll Ito 'the 8iffi, llavljng'it_;� Drahogtra and other musical and lit - No Vg flaraby aidvertiislnjg�-the moti- center on ifilic 6Lh, - ypafi;n� ;h the breat4. ey fa Into the qualfty of t -he ineilw meter., chanige q,o (inuch , .. , aro- .-rary numbers. A splendlidtime was A Li be, ral 'Of f e'r ."Icirle; �Iyl`cu can depend on it. lit lffl`OIV41A�l cloudibi v'armN'r 311�tb enjoyed 1by 'the largo number pratien;t, ess and is _Givp. Children comfort qnd torms 'is the kind you have be,en lookin3 S -or. In buT, rin 'th Tuesday's Toronto Newo loontaffis (t c Ivest by' the 4th fild We know ilt is qood because people 5:th. Dur,'hig the 0th )to fth'. large to'hoto of McIntyre OfT allartan healtb TalInk wind 4tbrmo or the BahM., of -,"he Year Y.'f;ht in thfis toi�bf have usod it; and of who 1,4; -playing ba;saball I , vndthi�n,dcr .0111 mak() Toronto tprofo$sj�onalg , jith tihp. tell as so� 006ts yoa $1.00 a b6ttel thdift. lwanart 100in IV&St this year, The to and iis ivorthLeVeXy Cent of tira �aoxiey Itowt oarfs' 'to e�qlyt, News, Isays "MOT.Atyre is a. clever Only 2.5c. of 'Che count"ry. Come and lZat a copy of -the litftl� TheigQ WtOrMs w1al lbo Ln MhO form of youngstor frol Fullarton who W orth heavy A-pr�l p t" 6ome like Powders 01' 1OZ_L V T coffer 11TUXE-4 TIMES11 booktat ",Secrefig Of 111'eality." W. holver�..,breadrinx jilto ulakilii� good. wilth Ithe i WLoronto batzo.. severe (Squalls an(f hal balf)teaw ldoivA oww" enges and some Syrup. 9t0ims in Spring stock 0-9 Xodak goaclo Tbo %arcenitenary of eho' aglish )OcAlf'T'106, Val'r Gtil- 'with version �of 'the Bible' was c,,,Jcbratod� We have them all in Nyals Just arrIvod, Films aind velox ))ap.exe W0,01-ther and cool lalb fol good t;:Il October. 14`�blc X-rOsts 6arghwarcr, %vill foll6w 12 fthtl Ttivi.tt Memorial church o -i and all are good. W. 'these owwmtq, Sunday las�t who.n 11he Piagtor Ttelv. nt ry D. W.' Gollinj.4 prea,ehod two cxddlle 3, Howe Ph I -fl. B, VO4 13AL171, �eruion'S tm hjlsfc�ry oe _he fjRblj�, y Ith wo a. HoWey9 Phmo B. topbu "0 61 Aur. condli(tf6,11, %�p_ in the Vvenbag h] armon. P10alt phr- 'Y�a,,Wart�� Elteter ,14,Dr,th Hoularly whih lt'h� �Te aL441 rcgpoetm Chemist and Opti n to t. Vio 4q f CHEMIST AND OPTICIAN pl�y !f , ce EXtTE+ P. ONTARIO the 11bn; t8h peor" 0 111 Exeter L tarlo. 11 � 'IV tp