Exeter Times, 1911-3-23, Page 8THE =XTER, TIMES
1"dr NJI'., Weeley Daymap, of Usborne, ...........
the relwt or Exeter warlwt- . oor- lerL for the viest on Friday.
rec-te'd 111) to 'Mareh 23rd. Mr. audUrs, Chas, Knight, of st, C, H 0
Whwat. F(andard 80 evntp Thomas, OsitedJu tow u on Souday I
Oars VXazi last,
ll'Lrior, ;'jfj w !Mr. Alt Coates, who has spent the Clover 4and home in 01111te China, see the offering at only 10c each. Some quick. bargains
13ran 1-20.00 in Small Hardware. Trays, 10, 15, and 25c.
6horts *9.400 4st winter in England is, expected $opp shakers 10c..
X.C,01 Flour 1$4,0 Flodie this week, growa timothy
Fetid flolir $1.45 Word was received on Wednesday TOILET ARTICLES
Be ,v g, ,,, 16 , c v n; s ol! (lie death of bir, Pred Brook, Of, seed for Sale
Dutter 20 vienits Ridgetowu, forMeRy OfE-KeteU. Tlie Hair B ushes 15, 20,,25 to $1,25,. Whisks and Clothes Brushes 10o.
Potatoets, 500, remains N011 be br6ught to L Fxeter UP. Combs 50 to 500. Hair plus, needle$.
Hay MO. Fridav morning And the funeral will Hu.ndreds of small articles
Cho'ce export ste-ors r),80 to 5X-5 be vonducted f rain the station on. the W. H. LEVETT -------
:31'-d'win orport Eqlev rs 5.0 to 5' , 73 arrival of the train. DRUCCOODS
Oho" t, butcher bolf'ors 5.50 to 5,n
Mv,&uni butcher heifers 5.25,to G.10 Mr John Cann, of Bethany, met We -give premiums. on, all all one drug oods. Come herq for yo ur
Cho'co butchvi- cow i; 4.50 to 4.75 with a serious accident the forepart of !),entat Offices Closed, Tooth Paste, Toilet Soaps, Chapped Hand womediei, Talcum Powders,
'%1Q,d`a t Ito 4_25 this week, Mr., Cann was runn!
m butc-ber coix%s axt ng a Perfumes, sachet perfume, Flavoring extracts, Toilet water, Cod Liver
Common. vowi- 3,50 ho 1,75 straw cutter by windmill and in on, lzi, ctly take notice (that -my off-to(i OiI,emulsion, etc. You no more here, and you get premiums as
Lamb.4 6.75 1 o 1600 deavoring to sm h machine be fell is cjos od every Wednesday. aM'TnoQn..
infn -4. hnl. -A A -hit M. -nl . P a_1rTr.101Pn,&T well. We want your trapdZ
-W 0 XILU NNAI, 61104AS we nave rarely ii: ever itexore tmowu, 111P I.,- vl - L- -11 - - %J %ff IV r rm%i 1 1W IV ro rc T
eeaitonls leading PAnd must favored styles are represented, wa, roken. Please remember that my Dental f
41 0 'Proper Office is closed ever Wednesday after- Pancychocolates2O.elbup; Gross goodS.r6r the little folk.
ty changes still continue and -DR. KINSMAN,
a period of great activity seems to noon*
01 have been, reached. U rL enquiry we PANCY E91SCU1qrS
C.- g 42 o d learn that the demand'ps not yet sat-
w 5 H 4 a) ca Try our Ragged Robin, Easter Dainties, Cocoa Bar and Creai%L
0 ov, 04, 4' 4
4" jm 4. isfied and further developments may, Mr's, MTa,!,b. of Shakespeare, is
R. r- GO':)- n tj Sodas, New Stock
CC W 0 WAR Mr. VV, G. 1341s.sett a ae.Un. on be looked for. Among the deals coin- visiting her parents Mr.. and Mrs. John
: 4 W 70tf CD +0 he _T_
MGM it E -i aE 0 Ces. *.4 .t X. -_ L pleted by Gladm%p and 14tanbury are Taylor.
44 d '41 mend. ED190,N PHONOGRXPHS & RECORDS
r"M . = the following; T. t. Martyu to Sam. Mr. T. B. Carling received the posi-
to do Dr. Tennant wais In , Loxildon. on nel B I
Go* 44- w 14 a, v co saver 50 acre farm 0011- 10 Step- tion of Treasurer for the town, at the Fall Stock of -Edison Phonographs and records now in. Ask
d Q k X L,4 3. M1.4 Sa'Lurdbty. hen, Sol, Hardy to Sam'l G. Lamport, council meeting on Friday nlg t in
0 ; 2 ; ,o 1 - for a catalogue, we can save you money.
4- 4- W - 0 ca F0 0 0 tl**s Jean Hawkshaw has rtturned residence Sinicoe ht. Exeter; W. R.
place of Mr. 8am'J Sanders, resigned
1'rani Detroll Atkinson to Thos, A. Mitchell 50 acre St, Patrick and Easter Carcis now in,
'T, CC, co 0 #
0 BIr. 1). A. llw:3 was fn Toronto last farm Con, 3 Biddulph; Wro. Blatch. Mr. A- Andrews. of Usboi ne, has
rented the house recently occupied
0# wook on b"inogs. ford to W. Coultis, residence Main at,
4Z aq V .3 Exeter; James Richardson to W. by Mr. Chao. Northcott and Mr. F,
4Z W, Baker has rented Mr. Snell's house
M was N Toronto i p o w e z a air,
31r NV. 11. Coll!ns n
Id %MW4 CD 1Z X L< 40 Blatchtord- residence William street;
CD 0 .1 a few days lasqw ,k,
0 Z r + +
4 0 d vs CA 0 :3 M 0 T John Bratind. to Chas, Northcott resid- on John street recently occupied by I Willis PoWell, Proprietor.
Mrs. E. 0. Rouse swery sial. with ence, William at, Exeter; John Duu-
00 prieumonia at her li me Xain - St. Mr. E. Rowcliffe.
- .0p can to Amos Wildfpng 50 acce farm Mr. Geo. Moir,16f Usborne had one
0 Mossrs. Ed.8nell and-iEd. Anderson. con. 4 Hay; John Duncan to -Mrs. J.
New Carpets, Carpet Square's, ugs of the,mort successful sales fthesea-
0* of 83t aforth, were in town 2iun-day. Gould.50 acre farm cola. 4Hay; David son onTuesday March 21sot. There
4 Mr. Win. Arnold. of X*aearffinej Mack to John Dimcan residence. Nel- was a good attendance and every-
wa. in town on.Thursday of laat son st. Exeter; W. R , A' kin§on to th s.cleaned out, the proceeds of
Mats, Linoleums and Floor Oil= ing wa
3 the sale amo.unting to $5 000 The
El*,sha Carroll 50 acre farm con
Biddulpb. 'CaLeron
cloths in New Desians and Mr, J. It. Scott has been con5nedt sale was conducted by Mr. E
lir*." s 0live Quance, who has beon of Farquhar and was over before six
la jvAppe. o'clock, Mr. Moir is t t be congrattila-
to the hous:a for sereral -days w`lth her sitster, T -Ars. W, Lam- 'd
r, ve; ryllhing U
Colorings all bought at psi
It.li fine it, be head or your t)ort. of Crediftpn, f0'r the pa_, t few ted on the success. He will move
but MQdvi flour beats that.. beh3g.in weeks. returned, home on 11ondray shortly to Exeter and his many nelgh-
bors and friends although r
Special Prices. a - itself She was accoliapaiied home by he
lass bN -
'ql:r. V. L. Grieve its advertising for n!eec-. his departure extendtheir beat wishes,
40 Xiiss Ituth Lamport. 10, Down
sale eggs for hatching se,, add in On Tuesdayevening the Young The tercentenery of the authorized V
0 9%
00 tior Sale column. Ladies Bible Class of Janies street version of the English Bible famill.ar-
0 Hev. 1). W. ColVals Was in Belgrave church gave IV known as the King Jame's version
an excellent entertain -
0 Two-thirds of Yom, life is spent 4,
4- on f9t. Pa tr:cks Day where he d-Aiver- ment fi the basement of the church. will be commemorated this year, Bi-
wh h your shoes on ut) let there be -610 ure shop Williams has issued instructions
!a comfort, style and service. Let -0 t -d a lect on St. Pg1triCk. The young ladies numberlug nearly 60
1 0 * Xrs. Ed. TAInan. has returned after occupied seam on the:platform and to the clergy of the diocese of Huron
44 your ,,hoes be
# to observe next Sunday, March 26th That is about the way things are in the home at house.
v'Clir tint-, f or several Ire tks with -Alde r- the large !number prelsent fiAled tha
as the date set apart for the
an Win. Dijgnn i, of Lucan. asement -and also the infhn't claiss c0mmam- cleaning time. You have been considering purchasing some
+ 'Hiiss Lillian 11cd-jert, who i, , ration of this unique event, This 4.
The Shoe of Excellence vt_ rooin which opens intothe basement. 0
date will be observed by the:Anglican * new pieces of
tendlaw Itliv, Searorth Coljl glarte. %va's Tbe pro.,ram iconsisted of addreisses
homt for SaLurday and 8anehy. by A144aeE Jennie ) Iardy and Viatoria church tbrnlighout the world. Spec-
ial servicots will be held in the Trivitt 41
8 Mineris; jceading by Xislsos May Riv-
Memorial churLh when,
rfor Sale at a. Bargain -A new Olive Hern,,Venetta Frayne aad the Rector,
roomed house and an acre of land, ers* Rev. D. W. Collins, will deal with the Furlaftliture
with fine orchard. Apply to Rev. Olive Could;'*11nitrumental, dueLlsbv
We want every Bu" 'Y 10, W, H. 33utt CLntralia. Iliszscs Ethel Trarvey and'r, lee -da Bak- history of "Translations of Holy Scrip-
, t *0 ture" as generally affecting the Anglo-
er and F lwwe Sweet and Irene Quack- for a long time and now is the chance to do it.
-Mr. Herman B111iott left on Thurs, bnh. -solos bj Gladys Blasett 'and Saxon world,
to see our new day last for Blz,ncelona. Xioh.. where We have a com. plete stock of up-to-date Furniture of all'
Runice 1 ernich; violin solos. Deliiv ht On Friday of last week death re -
he has secured a poii6tlon 1, t his liobbs; dialoga m kinds on hand, and we can guarantee the quality to be the
e by Lhura Tory and oved another of our highly respect -
trade ats loilor Ni ith) Mr. Alf. David-
son. Alice -HandLord; )3olo. Mlas .Ninh Car- ed residents in the person of Alizabeth * best and the prices reasonable.
S P R1 N 403 5 UJI TS 1 ng;
a duct by.,two lUtle daughtera White beloved Wife of Thos. May, *
Snell. of Exeter. mother of of 'Mr. Win. Ford and mlso by Oliye aged 711 years, 10 months and 5 days.
Mrs. Geargo. Powell. of"Thedford, un_ Treble and Efffe ' aylor. The pro- Mrs. May although she bad been stif-
We are sole agents 00 derwent an o1mraition. at rthe home of grain was interspersed with
S'eWral fering with Is, grippe, was able to be
cher (if
her daughter in Thedimid.-Park- chornses. All'iss M. Tom, tea X
up and around and had done her inor-
hill Gazette. V
for the Celebrated the cla-immadej,.1 very !a:fflkojen t ohair- ning*s, R d%%AF0% I A
work and had partaken of a
A 13rand musiteal entertainment LlAy- . Th, young liidie s tire 'to Wcon- light dinner. About two eclock in FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
.1 atre-eit Motho-? 9 a
Ivill be a vLn in. Tifaiii ' ratulalted on f ur n!- -hia 'such jan ex- the afternoon he suddenly fell over
LION BRAND 04. dtst tchurch on FArlday. April 7th. cellent program, &nd expired, Her daughter, Mrs, H.
7111 0 when 'the pedpla of E_vdtler will have The London Advertter of owe, was prbsenb with her at the Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner,
p another oppotrUnity of 'beariag, "Sa ftr today iis selling * for rent a 75 cents a day.
j5th. L .6 ilarch time. Mrs. May was born 'in Corn -
0 i> Teddy Williamson. '.the talented boy
1% hob!sale at $4.69 per 100 ound,s for wall. Eng. and came to Canada when +
soprano. the boilt'. 1 -rade. Th.!js is an advanca 14 years of age settling Ul Coburg with *
*q At :the council mectin-. lkst Friday of 30 'cen,
ALL KINDS'OE PROD,UCE to over the Prioa of thr,,o ber mother, her father havink died in
WANTED Mr. John Ford ,as apj)o1n1ed 111,cks ag.. Lnd n 4- a ea , t su ar-
Cornwall. Later in life she came to
caretaker of 'the oemeteryat a salary con-sum",ng city. said one dealer Ito
*4 Stephen to keep house for her brother,
* 0 of $375.00. Afr.. 'Ford was the care- The Advert;.,i`er loday. "I should Thomas White., About 46 years ago
As STEWAR 00 taker 'before Mr. Cra.,, Nnd wkill un- Wink Chat all of'4,000,000 pou she was marriedto Mr. May and they
o 'gr g
Tnds of
derstands Vbe dutlet; in - connection it i!s us cd hereevery year. Of urse lived on the farm south of Exeter now ........ 4-+++4 .................... 4 .. 4++ 44
wkh 1(t. a much lari er quan'ti ty than it-lixt is occupied by Mr. Jo& May. ere they +
Th ! death took place in Detroit re- hardled.. ao Loadon Is !the modt im- resided until 20 year I en they
contly of lVas Sadic Hriirk shaw por-tant'd'stributin- olht for gro- moved to town and tool up their real- + +
daughter of -Alr. John Ilti CVr.%1$ in West,exii 'Orftari I dence on William street in the hoiike + 0 +
wkshaw, of 0. London 1, STOP ANDI"LEAD f I
rilli-I'awat n T4 I V town. Bf'i s lUawkshaiw bad under- wbolesalarr, handle.. xouxhly GPaakifog where she died. The deceased was a
I now offer all my tille on hand up
to ten inches, that ore only 12 imehes
long, at reduced prices. All tiles guar-
anteed. Sizes, 4 in. $13,50 per thous -
wad; 5 in,,$19.00 per thousand, 6 in,
$26.50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 per
thougabd, 8 in, $48, 00 per thousand;. 10
iv $72.00 per thousand.
12, 14 and 16 inch tile also on hand.
In future will make all tile 13 lacbes
S. Cudmore, Lumley, P. 0.
Long Distance Phone at Exeter.
Opposite Electric Ligkt Plant,
100 Per Cent
,-4one an operation for loternal troub- a million dollarz, worth of sugar member of the James street Methodist Pianos and organs 9t: greatly reduced prices, Pianos
1wi and after a short illness passlad every Year. England ' Is th,, ,gxevttat3t church. She pesseE-sed a quiet.and + +
I + that have been used during the past winter will be old at
a,%ray. Deceac-ed I -oft Exeter about "Zft-.eh!tlhg :C0L13itXy kn the world. loving disposition and was held in the + S
T nAumption It1hexe. is highest esteem by her many friends + prices that will dazzle you. +
eighteen years ago and Ivas in the Wll &Vk!r,1,gP Cc
.1 rth year of her nife. 831-2 'Pounds ber hea.-d. The Ln!.t;,?A and neighbors. Besides her sorrow- + Including the well known makes or Heintzman & Co.
There -has be,on ijuder discossion an. Sta:tvs loomes next, Ir!tth 811-2 poujid,,s ing husbafid several children living + +
+ Gerhard Reffitzman, Wright atid Co., Dominion, Blundall, '
old-fash'oned spelling _mqtch per head. qn-d Canedikils othird, with and within two miles of tov; n are left + +
b'- 80 pounds. A bromo:ment merchant to mourn the lose of a loving ife a d +
tweeii !ten omployevs inff-hri town and w n + Bell, and New Scale Williams.
te,n 'li of town cistimates that the igoad pieb- mother. + I +
xh ",hool scholars. We would At the services on Monday + Space will only allow us to mention, +
be pleirsed to re,evivet (he n-ames of all PIC of Exeter and communi;ty mu.,t,,t Rev. R. Hobbs, who conducted the + +
n Ithe Itown Ivho Nroidd compete. The In.,. the amouift I services, spoke of the deceased's greit +
averii; iabout 85 pounds, n.,dt linclud
-slicilling match Ivould be it very in of maj)1c sagg, +
r ffection for her children and grand- +
tere,KUnS affair and besid-ce would ET1111) lconsumed...but we would jAd% ',sh"ildren.her chief thought seeming to + Barg +
'helly, , + One of The se ains
all taking part. Let frOm;tbe Slveetlioss of.'the dIsPositions be for their comfort and not her own. +
of the Youbj; ladl,es. Ithait it Inwqt be The interment took place in the Exet- +
us 'bave the name-, of any. who arz 'I I +
a 1good deal. more. 1+
-Min'S Ito eAter such a competition. er cemetery on Monday., Pne Dominion Piano Mahogany case, Aft .1.
lli,cks FarecaBts;A Re4ular Storm + regular price $300 00, sale price,
f"v.r'odr.oyers the 241, _t` .-th% 28th. + + $21U
central on the 26th, Fall ...... ..... 4 ............ 4. +
)a3 baro i. + One Dominion Organ walnut case, regular
mt b -r., chan p! to Iva rni,. r. end:',' 41.
461 .1. . -
Lqnow rtoriws will rosiilf( at th- + c, +
Ls per- + + pri $90, sale price $45
od. New- Bloon fallin on the 30th. + Been Go od Po.r Pot-ty Vears
Irill rostrain high barometer and,
cold. which naturally cbould follow +
fheit! 4torliis. Sr! 'qujic ji- riods are + yff j & S F ,It * Remember our, cabinet sewing machine. guaranteed for
from Jlt:h Ito 171. b. and jf rom the + + + 10 years for $22 75
27th lo April the 3,rd. + I
. + + +
A ser"ous bir-e was narrowly javert- H U T jwr'& 0 Im- 0 'HIP"S + + +
ad one evviiiug last wcek in the., im- + If you have any notion of buying this year or next it will
plement Ishoj) isouth of -Maker's livery + pay you to see these and we ran arrange Sgtj$Laqtory lt rrn
stable. Arr. Baker on comf,ng in',to +
to suit you.
the 1buidding early :n the morii It
- It- 4. ; U
e .01-2 a:: urnip and n going
into fthe ofilice in the 'dark la b ars
.:ave awy under hfis foot. It was
d1scovere I that Sre, b(ad be. -en sniold-
er4ig 1di.-r!n`g,1thc niglit, but bad not
As a general System Tonle
:W far to dft bse
`10` `Wry A -
In Nervous Affections
Scrvkcs in James tstrialb, 116tbodist
............. + ........... 4 ............. ..........
See tile Now Spring Millinery._We cordially itivit
1"dr NJI'., Weeley Daymap, of Usborne, ...........
the relwt or Exeter warlwt- . oor- lerL for the viest on Friday.
rec-te'd 111) to 'Mareh 23rd. Mr. audUrs, Chas, Knight, of st, C, H 0
Whwat. F(andard 80 evntp Thomas, OsitedJu tow u on Souday I
Oars VXazi last,
ll'Lrior, ;'jfj w !Mr. Alt Coates, who has spent the Clover 4and home in 01111te China, see the offering at only 10c each. Some quick. bargains
13ran 1-20.00 in Small Hardware. Trays, 10, 15, and 25c.
6horts *9.400 4st winter in England is, expected $opp shakers 10c..
X.C,01 Flour 1$4,0 Flodie this week, growa timothy
Fetid flolir $1.45 Word was received on Wednesday TOILET ARTICLES
Be ,v g, ,,, 16 , c v n; s ol! (lie death of bir, Pred Brook, Of, seed for Sale
Dutter 20 vienits Ridgetowu, forMeRy OfE-KeteU. Tlie Hair B ushes 15, 20,,25 to $1,25,. Whisks and Clothes Brushes 10o.
Potatoets, 500, remains N011 be br6ught to L Fxeter UP. Combs 50 to 500. Hair plus, needle$.
Hay MO. Fridav morning And the funeral will Hu.ndreds of small articles
Cho'ce export ste-ors r),80 to 5X-5 be vonducted f rain the station on. the W. H. LEVETT -------
:31'-d'win orport Eqlev rs 5.0 to 5' , 73 arrival of the train. DRUCCOODS
Oho" t, butcher bolf'ors 5.50 to 5,n
Mv,&uni butcher heifers 5.25,to G.10 Mr John Cann, of Bethany, met We -give premiums. on, all all one drug oods. Come herq for yo ur
Cho'co butchvi- cow i; 4.50 to 4.75 with a serious accident the forepart of !),entat Offices Closed, Tooth Paste, Toilet Soaps, Chapped Hand womediei, Talcum Powders,
'%1Q,d`a t Ito 4_25 this week, Mr., Cann was runn!
m butc-ber coix%s axt ng a Perfumes, sachet perfume, Flavoring extracts, Toilet water, Cod Liver
Common. vowi- 3,50 ho 1,75 straw cutter by windmill and in on, lzi, ctly take notice (that -my off-to(i OiI,emulsion, etc. You no more here, and you get premiums as
Lamb.4 6.75 1 o 1600 deavoring to sm h machine be fell is cjos od every Wednesday. aM'TnoQn..
infn -4. hnl. -A A -hit M. -nl . P a_1rTr.101Pn,&T well. We want your trapdZ
-W 0 XILU NNAI, 61104AS we nave rarely ii: ever itexore tmowu, 111P I.,- vl - L- -11 - - %J %ff IV r rm%i 1 1W IV ro rc T
eeaitonls leading PAnd must favored styles are represented, wa, roken. Please remember that my Dental f
41 0 'Proper Office is closed ever Wednesday after- Pancychocolates2O.elbup; Gross goodS.r6r the little folk.
ty changes still continue and -DR. KINSMAN,
a period of great activity seems to noon*
01 have been, reached. U rL enquiry we PANCY E91SCU1qrS
C.- g 42 o d learn that the demand'ps not yet sat-
w 5 H 4 a) ca Try our Ragged Robin, Easter Dainties, Cocoa Bar and Creai%L
0 ov, 04, 4' 4
4" jm 4. isfied and further developments may, Mr's, MTa,!,b. of Shakespeare, is
R. r- GO':)- n tj Sodas, New Stock
CC W 0 WAR Mr. VV, G. 1341s.sett a ae.Un. on be looked for. Among the deals coin- visiting her parents Mr.. and Mrs. John
: 4 W 70tf CD +0 he _T_
MGM it E -i aE 0 Ces. *.4 .t X. -_ L pleted by Gladm%p and 14tanbury are Taylor.
44 d '41 mend. ED190,N PHONOGRXPHS & RECORDS
r"M . = the following; T. t. Martyu to Sam. Mr. T. B. Carling received the posi-
to do Dr. Tennant wais In , Loxildon. on nel B I
Go* 44- w 14 a, v co saver 50 acre farm 0011- 10 Step- tion of Treasurer for the town, at the Fall Stock of -Edison Phonographs and records now in. Ask
d Q k X L,4 3. M1.4 Sa'Lurdbty. hen, Sol, Hardy to Sam'l G. Lamport, council meeting on Friday nlg t in
0 ; 2 ; ,o 1 - for a catalogue, we can save you money.
4- 4- W - 0 ca F0 0 0 tl**s Jean Hawkshaw has rtturned residence Sinicoe ht. Exeter; W. R.
place of Mr. 8am'J Sanders, resigned
1'rani Detroll Atkinson to Thos, A. Mitchell 50 acre St, Patrick and Easter Carcis now in,
'T, CC, co 0 #
0 BIr. 1). A. llw:3 was fn Toronto last farm Con, 3 Biddulph; Wro. Blatch. Mr. A- Andrews. of Usboi ne, has
rented the house recently occupied
0# wook on b"inogs. ford to W. Coultis, residence Main at,
4Z aq V .3 Exeter; James Richardson to W. by Mr. Chao. Northcott and Mr. F,
4Z W, Baker has rented Mr. Snell's house
M was N Toronto i p o w e z a air,
31r NV. 11. Coll!ns n
Id %MW4 CD 1Z X L< 40 Blatchtord- residence William street;
CD 0 .1 a few days lasqw ,k,
0 Z r + +
4 0 d vs CA 0 :3 M 0 T John Bratind. to Chas, Northeott resid- on John street recently occupied by I Willis PoWell, Proprietor.
Mrs. E. 0. Rouse swery sial. with ence, William at, Rxeter; John Duu-
00 prieumonia at her li me Xain - St. Mr. E. Roweliffe.
- .0p can to Amos Wildfpng 50 acce farm Mr. Geo. Moir,16f Usborne had one
0 Mossrs. Ed.8nell and-iEd. Anderson. con. 4 Hay; John Duncan to -Mrs. J.
New Carpets, Carpet Square's, ugs of the,mort successful sales fthesea-
0* of 83t aforth, were in town 2iun-day. Gould.50 acre farm cola. 4Hay; David son onTuesday March 21sot. There
4 Mr. Win. Arnold. of X*aearffinej Mack to John Dimcan residence. Nel- was a good attendance and every-
wa. in town on.Thursday of laat son st. Exeter; W. R , A' kin§on to th s.cleaned out, the proceeds of
Mats, Linoleums and Floor Oil= ing wa
3 the sale amo.unting to $5 000 The
El*,sha Carroll 50 acre farm con
Biddulpb. 'CaLeron
cloths in New Desians and Mr, J. It. Scott has been con5nedt sale was conducted by Mr. E
lir*." s 0live Quance, who has beon of Farquhar and was over before six
la jvAppe. o'clock, Mr. Moir is t t be congrattila-
to the hous:a for sereral -days w`lth her sitster, T -Ars. W, Lam- 'd
r, ve; ryllhing U
Colorings all bought at psi
It.li fine it, be head or your t)ort. of Crediftpn, f0'r the pa_, t few ted on the success. He will move
but MQdvi flour beats that.. beh3g.in weeks. returned, home on 11ondray shortly to Exeter and his many nelgh-
bors and friends although r
Special Prices. a - itself She was accoliapaiied home by he
lass bN -
'ql:r. V. L. Grieve its advertising for n!eec-. his departure extendtheir beat wishes,
40 Xiiss Ituth Lamport. 10, Down
sale eggs for hatching se,, add in On Tuesdayevening the Young The tercentenery of the authorized V
0 9%
00 tior Sale column. Ladies Bible Class of Janies street version of the English Bible famill.ar-
0 Hev. 1). W. ColVals Was in Belgrave church gave IV known as the King Jame's version
an excellent entertain -
0 Two-thirds of Yom, life is spent 4,
4- on f9t. Pa tr:cks Day where he d-Aiver- ment fi the basement of the church. will be commemorated this year, Bi-
wh h your shoes on ut) let there be -610 ure shop Williams has issued instructions
!a comfort, style and service. Let -0 t -d a lect on St. Pg1triCk. The young ladies numberlug nearly 60
1 0 * Xrs. Ed. TAInan. has returned after occupied seam on the:platform and to the clergy of the diocese of Huron
44 your ,,hoes be
# to observe next Sunday, March 26th That is about the way things are in the home at house.
v'Clir tint-, f or several Ire tks with -Alde r- the large !number prelsent fiAled tha
as the date set apart for the
an Win. Dijgnn i, of Lucan. asement -and also the infhn't claiss c0mmam- cleaning time. You have been considering purchasing some
+ 'Hiiss Lillian 11cd-jert, who i, , ration of this unique event, This 4.
The Shoe of Excellence vt_ rooin which opens intothe basement. 0
date will be observed by the:Anglican * new pieces of
tendlaw Itliv, Searorth Coljl glarte. %va's Tbe pro.,ram iconsisted of addreisses
homt for SaLurday and 8anehy. by A144aeE Jennie ) Iardy and Viatoria church tbrnlighout the world. Spec-
ial servicots will be held in the Trivitt 41
8 Mineris; jceading by Xislsos May Riv-
Memorial churLh when,
rfor Sale at a. Bargain -A new Olive Hern,,Venetta Frayne aad the Rector,
roomed house and an acre of land, ers* Rev. D. W. Collins, will deal with the Furlaftliture
with fine orchard. Apply to Rev. Olive Could;'*11nitrumental, dueLlsbv
We want every Bu" 'Y 10, W, H. 33utt CLntralia. Iliszscs Ethel Trarvey and'r, lee -da Bak- history of "Translations of Holy Scrip-
, t *0 ture" as generally affecting the Anglo-
er and F lwwe Sweet and Irene Quack- for a long time and now is the chance to do it.
-Mr. Herman B111iott left on Thurs, bnh. -solos bj Gladys Blasett 'and Saxon world,
to see our new day last for Blz,ncelona. Xioh.. where We have a com. plete stock of up-to-date Furniture of all'
Runice 1 ernich; violin solos. Deliiv ht On Friday of last week death re -
he has secured a poii6tlon 1, t his liobbs; dialoga m kinds on hand, and we can guarantee the quality to be the
e by Lhura Tory and oved another of our highly respect -
trade ats loilor Ni ith) Mr. Alf. David-
son. Alice -HandLord; )3olo. Mlas .Ninh Car- ed residents in the person of Alizabeth * best and the prices reasonable.
S P R1 N 403 5 UJI TS 1 ng;
a duct by.,two lUtle daughtera White beloved Wife of Thos. May, *
Snell. of Exeter. mother of of 'Mr. Win. Ford and mlso by Oliye aged 711 years, 10 months and 5 days.
Mrs. Geargo. Powell. of"Thedford, un_ Treble and Efffe ' aylor. The pro- Mrs. May although she bad been stif-
We are sole agents 00 derwent an o1mraition. at rthe home of grain was interspersed with
S'eWral fering with Is, grippe, was able to be
cher (if
her daughter in Thedimid.-Park- chornses. All'iss M. Tom, tea X
up and around and had done her inor-
hill Gazette. V
for the Celebrated the cla-immadej,.1 very !a:fflkojen t ohair- ning*s, R d%%AF0% I A
work and had partaken of a
A 13rand musiteal entertainment LlAy- . Th, young liidie s tire 'to Wcon- light dinner. About two eclock in FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
.1 atre-eit Motho-? 9 a
Ivill be a vLn in. Tifaiii ' ratulalted on f ur n!- -hia 'such jan ex- the afternoon he suddenly fell over
LION BRAND 04. dtst tchurch on FArlday. April 7th. cellent program, &nd expired, Her daughter, Mrs, H.
7111 0 when 'the pedpla of E_vdtler will have The London Advertter of owe, was prbsenb with her at the Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner,
p another oppotrUnity of 'beariag, "Sa ftr today iis selling * for rent a 75 cents a day.
j5th. L .6 ilarch time. Mrs. May was born 'in Corn -
0 i> Teddy Williamson. '.the talented boy
1% hob!sale at $4.69 per 100 ound,s for wall. Eng. and came to Canada when +
soprano. the boilt'. 1 -rade. Th.!js is an advanca 14 years of age settling Ul Coburg with *
*q At :the council mectin-. lkst Friday of 30 'cen,
ALL KINDS'OE PROD,UCE to over the Prioa of thr,,o ber mother, her father havink died in
WANTED Mr. John Ford ,as apj)o1n1ed 111,cks ag.. Lnd n 4- a ea , t su ar-
Cornwall. Later in life she came to
caretaker of 'the oemeteryat a salary con-sum",ng city. said one dealer Ito
*4 Stephen to keep house for her brother,
* 0 of $375.00. Afr.. 'Ford was the care- The Advert;.,i`er loday. "I should Thomas White., About 46 years ago
As STEWAR 00 taker 'before Mr. Cra.,, Nnd wkill un- Wink Chat all of'4,000,000 pou she was marriedto Mr. May and they
o 'gr g
Tnds of
derstands Vbe dutlet; in - connection it i!s us cd hereevery year. Of urse lived on the farm south of Exeter now ........ 4-+++4 .................... 4 .. 4++ 44
wkh 1(t. a much lari er quan'ti ty than it-lixt is occupied by Mr. Jo& May. ere they +
Th ! death took place in Detroit re- hardled.. ao Loadon Is !the modt im- resided until 20 year I en they
contly of lVas Sadic Hriirk shaw por-tant'd'stributin- olht for gro- moved to town and tool up their real- + +
daughter of -Alr. John Ilti CVr.%1$ in West,exii 'Orftari I dence on William street in the hoiike + 0 +
wkshaw, of 0. London 1, STOP ANDI"LEAD f I
rilli-I'awat n T4 I V town. Bf'i s lUawkshaiw bad under- wbolesalarr, handle.. xouxhly GPaakifog where she died. The deceased was a
I now offer all my tille on hand up
to ten inches, that ore only 12 imehes
long, at reduced prices. All tiles guar-
anteed. Sizes, 4 in. $13,50 per thous -
wad; 5 in,,$19.00 per thousand, 6 in,
$26.50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 per
thougabd, 8 in, $48, 00 per thousand;. 10
iv $72.00 per thousand.
12, 14 and 16 inch tile also on hand.
In future will make all tile 13 lacbes
S. Cudmore, Lumley, P. 0.
Long Distance Phone at Exeter.
Opposite Electric Ligkt Plant,
100 Per Cent
,-4one an operation for loternal troub- a million dollarz, worth of sugar member of the James street Methodist Pianos and organs 9t: greatly reduced prices, Pianos
1wi and after a short illness passlad every Year. England ' Is th,, ,gxevttat3t church. She pesseE-sed a quiet.and + +
I + that have been used during the past winter will be old at
a,%ray. Deceac-ed I -oft Exeter about "Zft-.eh!tlhg :C0L13itXy kn the world. loving disposition and was held in the + S
T nAumption It1hexe. is highest esteem by her many friends + prices that will dazzle you. +
eighteen years ago and Ivas in the Wll &Vk!r,1,gP Cc
.1 rth year of her nife. 831-2 'Pounds ber hea.-d. The Ln!.t;,?A and neighbors. Besides her sorrow- + Including the well known makes or Heintzman & Co.
There -has be,on ijuder discossion an. Sta:tvs loomes next, Ir!tth 811-2 poujid,,s ing husbafid several children living + +
+ Gerhard Reffitzman, Wright atid Co., Dominion, Blundall, '
old-fash'oned spelling _mqtch per head. qn-d Canedikils othird, with and within two miles of tov; n are left + +
b'- 80 pounds. A bromo:ment merchant to mourn the lose of a loving ife a d +
tweeii !ten omployevs inff-hri town and w n + Bell, and New Scale Williams.
te,n 'li of town cistimates that the igoad pieb- mother. + I +
xh ",hool scholars. We would At the services on Monday + Space will only allow us to mention, +
be pleirsed to re,evivet (he n-ames of all PIC of Exeter and communi;ty mu.,t,,t Rev. R. Hobbs, who conducted the + +
n Ithe Itown Ivho Nroidd compete. The In.,. the amouift I services, spoke of the deceased's greit +
averii; iabout 85 pounds, n.,dt linclud
-slicilling match Ivould be it very in of maj)1c sagg, +
r ffection for her children and grand- +
tere,KUnS affair and besid-ce would ET1111) lconsumed...but we would jAd% ',sh"ildren.her chief thought seeming to + Barg +
'helly, , + One of The se ains
all taking part. Let frOm;tbe Slveetlioss of.'the dIsPositions be for their comfort and not her own. +
of the Youbj; ladl,es. Ithait it Inwqt be The interment took place in the Exet- +
us 'bave the name-, of any. who arz 'I I +
a 1good deal. more. 1+
-Min'S Ito eAter such a competition. er cemetery on Monday., Pne Dominion Piano Mahogany case, Aft .1.
lli,cks FarecaBts;A Re4ular Storm + regular price $300 00, sale price,
f"v.r'odr.oyers the 241, _t` .-th% 28th. + + $21U
central on the 26th, Fall ...... ..... 4 ............ 4. +
)a3 baro i. + One Dominion Organ walnut case, regular
mt b -r., chan p! to Iva rni,. r. end:',' 41.
461 .1. . -
Lqnow rtoriws will rosiilf( at th- + c, +
Ls per- + + pri $90, sale price $45
od. New- Bloon fallin on the 30th. + Been Go od Po.r Pot-ty Vears
Irill rostrain high barometer and,
cold. which naturally cbould follow +
fheit! 4torliis. Sr! 'qujic ji- riods are + yff j & S F ,It * Remember our, cabinet sewing machine. guaranteed for
from Jlt:h Ito 171. b. and jf rom the + + + 10 years for $22 75
27th lo April the 3,rd. + I
. + + +
A ser"ous bir-e was narrowly javert- H U T jwr'& 0 Im- 0 'HIP"S + + +
ad one evviiiug last wcek in the., im- + If you have any notion of buying this year or next it will
plement Ishoj) isouth of -Maker's livery + pay you to see these and we ran arrange Sgtj$Laqtory lt rrn
stable. Arr. Baker on comf,ng in',to +
to suit you.
the 1buidding early :n the morii It
- It- 4. ; U
e .01-2 a:: urnip and n going
into fthe ofilice in the 'dark la b ars
.:ave awy under hfis foot. It was
d1scovere I that Sre, b(ad be. -en sniold-
er4ig 1di.-r!n`g,1thc niglit, but bad not
As a general System Tonle
:W far to dft bse
In Nervous Affections
1"dr NJI'., Weeley Daymap, of Usborne, ...........
the relwt or Exeter warlwt- . oor- lerL for the viest on Friday.
rec-te'd 111) to 'Mareh 23rd. Mr. audUrs, Chas, Knight, of st, C, H 0
Whwat. F(andard 80 evntp Thomas, OsitedJu tow u on Souday I
Oars VXazi last,
ll'Lrior, ;'jfj w !Mr. Alt Coates, who has spent the Clover 4and home in 01111te China, see the offering at only 10c each. Some quick. bargains
13ran 1-20.00 in Small Hardware. Trays, 10, 15, and 25c.
6horts *9.400 4st winter in England is, expected $opp shakers 10c..
X.C,01 Flour 1$4,0 Flodie this week, growa timothy
Fetid flolir $1.45 Word was received on Wednesday TOILET ARTICLES
Be ,v g, ,,, 16 , c v n; s ol! (lie death of bir, Pred Brook, Of, seed for Sale
Dutter 20 vienits Ridgetowu, forMeRy OfE-KeteU. Tlie Hair B ushes 15, 20,,25 to $1,25,. Whisks and Clothes Brushes 10o.
Potatoets, 500, remains N011 be br6ught to L Fxeter UP. Combs 50 to 500. Hair plus, needle$.
Hay MO. Fridav morning And the funeral will Hu.ndreds of small articles
Cho'ce export ste-ors r),80 to 5X-5 be vonducted f rain the station on. the W. H. LEVETT -------
:31'-d'win orport Eqlev rs 5.0 to 5' , 73 arrival of the train. DRUCCOODS
Oho" t, butcher bolf'ors 5.50 to 5,n
Mv,&uni butcher heifers 5.25,to G.10 Mr John Cann, of Bethany, met We -give premiums. on, all all one drug oods. Come herq for yo ur
Cho'co butchvi- cow i; 4.50 to 4.75 with a serious accident the forepart of !),entat Offices Closed, Tooth Paste, Toilet Soaps, Chapped Hand womediei, Talcum Powders,
'%1Q,d`a t Ito 4_25 this week, Mr., Cann was runn!
m butc-ber coix%s axt ng a Perfumes, sachet perfume, Flavoring extracts, Toilet water, Cod Liver
Common. vowi- 3,50 ho 1,75 straw cutter by windmill and in on, lzi, ctly take notice (that -my off-to(i OiI,emulsion, etc. You no more here, and you get premiums as
Lamb.4 6.75 1 o 1600 deavoring to sm h machine be fell is cjos od every Wednesday. aM'TnoQn..
infn -4. hnl. -A A -hit M. -nl . P a_1rTr.101Pn,&T well. We want your trapdZ
-W 0 XILU NNAI, 61104AS we nave rarely ii: ever itexore tmowu, 111P I.,- vl - L- -11 - - %J %ff IV r rm%i 1 1W IV ro rc T
eeaitonls leading PAnd must favored styles are represented, wa, roken. Please remember that my Dental f
41 0 'Proper Office is closed ever Wednesday after- Pancychocolates2O.elbup; Gross goodS.r6r the little folk.
ty changes still continue and -DR. KINSMAN,
a period of great activity seems to noon*
01 have been, reached. U rL enquiry we PANCY E91SCU1qrS
C.- g 42 o d learn that the demand'ps not yet sat-
w 5 H 4 a) ca Try our Ragged Robin, Easter Dainties, Cocoa Bar and Creai%L
0 ov, 04, 4' 4
4" jm 4. isfied and further developments may, Mr's, MTa,!,b. of Shakespeare, is
R. r- GO':)- n tj Sodas, New Stock
CC W 0 WAR Mr. VV, G. 1341s.sett a ae.Un. on be looked for. Among the deals coin- visiting her parents Mr.. and Mrs. John
: 4 W 70tf CD +0 he _T_
MGM it E -i aE 0 Ces. *.4 .t X. -_ L pleted by Gladm%p and 14tanbury are Taylor.
44 d '41 mend. ED190,N PHONOGRXPHS & RECORDS
r"M . = the following; T. t. Martyu to Sam. Mr. T. B. Carling received the posi-
to do Dr. Tennant wais In , Loxildon. on nel B I
Go* 44- w 14 a, v co saver 50 acre farm 0011- 10 Step- tion of Treasurer for the town, at the Fall Stock of -Edison Phonographs and records now in. Ask
d Q k X L,4 3. M1.4 Sa'Lurdbty. hen, Sol, Hardy to Sam'l G. Lamport, council meeting on Friday nlg t in
0 ; 2 ; ,o 1 - for a catalogue, we can save you money.
4- 4- W - 0 ca F0 0 0 tl**s Jean Hawkshaw has rtturned residence Sinicoe ht. Exeter; W. R.
place of Mr. 8am'J Sanders, resigned
1'rani Detroll Atkinson to Thos, A. Mitchell 50 acre St, Patrick and Easter Carcis now in,
'T, CC, co 0 #
0 BIr. 1). A. llw:3 was fn Toronto last farm Con, 3 Biddulph; Wro. Blatch. Mr. A- Andrews. of Usboi ne, has
rented the house recently occupied
0# wook on b"inogs. ford to W. Coultis, residence Main at,
4Z aq V .3 Exeter; James Richardson to W. by Mr. Chao. Northcott and Mr. F,
4Z W, Baker has rented Mr. Snell's house
M was N Toronto i p o w e z a air,
31r NV. 11. Coll!ns n
Id %MW4 CD 1Z X L< 40 Blatchtord- residence William street;
CD 0 .1 a few days lasqw ,k,
0 Z r + +
4 0 d vs CA 0 :3 M 0 T John Bratind. to Chas, Northeott resid- on John street recently occupied by I Willis PoWell, Proprietor.
Mrs. E. 0. Rouse swery sial. with ence, William at, Rxeter; John Duu-
00 prieumonia at her li me Xain - St. Mr. E. Roweliffe.
- .0p can to Amos Wildfpng 50 acce farm Mr. Geo. Moir,16f Usborne had one
0 Mossrs. Ed.8nell and-iEd. Anderson. con. 4 Hay; John Duncan to -Mrs. J.
New Carpets, Carpet Square's, ugs of the,mort successful sales fthesea-
0* of 83t aforth, were in town 2iun-day. Gould.50 acre farm cola. 4Hay; David son onTuesday March 21sot. There
4 Mr. Win. Arnold. of X*aearffinej Mack to John Dimcan residence. Nel- was a good attendance and every-
wa. in town on.Thursday of laat son st. Exeter; W. R , A' kin§on to th s.cleaned out, the proceeds of
Mats, Linoleums and Floor Oil= ing wa
3 the sale amo.unting to $5 000 The
El*,sha Carroll 50 acre farm con
Biddulpb. 'CaLeron
cloths in New Desians and Mr, J. It. Scott has been con5nedt sale was conducted by Mr. E
lir*." s 0live Quance, who has beon of Farquhar and was over before six
la jvAppe. o'clock, Mr. Moir is t t be congrattila-
to the hous:a for sereral -days w`lth her sitster, T -Ars. W, Lam- 'd
r, ve; ryllhing U
Colorings all bought at psi
It.li fine it, be head or your t)ort. of Crediftpn, f0'r the pa_, t few ted on the success. He will move
but MQdvi flour beats that.. beh3g.in weeks. returned, home on 11ondray shortly to Exeter and his many nelgh-
bors and friends although r
Special Prices. a - itself She was accoliapaiied home by he
lass bN -
'ql:r. V. L. Grieve its advertising for n!eec-. his departure extendtheir beat wishes,
40 Xiiss Ituth Lamport. 10, Down
sale eggs for hatching se,, add in On Tuesdayevening the Young The tercentenery of the authorized V
0 9%
00 tior Sale column. Ladies Bible Class of Janies street version of the English Bible famill.ar-
0 Hev. 1). W. ColVals Was in Belgrave church gave IV known as the King Jame's version
an excellent entertain -
0 Two-thirds of Yom, life is spent 4,
4- on f9t. Pa tr:cks Day where he d-Aiver- ment fi the basement of the church. will be commemorated this year, Bi-
wh h your shoes on ut) let there be -610 ure shop Williams has issued instructions
!a comfort, style and service. Let -0 t -d a lect on St. Pg1triCk. The young ladies numberlug nearly 60
1 0 * Xrs. Ed. TAInan. has returned after occupied seam on the:platform and to the clergy of the diocese of Huron
44 your ,,hoes be
# to observe next Sunday, March 26th That is about the way things are in the home at house.
v'Clir tint-, f or several Ire tks with -Alde r- the large !number prelsent fiAled tha
as the date set apart for the
an Win. Dijgnn i, of Lucan. asement -and also the infhn't claiss c0mmam- cleaning time. You have been considering purchasing some
+ 'Hiiss Lillian 11cd-jert, who i, , ration of this unique event, This 4.
The Shoe of Excellence vt_ rooin which opens intothe basement. 0
date will be observed by the:Anglican * new pieces of
tendlaw Itliv, Searorth Coljl glarte. %va's Tbe pro.,ram iconsisted of addreisses
homt for SaLurday and 8anehy. by A144aeE Jennie ) Iardy and Viatoria church tbrnlighout the world. Spec-
ial servicots will be held in the Trivitt 41
8 Mineris; jceading by Xislsos May Riv-
Memorial churLh when,
rfor Sale at a. Bargain -A new Olive Hern,,Venetta Frayne aad the Rector,
roomed house and an acre of land, ers* Rev. D. W. Collins, will deal with the Furlaftliture
with fine orchard. Apply to Rev. Olive Could;'*11nitrumental, dueLlsbv
We want every Bu" 'Y 10, W, H. 33utt CLntralia. Iliszscs Ethel Trarvey and'r, lee -da Bak- history of "Translations of Holy Scrip-
, t *0 ture" as generally affecting the Anglo-
er and F lwwe Sweet and Irene Quack- for a long time and now is the chance to do it.
-Mr. Herman B111iott left on Thurs, bnh. -solos bj Gladys Blasett 'and Saxon world,
to see our new day last for Blz,ncelona. Xioh.. where We have a com. plete stock of up-to-date Furniture of all'
Runice 1 ernich; violin solos. Deliiv ht On Friday of last week death re -
he has secured a poii6tlon 1, t his liobbs; dialoga m kinds on hand, and we can guarantee the quality to be the
e by Lhura Tory and oved another of our highly respect -
trade ats loilor Ni ith) Mr. Alf. David-
son. Alice -HandLord; )3olo. Mlas .Ninh Car- ed residents in the person of Alizabeth * best and the prices reasonable.
S P R1 N 403 5 UJI TS 1 ng;
a duct by.,two lUtle daughtera White beloved Wife of Thos. May, *
Snell. of Exeter. mother of of 'Mr. Win. Ford and mlso by Oliye aged 711 years, 10 months and 5 days.
Mrs. Geargo. Powell. of"Thedford, un_ Treble and Efffe ' aylor. The pro- Mrs. May although she bad been stif-
We are sole agents 00 derwent an o1mraition. at rthe home of grain was interspersed with
S'eWral fering with Is, grippe, was able to be
cher (if
her daughter in Thedimid.-Park- chornses. All'iss M. Tom, tea X
up and around and had done her inor-
hill Gazette. V
for the Celebrated the cla-immadej,.1 very !a:fflkojen t ohair- ning*s, R d%%AF0% I A
work and had partaken of a
A 13rand musiteal entertainment LlAy- . Th, young liidie s tire 'to Wcon- light dinner. About two eclock in FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS
.1 atre-eit Motho-? 9 a
Ivill be a vLn in. Tifaiii ' ratulalted on f ur n!- -hia 'such jan ex- the afternoon he suddenly fell over
LION BRAND 04. dtst tchurch on FArlday. April 7th. cellent program, &nd expired, Her daughter, Mrs, H.
7111 0 when 'the pedpla of E_vdtler will have The London Advertter of owe, was prbsenb with her at the Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner,
p another oppotrUnity of 'beariag, "Sa ftr today iis selling * for rent a 75 cents a day.
j5th. L .6 ilarch time. Mrs. May was born 'in Corn -
0 i> Teddy Williamson. '.the talented boy
1% hob!sale at $4.69 per 100 ound,s for wall. Eng. and came to Canada when +
soprano. the boilt'. 1 -rade. Th.!js is an advanca 14 years of age settling Ul Coburg with *
*q At :the council mectin-. lkst Friday of 30 'cen,
ALL KINDS'OE PROD,UCE to over the Prioa of thr,,o ber mother, her father havink died in
WANTED Mr. John Ford ,as apj)o1n1ed 111,cks ag.. Lnd n 4- a ea , t su ar-
Cornwall. Later in life she came to
caretaker of 'the oemeteryat a salary con-sum",ng city. said one dealer Ito
*4 Stephen to keep house for her brother,
* 0 of $375.00. Afr.. 'Ford was the care- The Advert;.,i`er loday. "I should Thomas White., About 46 years ago
As STEWAR 00 taker 'before Mr. Cra.,, Nnd wkill un- Wink Chat all of'4,000,000 pou she was marriedto Mr. May and they
o 'gr g
Tnds of
derstands Vbe dutlet; in - connection it i!s us cd hereevery year. Of urse lived on the farm south of Exeter now ........ 4-+++4 .................... 4 .. 4++ 44
wkh 1(t. a much lari er quan'ti ty than it-lixt is occupied by Mr. Jo& May. ere they +
Th ! death took place in Detroit re- hardled.. ao Loadon Is !the modt im- resided until 20 year I en they
contly of lVas Sadic Hriirk shaw por-tant'd'stributin- olht for gro- moved to town and tool up their real- + +
daughter of -Alr. John Ilti CVr.%1$ in West,exii 'Orftari I dence on William street in the hoiike + 0 +
wkshaw, of 0. London 1, STOP ANDI"LEAD f I
rilli-I'awat n T4 I V town. Bf'i s lUawkshaiw bad under- wbolesalarr, handle.. xouxhly GPaakifog where she died. The deceased was a
I now offer all my tille on hand up
to ten inches, that ore only 12 imehes
long, at reduced prices. All tiles guar-
anteed. Sizes, 4 in. $13,50 per thous -
wad; 5 in,,$19.00 per thousand, 6 in,
$26.50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 per
thougabd, 8 in, $48, 00 per thousand;. 10
iv $72.00 per thousand.
12, 14 and 16 inch tile also on hand.
In future will make all tile 13 lacbes
S. Cudmore, Lumley, P. 0.
Long Distance Phone at Exeter.
Opposite Electric Ligkt Plant,
100 Per Cent
,-4one an operation for loternal troub- a million dollarz, worth of sugar member of the James street Methodist Pianos and organs 9t: greatly reduced prices, Pianos
1wi and after a short illness passlad every Year. England ' Is th,, ,gxevttat3t church. She pesseE-sed a quiet.and + +
I + that have been used during the past winter will be old at
a,%ray. Deceac-ed I -oft Exeter about "Zft-.eh!tlhg :C0L13itXy kn the world. loving disposition and was held in the + S
T nAumption It1hexe. is highest esteem by her many friends + prices that will dazzle you. +
eighteen years ago and Ivas in the Wll &Vk!r,1,gP Cc
.1 rth year of her nife. 831-2 'Pounds ber hea.-d. The Ln!.t;,?A and neighbors. Besides her sorrow- + Including the well known makes or Heintzman & Co.
There -has be,on ijuder discossion an. Sta:tvs loomes next, Ir!tth 811-2 poujid,,s ing husbafid several children living + +
+ Gerhard Reffitzman, Wright atid Co., Dominion, Blundall, '
old-fash'oned spelling _mqtch per head. qn-d Canedikils othird, with and within two miles of tov; n are left + +
b'- 80 pounds. A bromo:ment merchant to mourn the lose of a loving ife a d +
tweeii !ten omployevs inff-hri town and w n + Bell, and New Scale Williams.
te,n 'li of town cistimates that the igoad pieb- mother. + I +
xh ",hool scholars. We would At the services on Monday + Space will only allow us to mention, +
be pleirsed to re,evivet (he n-ames of all PIC of Exeter and communi;ty mu.,t,,t Rev. R. Hobbs, who conducted the + +
n Ithe Itown Ivho Nroidd compete. The In.,. the amouift I services, spoke of the deceased's greit +
averii; iabout 85 pounds, n.,dt linclud
-slicilling match Ivould be it very in of maj)1c sagg, +
r ffection for her children and grand- +
tere,KUnS affair and besid-ce would ET1111) lconsumed...but we would jAd% ',sh"ildren.her chief thought seeming to + Barg +
'helly, , + One of The se ains
all taking part. Let frOm;tbe Slveetlioss of.'the dIsPositions be for their comfort and not her own. +
of the Youbj; ladl,es. Ithait it Inwqt be The interment took place in the Exet- +
us 'bave the name-, of any. who arz 'I I +
a 1good deal. more. 1+
-Min'S Ito eAter such a competition. er cemetery on Monday., Pne Dominion Piano Mahogany case, Aft .1.
lli,cks FarecaBts;A Re4ular Storm + regular price $300 00, sale price,
f"v.r'odr.oyers the 241, _t` .-th% 28th. + + $21U
central on the 26th, Fall ...... ..... 4 ............ 4. +
)a3 baro i. + One Dominion Organ walnut case, regular
mt b -r., chan p! to Iva rni,. r. end:',' 41.
461 .1. . -
Lqnow rtoriws will rosiilf( at th- + c, +
Ls per- + + pri $90, sale price $45
od. New- Bloon fallin on the 30th. + Been Go od Po.r Pot-ty Vears
Irill rostrain high barometer and,
cold. which naturally cbould follow +
fheit! 4torliis. Sr! 'qujic ji- riods are + yff j & S F ,It * Remember our, cabinet sewing machine. guaranteed for
from Jlt:h Ito 171. b. and jf rom the + + + 10 years for $22 75
27th lo April the 3,rd. + I
. + + +
A ser"ous bir-e was narrowly javert- H U T jwr'& 0 Im- 0 'HIP"S + + +
ad one evviiiug last wcek in the., im- + If you have any notion of buying this year or next it will
plement Ishoj) isouth of -Maker's livery + pay you to see these and we ran arrange Sgtj$Laqtory lt rrn
stable. Arr. Baker on comf,ng in',to +
to suit you.
the 1buidding early :n the morii It
- It- 4. ; U
e .01-2 a:: urnip and n going
into fthe ofilice in the 'dark la b ars
.:ave awy under hfis foot. It was
d1scovere I that Sre, b(ad be. -en sniold-
er4ig 1di.-r!n`g,1thc niglit, but bad not
As a general System Tonle
:W far to dft bse
In Nervous Affections
Scrvkcs in James tstrialb, 116tbodist
19., -
............. + ........... 4 ............. ..........
Valuein Food church on Sanday Inst were co -.1- 0 Iff LOUvalescence from Illness
ducted Ifn Ithe ba!scmint owing !to ro-
All foods are not all Alike but fl;rs (being mndn in the audiltorium.
WANTED THE BEST. Tbr In Bronchitis, Coughs and affections
sometimes the lower grades lm- igall ,ry ,.*):4 being ex6nded 'two +
tiate In Appearance the.better feet !tun lincho-, all iround. 'ThL old *
kindact eldselV,thmb they are., Ave wanted a good remedy for bloo scals are be!nX 'tialoon out and new + . I
d <§ of,the lungs.
and skin diseases -something different 4
itnistaken for them, There is Seatsltopthvr vith nn'lextra row are
from old-fashioned blood purifiers. bdn"r 'Dili.. in. The ban -ch- -in ceneral where vitality, energy and
howeVer, this material difference " s in the A Li beral Offer'
-fligh Quality Foodg always We wanted a genaiue scientific rem- basonnent, have algo liven. replaced by
ehafiri. The , re -01)(11110S Of 'th
give stAisfaction. in the Eating, edy-not a patent =edicina 10cure-all" -o n appetite are diminisned.
'wailsbtlie poorer qualities do that real9.7 cures nothing. church vvill be bald on East.r Su dny.
.not, We -considered -many kinds. Then The '11arwell Correspondant to!tbe + 0
we found Nyal's Blood Purifier and af- I lndcralcy. Clarion has the + Only make sure of the qualit of your Hypophosphites. For thlcn;,; Balancve 'of t he Vicear
ter studying it carefully we knew it follo'WIng:to v4ai, of 11r. A. E,. Busivoll 411 4M*A%RRM19 +
We Make a Specialty :F NyaVs namt on it is a surp gijaran'tee.
was just, the thing. Itisandorietual who irfth lVrs. 1311',%well left hcriI foI* , + +
of Poods formala,, intended for: the home fieat- Harwell a year ago. A lar v sh, Or Nyal's Xutritive Hypophosphiteg is of the'highest. qualir
merit of those who are unable to go to ment of Prash a tvl, and a big bottle for $ 1. 00
le vou hayen't given the Food _kr vr!4-(s.I elte.. dia now
t + ffet HE TIMES
one of the fitmous resorts for their at Xkidersley on iifs -way -to oar .1 Don't trifle with doubtful goods, you can be'sure 14 e
jue I - and its effect in blood and skin 15-t6rekeL1),,1,r 114V We 'bttvc been + + W
,,,,!Lioq that §erious consiclera health, . P I Y.
which it demands, do so diseadea (sue)ias boils kept well iiuppllf$d all throvgh th + al's. Wc know just what it contains
and pimpleg, : +
rheumaiiam,tetter, e6ema, saltrbequi on's +
NOW. oevere wint,!r wilth qmple vrovigl
WacarrV very full lines 0 f. prce by our fr1vn.&;, T)II-, BuswelL to Whom + +
ete.)1sremarkableindeed. The W One of the best tonics to take for.building tip after Grippe +
laigh Grade Gr6ceries and +
is $1,00 and it "always b6ijefits the tL word Of tbiinks Is surely doe for +
a P, ood 6toalc for our noodt.,4 + fol"
0 U R PRICES blood." 0 bottles for $5,00. +
ARE RIGHT before tho NI-cqt,thvj! cilt o f y +
in, all f.rei,;1L firom oonjing t1trou3b, on
W, S. Howey, Phm, 04 'the 0. P.It. When we hear btbour 4d Phm B Chemi$f' "Optician
Ing ko*nsr'vun!jjiy)jg ':s t t
THE TFA AND COME 310RE ,o s atit
CHEMI.ST AND OPTICIAN of heeos,ftirlhos wis cut all 1the mo , r , e Wit so owcuj EXIMTRIU, OXTARI01
N "4ro f'eftli 'to Art Will. f6t h6s, foro'
Fresh gggs 4.,
"7 . .....