HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-3-23, Page 5r_��'� �' , , � , , ""
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I . � I
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. . . I I I I I
__ -_l-__17_ - I ,
. � I I � - I - - . . I., I 'I "" I A LIGUrrl UOUSTil Xv,wrim's SwRx
.. . . � . I rfll,�"OdrZL .-ourred is) London on �1 10from KhO 114111',`t -house alt LoWter
. . 11 I . . I Wednesday, -Mareli 9th, of ,OlWar Cove. Jffeud, Bonnno Bily., &Wtou,ad4
. , ;
a . .old xeg';,djeqi� at, lithA ekh, laud. Xro. W,
. OUTL400K ' " prislazel n' y6ung� 1130sidis a,"
� I 1. . . - . ox,..
I con. T_U6 idecoa$�,d haa 'been mearly perlon'ce 0 Zam-liuic.' whiobilksliquid
i ,8A8XAT0HBWAN � ! ,blind and in faAlli),3 health for Isev- 20, taLnl3t act at$ a true b0a0on light,
The most-talke,d-of townio CatladW oral yea-ra, and over' a year ago he 10ai=9 all auffererB from skin dia.
I ' . . �1 Went to the 014 People's Home. In ealse, Ito it MfO harbor of riefuge.
I The town'of golden eppbrtynl�L'Jes London.- where ,he bad ,mhldle* .provl- Mrs .Youn4 PmYii - "I suffered wUh
I , Ision for -his ,care fluting 'the balance eczeina for rwrdll years, and to My
The Coming City, ,of, the, giddle West of %!6 life. The deceased -,V,a'P born great Idellight Zain-I;uk has, au.rcd nae.
. . 1, .
. . 1- '%Xr.l.. -A iviban Ithrea v ra; old The d,"Isease Istarted on my brike ll -
!b. 0� No. 4, ��'VIIWIINN. 11
ing Ii the rej)or� of S. �, �
S. 'No. I 'Staphea for the ulorfth of 11" TROUBLE "l,
,The follow,' L U N "S':
Alaro.h. The malu(,:,, are in ord,or of I 11 , �.,
merl!t. k9r. IV. WC k. Schwartz, 1.1 � : . I - 11 1"..,
Kraft, Gordon C,) ;t�i.h. Jr. IV.' U. Mm 13(ny. �Prown, 0, Teneoapo, N.'SAP '5� " I
� Roeszler. ledslu .�"ay, Wvllua sixilth" Wao Cured by 04tarrhqzona of 1i , I ,
Illa ,41ber. Sr. 114, Joseph ecbwaxt& Lung Trouble snd 40 ar I rh, � I "I
, . ... at� I ��
Clinton Xorlook, JWZ15h Brokeirshire. Aftor Hmndrod,o of Other I �
Rdd!o ,Coriai�sb,, Jr. M. Carrie S011- I ; 1.11
roe4er,,CIara Morlook, AdellawtWein, . Rernqdio.s. Fa!Q, I 1 I I
Sr, 11, Olive Qorplsls,� Emerson, Wein, I I 11 �,
I � , . . I ary WildA. Pt. 11, Dorris ShToeaer, It Your lungs are weak,- If t I I 1 I
!1: . $2oo,,000 SPENT 10 -11V1-FKVV141V1Z1'1,Vb I .. 0 spro 1. until 4t exteind,od over MY SELECTING SEED COHN. Stella Corn'tsh herem 14 -
, I I
: . . 4me ,wilth hils lwos�tla, Mr. and 'Xill.s. ,� .a,c , , Earl 19chw-aritz. 101if- consumption In your faujily. if Ql s� I � I I -
I . Last Year I � I I David Daniel. JiraYel and f4let.(tled In back. .The itchisl6v and burning --i es- ford Brokpslshi,re,� 11elvin'Wein,Elgin Cutarrll, and Bro ,, C d .� "I � "
I Achitis ,hot ,-
. . London llrowmhip .ixcar Venflold, peoially when ithe aff,jc6t,d parts bel- you '_1
""li l , . word 1' Wber, .list, Clam., Gordon Morlook. be, sure to, -use Catarrho�one It p;'. l:.." I
11", Waterworks System and Jeublic and Higu 81 W. a 0 0 1. A where vl`ls - a, watermill for warm-iras Iterrible; and yet wb�,n Biptiter Ruh Risk of Frost Than Pick eapeolaily a I -
I :, . I _ Ptbor ran , .. I Alma ISmilth, Lilly U, i1bor, Peru ffhroe- , d 1�, �� I I
I 1� 'e de,W,ased moved to , Bic- 'the cruption wa;s a f,a e 0 r . ,jpted for these diseases,
�' , . I y, of Saskq�tehewan, years. U .- - I " I ,�: �
I ,Located in the Fertile,Val.0 I , Bar h d r ub the Cars Too F-arly. � -der, Qbar6sioe , wildis. iut;0�el C,r, and cures ev ty, time I .,�,� ,�� I
. 011lixr.1y 135 years ago. s. andl The first step toward better see , _1 Z 1 ,
�� 11 I � I Outlook is a Divisional Point on the 0, P, R. with I . He also' lived bed it turned to bad sore ,d 11$51i. No� wk roll '30, avexe(ge lat- Airs. l3rOwn: took cough mixtures, I � ,� I
. ,at Sylvan for several iyears and dar- caused gi-pait pain, I wpuft to a doe- ' on but,they roaae her 41ck. Tiben, silo u I 1.
,, I I 'R BRIDGE. .1 . tnZ ir"p-ut years tut. 6e ,Nves�(; 10 , � tendance. 23, �Tlt�s L. -11014 an atomizer, but, aft sea. � .1
: a MILLION DOLLA Other rail roads ad of for. and t0ed various persoriptiomi; corn for next ,�eav must be taken in oil resorting with. I ::A '1� I
1* . I I intend to make this a. centre. .,,. Park1lial. U, e Is.' zury by two 'but seemed Ito ipa t no . be4,efbt. so trile(il' the fan by selecting the seed ears t('acher, . . . out bene : J, .
. I I � . . Ived . 1 0 1 ', I fit to POultices, ,she tried Ca- I , , ...
� . I isong, David on the old homeetead and diloth . il ,;,
. An excellent opening for Foundry and Machine Shop, ,or doctor. Agrjls�L I got no re- from the stalks ijq the field. The corn I tarrhozone. ,
, . . I I ; � $1 *
I � Manufacturers,, Investors and Farmers, . �� XTRETON �. I .1 used Catar ,P 11 I �
I . Hlis '6n1y`4au;hter, Ifef. so 'tried a third doctor, and s1bo?one Inhaler, . "I
. I I I . - . ,John of London. ' I sbouldibe allowed to mature well on Sugar -making is the present orde'r writes MrS. Brown, 1,tive ;� 1.
'ISIrs, Joseph 3%ce, died I Th minutes; I � �,
I _A )0oloradd 24 ,then a fourth oug1l 'they all d'ld, the stalk. By selecting the earliest of the day. every, hour, and soon recognize4. that �
.4, - Write ki, M. NELSON, Sec. Board'of Trade . years atwo and his Bon James, died In - their bci�t for 'Me I !got no rl�,.Iiof from upaturIng ears and picking them from A, number offriends were entertained it was going to cure me, I I I �
I . � . For Information. . � Chioago, Uba �tempLllns were orought my pain. , co
. � � to (61� old homestea-d, inbarzilent took , "Seven '.%,Car$ .fa a lon�, , ft4, -stalk as soon as the busks begin to at the home of Mr. Joseph Kirk on the soothing medicated ,air spreading, . �
I I __ . I I . time M-0 j�� yellow, whicl, is a C I air passages Ot the, throat, I
. - .1. I .1 'I, place j3a Ithe Lieury,.13a:ptist Cemetery isuff-er, and I had igot. used to the ,Qtemon prge- Saturday evening last. I throualb. the � ; I
- - I � — , I 01) 184urda)y. . - I . thought 'that I never would be oti-ro& tice, earliness Is secured at the expense Rev, J. G. Yelland preached .in the and It touched tb6 sore spots In the I .1
I I Methodist eburch last Sunday worn.- lungs that other remedies ,failed tD �
.. 0— when I saw a -report Irt ltlilL F amily of vitality, writes Professor Moore of Ing In the absence of the pastor who reach. Catarrhozolle seemed to p> ",",
. 0 1 1RM1SELDALE 'Herald' kelling how beneficial Z,am- the 'University of Wisconsin in, the was at Guelph conducting S. S. Anni. � Just where it was needed :most, ana - � I
Mils. J. 0. Balfour, who underwent Bak was in evtseKof skin d1sea,3e. I Am4Ican,AgrIcvltvrlst, soon put a stop to my gough, It re- ,
� Land Fertilizer , I ationi in Londont ha§.pltial 'has , t Ithere would be no lbarm in versary services in Dublin St. church. . stored me to perfect health, and 3:,a=
Mr. T. W. Roadhouse is securing ,
I wetursidd much improved in health. -� Ithis ibalm a fair trial, and it IS L . & convinced, that -no. cough, cold, or oai�- I
I .,�10il-4-11 A slight frost will riot lajl�re corn It I .
I Mr. and Mrs, DavLa Dow visited? bought �ome. , It is ,well matured, and better to number of cows 113 preparation for re- tarr,h can exist if Catarrhozone is ::: "I ��� I "I
We arepow taking ordfai;s "Well from the use of ltla�- very run the risk of a frost than to pidl,- the moval to Chas., Irwin's farm. used." I . I "I ., I
I I , friends in Ordmarty during the welek. ' W. M.' Leigh and family moved .No treatment is so clean, so pleas,,, ��� � 1,
-urned -101� � I
. T, t box I ,saw Zam-Buk was igoing. ears too early. The latter part of the �' I
for Fertilizer and it you are Mrs. Duncan Brown hais. ret to Ido me good, I po I last wRp,k into the house recently va- ant, so, certain to cure as Catarrh- .
home af ter �s,pendlnq ,a, manith )s,!'tb XselvaTed wilth it. growing season seems to Improve the cated b� Mr. Jae, Kemp, , ozone. By ineans of the Inhaler, tb � ""'
I �
I . � thinking'of using it this yeai I fri,ends kn, Torod,to. .� and Ithe Itinprovement i't 'worked in vitality of the corn greatly. The engine at the mill is P u Is 0 i "?
. ,A mumber from here a'd-andaid a my 1condRion was . really wonderful. ., ,ow giving local symptoms, such as cc g Ing, In-, , , ,
. . 1. come in and talk it over with party alt( 'the 'home of Mr. and Xrs. It -eased 1(he irrileation, st the Care should be talcen in picking seed good Satisfaction, flararnation and congestion are. Speed- 11 1�
. I
. � Will. Dow, of Hibbert, and report it xy up which are taken after ,
us, We can show you land pa:in. and Iffie Bores. beqan �top�d to secure ears ,wIllell are attached to, Mr. John Williams family contem. Ily corrected, Ferrozone tablqtS, .11�,,-
. . . arid 4!�sap� plate moving to Brantford in the near , each meal,
1, , cmr. the stalk- about three feet above the Purity and cleanse the blood of 411 .
I . . ' ' lyelsi� ,k beWt of ,the, tsenoon'. . I In short.. I found � . �
I . . whsre ou'rTertilizer has been . . one of the Zam-Buk all that wasicW either future.
� ifr.'Jamez 'Russell lost a valuable -imed for itt. ground. Those ears which grow I I . 0 Poisons, and build up and ,strengthen . I
. used and you,can see results * Cow last week from driflainimtIon. Mr. and w.1thin. a.,very Bhortt ime 'it very high or very low upon the stalk DASHWOOD the system, I I .
. � . I . . I Facey alsq lost la's 'cow from milk worked a. 'qomple,to curie 3-u -my entse," should be rejected, as they are unde- This local and constitutional trea.t- �� 11 11,
I � . I for yourself. I fever. I 'Not only for -eczema, but for ulceri.s. Wanted -At Once, first, -class bench ment is always effective, and, cures 11 i
. . B.Ir. George Short, of Oak River. abscesses. vim',cose w4na, bad W-9. strable. having cb.qracteristies which hand, good wages and steady eniploy� cases that ,have, been given up as 1�
: I polsoned wounds. cults, we do not desire. For the same rea� ment to the right iiian. Apply to the hopeless. XGURY ca7Wt buy or Oroduce . a
� Man ,wilto 1hats been vNitiniz Mr. G. 5 p
� R, G. SELDON A) Exeter. ohapiped places. .p;,IeE�, ri n_�Nvor , ears Ross Taylor Co., Exeter. anything better, and to get cured .it . � I
I � Gill and dther frlen�ds in ithlis vieln- , in. son we should avoid selecting I I
I . I UY Teta -vroek. ch%larm'a crupLions. bunns, scalft In memory of the death of Leonard Is absolutely necessary �o Use CataTrIl- I I .�
I N. rildid home ladd I ' with very short or long shanks or ozone, I I I , ..
- - . , 1 nj url Kellerman who passed away at Dash- � .. I ��
. I I ,ill iik:n as and ditseases. from deformed stalks. � I ,k_..,!�
*�'. I . . Mrs. Ale,x- Hodweet. M`10 Estella an' . I
I I 1. ray. of Farquhar. and Mr. Kenneth, I Zam-Qulk lw'.11 ,be found unequalled, . Go into the fleld after the busks on wood Sunday March 5 at the age of 17 - 1. . I I � � 1. . 1. I I 11 . .
. I R All dru,t1,g)AFi and stores sell at 50o 1 1 1 i I
� . I Crediton - . Hodgert ' of ;5t,ratbord, y'.c-11ted alt 'the box. or post free from Zarn-,ailk Co. the ears have tumed Yellow and se- years 4 months and 5 days. was here la9t week v)0.63%3z. her, par- I . , � 1�
' home of Mr. nod Mrs�':bavld Christie en.U;. �, I
4 ,l. I -%N,\I. I " ,,, la�A week I Toronto. for pvkc. Refu�se harnifai lect the well formed ears from good The evening of the fifth of March, M Iss blary ' 1:ain� returned Wit ...'tw .1
� ,I I Mr. Fred Harris of LondoA spent The Itenderts for Roy% PrQsbyterjan: isubstRuLes and imitaU,ons. stalks, Put them in Sacks or baskets Brought that Lanny a tongue did week from the West,, where she had ,
. .
11 - - . Sunday tn town 'with friends, church was opened lai.4t Monday. the I ----.*-- and bring them to the side of the fleld parch; been [-,pe:njd.'fh,X, .Bome moultbB , wi�tlxf I .1 :;4!
- I I I
I . � I There is a medicine troupe around Mason work wiis let'lo the Roger�w SHIPRA . � and husk, It Is well to follow definite it was the news, that Leonard .K. xelatives...and reports having 'had a, � : I
I .�= - here this week and they are cattainly Tom Lynel ,sii;gtat Had passed from this cold eaxthaway. 1.
� -, -N I . Bros.. Fullarton. and the -carpazater wed like lozs of rows In securing seed corn, otherwise very enjoyable t1m,& , �. : . 11
� I I . , - I 1. puttipg up a gdod show. Nobody work to Mr. Bizarman. of Rtbohdll. a valuable A -year old home on Satur. a large number of good ears are Seven and ten years was his age, We were.plea6ed tD,pee Mrs. M. W4 � . - I
, "'�� .
'i ought to miss it as they are missing a I ---. - - day lai!s1tl. from inflammaltida. I the - , �� , ..�
I t - I I rare treat. , I When his young souldid. leaveits cage, Palmer' out alg�&ia during pwsit
GRAND B-ETND . Mr. R. Pa!tton arrolved home fr Inissed. After the dorn Is husked many -week after her severe, lalnerms. I 1114� , ��O
. Gza 1,; I
(� '1004, Sorne person or persons entered Mr. . London_ last ,week, very much $im_ ,tars will be found imperfect and And very sad it is to know, Affiss Kemp has returned from, E.- I . I ., ,,:.',
� - �-
� M\ I Most of- our sprinw.:ibirdo have re- `l.� � 1
`� , . ,
� " shop by gaininp, ent-, turned,,wYch xemindis us of summer . :� .
ji '�( .1 ,I �) That one so young, has had to go,
L � , , ,�MR-Yhl B Brown's shop
- .. '* ,. r Proved in health from kiis visit ,tat St. should be discarded. Only those ears I monville, w1ero olld was spending a;
- 11
� -0-4 - rat2ce through a door evidently thei . I Joseph's hospital. %reek or Bo. I, ,,
, , �
I '! ihould be retained for curing for seed He was a
11 IS axala- . boy with virtues rare, I
� . - � . badakey to open itwith. Theypried W.33.Ohverls bils.v these days Wordwa. isrecel,vad 'thalt 'Chris. That are of good form. Seed corn That never would his troubles air; We are plea,s�.,d to'%�!e Mr. J. Weliqw . . I �.
- . I ; open the fill with some sharp instru- Garfield landed [safe at BfP_lrta_M4ni- mIller homeL a; �
. � I I putting up Walt. Stweton's mill here , So, many friends were drawn to him , g1rin from the Londo-a . !
( . *Ftal, where he paFii-ad -4 1 1 � .
. , I I I . I ment;. They must have been disap- which Walt. its creating, for ,the con-* toba, on 1Sa(turday. Ebould be put Into the proper place for And now their eyes fill to the brim. hosp . , tb�rot 9W L, , ,
� . � - 1 7 1/�.` pointed for not finding enough to pay JohnMoPhee,whospentlihia, 'tat ring the same day that it is taken an operat',cu and is � &Q g on nlaely4 ,
venience of this cu9tonitaxei, not for ,the wi -er eu 3 .In
I � I % I I . i for their troublq as Mr. Brown emp- money he � iritendis tQ make out .of it. a:t Ithe 1home of, his mother, xtaturne& from the field. Bz all1he knew lie was adored, Mr. and lvlrs. Morrow are here ,
1. . Tiu; r, LOTYR 0Y.THE SEASON tied the till. X.hey also gained ent- Air. and Mrs. 'Mrry Taylor passed 'to (the West lase, week. ' . � nd any hopes on him were stored; from lthi-, wes:t v*t,;1tixL3 Mr. Williant . � 11 I
I rance at, Mr. Harry Sweit-zers grist Our corner isoun,ds Quile'lilusical in , orrolw's fa;Eher. ;
. . through here,Bronday on tbieiir way But now, all that is gooe and past MoDouqall, Miis. ll
4doeisn't always ,go in vahes., If -Wa I mill but was also disappointed as tbby home from V, orest. ,-.Vhlr!a they 1had the evening-, when the lboys Bing 'Illy . And he is in his rest at last. who "is and continues very Jill owl=_y; . .1
I the kind -that gives health and only found a few'. coppers. . old KeW.uky home," ."Daimies ,%voot Diversified fa to old a -e and the breald.1ag up. .of I .
. s our ' _. been viis�ting Mr. Taylor'stpar-ents for rming and crop ro- Wbate'er be did he did with might, h5s one time very fin -e constftuli6nj . I -, 1 -,�
As". � I I yigor ftL We are glad to re�ort that Mr. Con tell," and ,iseveral othex of ,the pop-, tation are the best antidotes for ,/ .,
'_0 . % ,V . . a few 1days. I lar 13onggs. . - . �L�, l"
I . -OW DRIP T . rad Kuhn will be able to � be brought, ,Sol. Pollock has Isfis suz u And always looked that it was right Wesley Moore and Douiglhfa Xp,ew J
. SIN L .ar evapor- Afliss, Mary farm mortgages. No matter whether plaving ball, ' ' lands went out 'west latst we -&k. 11
. . home from bhe hospital this week. ator jvboimg full Bwang R is proving i McUaac. of London. is in IlT �
, iyen,rd freed from stomach - a grand gucce,s vk1tiag a�t Ithe homie(of her brother. I Or answering to labor's call. sral carloads of on�ox& I 1--1
, trollb�- Mr. Bert Clarke, fdbvecl- his house is and, 4a far ahead of I I I
. Exetdr on Wednes- 'the old way of(malihaK layrup. D,om�ald M-clsaac. *1 11, shilpt�ed'from Zurich, and will likely , �
. leis and have no !sour bread' n1glib hold effects out to ,. Harx.v 1369tera. MiMs J. Bes`tk-xd,I& Around the fire the family sit
mareis .-when eating .b* breaKI day. . � Sohn SWt1to-n_of 'the Mollazd line, .spend 'the summer a I .
, �
�baked made from our � had a f I ine colt commA js�uiellde one And near them there the lamp is 11t; The farmers recei*e-a ' *exy la,rige[ '.' � . I �., "
,It, I -, I . - flour. �0111. A gang of telephonemen are work- tend.going -vvot on the 20th. HARD FIGHT AHEAD. All of them feel very meek. shipments of imj)leineA1* Zrom ,VhIA, I
. - ' - - *
11 I flour go x4co6t, sweetest. cheapest. dhere, day ,recently. by hanigtng ftseli.. The lboys were out.trying to throNv � I
. . 'ng -ioun ry 3, the ball, on Satuxday even,(n1-,. * For one there is who cannot speak. Bita:ti6n laA week. and Vt was esd-� � �
V,W"�_,' A ive 'r. will be held in A lar -e number of,suckers ax,e, be- Duna Measures Needed to Save
, i , � c a . .Vigorous - I
. I
" , !ed as ,to .
..., � ff.. Coo#.Sons and Co. In ras 71 _e next Sunday. ing --aulght illere now evieTy day. F'Oh throws (tbe [ball wilth such sp(_ Country's Bean Crops From bisease. I wish to comfortthe bereaved. mated thalt' ,-some 19&ty teams were I I .
an Ile
the E e _,I church
_��, M . R '. , g a of Janice ,Street church - make Midton take 6vo at k)ie Is,'Wition I"dinig linplementis.0 - ,.,
� I e bb you I!tftle.dip ,net." but 'then. whal's qomplet'a, -
11 �'�, I � "en'sa'll Ont. ., Exeter will preach Sauday evening. the use, of fe-elling, bad. No Irish need turns around while 0harlie .has this We are beginning to see signs of an- In this great sorrow tl�dy received; Mr. W. J. Perldn� of 'the Cosnmeil-�,,Afl, :1 .
I �
, I. ,� . . I- � I ' , eyes pefeled to ta`tch Duncls eurv�es. -a thL They can have comfoi�t in the thought 0'al hatel is Uavinz tilie ru1:6A,fZr(i% , I
..., . '. I— . � . . On Monday bewfllgiv�a lecture on apply. I mean for allicease. . thracnose appearing i I s country, I
_. � , . _______0_ I That everything by Gbd is wrought be
I I C=7====== . - the "Manly Mith". . � Rev. T. A Steadman gave an . � and the disease will have to be fought . t, lale iixe istraightened up, mak.�- -
. � .
I ' I I � Miss Elsie Gaiser .of. London sPent , excelleni tsermon here in 'the Dretho- ZtM31011 hammer and tongs to keep it within 0 - .. "', in,!g pre.paraitions for' laying lwwo I
I � Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mxs. d 13t church on Sunday miq . ht on BUIss '11/fary Gailman xeturned On control, Says Field and Farm of Den- HENSALI building material for I fthre,4 . . I.,
q W. Gaiser. "Forgify-eness" and dther tgopa ' Mon'daY from a week'a v�j�itl in Exe- I MIM Tir. Hun -ter has bee'sr In Xono- storey Ildtlel, and t'he,,p' �6d , gli I I :
: Wa ! I. I , * quali- tex. I . . . ver. The cut shows the appearance of wMa. 'N. Y.. ,during the paisit week very a:t1txatc0ve building. � I .
I , - ha � :
Mr. and Mrs. S. Sebluchter. of Pig- t.es. which all present could ma .
. the fungus. When the disease reaches I .
1* � ' . Mr. and Mrs. F rank Do!�fe�mb or 6o. be: gl ,called there, ,owing Itia'the We are pleased to'see Mr. H. Kc. ' I
� eon Mich, -returned to their hime use of tto theiir own benefilhe. I erry. 'm' -'!
after spending a week with Mr. and Our woad,s 'are. almoEft limpalssable. of Berlin. are vilb*1mg friesids here this stage bordeaux mixture ha.% been illnear, of her sister. Martin, sx., oixt nigaink,on ,Our ts�trevlts- 11. ,
. MAN AN 6 WIFE ' 1; Mrs. S. Braun. . . bat our mail intm isays 'the worist' th'Is week. effeadve In downing It in the west We underistand k1ttft - Revds. �A[,*srs. after li'is critical illness. ' I I
- " I . 11 . � Miss Watson and Iffiss Snelder spent , plece he has iis Ibia IsItmebts ot. Park- Mr. and ,Mr,s- AJfre-'d Brelick re- We have the advantage of a dry cli. Smilth and Millyard and Mr. Robert Mr. Thomas Kelly 'hats been sufflaV.t I
� To work on farm in Saslratoh- I a few days in Exeter last week. . hill and Mud Creek flaits. turned on Saturday .from a ,week,s Inate not only in growing bemas. but in Drysdale 1have. been appointed to re.'- illia ,for the pastt two weeks froin, w �
'I&Vt wl.th relatives
� V" 'in Detroit. 'fighting the diseases whicb, attick the celve donations for the suffetrin ' very .Isore elbow caused by a fall on, I
� . I - 1 1 The farmers are busy making Maple Mrs. Aaron Irela-ild, who wa;B opera- 91 ,
! I le*aii. Man to Work team'Syrup around here. � ted on PrIday. at'Vidtoria Hcr:�pftalc Rev. lUr. ,Millyar�, of Renisiall, ,and . Chinese from the igxeat famine and; the Seafort,h r, k while ska:tb:4Zth4,re -
. .n ..
_ I acombe. o I
i I Ms. *nd Mrs. Bohn of Mich, are London, Is ive are 1-t�,llaid Ito say x1bimigi Rev. -A. 1). G;3chler exchanged pul- - - - .__ - - 4their relief., Mr. P.,W. Small, ne of otti � I,
. 11 .�4.11tl-!,�t. ��11�1.'..�!, W,nlog- - ._.,� �m-��L gg-ti-` - .., -:--,.....�
M a,.-:�7-�-i�.--�,...--�-..�--.i,�..�.�i�.--..--.L,l�-...�.��--..�-- ...�*. , ""'
and lw'omali t6do ho0se 'Work. [ 5 , pilts on Sunday evegn ., ��ylg� -, g "I " -.-gg .--.. - We only -hope 'that the oft-ra�peaf,,ed oniloh Mugs. has it staff a:t or ork 1, �,�
. . ;
. 4j�.1'.1
I � I the guests of r. Chas. Wolfe. I Due. I . . . �,a . .;t1..-. , 0111 - - . , � .
- `-� ,.
, . ) f Spring. , 0 - 1111yard, of � -
. . lyjj�!"R report. if not promise, is 'true, tha� qettflng weady for his annual lar�ge
Rev. B 11, Idelivered ;--;.4
Tuesday was the first day o - " ., is 0
. I n '- -_`-".`11�1 K'N .."'.g;`�11."., , . .
11 -Also- . J, a Itemperance addraiss W the Eva - -_ --`s1'L-,r,.l,.,-� '.. -A`�9,.,,`,�'..'�*..,.��' �� *4 ,j �, we are likely to 1have e, new �3. T. R1 Ishi-pment of onlans. . I
) Quarterly meeting. services were SEX8XITH, -..,:q.-,��.kpnt:lttm;� T -'�t,Mi ;--.-".-.4,%1. .... _... . ,week movioi�
I I , .��,*, -
i i� geFical Sunday School. lasb 'Sun -day. ,_2 ,�g istatkon Ithis opring, as it would Mr. R. Jarrdtt fa this
- ,11�tlkz il.", .. . ...
,.Il-.��;- .-
; � held in the Evangelical church On Mr. John -Duacan. who xecently Ten men.. xepreseatlaig -the .Zurich q, � .`,,�T�l�"."-.�"'.. 1D....�,1V .1.N,tS i.; �;; � supply a long felt wenft. finto Mr. R. DryBdale's Teside;noa om�
�, ..�;;. ....".1 r,t'_
' .. ,
: SEVERAL .600D, MEN Sunday last. Rev. Ridt of Dashwood sold dils farm Ito M6srs. Aq ' W110- Gun -Clulb ,bad a flinei oirLi-nig .at Hen- ". . .
% �, 5.! . � M Mrs. Leo Charlesirorth. of Blyth Queen lstree!t.
preached two eloquent sermons. fon- a- 111 - -..�.-..., , ....r .... - A-a�- %�!,� . �"tltl,llil D ..s_;i.1.110'� I . � I
. 1, " I
. I , �, and W. 'Gould. held a veryl au Ball of r1r'Iday la4t. -Zurieli boys ,'had - 41'�-..-.�.'.-.'� . m o,-..-.. . rgivg, .
. � . �'_ .. _. Z..
M... .Oit�g.,
. I .... 1".
I Miss Carrie Kuhn was in London on ceissful auction tale of his stock tand -E,-.,� .
, , --- -_ -_
. to ,Pay Jor the oydters. The iev.ent 1, .11 " M_:,_,M lz!�, - k , 'R111 fl,
", .U-.1 - _,I% - , * -1 A -4 .1
�l - To,,work on,farms in 8,98kat- Saturday visiting friends, implemen*(s, on Fxiday lils'.. Afr. Dan- waig at 20 ro-ckitt ejach. ,the aggregato ��"�-.'-V -1. �-Iut.-g i�!----,:�tl '.I�;; . LEO - -1 1, R ��%.' - .Z ;�`i,.
., . , . �Mmlwl , M 014 __tj
I in h�.!,'-,.V�.�,,', ,
chewan. Only thosp occus-, � There passed p,kaoefully away at,her can lid-tesids removing ,�o LxoLo-r, oicore �beihg lRenoall 12,8; Zurich 1118 11 , .Oitkw -&�.��, - A- - - - 11 -_ "'.i �,��. � I ."
I I . ,,r,n-: t" ____ sw=daw AL-A.�.-Z tl,;��,�" 1:,
. . . . . . , I
.lato resMemoe on the S� 33. Sbepbetn Ithei %ear fuft1are, , ,i , , They all apealk lh;1,4h]y of Ithe it ;;;;; . . ,'._00.111'1� . .�
. I -A -grg,,,--.��,� 11
reialt, 1.1�10 �
I . I 111 � t
,t=6d to farm ,work should townshLpl; Mrs. Isabella Rollings_xe- Mr. and Mrs. R. Northeatit gave. -a meAt gi,v,n 1(hem ,by tlia 91-etlsall Club. � t U r.. �� .
%�, .. �RMA .
. t �nl � I
.. ... C . CrIn VA
I I apply- Good wages -will be 11ot of the late Isaac RollinTs, andt party to a number of thafir friendst An eredt of Lipeclial atvfbaresl took � %�i�L* .� 1�- ,
- � "
10 . i I �5N-, -A!�.��%' i k _ 1h ;k &__Z% 1, � - *1 -
!::- _MO -1 ,
- T
tle ..' T., -.,.��11-,l
I � . n -.,.It' Nl'; *�__. 12 1* on
one of !the pf neex xeisldedxts of Step- 'ek. plac Oin Ithe Sunday School in co nne r " , ; .... . !Q I 11
She w isold 2:, , -6 �� .71
� , , paid to the rig� Mr.. W. J. � Gould ,- 1� A n, 7 ;
hen. as born to: Toronto I one even*big- ,last we rood Vion w0h Sit. Pelerls Lutheran ichurch. i�'.A - , - , I - f
. ,t I .peo p] e apply - A.N.v ... ..r... � - ',�.!�U'i�*.!`-'l 2 t U KLI Co
, .. -
i N I .i - ��lt%y,�,.V.;,�
L at once to ' I I year 1836 and !n 1\801 when a yonair dri.ver to 111r. ,R. Weltsh, I of Exettj�r. on ISusiday a:Dtexnoon, when Ithe Ischol. . ..1T.,�..*...-4,.-.,. .. , .
. . :1 fl�%V %l�em,!W -
' . lau fara.well . . . . . t"B-- -Am-..-aa 11�
0 "A L ... woman Ohe� Was Inar-Fied to her a few days ago. are of Ithe llnfhnit. claiss fbade N I
L ,
I - I � husband.. Who prodeceaped her 'Isome, I I __ - _____ to Didgar 66hnell. W'ho 01tended Ith-a . Vilk% " . ,
. , 1.
�. ..I... %..@...g%-.3
V ..A� .
' After -marriage thay t :X,1;1Sht - - `_ , ,� .i ;,-.%i ... I -
. ...... .Z. t V-*�-.: �
. years ago. .. t: .. - U, kw d
I . las, Ome. �Mias Mfapgaxelf: taess read I '��%".-.�E,";'V .... ... .. A W z " I I" rP I vYoar Ril afitoad FQ,qre
1. �', " �.-.:-
.. _--,w.. i� kt,
farmed i:n Biddulph a dildirt,trime, re- links , L' .a..Ls !.� ,.� 11-.�.. .;. _` ; z
I an addrew, gt;nd a palirl of cuff �. .., MR I
. 11...i., 1,
9� i'�, ,R ', E. 'PiCKard . moving to Stephen ,and localtinig on lwere -handed Ito EoXalr, who was Ill. ': ",
: I W . I 11 . 'the farm on which tibey have isinoei among Ithwe mlio most faJIffifully at- I 'I!
. I ,Residence John St. . lrelsiLded fox a period of fifty yeows. Then World Over tended tthe Ounday School. Afber Mr. BEANS AFFEMPM NYrM ANTHRACROBF. . ,E verybody living within 65 miles is invited to visit 1 I J
. . � I
I .. Four isons'and four -&MVbters were . P. ReBs Isr., who .has cha!rge of the [From Field and Farm, Denver.J London duri'g the week of April 3r.d. All you need do is . .
. . I -_ n ''I
I . Exeter Ont. born to 1he umljom-, one 'Xirl dyinl& in izfant,claos land "flhe(pastor 1had bid -I . �1*
I � infancy a�nd one son 'the late I' ac The Words of Harold P. den .God "eed to Itthe failtliful scholar crop. Nearly every one is *-famluitm just spend a part of your holiclay shopping with us ,and 11 :
. I Sa I �
� �
.1 I ____ - - 7 `Rolilni2�9 jr., who deld in-Manilt6haj hils t1wasmultes shook hands wilth 1im. -with the spotted appearance of snap we will refund the full amount th�± yGu -have paid for p i
. ' I The Isurving inem,lyers are Jobn a!dd. BUZI�Y, Who Was Perma- wilsking 'him a happy journey �ftnd beans and especially of the wax pod- q
I , William on khe homedtead. Samuel J., neiitly Cured of Chr " I sucae4s, , . ded varieties. your round -tri -p ticket.. I 1. I i I
. I I
I .
1, of lCredilton Ea0t; Mrs.' job .� 0311C MiIss Alice Johnson is v1sitlis- � � I
. Simo. I. . The occasion of this big, free railroad trilp will be the
Co P-0— R9 Mrs. Joseph Wnrs and Mrs. William friends inlClitnt.n. ' Practically all parts of the bean plant � I . "I
Lumbago. by 'Werviline.19 . . . '.I
. 61=1sll all of Crediton. also Ithirty One of Mr. DavIrLd Schnell's beavy except -the roots .are subject to atta:*_ I .
. I . 't The ino�t common indication of the m1hommumKIM9 'm we In I
igiand-iiebildiren afnd � nine igreat- mares isold at � he sale on Tu"day &W% 0 0 1
. . for $305-00- presence of the disease is the occur-
� I grandchi,ld,,ren. Tivo. igrandchildiren "Three years. ago I dIscoVered*That a 5 op
. L,a"ds for �alsodietdiss infanay. Thefamilyllave man subject to lumbago might just as Alm. (,Rev-� Maa,ds left on Mondlay rence of brown or black su-nken areas Annu2sl %JljjL VAX Ami
� .
I I I the sympathy of ,the commun'ty In well be dead as alive." Thdse words to v!1s9t her damgIrter,,1Jl:.rs. Bern- on the stems, leaves and pods. They of all the stores'of our Association, . �
,. .. thcf-r Bad bereaviessiant.' I open the sincere, straightforward lattel hardt, aft Preiaton.
� ,. Saleo . . . . of H.P.Bushy, a well-known man in Mr. and Mrs. 'Sol Sobluchter. o may also appear on the seed Idaves Here a wealth of all that is latest and I
I . I .- 0 1 the plumbing and tinsmithing busi- Sebewa; f and stems of the pla-at soon after ap- . Trade -In -London I
I . ness in Portland. I ,ug, Mich., are vjz�tipalg, at ithe best in anything you may need will be .�
I The undersig I . home of Mr. J. Preeball's this -week. Pearing above ground and cause con- on s "A
; tied *has been appointed ale at prices that will well make It Week—April 3-8 l�
i I .� STAPFA "One attack came after another, and BIliss Lydia nnst xei�;ned last siderable, losses through a reduction in � .
; ; JLocal Sales Solicitor lor Exeter arid . . lumbago got to be a chronic thingwitli worth your while to come- I
! 1� I i ' lak!iiig maple Isyrdp iis the or me. I could'teamely get in a day's week from her winterlis visit. ,wi-th the stand. , ,
1� � vicinity. The labda.tbat we have for A-1 der of .Work before that knifing, cNel pain her ibrother, Mr. H. S. Faust, at . On the older plants the �attack is Ask every merchant of the Asso- i � I
� �. sale are situated in Central Alberta. Lilt! ida!y 'here. Caro. Mf;ch. I clation. that you visit for a purchase Railroad fares re- ��
. 'Mr,, and Kris. J. G. Jeffrey alre qo- -quld attack my back. I usred a gal- most serious on the larger Teins of the
rk, , - 1principal crops, Wheat,'Affalfa, Oats Dn,. %O.Ha ' . Ion of. liniments; Messrs. W. H.,Truemner ftnd H. � receipt, showing how much you have funded within a .
I 11 I I rnilston to� live, ... I TTER leaves, and the leaf way be wholly de- I I
,;;i -y. mpbell v'isited her don�hw(r LE stroyed or Its efficiency greatly reduc-
� 4 , , I i, , 5"gar Beet, Matting Barle NOW ' �Irs. Ca not one of them Volland dr., of Ithe HAbyla-n ,,LVsle,- spent. Then, when the total equals .48 of 65 4 � I I �
''l ;�101.1.., tsiffloron'to ladt we -. seemed penetrating have exchanged farms. Th�_,re are 420.00 or over, go to our Central Office radi miles �
i, i ", a],
, . Qjivate, Unequalled Transportation enough to get at many changes. taking place on ,,tii,s ec'L From the stems and leaves the . the Home Bank, and the clerk will I
I . i)fr. 'Clark., of Miltehell. visited hils . N O.. in �
11 iFacilities, Oood Market, Cbeap Lands , oils! . the core of WO I:ua(,,. Ithils i%pri.nfgt- , fungus spreads to the pods. Pay You the full amount of your rail- on es: .
, , 4 1 pain. I read In AIr David Schnell is lea 9
11 a in. Mr. it.rank Elliot. purchas Of �
. . '%fr. James Wood. of London, was I I . ving a n road transportation. I I �
�. I ,Liberal , Terms of Payment. Pay- . I - ) the Montreal Wit- Saturday. for klie West Hog Cholera Preventive. Make up a party of your friends and $20X.'..-,,,,nd over. I . I I
.'' =ent in Ten. equal;�,nnual,iilstallments 1,11e 1-4ueist of X18 sister. Mrs. MoTag- ;FeWs gbout Nerviline, and got fiv-6 hot- 1,n X le - 910 is tak- , ''', I
. �
I ,�Ijghil 'hosises and Eis bousehold The bureau of animal industr,v, neighbors -all come together and en- . . .
1� I , ,or ion crop payment plan, Call, 'adcl glart. ties. It is a wonderful rnedidne-17 efi-c 1�n a car. Kris, Sohnell tariq - I .
I q . � . I M:&s,Xay PaItterison, of Gadshill, is could feel Its soothing PAin-rellevingr fam!.Iy will leave about a weiek I United States department of agricul- Joy yourselves. . . 1 1 , li..ko" , ,
I � lget partlenlars4t . the ;gaesst of bar wX101r, Mrs. Thos. action every time it was applied. ater. " I ' P-WRINWANNima I .
. . . '. . When I got the disease under control The staire feam isefased to face ture, gives the following recipe for ,� I .
, Dr.wn, I Warde . n attended, With NeVvIlin6i I built up my Strength �,
�1? Mr. and Mrs. Jo,,.0 the istorm of Wednesday , of .% rgst bog clsolem, which Is claimed by many I - -
ore, t week after miak'Ug aboat half the who have tried It to be Inval i I'Af * I
�;, W..J. Carflng9s si in aud fortlffe4 my blood by taking Per- uable in Members of the London Retailers" Assoc' ",
� , b he XeLaugail�,n-Scoth 'weddla,; no I I I I "Cloll I I I
; I'distelsday. roM at I meals. This treatment way. The zoads ,were badly drj,ftod, warding oft disease, One part wood', � , I , ,
if ilp - * t, ice ter laist We I cured me Perislariently, and I urge the paosenger Its,t tnumb-�red about chare
of .1 Mr. Will Oliver. Toronto,'ls spe I .Oal, one part sulphur, two parts , Andrews Toggery I Vrank,0. Hooper . Thos. ltov�e �
�1� ad, *everyone; to give up the thick, whiter ten and'the blind-InZ Btorm wat,s cL It. Azlilylant 40, Sons 50'46tone &.1'ohn$tone , Sc,v� �r6tt Bros. I 1, i
? . nq a few days 't Ilia ]ionic near on rd sodium chloride (suit), two parts so- John lS. Barnard A. r,,. Jol-ly & Co. , Sell 1 - I -toady,
, .� .. a I I th,O, oily linfillents they are using, and try combrnati h -b "to ove',rec6lo, A 13enson NNI'llcox Iftecttio Cc Xettle Bros. I �
� '110 B Carlin vfala-gie, � an up-to-date, penetrating, pain -de- f ' -d be Procured from dium, bicarbonate (socb), two parts So. It. R. Bland T. F, Xivs-rAll-I � I Sj:' 'ri & Co, il 11 I'. �
, 0 � I reish %eam had t . . - I
�) I . - like Nervillne. Mr. Porterfield to make the I,,t;4t di . ,,
i � I 9 t B11153 Hqalcney� of Kirkton, Its ,the stroyez um hyposulphite. one part Sodium W. 0. Boughner Londoh lro�kery Co. . Sn r man & Ingram .
; � I I . . . .Vlei5 "Please publish my latter the world three mile$� W. A. 14ro,(* Mallaghl3ook Shop 8 �
I 1;� I I , . - I t of her zister, Airs. .Woom� , t I � . oulphate, one part antimony sulphate. . J, ('. I teele & Co, I
;I'r' �! 5;:_7 ; � ver� ant .ill to hear of Nerviltne.11 Tirown )gros. Prof. ATIM,eel 1 M7 i". 11� trong &,Co.
., . � . 4111's. (Rev.) A. J. Bxown received! I ob I wi� I I � �
. I I , �.. I I - word ImA week, of the idee,fit of her Pulverize and mix thoroughly. Dose, -4. I L ,
� Don't be cajoled Irto receiving anyoml HARPLEY Brown optical,co. . A. J. N11organ -A - , 111niann
I .
" "1,> L 1. . lindther, Mria, McCallum. i,n Peterboro, thing from your dealer but "Nervillne," Mrs, 1). Sillevi and Nisft Winnie one tablespoonful foe each 200 pounds QaZ.80=11 BrO, Xorrison Shou 00. I J. ,%i. Thomson � �
Ili �,CASTORI Mrs. Rrown hag the)sylimpally . Large bottles 50c., trial size, 25e, Sold and 14aw.01. Willie lwbr� have been weight of bogs once a day, � corn"Ieraial ruleetrie co . � ass. mecomilluk , I . Tharne vros. "�
"I i I I L of.hler I I IT. P. Cook Co., Ltd. Nordhelmer-Plano ,� 111rifford Purniture Co.
. � , �', L � I .. I .1 many fr;,en,dis here, .. everywhere or The Catarrhozone Co,, The winter visiting rolatives - Dlo.nioltirl Xalt,Stoves. , &'Musle co, IVITberU� Vii , tint, � I I
- IF& InNitts and Ohildr.en. ' endingds returned to the West ol� John IMprose � '�'
1 7he You H'a! I � . I Otitar]6 rnirnfftire Co. C. �R. Ward & Co. , I
" I i I , I The silectinq of tlh�,, Lfterary Sodety . . 2L i J
Xingston, Ont, - . , ", I � m,d fr!,. I . s *artilizers. Prank Fenech 0 1 L' I
j . � ,:: Kind ve Always Bought w',1l'bqiheld ohl'the 20h. %0a Willow I , _._�_, I , ,...*.....WW06 TnesdAv, . � lagre4iontA ,of tie t t- &X 14DAI I � V. T4. wallace. . 11 ., �.,� 'll -el
. I .. I I . . I � f- J. Gn.nimp,ge Sa Sono . peopl6l�s outhtting 00, . 4, Nvotilhan . � :
,1: � I �, :�, . . I I., 0,6ve Coillice;Conpert Co, will furfi6b Up. Nelson Mckey leftfor Tbe hignest agrieulturstl valve, An er, Graftoti& Co. ". I ' I
1. 'i 11 .1 � I -1 ,., � - the 11 'itho'vv� �WZ :09 also y �,71 ight - ___j . : r -
, . -or e I I
1. : � 3300�rs the Yrrigrain f on Monday, 10r. Rick tilizers Is found In tboge that are man. Orabftni 1*ros. 11urdom Mal,divaxo Co, , Williahm Plftno Co : � . ,
. . Pf. _1 I I NE"RVILINE for A0and 8nsk, inear t tbo' , Wa(,wrod mainly ftom animal in O� B.,Grave% Ltd. :. - qeo� pa tm s . 'rJJ A �# L a-. I - '. r ,;
, tilkn4j,"
I � att.,xina! ive side'of the na0hael & Ight , : . I I � I I
� i to of . dphold !the � .,( % 0 10 be lioundalry At(er6 Graly & x1ti.0tel: , � Clo, , T. �k W I , �
I . polf.yll)nr kubjeet, for delidte�, � Inee'le- be!��veen Sn8k, Aud,Albprto. I oUbg � I
I I .. I .*Izum I u 11 ,, ,N4 -nwh rok animal b6d, dded blood, ant# W. Glita & 00. � lloordoi Corbett & do I _It'v , Co. , . I I
L I 'I
I . . I , XtOwlasia 1011 I I '' I I oUbg % C I I
" I I I , - 0. 40 I
� I 11
"" I
� I
1.1 i ��,�'.
I . . r � . A, . �, � . 04.19jrl,lo .: . . I A faMily:" Unimell L Mr. W 0red Radhig visited 010 tonlrage, tiltrato of oda, &ud h*b . . . I . , I ROSS' 14jt1 . Ak 4, i . . �
, I � I .
I I � ''., , , � - , , , �. , - 1 . I I I 'r
i I I . L' . . . . . __ 11,�-l-l.-I.--,----,-,,��-,-�.-,.. ""' or'l day" , .... I . . . . �
I . I . I I . I - . _ .. I me ooh., . I . 1;tutlo pot"it to. -,.,J I .1. I --i, � I I I , � I ,
". I I . . , , '01!� ,--,..- . I I � -------------- NOW" ,. r
j , " I ; " � I � . ...._ � ��=tt=:t _1* I ... � ------ 111 ... ... ...... 1 _ - -1 . ,,
. . . 1 . I I � I ,�.\ I I I . . . . M . I L . ,,,, i
. I ,� � 11 � I . � , . �. I . . , . .'' , � � i i, . I , . I I l. I -A I -i- ,."i, � 1 �!'�,JR ,,
I I I I I I � . � � 1, I , I � I . . . . � � . I . 0�� - .�: � . . I . .� � ,�, I � . I *�q�'�L . . ..... 1.4. , , _ I 1. I I 4" � "'. r I , . �r1,11`1��..'� " I ,�,
. I I I I � I , ", 1, I 11 . I ,., � � .1 ''. I I 11 I _
1. I I , 1. .1 � I I I , 1# . . . ,� -111. 111.), � V., . I " I I ,� 1, � I " 1,
. I I 1 � 'I , , I I "I � ' I I ,
I I .. � I I . r I .1 i I . I - . . ,,�,,,-_ , � 1, ,
I I . . , I I I I � I , . � � ., ,� , ILI , , , , � � . I �;_.,�_,__, .. , , L , :1 .1 ,
I .1 I I .. , �il I . . I . I � ,".... r I , .", �! 1�i 11. I. le , " - 1� " ', , � � . 1,.�,',,!.,�,,�,,�4,�.�Lll;�,-,�,.� ..", . - 11 . I—
I .1 . � 11 " , , I , , ,'�' , �o N �
, I � #,
1. � I . . I . , 1; , I � I .. �,I�� , , 7, 1 , 1. ;�� , . . � � L I ,,. I. ��fqLv;,& � , , 1; L I I "
I ....'�, i I . , 1: i � . � .1 . 1. �, I 1. � .�, .. -1 � � r , ,i . I � . 1� '9. . i`. I .1 I , . ,
I I , I �
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