HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-3-23, Page 4 I
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k " I 1- """"' ++_l .. . ..... 11+ + +++++-,*-.,. *++S*A + I I
.k I X , I -, I
I . L . I 0 + . 11 I I ' Auction Sal , Farm For Sale.'
11 , . I t,e I - an . - ommont , Vie, ws of Reciprocity - ,
' . _ , Note . d, C +
,; L $ n ' - 3'. 0
L I . , "he' maul and theire N Z 1, ,lit 11001prockty. *1 . I I VOR SALVD—Varm couWaing. 1100o
" + 66 I 1
_ Character,, makest iluds Ito 14i; I .
I I It will pa :you to see our prices be- is ,no fixed TUIO fQt its deVvIlOpmeAt, l3oirmanvillO i6ta teranay.,,, -Farmevs + '
, _ e YaOr order for will be Isurprised to "be. Itol-A. 10fiat ltlik,,l, + aordis gilf first cluss I and at +%ho Vit.-
, PT -,,,,,- ,
r for a6ln,, 1
, . . .1 + The B re s t Face Cream I VAIMI STOO)3: fA.ND fjMpL,Q, Jlage of AV,00dham, Geoti, tj
I I I . arl:ieles apiwaringlil Thkiournal and + . viito I
L 11 Q. " ,-.I'll * I NEXT$ frame 'house; bank barn, IM, I s'.. . .
I , ;, .. nearly all dther coaary newspa*xis + " .1 I .
. V Peerless Wire Pence it ha,sbeen ldQc*dQ,dft%ht St. James irill fsearo headlinos o.4aiii$lt recipro- .i. I I . + Mr. T405, Varneion h'a# received in. ivith up*to ,date stable, found ttoxxi ,
L .bldthe-diLst tichurch, Montreal, will not cit - are beli).;C paid for, presurnabl ?. at baRt about a year ago., "hul. ingt
I . 4 + racti:ons !to Isell by,pablic auotloA .
I T Y. + + vi
't'he well af of by niaxiufacturers- or who + . emonte tVhXo , . ia
. i q I I gboat, Also , r
" . be Isola, much Io' bretho- , 01SO on LO!11 ,7, WORT11, r1,qIA,bIES ROAD, le
I I diist'a throughout Ithe Doin,inion. would spend so mucli money Ito de- + . . . ceRlar 214-3. with . ement top, un, . 11 " ,
L . ftosL,_Jjre Fence I . "I I USBORW9 OX TURSMAY - M , y, New driviu.- sheil -of cQr-
, ,, - _ .''. fVat tale ltriedyZ Wia -are vaid. $5 A 11 I E we r Used" . AROH gangwa 11en hou.se.
, , , , _ ....'' ,a.,ted Isteel siding 24x4O,
, . . column for ispace- forthe.se antl"rieeii + . + ZSQ ron at 'Oria leio,ak 4tiarpf tho rQ6 I
I A - . i 1% . + .follolv4q valuable property.. f. ' V?x18, Alpo ja good suppli bf 1091.1 I 1 ,
I - — I Lord Xi.tcherier bas, beerilaamed Ito ,,) oclty. "alarmist" fartioles. 'Funny, + + I IV '=. -,he fgrm is thox
- I n,t lt_that afte " I ave Wen .,,. * - ORSUS-1 Re4cultaral mare xls- and hard a T 1,,
I I I command il,' e Aroops wbLoh will take n ,
part dn It.he coronation ceremouiles. It 1 ichcyl 11 'is what our lady customers tell us about ln-g ,14 years old. I LigTioulturalhorso ough1v Aralned, arid weLl Ifeniced,
, enabled to -rall in by.11, kxo- -il_ +
11 12foot Galvanized Gate . I. . rilsing A yehis old, I gelding ri[slog mostily wit% all new wire fences. Al-
, ,(t 5 tootive tariff ,that they are Wtrlviri; + , * 3 Y axs old., X driv,lna mare 7kyawrs isal ben acres of good buis1h, moNtIly hard' , I
115 likely th, 0.000 ,soldier& will be
I ,: I , assembled In Lor.don. ter, the occalsion., iso hard 'lo Prevent some trada Q& + - + a d. .. lwood, Pierpartiouaars apply .to Wifis.- ,
I ''. at $4.00 1 valitalgeis betni; ,given fanzlaxs, stock , * + I - iley Ehier, Wop,dham, Ont., 17t.f .1
1. men, d others -%v'ho will : * 2 :cowis been miaking one month,, I I I I ..
, fruitmela all, AVIIIIII, Aft '0A,T,`TLR,-1 icow wlith cali il t 'foot,
, + ., . "
; . ol,
lwacftt by .,f',reex with our ,0 ' Fa Cream q . .
. , ,trade NyalA S Ulu I I . . .1. - I . 11 .
1 I . Cedar F,,,nce Post at -vou don't mind hl.4i prloels,V' nearest neLghbors? Don't you 0xink * . +'o 00- WaPPOSe'd to calve in October, 2 1 .
. I . I "XD.11 freplie,d the X1209111110 phIlOsO- it 1-1,h ti . me, farmers,jthat you in 4 . . I + fat %el,fers, 10, graiiis siteiars. 2 year-
. . . libor. "ItVhen xjjces are hat? ade 4 I . 11of8e for Sale I I
. . ve ev ,a ]a soma publio-way ),Our Own * ' * SP . I
I 1 20 cents 6,_ thiuk: , `,Gk, * old ,hcilfexs 2 yeaIr-old isteens, 3 lar,'t
. . exy time vioira on ithis propona tariff pact as * Knowing what it is made of, we were certain ,r,!,u
0 ,I tcai es.
I :, L, how much ,more you, Issa it would be 4, S A good eencral ", purpose horse. 111 ' I
I I il e(T along ; .11"itbout an offset)to thelhulla-baloolset up by : hard to improve on., . I + a sows -_2 1801VS due Ito piq in Alpi il, valued a:t a:'bout $175,00 iis wha't many
:, Red Cedar Shingles at ,, yoomu-L,dt'h "join d--c"- oWats-hingtou lStar boards lot Itraide. wl-JeN, are dominatoct ,& I y, a saw, fiftle .
I . I I I . I . t due to piq in. bra tarmers.are looking for, As add like
I 11 largely by manufacturers, bankers lo . + to ?" in June, I Be,%
I i .1 I * * 0, * * I , * r YdrkL"hlrc, this will ' be read by son$
1 $2.30 per Square - and finhoeial men whose Wtpreigts are * We hardly expected that a big quarter package AN$.-Abou't bill ,two ducks "er
.., 4 I like * , ,, heas ' wariting ."just such a horse and wilf
. axrd'&L'1drake_ Pek4n. . I ..
11 dies,ely allied -with them. ( ii - ave them probably a week of drtv-- ' .
` , The Bxftlsh naval egtl ates for 'the, # Nyals would win favor over other high priced lines, but it has + IXPLE ME, XTS.-I Adin3 .plow. ij3g.
, White Cedar Shifl(&S year have bo,m made'inublac. r I I 0 I + Advertise ,the live stock you .
T Z3 a to;tal --CheY, The Subs'dized Cam " I + I + hand plow, , diso,
I show , V $221,000,000. an in . llaujilton ,e - # I have for sale I.n. the Times. I
. . _rlmcs.__Wlla dn rs who no # harrow,I1 top bu lgy, nov, blcLIA ujh- , .
19 at $2.10 Per Square crease of $190000.000. The tdtal Idn- tivo -aiAi-reciprocity articles in joar- +4; Believing it the best article an, d best value, we have, we + . - .1
. 'nt to 0.1 - xi here it -hey .1 + like to recommend it to you.
I I 1 4 eludes a, Sara ' SuffrbiL + Ihn; 1 !boggy, been used a w1fille. 2
. I , wals hardly .expeated * cu ars. paix bob aleighs, ineabaltor
1. I I I 4 for fthe buladirig of five new X`01141- thein, should bear in mind khe pro- + . I + an ,brooder, ,,band cuttiing'box, land Threshing Machine
L , . noug 1. ProAsion. Is also - 0 for pit Tguda 'that s being -conducted fro a +. I + le , arlows. 3: set double - tair. %.
, All Kinds of Lumber at .h`t1$ . twe :Vty destro OTS, Six "orodto, at so much + Let us shoiv it to you and tell y ' + rol r h I
1. ., I I four cru;sers,.1twLn!ty destro . Montreal and rL + . ou about it—NYALS + ixelss. oak Itan. sollid'nickle; A heavy, ,
extremely low prices isalimarim'es. four miseellaneOl's S 1W,t por ,column, ao advertisia; aarf:rlos + s . I setidouble liqlA Outfit for -Sale..
I I 1. and an addittion of 3,000 men to ,the f,(.rm1!0tcd. that's the finame. Family jars 75c'. . + harness. I set sinigic harness, . i,
. : : - , t I It. ilz safe 'to <lsa,,r ,that i , -, n zk
, I I . I cv wriel. n4nety-nine one-hundrodths of Ithe 1 1 - . . * box of ,horse collar,s,20 cow .. um" Decker ftresfhl ig,maclhine In fair
_. I I R. J. GLATWORTHY , I I - + I I . aiint$4. irdilltion, tagelther
hion, ito ,the aigIrec- + — + forks., lshoveM and numerous other 00
I * *. * * * rfewi;paper oppos. I . with ! Pecker,
I . I 1: . 4. URANTON. -_ ONTALIO nwilt )- paid for by .11is aniti-ot siallh- + , artlicles. A quantity of Alf alfa hay, Stevin Wxa-dd,on eng.We. Machine Is..
I .
III' . - . -1 There's no progress for 'the nian. leatioii at Lso muclilper line. + 60 baeliels of Siberian seed Oats, a self feeder an d sug'plited w2h blower.
I - . r". 13. quantlity of feed calts. . and Imititing appar*ua, . .Par par . -
I I whose lack of faii1th makes, ,him fear . +I,. W* so ""d%Wey9 F> " 1. firculars apPIT Ito I I I
I I i THE, BIRT11 0.0' ST. PATRICIK, Look on Briahter Side. + 'No relsarve as the pr6prijaitpr a
I" I ! to take a chance ,to put in modern Is , . I 9ORN, I
. I A (Samuel Love.) +
i` equipment to help build,"his busiwits. Toronto Gl be -'-Three men -abs- + + ; i"Ving ,up t WM.
t' % 0 . n (the e.'ighth of iblaroh it I . . sed 'to look on the 'hopeful is!icla Of + I *1, We;st. . ,l . a apr 1. Woodham. P. 0.
. . - was, some I po, .1.
. ,P qF * * * Al * tho zeir trade ,L.,ro'ement ivere fo. ind + 17 . O I .
I , people Aay_ I I lin Itha office of Mr. P. F,ileck + I . .
" . tbri4qe + .. . I — . . I .
" Mhat St. Patxick at midi3liglit, 'he ' + . F at 1,elfers-%Ish. :
I The fear ithaft the Americans will TM.anager of the Grimsby Fruit -grow- + All sums of. $5.00 arid under calsh + ' .
. 1 , fla,,st isaw ithe dniv; + Exeter, Ontari'. + I FOR SALE
:, ' L ' Twad-tfie minkli sell us som-ethi-m- we should not b u y. Lrs Socic-ty. .the oth,,,r two in the + . 0 + Over 'that .amount 9 months ,.credfi . 7
9 ,.. . . Wlifile others declare . andbuy omethial from u's ire should party.were bIr. W. J.. Drope. Isevre- + . + will be qivea . I
I I he was born, . , ow'Furalshing approved
, not vlsell iiis passin 'Iaway era -dually, in tary of the socloty, and Mr. .P. Lip- + ......... joint notes or a discount of 5' per One Gasoline Engine and purnp! I
,, Wmd 1twas all- ,it mistake, ,betweexi; ' +++,"+++4
I ol . spite of all 'the money ispemt on aRi- si.'r, Treasurer. , +
1_ I I , mhdnl;ht and morn; . - . - - cent. per annum off for oxilit. Fur, six Horse Power Goldie,& McCul- . I
". f! Mr. Drope, who 11:1 a Con'servalive. _ — - -- ther particulars made known. on day
I !F,#r, mistakes will occur in a hurry wial Iterror,-Torouto Globe. I I ' - -
,, sa'd Ithat -lit, iras)nOt so violently op- lough make. Same in good: con-
', . .- and shock, I . .1 ple are right on the ,be of sale. . t .
I I imild "me blame the baby-7an-cl som,! . . post,d -to the ree:11'rocity agreement rder; ,they I 1". 3'.. SPARLING. Prop. I I dition. By order ofthe Council. '
I . . -t crNm lo the United Sti-itics I Locals
, , I I I . blame Itbe clock 0your is iste'rls a Ion-, time about I,o%v as when it fir" criane out, I'_h;1`Ped r in the f I T. CAMERON, .Auct.. . I ,
. '.Mill -with all t1eir , cross-queA Lions. ra,tk-ing iber ap'Pearance," surr-stecr 'S'net- I have ,6zudled ix a lfttl. _ I last Te - &cL of a duty of Mrs. Jane A20clinison, William St.. . 1. I - .. I .
'I[ . '%'ttlt it", '26- per tgallon.. Zhey.realiz a, Ing .
, I , st,t, %vhor, 't mnyl'hulp.us, samav b .t.11 T. B. Carl"
I , 4 sure no one would 1 the icailer. "Well." said 'th.. ht I;a`d, ,,1. In any case I know ithat one dollar act for their mill- from, Is at pxosenft quitc ill. . . CLERK .
,, If Ithe ichlad was too fa__ __ U...1brother.. "she'd be a B'igbit if sh., , 'Resso,d for $2200 M1,%%;F annie Ba-%rden returned fr *am Notice' to Creditors
it.,, my land has been as, June Ito September 30, $1.12 for Oc-
i, I I clock -wa:s Itoo islow. came down wi)thout nipikinz mort, per acre thanT.t ivas last year. tob&r. $1.2-9 for Noveraiier,and $1.40 Toronto Sa:tux,day pvenimftt I .
, ., Now the firsit feetion fiqht in ould I t was a szessed for $500 lavt year and for December. If we could have ishi,p- Mr. John McMahon, of, Seaforth, i,b 1 n It; the mat.b,-r of 'the e9tixte Wof Blac', mith Shop .
: % , , r le I Ireland Ithey )say, I :ii assessed for $700 per acro, this rod khe crearn. from our mill- to thaft v-isitin: xhard Blatdhford. of )1the IVVI ge fts I
0_ , I c aixw imarket ,vre -would have received g.1n.town this week, of Exeter, in the County of-Ruroin.
11 .
" Mra:s all an account of Sit'. Patrick'$ Do ;'not those ,word[Ci "K&Vdly, re- year. Vand ivill always be valuable Mr. Win. Snell ALI)Ped a car load .-gentleman, deceased. I
: I Vfrthd4y. I - af: least tiventy ceritL For Sale' * I
ui.W',make the r3hivers run up and I hk,rL, owi.nl ito 11he limited amount of Tper cii t. mare at cattle 'to Toronto on AlAnopy. .
: - . for the an- `%ve,prodaced. With th e Not!Ce is 210--eby ;Z.70 -n ,warsufaut to .Tools and Stock complete in a good.. '
-, Same -fought for 1he eighth -for the down your physlical vertebral , IT, Itind it iisinat ,rrue 'that values, are Mr. V. W. Gladmbx is in Oakville 1 ' `
'11hth morL decreasin:r." Mr. Drape Atild that he, - It. Z..O., 1897, ahaj). 129, that, all live village and one of the, best farra-
. n- - wauld dic. - kmerican market wholly fre-ato our andToronto thia-sveek on businciss.
cheese Nre would have done still bet- credii.orA arid others having claims ing districts in Ontario doing a od.
. 1kad who wouldn't see rlight-tsure, * * * * % * * ivas gotag ire grow black curzajats ' . go
L I , ter. Even fn Rhe faw of t Miss Sarah Siveet is visl[ting Mssi agninst ,the estfaite of
, V e. thits year, ,-, ; 111hey (could be ,shipped . 'he duty of ftlie, late 'Rich- trade at present. Apply to
F' W1 last ,both 'the factKons so postfive The mternational joint commic -Ioa profitably Ito ftbe Vnited StViteis. -1 ,six cents ifer Pound on chee(se.- t-tvo 1. Gardiner a t Farquhar 111s'ireek. ar d Bla tchford, who diled 'on or about W. J, ROADHOUbE,
. I
, 'tEe 3rd iday of January, 1911, are I
Ivrew to define arid rexula!bo; the boundary; thlink (LhL, opiniou around these Parts, of our fractories were able It ship Mr. 11y. Lambrook hs home again Kirkton, Ont.
, . . V,bail each kept a biirbhda , so Pat betiveen Ithe UnVc d Statos and Cana- no%v `,, that we ,ire hoping Sor ,the some of itheir pro,duett to Ifix nibted. from vilsiting hits daughter in Pravdt re'quir6d on oi- ibefora ,the 30,th day ----- I
, , . Jae fhad Itwo; do, will be made up of ex-R, ,presen- bv, t. tit we would just as soon have States and to obtaLd befter prices for forej. l of March 1911 to send by porxt brepaid, I . .
_ , b ti; [than could bave.been . ir deliver to :'Aleasrs. Gladman & I I ,
, l gja'Father Muloahy who abowed tative Jame ., A. Tawncy. of Mininle- bei. n left alpaLs." obtained by . Mrs. T. Grcgoi -As vWtimg I .
, . . .0,0k, .
, I shippin- Ito ithe Exigh, w4th Stanbury, fsol'eUoi NOTWE I * .
'them Itheir isins, sota. chairman; ex -Senator Thomas . sh market. her ran. Mr. W. ll 11. Grego . of ;tOns " ,s for* the ateca- 6
1_1. _') - -, , Sdid. "No one -could have Itivo birth- A. Carter. of Montana. and Frank S. Can't See !It. L I %rhere I&r ,, U no 'duty. WI'th 'the Stra,tford, I ry of ,the, edtWte,. of th,
", . days but ivlxxs.11 . Streeter. 1-lepublican national earn- 'I Can't see where. it will hurt us. American market' che,ese I said deceased tlAeir, . i3hristian At a. mee-tinz of the directors of
r , I . It may be jli4l: Vdke the San JGsLN Acale increased lin pric Mr. Dert Bailey, of Lon.don,. Is the St. Marys, )Kixkton and. Exe'teic
I, In, tteeman from Weir Hiamp.shire. The e to tlh` text0it Of I and aurnamej'," addiasses and des Tehphonia Co. bleld at Kirkton oil%
1: . I Isays fhe "Boys -don't be fi1ZhfL1,n_- ter commission is Ito exis-t-under a treaty that 1-4;truck ur. Vxe years a -go. We half the Uneted States duty noir im- spendiiiz, a few weeks with Mr. criPfions, the full varticulars of their
I I ci!,ght or far nine, ,, of May 1.3. 19i(). The Cana:djan mc -m- all, thnu. ht Nre ivare go'n, to b,o,ruin_ Posed a quarter of a million dollars John Gillespie. . claims, the statowerit. of theirr aa- March ,131:1, Abe Secretary Ivas J.m-mli '
'. * 9tructed Ito adverdise for sale seveg
"': Don7l; be alvr'ays dhvi&' gbiiti Some- bt,rs have not yet been n!a ad recovery. 1xid It proved to would be wdded annually to Ithe it. Caven FresbyterLan, chnr6li ig hay. counts and the oahlre, D t
. . n:V I med. . . _ f .he iss' thousand dollars ($7000) of pre:fterxe& I . -,
'times combine; I be a bless',:ag in &sguise. because ire come from daixyin, in this cou-altry. ing .a porch built in front of !the suritle% if any. hold I)y thern. And stock of It -he company, at Par. and aIsG -
Vombime elfght ivikh mlbie and isaven- learned bovr 'to spxuy iand rgrow the Is 'thalt worth whfici? main, entr1oface, turtber talce notice diat after such '
11 ! - tendors *%rill be Zeceived for ,-Aeveb-
I , t;en 'its 'the maik best frult ,In the world after ,thalt. .0 Report from G.ra,n*d Bend ataltes last mentioned, date the sail Ex ecu_ thousand idollars ($7000) of the com- ..,
Isi-let !that, be h's, bi'rthdaly "Auxen The istrenggltjh of the Govexnment % llecYprocity 'may help, us Ithe saimi MY ,CREED. that Ithere is m1till lea on Ut1a-1JUur T( toris Nvill proceed to " crill'tribute inon laltock of 'the company. T.exx;aerts_:, L
Isays 'the clerk, - . position fon reciprocity was sho-,,vn,jn wiay."-Mr. James Marlowe. a Grim- I -would be Itrue for ,th 0 - the auets of the d--ceasE" _ ' 'L
. I ero are these as fa,r Out Las one can'sec'. . . & among the whlI be. received by the Scexet y foi a
` ' 1 he -%vasri't a, t-ivin. sure our his- a vote .taken in the Housa of Com- sby Park frult-grower. I NN he 1L=.9t .." I I . .1
me ; Mr. John 13rolemshire., ,of Elma warfies efilitiled lheret,6; having roz the %arne up 'td 12 o'clock' noron. of . .1
'' I hich . I
PL -L-- , - mons at atlawa on March V. an a I N Ouldibe'p srard only Jo I'lle ClaillIq of W April 7th. 191U, . .. -
% L L Fdry w1al isshvir, .. ' ure for 'there aret t'hO'-`e Tp. was a Pleasant caller at -the t y all Ithen lave ndfice iamd1ha:t .
, What alb least he's worth any tire motion by 31r. R. L. Borden, leader An 2 xpert Op!.aion. who icare; - . is Much L Times Office on Friday last. 15111 . I I I
1 . - F armer's Advocate . -RecLprocity In I the lsa,'Id executors, will ,not W liable ecretary..
! . . $&Iiats Tilidt we know", of 'the Opposiftion. that as Americaxt! wouldbe nrtong, for ftbe e I 1 . E X., SHIR R_8 . .
: . I - TZhen Ithey all goit brj ad dxuatk- action on (the algreeme351 has been de- farm prodnets ;'is -an unquestionable 'to suffer; 11 l Mrs. Ed. Cudmore has'returifed ,to For Off,- fff,lid assets or any tiort theire- 1).ateI. at' Xixktoa t is 13th, March,
, , .
, advantaze !ito .Canadilau aziricultax,e. Nippen after r
F . whitch completed t1heir bliess.. layed.. !the ma!tter not belu.- taken . e r 1here. Is[ ma6h visitinz ,for several of to 1iriy,f,,er.4j)o of, perfioll.-i )t %v,hose 1 9 r1t. 3117.11 I
I , I -I&nd we keep ,up the. practilee from up !by 'the Dominica,' Parliamedt 'un- All Vote in Favor. 'to dare. .; %recics irtth Mn and Mrs. X. Prior. claim.4 nwiev iihall nat liavO bee n .. I
. Itlidt Jday to thS. I I til the Pleaters ighall hava hawd. an op-
.. . London Advert !sex --r-The t1irteea I would -be friend of all -'the foe ,the Mr. Ill. N. Boon, who -(has, -been rece'ved by .them at VIxe -time of -.such
. V!
: I I 0 portunffty of Wssjn3 upon its me,- ' I frisendless; I -zitinl Mr. and. riliudon.
,, . . iter Be= Conservatives in the Saskatch,awa-a I would -be gi I . Mrs. Geo. Audermon. d i,g r Chance ip. the
; I I ,_ Yisitor-Your typewr kts.1 The matter to posl[pone action Leg.,Islature who voted for tbLe reci- iviag. and for. -et the left, on 'Aronday for WalcroiAs Sask. GLADMAN'& STAN13URY . West
. I 11 ,vexy much Itaken ivIth her new mac , ivals supported by 70 members and pro,ollty ag eement are of Brlti;sh des- g.!,ft ; Mr. J. N. RaLcliffe is this we;k ad- Sol`-citorfs for the executors. . For sale. hardware stock Ln I Abei- .
. ,r
I 11 Attie. f opposed by 112. the governmexit ma- cent. only or-ae is a westerner born I would he humble,'for"l know vertising for rent hi -i farm on the
; I ,Vawyer-Yes. It ba,s a 'patent jorilty ,being 42. Only two Libexals iveakneLss; . my Thames Road. This farm has been Dated at Exeter th;is 7th, day, .of nethy. Sasl,., as u 1gomg concern,
o, . I . - and four axe natiives of 'the old la -ad' - March 1911. 1 1 must sell at once owixq to ill health,
11, I ,v3xI*y ajggum -ii-ad holder, .flower re- broke away and voted vri-.1th the OIYPO They are just qs loyal as th '.."East'-. I would look up -and ,laugh-amd- rented by Mr. P. J,' Sparling but as - .
I I - 'bon shelf. ratt stoTvg11,- I sition, These were. Messrs. Sifton VV Communicate with Ray L, Fa,asoxr..
! . . - wfWtable. bon- ern Garrialiels" of the Parity' and love -and liSt.. Mr. Sparling has of hex- plans in vie; = Ill E * Gd it, 'T . I
kil - - I and Warrils. who 'have been optr,soed 0 0 _H er's he has made arrangt,aleh Blvd. Detio, )Tjoh.
1 .4 box and a few other Ithings at mu h mor isensIble. . award Arnold Waltez, Ini Harp, ts to give up I I
I I *a4Ad.-J?uck. ( L I to reciprocity ,from ,the fiz& Bazar. the lease and Mr. I`tULCI iffe' nov de- ' SOWS FOR SALE . I . . -
, . "—.-. ..-. ...- I.I.....",. '.. ... ., .1 G. T. (R. and 6.1 P. R. l & I - sires to secure another tenanant. See , . . I ' .
I I - Fxed C. Salter European Trafiti* IT IS CURABLE add in another column. A number of C (F
I . I I , pure bred Yorkshire
I -9 **+*00""***"+*""Io "***0* Manaiger of G. T. R. at Londo-a Eng- Dy, Pt-ps,a may. ' Mr. John Gillespie is improving and Sows all in good condition and due to Egds for Hat hin
I - be compleboly cradi. ;5 . 25
11 +
I 4151 landtsayg -Person.11ly. I bol'evv that cated U properly .treate-d. Wet sell a was able to take a short walk on Tues. Farrow in April and May. R. C. Rhode Island Reds prize.
. 1 1W *
I 10 * Canada, wlith two xnarkers like Eur- remedy ithat ive pcziitively;.guaxante,j day. . . I I wiluners at Galt, PxesEtm arid lNeAr
I . *. * ope and, Ithe United Stat, s. will add will completely relieve indligiel*-on or Mr. Henry Taylor, of Wyomijug.,
I 1%. A STRIKING AMENDMENT * untold'wealth to herself by qrohter dyspcps a, or ','he medicine , usod was in town the past week visiting his Chas. 'Harvey llambur ,1010 win'ter shows.: Great
I *_1 . * + - 1. I layers. lXISO . Whtte Wyandattels.,
1, on + .in, e I
* At the conclusion of his speech in the Ontario Legislature actixities i icultur-, l pursuits -diar: Z 4he txial will qost the user broth r -in-law, Mr; W. G. Bissettwho Hurondale. .
4* and the, mEdural qxeat 1,1flux . of no(h*1n1;1: . is ill. I Marti,a-Axcher isitTain-, Egg ,$ 1.59
"t ThurFday last, Hon. A. G. MacKay, the leader of the Liberal ,0 I Lot 20 Concession 3 Usborne. I per 13. . I I .3 .
. jo, Opposition, moved the following amendment to the reeolutio populaCbn. I am iso impressed with . Th*s rernedy has beexi named Rex. Tenders are being asked for rentfing .. : I
, :, , . I ,# Sir James Whxtney, the Premier, opposing reciprocity:- n of + the Igr at CUnad.'lan spiri,t, viz., -the all Dykipeps'a Tablets. Ce. tainly n the Agricultural grounds,, and also the, F - L. Grieve. D4x6ter ()xxt.'
i I_ I 11_ I , , * r . . . .
I , ,@I, + natioMalitY of Gq=ada from the At- offer could be more Taix, and our of- grain crop competition is 'being adver- . , I - I , . _. - - .
, lo. "That all the words in the motion after the first word "that" # laxittite' Ito the P(acific. tha:t I thi,ak ter ishould be proof poslitive tha t; Rex- tised'. I . . I A
# *
I Z be struck out, and the following substituted therefor:- a1lon or the influexic.. of the all Dyapeps'A Tablet.s are a drapend- 0 -
. . *1 # UnIted !States !to ammexation ',; out able remedy. . . Farm f Dr Reflt Sale byTender
.0*1 ',(a) That as a rpsult of tbA policy which has been pursued * It I -
, 4- by the Administration of the Rt. Ron Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the * of (the cLueAt,bn. I mifght say - iny Inasmuch as 'the medlicine,ivill cois I . .
, - experience In the Unift ied SLat6is be- you nothim,z !f it does U 1 150 acres, belh,g Latta *..16 'and 7 Teaders.w2l. be
ation facilities + speaks lth.s very forcibly. Tile ,;vhola %ve ilrirP Yet, w e I on 'the Thames Road, east, (two milik,d undersitZined up itill ,&
'O' development of her trade resources and transport * -not berieflit yo District . reiceiveid by - the
4 vity, her . ho, are snffeirling-i with xiday, ,-SUt
10, Canada is row enjoying a period of unexampled prospe * -tendeincy is toward two , ;rcat na- %n4iiPstion or Idyspeppla Ito txy Jackson B and a half from Exeter. 50 acres inst., for the purchase and removal
41 trade is expanding in all directions ; her population is rapidly 4' 1 1 ros.. -who have been !in -
- I tions on the North American con- Rexall Dyspeps-'a Tablets. A 95-oant the I, btisiness iniSeaforth plowed rea,dy for croP. 0 afe'res of of 'the fgarrie buildings on ithe pro-
** hricreasing ; berability to work out her own destiny as a pait * timent,110auada and 'the United Stat,,!,.g box contahas enouirli medicine for Yhotagraphic I wheat lookling vell. - balazaxc 'In grass. perty on Main t tTebt recently pur-w
- I y 'id!
I ,0 of the British E be end dispute, and her people are for a number of years, have dippeae I
r ,* prosperous and =d. but Canada with fts 'closer afflRa: f1fteeii dayal treatment. For chronic I of'thelir business Ito Mr. R. McArthui. 'BuRdings 'in first-class repair,run- chased by the Ciflnadifan ,,03anlc Of,- .
* -tions Ito 'the United Brititsh r1retion's. eases ,%ve have two larg,ox s zes, 50 J of Blyth. ` I n'mq .water andg,00dwell. Possession Commerce from the 'Tr-ebici ]?,Lgta tp. , .
* . * .
I . * 11(b) That, in the latest; achievement of trade policy, when The Vest Bxiti,ibenq of this count.fily coniz and $1.00. Remembor you caml, My frIend - I ' look, here I you know ,f--.Ivcn finst of April. -A ply 'to J. N. , GLADMAN & STANBURY t
*4 are aldm4ring 'the iAiand Canada % obtain Rexall Rexnedl,os OalY1 wt Thc ' how weak -and nervous your wife i's- Thais Rugsell, Exe!ter,. avll 'T, Itlin't. Sollicitors for Canaidi " ' .
I 161: consummated, the Administration of the Rt. Ron. Sir Wilfrid I I Rh1clif1e, Exeter. thils ime-k or Ito
* Lnurfer will have attained the ob i , iaA
:,:. # Jective of all Canadian states- * takmg, Just 'the isa0e as we ad 11exall Store. W. -S. Cole. Ix and you knoiv 1that oCartexls Iron . Bank of 'Comii2erce. I
. I 1. 4 men since 1866, and will open to fbe producers of the na,turAl # a young .man who ass t Itlh t , ;' ' - . Pills ivill xelieve her. now ##0#***`0 Exeter, Ont., Alarch 21,st,, 011, 1 '2f *
* duk;trial and atitive 'i rildepc,a ,a"na be fa`X about i(Q and bay a 'if-ox'C', , - -1 I I .
# products ot Canada a vast lucrative market, at their doors, * yet atflis wi.'Lh fffial taffeetio * '- to- 1 1,
, I . * without injury to any Comadlan intereut whatsoever. It", n Mr., Nela McLachlan, of Ailsa, Craig - .
, ! . . 11 * wards, h ,s faither, end becomes a . I
I ii 1 .41 + I dlislocated his wrist and %roke a bon'e' Tenders I . . . ".
* 11(c) That; 0anadals, and for along time will continue to be, * citizen of whorn. we are. all.. prondf., im his fore -arm. by the bolting of one
I I i . .cl. an agricultural country, pvoduciag a large surplus of food pro- rather than one wbo us alway . . .
, Z I 9 0111 1- of a team of horses) he was leadlixi,; , Re Adicultural Grounds of
1, ducts which must find a foreign market, and thR free entrance * ,.rig for what is impoosible to have. whide drivimr f I ) - I ; k I I
I * Mr. Bosworth ,.s one of lbe Vice I . rom Parkhill. I Tenders ivill be xlecelved; upt'k, , .
. I of such food products into the United States will ri-.sult in a very # I a IMOM- - Lum
I . I material increase in the income of the farmers of Canada (who + Pres*ldent,s of rthe .C. Ovren Sound iis spendinZ $500 to day. April 10fth'. IVOI, alt 6 o'clock -p. .
P., R. Wh,,i boost lthe stown this Year. Fort Wil-
", are the largest god most important class in the coantry), with a * a,sked NvAaIho thouiT-lilt would .be th, m., tor Ithe hrantimX of-tho Agricultur- LOW RATES TO
. I I I *1 * Port Arthur are each apend-
;. T liam and IN
. I , 4, torresponding increase in the value of their farm lands and bet- * result of wfec!.procity in reqla.-d to
. . ,f terment in their condition of life ,rig $10,006, Brantfoid, 11erlin Galt aig ,Grounds for dwgturalge, for covit
. . I the Camia.Wian Pacific Railway Com- and Pe terborbi are also, spandfa ' large Only" The tenders Ito allow 2or lehrele PACIFIC COAST
. .V pany. Mr. Bosworth sa*-d;, ' ; days, bay 24 iand `7, ir Days, .and foi
: , I I I I 10 1-(d) That the tradp agreement which will achieve these + 'Iffe do ums. I I . . . . I
. -
," . .1 I I . I * results will in mowise restrieb the freedom of Canada to Ynake * not,know. Woman can tell occurate- George Pearson. ,of 15k alfior,th wes I ' he making of repairdtollgrounds and I . I , %
. ' 11 I 0. .41 ly what 'the oiAcome will Tic. But . I buildifagF: , 1.
r: I , . I , who,t arrangements in tariff matters she may desire with Greab * whether we have repiprocity or not. W Toroxyto last week, witten,dinig the Tenders ivIll also be roccl.1ved'ift 11he Daily until Anrill I 0 -
. . 4. with the United States at her pleasure. . * .1
,; I i ;. . I .:. 1101i + c'-fic Railway Company will continu I for a 24th of ,Ala celebraltion. . I
I grand loidige of -the A." 0. U. W. T hiis same kime for tihe-lu,set6f-th,L '.,Lct)un.dfs I
:, "I I . S Britain or other countries. or to alter or vary the agreemenb + you iv; I find that dhe Cana-dian Pa" ., Mr. P&terson's 20tih aaynual trip K /-
I I 0 a 'Toronto as delegift'Le from Ithe Saa,
. , I I I I I itb, the Lrnitph 0 1 1 , 114,gbo,st or any y Jender Mot ,
., I I *1 11(e) That the prnprosed trade agreptripift wi 4 to fdo -buis'ness at,the old seandt We forth' lodgie. . . . VANCOUVER, D, 0, -
' .
I I 1 I 11 I .. + State- for reciprocit7 in natin,alproducts is a measure heartily 16 will continue Ito operate oux 110121", Mrs. L ,cas Oblade Alle-dret !her home sarily accepted. Tendiexs to 14'1011_10eofl., SPOKANE, Wash. .
: , . to The approved aF; tending to increase the prosperity and con- * to (the very best of our ab'Jity, and Worth, Xalin IsItxcet, in Be at the Exeter Post oi!mo'. SEATTLE, Wash.
... I * we aforth. on I GRAIN COMPETITION KN ( . a
_ : I , 1. I tfstjtm,-nt of 9,11 tht- ppopip. of Canada; to attract to our vacant # have no realsoxiI to fear Mly Yuji. Ron-day,of Inlot weak, after an iillnelsis All parties iinteresbad in standing A I W1 I PORTLAND. omE.
. , I , I lavidq I be best class of settlers,, to iricrep.Iits the carrving trade of * road on, Ith'Is ,continent." of ]some ratinths. Mrs. 19hade was I . I 1. 11 .
. I . ou,r railways; to build up a great, Paper Man I nfa,rturin.iz indasf ry + . 64 yeaw of age and is survived by ram compatition are kequir ,d -to I I I , ,
: , , I I ' 9 The Dalrymen. hand in their name,s and becomt. f. SAN FRANOISCO, CAL._
, .. a W 0 N!r. John Hyatt, a prOu1;f,,1.c ,f ux
.1 'L ,nj d VS ANGELES, C&1, I
L ; . CwIiada, %hd, by cementing pl-ace and conenril baf,' Prx the her !hulzgbandl - two ,,sons ae 0 . jr,,. May JnIe , W N1 :
. L' . I . two great En,&lT5hsp.P.A,kjrxa nations of fhe world, to do A, great o oat] Y hters, I bex,L4 of the tooiety b I Qf.cL .r-
: , I I.. , I . service tot hA Bel itNh 9m o(re as a whole, and theppbv m;tke the * agxculturi,t of Picton s,1jyisx-"The . W1111am McGregor )died *cry sud- Prizes $15, $12, $10. $8,1$5. 0 ME' X106 CITY I
' I' . q1tion n.nd ifollaeuac of Canada as A cornpoineat pAxt of + openmx ,jet 'the American inia,xko,rt B CHRISTIE, Pros. . ,,, I
. ,
,:. , , : I pel . bl 0 Isist spr:m would, by the incraais. J derily'Alt 1he home of hio brobblax"D. " .A. G. D.vL,r,:See,y, . 3t422' One-way SecQnd-class from E XNTZ,jr,
'. . , , . R mpire more aasurpd . * Pr'ce obtained for our milk, h iv,,, ,n_ F. bfcGregor. 'townshiIp clerk. Tucker- -
V, i-1 -111- ' # smiltb. on Wedbosdoy. 'Deaoiased_who I . . - I .
I I jk "And this 19misp in,iRh Parne.01%, depvecateq tho eitpres,qiorl * 0 rAID, our 061*wc tow"re,"Lilp 01 . . , I
?I 'I., . I . abled us t I I . I
I . I
. . , I 111 wf4 that the IrivaltV of Nnada' 4 *41, a wais Ithe i3og of 11he lato Duncan MC -L. The ideath oecurred hn'13rn isols on . -- os , -
, , , , i of Vip is A, purchasP4,h1k, (Inant1tv, tax b, xid have left its $40.000 for V, . . I .
. I nnlr to be robAlrip ing lfi qt 6 j Da td, L I . I Jr.
I + ,t ,by h Oregor, was, In his 52,xid year anat NVedneeday evoni,
.1 . . I F . # d'hv GrPat tPithlin by paving tbp rwice of n good roada, I know ' ,)c,:,, ob-
I # enm r ' (Tr0t.,,E Z fa'ned from M.r. D. Rhaself, Nunt. waa a native of Sitaxiley 7ovrraship, Robb,* l';niapector of Public schools for LOW Rates ever d
:'': ilpte'ohin,rigp nfber NMI polinv, a'nd salablp tn thp, ,
, , I * The funeral took place 'to 1l3a1;r-&,A 2ast. lffiron. X.r. Robb bid been in
P I ,: S loncess4 %pr(,F,q m-gidon.
, 11 . I - . , tatpiq in P.xrban ge for taxiV r ,ions, hrnndq such P . lon 4 # . . ,Qac. The 1I.Tuntiagdoa peo- dematery, on ffrhday
, . ,, " , AIR th ,so of trP61tors to fliefr Xing rind countrv, A114 reaffirms , . 1,1 1;. falifinq haii.11th for 0orne, time -nnd 'at To Manitoba, Saskatchd
, i . I
. . '
. 1. I - th f, h- blood. by aF4,;foo-0inti, hy tho vroi4t berit,al rp of la,mgiiraA, . W e-%#"" A"& P114 John Larkm.,:of Ornniton, ple.a4ed the J-anuary mrolPing of Lhe county Wan, Albeirta
,: . . I _ Exceedingly low rat
11 I . . I . I , 0 '= , i to,pitincipal poir):ts in $askatolipwar,. ,
, r 'on , Al idr-a,44, ant] bv frepilorn zlillty before V, B. Bralfbb. , J, V,. oullc ,l xvi.Aghod hi.4 pasildon, 41he es until Apir,02.5 ,
, Z lit'll-r,aure, rollpi F4-0111, and polit0 (DN' A 4 I UKIA Aillisa Crijig. one d,,,I.y last we0k, to a T00glialion (a ita Ice effl."Idt of, !thta
, I I *, roni,viv broadening dnwn frain p"Pedpnt to precedent, the ppn. I . -ernd, si,nd Albortp, irobiding 0
,. L VOr "ntg SIA Children. charge of aellixig liquor wftbot ,t a at Writs oil G,rand, ,
.: , I . ple of0vaadA, aro unif-odly. wbolebPartodly.wid indisqolublv flev. 11'11 (4 1110111(h' Dr- "" A"' "V'Old' 'of Tillink- Pacific R .
I ,' -
, 'I.. . : I . , I . I ofp.i to Veltiab in8titntinns. to tilm neRIA P,rriniri;l, s6nd to the 11111L . . 44 . Vicense and w'ie fine,d $100 and $26.7f Godar'te.h, irnis 6likyoin!f,6d Ifio sticce-34 I I allway., I
It. d 0 QV6 AlWaYS -111 ll'iii, Tho batcjjaijpt ufor Av,qw appo I
: * Thiln"p, 0-nd pergoo of our Moab Gracious Sovorpign," ',Jr sectike tfeketg a 'Ar*,,: I
L one Kin yo BoUght costs. Tisaiao Middleton. of Gralifton, frit -1
, 1. I J* , I I I , I r wAs nt .1he sarap "t,ma fin"."d $20 and od ,rr J nd liff MOq from iad full papt,10 . ,
1 Er . r jJW ,0.%axfId% ))I
I , is'bef,11n tfj, . I ,NJ I
I . I I , !, . I I I I
r : , . l I , 7218ax.4 tho $9,60cofstff an a dharg:e. bt keepixig for oft ,;,,,,,,,r and 11411661(ing 6frioliall. Ro , I , I r. . .
I I .1 I i , 0 e . . . I
I ,,r , 1 1444*.***,O**+# -4 le - salo. wa4 a Inall of h4h adtizatiorial qual- S , IMIGHT, DOPot Agent ' I
I I . i
, I , . .4+ 1 1 1 o- ; '
., I r, 11 I . r I : , . I . ola"tuxf ZA r A4MZI 1. . . ,,
. . I . 11 I IV, 1. I + I I
. I ". . , . - -_ . . . r ;, tio, , %s hi; bly respoAkid by all. , I !_ I
1, : I rr I I . . I I I I , . r I 11, .. e
" I I I , I ,, I I r I . I I .1 . I 11, I . . . I . . I . I I .. . I 1 L I ll I I ll .. I I . .. I
,. I I , I 1, . I r . . N, I . I . r, . . I ; , i. . ... . 1 .1 . I r I . I . . . r . 11
1, I I . . . .11 . . r . I I 1; I : r I r . . I
I I " I L I I r I . 1. I . I I . I I 1. . 1, L I , 11 I .: I . I I . r 1. I I
I I . . . . I . . . I r
I ., , f . ,. . I I I L. . I .. I 1. . . I I . i : r
. I . . I . I
, r r I I I . I I 10 . I
.: N I r , 1, . I , .r . ,, , , '. r I . I I I I , , \, I . .
.11 I I I I I . I , , f r I (I I I .,
i A 1 il!l , r I - .. I . r:
,,, . I r I " , I I . . I . , I '. 11 I I . I
" , ,, I 'r. I I "00414, , . L . 'A".A k,.. -,.i-,§,d ,!A. , -., ''.L._., ,,,, " 1 r , 1 , '. : I . : W-' r , , . . I
. ,
I __,'N, _ -, ,: _ _ , .1 .... wc,,_ , , , l r ,- ,,,,,L- , .:_ , . , I "......", , . I - mi __ : - I 1 . I I.. I r I 1 r , : . " 1.
' 4 fL,4 6 1. - - , 1, _: I M ,mi, _ " L & , I