HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-3-23, Page 21, I ��', � I I 17� ..1-1.1.1, I - I ' - - i, - .... .. "I . , 11-111171 I'll ....... I—- � I - - --------
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,� I � 041=1111 111111:1 1 111�1�1111�1-0411111_ �� I III 11� J��11111�111101211: !40A,��11111.::Ie �,�Io� I . . . I I A; 111NI -VINES
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. I m -I,=,;--- ,= �=Z i � : i i �,._-, �Zli I : 1! I i '1-.�,I!=� � I � ,01 11! 11 1:�:�0:1 l�!:� 11 I' 1� 1� : -----�--- -
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I I . "I . 111 _:" - - I - I I -1-1 I 11 I I - � � I I � . . I . �' ,;".." ;, �_ " -, ��: I . !:,; : 1-I.— I .1 I I
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I . 1 `45.
.1 I 1. I ' I FARM$. FOR SALE. it I 11111 1OX100". 216 I
, I ' WS QUEER CLOCKS ' "Es' __ , " :--,,�,-:�, �_ �,
.. . WORL __"; , -,.- I C �
� 10
.10 �. I 11 Lord RQ!5ebery $batters Some P p 1MIF" t �6, 8X4,14--$7650 ON BA$Y , .
� . I . I , O u I'Ir r,ft ,ft-* C ore . t,QrW$VrIl1.bu ` ' � . 11
� � � � Nato rp, %) .0 hardwood, bush, r4me fs � I I
I I I l3eliefs About "Charlie." I I i I , )r 200 acre farm, lot 13, . ,Amh,e I
I . . I I ; OOX'cc$$tOlkOy�Xaviboro,ug4Tow,oeb -,180
:1 .. ,,0Fr4GL.ISH TOWN HAS TWO THAT 111structivo comnient -oil cleared, balaric _ 1?1 .
. I ,s ,prince bank b4i'll, fraino house-, one mile from . , I I , n 11,
- . .STRIKE THIRTEEN, Charles anti Ilia ill-fated marchJuto Moorefield, fou . r Milos tr , oinDrayton; good I . -
I I., I . I I . England were, made by -Lord Rose. for a Cough soil., X. Maclean, Solicitor, Guelph. �
�. I I I bory at the =�rillal Meeting. of the � —I - ;1 �� ,
, �
, ,. , Vi^�Ils! Cathedral Possesses the Time- Old W,iubarRh Club. . . 03!PI15 FARM,9 3JOOXINQ-BUY I. I
'':. I 1. I . I yOur.;rArms from farmers' agent. mckly Heals
�, :Piece :13uilt by �Peter Lightfoot, People were accustomed, he S Scud for circular now.. Comfort, cane . -4
1 . . I
I - � get, their Impressi6na on that aid, to Dr. Chase's Syrup of Llawd and Vent), to, -farmers in Out to .4"Iss . Eruptiorls I
, . . je Which Shows Motions of Planets- froul Sir Walter Se subject , Cobou=, Out. S
�, �. I . I 8! Ott's "Waverley," and Turpentine Is the Most Clar e, Boxr,js,
. �
11, " 11 � � Frenchman Has a Clock Run by an and, indeed, fiction jyas� not ,always __�� 01 X, SA8X._l)1O` -you .1 ores and
, Larg 8 ��_�t_ V4
, , 11� Alcohol Flame - Phonographic t1le worst place kil which to look t ely Imit4ted Medi. . Want to m4
: I I . ke
. money ? If so invest in
� or Saskatoon Property and Central Saskat-
.1 . �.. I I "Turnips" Are an Oddity. history. There -was a story of Mr. clue, in the Country. chewalk farm lands. For full particulars Woundt;
� , '. 4 . Di.sraell at the time ,of ills extremely I as to good safe invostments write. and, if 12Vaseline Remedies in R44s �
Z I � I
� , Among the most curious clocks !a bumptious youth. When he had jris� What to give the,children for croup - u are coming West, call on G, u. o4a.re,
� . I , .
c .. . I the world are two in Worsley, Lauca� returned from his travel* in the east, and colds is the problem mothers now lviocTKUY Block, 2nd Avenue, Box 119t, Sas- Capsicum.9prated,
i: . I lit, met Lord Melb*urne, the then have to �solve, Most of them Anally kstQon, Sask. t4enlholated,whitq,
�, shire, England, that never strike 1. Reference, Royal Bank.
. P T,ord Mel. decide On. Dr, Chase's Syrup 0 -Ayl�.7&3�L:p 100 ACRES 09 FORKS
I . : � � Instead they k3trike thirteen at I a.m, rime Minister, at dinner. I , of Lin- V Carbolated.CaMphol;
L� - I and I p.m. One of them is over the bourne proceeded to discourse oil ail seed aud, Turpentine, and make .it a I Road, Wainfleet Township, Welland fee., 1�amphor a ted.
� eastern questioil, but instead, Of lis, rule to always.have So I Co., lot 21, condession 6. Of � - . 4Ptc. Each &r special
, E arl , . me in the house, Ight bush, bal
4 - of Ellesmere's place called NVors. tening to the Prime Minister with the tur, apee cleared and in high a ate of OnItIva- ,
I . In this medicine are linseed, �
L I ley Hall. and is the original clock respect whic tion; eleven-r6omed brick house, concrete - urposes. Write -tdr
t which the Duke of Bridgewater had h he ought, young Dis- Sentino alid other well-krio-,#n ingre. walks, drive house, piggery, lion houeei Fr,9,,o,.,Va,q,eJj I 00k I
placed in the tower. It is said that raell said, "It qeems to me that your ients 'of unmistakable value in the implementliouse, corn orib, work sln, CftesebreuJh`Wtjl880C , ,
I the duke, had the clock made to strike 'yrdsbip has taken Your knowledge Of cure of ,colds It is Pleasant to take silo and barn 40 x 60, with stabling for 11 . 11 � , ... . ��..
I k , , ,
I the "unlucky" number so as to warn ill(, east from the 'Arabian, Nights%" SO Much so �Ilat children delight �; 110-4; buildiii s all painted, flowing well, — I . -_ - -
L . his workmen. that it was time to re- Some, Prime '.Nlinisters would have us$ it, I � . Plenty of frutf, house lighted and warmed I % Whlch7 I I . .
.1 - . nabbed the young mail severel S40 . with natural s; price $7,600. Also 60 I
-Anrri after dinner, some of them hav- '�; Y, but genOrallY is this great medicine acres now lanr 35 acres cleared-, .price Editor -So You want a job,? Any
i ing exotihed themselves for being ,at Lord Melbourne was not of that kind. used that Several imitations have EI-00-0-AMAY-1. Xisener, MarshTille, Out. exnerience in this line?
I e He rubbed his hands with great eheer be
I could -no - ex Put on the market, All alike in 7---- _ . � - .1 . .
:1 I 11 on. the ground that they t . � Reporter�l covered the last prize-
� � fulneses and said, "A devilish good "am& only. They are not made from ----, REAA_ ESTATE. ,
I ilear it :ike 1. .1 I __ fight in very graphic style.
� � o same formula, nor do they bear SABRATOO�.,;—Agl5-fTS�U-PiFORT-9.*Z-f
� This recalls the incident when the Plgco to take them from.- th Editor - Stenographic, telegraphi
I I ey would all feel, in the milder the name of Dr. Chase, . TIES -for a few valuable pointers on 10,
'. , . J)lg,clook of the Houses of Parliament language of thR twentieth ce I )rOu k-1iO-W what You can expect I real estate situation, in Saskatoon, together pbotographicor, kinematographic? I
I saved a man's life. A soldier in the atury, with current list of Investments available. I __
� that "Waverley" was an uncommonly frOn' the uSO of Dr, Chase's Syrup . �
� I mign of William a -ad Mary was con. Of and particularsof our co-operative V n1l Ili An Easy Change, .
, I
, I demned by court-martial for falling good place to take their impressions Linseed and Turpentine, but you can- cates, write Box 292, Saskatoon, Sask I
. I asleep while on duty on the terrace of Prince Charles R dward at Holyrood, not Put much faith in an imitation W_A��Ilg�_ __v -XV_ - it only takes a "he" to co
,�� � , . ,§Uitf I'll WICAN VRT� It nvert an,
I , , I from, 'but T which sells ar
� I at Windsor. He stoutly dexied the Mr. Blaikie now took a lit, on the reputation Of the . ERANS' land warrants -spot cash tless" girl into a "heartless', one.
. tle of the gilt off the gingerbread. article it imitates, wdre immediately. W. P --.-- " . -
11 rharge, and by way of proof solemn , Md; write or - __ __
( _� —1 - -_
, � ly They all knew from "Waverley" that On every bottle of the genuine will ;�O_kmrs, 608 Xclu O Block, Whinip
11 I Aeclared that lie lieard Old Tom -the - eg,
5 I Charles Edward led Flora McIvor out be found the portrait and s & I 0. P.S T2 911 _. . W
� I predecessor of Dig Ben -strike thir- . I nature 7---9b�RsERysTocK. — ==�
P A . .9 — ___ _. ,
- —_
.. . teen instead cif twelve. The officers '(1 Wie dance, Out, ac raincy to TAr Q . -. -11ase M.D., the famous )_R_W__A-_X_t_3F._R.UCE—ALL SIZES A
. . . � laughed at the idea, but ,while tho Blaikie, there was nothing "So auth: Receipt Book auibor. This is for your N( surplus of ton to twelve inch, at
. .1
11 ,
:� man was iii prison awaiting execu- ontic as the fact that Prince Charles protection and . for the proteoition of twenty dollars por%thousand. An extra
;I 4on .several persons came forward never danced at all. Well, in spite Your children. Be sure to get the S. Also
� � and Swore that the clock actually did of Mr. Blaikie, Cvharle� Edward would genuine, even if it costs a few cents Cannas,
"I strike thirteen, whereupon the soldier lead Flora Out to the dance for cen-, more. 25 � cents a bottle, family size camp-
..: I I was pardoned and released. turies to come.. 60 cents; all dealers, or Rdmanson, -
; i --------.---! _ -__
� t . Wells Cathedral contains one of the Another blow Mr. Blaikie had Uealt Bates & Co., Toronto, I HELP WANTED.
2 : : I Most interesting clocks in the whole them was this -that Charles Edward ------ � 'TS
, , � � never wore the kilt. AGEN WANTED -FOR TWO
�., : I , world. It was constructed by Peter CASTE IN INDIA. new lines; greatest premium propo-
� , -e&d .
. : Zightfoot., & monk, ill 1320, and em- It was in Edinburgh, procL I . I sition in Canada. Apply for partferilars
... .. . I . Lord Rosebery, that the young Prince '
!'. I . � I braces many devices which testify to The Svstem rs It Exemplifies Itself to SolleM. 228 Albert street, Ottawa, __
.1 . I .. � . %e ancient horologist's, ingenuity. enjoyed the only six weeii-s of reign he � . ______,__r0_dU1l:T ll -V-. - -
" I Several celestial and terrestrial bodies ever was to know. Had he been less on Railways. -_ -
I . are incorporated in the intere.,tilrig willing to reign in Edinburgh he might The system of caste plays a peculiar WHITE ORPTNG,T0N EGGS FROM
� � 0 . prize winninq stock, two dollars per
movement and relationship. -They in- have. reigned for, a time in London. part on the railways of India writes setting -, best straip for winter laying.
, dicate the hours of the day, the age of Had he marched South when lie first an English correspondent. A "'caste" Also several line cbekerels left. It. T.
. . . . the moon, and the Position of the arrived, without losing any time on man must liot partake of food cooked 'Beckett "Sunnyside"FrultFarm,Hamil-
, .
, 1 - '-- ----------' -
e lot of apple and cheri tree
small fruits, shrubs, Glaloll,
fln ' '
Dahlias, eto. Send for catalogue.
11ell Bros,, Simooe, Ont.
'. . � -planets and the tides. When the clock the way, lie Nvould have found Eng- or even handled by one of inferior ton, Oni. ---. — -
. I idrikes the hour two companies of land absolutely denuded of troops, and caste, Food is a wide term. A very
. out 4Df na obsta,le offered itself, according to orthodox person Would inclu e Medi-
� . I liorsemen fully armed .dash . d MONEY IN
gateways in opposite directions and the testimony of the Ministers and cine compounded bY an apothecary. 16 .
I � statesmen of the time, to his immedi- One of iiiore liberal view� m
I nbarge vigorously. They strikO with . I ight re -
I . their lances as they pass as many ate march on London. Row long he eekve, say, a banana from -the 1,,n,,,,
ld have remained there lie (Lord Of all individual beneath him, for the .
. times as correspond ,�vith the number w1u 11
I � Df the hour. A little distance -away, Roseberv) could not tell; he thought unclean" hands of the latter -would A P, PL ft?
4 A 1_ U .. � not low;_ At anv rate the -rince re have come in contact -7 N.0 �1.
. I I
. Oil Engined Liner Praised,
"It Is very, probable that within, tile
next two years'we *s�gll$,64 large,v,esl.
sels, Sailing the Atlantic without ftm�
Rels or boilers.,.,. So says,W.,R,,'Fer.
K' -sono Ma,41 , ng,d1re0tOr',"�f,.,al.GIas.
gow shipbuiltEn f fIrM, who� is coiaviuc-
ed of the,almos 'Immediate Gucqe,qs of
the oil-ongined liner.
His 00nild' . eucO is based upon an ea.
terPrise which his ,own firm has in
hand -the construction of an ,bil en,
41* d ship�,,Df about 5,000 tons gross,
r1i'veen. by twin, screw , s and li-Aving a
speed of twelve knots. This new lin.
er,. ,which 18,ill have accomm9datimi
for a limited number of passengers,'.4
will be propelled by t*o seti ,of in,
ternal combustion engines.
Mr. Ferguson .declares these engines
will embody improvements which
have Overcome initial difficulties con.
neoted with starting and reversing.
The' charge will' be Ignited by com.
Pression, and the engines can be start-
ed in five minutes, Another and small.
er engine of the same type, will, gen.
Orate electricity for the operation of
winches, windlasses ,and steering gear
as -well as' for li ting the vehsel.
Steam on shipboarp, with its acdom-
paniment of Smoke, soot and dirt, he
says, will soon be a thing of the -past.
. . -
. Bottled Inspiration.
"He -wrftes a great, deal for chil-
dren." � .
. "How does lie get himself in'the
mood?" �
"Drinks milk for. a beverage."
[� � 1�14� .;,, 4 - "
a 11 i� . . 41 �,2', 11
.1 . '11yiN
�"�47! I_Akw,
W, A'�. �t. t .,
. ;,;t.:T0',,
MANIT-081A, I 1.
.1 . - � Allglwli
SA VVY' - 4kj
.. I .S." r "I `C H E,
The elrilyfthr�ugh.ljne
________ �
`.��. - - _i�
— ,_�W_I,t�___�_ __W�_.__
� F, , �, V
fer'�Afr.,s I .... Ill. H, I iiefflers AN4.11milles �
Spgcial Trains I ftedularliaim ,It *1
Will IqAve I Toronto Leavind Vroat�'
Each TUESIP)AA, '� � 10 !X
1 1 ., yl� .. 1, 10, pjl., 1)&i
J '
iAR60'.sid,1PRIL � 7 - 4rov h Col�sist -
,ma 0�! "`c6,-,,, :
I 10.10 P.11. ,isi dci�,e,',,
I �tk,-, �i�.�.
— ..
Colonist Cars on all"tai I ns �
No charse fd�__berths
Through Trains Toronto to
Z Winnipeg and West
- � Ask new C.P.L Aleut for copy el "Settlers, Guide, 11
I �
- - .
Aged dut_�_JiWt_e�_ —
Women wear so much f also hair -
that it's hard to tell which, is�,switch:
I- — e on a t$u PE1,rC , is a qua n I v - Y W e I -.--------- - -_ _._._____ _� � -_ - . I
I . figure which kicks the quarters on ferred to reign six weeks for certain Skin, and not with the Part to be Apple orchards near Spokane net $600 . ______________.. __..______,
-two bell,;; placed beneath his feet and in. Edinburgh to the possibility of eaten- annually per acre. Buy one; $125 down, __ "THE ADONIS RAZOR."
al reign, The f . . :
strikes the hours on a belL The di ng a much longer tinie in Lon- lr.st and most obvious require- $19-50 per month; cared for and crops . rz .... . The finest cutting razor in the world--
. I of �i�.e clock is divided into twe.iy- don. ment of any long-distance traveler in Inarketed for fourth of crop; - � . . .
� a hot climate in fluid refreshment. Arcadia Orchards Company, see fruit, �_�_ '. . � . I., �. - fully coneaved-used liy the best barbero.
Tour licurs, and shows the phases of . 235 Con- Pit .1 sealed from the fac--
C !,!r - tOrY- USIC IT Iron, 10 DAys if not salls.
N* 7__�__j, 1 OVEREIGN PER UNIES, Ltd., Queen and Dunn -Ave., Torotim, OnL
. ., . the moon and a, map Of the universe. - RECORD MARCHES. The filter and the glass commonly federation Life, Toronto. Best paying and I I I L . � . 180tOrY YOUR XONZY BAcr,. This bigIn
I .. Aii ndd:ty in, clocks is the invention . found in an English dining -car wduld . �0 .
I � be of no use in India, in safest investment. Join April partyand . . clas,i razor retails foi- szao. To = fully �
l I I . . introduce it we will send oner by lorlv
q, -of a Frenchman, M. Paul Cornu. It Britant. Has a Fine Showing of Such the native would first of a asmuell 6.1 in-vestigat-6 on spot. Steady wages $2.60. . ! short time only on recel t of the wholesale fee of P.m. send to -day.
c.onqistq of a dial mounted. above a 11 want to . J
ilter � —
; res-ervo'r and having a sort Of a ,ee- Feats. know who put the water in the f Phone Main 1400; night, Worth 49SO. 17 9 V,
. . saw Moanted apon its support. The A lawsuit has lately centered round and then who last used the glass. If Agents wanted.
. reservoir holds sufficient alcohol to a breathless ride of twenty miles or satisfactorily assured on the, latter - y Instal Your Own waterwo"rks 11
last for a month, and this serves as more under a hot Boer fire; but, j,udg- point, he would nevertheless run no RY MURINE EYE REMED A gTEEL TANUC IX YOUR ATTIC)
fuel for i, small flame that burns at ed. merely as a record risk of contamination, but would pour with waterpumped to It will give youa comi.
.C, . of hard riding, For Red; Weak, Weary, Watery Ey-
''. .,Vp end. The heat from .the flame this has been easily outdone on Many th!e liquid dawn'llis throat while hold- plete waterworks system for your house. A
, . ___ ,ramies the air to expand in the bulb occasions ing the glass a few inches from his TAND GRA,N-ULATED LIDS similar tank In your barn with our steel
. Field Marshal Sir George mouth. Murine Dsesn!t Smart-Sootheir Eye Pain stable trough installed will solvethe pro-
.. 'White, V.C., when a malor on the staff But the or Stant, supply of pure, clear water at the
. . ,4 the see -saw directly above it. As Mur;.. Eye Rera.d.T. l4quid. 25c, 30.. $ 1.00. blem of watering your stock, Insuring a eon-
. tb�odox man taking no Murim Eye Salve, irt Aseptic Tuba, 25 rIV
��. " � , o rexult the see -saw moves every five in India, covered 210 miles in two risks at all, c C. $1.00.
. . *oeonds. This niovement is the sole days through a wild ai . id, difficult arries with lilm a brass , . temperature, right where it is needed.
.� I .. , EYE BOOKSANDADVICE FREE MAIL tro Its forourcatalog of steel tanks and
I motive porwer that actuates the hands. stretch of the enem 's country, in or. By ughs. NAre bniId any kind of a steel tank
, . Y water Pot attached to a belt, and even Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago or box to order. I
- I then adopts the further precaution I I
I I In S,witzerland clocks are now being der to join the "Gay Gordons" at above mentioned. At every station a - - —.----- steel tanks do not rust. They are
-hices. Tattooed Rocks. . built to last.
. I made that do not require hands and Kabul, whence, they were starting on native patrols the platform, carrying AGENTS WANTED.
I . I � . The ti-nepiece merely stands that immortal march to Kandahar. a skin with a supply of water. Ex. - Clement Wragge, who has inspected I
- I i in the hall and one presses a button, In the very early days of Natal a 'Write for particulars to
. � ,svIncTi by means of nographic M perience has taught the railway com- what are known as the "tattooed S7 EEL TANXS & TROUGHS Co. -
: the pho r. Richard King covered the dis- panies to be particular as t rocks," on the coast near Raglan, New I
I : . hiter:ial arrangements calls out "Half- tance from Durban,to Grahamstown, o. who is TWEED, ONT.
,, I . P= ' fuun" or "Five :minutes to ten," 600 miles, in ten days, t Ontrusted with this duty. Continu- Zealand, is distinctly of the *inion ____ -_ -
hrough a hos- ing, the writer says: that they are the work of neither Ta.- _._______..____1_. ___._ —_
. .e.- �!-at3ver the time may be. tile and comparatively unknown coun.; "I once traveled, with a Brahm* mil nor Maori, but are the inscrip-
A Munich -professor has invented a try, with not a single bridge over I! - in
I V who, parched with thirst, eagerly tions of a very a:ncient race of sun I
vernurkable Sickroom clock. When a ers and streams. However, in travel- called the witer-carri p people, antedating
TO the ad-
. ptton is pressed an electric lamp be- ing to r isely the same destination S vent of the Maori by untold centuries.
� . T, Spa Town, a distance of 700 '
. ind the dial throws the shadow of from i �cl c, sive station. But before replenish.
fbo J,ours and bands, magnified, upon Miles, I arry Smith beat the above his brass pot he cross-examined The spiral. circle, ovals,. crosses and WHAT THE
in �
� I . . V7n t-e`lingg s -o that invalids onn. see it record, for he performed the journey tie man as to his antecedents, and squares, he says, are most significant I
�, . 41n� T-leO witliout eraninp- their necks in six days. not being satisfied that he was of suf-
.1, I 1, � d suffer- and confirm his opinion that New Zea. DOXCOTCOR
- ing agonies till a Wi He considers the inscriptions are prob- .
q r:7 P-ttin,g th-mse:ves t� any incon- But to Archibald Forbes, the farn ficiently high caste, continue land has� been inhabited by early man.
VM!It-r-� . ous war correspondent, doubtless be re -was sent on 0% A Yf% -
.% ahead the result of which was that ably connected with those
. I . .4 German shopmakei spent fifteen longs the best riding record. To begin' at Easter , -5
: 5,,sam of his leisure the holiest man of all the country- island and Central and South Ameri- VS A %
. .1 � moments. con- with, lie covered a hundred miles on side was routed out and induced to do ca and are Atlantean or Lemurian in I
� 1; struntf ng � a clock of the grandfather the day following the Russian assault duty protem. origin; further, that the Maori copied If your physician reco-m- I
_-1-01 , "shape -nearly six feet high; made On. on Plevna, in Order to reach Buchar. "Fortunately very holy people sel- the spiral from the relies �of ancient mends something you fol-
� � �tirely of straw. The wheels, pointen;, est and telegraph home his account dom travel and when the do they people and did not initiate i1t., -
,Vase, and every detail are exclusively Of the engagement;-- This, however, he Y � low his advice. If it's bad
, contrive to let it be known beforehand -_ - advice you call bim a bad
s�Of straw. The most remarkable fact completely put in the shade during so that meals may be specially pro- -, - -
, . is that It is reported to keep perfect th Zulu war of 1879, when, after the pared for them in advance," , 2 . doctor. So doctors are all
. . time. battle of Ulundi, he rode alone over --,. . . esfref u I
I I 'L -The Tsar of Russia is the possessor 115 miles of trackl6iis country swarm. . with their advice, . :
�Vf a unique clock that records not ing with Zulus, in the short space of BRITISH KINGS FOU.'U. . All good physicians wit
a! . .
� -_ ' wo PH quickly recommend
. ruarely the passing seconds, minates, fifteen hours, to reach a telegraph of- AM I
, I . and hours, but the dayb, weeks, and. fice with. news of the victory for Eng- Tombs of Richard Lion Hearted and or C �_C_o L��s -
I . 11 � - ;years. The clock was Invented and lish newspaper readers. He then con. Henry 11. Discovered In France. ___ A— , — __ .
,.=anufactured by two Peasants, who tinned his ride to Pietermaritzburg, Brick's'
. . 11presented it to the emperor as a tok- 170 milery farther It often happens in history that 25 BEAUTIFUL
. �
I I Ion of their loyalty, south, which .he on account 'of the condition of the EA �1 U Ta6steless "
I In St. Petersburg, achieved in a little over twenty-nine times the bodibs of kings and queens
, It, too, is to be seen a clock having nine. hours 1 And all this by a man suffer., are buried and afterwards all traces, STER HST CARDS Cod Liver Oil I
Y-five faces, indicating simultaneous- ing from a wound in his leg received of their resting places are lost. Great,
I ,: � . - -t,17 the time at thirty different spots during the battle. ly to the regret of EndlaIld thf& cir- � ' 11
� � :on the earth's surface, besides tile As for records in marching on foot, cumstance occurred in the burying of � SENT POST PAID FOR . the -y know that it I
. -
� I � . '1zovements of the earth and rl-.inets. there seems to be no end of them- its famous hero king, Riebard the � ,I contains. Oftly those ingr.di-
. �, The c'ock of Lyons Cathedral is a Only a year or two ago our Own Lion Hearted. Recently his remains These post car � are embossed In gold and ents that . .
� -wonderful Piece of mechanism, and Shropshire Light Infantry, cn conclu- with. those of his queen, Ws mother just the thing to send to your friends.
The legend describing it is as follows: sion of some arduous manoe and father were discovered ift Prance. Build up bone and masele.,
� uvres,
� ,,The cook crows; the bell sounds t'he covered a distan 'e of fifty-five miles SUPERIOR CARD CO., � . I
:, . . urs; the little bells the SanelatoSpl.r. in two clays withoL Wm- E. Curtis interestingly describes . Add flesh. .
� to S ut a single man fall- the discovery in The Aecord-Herald:
.1� 5tus; the angel opens the ga in DEPT. 21.4, TORONTO, IONT. I
g out, and carrying the burden of M. Magne, inspectot general of his. ______ __ _ _�
I I i , . ;lute the Virgin Mary. The beads of full equipment. . I orical mcui-ments of France, I Strengthen jaded nm -res. � ,
,�, � , � the two lions move the eyes and the Then there -. :ts the Kabul -to a t has Was Tight Rope Walker. Increase the appetite.
� . � Kand been enga*4 for several months in 1
4 . . :tongue- The astrolabe . shows the bar march of 318 miles in thirty days; restoring t.%e old monastic establish- England has just lo. Make the weak strong. .
'. � 1. . 'bours in its degrees, and the move. and only a short time ago the 19th ment and the cathedral at Ponte- most eccentric character, Ueorge Ed-
, st by death a .
" :.
"I . � Iment -of the moon. Moreover, the per- Battalion of the Chasseurs-a-pied in vrault, which is one of the most in- ward Dering, 81 Years old, a fellow No greasy. afte�-tasfe to� ;
I I . I If 'tual calendar shows all the day,A of France marched sixty-eight Idlometres teresting and remarkable in Fraude. of the Royal Society, whose'diversion I .
� 1
I , he year, the feast days and the bis. -over forty English miles -in one In making an excavation.he discovbr- was to walk a tight rope over a late
"I , I � oextile. The hours at which the day, though even this astonishing . ed an arobAd recess in the northwest in his grounds. � I .." _1
1:� I t1himeE are complete are 5 and 6 in feat is Put completely in the shade wall of I � Try it -all drunists.
. . , J,� 4 + J*_ ,.; U -4 , 71 1,
� " . AA th�, +rau.. L . .
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I The L=__-g-C�A Printers' Supply 11ouse in Canada,
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I Can Fill Orders for Complete F,quipment fmm
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fro=��Our Winnipeg, CrIgary an" d Re' gina ljou,n(m.
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�� . . " -5, - ay, and I and 2 by e forced march 01 the famous .- , " C w re . .. nis was k e owner *1 .uoc.1csiey 2W . I- I � I .
I" "I ". look in the afternoon. The chimes Light Div four saeopksgi handsomely ornament. Hall and its 1,000 acres at the village . . .
, , I',, 11 . .11 "I ision in the Peninsula, when Od with gold crosses and with six of Wolwyn, in HertfordslAre, and foi M.', I �M_e - --- 1. I . I I I . .
I . —
�, . �, I at the other hours are restricted so the troops, carrying fromfifty to sixty escutdheona of the various branches t f his . .
, I t141 wenty years, since the death o 16__o�__ ; �
� . I � As not to interfere with the cathedral pounds each on their shoulders, cov- of the Plantagenet family and -other wife, had not been outside his park The Probability. _M4_M,_e
� ., . rvice. ered �.,ixty-twci miles in twentY-six heraldic dA -vices. The . I I , 11� I
I Complicated, indeed, is the clock of hours I I names "Rich- gates. Within the park he drove in "I Suppose You feel'an intense ha. I WV �, , I r, I
. I . ,.the Beauvais Cathedral, It is said to . wrd" and "Henry" were clearly deci- old King George coaches swung on trea for the man who ran away with I I '', "
. � I be 'composed of 92,000 separate P" An Apprehension pherable, Next to these, in anotber leather. lie never saw an. automobile your wifoP'$ . I . � . I . �
I leces, . I I .
I according to a French Statement. One - r 3 similar ' ,recess, with a, vaulted' roof, -refused to look at one because he - "NO -O, I guess not, But I bet he I . PHONE I ...
. I
ter on the Afty-two -dial plates the "What do you think of this Idea Of were the tombs of Henry Il. and his hated noise, . I hates me � for letting him run aw . Fl� DIVRN
. queen. . Though he had millions in cash arid with her." ay I M 1971 1
. letting baseball , Players appear in it �
I 1. ., . urs, the day,, the week, and the vaudeville?" appea-ra that some time in the large estates in, Galway, Irelan(f, he �. � MAR.
� - I
onth, the rising, the setting of ills I
I , the phases of the moon, the tides, "I don't know how it will work seventeenth century the Abbess of rarely spent any ney, permitted ' A Simple Request. � I i
. i . ault, for some reason decided poachers On his 4 -
a out," replied the fan, "but I'm afraid 'VOntevr 'no to supply his "What are 7011 going to tell the POO. � 4 * ,
I time in the principal capitals of land —
, 0 r the foor of the cathedral. She table and would often have them sup ple *hen you ge .h I 111111 111111ii iiiiiiiii;;;",������:::iii��� I
I a world, together with a series ,of that when the -season comes around t r1ise t omo?" .
,� r6strial and astronomical -'evolu. Some follow will forget himself and filled in seven or eight feet of earth wit:x him. Yet to Make his home "Nothing," replied 8 . . . �!, � � I F 1 444
�r " I ns, The framework is of carved start tip a ballad when he ought to mixed with.rubble and debris, and re- quieter he spent $100,000 ill shifting hum. "And al a 4nator Sorg- -
� . I th t 1 4� 7�- I
11 - a public road. I -they'll reciprocate and' not start in 1''. -_
�,� � Ak, eight by five metres, or twenty. be sliding to second,�11 . laid the gavement t1pon ft. This con ask is'that __ -
� . X. by eixteen and One qU . arter feet. ' cealed the -acesges in which the tombs He was a great friend of Blorldin, telLing me- ihings." . -1 . I - -1 I .
, I I I I I en the clock -strikesi'all the adifice A Stone's Throw', 4� were placed, \;ut no 'record of the fact, the old rope walker who crossed, Xi- ', . 1rhift Years Continuous OUR RECORD
I 9 in movement. The desigildr I . was inade, and. for that, reason the , ra.. Blondin taught him to walk ' ' . Its Keynote. � . �. Ilutlfi**11 us E:I00tr0tYP*6* strid0forsotyporg
11 "The ancient Ronlans had a cift- burial place of Rioliard the Lion rope, I D19PARTMENY9
I udgment. pult that could hurl rock "gel, ind he frequently invitOd Cult
,Wished to deplat the Last .T ' . t ,
1. Ihia LW*tde,tfnl clock is the work of a mile.,,, s ,More than ,Hearted has ,been ,one of the great the vlllagerj� bo,see him perform. On' "I hea,rd of some Optimistic goals . ., ELKOTROTYPING
10 � i, , 1- Beauvaisign, Verite. Rho. -died in "Now I understand it,), 11 mysteries of histo�y. The royal ab- such occasions, he alwaya wore ti suggesting a salvation rally in Will . VENGRAVING 0 , STEREOTYPING ,,
I I 7. I . . bess, howmr� appears to bave per- JUSt as Blondin did. He belong ghts, street.' , What do you think such a DESIGNING '
� I ;. , I . . "WhaWl ' formed unconsciousl,v, a great service, . ed'to movement should take es,its mottop, ., I REAIDY.SET NEMSPAPER PLA TrES, I '
I . I F�11� "bly landlord told me tbig ' an-aneient Saxon family, of which Sir its ,ordinary one--JI,et us pvqy%,� . I
J . Alike In This, wa-s a Stone's: throWr house because if the tombs find not been -con. enry Neville Derixig is the Iltaod. lie "
- Xudh dptse7ld. � 4'. .4 1 I- from the depot, cealed they would�dolabtlesa ha -b— # . I .1 i , I . �, . ,ADVERTISING CON*r As --re% ci
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I ng thelau-na rdow4'9*r thofirst time : The m 10 -TO P4894 OtV64C I- CIENTRAL pptrL,sis A6V:N0-Y - 176 M � .
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