HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-3-9, Page 8... ....... ............. 7 -1P '77 77 7 04. Warke't io,�poxt,.—Tho tollow!A�r W Mr. TOUF Orant, of London spent RAOL V-UT4L 0-r- 111M*114% be repo e �rt of g,�Vot r oarkelts, foov,- Tuesdayin, .0. u's # tow Will make most of -a Uttle, Ishy, regttedlapto. Xamb fth, Mr. Win, Down of London if; !rbpy tdo not add, jto e0boans lap, eat W4 standard .78 cWts vialtinK friends hi towlA. Mr.T. Sanders,gri,H4ron A. is ablill k ART Qat!s. 30 cents yqu do not hav�. To Ioep 1hem. to be out afteg:& severe cold. A half dollar bo�tle of Nyal)3 Plat- in, crate China Some'q1xick bargains T see the offerlog at only l0e each XP In Small Hardware, 2rays, 10, 15, aid 25c* Soap shakers loc. l3ran J0 I il 1. �nd, tire ple IVD-sh 1�'ill 'dry the PimPleR in The Milliners bavA� returned t U Shorts 692.00 at Woe) short order. HONF, 16 Model Vlour $2.00 ,3:, bri the Spring styles, N o, 4odbt your 'blood. hs nob Net, Feed flour $1.45 me, Win: Snell shipped a car 4oad of r%vht. and a Dollar 'bottle of Npillli TOILET ARTICLES cattle to'T40nto on Saturday, E?�gs 10 cents Blood i?urifier would clear up, the 11a1rBrixshesI5,20,25to$I.25. Whisks and Clothes Bruebee loc. 13atter 20 cents Kessers lap. Sparks aud Wallace cause. LADIES up, Combs'5o to 50c, Hair p1m, needles, PQtatoeo 500. Fake spent 84111day in Hensall, That idea is Teasonable, IsWt VOL GOG" live 110,� divs,5ed 120. Hundreds of small articles Duak-� live 13.c.,. dresaed 15c. Mr, Harley San4ers Exeter North, You first remove the uns�gW*ly ------ gave a, dance last Thursday night. blemishes and Ithen pmve4lt !any �aiore IS 1.-2 to 20 "nts by� Le"nioVina -the cautlise. Miss Ca INYALIS" ills itlic, name—ia u Gol- rrie Dy DRUC COODS live 10c,, dressed 12c, tfer has returned from Spring Suil ffi�ns live So, drewi�d' 10c. visiting in Bran Ord tud St. Thomas,: den 111od Nv I Xa#pex,' W e give prew 1 ur 'Come here for your gs on all all ourdrag goods. Ray MO, Xies Dela Kestle hqo taken a pasl'- Too�h Paste, Toilet Soaps, Chapped Hand Reinedies, Talcum Powilers, Cho'ico exI.iort atears 5.75 -to, 5,80 tion in London with the Wright al%t Perfumes, sachet perfume, Flavorlog extracts, Toilet water, Cod Liver Your choice of several now Alvd',uni vxj art, ateers, 5.50 to 5XQ Co. WS S, Howey, Phm, B. Oil emulsion, etc. You pay no more here, and you get premiums. as g,y Cbo!c(� butcher helber 6.50 to 5.75 Mr. Sno, Gillespie, is still confined Chemist and Optician well. We want your trade. 0 Short Coat Styfes, suits that Mod'.*Qm butcher heifk�x 5.25 io 5.4 to the, house. being quite ill with% the EXETER', 'ONTA1110, + Cho',ce butcher cows, 4.75 to 5.00 have all the new Kinks and # Mcd.,uni butcher cowc, 4,25 Ito r)ppe. 00-NFECTIONERY Mrs, Thos, Elliott is laid up with Mrs. Dr. Lindsay returned from St cows 100 10 3ZO A ouble Doctoes Thomas last week. Touches that make them so, nerve ti and undeif the Fancy chocolate's 20c lb up, Gross gpods, for the little folk. 0:�")"ce Iambs 6.00 to 6.50 * . I . - 13.00 care, effective and different from Med;wn larabis 5.75 to Messrs. h. Anderson and J. Piper EEEM Ch " e -.he.ep 4,40 to t1.50 Mrs, thos. Bissett sr. gave her boar- were down from Seafort4 on Sunday. W,c VANCV MSCU11rS the ordinary. PliCes I\T�d*.,uni zheep 3.50 -to 4.00 ders an oyster, supp6r'last Thursday Mrs. Win. Creech returned Monday� Tri our Rag ged Robin, Easter Dainties, Oocoa Bar and Oream 1110-.1s $6.05 night. evening after visiting her son in Sodas, New St ek Mr. Geo, Pedlar, who hag been quite Brant6rd, $15.00 to $25.00 pa�t few months: is slowly I Me, Win. Coultis has'purebased the ,PHONOGRAPtiS & RECORDS ing. EDISON brick residence south of. the Main Me. W.J. Bissett is laid up at his street eAurch from Mr, W, Blatch- Fall -Stock of Edison Phonographs and records now' in. Ask� home Andrew st. with a severe attack ford. for. a cata)ogueF; we can save you mone LOCAL Y. of rheumatism and a bad cold, Mr. Eli Elliott who has been visiting V#006400 St -Patrick and Easter Cards now In. Miss B. Howey entertained a load in Exeter and St, Thomas for the past Me, Win. Blatuhf6rd visited in Olin- Of young ladies from HenEall to a tob- month, returned to Wingham Satur- og gan party Monday evening. day evening. of taste, el 0 Ir ton Sunday. t'. 40 Mrs'. Fred FIsher is confined to' the If -your bread is devoid On Monday evening next the in- WeIrr. enthusiastic this season'about house the ugb illness. oraer 4 sack of MODEL. Breadmade 'structive, impressive and entertaining pring Dress Goods Showing and -9 from it will have the nutby flavor. stork of Bunyans Pilgrim a Progress J. Willis Powell, Proprietor. Mrs, Enos Roweliffe was in London 'OVU('rv:� got good reason to be so, for the latter part of last week, Mr,'Afigle, -operator at tb e G. T. R. will be given in picture and song in Station hag rented Mrs, Rd. Del-' Sames Street Ch-urch by the Rev. T, never befoie have we had quite as Mr. Xas. Elsie. of Fingal, is visiting bridge's furniphedhouse on Gidley st. L. Wilkinson, of Aylmer, Parents good a range to show our customers his sister Mrs. Geo. Anderson. should bring Aheir children to learn 'Messrs E. Rennie and 0. Perkins of s we baye this season. Be sure to Miss Laviba Kerslake visited fri ends the invaluable lessons this story is a Rensall are going to rebuild the Hen - in Granton a few days last week. adapted to teach. Program at eight come in and see them., sall block recently burned by the fire. Mrs.Pilljpllernof Whalen visited and o'clock.,. Admsssion, a generous silver Mr. �qormaii Fletcher, wite vi collection, in town a couple of days this week. children of Unity Sask, sited Mr. a; 02 Mr, and Mrs. H. Boon of Harrisburg Wm. �Fletchet the latter part of the The Toronto Saturday Night prints 0 ;4 U W C l., I M .9�, W an excellent photogravure ot an E x - Q, 1;_ are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Ander. week- FURNI"'FRE" 1 0 4A a4 0 son this week. Me eter old boy, Melville Martin. son of f CD cc s Julia Hilber of Chicago who cj was here attending the funeral of the Rev. Win. Martin now of London and r- Q�, co 0 4& Misses Vera and Minnie Kestle of CO to that aformer pastor of Caveh Presbyteri- London are the guests of their cousin, late Jno. Heywood returned an church in town. Mr. Martin is U Miss Lau�a Joey. citv last Friday. d.R * , ;7, " well-known by our citizens having 2, CM 1Tr R Hooper, left last wc,,�k for Mrs. -'Geo. Parkernee Mabel Piper of M. CQ Cd (a 0 0 grown to manhood here and h Jf you are acticipating purchasing anything -4a �r 0, M London where he has socured a London who recently underwent a ser- , 7 �d E -i z received his early educatlon at the ious operation, is reported to be get - a Z to (U C14 Q, C:) pas;.tion with -Alara'S. Exeter school. His career is being :-.in the, way of Furaiture, be sure and call P CD,- '44 cl, ting along nicely, :d , ('a P' — � r. 'rn- IZ fisss Lizzie Johns. - of Elimville watch -ed with interest. Accomp ny- C:p co ea, U 45 7a was. I he �guegt of MIPs Grace Cadmora Mr. vVm - Johns. last week moved ing the photogravure is the following: on us and get our prices. We h aVe -0` - from the Thames road to Mr. Jas. 0 0 W C. 0 A -a large stock of high-class good� W P. T, -0 the forepaxt of t�hls welek. Handford's farm' -near Dt�vo "There is 9, young man from the we . st * Miss Lila Taylor of Zion, and Miss n which he who, since he entered Parliament in * (D 3: 0 Cd has rented for a term of years. CL 2 196S. has come to the front rapidly. * Ethel Harrison of St. Joseph Island which we take pleasure in visitetl in town.on Tuesday. Mr. Jas. McFalls near Sarepra who William Melville Martin, 35 years of howing. No ill feeling Mrs. Piper who has been visiting in has been so' critically ill for two or age. w— for the Liberal party Londonfor the past two weeks, re- three weeks is a little better and hopes 'by a lavvc majority and be is ihe ad- you do not buy turned home on Monday evening, are held out now for his recovery. mitted leader of the younger set of Western supporters of Sir Wilfrid from us. 4 Revs. S. F, Sharp and Colin Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Wes. tA elsh and Miss Laurier n the House, That he will + and Me Henery Strang attended the Viola leave to -morrow (Friday) for in Federal politics, unless he Blyth on their way borne to the West fflm� KING HATS * Presbytry at B)yth on Monday and go far accepts the portfolio in the Saskat- after three -months in the East. 0 Tuesday. "Entire- cbeiian Ministry, is the firm opinion 41 The testimony of bnudreds of his 'political friends and foes. It First Showing of New For ;Sale—Goo I clean straw, mostly pat, at. $5 a: ton. Also quantity of ly satisfactory." "Cannot speak too seemed inevitable a short ti U 11 %c wh, r t d-FiL k i highlv :)fit." �' I&W in King I-Iats for Spring. The MeTaggart. e regret we did not + 4 Ti' sferred mothy hay. At�ly L. that Mr. Martin would be tran 4legin to use it, before." MODEL to the provincial sphore, but so far t e Elay, P. -0. latest ideas in styles are here FLOUR. le only do oneplass of Undertaking and that is 0 Mr. Chas. Dyer of the Molsons Bank blow has n6t.fallen. A splenclid spe, - # . . I I . ittl High—Class. for Your selection. Buy now Miss May Hawkins returued last er, filled witli Western optimism, a at Hamilton arrived in town Monday t, 4 visitinglier sister Mrs. P01- -graduate of Tor nto University where + week after* 1 0 and will spend three weeks holidays and get 6st Choice. at his home here. __019011MINME lard, of Windsor for the past month, he took honors in arts and classics 4P �M=M and also taking in the millin�ry open- Mr. Martin, has no difficulty at all in Mr. J. J`, Hicks of Hanley, Sask. P Price $2.25 4, who has been ' visiting Mr. John ings at Detroit. catching the e%r of the House, He is Charlton left lasp.t week for Michigan Alr,�Z, Fletcher left Tuesday for his one of a yon-qg band surrounding Sir 0% home in Outlook Sask.\ after spending Wilfrid Laurier, filled with the fire of: 1"e J& m km W At immson i1satoogso, 0 where he will reside in future. the winter with friends in St. Marys militant Liberalism. TV Rev. F -Sharp, B. D.. in continu- and Exeter. Mr. Fletcher took a load FURNITURE AND FURNERAL DIRECTORS 39 Ing big sermon s on the Book of Ruth of horses back with him. ALL KINDS OE PRODUCE WANTED 4 last So day evening spoke on the sab- n Mr. and Mrs Allin McLean and little jeef "The Best Recommendation, daughter who have been visiting Mrs Miss Louis& Eac,ett left I ast Satur- McLeau's parents Mr. and Mrs Fred JIM A. STEWART day for Brantford. On Wednesday Luxton and other triends here f;r the of this week she left Brantford with past three months left Tuesday for Clover and home Mrs. Geo. Racrett for Gladstone Man. their home in Filmore, Sask. ............................. 44.++++ -�� ........... The Main street Methodist church + are having the basement of the church - A number of young people pleasant- grown timothy + beautifully decorated. The work is ly surprised Mr. Hiram Shaptou on Monday eveningat his home. An en- + being done by Garnet and Clarence seed for Sale + Heywood. joyable time was spent. As Hiram + Cement Drain Tile for The Beginning has been confined to the house for sev- The tree pruners pf the Exeter eral weeks the surprise was indeed a Evaporator have been 'trimming. or - week pleas%nt ofte. + Sale. + chards in this vicinity. This W. H. LEVETT ille on hand borne. L. Wilkinson, of Aylmer.,Ont., will I now offer all my C And the End they pruned Mr. Ivan Dew's of Us- On Sabbath morning next Rev. T, + to ten inches, that are only 12 inches reach in the Main Street Methodist + + Mr. T B. Carling. who conducted ' p + long, at reduced prices. All tiles guar- -Vo begin with, TAMAN'S church and Rev. E. G. Powell in Dental Offices Closed., auction sales of dry goods at Grand + + Anteed. Sizes. 4 in. $13.50 per thous - Bend for a couple of weeks had excel- Ja,mes Street church while in the *ev- + and; 5 in, $19.00 per thousand, 6 in, Suits FIT WELL. To end ening Mr. Wilkinson will preach in Kindly take notice (that my office + N c not exactly free but the next thing, to it. er lent success, a large amour.D of goods ' + + $26,50 per thousand; 7 in, $35.00 James Street chnrch and Mr, Powell is closed every Wednesday aftexiicion, + thouiand; 8 in, $48,OU per thousandF 0 witb they WEAR WELL. being disposed of. will conduct his own services. + , 1 DR. RoULSTON. in $7200 per thousaiid. Mr. Byam Routley of Usborne town One second hand Or an in good ton= 12, 11 and 16 inch tile also on hand. In between s Satisfaction all eviiPhas sold big 100 -acre farm to Mr. A National Tea and Enterta' erit, CLOSING NOTICE ntal + b + In future will make all tile 13 inches Wfh. Brook for a good figure., The will be given in the Caven Pr2lblaymteri- Please remember that my De Jition, Walnut Case, guarx; long. the time. trinsaction was . put through by Glad- an church on St. Patrick's Day Maxch Office is closed ever Wednesday after- + U ry barristers, of Exeter. 17th, at 6 o'clock �, m. Tables and noon. 0500 * ' ' man & Stanbu + menus representing England, Ireland —DR, "i's"AN, anteed for the small sum of 40 9 S. Cudi-nore, Lumley, P. 0. The many friends of Me, and Mrs. + + We cannot say more. It is j. Scotland and Canada, satisfying the + + Long Distance Phone at Exeter. Kellerman, of Da§hwobd, will, sym- most fastidious national taste. To be + Now do not let th(j price give you the idea that + :4. pathize with them in the loss of their now Up to you to get a Suit followed hy a national program at 8 + + son Leonard who died last week from o'clock. Everybody come and honor + thii same.inferior instrument it is alright and we would + made by us and become one the results of typhaid,fever., He m as St. 11atrIck. Admission 25 cents. ++ like to know it there is a man, womala oi- child th�t of the best dressed men in about 17 years of age. 'of thd Cleveland ThO FIRSt + Mr. and Mrs Nelson Keddy and On the front page + places� enough 'confidenee in this- ad, to come. in and ++ 9 9, large picture three children of Hensall are this News of Feb. 24th wa + + town. + see this big Bargain. + GOULD 5 week. visiting with friends and rel- of Czar Rollins, an Exeter' boy, who + + atives in and around Exeter. They learned the art of phptography with + + Mr.,.Jos.- Senior of town. "Do iron Pill + Customers a�te now placing orders intend to leave on Tuesday next for c!'j§ the + GROGERY for Spring Clothing., Be among the Calgarv, Their household effects News' photographer, who will go etc. wer6 shipped this week. Acluth wih the Cleveland ball players + first to ap�ear in the latest cut suit. Opposite ' I to their training camp at Alexandria, Remember a. Cabinet. Sewing' 'Aft ff& Electric Light Plant, At the organized classes meeting La. Czar will no doubt keep the Cle- Sho Ever'. + + + .0 in Caven Presbyterian Church on veland 'News readers well poste,,3 by Machine guaranteed 10 -years I Monday evening addresseswere given picture of the doings of the ball play- + in opposition to reciprocity by, Rev. ers at their training camp. + The Mr. W. TAMAN. TOOK, + Mr. Colli vis and W.B. Weidenhammer. � Me, Harold Swann of Eden, address- + + There wq 9 a good attendance and a I : '_ 'a T & S e% a T + very interesting meeting was held. ed the young men of Me, Rdndford's a a class of Main, Street on Sunday after- Tnat is what'a lady said + All lint erected in auction sales should More Fartiular THE DOCTOWS QUESTION noon last,. He took as his subject So 'M A Ro""i the TimEs. To "Growth"; "And he grew in wisdom + Much Sicknws Due lib Bowel Di�.- read e sale ads, in about Nyal's 'Celer and You Are get tbie best results a sale most be well and stature arld r in favor With God Iron Pills. Of course + + advertised and an ad. in the TIMBS and man." Mr. 8 ann is an ei + ......................................... 4.+++++++1-,1* I repays. for t I be am . all, price that is w arnest they are better and cost T,hemoreanxious., we are to doctbrl;s fix,,;', eLneirtion wtLen wel energetic speaker and his discourse charged for inserting adVertieements. was enjoyed by all, The,same after. a little more but die valu'e serve you. 'We want tar give y comulted by a patient is. "Are your ou Tuegday's London Advertiser says: "con Mr. Silas Stanlake. jr., oftbe is there. the first bowels re,,7ularw Re knows that qpality of goods, at the is aften`&d Sugarhaff risen20 centaperhundred Main Street Class addressed the young lowest possible price and to give 0 per cent. of illness In the last few, days and ac�ording to men of the James 9treet ClassAaking 'It is not pills you want so '!Uh inaotive bowel I ;s Mna torpid' information given The Advertiser this for his subject "Humility". Me, Stan- wi your orders our, best attention lake bandied his subject vVellaud left much as medicine that liver. and that this condition must afternoon it will not likely go down A L 1`b td, r a I Offer' and you will be more thart plea's- an excellent impression on his hearere, gives you results. be removed geiKtly and thoroughly; some time. The refineries report that edwith the groceries you get before heallh can be �estori& they cannot fill their orders said one Quite a movement in real e6tit e has of NVJ�3111, heire . groser t3 the Advertiser to -day, We taken place in Exeter and vicini 'Rexa 1 11 Orderlies are a Positive- are advised 0& they cannot guaraft- d ing Ills past week or so, Among ar,ant dn'd safe, remody, for con- for certain on large Aadman & ees. js.c� teed delivery put through' by'( char Coff For of J -he Yl� ur deals C!010t-y and Aroij, T out Teas and PIC' the the Balance ry ;.Qa'tion and bowel risorderS in quaii tibies for some time .14tanbujV, are the following': Byam pille§ gAt el� quat*!et, We havq some excellent general., We are so cortain of their Mr. alugh. �Campball. father of- Mr.. Roweliffe to Wm; Brodr,'100-acro farm great ouvative value that we prom- F A� Campbell, Mayor of Ulteliall concession 7, Ul§bornefthe Misses Cud- 0"d you Will be et -0. lines to offer, a . n more to James Habdford, resi ilse to return (the purehaserlg inowy who vhqis almost.. lthe e rliebt liv! dence, -1 - , 'n, Off in every easa.whan they fall to reaident of,WtAell and- *as d pro- Axetev-,,Sidney. Snell to Artbur Fra�n- wl� er THE -TIMES" Sweft And Sour Pickles in produce entire 15'atisfaetiom in(ne;,fti; and. highly Tespectk,,id 60- Cls, 60 -acre farm concession 4, Vsborrie; Frank Brock to 0. 0. Oodbolt 60 -acre Just the thing for tired bulk and the, best brands of 'Rexall Orderlies are eagen like "en passed away on rr firm concession 11, 11sborne.; Mrs. Ino nerves and , overworked body, -ly . 'have -Vieby. 25th in 'his 80th candy. they act clafet , and year, Mr, Canhod Fruit and vegetables. a soothing, dreliigthenins, hea,111 9 Campbell lisid' =&'been 1� tht&, ba0t Snell fo,'R. 0. Seldon residd'66e, jfflx&,� Influence on. the mtira integibal of health for the va4t, ltwalv"� pr ee; Mrs,. Campbell to F. J". Colw' 11 rest- fo 1r' PrEEONE 47, detice, Centralia- 11� Breen to Win 15tact, They do noLt purge. igripe4 fit, Leon years but was table, to tictltend causty, liatrgea,' flatullenee. exeodsixoh' to hLbg business as a dariveyaneer Votikib 200 -acres: eoned9sion 0, Bid, 1, �S. HOWEY MO B4 OWE US A TRIAL ddipb; Alkenbeadbrog,to Wm. Me- locigenegs, diarrhoea or oilter annoy- untll Wedosday prowedirig. fikq Chemist and Optician. tsispecially ole-alkh The deck-ased was u''M ho. Kenzie 1004cres concessipt ing lffed,t,sL They are �elt 18, Stanley; � JVeak petlg'ons or yJ!1g(,J 'ft 3, good for ohildren I Xell ioh and w Mboiial- ALI)' Wilion, Carlyle to Wm. The U4, andooffee Stire., is , . EXPITER ONTARIO 60i Politics. -'h6 j)c)b'f -acres conceesida � 4i 11 bid folkA. Two tizes, 25c. and I Tle has oeeqViod t ti6h 100 W XT00-01161do trittet, and Pre& gold ohlq —The of !Reeve and, towin. Eaker to T. 1, covnisix IMaurea On. ab mit, wore Rexal May I r HO It lot 4, Stepbeb' I re� 9, 0614'.� One igoli atA jint'k1a. �'heer gur*Lo6,j ceast cents I 16110