HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-3-9, Page 4I �, . I � I . 11 . ' I - -11111-1 -----1_ I I I . .1 � -1 ' - ' � - � .... 11 . . - 111. , , 4. 1 1 � I ,
I I , � . . . i , � I � ,,,,, I I 1. . � � M � ' � ' ' L ' ' � ' �� - � ' . -Q., , , _* - .i I � i I , I R P . I I - 1. I I � . � - �
. I I . I . I I I I I � ;;i1;;. 444%; 41 � . 11 I � . . L I 1-- - ______ d .. � I
11, I . I I L ' ' ' .
� . M, , �T4,"4 , ay what varl,tt be? . . I - I . rm '
� L � I . , . � I 0. 'ar b(,, airls and ?,"A., .1the Arcuteo � J� Fit' for Sale by aring Auction saieClearing'Auction .Sale Farm For Sale I
I L , Cie., I
. -11 � Lasten. 1 ozs 1 hear ,tue *ou'u"Of ' vok" . I .1 I � I I
I I aud ni'e,n I , 1�� I , . I . .
I �, I . . . A V I � - "OR SALZI-Form 'PoriW= -Q
� ,
� �, . , . OF MUM STOCK
I " I It Will ,.r prices be- Tal4ing "T'001lixoOlty. - . � I Tender
, I tor� � . I � I . . e 1 0, �
11 0=1 to 400 ou I I I I Th(;,.k� Cameron . hais 1, �re,oCvm,d in. 14- Thomas Cal"erQU "has r0001VA ck and ,avm eqixist ,wiiiio'
, . 9 your order for I . . � 11 of )taltlable Farm Sto ' ' � Aaact at .tbo vkr. : .
I I I I t . . ,* I . I � I �� . I . 01ructiolis -to, sell 1that iaesirabls� fa;m intsi.vuldtions from ('40 underslaned to 111age of Woodham. -Goed tw"_tore i .
I I . . ,
,, .� I . I � . . property being c 11 ;by ipublio Auction on Lot 18 'Con. ImplemenEs, Ray And frame 1ho
Ompoviied , of 04 Ra,gt T 11, I I . use; bank baro, o,4 11by Va,
X_ 10 'I' i btflr 4' T, t- 01r., 11 0 41. 1 i !1, L I � . . I
�' I '"parlm,q Wire o, ce In,ri,411c, moill last yoar thera tv.qs own�hln of ri'llolversyn'Pt'),� , w4h ,, , +-OA, 4-' 4; hl r .4 &- I .
, I . . . .. .. 11 � � V ..4 OU 4'a I 04. 0 � . I I Mot � Oun %, L04X
I A" rtvcl from Caloadhan farms ito the % 27� 001lails.slon ,0 !,-i Tow.tishlp of Us- )PUTI)AY, MA.11CII .17(h, 1,911. at on(! '11, s 'built aboni a year ago,.,. - ,lbavoino
, .
.1 � I 1 0171, boxnc� property of 'Thos. Carl o)C,1Ock Itbe following; I ementled tit(hroughout. Alliso , a , irobitt
J 1� ", UZI ted ' ,'States. one omillion dollars . '
I I � rl� � . .
t wortl I - . The, under -it, ne ,
i of -oreaniLand ibleisldes� ths oil h! ,% -nod audtlQ .
- � I , 1: :4 Property .4s, a convenient, er JIM rico oeillar 2440 with. cement top, undo
I � , Frost Wire Fence ' a itla-.� g,overn- br" -vellirl 1110-111SES,-I span of agrioultural cel.ved inidtxudblonia Ito, poll hy .public gAn led of cc . r-,
, I , , pritce paid 'the farmer ck d . , large : pp�;to_datc. . . gway. New drivizg A
1, �i A meril, Tecelived a lar,p I Xclidings aising 4 ,years; ll�agrjjoult.. Alldtloll Alt, . . I _
� tariff.. Under � Worm bailk b,= 106 power windmill 444 � ' OF rogated steel lsiding,24x4o; �heu house,
, i � � I .� retOTT,liolty tha. llig)xer bviaa i 0.1114 1 . well fluish IlTal filly Irlising 1,0 years. , Jibred by LOT, 28, CON, 4, TOWNSEKII? Rao a good, su. .
; 40 - . . ,qd, stabling, 900" ' - drive 8lberian; I a,gOoultural lgeldl.nX ,xis -e MIR. A ppli � 6k isor,
. . 'go to, ,the .Pockets ,of Cho farm,evsr in- 11 I , I USBORNE
� . �owse and ,urollard. w1i'th never fail. ' OINT TUESDAY MAUCH 1�)I. 1911 d wa.ex, The farm is thQr4 ,
I ,
I , , to 2- istead Of the ,coffers of Itba -,-,overn. I Powders mg, apArig well, 13 acres of �good ! ;,- 2 years old; ,I %paAdriving fill- DUgh1v ,,draine,d, and well Teneed.
I ga i
, I � I I I I hardwood ,, lf,in,X.0 years old. )[ired 'by� Rlcoq 'Al. � 12.311) o'clook sharp.t)ie followtu." mos �ly witli. all new wire `fen6en. A14 -
. *, 0. general . ix f4ekkil; tri o ,R. , -!, I ''. .
- AZILU I * * ill, " muked.for firewocid U It,he Wo ten WoreIs of Igbod, bush, in outay� hara
I ot Galvanized Gate men�- I Often a child"s �aj�'h Lnx
I . I I valuable property vIZv,A
:L I . yet 'the - tblal�' of c&N,rLE,._I ithoroughbred jillow 11ORS 0-1 paLT s1low lgeldings, ng-
.� healtb' is good advertlung, balance, ha, gra,qp,�, �ao I Wood., Ppr particulars apply ,to Weis,
I IF . there is - , rio. x1olux., .9 ,
�_ I . at $4, 00 . Alr.s. Berxham-�'D' you: remember mother ,knows auroks of ;vh1oh is freshly seeded, with ,calf At fadt; � thoroui-41ned � years, isound and right ; ley Shier, Woodham, Ont. .1 7 R �
; 0 : .
� what I wore when you pro�posed to something wrong. just hellicr 2 years 61d; .11 igrade oo;� wlitb I sbow maie. Aranilit, ilon . I
7 at me?1% . I Thts . farin is 'the very, ,bentl of 9 4 yro 1.
I Cedar F ince Post what, she may be unable I . calf At foot; .1, o , Ito calve IwIt iv!th foal; I tz I
,ow duL - rising I ; �!; I
10 - I,. , # I 0 .A I.- A _*V �4 3 . 11 YA: -11, . i"_'.- - I
Benhow-111 think 4-t 1, -- 41 .I . . soil well und6rdra*;Wcd,,and convep ,eldang dxaught.
I . o deuerm ne. 11.0 0 Isa e.o . ,cows u n p ; ., . 6 ige Ing .4a ght T ,g 4 . li I 1, �,
I I 11 I . iently stLuated for isellool, charebee . , '3 steers irilallng 2 igcod gen�e poset . I ... 11 �
� ., 'How old is your childP and market w , In ow due 'in May, , Years; � pa1T I =1 J?ur . �
� 1 20 cents been o. inask." I ,L�h telephon,� the - , . ,It I
� . I * 0 . . . * I , I'i he peevishaad IrritableP houise. 'fire miles from Exeter and ..Years' old; 0 lielters risini; 2 ybars a,teldinks; A farmer%,x1r1ver. risliag ,6 . �
� 0 . . old. Will make igood lbeef 4nige-xis: 2 years quiet -and prellable; .1 geldlillig., Horse Jor Sale I :
I . Doesbe grilld� his teeth? seven nilies from%l�anii4ll,
I Dad Cedar Stungles at Mr. Qlenry Ellb�r, -At, P. steerti .1 year old; 2.helf,wils I year rising .2 years. carriage.; ' f '11.Y. 'r!S- , A .
, R%Q P. for - Does his nose itch? Is his `Tenders will be rnelved by the un- 1 A: ,,goQU general ` pul:4.pose horse.
� I a b EW.O old ; I -calf '3 inonths old. ing J year.. icarriAgp ; - I family, pony
; n advises -his conatituents breath offen§ive? Is his ders!67,Med up �o and on Tue;s4ay. . valued ata�ciqlt $175.00, is whil't nranr. I
i ; $2.30 per Square 'nolt"'t-o ar.,u,a wecEprocity 111OGS.-2 Yorkshire isows ,due Ito quiet And xelia;ble. ' � i
� . .from A appebite abnormal? If the � March 21st,' 1911. for it'llits pro�erty in farmersUTe lookin; for, An add li4
� financial Ji Iter at (time of sale ; -1 well bred C.A-TTLIR-2 c6wa wili calf- b.t foot; ge �
� � Q standpoint. not wIll it child is 4 to 12 years old .one lot of zeparzitc ,to sutt tha par� this Will be read by perso , @; �
1i - thei chascrA. Easy terms of payme�f- For Barkslitre isow ,due in May; X pure 4 ,cowls due in April; 2 cows due in .
� White Cedar Shingles will pu.14 dollars and ,cents jito r and has those symptoms e and Will :
I terilas and particulars apply -to � 'Save them nrobably..4 week of driv-i
. pockcts but Iguardtheir, nakjoValft. it is safe to asstime that be Thas bred Yorkslibre wow with litter at May; I pure bred Durham 113,411. 20 w"t1mg'Just such a hors
� fool_ 8 bags 14 morelthis 01(j, . months ,old *i�Ih peditgree ; 61. v -
I ' NVUh �Canida having ,external.,itrade 11 ik troubled with worms. Cameron,. Farquhar.. P, 0, I . t'eewl ix - AldveTtise khe live stock Jou
t'' at $2,10 Per Square xeld0lons with 72 counitrici .and 4d-' I I I .. � . Va.0tively no Tesexvo as Ith,a ,pro- a. years, old. f A ; 4 isitecx"'�Yota rs 0141; ha'v'e, for sale Ia -the -Times. I I I
. I "' mine-tentlia of - !It wft,' I Ithe Nyal's Worm Powdem I -1 � , I .,,......, vr I lefor has ren'ted 'his farin, 4 heifers 2 years old. ba"ef rinlA* -, . :
� i, I - � I 'TDutmS OF SALE . 6 0teers. I year ol,4;,4 blelferis .1(yeav . . ". I
I , 'i�J�Ited: Statc%. w4idh amounts * Ito kill and remove worms. Mr. fflavrz DIM -n -leaves thLs we'Qk ' I
I 1/-, , All Kinds of Lumber at About 50 per -cen't. of her 'tdtalltr;aA:i Pleasant to take, Only 25 for Itho, 1 sl It. . � 11 All sums of $5M 1 and ander. cash; .old. . I I ,a I
1. I I SEREP-20 Lehoester *,es; rao
; relations; 1.0 depTeolabe. the financial cents. . F or" Sale. At A, Bargiliia-A new s over that amouVb 9 mon'this,' credilt Lliriooh, ew,es; I Leiouqter ,ra I . il
; extremely low prices. � in. , Threshing. Mach.ine ' . 11
I . . atandpolixt of isuch rela1ilins would You may prefer Syruy, I roomed howse and an acre 'of land, will bc')91Ven von, .furalishi.ill ap- ROGS-3 Yorkslalwe sows, due in ' I
r I '': " 11 y be one of (the qria'wislt folUes Civad- Lozenges, or Ohocolatl�s. . with 'flne orchard. Apply t6 Rev., proved dotn't ndtes or a dilgeounlo of April 1 25 holgIa it inorl . ,�
.1 A., Ja GUTWORTH tans could commit. . I I * � , , 3 , Id, - Outfit for Sale.
I I . I ! We have them all in T.Tyal's W. 11. Butt, Centralia. 5, per cent. ,!per. annum off for 'CaM. I � �
I I . � � I I . FOWL- igeese. I'gandef 0 Itur.
, . Q,R . ANTON. __ ONTA)610 I . * * * * *.* it . at the same price. A vestry mlictim., was jl�ld in the DWIGIff FISREIR, Proprie'tor. keys. I Item; .2 ducks. 114ra"k'e; 1100 Decker lThres1ling,haachine Rn faix. I
1 1. I. I TrL�1t(._.ATc)IuOr1al church oil Tuesday Tillos. )CAMbRON, 'Auctioneer, F ar- I hens. I conation, together wVth -, Decker . I
;., . I � I I
1� Wotild,so marly people qahar, P. O., ,
: . The minis,ter Was shaking hands . eveuinVto �corvsldcr the linviti'tion rew , in TiracItion cialg4ne. Machine
�. om� , I I IMPLEMENTS- Binder, gix-foot Stea i�
,!. I wilbli. a new member of lhiss coni-.4re- I lie commending this ,drug l by their pasitor. 1W`v. D. W., I -1 -0. mower, new; 5 1-2 ft. -mower; hay self feeder and supj)liled with blowet, .
11 . 6 . IT'S ALMOST HER% , ga1ton. a Igirl fresh froin Sweden. store if it were not, above Collirr%�:to ,the EnglLsh",chuxell, at " I . I
! . .1 I . I loader.,side delivery ,rake; horserake and voutting applaraltim.'flFor. par- ,
�, �, . xs ., and said. cordially-:- - . I , the average. 01irit1iin. The memb . - tloularv� apply to
� � : IThim, are moVl1.9 on to ispxlug . , ors Were unaiii- Auction Sale - seed drill; ,3 -horse cultivator; diso.
I 11 Roi�ins T-or�hw,axil arf! now flyiu:Zz- "I would like to know ?your ad- lollo fia voting .Mr. Collins an in- I . 2 furrow riding plo�y; pingle fari!,ow WM. AORNI I
I . .
1, - ,drers so I can call on you.", . I crease of $150 in salary And it Will I �rliding .plov�;. ganglplow; sd't four- to ,Apr 1,:" Woodham. P. 0. -�
, . It% as clear,,as anythk_z W S Howley PhIn B u . I -OF- I I I
, , "Oh." lsaLd the lgi.i�l, innOteently "I be learned with pleasure, ithat tho pleced harrdwia. saufflerrj�nd Toller. � I � I
� . , .,Grim old. ,winter fast Is ldyi�4x, I I . : I Ohemist and Optician vopular Pastor of Trivitt -ciiurch ,has FAIRM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND � lumber wa-gon; doiiblLe 'box =d I I . , , �- I
1, tlj�re�a A somet'him- ir- the air haf a.man.11 . Ided to remain iVitlith-a. ccli.Ztrel I I -- � e' ;' wagan'; . - _ im, ;
� . � sprin� i's tpTovj . . EXETER, ONTARIO dect I � I I 11; V URN1JTVRR
-it the birth of . Mr.Z. IS. Phiallps ha,s xecel'
. I 1Th, * * 0 * v * 1i . seat complet _track
1. . 14�<,; 11 I'll tLon. . ved In- top 'buggy; 2 pair boblalet.-his-, , ,
- mffim� The marriage took placelast �L,ven- istiudlthonA Ito sellby,publie aueltion on .
. .1 r*welling budis are everywhere, One of Mr. WrIl.-tht'a arjgume4,',49 , (I LOT 9, CON. 4 HAY '' 1 nl�w. 3 Aedt pleaimra sleigh. . . .. I I I . � . ,�, � �
.11, 18he'-s bc,ala totalk of movir,-S'. � taL, vVed(headay) At ithe. liorill of Mr. I cutter, .cuttln� box. new;,,&a "
. :againat .reciprocity on -F�May after James. Scott. William street, of his 04N PRIDAY MARC111' .17. 9911 mill. pulper,, o!c mbin tion ffn.1n%*. One Gasoline Engine six Horse
11 -and �.the ;one on wE_-(c-,h be Main, Street Ladies bol , 0 a I I �. I I
Underfoot the gro=d is vvarm, noon. last, . daughter CaJ-rie IC. to Afr. 'Andrew At one 6�clook Ithe following property hay ra�ck.-'hay rack. �gravel box, wheel Power Goldle & 96CulloiIljh,
; , J$oon the crocus ivill be pee!pgr�g.- staked his political reputation ivaLs Picnic. ULLachlan.'Of' Cromarty. The ol UOUSE�S-1' mare )8 years old; A barrow.. igHildstone,jilet double -b--am 'make. Same in -good' condit` .
I � IZ,hroagh the blankets ioUX-d rte -th�t if reciprocity should �oa.gs .:Can, I I illony was performed by the Rev. horse irlising 4 years o1d; 1tdrivi.lig. harness; set double wo' 149
� � aditars, -will buy more from the Unit- ^ rk harness; By order of the Council, �,;, ,
. *1 form , The, NVinter Picnic" held by tth,-) S. P. 8ha,rp. 11, D.. -assVed by the horse irising 5 years old; 11' mare and set -double ni,edium weight -barneos. . ,:,",
I Where so lona ��t h&s beer- Isle,eping, ed fStates Than Oe Nvill &-all them. .v., 11. G. McKay, of Cromarty I blood c6lt;.',d, dri,vilia- t'': I
. An a-reement similar bo 'that itl Lad%es Aid of Main istreet ,�hurdh on Ite iii . hOrlae &Yris aet of double light tbarnegs; ,g sets , � �
.; . Soon the sap will start to flow, , 'v�roulTbase Irs political Xepuita:'tlo� Ifk'iday last ,Wt 111r. 'A. Eoopl Nvall the presenoa of about sixty gi',�Wt,. old well bred and 10ioroughly broken single harness.. -car ropes, land slings I T. B. Carling .� , I
. . 40bon will bloom.the biftterl I The bride and gro COWS -11 cow due to ,calf March whiffletrecs; neck yokes; forks shov- . I � �
I I Sbela begun to mutter'low; . that ,applea grow on apple tr-1 or a pronounced %access. Mx-. and PArs, ed exc'cj)t'for li om, were. unattend, 12; 1 ,cow due to calf A,pri� 2; 2 , OLERIK �,, . � .
� m that what goes up mast come:d0j,_11. 11Ooper make A cauital host and . Qha.Miss Mary Fran- els, horse 'blankets, .Dalay chuml. - -_
I , NvBrin_, -the tleai,der up I" 76anada bought $30, 'me 01 Ubeets 4�]U,g one year -old. ,brood- iil'
I . , ! Ili 1909'-10 stegs and lthe!x he �.aa ideal Tla,oe -is. of Dansell, niece of tba bride, who cream isepara:tor, incubator and * � ' � '
I 'per. ho At 3 o'clock Pv acted es. flower girl. The w�,ddlmg IMPLEMENTS -1 igood -wagon 2-4 er; .quantity of hous6hold furniture A.
Vjhingts are moviLg on to S.Prill-9% head of'her population from ,tbe"13',� to ,spend a day. 1: top ibu,ggy good; ,1 flal:r lbob6slelghs Farm for Sale'or Re.
1, � � . lultrall. was played by Miw Jean Mc- quantity of hay; man6,olds and turn- . I I
� ,
NAture.s�tartztu stretch and ya,wri. S. and sold $15 per head or lax lill Til. .1 merry looklng crowd -16f ';vQmL0 I ,good ,cufteic; lib!nder Matmey; I- , I
he LT werc at
_ ill,,x':vL,d, not a. mail �o he seep but im-
1:1f C. r 0 t is to eve)rythln,2�1 words Canada's imports from I _T_ . the church whtan -NIT. flooper Kellar. of Cromaxty. After -the ce-re- Mover ll!g U3; -horse -rake; walking i.ps..100 bus. of,new variety.. of swedt 100 acre farm. Lot -10 Con I
arm . I inony .congratulations Were exbanded . notalom. � 1:6., etc. Alltheo'bove cession �,
From the rosebush to the lawn. S. amounted 'to �ver 223 million, -dol' and. (.Ill.- ,guesits Oat down to a dailnit(y. plow; X tv�� fu�row 1plow; Seed drill plements are ,almpgt new amd in good Hay. 9, acres of wheat, ft acrest"Vall.
- -
Ev , -..poet in the land. I lars; and her exports over 113 rafflicmr,4"�' the drixer, an* you Ican. Imaglifte It'llf-3 welldi,ng .-dejouner. The evelning was I set id-amond ,'harrows; land ,roller repair. I . . . I . plowing, irest in ' lgilaza. Apply: . , I .
rato L4prinS 1�prepares a sonnet.: * * � . ... ... 1. semnible ,that itook ipllace to reada PleaSantlY 01)l in music,aames, etc. , good faucibg mill -with ha.gl WOOt . . , . John Campbell. Farquhar. ,�111-$ol
the front i3eat '&Wlde him. HoWeVOic , .t TEA�IS OF ISALE . . . � �
tMid already t,:he Jaas.j).lanned, : I I Pullper;,,hay wake. 1 new lgrav,al box gat lstq6k. ,cash. , I I I ., ji,
� . thq t*maril one cla',inted it by irla*� Alr* ,and Mrs, -McLachlan will reside , ilagje I I .1 .
I Dffer exquWte Baster bannetL The Scotchman could 'not find his -, `,�'. ' on the J011 concession .of Hibbert L Iset double -harness; J, selt --ill saiiis'-of $10.00 hiall under -cash; .
" 1111 I or r,r6evilence and Ithe tresit *had TO They have the bast,;Vllshes of a hosi harness; whiffletreou. ned s that -amount 10 .months' oredlib .4
' k Yokes , over I
N-- L. ' Ocket. On the condactorla ,second 'cake a back acat. . 'bel� J'Ver on' furnishing, approved'
. 11 of friends who join with the T mes ro .; horse -blanket; 1 griftidilng
I round it Was still miissl�aigi, We had 'the uaaal drLye. All the . i will be ; &I v Farm for Sale by
I "What'is 'that in 5our mor�thll" he� ' t S per cent. wr annuin
npers- . X jo,n notbis. - , I
I kPickless Newsp . lad',D&,�pregent ,could U.11 Itlie drIver in e.tending.congratalations. , stone;J fbearn tscales,300 lbs',' shovels .
� � � ., i I aske& . . I I .6 __1 - hoes; forks; Anumber of cedar-posto off for, vaah..on credic amounts.
I The Buffalo ' Courier says :- S the rii2lit 'and 'prolper -Way 'to drAve � Tender I
are enough. there was Ithe mIss- and when ive would .reach a bad S. 6, NO. 15 USBORNE cross cut saw. laz Ing chains; A num. Posttivvly no xeserw as .the pro- . . � '
_,_�� _ � "Of course there is much reckless Ln� .ticket. The conductor pundhed. 1)',coo,of road labout,one 'half of,them The following is'the report of S., of grain bags; ,hout 40 hens; and prietat "llhi teirted'his farm, I That choice farm 'tbo esittl - Iffia
I .
Am- Lt'and went )its way. .1 . � -_ other artlelels 'too riumerous to men. . of
newspaper talk in the country. . . �vpro �,A-',nd Lnoua�h Ito isitand upL Ito S. No. 5 Usborne,for the month of , . GEO. MOM. Pi'6prtetor. bih.- Weislay .13alfour, .1,eing ;compowu
p � �'Ah, we'el" said Sandy. in�' JY 1`iqhten fte load I � . February. Report 'is ildsed on it. tlion* ' T116S. C�iblfRON. Auctioneer. of 'Lol: 27�,nofth Whames Ttoa* d, .Townw
pers -so t pa' I l4m, - -L had forgotten her , nd class stand- :1-1�, , . . Pullarton, -q
orican. newspa, themselves say 07 111's fello,%v-' sisenger s bauter, The�raember�rha . tendance.- behaviour � a FURNITUAB-I table. 0 kiltehen I ship of 11 I 11, .
� for they are constantly accusing each noe sae -absen.c-inkaded as ,,n� lii�ad hat last time went prepax-Zil by'. -wear- ln'9, V. Class. Elill Fisher�.Elmer chaiIrs;. B dining room ch . - acre-,�'. On 'this -containind ,103 1-2', 1� I ..
. I I bed steads. p'cturen; .1 charri, 1 bowl 11. -prolperty .is an up4to I I
other, of misrepresentation, extrava- M`ink. Yon Was a vera ould ldbket, trl� a k9tauning iscarf -on- her. head McFalls� Entrarim.,01aFe.. F&ed Per- " daLa .divelling,house.1a
d A. number of milk pansarid )palls and &�*.' rge .bank- barfi, " -
&-a t sta: em g qftbe an I was j`lst fan,oken. aft the date."" ' ' k ins. A . I . I , ' M firlished.- dtabld.. large isilo, !oil& -
,11 t ent and a twistim .. � u9tin, Ford.. Eddie Sillery, G. barreia. � i"Pall , we
I fN. . . I . . I and �- � leav!nz her - ,Ihp;t - home.,- Our ' . � cti-on, Sale � . $
� . . 11 - - -Sr . . 'hqusc,,good-orcha�d ,and spirin6 -
.,r .0 I Pres,'il Mrs�. H, E., Hulston.,�tcn_� johas�. - Ill., -Blagigte illal G. ,
� ._-_truth.' �oreignersare accustomeato . . �, .. � . I � Posiltively no tre,4ervi6 am f1the ,t) j ,�,� (� ! 4 ,,�,, , ., I . drive,
- ' I . . .. : dul the buieiLess sesslon ably as�- Ycl�,��Rz. Clatence 'L4ahuS Jr. .'III. . . ODA- . ,, I , !�� I � Wc1J. 5 acres of hardwood, ibnih 16�
assert that this American newspaper Conservatives bold Ra'11y' s,:3ted1%y-)(h,eA1lsk.,vi-ce, mrs.1r,..uRa7r- " . eor has * farmi , 1. " �f ', I -i. ,�V.�. I i -1. I al fall wh-&dt. -all,11sItAble
. . ' Thelina Ford, brby' `Itc*,�161', karola Jago ; I , '_ , '
ton and �2-ud v'il �Mvs. R� Hureter. IZZ0 ' . I : 'i. . ". . � . � plou ghed and 'balance seedied. to grass, I
. ' R Pekkin-s. All sums of $5.00 and u I --._,,�
- recklessness is unparalleled and many . X'Olr. r F errol 11,i , K11181", Or, 'SALE . 1. .tA ,`* Itand
� � lr;',_,� Oy F IAMIgT(jCli:� . r
thoughtless or ignorantAmericans are I (Continued from page 1) After "the 'Ibus'mess.l sup'pler 's�as ,sar Sr II., ,Albert Bon ter., Jr. 1I., G. rider Cash, .,L- Mr.,; Jos. . Wh4c 'has -Tece,lvled in- 20 alcrcs 0,whLch ks fresh seedkid.
, � . ' over Ithat -amount 9 months ,credl, . I
,-,Toom, and is ,property tis beautifully oft -
g tthat other load ,of ,men drove �ovw,,r. It Mervyn Dayman, Pt. 11. Mae,-Fo .
disposed to believe them, the barrel. Thena is nothing ved i'm Itlib IspaclowA dinJU Porkins, Arnold. Vord, Charlie'.Prdut. I litructidlas to sell by'pablic auction on Th I
� ,in . will be igiven on furnishing approved ated. converileric Io chu .:
. Ent in a competition of this sort `1'1� ' should instil into !the minds. of , Charlie Fisher_ Am ' rd. lolnt-'natels. Adiscount of 4percent. LT. 7. CON. 7. USBORNE . I rch . and
' as marvelous ithe 'way Aille iala:tablea - , klisher, Oran ON �10_NDAY MXRCII 13 IDII school with '. telephone, and waial -
our people mare than Ito bav-6 coin- "' LaV.ry - J h. I I .
�, there are very few American papers -rowards. their felll Msnppeired. Afteir sirpp�ve our Pastor MO -T. Pt. I., a Hicks. . V. 3NO. DUNCAN. ProPr'*etor. at one o'clock [the following pro Inall delivery. and must be sold Itot
I wou honesty had another mectln.g..Iso v 3111rierz. teacher. � ,
I 1. ' , ,ZIT. aast�,n I . VORSES-1 .horse rl;ihF 5 y6,r, w'nd up c4Aate. Possesson given, a:t
,� th�t can produce a record of indul- In! the end Et meau.s flicusall-ds of dol - -asked Ito riot ,lm chal±man. 'The *,� , U. S. PIIILLIPS. AacBonel I 1. on Go. . 1.
! gence in audacious untruth compar- lars ro ua." , . was . . old; .1 drlying 661t xWng b' I I . IF
. � ella"rmarl add,rers was slloft Wtat- TdI: 0i MEN OF A - , . . , . years .
� Bl'ohard3lain 31. P.. Peel -a�d Glen I . , RAILROAD CAMP . old. Go!defi - Caa& -Tenders will be :recelved uplo, and.
, ,1%ble with the cold -type performances .n-, Ithat ,every one talbod an Iho3d 'to� AIIE *AN INT4,JAEI�i'TING, AND PIC. CATTLE -1 'l due to c,1,6 in on March 15th. 1911. For uerm
. I , . I 1. Campbell. M. P.. .(Gilbert Plains) wer, ' ' . . Ual,;�Q,Ur L ' and
_f_ , -Of . certain Canadian Tory papers in expected up from Ottawa 'to uddrms. respond or 1pay -a Roe. . � . . IT " � GIXOUP. I particulars appf� Ito Thos. Valuerotil,
. I April; I cow due to calve in October .
A of the pending reci- the meetiling but neltber Mr. McCallum ibeLnq first a:9 he � Is : W.lke4 I started railroading I was 5 good shoft-keep atei�rs rising ' 'J I , . __+
I their treatmer .. walsable �o - -af ber dinner rspeel p, I Auction Sale Farquhar. P.. 0. . .
. ,,
,reat on L'P� t Vather prejuld'iced against 'I'Daguels" year:s old'; '3`50teers�llsiug 9. yeaia - I �r
procity agreement, , For example the come, .their places bein4 ,taken by Arx. T. 11andford 'who s's shvii-jr-is equal - OF ILIOUSEIIOLD. EFIFECTIS- ETC. . 2 . I
� Alex. Raggart. 1. . I ' and other . al' n lininii.Araill be- "'. old; h6ifei-s :ilsing ,2 years old -, r �
'Toronto Xxil aind Empire says. ',,A- . Al. P.. (Wirlhipe-V. ro 'the occaw'on *'e , The unders"gtned aactio,x�ex h"
liam Wright. M.P.. .(Iaus, I lieving that their'llivasi" -to Can- tborotra%bred 'shorthorn -heifer'2 yr,%
I and Wi3 ko- Bouslau,gh a piano selection;'Go 'd .. , cc."Ived iniStruistions Ito ,sell hy 'pub. s I year o1d0I bo,ifer 1 * Blacksmith Shop ,
talked about and enthusiastically Ali- . AIr Ilaggart paid ,particular at- T On onal.wilial peril t ' mises. WILLIAM year old; 'o .l I
� -Cross the line the agr�eement is freely kaT . . Mrs. W, COult's isang 'a solo, ME& ada and ,tbo UTA;.te,d Gta.te,s was a Vic andtion on ithe,pre old; 4 steer
� till to tle ,e.,lts which would and 2lossom Powell. iedd-:Dize. 0 both conati"es- STREET. on SATURDAY. MAELCH, r/
.� proved as a measure of annexation. W" Ol 1.ving with 'them bas, pharged 1:8Lh. lyJI-_at2 O�clocklp. in. 'the fol- .1IOGS-1 ,brood Lsow'wi,th 111ter at I For Sale -
, pred'idt, Gordon -will 'Some IPAv cx64V `Uiat .v:,eiv� They to&. - � . Toole and Stock complete in ' ' old "
,_', follow were reciprocity brought litto . I - are certainly nut -, able property: 2 bedroom SHEEP -7 well bred ewag to lamb- livp village and one of a go
,In ordinary conversation citizens of effect and ;afterwards abrogialtlLl h,*Is worthy father. Mr. Wil7'Fk PoNlrell low!n,, valiv the blest farm- -
,, ldrby * - 6 xb "Lli(- ...,cllni ot 13urope." If you think t's; A writliq desk; I sideboard:11 in 'Blarch.
-the United SLates, irrespective of par- efither"nation for any reason. ua responded by 1phonagirapb; NV .,-,b' or ! sill, .
. ,L-. calinly ,for a, momerl it Will * ' ., ing districts in Ontario doing a good
.. ty, laud and magnify, the President emDhasLzed Me faift -thatto-day Can- enjoyed a friendly ,con'telisit ill it'10011- -daNrn upon yoa thalt men ,hcy have coul I -extension itable; I ;parlor NO, r",,erve`as.tb,a prbpr'etor is gIv- trade at present. Apply to , , 6
' tw ` . A hi: -call Vlw vilicrprjtc, oual 01,ove wilth ,oven; � wooZ[ cook ln;c up farmLng� . . 1;
Von Three "of Nv'ha!t we rill
forlits great stroka of annexationist ada, was making A ,choice be eian t' ,to, 1,=igratc to a Z-1ove; chairs; carDets; glassware) . W. J, ROADEQUIsE., ,
�, , I go!3* After the.British market or he hasbeent" taking- part. W�,' i��,�,,, f;1,U-'1'g-4 cout,try, .and the resolution crockery - house plants; I lawn mow. A TER11f.S ' 0 F, SALE . . . I Kirkti-In, Ont. ' . .
Voticy. And the United States Gov- Ar the. ' Uillifted, istates marker ain,,ed -at It-he,'w literary .Tan-.,. i'.t �o save mioney fbr.4hat purpose, are 11 sums'of $10 and unil Caiih; .,
. 4- oundll but as itlwo, of the' riot 1:kely ,to be 'the er; I -three i:ppring Avag.on;..1 bhggy;
ri 3 �tjf� :Tr'e 24f,ish market Was [the logical "'O kl�l - wordt of their I I, 1,t, over that amount 8 motniths, crealt 01 �_Mk
. 40nmant desires itspeople top taki ,:, a" la,d�I!A.A had Ito be .prompIted Awif. 21 ' rawI Nor are the inost of 'them U er; 1 hand straw cutter; IJ on furd'Ishin-z approved joint not , - ' `1
�� krkl Canada. lout lit Bt were � es
,view of the agreement -a view thdt I t,ml of ,course t,be Vthtex one I ' - set .-*rr,n harrows; ,I plow; 1 ,grillid. .
: Let sl;di.j6ther agricultural,couill '01; i'll"' "'nora,rit', PLaLmlats.- ,as rualay -, ill -1111. A d'ecount of 5 per dent. per alinum Caretaker forCeinet6ry . .:.
wol unite them in support of it." , prlza,.. I had ,'better molt ,liaili-, tbe' v'ormed new�,pl irr; stone.; forks: boes; shovels; �.do ' - .
like Denmark. - the Argiziatina. etc-.. 10 ' . ..ters 'would Zen w1l be tillo.wpd on I !
Mind you, the foregoing Are the edi- ;vould quickly is�ep in and -get is fl "v%, iner but you con ikii - Itibe, 7,riz� i it' 'havc. us . -RuPPOLSe. Dn, the tontrary. hers' and ortbex ardolesA00 =Urwar- JONATHAN COOPIM. Proprleto.r. Ap'Pli,cations for the posiltion bt .
0 ""in Mr. Willis Powell%: s tore ,Nvind;xv. At tho iiverage 6f educaC I ollsto ml . . earetaker of, 'the A.P,xetar cemeteryi 0.114
I da Would he . ,elaILT JO'S. WIl1TR.1*Aiiot,;oIIV0r.1 �
torial atter&uces of the recognized ,a hold on it that Cana . the close of The,,p .on., k�.spL LRAIS OF SALE. -bash . �
I leading organ of the Conservat Pudback years i'n her tmdl rolai.ram=, A heartY arziong the. inerl'of the northera T . . I will bi., received by Ithle undersigned
A ro,bprlam �
lv He xeferred �o the fact that .-hill vote of 'thinks Was qlven tor onr licc,t" 1,,ttroliean. nat?jonL;. li,s -much lh,<&er INO reserve as 111lia propr'f2tor ,hava I I .1 - � Ill) fu Isteturday,
� , and hostess. .1 I . , . . ,sold h:!s prop rt� and .is ,going West. �, I . I 1Ab of March Aprow.
party in Canada. Other papers of opporl ,lm- ,the last Dominion 0ac- . . .r'.atixe-born CIV'nad- ties Ito -commence 11A of A�ril. ,
I ,� - I than, -that of k,he , C � � IN. .
. ' I
, that hue are equally unblushing in T.,,on. 1). .0. Cameron.'was'out in 4p- So wilth faces bAbyhIt, and che'l-V . All rsilro,ldf,r French or Eng,lish, JKMES RICHARDSON'. Proprfoetor. . I I By order 'of comirl I .1
Tho, ltal*ow� ara ar. excepti W �
I � their manufactured falsehoods, The Po6ition -to reciprocity -and had see- There left a ineirry load - � .. . "'b". 11 I on to -B- W- F. 13EkVI1VJS. Aucti.oneer. 7. W. GLAD -MAN, J9jeqy,. .
I . . I ule. but ,even aniong iticill, .1 � I
I ,ch ,a onded the resolution of The Winni. 'And took 4he' ' . . I I .
*,T Ihomeward Journey k -_ 1� � I I
: venerable Montreal Gazette, wb l3e.-� Board of .Trade, loppos*ng - the Adown a �coun`try iroad. . I �av*v ,knowr, men 4ual,lfied by train .-------*I-, YOU FOLD I . I - . . 1, "
I isupposed,to be one of the most cauti- paclt Mr. -Cameron had - - ,h , � I .. ' I %)
, stated-tt at ._ 'I 11. 1. I n g a L (t ' n ' &1:111ral ,glfttS TO. 1:111 ' TO- I �' I..'.......'.... I!71% . .
cum and caroful. papers in be �could sell off lVis timber holding it. acm 'Y' I � Chance! I
. :,a They snugrht RI eir native vill-ago .
I Canada � h, .bl .' pos!,,.,'o:bs ,One of I, I—— I
# A -a the Far West and make a f ortuZkla Dcl!(ght�d walth fbheix�day. . .. %vh�,ih wc n�chl�am,,�d. I Carul !had. - Notice to Creditors . ,, . ,P., the, West''
mukes wilspicous pi3blication of what . � . I X. ' .. . I
. - hardware. stock W Abe:e_,
but: be knew perbectly -well that the And.sh'ning still ;b0hitud-fteim ti'l,veiled ir'dely in thc,,choru.s of a.r. ill the rxlatt.L,r of the estate of ARD511 . . For Sale, �. , L_-
� . , . I .. . :;: '. "I . �-netby. 8ask.., as a, 'go concerii- �
� it says, is Democratic sentiment in this rW�cd States -timber barons would The l*i94ta of 11foopers lay. I . .,Lillorar-t ollcxa comp Illy. 111�1 11,3,Ld to lVchhrd - Bla toliford. of the ,VillA-4 : , -.:i�:�� -., L
I � , , ... . -
, . r.:..�:::;.:.,:;j:� . t sell at -once oWl�ag
us -c Zo the tr�Ls and 'L I inua , ?,� ,,,,
, bol-
.1 . I .. coulntry�: "Democrats, as one for reci- -8�,ol hold thr- su'PPlY 'till Canada � make ni .. 't'ha . of'kxeter� in the Oa Anty�of , Iluroll � :::,:*::::.',:��:,::::: I �-_ ill heiiIE& . � I
,�,n makt,Carvadia,ris . I _:N. - Could ui l6ate with Ra ,
0 cheery VIgh'ta of lHoopers totted st .1 I 0 %::::::`..,:: ..,..: .:;-."; I in n L.' Fa).iisdiL I
neod6d ,*.,.t and th, . �011 PltllJnk,� -by &Y. as �,4e zentleman,idef>aiazed'��, - ,� J W :, . ...*'i'. . y "
I.— I I procity, believe it, is the opening car ap well. I � . . . � No -tears your Viglilts could, icb-own' clkt-a M� the ,lighi,of-�! ay�. ' ,and in I � I . , . �.V.R. .Z0. . I , 1:29 114. Gd Blvd, Detroit, Mich. I 11
I . wedge to the annexation of Canada Mr. Wi.ijh!t& sald'Ithat,in''the Imidst But we must, Vid you all good nigai i oux, ...-Lo'ck" at. i1.'1-ht,'h('e-te.�etain- Notice is hereby giverl, o"rsilailt LU I . I .1 � .
. .. I . . . -_
I . I
� .
I I I t through of the areo.1yr.ocity -d5scusslon it wa, , - ' :lt- Z, O., 897, obal). 129, i.ti,i;.. 3h I �
� andwillgo the limit bo, push i % And hurty bazk !to (town. LU 66 u" th, L'l "cN.. 'i-,, `m;Ae "' and I " SMLE , I I
, , well to rememb.�r tM Ith3 rerl: . a, .' , a'i�nen.,� oredir.ors vind 0.111!:'.11 havillg ".1,11fli.: , �, .
I . �confldent, that they can annex Oa,nada . 11. , gn, of Pres' lCor,. M..,L.,A I , i '11% x! I ronaacr ivon� ri6yn 0 , I �! . � .
,�.: I . � g, , on 0. -1, wede 'who fo*.-ineIk- a"n"'t -1 I I . ". I .
, zraft was go,z Uneee A ie�r_y' -cultured 6' .. ,he eiir�ate of �Che. late Rich- �.
. . , , '� �K%%-
"' ,ain control of the'United i'� ;�*�3::
. when they p . .,e � 11 � ��.. - �,j: �
1 y ";
I ;1 : Otta,,%�,11 With OV&X-1 ca -t ion op TIRANSPLANTING.Tlin, '2NGLIS11- ; ke�)t ,I) ,.'ambl'ag-halflil Vancouver a-ff Blatchford. whod' A on oraboxit r,ii, , ,, , 'I *1�1.i 11
' ... ... '-".�'k.,... � I I
States." the Vaj:onal .Transcod.tinental, milli DIAN. I 11 ` 13 -�of toivn by the (Zle *3x,d idaY of, Januaxy, 1*911, alre i .:0.V$ ��, ,.
. . - alz� I .0 Nva,s�riih out , .:� .
I � - ,,,,.,,,, r , �Vei�y. ' I .. .. i:;� !:. '
.1 _ .WX1n,& * y . ,.-�,_%�:J::::§jii1j!i. .::.i:: '
� Day after day the people ofCanads j- lost on tthe QtwbeG br:,d,,I,,, wfth The averaze Canad,:Win-born prum 1,olxe. zh.idilid civil requ ved cm or ibefora !the 30th da I : -;� ... :%.. Reduced nates f
. j.:-�: ... j::`::: i:.:
,wtwdu-qt wharves and of A13,ri3b 1911 to send by post prepa!d. -IMINI.Ki% 1� or,
ovev, n:,, i-hyl tbt, litedlaill of , a ;j,..1--Xi1-1.. f.:
.. . �7 1 .
as :,,�.;:;:Z'$�,Miii I
.are being led with such raw stuff ille,al drl bably has fiot i0me to -sltop "d con. ar deliver to messrai Gl; 111211 & 1XV.0,36-IM-01,111 s�!�... ,
'had bei:n no c' i,d ..:;.-'-:1.. 1:_',-R.�11 ... 10 . . I
nj, ,there �,urxv.q;on,dpn'&� stlicol's �cnayse. A &�.",-*:. �%�..
� I , e�mation of 40der how much,it means to LhL .:,.:�.1;�.:,;.:,:.:,:,.�:,.:.;.;.�l-
. the above ,cited output of � the Mon. yuun� 11,,iesan labovur irl ,% cuinp, I Stanbury, solicitonq for 0 .'%, i;, iii ':'$'10:
.. -
the blunder.0.4 .The. navy Issuta 'hhtd RligDminan of the middle class or o' , It! 4tX*!VtI- n:1..1.1-.'.,1�"-.;N .. Cne=way Tick' I
� . I .......N..'. I','.
.....:. .N.
. teettl Gazette and the Toronto Mail lii�v- I Z I L Q*!' � ',I, for ft wh le--psud i.o fi.pend -UOr-3 of -the e,d'a,,1!! of , th,,�, ... �;.:.. .,,::::::. . ets ..
I . . . Ome a, welght, 'to Ph., .Party �Plea- any. class kk up his ,,itiv�,pges, _'. I � .
. . �o p� I .X::::N,.11 I � . I
On ,top of _
I . I f,mz .no one 'and ajo1w '11) -Ind str,dc� h ,-� it i6u" read , ll� a lluyis:isi Lrans- . said r deceased tneir olarisdall 1. " �
.And, nolipire. � for Canadw, It is 'i diffi- . . I I
. I A .
I � . . � I . . rbla Goverment was -a�a'in s -eking to culb thilng ,to e&txact the We 1riN .11; till of I1r(4e$sG;, 1;Ip,Ll�L,.r,s ,.*.LlisI,op.y lind surnames, address6s and des, 11�., I �: � I
I . wliw�on a liars of their, - ,::. March 10 to . � .�.
I _______4__ draw uway attentton-by ,the tra-& n old Rni.-Illsh toivin-a callicidrill Of Idle Conif,ct betI110011-13 . ma ariptioils, the full iiartici � x*. I , April 10.�
i*i*�* ". I I . I
. I hh lth� th ij� at ' I worked for o�onlc ,t el .11114, 1114. : :.V. I , I
I . 17'-ptnent xvL o United StaricA own for instance. wi t Sc',ence-" im' 01"! OIQ HI-01-CUM11L Of Lhair . --- .. . . I ffj�
, i
� (-I, wa,,� ready to any that the -coun- qt - ' her lif t.b , ..,h a g�l of Vlnlaaiacr�. All of collius o1nd' tbil� nni,ilire 'of tile F+p - � . Inchis
, led n a brand new Cavodla ' . � � � , ive .
' ,i, I I 1, 1. .
Note And' Com. Ment �ry would not 'bp fooled by arlystich ,own, 'IBIfr. Augustus Br'dle, uuer.l a were, ilion of s.,,aacal: on lind re�', -'Wilie.s, if !'fly. held by tlieiri. Ali,] I . #41
raot'm ,bat would denl ultb the ad- lcrl!%. ,^nd r-rx had lbe,,%i a pro- (IJI-1114'I" I'd- flijtiet� th;it �Jier �;uril . 0 . �
. ; ". I 1. . (I ,. �
" .
I I cee'dis. however, in, doing �tbiiii, ii; hi�,.; .'� 'r � ?`.". ....01, 3� � � PY'A 0 C. � I
ration as it doctervvd, , d � III ' r ' UV "'
I Jariou4 tsi0b if), that if reciprocity n, tnlI.,!4 .'. . ;. :0. S 3 11 � ag : 11 a 1,1 ir� 1I.s j, t Iiii. alb nwrillorwil oaJIA 0),i uni.1 EX(!1711- _ N( "' .1
I IP .1 A17141cle on A Ne'W Town for l Old , I ' - w!1l procce . ., I 4PO A112 b, ly,L v
wfl� . . - - . 8
04 8.ntwxation so -ill United I . - __ I . 'n theMarchIssue of Macs ... 3 r) .1i � , .1 1, � k,� Ili -: al' , o f 'I lie: ,V, yi.s and t0rls d "to CrAtribute � a . � . i
11 . �: Ire "c . . .
StAte -t� should mm;td itlike One, 1 ' � I ......... �1` . .. - -, SE IC Il IZI h �
" ... � � - 1
_1 .0.
w -�tnw,,i I - az'�ne. The ,article is illus .."'. , , �111;1 hd - ,lie mis obli ` d ,to the assets of .the deceased amonq the I dies crowd'yoUr � 0 6 L Nb. OR , 1 .
I th,q phl's"Xie ? . . I 1.3011IN ;V%?, I - , ,,-d .0"... hli,4 cl Wtauso ot his ,ris- W0*1'08 00130tiIi there[.O� haVifig l When the la � I I . �Ii I 6 RT I � . I
. I '[T.,�T,TVl'i-Tn U.4borne, on Mon ay. w'th. photographs and etchin % �-1.,,),.,.-- " ,�, i store,: I .
i , . 114 1� �, 11), , - (in w;lh revoludor.ar.v polit,14, -d only it) I)iv r,1.,irtI4 . � 1i �Z
I ga I
I :.I� the psleeping-Vftack, lie they l't'hall Ithen Jiavc not -11 a -and -that � I d ($-AN FRANC , I
�, � �� . 4 0 * ,� ,9. of whiell .
, I .1 Mirch -h, to.>1r. a %5. ,ol ng, the old crumblug walls .
* * 0 I -ird 61t Md DYI - I , 1. , . When the%r i7ome In buble 1800, CAL.. � I
1,,� . I � - tlunrcr. a daughter. . ',,de by ,side wi&I the ); .�! I"d 1, -tors w11ll ,n,o . I I I I .
I I , � ii` �
,,, ,0,� ll� ltl� - 4�Jhe 1�,A.'id ,execu file 1,01
. . and B , al 1*11,� ll'o �comrades 'in. ;sir,-1ng, at -ba iliable , S ANG8LE9 ()&I I
� , ,,�dw;',Tag�erThe count ,,sa "AYT,011-At vthc 115aublT� I -�bacis of a new pta;rie towa !lj,.; p,ny;,1I,.-6 .1i. : I
" ,_ .. ' , L"10,111ay, jinns, and jfolk-8on,gs. L41rola fol' I be fodd w;silfti ti�r imy oirt: thol [ Throngiri� through'you , , 0 01TY, . , � ., I I" � "
� n t _-I o I .; ,j ,a gr.. I'. Rezinald Snippett, the imaglill , ,,,. . . r 0 MEXIC
lj,,�"_ .a Yr. ,%nd Mrs. , peri I
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