Exeter Times, 1911-3-2, Page 8. - W 'T 4 .......... .... P11W9 16 NEWTV. ARRIVAL DRES"I's GOODS You will lie surprised to see the:' Immense d6play of New Dress (ioodii at, this store. We ape pleased with them and we want Toll to seethe most complete stock ever shown in this store. Ladies' Skirts Our stock of odd skirts for Ladies Suits ladtes in VoLles, Panamas, Venetian and Serga cloths are very popular. These We isre showing a. very skirts are all the latest . styles smart line of Ladies tailored and we can give almost any snits, Everyone is very styl- Size. ish and hand made. Do not fall to ooe them. $5.00 to $8.75 Prints & Ginghams Corsets' Mr. and 1,1VIrs. 1rhos. WIFiEtniss, of A good Corbet is not & lux- The new Prints and Gin ary, It is down right essen- tial., B & Q Corsets are all 'that batus are here in, every color- thxt is worn. The colorsare corsets should be, dur- able, comfortable, stylish, fa,i t. and the patterns are very neat. Call in and see them. well wade iin ralisonably priced. Prices 10c and 121c. 500. to $4 00 vie Sell "Miss Canada Shoes, for 1"Tomen - Wall Papers Room Rugs 1011 Wall Papers are the bt�,Cyet AlLthenewest de. Oar showing of Room Rugs signs and colors are shown. this year is better tham ever. N\,- can show you Papers Wools, Tapestries, Velvets sit 1­i4e for any rubm in your apd Wiltons are here in all new b, tiw. See our 5c. papers' sizes, The patterns are A L I ter roll 5, 8, 10. 12 and ptioes will tempt you, 15 and 25o.- Prices$675 to $40.00 . Lace Curtains Mattings IV e., show the most suitable We have about ten differ- eartains for every window, enL patterns in Japanese mat- aveliandd0OA!Way. YOUWill tings. Tliese make a splendid 1w surprised at the prices. coveringfor a bedr000m at Compare ours with others small cos6i At per yard y�.it have seen at per pi.' 60c to $ 15c,20c, and 25c. New Austrian China Dinner Sets Just arrived fr ' om the potteries, Five Austrian China Di n- nersets. These are the finest goods we have ever handled The patteras are new and very dainty. We will be pleased to show yon them. PriLes $18,00, $20.00, and $22.00 ALL KINDS OE PRODUCE WANTED uEWAO"hT FV X;A" J. 7 THAM 19META., ER VIXE8 For 19,lij.4,at a Rargaill-A now $1 th, rvpwI of Exeter luarlipoio, vQr� Arr. and J, A.,,Stewart areja roomed h6ilko and an aor.4 of land., rected up to, )Iarcll 2nd, with Cau crohard. Applv� to, Rev. Voronto th's ivvok. Wheat atalidlird 78 coatis W, U. .14ut,t, C�A�;alla. In. Nv�;" 'V,er(L Leavitt ifs 13 Qat$ 30, Cents 411Urouto and Darrie. Sit Barloy 5o to, 58 cents I A'VOIJ) HAR I Wt GS �itaxidard 8� ceirie, XiIater Joo� Craig ,is learnixig 'the blan Catbart*cs Tend to`cautse In- 0aug 31 oeats� shoomakixig with J,4% Smith, jury to th� 13ow* lltirb�y 50 to 56 coats Mr. S. Ross. of Saskat ' oo�, visited If you art, subj"t to cowtlpatlo�i. Bran. t,-20,00 is week, Mr. and Mrs, Ileavers th, you *,hould avo4 rytron-, drug -s and Shorts $22.00 Mr, Harry varson8. of London. cathart'cs. They only give tompor- Model Flour 0.50, spent f8unday at ll�js honle here. ary kelof and their 'reaction. is Feed flour $1.45 IkIr. Berry, of In I gorsoll, is visittiata harmful and volne"maea more annoy- Eirg's 19 conts ing than tonstipa. . tion. They in xiq lithi daugflter,.�LUs. V, G. Soldon-e lilitter 20 cents effect a -cure and A"hoix lttm Potatoe's 50C. M`k-s Pearl Leavttt returned '11101; Ivoy - aeose live 11c.. dressed 12c. W001� after ,;1)alidI11;,saveraI wu,oks in deney is Lo woaken. the alr-ady Nvalk organs Nvith which they in Ducks I ve I$o,, dressed 15o. Turkeys t 18 1-2 to 20 ceata The �3e%ving )Circle ineets, at the contact'. ithat we have We .4onestly bellev Oh'ckens live 10c,, dressed 12c� home of Miiss Laura Hdbb;s on Wed- the best co"tivation. treatxaai�t wer ]leas live �% dressed 1043, neaday evenaig. . jdev.�kd. Our faith in Ft , ts-no VtXOn12( Hay 010. 1 Mr� 18. G. MaWden this week 'sold that we's;ell it on the pasitive quar- I IV -k markets lower -erxior to a igaVtle- -that 't a istco a valuable Bull It antee shall not co!st the user Choice txvort steeri 5.80 to 5.90 man from GoderitchL a. can t ff 1 t. does not" gl�e e* iret sa1lis- ble-0nin export steers 5.60 to 5.70 The Jaelmon Mfg. Co_ commenced faction an&' ooi�pletely xe.Mqdy con- Cho"Ce export heifers 5.75 to 5,90. Operations oil. Monday last, for 'the stiVation, Thiis prcparatio�'Is called Medixim export heifers 5.30 to 5.50 Cirzt 'time isince )the filre, Aexall Orderl!es. Theo� are prom�t. Chot-ce export cows 4.75 to 5.00 soothinw,and"' A' ffe tive, in, action. robot- ea' *��ooant chemical Choice butcher cows 4.60 to 4.80 Mabel ;Brooke was oalled -to Medlum butcher cows, 4,25 to 4.60 I'Vid-aitown Ithio week oNiing t-& They are ma a . : Other, Freih discovery. ThO�r principal ingredl- illness of tier br 1 Ohodee lambs, 6.10 to.'6.40 ant !i odorlesdk P-istelaski, and color- Shpop 4.25 to 4'65 The Auditorereport forlhe 'Village '� with other I well less Conib'nedl Hop 1,46.65 of Exeter. has, prialbul and Its G,;'a iu-,redieAts.. lotig established now ready for I�otvlbutiola�' for the,x usefulAA;ss in the treatment Wisa 0etltger, of � New Hambura, of itionst1pation, �t form;S a tablet who has been vf,�4ting hli�s Hazel Ivh*,oh is eaten t jw�t like candy, Broww�ng, h,14 trelturned home. They inay be -ta*n at tany !time. LOCALS f Mr, T, It. Uarlimg, who i*,aouduaL_ either day or nidlit, -wiftolit fear of of of thex causlnX y inconvenience ing auction sales dxy gooals A Grand 03end, was home over Sunday. -whatever. They dqL�aot griiie, pi r a nor cause nause.a. �-'hey act without March. Ttev. 6, F. �Sharp preached Pro - The Nvibady mox�tb. part1tory servi,cos at St. Marys Pres- oausm.- any pain o� excessive loosc� b5?terian churO on F�xiday everiing ness of the bowels'�,J The� are ideal for childrdn_ weak,r�Odlicate, personis Pancake day I% as Tuesday. Mr. Jno. Gill is in -Stratford !thia and aged people as "well a& for thv 0 week, Mr. and.Mrs. J'aa. Ifartilu. of Sea- most hearty person. forth, 0EC,ed Mrs. BWkialls parents, They come in two'size packages. 0 all. and M". 9_1,u;, -',h Oke. on Sunday M'sa Nettie Walters is visiting �-rk 12 tablets 10 centk .36 - tablets 25 la,�t� 1 0 1 cents. Remember you can obtaija Mr. Geo. Mok. of TJsborne, has them only at our storc.-The Rexall Mr. 'Jack Grant, of London, tsL)ed,f, Tucsda� ill 'Cowill. I . r.,ented &Ils faxm f or a �exin of five Store,. W. S. Cole., Ilov. Mr. ISharp, vvasinTorontQ last j'Ze'� to Mr. Win. Selves, of near 9.1 For Safi��-Goa:l clean Etraw, mostly Mr. G. G. McPherson.. of ford. was bi Itown '.Friday'. Loat. at $51il.,;on. Also quantity* of Timothy h , ay."�4LI:i . ly L. MoTaggart. Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Collins spent Hay, P. -0. 4T Sunday in Tbronta. Mrs. J10i. Neil, of Fairfield, Its Mr William Sanders, of Stephen. I ... 22 very pleasantly entertained aium- J (11111te ill at! her,hotric. ber of boys alid -2trIs at hin� home oin Mr. 'S. A. Polypledtone. of 'Illyth. f Thursday evening. 1� 0 Lqient Dronday Ur, town. Mr. and 1,1VIrs. 1rhos. WIFiEtniss, of I OU" TIMES IN FIVE. Air. Win. May was In Torolfto the pillmore. Pask.. -who thave �becn visit- - 00 rorepart of the week. in� friends here for ithe past montlifs long, at reduced price All tiles gua p- Antee(L 9izes, 4 in. $13.50 per tbous-m ness. nervous ss. headache an t f I* all wit complains of ; L cc Inz W any appale - 1�ausc, the cxp,,�r Blli.,,ii livaCrIce Wilcox has xeturnea laFt for lthQix 1home, Priday'. libuisland; 8 in, $48,00 per thousand-, 10 4.--, in, $72.00 per thousA d. oil r 04 Whell Isildh a co 2tiou Im ;noticed *,,!vL from -it vilsit 'to Lorifti, The Tinles will -be given for 'the. long. tonis are due to 1 -worms !!It wUI ',E Viild Ito 11r. Frank :Boyle viefted In Can- xema$adar- of khe year )to new sub- Long Distance Phone at Exeter. Children itake N3,41s, Worm Choc Whe tbat th, tralia on Qhiirsday last. scr%eris for 475.'ccrits. Make advan1- directions, are L)rirfted on each ba Mt. Wm. Glenn ' of Litrilloy,gave a age of ItliLs liberal offer at once. For very young children who ca not -allow lozenges. wo racommel dance ladt Priday -nidhti M-I'Z-s Loulse Eacrett leaves on �Sat- GROGUY Mr. iT. Doyle and ison Harold, wqge ;it urday for a few days visit in Brant- ford befor&' gojxg to visit her bra fli'LO 011 t THA: I Mr. T11,ratif Shapton Is rilowly rip. - cover,'n,�, jbeij%g able to be up � laist London on v it day lal9t. , ther, George. at Glads�tone, Man. just ]to 'the I? "a rfection andt week. M T . Davis spent a coill)lc of r. ,; a(! days London ladt week. Mr, Danl. l3andaila. wal; in Wood- makes Itho b mid 11-ghtedt ast,ry Chemist and Optician Mrs. Peter Iftayne dis trecoviaring dtock� LaOt waek�:owing to 'the illneiss of hS brothcr James. We are pleolsed i-s(,�sl and bread '13 OIJIL SNOW T) . Ftr V T, OUR' it 1# from ;in attack of Lm gAp�pq,*,- P- learn 'flAlto il�- now toonvalixgola-e, The. Beginning. 1� 0 Messrs. A. ITosLings and Zt. I Vin- cant -were In London laidt rixidily.. A, GUESS MITAT I'S 'RIGHT Fou Cement Drain Tile for !file wbola '. oodncss of Ifterfid.01, wheal; and one of ttts 11badness is. TIMES IN FIVE. Sale.. When a child is afflidted with o fensive breath. is 1subject !to vomi tised in. tnakliigioiix flour. You should not'. forget 'to order ing. iLndigestion. jeolicky paitnij, nat I now offer all my til on hand up to ten inches, that are tinly 12 inches $a'- 10 fl 91h .1grindigag teet durin,..�1711a�c`p, r. 44tiessnems. revellisj Is long, at reduced price All tiles gua p- Antee(L 9izes, 4 in. $13.50 per tbous-m ness. nervous ss. headache an t f I* all wit complains of ; L cc Inz W any appale - 1�ausc, the cxp,,�r and;5in,'$19,10 per .4housand; , in $W.50 per thousand;. 10 pe�l F in, $35.0 - . a r, ys "Wormili.11 enced in' tI, F thlicis, of fi"'ght, is x14,h, libuisland; 8 in, $48,00 per thousand-, 10 4.--, in, $72.00 per thousA d. oil r 04 Whell Isildh a co 2tiou Im ;noticed *,,!vL ile also on hand. In future will mak I tile 13 inches ,V is wilic to �'trcaltmaut no. t luppoli:ilion 'that �,vorms are presex It will do no hai'm and If the oyn long. tonis are due to 1 -worms !!It wUI ',E Viild Ito S. CudmOl'e, Lum ley, P. 0. good-rastore itbe comfo and lip Long Distance Phone at Exeter. Children itake N3,41s, Worm Choc Whe tbat th, 66d, lates wilth isamo'ktrallsh do candy. They'reh�rryiNssondpla directions, are L)rirfted on each ba 6 OULD summe The Ladica ,kid Main For very young children who ca not -allow lozenges. wo racommel get corn lso much,-061ii-eaper at (the Nyal's Worm !Syrnp.. GROGUY Inulk. T F rash isupply of Nyallo goodg a ri.ved Lhils'week. 4 41 Mr. T11,ratif Shapton Is rilowly rip. - cover,'n,�, jbeij%g able to be up � laist 'nter vIdrtio A Ithe home of nual wl Mr. Adolphus lHooPer. on ;Rr�das Conic in and isce outr Nyall's Depar' Opposite Electric Light Plant, week. eveniafg. W. S. '11owO, Phm. f The Chemist and Optician A icollection was taken up 6xi the EXETER ONTAR MOR FdMoGuiarl ifed his idtEfter.. Mrs. Will Sweet hem th'18 Alain street �3anda)�'School oli Sunday last for tthe China Famine MAN AND WIFE The. Beginning. YOU RFC afternoon Fund. The collection amounted to 0 ver $35.00. �11 To work on fa�m in Sashatch- And the End Themoreanxious we are to Mr. Wm. 'Bag 1. lar. of "the Jackson Mfg. Co., while In Londion laidt W�d- seiveyou. We want to give you tho-first.qualifyof goods at the ro begin with, TAMAN lowest posAle Price and to give Siuits ViT WELL. To, en your orders our best attention and you will be more than pleas. witb they WEAR WELI ed'wlth the groceries you get In bet*eea' s Satisfaction a here the time. J' 'T ur' Tess and Coffeev, of h1s ankle. Ve havo,' sofne excellenr We <,annot-say. more, It lines to 61:6rerr�b'� now up to y6,11 to get a Su . `nd made b us a become on Sweet and, Sour Pickles in of the best dressed men i bulk and the, beat brands of to.... Canhed Fruit and vegetables. Miss lHarLnoll intends leaving 'noxt PJ90NH 47. Customers are now placing orde 'GIVE Ug-� A TRIAL for Spring Clothing,'..r Be among 61 To work on fqms. in Saskat- _4 to appear in thellatest oub suit. Tho ha and1offee Stare. 111r. Win. Leavitt Inat Iveuk inoved WAXTR.0-Vbo1c6 A'utbor ai�a rrosh We T MAB V. his !household offects into.1t1he rasid' once he rooexilly purdlialso from -the tomed to fario' work . should Kt 1� 0 Messrs. A. ITosLings and Zt. I Vin- cant -were In London laidt rixidily.. i * Miss Minnie Talbot. who h*as'been. !file wbola '. oodncss of Ifterfid.01, wheal; and one of ttts 11badness is. It 1� X:ss Edna 1:'ollick vbsited An St. ' v1sitin.- at Dry�Oale and Blake, re- turned Muesda-y �v6ning -.to Ithe iiome tised in. tnakliigioiix flour. You should not'. forget 'to order 01 0 Marys for a few days th.-Is week. of Mr� and Mrz6 John lRodtly, of TJs- firtind; �&. will inean. easier baklia3 6 8� Mr. A. Taylor was; down f ront. TI�n­ borne a v. d 11he aQisurlh;;�, of, , wholesome 0� sal laill: week for a couple of dayist. - .1 Mr. �.B. W. IF. Beavers has TboughV food. 4. 41 0 Kim Maud 2laket, of Kipper, ils vlaillng nt 111r. NVm. lBoNsdeals,71air, a I6t judt. nojAh�.ofleho M- aih istreetl Methodist church and intends bui H. Coo'k Sons and Co. 0 66d, .'a- ing a new briA­ house this coming Vby feed your barlc�y;.*Mn you, can ' summe The Ladica ,kid Main Hens:ill Ont. get corn lso much,-061ii-eaper at (the of stree"t Inulk. Metholl.'st" Church will :bold their an- 4 41 Mr. T11,ratif Shapton Is rilowly rip. - cover,'n,�, jbeij%g able to be up � laist 'nter vIdrtio A Ithe home of nual wl Mr. Adolphus lHooPer. on ;Rr�das 0 # week. eveniafg. wwantedy. 0 Air. 3%os. Jsaaa. of Grece*%ray. vis- A icollection was taken up 6xi the ifed his idtEfter.. Mrs. Will Sweet hem th'18 Alain street �3anda)�'School oli Sunday last for tthe China Famine MAN AND WIFE week. . Mrs. E.. ]I. Cildmore. ot XL&cn. is si v' I tinq Mr. and N.rB- Thos. Prior for afternoon Fund. The collection amounted to 0 ver $35.00. �11 To work on fa�m in Sashatch- , a fow. weeks. Mr. Jno. Mallatt Isr., [s able fto be Mr. Wm. 'Bag 1. lar. of "the Jackson Mfg. Co., while In Londion laidt W�d- 6"n. Man to work. -team around agoill. arter beinig 3aid tip sday islitliped and) fell 'while aro s i no- s i lip a d woman t do house work. n 0.1 for over it inorith. a litreet and�eracked'one of ithhxbonea Mr. Clint. 'Sweat went.to 'Toronto of h1s ankle. -Al,;o- So' turday -with a -car load of cattle Mi1sn Messie Haitnoll hold a sue - for Mr. Wm. Colwell. Mr. Jack Walper went fto Londo,,Tj . cessful auction sale on Saturday last. The house apd lot were not said. SEVERAL 'GOODAEN Pri.da y night to see ithe.Prektoni and Miss lHarLnoll intends leaving 'noxt London hockey match. -Areek fox Guelph. To work on fqms. in Saskat- Mr. Wallar Dearing haa hired w;th 'Aft. 111r. Win. Leavitt Inat Iveuk inoved cheviran. Onti those accus- 0. W. 11. Bearing of Ithe 2r.d Con. Stel)hcii for one year. his !household offects into.1t1he rasid' once he rooexilly purdlialso from -the tomed to fario' work . should Kt Mr. Sinion Miller. ,of Croinafty, Gould c.Aate, and formerly occuple-d apply. 4o4 whges . will be laf t I%T.onday for 11al0bury whore be is interested in by� IMr. Jibs. Goal& paid.to the right people, apply mintngr- On Sunday mornling ladt -between 0 . Master Karl Weidenhaminer an- 11 and 12 O'clock some dogs Igot into at Once to rl: lerfiol:ncd it, number of his boy fri- Mr. Goo. Ridl'a -chicken coop, a -Lid kill - end,,; lost (Phursday nii(lit.. . ed 10 out of 14 of hilis dhoice White 0- ay . Tim, Provincial Government pily.,3 oil(, $55,956 anriially ,to ex -school Leghorn mdhiickc1a%. Mr. and 2VIrs. G, Lovell. who have =1 PIZ R. ICKard in (aachers for muperannuation. I ' been visiting Itha la!t1ter's parantO. Ir- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Isaac. of #air- Mr. and Mrs-'Thol%- Plymn, left last Residence John S field antertattied 11hair friends. )to a week for Tororito where khey will -t. n- aood- old Itime dan6a last week. make them fixture !home. Exeter Ont. It is istated -that over sixty farm - 'in 'have Mr. Laurie WaIrson gnZI I. q�l,. ers Ithis vicinity con�tra6tdd, 5cuth,Ott ,are �,n Grantori:on Still - to -grow isagar beets ithlis summer. day and gave a -couple of Ishort ad- . Dental Off ices Closed. Mr. Frank Rook and Chester Har- dresses A the mornitag.and evomillig voy- C. 33. .0. students of London services of Ithe AfethoddIst church� ]Kindly take notice rthaft my office span(. Bunday at I'Llicir homes, here. Mrs�. [Hugh Cameron. 'of 'Exeter is closed every 'Wednesday afternoon, Last week Mr. Arthur Francis. of Xorth, met wi.th a painful lledido;h4 IDR'. ROT_TLSTON. - I i near Wxkton. ibought froin Mr. Sid. one day JaA week. She. rs1lipped tin, .1. CLOSING NOTICE Snell.' the old Mar6ai Edbdte, Waft Of 131unville. the house and Un fallinz ,broka her Please remember that my,Deatal 00: wr.U4. Iller many friands hope for a Offie is closed ever WeduesdAy.after- - Mr. Win. Lea-vilft wais In Samforth spe�,dy recovery. ce noon. Ki:xsx&w, last wcf,.c looki,ng,ii.f. Itheiri new ska!t- i'llf" xink 'to Igat a few poiliters, for The many friends of Mrs. M. Eae- AIM pe Re llls rink 'here. Another dealer !!.n. one Of our nkmx rett. Brantford, and formerly of Exeter will be sorry to learn that she Is 6suffering from a severia. il�ttaok I)y toli'llZ wrilten ,pjea it "'AuO a m10. Oil of grip. Mrs. Bca�vers 'leaves 'this UG your Model flour. have ,it num" bar of Inp clidtomerii ask for a Mr. Arthur!Saliders,1tor I so ran,away week to visit her mother. A number of friali.4% of Migs Ethel Ithe �IF -for on Main i.,'Areat., Monday morning, 1-11ankin. who Is a istud6at of Zx- 6tor Ulgh School, ar.ove 'to bar 'hoino. &,aindls druryting from Itho Mansion 111ouse to tba &riot 'ri M. where ilt war4 stoppedl in Vlaborne on ffAday.evening ]as' and sp6l a very' �leasanI' evitmIng. S The real estate and chatbals of the The occasl.on wats.a isurprise fto Blisis 0 late Mrs. Ann Eaerett, of town, will Ethel. Mr. and Mra. 111tinkin sup. be offered for oale by,auctiot on, Fri-- plied Ithe oyWers. The undersigned has been appointed' day.next. See add inanother colinall. Mr. W. J. Wer li.% now comfortably Local Sales Solicitor for Exet6r' and Mr. Aadtin Illowilt Is -quifto III 'andi has gonn (to Vis home ncai kirkton settled in %.hQ brick buildliair he re- vicinity. The lands that we have for Mr, J'oe. Durstine, of Zurich, is f III cantly purchased froin Mrs. Jolix4 Tizable ga's are 8 ituated in Central Al , berta. is ing "blig ipla-ce a1 141. Willils' barbeir and formarly occupied by 7%fiss Morlock. Mr. Door has moved PrIncipal Crops Wheat#.Alfalfa, Oats it shop. 'Clio hits household affe ta over 11"A", shop. Sugar Beet, Malting Barley. Mild , The follbuting Is it 119t of num. !)er of frufft Iti-ces ordered by growers ]Io has now an t(iti-to-date harruniq cout ate , Unequalled Transportation, e in 'Forcat and tts ininiediale, vicinity,: shop and Us able 'to dils'play Ilia. IX&O44 to btAtou advantitiz-6. Pacilitiess Good Market, Cheap Landis n 0,035 tip'pla 'Croes*. Z5,7004 voo:011 ltrawi; Liberal Terms of Payfflebt. PAY ­ and 735 plum Itr000. Aft. Bruce Andanion; )teller Or. 'timl ment in Ten equal annual installments Mr, Tno. Alowden, arrived home Bank of Commerce. on Wtdma6day of lat6t week, received uo!ttoc that or�ou crop payment. plan. (Jail and last wctlk from, Ws itrip fl.o 'the old coun'try. Mr. loolca. hale bolvid ibaafi� moviA to 00taiva, and Ita &t particulars at rs e .Bowden .lind beax;ty lbift would xa!tber 11,va dn Canada than England. left Saturday oveni,ti,; for It-haL pla�.a. 1jrucc had Iliceft ivIlth 'the bank URI wo tore, A"v-- town for ("broo Years and -wag WaB liked, b6th an Ithe bank. an4.)by ltaiq .:'Cad `71T WIN" r .1 tTRS.DAY� We will commence a. SPECIAL BA-1RG11X 84LE of Fancy Decorated China. We haVe 50 D.' oz - en Pieces to go. On Sale TffUDQDAV t 10 Ce a at$_.Hach We need the Money and Space, so now.is your .chance. Cups, Saucers, Porridge'Bowls, 131 ates, Salads.. 'A, few' will be shown In our NORTH WINDOW. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS . ........ We h", a several Edison Phonographs 4v oc and hiindre a of up-to-date records in stock g In All the tim . If Yoa want. anything in. this line we IEU says YOU money. Come and See. Sen1for catalogue Bag' f J c a bag Try a 0 umbo Pe plits 5c and io Try our,Confeblionerk, We keep only the best, and'al- ways Fresh.- Pure Candy and'�Lots of it. We give PREMIUMS INA, our DRUG. 'PREPAR- ATIONS. Ask, about. them. W6, want YOtJR TRADE. COME. I_-Powelt, S AL_.PC4Zn0r J. Willis Powell, Proprietor. FRE. FU11t_N1 If you are antic"lip ti chasing anything a Ing pur in the way of F&aitare be sure and call %o� on us And get dbr prices. We bave: a1a�ge stock 6-f hig-h-Jass goods which we ta2b", pleasure in 44 4 4 showing. N'&,ill feeling 4 yo -a do , n buy 4 from We only do one class of Unde i 4 g and that is 4 strictly High� I' �S- 4 Kowe Atkinson 4 + FUPNITUr',.Ci� AND FURNERAL DIRECTORS .............. ....... ......................... + + + + . . . . . .... It + + + 'Nehot exactly free but t ing to it. + _�e next t1i. A ++ + One secou--u' hand Prgan in good On= - :11 + + d% PW + ditiou, Walnut Case "Ognar + anteed -for the small m, of %1)31000 q 4 + Now do not let the pric, on the idea that + this same inferior instrume4 it fs`..1rigYbt and we would .1 + U 7 1 like to know it ttere is a Woman or child that Pan, places enough confidence this ad. to come in and + + See this big B"argain. fn 4 Remember'a Cabinet Sewiu.g + 22076 + Machine, guaranteed 10 years + N + S 'RNA" m RTIN & SO + 4 .......... ........ 5 0 whe T 'I'm, e An Ad' in,, 'r S, � I., V _143