HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-3-2, Page 2­­ -V, ­_. - � , - . f, , - ­ - � , ,�_, ('__1­7­1­­,­�­�­ �,,�7­-­--,­­- ­ ­­` - , , "" '. , ,,­. , � - I , , ","i ­,­_­­­ ­ .1-;-17;:','_,.-._ _­ . , " . . -I.I.—I — --.---- I , � I �'## , I , ! i - 1. " "' ` � I,T� � !�� 17-- , "I" I """--'����'-""""�-'�e'-'��"""71-- . I .1. I I I . I � i � � - � , 7- ­_ I � I . ". . I.. � I . 1. , ­ 11___,,_�, , __r�, Nor 7i I I I roTrvv V" � '' 1. . I . I I . I � I , �,�:7` " I . . I I : : I. I . I I 1. I. �, X X I 7 . : i.... . . I I I I . I I I � I ". I I I , , . I ­' Ill I 4� . . .. I 11 I 473oxi J5 , MRS . I I 1. .1 . I . I , I I I I . . . .4644 1 1 11 1. -3iO�__­­­._,�. �. ; I .4 ATIVER, �m I I I �, I - , '­. ­­ I - .1, ___ , I. . I I I ­�, V� '. , , . . I _­­ I —­ -.-"T— ­ - I I I . ­­­ � 11 ., , '4����,t � r t,; � , .� " 0 . � .� "", I � i I � I I 1, . . I I I I . I �, I . � , I I � . I I 11 - I 7, i F ; ; i � � .i.,� , . RELICS THE LAND, OF PUZZLEDOM" " � I . = -*0W-"-WM.="__. .. — � I I . I ____ . I I I I I OLD 11,13MAW ENTAPH& . _ _0��M� Ell 1. -1 I . . I 1 .... , ,:� I � 'LAN CAMPBELL Wh, I M FOR, SAL — :,' i . 0 . . I I � I I . T A"% � "' . rl� , �,�: I . � I HArd, Nvts,A Par Yo"rigand, aid Folks .. 4Ug - T� ALR-4",r,,1QE(0) (0) 'IDNM A Q V " APW%k UL V . � ,. . , I Some Curl ,&S'y ffl� k -, , � �­*, . ; — . I . to, Crack. I TV on the Odds cus Inscriptions Notod on tQr"1101W091111W200.4ore fargil, 166 18. V1. � , 1, . . Concession 9, ,� . . I I I .. . the Ancient Tombs, �, orough To*aolilf., R 11 . It 'I , � , , I . . Cleared, balance 4T4WOOd, b4oh., roma. � , I I . ; OAMPOELLFORb, ONT, is NAMED No. 14O.-Wpeds Within Word*. A wile'a Inscription on her ,'sweet bank ba �Ma � I � . I . � ' %4JMAJW -LIF'OE. ' I I I . � I A beverage within something to rn, fi4tmo bouse.- j)ije I I US an a L tomb. "I put this tonib I nitle from . �! I %: I I ' I I . �, I . AFT�R QALLENT $OLPIER. h b dA � 11 � �.. Noorofleld, four miles pronj Dra . I'll L � . I I I - . eat: Are Against You uod soll. X� x4olean, Solicitor, On yton, good INSURANCE COMPANY � I . . � I er the protection of Pluto. an , I 1. I . . . . � , . �­ ­_ . all the iderixal gods, who are look- VW . . ,�� . I 1 2, A covet within something chil. I 1 9, .4 ­: - � elph. — . I � I I dren, like. to do 4a winterr. MR7�--KXR —�i - , , , �� I t, P � 0 1 1 1 14 ATE, sale farm Conti iU�c TEED" ' H ead Office I L, 9 After it. If 4: mortal damages. it, , Inju V. " I ,, � I I M'AnY Relics of the Early C,In4cran 3, A shade of brown li to. balt. yo exci 600, good 106aliti urge bAnU � I � I I � � , , , y � Acil . I" W " I . . , I . � I u Can Depend on DR. CHASE$ I Toronto : , Fightors Still Exist No. 1220 -r -Added Letter Pu,zzle QP13118 it or carries away somethin barn, brick house,.young oroh44 near 4. , , -Col. Robert Add the same go ;art SYRUP OF LINWO ANO TORPER from it I wish t1lat he may 119 � l I letter and ohai, . TINE, not fin school, Clear title; east half lot 20, con, (3, I . "" ' ''I ,. I � . C4"I`Pbell, Who Led a Forlorn Of the ear into a, sphere, tO 'pace, into . soil to walk on nor ses. to navigate Xv,rkhaiu. .&pv,),r to,'U, Q. Smith, 848 ANNUAL RE I I � I : Hope Against San Sebastian In the t6 play lor money; degree into a to 1101P You, if You ill And that all his race be destroyed, Dufferin street, ol . _ . I PORT FOR 19io I . , JA i''Ill , I � � ,, . I Peninsula, Died fraznel� the whole into to chato, hum� . Oet the, Genuine. a -ad on him fall all the maladles and 'I ". E JRT,____,__�� Ur Ell ,:AO 4S, CI -1 CE- � 1. I I � ... In Ontario In 1830 evils that, can fail on man or beast. land In the forcuo, M9986MOuntain I I , I I I � I I , � . ble Into brightness of color, ancient What a fight goes on during the Who dares -to Profane this tom distriot,0ne of tliebestin Westernoan. The Directors have pleasure In prosonting thei of the oparption& Of t '9ompa" 'O" I I . . 1. -papt, Dod(4 AnotherEarly Hero, into a precious metal, to conquer into , ,b must ada; ternis,eal price. reasonole would the year 1910, j3pleadld results Lave been I ., winter -season � against coughs and fear the 'wrath o I . I , if "' I . . I I I part of a bird, to restrain Into to com- colds. The children are voarele I One f the gods," exchdrige for. propel in the vie nity, of v aolleyed during the .past J'eai c I I Since the outbreak of the war be. mand, to tal i . olum' _ufu 110 � "ly o' , $a about Ol Informs us that the St. Thomas. . I 0 Of new business, In adding to the, total volume of 14juranois in j;j' tido i � k noisily into bestow, keeping dry -and warm, And the par. uried behind'it "died Poor be- street, 8p. Thomas. I 6 I ce, . 11111n,re,sl1c. .- � � . � A,Treen the South African Rep-ablics color into'large, more delicate into ents are worried to hear them, coug Ulan b Lewis -Tones, . 169 Talbot, th Companyis surplus. � I ..# I �.ir .:ivrt F : ill, . � � C H , " ,::i V 1: 111, - R TWO MILLIONS, . 1. _ I *' d Great ,Britain and her colonies part of the hand, to sour into to dig, ,�. cause ftring his whole life he had , i:: . _, - ,t� - . ere 11aS been a great revival of in The best insurance against ,serious been very dissolute." 7U -M �LANDS- NEW SUSJNtSSv_OVe I 11 - , .. - a Nyeapou into a quick look, to venti- halt a million aores isolectetiIntho Duda, the? � crest iii relies , commemorative results is the use of Dr. Chasel Syrup On a Nvoinan's tomb-. "If a perfect most fertile distri ,;%.at -year new applications for Insurance amountID9 tD$2017400were acelred,. # � - 0. , of late into a tuak, disorder into to sbine, . Cts; special Inspection aTnhIncrea o g 68T,9W, or 02 p.c, oy - � � 6de Perfoxmed either by Britons or a reptile 'into to Pant, of Linseed and Turpentine. . woman, ever existed I am that one, excursion In e I . or the amount of apV1104tiolis received In tfio vrecedlu yeas. � , 11 e spring; write nd-w, 44 new Stow- ;.Ogll 160 Issued In i9io amounted to $1,818,200, Applications for �ide,-Tdi ,were do erre ,_ So well-known is this mOicine and for I was honest and virtuous. but Art & IvTathl 003, declined. . . � 11810TCAnadians. many of Such ro, . L US CO-, 14td., Galt, Cut. I . .� , . � I .11 I . tl(s areAn possession of citizens of so universally used that we need fate has not rewarded me. Alas, I Agents Wauted. I ii 11 . . I I No. 123Q. -Word Syncapationo. . - , I RANCE� IN FORCE -OVER SIX MILLIONS, I I I I 11 Putario, and are. now the subject of In each of the follo,wing examples N -A -Z Ill " 11 ,�l M�-'A' �D_10_0_R � . . 11� . . . . . 041"] a � I ''I !'I 1, I I �'i I The total amount of insurance In force on slat December, i9io, was $6,318,000, an I I ftquary and renewed examination by remove one -word from ,another and - my mother and my husband, They p,, O suit . WO do want to warn you against imi , up Iutc�l or . , � 't, to " , jet, - - r . t SCatcel tell you of its merits, But am unhappy because I rest far from ORT- �� . INSU , ,� _p into . of fruit land, on Increase of',,* I heir owners -and friends. I "tutlas. chasers 1,1000 nor 0 '.11. .,�, Vill as cotupal the total amount of insurance in force at tile end of 1900. this In.' � . I � leave a cl,,word, tatiol aubsti did not love me, but iny children q1d. . . d OrbAse 14 the t9til amount of Insura ce in force is the largest In 6 history of the , ; I On the 31st of August, 1813, Lieut.- 1. Take looks ,,Onae You know that there are at and they 030 think much of me, 0" 004� 49ord to sell this ve' I live u th Company. . , I , f ast four imitations of Dr, Chase's Ov*6r a. lady killed by 11111013 firdra Vernon CA ital of , an4ga, . u .. - , PREMIUM AND INTEREST INCOME, I . ,Col. Robert Campbell, of HJt. 52nd and -leave. Sacred. I robbers who, Valley. For full P�rtioularsa ly to J. F. ` . . Regiment. then on a0th,e service in % Take a mi.neral from friendly and � Syrup Of Linseea Ld'Turpentine on � .sought her iewels- "If you love your _!iinixio 0 The total cash 14come ot the Complan -R$*��261,99$.99. The .� I . . 4r I _ �s� owner, Box 104. Ar on. 13.0. 1 � the peninsiala, volunteered . the market, you are not likely to let wife do not make bar many - eseii , aslow In fr reniturus. was $216,094. 9, vhIIe th I . ,5 frorn all sources for the year Ti to lead a leave capable. , pr ts g�,-,=rmons103,916-88. IntereAea a netdoferre4 and outistandingpremiumis I. I - you into accepting - i � $Prlorri hope, . or storming . party-, -e a vase from relating to day- any dealer talk especially in gold. Give her dresses � HELP WANTIZI). — amount rnings on investments, interest due ant, accrued I , 3. �Ta� anything but the genuine, on each bot� only, and always refuse to give her ll -1.1 11 �� At the eu of the. year, and proat on the sale of ties. amounted to $03,"S.m . against San Sebastian. His offer was time and leave a clock face. A -0 E N � S 1:117J!, "T [ 11 1 1, occurl I I I -FOR TWO PAYMENT OF POLIOY-HOLDERS. . I ted, and the colonel and his 4. Take an animaYs home fro,,, zeal. tle of which are the portrait. and Sta, splendid, and precious jewels, which new lines, greatest premium I . I proll . � . � �accop oldiers, in the face of a ter. ous and leav6 the practical using of the covetousness -of brigands sition in Q'ayaada- Applyfor Tile mortality, experience ' 'L " brIve nature of A, W, Chase, M,D,, �J;a draw -was,jgain favorable � arti of the death losses for the ear amorl to ,- s I !�O _SeIlOry, IWO Albert street, Ottawa. amounted to $4o,69 ,4 . I " � p $87,M ,The total �a;meuts- tO.PO ey-ho der$, JAO uding death claims, annult es and surrenaers, . � I :rible stiorni, of lead, ticcomp.11shed this al -Ill. � famous Receipt Book author. . and attract too many flirts." I -- . I T, � , PurPoEe. The fatalities were very 5. Takeevery one frora a dance and Imitations 'are sold on the reputa. Two uncomplimentary tributes to AGENTS -WXW-Tl&­SEL:C_J__ I , ANT) �. . .heavy, and the colonel TeceiveA ;-, leave a wa-er tion of this eat eaicl , an,4 ,��. departed ,spouses, "On the day of her erect the best iron ladder oV the - I INCREASE IN ASSETS. . � � I . . i0t; tor building$ olids, UtIlify - 1� bullets in his body. He carried them 6. Take a tree from a blazing bea- on their ,own merits, or 11�Ay ,should death I celebrated a sacrifice of thanks Ladder Company, Cargill I . � . With him, fill his death at Campbell they, ot havea name of their own, to the gods," "To Cecelia Metrodora. I - con, and leave a part of the h ,,V � tn I ford, Ol 1836, when they were ex. frame, uman h the genuine Dr, Ohase?s Syrup The, husband: Only happy when he - no so nursery to ZR$ - 1. 11�t�d.. These bullets, are now in the . of Linseed and Turpentine you call ,regards her tomb." Felix, sp&Kq time? You can . . urila . ­ . - - __ -- ---- _­�Hl_ . ----- - . - - ­ - - , T11 —5 - I 1, ; 1.40. 1x;11.-R!ddie. --4 ---lima uroup, bronchitis, ­vu%:f WJ,ULI US, e -d I . � P-6-4-1 u, -Lieut.,vol. vance urave. our stock. Is gi2arairt; INTEREST EARNING R . I of Toronto, and are preser�ed by I am the Centre of gravity, hold a whooping cough, throat irritation, and Strict 17 first grade and truelto name� out� I ATE INCREASED, Zy'; in a glass case, with many other capital situation in Venice and as I the most serious coughs and colds. Ob fit free; liberal terms. Thos, W. Bo Time avers. e I WUlan 0..A ,Iato,of interest realized by the Company in pio on its invested funds -was o 14 .1 . relies of f2he late Colonel Campbell, am foAmost in 25 cents a bottle; family size, 6a cents; FA & Son Co., Limited, Ridgeville, out. stari'Ma increase over the Interest earnIng I -ate Of the preceding ear. The company every victory am ai ,:,:;I� �lil liji ! 1� I Z� I i I :1 � � I L.=r1plicome for the year was, agala � , It is interesting to note that 001. lowed by, all to be invaluable. I all dealers* or Edmauson, Bates & Co., LdAft Grilp"pe th, i I ,I ill li:: I U'9 —DOP1,.ky 01 I more than sufficient to meet ae enUre loss In deatu - . Campbell and Toronto. � and light sewing ai home, whole or . I and his brother, Major have three companions In vice I spare time - good RESERVE FUNDS FOR POLICY -HOLDERS, '-]David Campbell, - An 91h I I fay; w'ork sentlaul , were the first set- could name three wbor are in love I tilince; Charges ( The Corn angs Net Reserve Fund for the security of F era now ambunts"to - . ja d; send sti and full ' lers In Seymour, County of Nbrthum- with me. But it is useless for you Little and Il Religion. particulars. ational ,00.whle' he aeouritytopoitey-holders Over and Above th same ta $664,370. , S.*1 � ,-A fa B, I ,olloy-hold . berland, and founded whav is no,tj th to seek me, for I have long laid in the, This story conies q0ulpauy, Montreal, Man" Otl W114tal security to.poncy-tiolddl $1,325,129.39. un to Be nu*ln e from Austria, Gh I'd G"lause gum f I thriving little town of Campbellford, ,grave. Can you unearth me? where all conversation turns eventu- I I . M!M------------ . � I . ,Ont, Lieut. -Col. Vance Graveley ' ally to matters eduCa L tional, because I ' FRY.' -AS the results Of t INCREASE IN SURPLUS;. � , I . 0 Year's op&ations the oom any's surplus on Follov-h Id I parried the adopted daughter of No. 1322. Charades, every parent is painfully anxious P I creaselto $1502e 9 ,�, � I 0 Is a .0coul . 'IValor David Campbell, and it was in I 1. , that his sons Shall pass the standard e ell 8 $5 ra-A , after makin ample PrOT Sion for all 1101 Ities, to polt". a, each; sha era. 0 ratul and censer , You rode in my firit in a bygone day. which wiU free them -.from I Lut er n1de . A-_ 'XIM8, surplus &O Management resulted Ir Ttio.l.eirsull 1, . conseq-tience of this relationship that certain Lung TrOublun I - , . , 1113twithatall the exceplydenaily large volume of now bu wing the year, the mementoes of Colonel Campbell's It had A strange collapss, they say. years of military service. A visitor TEACHERS WANTED. DIRECTORS AND'OFFICERS:- I . I . - . -1. . . I 'Military exploits came into his pos- My second the history of wars will was conversing with his host" 11 , . � - I zession. - tell. son and opened, as a m 3 sma FOUR HUNDRED PR IvESS10 L I L G. T. SOMERS, . . L I after of How to Be Safeguarded Against teachers required efor 4 Esq., President. I Among the most interesting of the' My whole for amusement serves -you course, with the words, "Do you go . ' and Alberta soli -Saskatchewan J. GOWANS KENT, Esq., First'Vice-President. I Cola opening duringthe I L relicSt are several autograph letters well. to, school now?" These Contagious Diseases. -spring; for terms of from four months to . H. M. MOWAT K.C., Second Vice -President. I 4Ol is from the Duke ,of Wellin"tou 'Yes." * . . _. Ol highest salaries procured; fun I to the Duke o Ii. '.'And -,what do You learn -i . details ol schools Sup )PI . H. S. STRATHY, Esq,',. Chairman Executive Committee. � f Kent-, -dated July' 11, . 01 ed. Al �, s1i � I qualifications, to 'nadiall eachers 1819, acknowledging in warm terms My first as a food should be rich and writing, sums?" This mouth and next are perh Val ,q E 13. RYCKMAN-j K.C., H. MARKLAND MOLSON, Esq.* . APS Agency, Regina, Sask, I , ' I ,0f Praise the services of sweet. S L L "Oh, Yes, and I learn religion too." the most trying on delicate people ­� J.. B. TUDHOPE, M.P.P., R. L. McCORMACK, Esq., I . .-B the then 'Tis claimed by AS "Religion?" . __ . i I . . . . -revet-Major Campbell, and adding meat. . ome, to be good and great care'should be taken of the JOHN.GALT, Esq., I . W. D. LUMMIS, Esq., I L� ­ that he has reason to be satisfied A insect small "Yes. I learn the little religion, throat and 1,ungs, Nothing builds you F. J. PROCTOR, Esq., L n my second's a pest, which teaches that we all come from WM. GEORGESON, Esq., I Witt]: the conduct of Colonel CA Pfruabationer Nurses � WI LL#AM -WALLACE, General Manager. 41hell, and h n'P- 4.nd its ceaseless noise of patience a Adam. But my elder brother is 1 up kind keepe you strong like BRICK, S ad Tecommended him for: � n I .-promi . . test. L a higher class; be learns the big TASTELESS eparationof CodLi The Mount Royal Sanati offers an I . A. H. SELWYN MARKS, Secretary'. � re- Pr iver . My lvh,ofs is a winged creature small ligion, and that teach th t w all Oil. Take el I 'X Another autograph letter is from A es a a it with Your meals and optional course of Training to young OR. H. T. MAOI­IELL, L.R.C.P., Edin., Medical Director. 4'L nd hatched in time from a, -7 - - f A ladies of refinement A- .- - Z . ,a e.puke ,,:E Richmond, dated Good- I 'tr ' ' I I DC ' . I I 1,11t4l� d I 28; 1827. (The -Duke ,of J balL ro unkeys. -Manchester Guardian. . n e your increase in iveigh't. ' e o on. The surroundinT Of a pleasant home are combined I . � .� . ­ , I .1 - .. I I Jxfchino�c! afed ,-,a gor'l in this coun- . In, . . - Ask your druggist, . k , , I - I I with a It orough grounidIng in Massage, -Hydrotherapy, Blectrotherat3y, - � Try, from the effects of'the bite of a `�ef fox.) Several letters fro the . MY first art entertainment gives . The Cocoanut Tree. . There is no tree so widely distri- - . One Way. to Keep Account . a . Medicine, Surgery AT�d Obstetrics. virith letters, to the Lady Superint Apply, exident, I 'Duke -of Kent signed "Edward," in - To those -who loilg for rest, buted throughout the tropics as the I . In a book o f accounts found the 45 Metcalfe Streetli. Montreal. I . APPLEFORD I . ­ . ­ I �-Whlch -he expr'esses his appreciation. . of Colonel OarnpbeIl's services and a ,ond leads from out my first .Lyly See I I Or if decay infest. cocoanut. Even on remote atolls of the south seas, which geologists say on premise s of a bankrupt dealer in a city iii -the west of England were the - I �,_�. BOOKS:' - *-- . I . I . . Jesire to See him at Windsor. - An interesting letter is *that ATY third reversals often brings, � A little word at best. , were -only recently formed by the sub- sidenice, of a voicano, and the growth following names of customers to whom credit hid M A G A Z IN E.S_SVji__�()R1PTI0XS received for magazines at lowest COUNTER . from I �:,Lora Palmerston, dated Wa � r 0 My whole new thoughts brings to our minds, of coral up from its base, one finds .'been given and which would have Puzzled all the official re -_ rates; catalogue free. Ji. 0. Brazil, De Nelliel glad my father and mother are Christian Scientist# I . � , � � .-l)or 2J, 1814, stating thatlh'�; had sil,binitted to the Prince Revent Though -vain is oft his quest, _V_ 4,61 -�_ - ___ the cocoanut. The parent tree lean- Ing tover the beach of one tropical ceiv'brs in the kingdom .- Woman on' the key, Twill woman, coal man WO 1 CHECK - - 11 I I I A I I - S mpa n. , � I . I CV16nel Campbell's claims for a pen- . I . . � I in 1 -ane crops its fruit into the sea, to have- the unt carried away old coal wom I an, fat coal woman, mar- ket woman,-i,pale I 11 M V 10;b L"I tsm . . (an I package at all gi-b"Ors. 0 � n. eansideration of lils having � . No. ('234.-NUmerical Enigma. -;been wounded ir� His Majesty's perchance halfway roltmd the world. Then in .,woinan, a man, old woman, little milk girl; candle man, I inmesi funds for private partie's' in - I �__ I I - . I . . ser- I 234ispart of grain; 12345 is a I . L 1. . '.'vice,.. and that His Royal Highness stigma; 1 2 3 4 5 6 is a liquor; 2 3 4 5 some faraway place the waves cast the cocoanut stableman; coachmaii, big woman, � f arm And city property or first -mort- I . L had been graciously pleased to . . grant is a border; 3 4 5 6 is a common nick- . ashore to sprout and r Propagate another fo est after its own lame woman, egg man, little black girl, Jew man, Mrs. in 9490 thereon. Security absolute. - . Mar I �,J J. I— �the Colonel �eloo a ierar in addition name and one applied to a president 'to half pay, � kind, -a cart, old Irish woman, woman in Corn street, ket strongly upheld. Long experience " , Y over a now leaf. Remember that the early bird Catches the , 1. . of the United States; 7 8 9 is to obtain; I ­ Anot1her document is a statement 789 101s a beverage;1 23456 7 8 9 - _.— . Natural Conclusions. a lad, man'in the country, long Sal, Mrs. Irish woman, Mrs. as valustor. All business through Bank of Montreal. Factory 11 I ,, .L of thf' services of Colonel Robert 10 is the name -of a noted battle in I I I I r fampbell. written by Major-General the Revolution in which the Ameri- The followine con - versation was feather bon- nett, blue bonnett, green bDnnett, A. McLAREN, and Offices * - I . Lrard, from the historical records of cal were defeated, . held by three little girls: green coat, blue britches, big britches, Medicine Hat, Alta, Stirton Ave., L . tile 52yad Recf -mt. (Oxfordshire Light . . I I ,. I . . Tilfantrv). , inets out that Robert No. 1235�Ch a-nged Heada. Nelliel glad my father and mother are Christian Scientist# I . the woman that was married and the -woman that told me of the man. ,-HAM I LTON, _ --- V E T E RAN GRAN WANTED- T TS r. I 11 ,10arnp.Q1 served in the 52nd from I'm a word of letters three� 1800 never, have to take any nasty di me - cine. -London Tit -Bits, I -- -_ —_ -_ min Ontario or Do ion, located or un- I located; highest cash Mulbol- -ONT. . 1 to 2R_13, nnd '.Arai : resent at most Many changes lie in me. : I Of tile t�attle- in which the regiment First about the air I fly, . Doroth I ' Y -I m glad ray father and price paid. land & Company, Debartmont'V,Tbronto. , . . ___====�� . I I I li engaged in tirp peninsula UT V.xt,k-..+I, -111-1-A .1 . mother are not Christian Scientists. n1911t; he was on his w4y home., t,q_,A,doh ydaw& I I I I I . ( 1, I r I . — - — L The- best equipped factory for .. I I . , , ..� prod-mcing Counter Check I � . I L . Books in C=ada. ., . I.. � � . � . I 0"A01TY � ". � 5ahu,000 - Counter :Sfr­/_ CheckBookSLLL 1, .per day , .1 I ,.'We are supplying, . the Largi:!st :� \ ! users of Counter Check- Books ,. COMPAN-k., '; in'Canada -with onr "i � I . .– ' ' : � . . I 46IMPERIAL BOOKV ... : LIMITED. . � ill APPLEFORD COUNTER I . : JFJ1 � i I � ;, � (Not In the Trust.) CHECK BOOK ,I " . .1) � COMPANY, LIMITED. J ;� , . I .. I I __ - — I - . - .7 U - -J, ; ,� Elery time I have to The Admirable Crichton. 11 � A 1,,Ur,r dator'! Hr,r3e Guards, Au�r. Here I'm found beneath your feet, . take nasty. BUSTandHIPS To ape � .1 19th� lti114, signci , medicine I get a box of candy. I . I .J "Frederick," Dul�e Next u. wear me in the street; akof any one as an "Admir- - ­ e�­t­' `"1-_-- - : I . 4X 11 'T 0� . , . A .. ± yo I Elizabeti Wish Vn fg+7, 11 Every woman who attempts to able 0.,W,4­�, - I an -r- n-Cmr.i. n- Now I Am A, sinall boy s name; .7 .1 an s To credit, him. with I . � , entists. inake a dress or shirt, wal,qt Im- bi ' ". I 'forming Col. 'Campbell that H.R. - H Then an Irish birth I claim. medir,%y diseovershow Offlault - aing -very learned and accomplished, I . t I Every time I have to take a dose of it Is to a tain a good fit ))y the since such a person lived in the six- k� � the Prince Regent, had been gjaci-' Here a tran is set for me; usual "trying-on-mothod," with teenth century. His name was Za I mes oundry 1. ,: ously nleaspd'to. order a medal to be Now a verb I chance to be. . onto T Pe F medicine I got a good spanking. herself for 12ie model and a lo k- ' Torw I y I struck commemorative of the siege By feasts and.plenty now I'm made; __ ___ . flag-giass with which to see ho Crichton, and he liv t Ats at the back. ow ed in Scotland . . . And'asRault of S;ln Sebastia-,1, and his Next brewers use me in their tr False Success. from 1560 to 1585. At the age of seven. ' AML , ade. , I dil teen years he.was the reputed mastet, I : I o being wounded In the b0tl',-� of ,Cag, Change but my head each time and Spindler-11ave any -of the machines Hall -Borchert Perfection and to be conferred on thim .�vjtjl see . invented made money? - J I . Gear! of twelve languages and had beeii giv --- Companu timited .. I wear it. This gold ru,�dal How these queer turns cau in me be. W e, 'lg , Adjustable Dress Forms" en the degree of master of " when I--- I I 4uthority to h ler-Only the last one and he's do away wlth all dial and I ill - , . I is also in the Possession of Lieut. -Col. . I sorry enough now that it did. Spin- * di3a but fourteen because of his ,great cr_-_--_-= ,gPointmenp in fitting, and learning. In addition to mly three -i m-dala � ! [ Graveley. 0 No. 1236­Behead,ng,�. . dler-How is that? Wheeler -The ma- ren ertlieworcof oreaswaying his acel r ,L were ever issued chino made cou*nterf--it money. Plivhments as a scholar he was poet, I I . for San Sebastian Behead- at once easy and satial,cito / I TO YORK STREFT - I � ThI3 form can be adjusitt d t1.)11 musician, sculptor, artist -i ra. - -_ -_ -_ .1 and wpre only given for sPecial ser-' I. Aside and leave to separate.. 2. differeut ahapesand 'i bust , I . vice. The other two niedals were Custom and leave a plant. . raised or lowered, also made Col a good horseman and an ex- TO Row"' NTO %i . I.. nwarded to Sir Thomas Picton arid 'I I Borated .onger or rter at the %vaist pert fencer. .. I I I . a And fo raised or lo�, �red � "., AGeneral Burgoyne, The medal in Key to Puzzledom. a oun an dealred skirt iviigth. I - No. 122 VAM Al . or 0 y usted, cannot get ' Canadian Agents . .Puestion is a heavy, piece of gold, O. -Riddles- 1, Post, 2, Pen. man out of order an iii last :i Jife- There are a good many people who 'Feautifuly engraved and set in cry No. 1221,Charade: I I - . Hour, glass, . for Illustrated ookloteon tail,- mistake mere noise for enterprise. - Michle Printing Presses � . made by the famous jewellers, hourglass. vast!1111 9 pie line of Dress F rina with ptices. - - Colt's Armory Presses Tsfuanl�dell, Bridge & Rundpll, jewellers No. - 1222-Preft Puzzle: Peat, re- HALL-BORCHERT ORESS FORM C9, Wrow & Carver Cutters � k H.R.H. the Priace Regent, and Peat; seat', recil feat, defeat; I . 9 n . I 1, contained in a satin lined, morocco, ate, of Canada, Limited, - . is Amerl. Type Founder* Co. . I I I relate, rat3, berite; seat, de�eit; treat A Valuable 74 PEARL ST., TORONTO, C,ri )%SO the name The Inland Type Foundry Co. � case with Peninsula ribbon and gold retreat; Pond despond; light delight; - to remember Chandler & Price I Qcl � I buckle attached. Among the colle.c- Inean, demean;. set, onset; train, re- in ' -_ v- — e I'll need a remedy Falcon Pressoft � I ,$ion is also a silver Snuff box lined strain. flemed C. -P. S. 9, l9i I I fol, C U m ,and C40LOS Waite 010 Presses I ith -i- - __ r . I %v,l ngeoll,cl, Presented to Col. Robert Xo.; 1223.-Lettzi Enigala: Mountain. - 1. .-- I - , Sou'thwarth Punches I . . -Cam by Colonel ILlein, 18312, . No. 1224-Transdeletion: Cannibal, for Catarrh'. .� . . I . -_ ' Harnliton Mfg, Co. . . �. I . TO return to '.be record, it also Caliban. I . . -- - - "THE ADONIS RAZOR. I' ' � I I Drehmar wire stitchers . . I . states that Robell-t Camp No. 1226.-Diarriond: P, ]act, cover, 12 Vasellne Remedies in Tubes, . . . Rosback Perforators, bell ^was ten, r, The finest cutting razor In the world- . . . . I . mentioned in Lord Welling -ton's des- I .- - fully concaved -used by the best barbers. I John RoYle & sol . . 1� patches of the '24th of April isli, in No. 12127 --Charade: Mo, pal-, Nopal, Camph,pricg I '. r - � . � I ,,,Mentholatell- Every razor comes sealed from the fac- � I I ' — - ,-,-- . I I— . - -11 - _. . . USIA 11, Pon 10 DAYS if not patis- M1110r Saw Trimmer , i � , � I -donnection with the vff,ft of Ax6va (arbolated.omphomoa I . tfoarlryYoun M09EYBAox. This hifill _ . Waite -Sheard Rulers . � ,� '' that he WaS SvvPrel7 wt,vnded at'tiv� ("tot Rld of the "Hurdles." - I # 6. Cl. s razor retails foi- $9,60. To or f MentCes Foldore .1 �, � l. 4 I.r In . 1. slorming of Ba&joz nnd (jiqtin , - Dr. Gregory of St, Paul's, London, Whitlif Zin'c,--,Sl . I Introducieftwe will,sendone bymJ forl . . ,� I � !ruish- Can, CUM . abort time onlY oil receipt ol the wholesa it, prIce of $1,50, pd to -day. .. I peerless Gem outtarts . . ' . -ed himself at th� battle of Vittoria. reformed many ribuses at the great I a SOVBREIGN 1, jillIFUN E,cll, Ltd., Tue6h abif Dunn Ave., Toronto, Ont. . P -D. RQUer Wisi,share ,� . � . . %L I I The. despal of Lord Wellington cathedral, among them Payment for etc Each forS*ial purpose� � - I Challeinge Machinery CO, I 1, . I L, referred to is dated 24th of April, admission, Im,,y 0001alS and Sleepy I I I .1 I . I - - . I I 140010 MieLchine anci ancraving . 1: . I L . e La 'rs. The fact t1lat St P I : 1811� on th ifair of "Axava." ' The verge L alll'S it Wfite for FreeVaseline&okto , , . I . following is an extract: s C)irStISPOUGHMFGCO(C.�ial;BeorhA$,.t MAONTREA4 11 . -_ Works I I . I . "Our enem� nowadays much mora truly* a place of i. . — - I - L � ,. L I L . �.bad on the 23rd attacked Our L PiCJCPtS, worship than a show Place is Piinci. — . I - IS-_%. I Our Own Brass Rule Department - 1. I , L I but were rey)Lelled with heavv PaIly due to the dean's enthusiasni for - - — . I 11 I I .Captain Dodis and Robert C . 1,,,.�, reform. In the days wl-ten pe'.7 . L .11P I � I ,: :L ampbr,ll, Ple act- - , '_ "-I " "" '41' "n" �"� ""y tile I" 'It V. 121h , " �, � how . 'etiall f,7-- - I I = lin to - V time. write in com to _. I rp is ; % t he naMe -..- 0 .* Mem re rem� er _J RL el y c" � ,.!<e --n (3ou ntod a d ucyou _ a 'I ,n,nL_nm I _'A"�, �� 0 C a 'I I 411��� � '" ,_ - . - I [ I C._::�� I mmi .. I L L �,of the 52nd, distingakhad theml ually bad to pay to enter the cathe. .. I . Our machine RePair Shope are the L I ... , . ­Ou this occasi , ,,, dral the dean. BULL 006 BRAND ,,r '' X . I I I 7n, on which the troops r found a verger erecting I � 01 . I I'llirg0st land best eqUIpped I r . . defended, the r posts , agai b rrisr of hurdles to ke6p back the - -_ . I AL.36 very - it r in Canada I r I . I r Superior numbers of the 'enemy.,, V151 Ora. AMMONIA POWMER PHoNe 11 � I , . Lr . I -signed "Wellin_&ton " "What are you preparing fi ask. I FA, DIVER . . I "aptain "6L�j�S L ed . . EvieVylthing for thei : I � I . . The 0 referred to wa Dr. Gregory. "Is it to be a cattle The kind mother M 1871 MrARi L " I I- 11 . I ALrelative of Sir Rricha,rd Cal. 't, sliow?" 1 LUSeS. I . . , Printer . 'twrigh t And there weni no m .. I . . . . . I land came to this country after the St . ore hurdles in It Makes the . 11 . . L Peninsula, War, and took an active . PauPs.-London M,AY. ' r I — 11 ftbullt Printing Machinor of r P L � I wf th ,the United �_ � _, _ r __ L � I hardest water soft I . && , .. r . lEvOrly DeScriptlon, I y .. . A&, part in our war 0 LD0689 . .� t L � &4tes of 1812 . 44 . L' �. .1$, r The Early Worni I � and does not Simon � . . ,,� 7W . i .1 . I LTho case, in A father had been ,lecturing his . 11 � . I r , . I I I which these relies are the hank Ing nor I I I 66nd f0f Illustrated sooklot . - . ___ 4. " li, vice---ont / I I . r r , V` I ishown also ,contains tlie sw ord ' sj�sh : jr, I I And epailInttpa Carried by. Colo 11el YOUng nope J upon the evils of qta * ng O�Ut late at night an4 gettin I package at all gi-b"Ors. 0 . L � - 1. I , - � . I �__ I I - I A 11 I .. rr . 11 I ,, t 1. i I � r r g, k0anipboll lit San Seba4tian, if : I 'i I IV whole �� . . I being tastefully arranged. �! uPY116.tO JU the morning. (1Y6U will noVf, , �j anlount to ranything," he con. tinaod, -e-ritem 011 turn -.-I.- onla Po ImO. ­ I � Save Coupons, 00�, 11 . . . C! Ill afld �,J . . . OUR RECORD "L Thirty Yost* ContfrouloUS SlUsilhealli as Electroty0eft %nd StwFbotypers . . . . !3RANON11tes .. r . L I I ; MONTREAL- . I r . I . L I 1. � ­"', ­ Ir '' . I . � I . I L . L . . Quite Deliberate, Y over a now leaf. Remember that the early bird Catches the 'U'led PAC,kt 'go compato for $5 p1l OUPI DCAARTMEW'rlt , ' FUiCTROTYPING STEAEOTYPING . 11 . . WINNIPlad , . � ", � 345-347 Cr ig $*.6 W,ett 175 mco � a eernoft AVO.ir KaSt 4�1 6M �"Jg�l to Say," renj� I L , , Jr. 'I �...�, i N � : ". r : ' J� eldon, "that , ' Ale I never spoke. "' �-, fl�istjy worm." , "How about the wotm, fatber?" In. Ji P1000- $000 ,',',,�;* !I " ..� i , 1, 0 ' LN GAAVI NG DESIGNINO ' - I - L , -_ , I "I � � . I I 1. I , r I . ., I . , r L I L � , , , IV L I rord to vou", 11 quirr,.,?l tho, yoitng man,. "Wasn't he rathor foolish 'to 90 up so, earlyP11 paid! 011t J1, to _11. � I �� , , PI I REAC -SE'r NZWSPAPER PLATE.S . I. REGINA r. : IOALQAIRV L L I r . . I L . I I I . L ,,­ ,r I r .. No, J"� I ".,_�j,_J)3r;4," ingiverad 1, is- ,., il,l 'L I , ' , , T, T, - " - � 10pr ent;-y; "I'r,IwIlling t� Vive You I I 6,= or �4­'� hurrying, 'IT-bf);t '�MP E 11 - �i,i -T Son," said the father solemnly, "that worm hadn't be n to.bed I e prize w1parg. �&A.VvyActlunuxi, Dr I I A.:)Vr-RT1S(N G, CONTRAOTORrS L I . � L ­­ -------- k� I I .- � L " � - I _� . . , r ', , . We 41wstyw fhave a Iftega number of, r6b"fit 0YORkIder ­ I A' I I 1 -not � �' , , 'r, " I � . IS- . . I I I � � I 1. n1911t; he was on his w4y home., t,q_,A,doh ydaw& I I I I I . ( 1, I r I 14. 0 JOHN 9. ' 0 U90., Ltd., T rolito I To W, - olk"111A AQtNOYL '. Ila ML 13 . I I A WJ�J%�,*", 4199*k"" . � "Afill. I I 1� 11 I I", - "'' IL I L mm" ­ -11 "r 1- 1. ­­­ - 1-1- I I r I L . Job, Presses and PaLper CoAtters ,on hand I . I,- I L' L I " . . . ..", -:1 .­' , — "I 1"..", . ­ . . . 11 . ... -1 L� ­­­. ­­­ -.11- ..... . � I 11 L ­ - - I'll . . I ­1.1­11­­­�11 ---_---_'-7 I .:� L ­ - . . I I I . L I 11 ,, . . I I I I L I 1 'r . I I I I L . I L I ''I . I . . I r L I I I I . . " 11 L I I I I � I I I . I � I ­­- �, �__­ , ,� __,� . . 1 I I . L I . '. . I I I . � I I (' . - -'--'- ---- 7 L . . r 11 I L , - L . . I . I � I . .4 L L I . 1 . : 'L � 'L, , L ' ' r I . . I i I I", � � L L . r � L L I IN 1 4 1 , 1. I I I r . . .1 I ' 'T L I �, " , : � � � L I , I I I I . , , I . ,. .r I I I I I I I . I . � , I L I 1. I ,, . I I .. . I . .1 I . i 11 I . .. 11 , I I , I I . . r I . I . � L . I I L L I I I L L i I . I I I . I I . 4 � I I . . . 1. � I I I . L . I I L L I I . . I : . I . I I �, , . i , I . I , I I ' I I ; L I I � � , , , L' , r I L 1, � I I " �, , . .. — www&w"M�6�,�ll MEL", zl�' 11 � _�o .— 11.1—. A340l T-;- I I I I !. , . I , "'' ' 4 , , , I , , _L.4L�.�.';�'�'�'­­�-i �­.�.r - �1' ­­�: ���­__­ I 1 � I L L I I . L . , 11 . 11 4 11 I I r � I I r . . I ,,;, 4 ­ ':� .. .... ...... :----1-1 I ' ' .1 , : ... '­ 1 Z . ; .11 I I I I . . . . . . I . I I I I ,, r . � �. ,L L � , . I I . I � '' , , , , I I .. L . . . . . I : Ilikiiiiiiiiiiiiiii � ,,, 4 1 . L : �­­ 'LL ......... .11 .111, , L"' - Ir , ­ - 1. ... � , i. �. , . I . I I I I L . I L . , : I 1 . I I , I � . I I L . I 1 � � , 'r L r - I I L L I I � , ' - � I .. : , , I . I . I ! I L . , . , , I I I . r , , , I , , . , /