HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-23, Page 7I I rt f +++++-++++++-#+,++++++-4,+.+,4,++-++4-++ . . . . . . . . ... P114i �AAAIA� -e_-4 -A-4117 01AU PAJAWd Vt,AAUV -----.. ­ ­ � � - I I I ­­ I " , -, ___ - " , , " , , '"' , " , - , 11 k d, hearts I irilght have starved for I I 1. .� il 11 , I . , ; I - . " � al that my father cared." I MPTION11 FLOTSAM - AND , A+TSAMt I. 11 I'll 11 1* 11 � I I .Ilr , , . - , , � , i " " "I 11 'It WAS about the 1-4te Sir Charles SHE HAD CONN . I �� !� ' + Tho Phanticleor H*pla tho tka , .. 11 - 4' + Thell"A'ound of Or.,, -e ! l3askerville that I have come here to , , Walk of tka I I : � 1. - � 1-� I I . — . wintor. I I 11 . . �� D I I 1-11 0�1 + see you'll , I I . 1" ! I, . I � i�-,��11_-.-.'1�11-11� pl�l , � , 14T, .. ,0, The freckles started out on the Dr. Wood's To, wear the wo(Jernized s4li,ta one I I I . , ,, � � 'Irlh I" ,�. I "T �� -lady's face. bps to affect the bobble or clla I 11 I � " . , " � . 11 .1 . Al , - %;:�� � 11 ' � I . I . . , ;� .1 � I ,,, P, 4;;-!-, 1 Qu � " z � E,010'1'-71-�, ..,Z , ,�.,.,�,, � I. � ; I I ,:1,% , + "What can I tell you about him,? %. � �: . + . � I " 1 31" ;. , . 4110003 01 lic 90000100 KOM hl , +T I . NorWay Pine Syru hop. It's tbo thirig, In w-Alki . 'I I I , ! .Q L I I �q I I . I i 1 . 1. i I TLATIONS. I - I ' 4, she asked, and her fingers played ner. . . I P mhe ribbon lacing of a decade ago'r Is 1 . I , . I Talto � I . . � I + Another Ad , i I I . 0 . I �, , venture of -Si-,,ar,,rit�X t,oi,si_,�, + vously over the stops of her type- I I I I � t�­ , + . + � being revived. oli simple ..... t� I . On," I �, I k , . Any Person who is the sole be* -w. + ' writer. ' Cured Her. � "I . , I I I 11. I :�,,h.;- I I $I I I I Q . � I . ,, 1� over It * You knew him, did you not?" boazoegowne": I I of a famity, or any male, BY A. CONAN V()*YL"'7., The buttonholes are cut ,il t at Pill, I Wtoni of available Dominion land im + I . "I have already said that I owe a rial and worIced with heavy button, 11.� I I � I 11 "`�',� r , , , , I I , Weighed 05 Pounds— �`, �', L,; Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Xlber.tik + kk�. theat- , I I - � " I , I great deal to his kindness, If I am able 11 �,-,, �,'.' , �11 ,t . I � ",' �t �� .. I The applican't must appear In poraux. + Author of "The Green Flag" an J " Irhe Great Boer Wae' + to qpport myself it is largely due to I bole twist, or It bro, d, rAbbou Is used I k,-* i4V TaRo I 11 I I �i I I , gg, "r � , , 'r � I I I 1 4 1 the 'interest w).11011 lie took In my tin- I the opening .may be bound with silk or / � ,., . , "I � ,at .the DomAnion LandG Agency op t . now weighs f7Z. . I I , 11 I 0 [ k Sub-agenox for the that riot. Entry bi *r Copy-Aght (1902) by A. Contin Doyle. I limycl siti'latioll", � I velvet, These are ndwer t-4an q et I.. . It, 1: 1� �, I I I � proxy� may be had at tile I + . . 0 1), I .rochet I . �� I , �. � agenqv 00 A k'A I I III I A you correspond with him?" ' — I I , �� Easy, . , . �� I oertain covditions, by fath +4.++ 1 1 1 � � I � 4 4 4 # 044 0 +-+++-++,++++++.+++ 4 i t *+++.+ I I I'll . e.� 11 � I I 145A er, mobbe; I The lady looked quickly up with an Mrs. Charles McDermott, Bathurst, . � ' "I. � I I I , � .1 gion, daugh ter, -brotber, or cister 01 ­ "U's all these goin I angry gleam In her hazel eyes. N ,, writesv�'11 thought I would I Tahe What Pill ? , '�, , f. - Wtending botmeateader. 98 -on, sir," he "What Is the object of these ques. WIB .. . �, 11 . � 1r now, for even the firm uplands are be cried at last, waving his hand towards tions?" she asked, sharply, rite and let you know the benefit I have I _. , I I I � ,�, I I)11Li1U4?:-8iX Months Tegiden%011105 1. . . 11 I � I I ,it I the land in 040k coming a Morass, I found the black jol the Tain-lashed window which faced "The object is to avoid a public received through the use 46 M, I Why, e, Dr. Miles' .�� . � It . and cultivation of UPOU Which I had seen the solitary the moor, "There's foul play some- , of Dr. Wood�s ­ I I I .. . . , � I I `Qf three years. A homesteader mal 'Watcher, and from its craggy zummil Where, dnd there's black villain brew;7 scandal. It Is better that I should ask Norway Pine Syrup. Three years ago I I 0 I L 't I I , I y .. Anti -Pain Fillp � 1,� I ,� . live within nAne miles of Ais hOM41- them here than that the matter I had consumption. I had three doctors . I I , : I stead an a darm of at least 61) aoreti I looked oa� myself acr= the mielan. Ing, to that I'll swear! Very glad I h aid pass outside our control." I I I , , t, choly dow,us. Rain squalls drifted should be, Sir, to see Sir Henry on his S 0, . "t � ocilely owned and occupied by him ol . She was silent a -ad her face was attending me and they were'very much I . . I of course. Good for all kinds of � " . '' his father, mother,, me, AlenAter, ;WroeS their russet tace, and the way back to London hgain!" I I ,� : � ,, still very pale. At last she looked up' alarmed about my condition. I was 60 . � 11 I � I .heaVy, slate -colored clalids bung lovi "But what is It tbat alarms you?" � ..­ - I � . Pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia ) I , I , 41 � , . L . brother or siater, ov * with something reckless and dellaut in weak and miserable I could not do ray � Headache, Nervousness, Rhea. �1. 11 I I In certain di,%�triavq a ho-spteado" .ei. the landscape, tralling in grey "Loolt at Sir Charles's death� That her manner. � � I � in sroor, g1p11,i_i.,ug may prf..-ampt , wreaths down the sides of the fantas. was bad enough, for all that the "Well I'll,answer," she said, "Wbat housework. While looking throu your , . I matism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, I � I . I �, I tic hills. In the distant hollow on tile coroner said. Look at the noises oil the a ' t o B.B.,B. almanac, I -saw that Dr. 00od's I Lumba ;il . quarier Aet�Ooa alongdide nisbom­ , re your ques I ns?" . go, Locomotor Ataxia, - �, Dutieo- left, half hidden by the mist, the twa moor at nigL*T There's ,not a man "Did you correspond with Sir Char. Norway Pine Syrup was good for weak I .�, I �, Atead, Priou $3. per acre. thin towers of Baskerville Hall rose would dross it after.sun.down if h( . - , I I .7 MUK lj,,ii�lk, ,4 50 -, was leS911 lungs, so I got a bottle at the drug store, I Backache, Stomachache, Period I i . 0� .j)i wouthk ineaob of E � . I I � , I A years from (late of LomesItead'e,ot,' ,above the trees. They were tb�e oulv paid for it. Look,at thlo stranger "I certainly wrote to him once or and after taking ten bottles I was com- I ical Pains of women, , and for I " �_ � �' .L;" � ifi,fi-cluilittg the time required to Hirl 'signs of hum -an life which I could see I hiding out yonder, and watching anti twice to acknowledge his delicacy and Pl�tely cured, At that time I weighed I .I Pain in any part of the body. ­ , Ik&me . - save only those prehistoric huts will wa t n, WhaVs he waiting for? What 135 pounds and now weigh 172, a,gain of .. I t�� ,,4te&d parent, and Oultivto, ch I I g! his gene�c,Sity.­ . . . I lay thickly upon. the sloples of the hills an 3 "I have used Dr. Yfles' medicines for 1 ( tifty aorea extra. - does it mean? It me s, no good to "Have you the dates,, of those let- 37 pounds in three years. I now keep it - . "I I � t A ho,pvst(-a(ier wh,o btih, exb BaSl�erVjlle'L t ,?". . . ... . over i2 years and find them excellent. I . �� � � �, Kapt", Nowhere was there any trace of that anyonte.of the name of I ers. in the house all the time and would ,not I � ... . I 1. , � , I � - I LL I - - I I I I - I IL. . ­ I keep Dr. Miles' Anti�Pain Pills In the � , : � bis homestead right ,90d onnn�l tth lonely man whom I had seen on the and very glad I shall be to be quit of �t "N'.11 be without it for anything, as I owe my � house all the time and would not think .111, . . h -.**in a pre-emptlet . n rAfx-y ug" a P�l , same spot two night before. all gn the dwy that Sir Henry's new 1%avp you ever Met him?', life to it.,, I I � I ''I 111�1 . I of taking a journey without them, no �_: I �� 1� - , � Dr. 'Wood's Norway Fine Syrup con- . atter how short a distance I am going. %i�. , I ',', obased boment-e,nd In cortain'Ji-rir- As I walked. back I was overtaken s FirvAnts I are ready 'to take over the , , � . in I � ��pAo. ,by Dr. Mortimer driving in his dog� 4Yes, once or twice, when he came tains the' lung healing virtues of the I cannot praise them enough." � � ;, � . Price $3. Var aer,e- 'D111tie I o,ver a rough moorland track. Hall." into Coombe Tracey. He was a very Norway pine -tree, which, combined with Miss Lou M, CHURCRILl- � I � � . � ��, t months Tu eaeb of thro cart � . reside six I In "But about this stranger," said 1. retiring Man, and he preferred to do other absorbent, exp.ectorant and sooth � -1. 1.`,� .11 ., Zeara, ou,lti,v�Rte fifty acres "rtd ,r,,, wh ch led from the outly' g farmhouse ',Can you tell me anything abo , ing � 63 High St, Penacook, N_ I . , ""'. � - . � �t I a house worth ,$W0'.W_ ok'Foulmire. He has been very atten. I ut him? good by Stealth." rnalicines, makes it without a doubt the ­ . I L �� , . tive to us, and bardly a day bar, pass, "t.Vhat did Selden SaY9 Did he find out "But if you saw him so seldom and best remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis � . At: all druggists. 25 ploses 25c. . t , � I I Deputy I NOE' ' where he hid, or what he was doing?" R . of the Minister Of the nt�orlor ed that he has not called at the Hall to wrote 'so seldom, how did he know and all throat and lung troubles. . I MILES MEDICAL co.,Toronto,Can, ". , I N. B.-Uumothoelzed publicatton 0121 we how we were getting on. He in- "Ile 'saw him once or twice, but he - enough about your affairs to be able a . 1. �� 'A. =out vollnot be paid for- sisted upon my climbing Into his'dog- Is a deep one,)and gives nothingawaY. to help,you, as you say that he has� Price 25 cents at all dealers. Beware CEMLVS LONG WAXSTnD P=T-TC0_'T. ­ ­ ____ I I'll, 4 � of imitations. The enume is manufw- . :� I cart and he gave me a lift homewards At first he thought that he Was the done?" tured only by theT. Jflpburn Co., Limited, rings covered with heavy twist. A . �, ,. ''.. � I re and Plate X found him much troubled over the police, but soon he found that he had She met my difficulty with the ut- Toronto. Ont, I 1 -TS OF I 1 k_ 33. 0 ARLING Mre� Acoldent. IN, some lay of his own. A kind of gentle- most readiness, I soft, pliable ribbon is used, much w1del STRONG POIN � T. Glaas Xmsn�;nce�'�'?(;; Collecting AccoUnts disappearance of his little spaniel. It I man he was, as far as he could see, — I and Auctioneering., , had wandered on to the moor and had "There were several gentlemen who than the buttonliole, so that it fallk . " � . - - I ­ never come back. I gave him such con. I but what he was doing he could not knew my sad history and united to Mlity and putting :Wlfgelf in a very Into folds. The ends are drawn to t . �� Jr VV. BROWNINU, Al. D.. M. L nolation as I might, but I thought of make out." help me. One was Mr. Stapleton, a false position by not making an abs- A R.SH18RE CATTLEN 1,�, � ' 171 I point with a gold or silver ornament. I 4P, 0 F. S., Gra,duv6te Victoria "And where did he Say that he I I I , 4arsIr,y. otace sad reeidenande. Domint"11 thla pony on the Grimpen Mire, and I lived?" neighbor and intimate friend of Sir lately clean breast of all that you - I ]�Sboia,r,vrv. Exeter � . do not� fancy that he will see his lit- "Among the old houses on the hill- i Charles's. He was exceedingly kind, know. If I have to call in the aid of It one could summarize the fashlonA I � r. Agsoclate Coroner of Huron. tle dog again, And it was through him that Sir Char- the police you will find how seriously in a haphazard way they would read The Ayrshire, wbile the youngestot' . 1. position I __ "By the way, Mortimer," said 1, as side—the stone huts where the old les learned about my affairs." you are compromised. It your as follows: Tight skirts at the hem� the four great dairy breeds, occupiesw . — we jolted along the rough road, "I sup- folk used to live," I I knew that Sir Charles Baskerville is innocent, why did you in the first lead all others; overdraper oil every, a position pre-enlinently unique J4, ), R. Bright, M. D., M-0. P. and - i "But how about his food?" � I had made Stapleton his almoner updn instance deny having written to Sir y I I I pose. there are few people llvin-�,Wlth- thing except a ,morning c -aud fI114 He S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un in driving distance of this wha� you "Selden found out that he has got -1 several occasions, so the lady's state- Charles upon that date?" . . oat suitt ful� that slie Is the dairy rustler li L 11 Teroity. Two years reaident Phy'siciat' do not know?" I a lad who works for him and brings i ment bore the impress of truth upon "Because I feared that, some false . in every form Is used -one's purse ik that position .greatly to lie I I � 1, , fit I Roya) Alexandra flospital,'etc. Office "Hardly any, I think." him all he needs. I daresay he goes to �r it. conclusion might be drawn from it� the only limit; coats are short, wraph Her ability to occupy this: po I . � I � and residence, Dr. Amos� old stand ."Can you, then, tell me the name Of Coombe Tracey for what he wants." I 'Tid -you 'ever write to Sir Charles and that I might find myself involved are not; hats are both small and largt suits first from her origin. Springiggi . I , I � Andrew Street, Exeter. any woman whose initials are L. L.9" "Very good, Barrymore. We ma -y asking him to meet you?" I continued. in a scandal." � "'l -L . , � -there is a -wide choice. from the native white cattle of Scot- ; He thought for a few minutes. talk further of this some other time." Mrs. Ly ith anger "And why were you so -pressing that The long waisted petticoat Is mucl land, she has been improved by Judi-, __7 . � MISS DELIGHT HOBBS, $'No," said be. "There are a few glp- When the butler had gone I walked again. Sir Charles should destroy your let- -ed for little child en. This.'one caz clous crossing and carefal selection,, � Ift � � sies and laboring folk for whom I over to the black window, and I look- "Really, sir, this is a very extraor- ter?" lik r , - � I ax ed through a blurred pane at the dinary question." "If you have read the letter you will be made with a skirt or flounce or em. , but always compelled to endure the. i I Violin Instructor, James Street Par- can't answer, -but among the f mers driving clouds and at the tossing out- "I am Sorry, Madame, but I must re. know." broldery or of plain material flrdshe� , most rigorous exposure and to ob ' I 1,1�1 sonag6, Exeter. or gentry there is no one , whose I _', I I At� - . initials are those. Wait a bit though," line of the wind-swept trees. It is a peat it." "I did not say that I had read all . to suit the fancy. The body portloi! I her food as best she could. 1- This . I ,� 4 .. . . wild night indoors, and what must it, . � posure through long gen�rAioils ha&l , ; I he added, after a pause, "There is I "Then I answer, certai�iy not." the letter." consists of front and backs, and thk . -.00111ild DR. QU &CKENB USE, lau-ra.Lyons—her initials are L. L.— be in a stove hut upon the moor. What t "Not on the very day of Sir Char- 'You quoted some of It." developed in the Ayrshire c0_,_ -1 -- ��.. ... I I . .� ­ � , . . . I I - skirt or flounce Is straight andgath t',4 �:. I but shd lives Ili Coombe Trace .�' I ,passion of hatred can it be which;.I,,.,, de,th�­ , , , . � I . 'T quoted the postscript.. The letter, . I I ,. . y leadsta man to lurk In such a place at . . . I I.eredatitsupper-edge. . necessary strength of eonstitution';'�,'­�:� ... �,'� : '� �., Physicisn and Surgeon and Ac- "Who is she?" I asked. I The Rush had faded In aii 'Iiistai`i� had, As I said, been burned and it was enable h . br" . to take, up he � - I � V,,�'�..,:r 17 � Coucher. office-lDr. Rollin's old office "She is Frankland's daughter." I such ,a time! And what deep and earn- and a deathly face was before me. Her not all legible. I ask you once again JUDIC CIEEOL'LET. i il: If , ''I I "I ,091 Main Street. Residence -Corner st purpose can he have which calls dry lips could not speak the "No" why it was that you -were so pressing any climate and under the must _&, 7t, 'What! Old Frankland the crank?" 6 ' I verse food conditions and still main - � I I James and Albert Street, opposite "Exactly. She married an artist for suell a trial! There, in Lthat hut which I saw rather than heard. that Sir Charles should destroy this This May Manton pattern is cut.1n. size-, , table da � .... .. iLl � � Jrames Street Methodist Parsonage, DaUled. Lyons, who came sketching on � upon the moor, seems to lie the very "Surely your memory deceives you, " letter which he receivdd on the day I for children of two, four and six years a% , taill her position as the prof! . � I . #�:eter, Oi9t. Oe moor. He proved to be a black, centre of that problem which has vex- said L "I could -even quote a passage; of his death." , age. Send 10 cents to this office, givina ' ry cow, giving the largest return pos-� i k lvla-, Residc-1, ad me so sorely. I s�rear that another "The matter Is a very priviate one." number. GM, ana it wU1 be promptly for. sible for the food supply. 111honee-(R.t . ce 39b !Vuard and des6rted her. The fault from —ded to ou I ... mW1 'r -r 4- 1-+. � -A � � 1; � . J)R. C. ]a ()U ZF,, V. S. what I hear mayr not have been ea. tfrelY on One side. Her father refused day shall not have passed before I have done all that man can do to reach � , � .A I to have anything to do with her, be- the heart d the mystery. Graduate of (>jitario Vet. College. cause she had married without his con- , M�stnber of Ontario VeterinaryMedi- sent, -and perhaps for one or two other CHAPTER XI. ,—, , - Cal Society. `- � Treats 811 DiBemseli of Domesticated reasons as well. So, b,etween the old sinner and the young one the girl has The extract from my private diary I - �. AiAniale on latest, bvientibe lorincipleS.. had a pretty bad time." which forms the last chapter has All calls day or i0ght, immul)tly at- i "How does she live?" . -brought my narrative up to the- 18tA I I I tendedlOv. 0:fflcP.`.M;41)3b0�ef.,Exe- � "I fancy old Frankland allows her . of October, a time when these stran�;e I I ter, Ramsey'a Old 6talud. a pittance, but it cannot be more, for ,events began to move swiftly towards � his own affairs are considerably im-ol, their terrible conclusion. The Inci- , "ICKSON & CARLING, ved. W.hstever she may have deserved dents of the next few days are indelib- ' '" one could not allow her to go hope- ly graven upon my recollection, and I — � lessly to the bad. Her story got about, cam tell them without reference to the I . wmisters, Solicitmv. NotmI94, opava 00,9,1 �_­ commia-Aunere. 21blieftora im the all ltwti and several of the people here did notes made at the time. I start then Bank, lobe. something to enable her to earn an from the day which succeeded that laonep, boLosn at loweel rataH of IrteereaL honest living. Stapleton did for one, upon which I had established two � � " OFFICS i -VAIN STBEET. EXETER. and Sir Charles for -another. I gave a facts -of great importance, the one that . I 316 CABLING B. A. I f. EF. 9101K4C r trifle myself. It was to set her up In Mrs, Laura Lyons of,Coombe Tracey . a typewriting business." had writ,0a to Sir Charles Rasker- I - TO LOAN. He wanted to know the object of my, ville and made an appointment with hour that I inquiries, but I managed to -satisfy hid him at the very place and !"MONEY S JL , I curiosity without telling him too much, he met -his death, the other that the We have a largLe amomt cd priva,te fund@ Goa on fum and VII&OO properitlee ab Iowr&J* for there is ng'reason why we should lurking man upol - the moor was to be -'stone tatereat. I t&ke anyone into our confidence. Tc� found amc.ig the hu's upon the i � I GLADMAN & STANBURY morrow morning I shall find my way. hill -side. With these two f"I"'I in my ; ,fl7wrinters Solfoltor8. 'M -4a 'St. Rxe,�. to Coombe Tracey, and if I edn see this possession I felt that either iny 'A,I- I L — Mrs. Laura Lyons, of equivocal repti- ligence or my courage must b( e - I � TO LOAN . twtion, a long step will have been made ficient if I could not throw sn,ne fii.,- "r MONEY � � towards clearing one -incident in this ther light upon these dark places. . . I clain of mysteries. I am certainly de- ' I bad no opportunity to tell the Private funds, to loan at lo west rates velopins the wisdom of the serpent, baronet what I had learned about Mrs. I of ]Interest. I for when � Mortimer pressed his. ques- Lyons upon the evening before, for - . RIRP�EST ELLIOTI tions to an inconvenient extent I.ask- Dr. Mortimer remained with him at I.N I I - I . A+ 7, -.I, - "The more reason why you avoid a I . e The second reason why the Ayrshim, I an additional two cent stamp for Iettek i public investigation." "I will tell you, then. If -you have postage, which insures more prompt do. Ilvery� I COW ma y well be designated the da.W.� rustler is.her physical formagon. and.� , I I heard anything of my unhappy history I I mental characteristics. She Is -of In ., I . you will know that I made a rash mai% riage and had reason to regret it." SARTORIAL NOTES. . aout 'I P. 10 the - ',, 'll.have heard so mnch." it was unlikely that she would dare pounds at maturity, with perfect; , Incessant "My life has been one Hats of the Season Queer but Pic� dairy conformation of a clean, bony1f persecution from a husband whom I turesque Looking , head, strong jaws, broad muzzle, large,, abhor. The law is upon his side, and Hats this year are queer lookIng off full eyes, slim neck, strongly attache& I ,-1#44% every day I am faGed by the possi. bility that he may force me to live i I to head and shoulders; fine shouldera,' " --:k - ,", _-,� the head, reminding one of Quaker 4V I I at the withers, straight back, weM with him. At the time that I wrote this - % bonnets, etc. But worn with a cer- arched ribs, giving abundant room for I letter tn, Sir Charl,ps I had learved thal ' ,� tain cachet there is an undeniable , heart and lungs, 'and a large reeept*-, k.- _< � there was a prospect of my* regaining , charm about them. cle for roughage. . I my freedom if certain expenses could I _� I ! � 1. Llk, d,,s,es, hats are beginning to , It is perhaps these points that sholM be meL It meant everything to me- peace of mind, happiness, self-respect � I be known by names. 'At a recent mil- : the marked characteristic of the Ayr-, -everything. I knew Sir Charles's linery opening there .were models em- ! shire cow as a dairy rustler. She .19. , , � , I generosity, and I thought that if he I quick and active in her movements�* heard the story from my own lips he of the morning. Such an excursion has a large mouth and strong jaws, 1% I would help me." I . . I not at all dainty in her appetite and I "Then how is it that you did not .. eats with a relish whatever Is eastest I � 90?1# � . . . and most quickly obtained -good gras4- I . 4 I. "Because I received help in the in- . � poor grass or browse --and her large; . terval from another source." "Why, then, did you not Write to Sir 1, .. � .., paunch Is soon filled. lr7,�' Charles and explain this?" I While the Ayrshire has always beem' � _ I , "So I should have done had I not I kept where the natural food supply Is! �� - seen his death in the paper next � .. 1 _ - � - " ` , morning." 6 . J. . �) The woman's story hung coherently that dead wall which seemed to be _Z�, ._.- . together, and all my questions were I � unable to shake it I could only check � . . . . . . . 11 ..�, I it by finding it she had, Indeed, institu- ; U - . ,,�,.�;�,� ... ­­­___­______ --- �__._ _��," . � -, - "'!�, , _,�,,.t.`,2 ,.i:.�V,,�', Z ��_`W I Office opposite 01 tfal" otel' Main' 'Street. Exeter Qnt. OcL "'in casually to W11aL type rank- cards unW 1L Was very a e. land's skull belonged, and so heard fast, however, I informed him about � " great day for me, sir. " .d is a ted d' vorce proceedings against er husb nd at or about the time of the a � . . "I 1%*.19_01� 1-.1 : mmml I '... �....- Nl`g,�'*J' -, I .�;� I I ­.�MR, . I � .,�,, . , nothing but craniology for the rest of my discovery, and asked 111m whether of your letter. It ran 'Please, please, tragedy. � I - ` i*�..­ , . � I I I I our drive. I have not lived for years he would care to accompsnY me .,Oto gentleman, bum this let- as you are a it was unlikely that she would dare . . 1; �� la�� .;_.� I . � .. , N'. � 1. -, '. ... I , I � . � with Sherlock Holmes for nothing. Coombe Tracey. At first he was very ter, and ,be at the gate by ten to say that she had not been to Basker- I ��.,-. I I --- . I I have only one other incident to eager to come, but on second thoughts ,,,,,,k.,,, .1 - Ville Hall it she really had been, for a. t. ; . I recoril upon this tempestuous and it seemed to both of us that if I *eat I thought that she had fainted but trap would be necessary to take her ,% :i7l I I I h EXPERIENCE melancholy day. This was my conver- alone the results might, be better. The she recovered herself by a sup�eme there, and could not have returned to 'Tracey �4 * .... I . . � � sation with Barrymore just now, which more.formal we made the visit the effort. Coombe until the early hours ; u 1 I V . obtain. I gives me one more strong card which , less information we might "Is there no such thing as a gentle- . of the morning. Such an excursion . V ,,;.-. . . ,I ,� I ­_ , �. . I can play In,due time. I left Sir Henry behind, therefore, not man?" she gasped. could not -be kept secret. The probabil- . "; I I - I Mortimer had stayed to dinner, and , without some pr1okings of conscience, "You do Sir Charles an injustice. ity was, therefore, that she was tell - . 1� 5.� The�Ayrshlre breed of dairy cattle I I � he and the baronet played ecarte af- and drove off upon my new'quest. He did burn the letter. But sometimes Ing the truth, or, at least, a part of the is noted for its hardiness and abiI- . I terwards. The butler,brought me my When I reached Coombe Tracey I a letter may be legible even when truth. I carne away baffled and -dis- ity to tbrive 'under adverse condi- � I tions, coffee into the libKary, and I took the told, Perkins to put up the horses, and burned. You acknowledge now that heartened. Once again I had reached -_�-_____�Jff TRAD9 MAR 8 dliance to ask him a few questions. I made Inquiries for the lady whom 1 you wrote it " � . that dead wall which seemed to be . I . . . DESIGris , . COPYRIGHTS &C.' "Well," ssid I "bas this precious re- had come to interrogate. I had no "Yes, I did' write It," i;he cried pour. Tationof yours heparted, or is he still difficulty in finding her roams, which Ing out her soul in a torrent of ;�ords. built across every path by which I tried to get at the object of my mis- 683=20R MISSES AND SNA L WOM". limited and where the chief object 1W I .. �, r :, j&n7awasending a, oUtdh and desom "' , =10Y mcoA91'a our opknfon free w9,,'t1'iiar"'a'n" Jf0Prob9bl7?nt4ntabIe. C ommurtfe.a. I � Jurking out yonder?" were central and well appointed. A "I did write it, Why should I deny it? "I sion. And yet the more I thought of bracing the chieftain's bat, the butter- keeping her was to receive profit a � �_ the above cost of she� nveadion n, ,, 0 alowstriMeonment ia. LIAND11001 U PRteuts 1, 14r socarlage! #outfroa Idest a ot,UA,,, don't know, Sir. I hope to Heaven maid showed me in without ceremony, I have n a reason to be ashamed of it. th,-t lie has gone, for he has brought and as I entered the sitting -room a I wished him to help me. I believed ' the lady's face and of her manner the more I felt that someth Ing was beinj fly hat, the extinguisher and the Jock- pail production, I I . , has never until within a few years' . �, ,ffoncT 'rotonts taken t h X a re e a 1"aatmt" witboNt'JUNMI.th. I , nething but trouble here! I've not lady, who was sittifig before a Reuling- that if I had an interview I could gain held back from me. Why should she ey hat I � fallen into the hands of liberal feed-� 11, � herrd of him since I left out food for ton typewriter, sprang up with a. his help, so I asked him to meet me." turn so pale? Why should she flght There is a disposition again to use ,t�� ers whose pride, was to see what waw �:!, $dtaldic American* I him,'last, and that was three days pleasant smile of welcome. Her face "But why at'such au� hour?" against every admission until it was small buttons in an ornamental way, . in the Ayrshire cow when fed for :11[1' ".... 11 - ttrated weekly. Lar "� ago. 7 � , . fell however, when she saw that I was, "Because I had only just learned ,"'V7hy,phould she have forced from bei I and the return of the old time "nail- , I ;,� record for milk and butter. The o&- I r � A, Wiranger, and she sat down agaLl "1,11-cl you see him -then!" that he , Was going to London next day � been so reticent at the time of the heads" Is among the winter possibill- dial records in dairy tests have provedi I il", as , -one when .1 �1,1`6, 81t, bnt the food was . I nd asked me the'object of MY visit. and mlght� be awAy for months. There ( by Mrs. me t I -went that way." The first impression left I -were reasons why I could not get tragedy? Surely the explanation of all this could not be as innocent as she ties. �: her ability to respond to liberal feed.j . I �v . "Then hel was cel-6inly there?" Lyons was one of extreme beauty. Her there earlier. gy . I.eyes would have me believe. For the mo- The new waists to be worn with tai- Today there are a number of records, 11 l � "So you would �tlilnk, Sir, unless tt and hair were of the same Tich "But why a rendezvous In the gar- ment I could proceed no farther in lored suits as well as the waists of , of from 12,000 to 15,000 pounds otl .1, . ,%,,,as the� other man who took it." hazel color, and her cheeks ' though den instead of a 'visit to the house?" that direction, but must turn back to costumes are of chiffon or marquisette milk in a year and from 500 to 7001i � . . � � � . I (.1 I sat with my coffee -cup half way consider -ably freckled, were flushed "Do you think a woman could go that other clue which was to be sought to match the goods. Persian silk Is pounds of butter in a year. � I . � . _____7_ 1 . I , to my lips and stared at Barrymore. with the ,exquisite bloom of the brum alone at that hour to a bachelor's for among the stone huts upon the a material much used for the separate , I I — - 1 I I lltck�-;, 10or(!eastg,,-A Iftetiel,ionary � I 1#1 19f,onji IlitrIod control on )the 24.0i "You know that there Is another motto, the dainty pink which lurks at homie?" Ili then?" the heart of the sulphur,rose, Admir- M "Well, what happened when you did moor. . And that was a most vague direc- blouse. _-, I The jumper or Magyar style is one of -I 1 Liberal Feecring Pays. I - 11 I 5th ,and 250s, vvill tbring .reffillIn V; ,Z . I "Yes, sir, there is another man upon atio.0 was, I repeat, the first iMpres- get there?" ti on. I realized it as I drove back and the most favored for waists, and these It never pa ��� "I ys to "rough" stock , " .. r1811111, N!Inperatorv, ralling t 41ro- I the moor," slon. But the second was criticism. "I never went." ' 'noted how hill after hill showed traces . I waists have a peasant sleeve, with I through the winter. The best beet . I L anoor. )n1oud'iw'.4.11, ral,l) and 'Anoly. "Have you seen him?" There was something subtly wrong '1--ilri, Lyons !11 . "No, of the ancient people. Barrymore's soine kind of a shallow yoke of lace that can be put On any animal Is tho. 11 11 I . ffhe Aloois liv ;tf, igreatiksIt' declina'doln. lod. ,r for "01111) al; l'b't.'t pol 'cillfing . sir.,� with the face,�some coarseness of ex- 11 No I swear It to you oil all I hold "How do you know of him then'?"'. pression, some hardness, perhaps, of s, - acrea. I never went. Something ,in only indication bed been that the : stranger lived fit one of these aball. or embroidery. baby bee. It has been thought b1i I I I ,.,&, �� bully farmers that It Is a matter og �',� . 4eak hytty I xioribedy winds and I . W1 � �'Seldeu told me of him, Sir, a week eye, some looseness of lip which marr- tervened to prevent my going." doned huts, ancl many hundreds of The straight platted skirt th at Is I , economy to rough a lifina:16, through thoi � I I weal,her. An.y 6tarn) period -in , f(,11(, 9go or more, ,Re's Ili hiding, too, but ed its perfect beauty. But these, of I "What wag that?" them are caltertsd throughout the S "length joined to a smoothly fitted upper por, 11 'LL. . �� . 1 winter and then fit i liew with the, 04 � la.sl. )w (I' ol* 1"(4)J-11:1 ry triny, I)ring- ,tI111)_ er g wis Kropleal latorprlis I.; Wic '�soiiclj. he's not a. convict as far -as I can make course are,after-thoughts. At the Ino- "That is a private matter. I cannot out, I doi?t like It, Dr. Watson -1 tell Ment i was simply conscious that I � tell It" and bre,ndth of the moor. But I . had illy, own experience for a guide tion Is greatly In vogue. There is ab- 8olutely no fullness In this model over p �ring. Tills, how�w' , I I I I I I . in 10111'.11 t"V(!10., eminter horoat .-it,orms you:stralght, sir, that I don't like It." was In the presence, of a very hand. 91you acknowledge then �that You Since tt had shown ,me the man him, tile hips, but the flounce provides a ever, simply gervr�, to set them W04 1 � " 'i�:� � , (1,011, 1,110 narthwwit %%,'[I jr,ev;vJ1 t)vc1,, isitersor parc,q\of Ulm- counix3r, A -lie spoke with a I sudden'passloa of some woman, and that she was asklug made six appolatment with,�Sir C�ar- t, I earnestness. . me the reasons for illy visit, I had not les at the very hour all& at � Zelf,�$tan4lng upon the summit of the Black Tor. That then should be the becoming flare, Silk and wool crape, I and has never I)v,,,a found to Ptw, � I I 1� This same statenjeut would iipply i� 1 � I . seigunle pexiod. colvirrif on kho 28t,b ,.'41Ia6e ' "Now, listen- to md, tarrymore! I quifle understood until that Instant how which he met his dea you n I o my seitrah. l7from the I material makes the model Illustrated, I ,� hogs equally well. It there Is not . � . 4!4%vers ,fbt.,� 26)fh *(oillitych 11;e 5()�: I ,' h.avo no interest Ift -this matter but delicate my mission was. that you kept the ap , 11t, It . shutil d cri)iore every hut. upon the with effective trimming of ,buttons "I enough feed on the plate to tarty * � L L� . . , I. . I I 4 - "I have tile pleasure," "of tbot of your waster, I have c6n16 bore i said 1, "That IS the truth." : . -mocr until I lighted upon the right nnd loops, .IUD,10 CHOLLET. 11 ��, , . aita , , ��,. hogs through and fit them quickly .. '' I . .— � . � with no object ox66,0t -to help'liftm knowing your father." Again and agai � 11 nestloned. a� one, If this mail were Inside it I should . I If prices CIO 'not se�onx to. warrant ilw( , � ,� . . %...a V, I NA C) . jL, I �*- V -;-�W.) TM1 %no, frankly, what it Is that you I .It was a olumsy Introduction, and t. ast, that I I cl,in't IfItt .I,. � e feel it. . ,her, bat I could. 1',' 1, � I the Irady made in ,,� fInd out from his Own lips, at the point I fUneoegsarY, who be op my revolver I This ,�'111- I my 11jetr,ton.patterr, Is C)ut In Oftes rov mumes of fouAebW siztedil and elgbt� I purdhaso of feed, tbeft It Is much b04 . I S133H3131A 80J � I 110arryMore.ji0aftated for A MoMent;,! hero Is nothing' In cor L�,'Oltllglt� be- rs lo Lyons'," said 0 ,from &� 212 sald I �Vas and why lie ild (logged US SO froin In eon years of age. Stiio 16 cents to this WK and It Will bd ter to market thew tit once rathaiO . I � . I . thAh stunt them.by short. I ! feed in � 11 4 J () tL 0 10 I, M�Jather and me"Unlon A�; if iio retted his outburstj ar ,� - I ibis long and Incoile &VI , �; �, ,A ,.�e she ka,md. it di oltift tot,expr"s. his owo wo him nothliftm. and'hW friend no long" He might all away us . the 'crowet. of 'Reg- t Street, but It oinoe, giving number, Promptly forwarded to ybil by mail. it In I I I I ..... 11, i . I wintei� A stunted A'tklMd Wftp I 1 '11E ., I-rc - TT � `� - � ��Vcqi ara fAidust LL Ver - lwqdk� , for the,lat hastd send an additional *6 dOnt titkKAP-1 I L � . � fe-.,ir=,11� - I I A of mtne� If' It wtre iiqt . I � . I � . I vouia vitwe ht%. o do. a - o,upon - t � h � e ­ ­ ­ - tor letter Postage, V61oli, Insures more' ., *VbOdy mot"131, I J I t I , 1. , - � . . I I \, � " � I I ". I . I I I I � I � I I I I . " V... 1, I . I . I I prompt delivery, _. _.. _."..� � . I I I , I I I I I ." I I . . . I \ � . I . L I 11 I . � . , I il! I I I I I I I , 1. . I I I .� 1''. I . . I . . I I , I I I I . I I I !., I � f . I � . .", . � . 1. I I . . � �. I I 1. I I I L�, , , � I I � �i I " . I I 11 t ,� , I I . - I I , , " � . I I � I 6i ... i0ii.- :� �; I � , ; " i 11, '': I 1� � I I � I I v� . I I I'll . _�� �,,� I I � I . I � . I I I I i I I p 11 � . . ,� � . t � i ,. , I I 11 "I 1 �., I.., . I . I I ­... 11 t., ...... -1 �. ­­ __, _ ... .. .. - �, ", .,. �, �. __�.�­_: � , , ­­­., ­ . . ....... .. . .. I �. . .., __ �.�.. - I ... , ". - ,, �1111111 , I.. ..., 1-1 ­ � , 1-111111 - ., � ­­,:��!�� 11 :��,� ... � I :, I I � I.. -1 I . , id I I I L, I ,� , . I I I IL . 1.i I I , L, �,�:,