HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-23, Page 1F, . . I . I , _ , - , , ,- , " _ , , , ". , " , _ , , ,. - ,. _'. , , , , - ";, I I I 11 .1 I - I I I .1 I I 1-_ -171,7-_--_.- . ,-. Z " - I
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. i I . I ,,,, 11 , ,.
I 11 .. I I I I * . I I "I okir han4o, facoana 1100 b,O :
I . .11, " I
Carbo Magnetic, Razors I I I . . I :, . I owl I I . I I , h a 11
A," . . 1,
I I .. I I . I I 111:4 "Ill I
I .4-Aila,
. ,alway,s. ready for use, Requires no, houlng, . C. , I ; J§A"& I . .. . . 1, i , . ", oonloc VPQ .roug .041,04, I
11 I : . ,.-. , , I
JEL I 11 ., " 1 I , I
-no grinaln The only razor with A perpot- 1. I .1 I . I , .. LL ..l'. . I mefissa 8,11 M I 11 1,
I I I I I ,
I ,10, I , I I . 11
ual'ouarali 00. $,Old on trial. )tour money I - . I a . (25c. a bottle,) ;e
, I
refunded if not satisfied lo every way, The .. i. ' I I I I , I
I I I ;1
. ., I I , . 1 4 , 04yes the Okla I% soft, or.4,00th, Vl*I.te a ,
best razor on 040 mar4et, . I I 4 .
I I . ., , , gre" , " 1
. ,. . I -1 , ) ,Zq I t . .qv" I I healthy ,% I araiive, 10; is Apt . y 149
7 1 C-r,
Price $2,00 1 11 I wo, r,
. ' * I .... 11 r I i I . I ... I , , pticky, 04 only at ., i
. I I . L. ' I 1. I I 1 . L . . . . . I L I . I .1 .... . I ;I L I . . I . ,
. . I ,
I . , Once used always in favor. . I . . I .11.1 7 I L I I . 1 .1 I . . I . ,:, g
I I t I
I ,
I I , 9,
COLE'S , DRUO, 'STORE. - I :.. I . . . 1, I I Hu' rou" ,164- Middlesex, Gazette I . . qolws Drug Store, 11 i,.,
. 0 =;Pl:illoll!l!llllllllilli ploom --.11", - --P,11011 111'.. L I I- , I,,,11i11 1111 P
: !111!:'',:.I"I, llillilillill:l, . ,
I I I I. I " ' - ' i' ' idL I L , . . I I ' I.: :: I' . L ' ' . ' I I .. i I . : 11 ww", 11,1mil I 1:11 i I I , 1, I 141 : I I 11 , 1,111:!1 I 11 I Bill!, : :
- "'; ) . , . L I L . , I I I . - 11 I 11 I I L' . . I . — I . . I . I.., I , I . L . I I . 11 I — 4;0 = L . I I
___ 7 , ... I - .. L L I 1. I . I , ".Iual . t . . . I .. I , L I
. . L. I 'R, L.ONT, CANADA 1. L I . L I..
,L , . I ;_ . . THURSDAY MORNINQ 23rd 1011. , . .. $1.00 per year in advaacc .. L 1.
"TUIRTY-EIG11THYgAn—No 1946 L , 0, I I 1. FEBRUARY I . 1 L I . 11" 11"...
. %1 1--. I- ..""..."i"PiVii I ILI. _______ ".11i.o.i.., :,11 ... IN v1'". .1,t -W_..,_, - - .,===== 11 :, ,
L I - I li. 1.1 . I ".." . - , . . I -111-11- . ... -1111_ I 11 1. I.. 1; ii! ... '' L.
___ __ ''I'l''''I'll'il"-"-"""-" w--"*-- =,Zi : : I I .. L' 61111i0:4111Z.i11!:. : . L 1. - ..., . 11 _ = 1 = p
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I I i L I . , I— L , ' I I .
. I L 4,+ . . - . - I L I I , . ,
# . *##*4#4 * ' Death' of Rev. W, J. . Waptc4-A:, otirnber., of' I of
. . , , ,oadd, I I
I ..
0",+#+o40+"++*##+0#***+# *#*+40#.#*###"*_ LLL , 4F, L . L , E. ff Pupils Successful at the I . - C, . I 1. I I .
a#," #4kW40+###+#++###*4;i1# I xeter Co #q11' g0Q(4soft..4ree4wQC4i 4,W,Fo1lW . L .
. LL + Z L , . I WJ ddell - I
;111 L. . I I London, Conservatory L Ur, glarold Swann will addressi Zir, I I
+ I . . T I I ;:. 11 I I'll, ) aiodtimg,of hq, Nunl6pal0ouncil I , . .1 rr " Al ry I i I I i'l
. I
. + " was hold in theTgurn Hall on, Xi'dbly. 1. .. I Thi.,, cOmmanity was SurpiASe L'Lo I Au. @M%A,LQX 8 oung ,Xeno I I I - I
I , I .
Lt : JUMMO OG M#41 W . . ' All Ithe members Avero pre7sient " 1=anls lear of olass ip Mah itreet tawet'Stinday af- p I I . I 1,11
I # -i — . , .x a
: # 0 t it . L I A - it of the .unexpected. d0OU , 1, . .1 I .. i*.
LL * PI-iotic N o * 3:a "OL wUll 'the tixcept on of Mr. Wal pez, At the rn.M wiator cxaln1na(=4ns of one of Cxodls- servants in 'the person tornoonr . . '', 1:
I I , # I 1111 ' I . AIr W, Gr( L lig. of Cliaton, who laas I I . I L I . ;.1.
It * I , . . 7 , . '. ; . . the London Conservatory of MpsIc of RIV . L I I I
. Ttr;,,af... f It -1, I I, .m— U a . ,AV 3,* Waddell, which 'toOlc I
I I . I V A . ES A _q " - V I I i - I 1 —4. . I I . 11 I L I I : ,c r
— L I . 1. L . L Jany, 20,th also the ini 1,, Ehe ,Lu,1o%.vno1 pup s i ore oucoossfuL.- r3lace at Drumpo on Saturuay, A.a - been Ott, work owing 'to the Jacksba, 11lig", I . ". : %
I . uutea of the a - . , . I .
. 'L i L . I . I Intermediate piano, first-class hon.o '.the Aeceased.' ministor was ' well 3stfg, Co, ,being closed down, return- I I I I'
I I , ,. . I joiirned naeotip( ,at the home of ,the . . VII . 11 11 1, L I , , pl , "
I . ' To n Taylor, 'werle, read and ? r I L I . ,,,
NEW' I s —5. SherrUt. St. Marys. Honors, knowu in this vicinily having been ad to -towa Monday, ' I 11.1
. L i I . .11 I I I 1. I .1
L L L ,
. ' 1' eeg , L —Pearl Go4win,'Parkbill. Pass,_B. statlonedL at Kippea and also. at rMlia- bIr, II!, D. 'ParlIng left Tiesday for ,
L in I . I i
ed. a L Baptir
191 -NA I I Wilson. ('Woddham, P. Galiser,Credi, ville. .He was formerly .t , 11 11 LL 11 I I I I ., : '
. I i
0 1 ,T me ,' eekes-ChLof of the, fire Do. , Grand Band where lie will coadadt ' I I . . . .
I .. LL I
:1 -" Iffifft eank A -ha " JJKA Uuwit. guire'bis xepoft regarding ton; B1, Guinan, Mount Carmel-, M, minister and while In hat denomiaa sales of dry goods for Mossrks. Tie- I . . L I I I I I .1 L'
. . I I I i
% 1 e, safety of 'the Opera HouAer His. Crawford, Ailsa Craig., don was married to, a Miss Miller,of men and Edi-glitiffor for s everal ' I I I 1. ,
, , Junion Piano, first-class honor McGillivray Township, mear Clande- We . I I . .
X1 L I rcuort *as wa followist. 'Found furn- s- 'CkS ,i L I . . I L 11 i I I 1
Glavin. Maguire; X. Grassick, " I : ,, F
ace in ,good shape; ,,No iduard to .IpTo- L. Han, - boye. 'In the year 1.89-P he was 're- I , . 11 .1 . L I
. Air. Earl and Ida IMkinson, of M4- . L I L i
I * I s hll. Himors. M. PhLpps. Fulls. . intubAry'. L . I I L, L, :1
F , I "' ,,, delved iinto the blothodisl du I .
, - ,
S 11IM4; , . 10,od , ', rtonL ,
L ' -
, --
, L i I . . , * I tect stave, awe ahould be Itaken 11i ;Dufton, Thorndalek and'was staUtined tit Ethel in the old 1ph. also Mr. Will and Mi4s Clara I 0 1
L L . 1, '0 . tv
I , I I -away altogether'; Pvo lamps at. the Primary piano, first-class bon. , Guelph Conference, , . . - I Sboebottom, of London Tomnsbip. I . li
- ' I
I .
. I I . h ad of tl 'stai: -were t1he ,.guests of Mr, and Mrs, Jaoi, I I
I - re! he to which 8-bould be rs.-M. Clark. ' the amalgamation 69 thf., I .
Everywhere in. This Store. .. , 0 - CredEtca; M. Glavin, After .. '..
, . . . . I . 1, . . I ( 0 , ce ,by .,eldotrLe lights, firC:escapom W. Atkinson of Exeter during (the past LO . 11 1,
I : . . . . . a I L I Guinan. Mount Carmel; E. Stev. ouclpli lConferonce with the London I . . I
. . :'r
rl ' d we are having the pleasure of 'unpacking onson.- St. 31arY4; ,X 3 rown, P. Me., Conference Mr. Waddell was sta- 00 I I I , r.,
Wes, V every ay , _ . : 7 . Lev6ft and Day I - I I I'll
. ing Goods, 4 'vor"I'y Cormick, Zurich, 0. Aloir ,,
4he now Spr W,e llke'W be early in. showing thv new , .hat Mr. 13L . , Lumley.: tioned In Kippert. in 1890 where he. lvlfk 1011 art" one of ithose who 'have I I'll I . . "... '. r
I . . I . 11
3tyles to e the early buyer a ood choice. All the New Goods 4 , be ndtifle'd Ito xeniove. otovlajdio 'to M. Wilson, Hensall ; D. Ball, 4, Cor- remained for three years. From oyerlaoked trenewing your sublscrip , 7"
* * 11ave limos Tebla;co-a by dledErtc(ligh't , I . . I . . . .
i*11 I . s- bett G; Draper, Plinton; E. fAro. lat to Eitffivilla, where he tion Ito Ithe Times. do not Ibul; off, I . . "
)ire open for 9 11 . Pl ' 0 * 'Carri,&d, I I - I
I your inspection an we we, t you to see our dis ay . . I . .
I . .1 . * By -Law No. 1. aptioiniting IT. B. . Catoheon. Leadbury, ,B. Workman. served ',tlie Church for Ithe: usualterm but Oo lit now. 'At 0C saine 'time . . ,
. . I
. I
I . 1. 11 Ica' Tllahse ?oen.. Honors, W. I E'vans, M, with considerable efficiency. Whil.,- fake advadtage of 'the Times' ebib- . . . .. 11
rlin. )DIerk of the Village of Ex- Wilson, Allisa Cra4q,1 E, Gill. I%T.other stationed,at Shaddon,near Sk, Thom- bilig .118't. . . I .. I . . ..
* a ter for: .1911.'was road the 'ha"issaiy well,,A ass., (11, Dorman, Allsa Craig; as, he was bereaved of his fix3t wif-1. A colt drIvea by _AXr. ,PAty. of Hen- i. I I 'i
I nambor of (times and ap roved on, H g, vfieldl -at h,a was mitr- sall. got frightened in toivA one day ....
SILVIO -NOW DFO# % 6004- ` motion of Lovett and ' Day - - - I . Ea. I Some lttt'lp ,J4h e aft I
. I ' .
I , PrImary vocal., first-class honors,- ried ito a Uiss 114 nes. who now sur last week and ran il,a onto the side- I I ,
+ By -Law No. Z, aplWicedn'.1- A. G 0. Moix, Lumley. I vLves hi . in. In the . ,de" Avalk 'in front of, Mr. J. G. Xon sl . '. i I I I .
Exquisite New Weaves, Rich Coloirings, - *,o :Dye,i! ask eNs . I year 1906 'the ,.
r .
. .
. I # * or of 'the Villalgo'6f El X- J ui first-class :bon- ceased clergyman was traAlsferredin- residjence. It tturned out again into . ,
. I 01 oter ,for .1911. was *reaA 1her -3iavessary ,tion , 111,tory, . . . I .1
- I ' Pattems . I I
1p- FIascinating I . .. . .1 I ors. -L. Gaiser. Cxedlton; , 1. Roles, to lthe .Hamtlton Conference a,rd tit the deep snow and fell breaking ,the I . I
I .. I I . '0 4 number - of times and approved 'o " Clinton. H. ,Smitb, St. Marys. the itime of his death was F401013ed crossbar and part of 'the harnesi!;, . . . I I . I . I 1;
. * I
Our Dress Goods display this year is the best; we 'have ever 41,.0 indtion-bf ,Rivers and Day. . Junion 'Harmony, first-class han- at Dumbro, where he was quite popii- I . I . I ,ii l
ihown. Every lady in wid %tround Exeter shbuld'xiot.fail to see 0 * , By -Law No, ',4,, appoijAing B. EL I , tis, Olive Walker. of RdmbnIon. I I A
* * Pickard and Jos. Davis Audll6ra for g,-L.,. iSolaz. Clin1ton. Pasis. 0. 11ar -%vAh the people. - Alta.. i!s visiting Arr. and Mrs. Ti. EL I .i
ian . '. I i I
iliern whether you buy or not. It will be a pleasure ,to 'show + , Mitchell, I A few weeks4goi his health'Ingan 11audford, MISS Walker has 'been I I I ,
hemi, . 1. , L . : ; . 0 the Village of ExeIter, for 1911;,.was Junior Counterpoint and Musical to fail him and he asked for us iis- - Montreal, . 1
I I I 1 4, read the necessary nambq]c of.tim" v1sit.1nX, at Xoronto ' and I .
. I I * I f6ryn, first-class honors, -E, Viltse. tance in his Nvork. He,,graduallysank . I . 1. 'L I : .
Dress Goods I L Tokio Silk I.- i, i. and .approved on motion'of L - t Cliaton. . , Ottawa. enrouto and will irefurn in I I I I 11 11 , I
I eve . Until kledth -came, caused by water I
I . I .I '. I , and Rivers, . . Rudimeiats,, firit-class honors. -IS, on the hearIt. . a few days to resume her postdon as . I L I ., I LL
In the 'nilost stylish cloths. Ono of the swell silk for a *6 I By -Law No. 6.'for fthc rie-arr . teachor in one of (the Collezes in, I I .,
aug'ng' 'Sherrttt., U. Smith - , 'St. Marys.. t His weinains were brouglit 'to Exe- 'Rdmonton. . 11 I I I
Chey come in the following good summer dress. Very * of 'the Polling pub-.44vilgi'ons W,os. -I. 1: . - er on 'the soutlt bound train on . I , ,
. .
;bades: Black, Navy, Kings durable aud Vasbable and 0 # 2. 1. and I was lr ad 'the merccIssatyl I I . Tupsday evening accompanied 'by his Mr. Orville Cann. of [the Thames 'HOUSE . , .."
* number of 'times and apP-roVed JDU i I Road. visited wfth Mr. anX3&z.. wini; OF . : 11
'us Alice Blue, Ton, Pat come in all the shades of our * Locals widow and a couple of thetMi dsterlal . !
" ' + motion ?of Levc tt an'd IRIv 'the L Haimil'torl I
R,een Battle Green, Emerald Dress Goods. 'The prices are # . brethren of Vonfer- Coultis.. of town for a few days this NOBSERL04 .
4reen: Brown, Peach, Gray, I Very 1('w on them, 40, 45 'and as followo' I I L Mr. wes. INVelsh is on Ithe olck lisit. once, 'and were borne to the Exeter week. Mr. Cann, recently under- 43MITO . I.."
L . 0 No. a Polling sub-diviision Shall com- went iin operation at the Landon I 1, I
Red, Rose. and Oanary, 1 500. ' * * ' Irk. X. G. IStanbury j.s rin Moronto. cemetery itha:t evlanLngt The funeral . I ", :
I . * * PrIse and odnZIA of Ithat 0' tion of this week on busineFis, I charga. of Revs R. hoapltAtl for appendlertiz * and xe- ' + i
.. I * the illaige. f de of Hobbs and W. H. fl3 titt, 'the pall'-i"Car- : . I L I
rom. `tbe south a turned thoind Saturday eveni=.g.much
. . -h ars. Win. Creech is vi4lting. her , Middle_-AgedL ,
* Ann and James dtre6ts ?to 'the isout d. in health. , . Men '
: bound4y. I . son. Uorman, ,of 03raittford. ars being. )Revs, Powell., Hicks, Mill- "prove .1 .
yard.. Vance, Snell and Conzens. ' The six Black Ifflnorea ,vob,Aersl I . I :
Enjoy the First Showing of L * I 'No. 2 Polling sullrd,tvision from the, Ap'preddices wa-iitod (to learn Itha - y. advertised for sale in ITbetTimes have:, L ,
. As a. preacher ,the deceased clerg ,, I
I * , nor'th slide of Ann. and James 19treefs millinery. Aplt)17. Ito .7ones & May. all been disposed of and. the Party Usually like to be well dress ed- I
* . ..., . man was above 'the average, h', S , ., I 1.
# to 'the SoUth side of . Gldley and 1he )Cemdtery 'Comintittec are ad- sormons being. clear. clean cut and advertisling (them -could ndt fill !the, we have Stylish Suits for them tLs I .
I * Laughall stieeU. I . . . vertising .for applications for care- of an argumentati.ve style. He was demand. Ithis is Ju -it. andther In- I , . I . I
, I
I r . 11 fond of debate and especially on thi, 9tance where ( advertleiing. In (L;fi,.:,, . 9 . . I I ,
+ 'No. 13: Polling sub4divi'40A from Ithd 'taker. . for the yotin' fellows. .
II + - . I I I
i I . I
1 4, * north silde of,Gldloy and Lauig'hall The BusWess MenIs mee'ting 'an- mode of baptism. Times lbring s we-aiil'(K Let''the pub- I . . I . :
This will be a big wash goods season and we have rumde big * . streetis to Ithe south ti'de of nonneed. for Friday evening -has been: -4-- 110 know- what you .have fAor sale Not middle agad clothes , - but ,,,
prepiLrations,for it in. our wash goods department. Evorvthing is #. Road Uudt Isodith of 'the bri,et; % postponed; , I . -A, 'Reactionary , , , I
* 'No 11 pollihig sub divlislou fr r orn. Ithe . ritchs Forecasts. tlirough 'the medinni of 41he Times, dignifl d, .conservative, dregl , :.' , i
shown here'! a abundance.. Patterns and Colors to suit everyone. * . ,,all 'od Sy . I
. . north side of 'the Mill Road .iwt ithc_ BlIss IL, Ifummefiton, of He I Storin Parl ,cen'tral on Ithe 24LhN The 'Blyth -correspondent io , Xhe 61S L , . - I::
New Prints XewLawns New Ducks * 'O' brid tvas 'the gaoft of Mish Vencilla'Frayn-a 25tb and 26th. will lbring return Ito Expositor Isays "Mr, .T. E. -MoTag rhod the man of experi en& ,,--;; - ,
1:: Ginaliams st M * * go Ito 'the north thoundary ' I
usllns .6 D , ! I ',
elms . 4i * Communhoation was received from . . .
4. . . ronday rising Itemperature, filling blAro- gart. of 'the G. T. 1R., is wearing a 'Wants, . . 11 .. ,
Oil" . I 11 .
, Oliambrays . " is I i I I 66, q . '' I I I I me'ter. itiloudimess, xain and onovir. pleasant Ismile . these .days, (tho cause I ,
LjZePP i;'&n Ifead * Gould Phapely, and Mutt trc ga*idi -mumber of youbg PC I
d I ion , 119 I ople attend- . . I :.:
!'o Foulards , a :, 1 ;1,1 . I- * . The Moon i s dt igreatwit declinatio(ni being- Ithat 'the stork ]oft, a bouncln,g There's a heap - . I., :!
I I .. 1. . P , Delaines 14 their account as -to IseIfflement. Leve0 ad 'the Farquhar Box 'Social last Fri- sodth at t14% paxiod, itialling 'for boy at his home last Wadnesd , of difference : .1 I . ''
. I
I . L ** and Rivers Ithat: the matter be tpff day -evening.-. . . oetherly winds and lmleak,, winter morning. Its Igreat-granamother "Ils between our Suits at an . I 1, .". , _ 1. 'L
* n I I y given -- — L
, ,I 1
10 . ,
NvUh the 'Reeve and Solicitor., Car- Mossrs. Ed. Snell and E lmore, Rar- weather. Any storna period !in Ue also living, rao, Mae intezd's having price and any other at the same I I . .
[Zeady-to=wear House Furnishings *0 ** ried. . . I ss. of Scaforth, spent Sunday at last dialf of February may brimg Idan- it lihoto of 'the four lgenera:ttonsr taken . I 11 1 I ".;
. I
I 'Out h . ones furnishing do. 0 * 41.yers and Day %bat 'the following I C , price—and it's all in our favor. I :,
. thaix home 'here. . gorow3a Itropical jdtormaI rin (the soiAh. its Mon as 'the lbaby is .old enough. . I
Clothing * accounts 11be pa ased and orders Issued Mr. Will Ar=Arong waLs kicked in which event. counter boreal stprina The eat-granamotbor is Mrs. CaSe. I
I partment is filled io over * in, payment: For labor. Xas, 4igdo-ii( '% 1". X 1,
!., I * I vitli a hibrae Tuesday but: was ndt, from Uia nprIthwont will prevail over of Tlensall.- ho is mow 188 ,years old, The fabrics are finer; the pat- 1
flowing, ,with all the new do- -00 75 icents; Goo. San ders 1713 cents ; Win.. ._w I
Ohr clothing man has jusb . signs for Spring. seriously InSured, In'torior paets of It,he country. A - I
01 Creech (75 cents; Thois.13rock 5.b5; Tl. . - 'Ux. Win. T.r',ebner, a former pupil terns are. handsom er; the a4w-11 N , ,
?eturned from the city where New Wilton Rugs all sizes , 'O' Blallett. - jr,. 1.80 ; ,R. 'Quince L05.; Aliss,j _Dni,rr. irl Lo,idDn,,-A,ho vis ,seismic period. cerdral on Ithe 280, of Ithe Exeter High School,.and -who I . . 11 1. I
ie has bought up a job of up- " , Axminster 11 olt - * covers Khe. 26th Ito March the 5tb. recently took a business course m are true; t I he making is I superion. .
. Thes. lioulden 0.70; 1,hos. K it ' Tiss Leld 66 ildl returned home I I
1. * oalden. 1: 0 . I . I . I . - — I I . ,q , ,, 2
C. to $I # ,01 Caretaker at dam 7 50 ; ,Jackson INIft. Sa F day evcninv.' the Obatlitint Business College, , las, . V. .
;o-dato spring Clothing for. if Velvet , A , I
nen and boys. If you. want Brussels 96 fr t. * Co., Tearly.xetital Pilickard. block.. 300 ; kiss Gertie Sheera returned Mon- I 13ORN secured a poei.lUou as teacher in the Ask anybody yoti. ki,* who I I
to .9 . - I , , I .
4 nifty suit at a very low 11 Tapestry - * Goo. aleaman. London, spring for day after visRing, for a ,couple of KING. -At Ma1erni:.ty TJospital, 0 Sliectiss 01141ness" College alt winnii-A I ' _: . I
* . , t- . wears our clothes --and com"e" here 11
wice call and see them. All Linoleumns, Lace Cnrtains . Aeb. llth. 1911.. Ito Me., peg a6'4 -it, silari.1' of $1,000 ' & ydar. L !
. * water Itank !6.50, ,total 1328.15. weeks ;in Brxdtford.. - tawa,_ on V ' _
izes to choose from. - . and. Carpets, . I . I Will Fis only 21 years of age and Is or stay 'away on his gay -so. , We
# RIvers and Day Itha!f Itbe, 'Clerk pro- 'Mrs. Wes. 'Heywood, of Winchelsea. ,and' lrrs' 'Walttir 0. Xing. (form- . I I
, f!31 Gil- to be congratulated h are willing to abide by the ver. , .
. * , care led1ger for 'the itise. of Ithe 1t0',v1L Is undiar.go(Mig owngleal ltreatmen't at erly Miss Della Crocker) o i on securing, sue ,,
. I I a iposttion. We wish him every su . . I
. — * Counct.l. .Carried. . 'the London .hospital. I mour 'St., a da,'u,'0ater. 0- dict ofthe wearers of our clothes. I I
I * Levelt and Rivers"blia.'t ithe Ulark. MOONEY.-At l0hiselbursE, on Mutts- Cass iLn the west. He left, for his new
idterview Aft. J. Knight. stadon Mr. and Mrs. C. Harness, who vio- poittion on Wedibesday of last week. .. I I I
* + ited (in London for a wedk returned 'day. 'Feb. It -`04 to Mr. and Afri. W. . I ",-- .11
.0. * agent. ire water supply far Itheir haine on Saturday last. . AToon.,y. a daugMer. I
I au r I
* * gervice here. Carriaidt, SCHILBE,-At 'the 14th Con. Hay. 1000 Differenf '"IfingS fa ;
Jon%,-; -&s - &I ; May H Lovett and Rivers that Air. Blissett We ,hear it right and lart "We havo
* * on Saturday. Feb. 4th, to Mr. and 1
4..I procure backing required 'for the tried .a number of different kinds of Mrs. Lou;Ls Sehilbe', a Zaug&[tter. 11ade-to-Measure Clothes 1,
-0 0 0# waterworks department. CarrIed. , flour but find 'nothing equal LO MI'LLER.-Ait 'the 14th. Con. Hay, on, Wante'd .7 _
0,044 Leveft and Rivers Ithat weadiourn Model." . T 11i"ob. 7th, to Mr. and I . I
. I I
. ___ __ t . o Friday% March 3r.d. . Mr. 111tigh Spackman. who 'Was ,ill lUrs. Louis Miller, a %daughter. . 1_1-177- ,-, I I I
I - ' — . T. ,,B. CABLING.'Cierk. at1the home of this paxen'tis, Mr. and GRIEVE. -20th. con. MoGillivray. MAN AND ) WIFE ,
. 1%fiss E. Gidley re'turned ISA-urdily ' -&' Blis. John 'Spackman.. for 'a few days Wednesday. Feb, ,15th, 'to 1%1'r. and ,
evening from her visit, with roldtim,f3s, ISIGNS .01P A 'RAILWAY. I .is able 'to be outi a gain., Mrs. NY'Inian Grieve, it ,son. L ,
I in Dixoter.-Blyth Standard. Stratford 1as Ithe be;,,Ilnnuig of. A4 .RRIED . To work on farm in Saskatch- Fall Range of Read. 4 11
I . Mrs. J. G. Stanbury, B. A. will TYIA, .
true.Story F or Sale at a, BargWu.A: new 8 fix.st cledtric 6trcer'. Car Isyc9tem on address Ithe prayer servioa In .CaVcD- LINDJ?,NFIELD- DIETERICH - At ewan. Man to work team, . I
I I roomett house and an' acre of land hand, On J ob- 15th; 'the unload?ng! Presbyteria2a ichurch, this (,Thurs- nrt Carmel church, on Wednesday. and woman to do house work. to=Wears'.
I . with fine orchard. IV: of Un cars of L tone from INSt. Mary' ' . 1
1. - .Ap)ply to Re 03 day) evening on 1.Xhe 'Religious Fe . 922, by Rev. Fir. F oTester, MU.s I I I
, , 11--,
W. H. Butt, Centralia. . was fbegun beIng r.riaterial for the TC&chj 'gs of Ten nyOCA6'1. ' of' Mr. "I ''I
armer whowas into the grist roadbed ,of .1 111a cLIty lines, According n Lavina ilDieterich, daughter —Also— I ".,L
Mrs Dennison. of London, who for Mrs. Robinson, -of Chatham, Mit Laurence Dieterich. to Mr. William . .
F6 . 11), as to.thel,r li; rcement with,th-a city the
n bruarY 4th r9i,r and t.11t, 'Ist month Ili been In. aTtend id,:Rlrs. Henderson of 10hailmg, 'Cross LindenfidId. of PaTkbill. , . , .
)o of flour said his wife had ativo upon litir fWther., 31 Stratford. 'RaUwa Pompany were 'Ll . . . I
r, R. WUN, - have aterial on 'the I%Tr. ..A. Manning. of Minneapolis and lJA'I)BR-nET,LLV,,R-Af: ILhe Littlieran . . I .1
likins. traturned. !ionic Sa!tuifty cio ' In SEVERAL GOOD MEN' I
ids of trouble to get good 11ruf. . . . I ni- '; 'the 15th of Tebruary. Aly, and Mrs. Hawke. of .Clinton. -were -church. Das`hw6od', on 'Wednesday. 11
p , - -
- . . I 2= lb Ill attendance ,at the funeral of 'the Feb. 22nd. Miss Clara. ,daughter of A I
while using other flours but , , . . 11 I .6 I I . Thev .have -three months izrac-a to late Mrs. ,111. Blatchford. Mr. and Ttr. . Chr'LAother Milier"t.0 To work on farms.in Soskat- OES'' I 11
. . , .. , bez a construction ' work. The seh- Mr .
they have 'been using ., c ' in. Ithe a3rnmejxt Ott Thuysday last Mr.-Tom*Creach's . Louls X-11. 'Radar. chewati , Only those .accus- I 1'
EL, have had no trouble Dental Offic . as oiYtaincd , - . CLOSE --LBARNns-At Ithe residence I
I., - L.
es Closed. or%th Ithe cilty. was Ito include'a live dray ihorsie -became frightened a t ;the, of Ithe .1brittle's parentis. ,Thedford, tomed to farm work should We want you to become ac. I L - I
:ver. Could get the best Kindly 'take notice'kh . tit I C my office ito Lake Huron. presumably to Grand station. and ran -iNvay. k ,The sleigh 3'hiirsday.' 'Feb. 2nd.. 19:M.-..d`ifr- Hy- apply. Good wages will be quainted with this part of 6 1 1 1 1 . . 1
.1 is closed every Wednesday.afternoon, Bend from a point this ade of 18t. ktruck a post and Ilic ' t horse became Close. or. .13otsanquot. lo MiNis Lena ur I I I
with little or no care. , . ntinued Its run . stock. We have the biggest ''L;..,
. . I I . Marys. The company have submUted free from ,it and 'co paid to. the right people apply . . ,
. I I DIR. Rotms=x. an undertaking with the 66. Mary's liorner alone. * Parts of the diarnew and Barncs. I I . ".7
. I . 1SADLRR_GRAY A:t 'th0; TeSRICDCO at once to L . range of Boo ts and Shoes 1h I : J ' 11
. CLOSI . NQ NOTICE and, Western Railway to buil.d this socigli Nvere,broken. of ithe br:1de's father, on Feb. 15M. .1 - T . - .
I .1 , .V I I .1
k HARVEY fflnx,os, PIL ase reinember that my'. Dental lino. !though whother tbis.. will'':je Workmen are busy putting on a. liv R ,ldcr ill. C. - .Longhtirst_ of . I , I town. : '. 7.
Is I - I ,
1. I Office i r_ 4aUlsfactory .'to, the city. -Tei4pins -.o ' . f,:. '...,
. s closed ever, Wednesday afte . new roof ;bn :the F anson. Block., -%Tencs e.. 113thel Mary, idwigh'ter ,if . i. .. e
. "'
. I . . !. .- 11 L - by thq Mr. W. H. Gray. Ito ,X -r. ,,Fred Bad- No store can sh6w J OU as ,
noUA.. I Dn. Kjj4s3,rAN, be seen. which was unroofed Imst week 1.
I . :
for his name. - I -,.O,-- / .wb2d. ' During .Sunddy evening it ]or. alL,o,C Hlbboyt . . a large an . assortment of Real
I I . I . . ... I Mr. 9. Gwanr- gave a excelleaif rained and the water- soaked throu-9-h . . - . R i E .6 PIOCKard ly ".
- __ ..6"" — a DIED . High-class Shoes at $4 and $5. .
address on ",The Vu'ti ,as of 'a Ca Wd- into the ,business places of Messrs ' I
I .
I - !an ioltizeW'.at the L'Cagii service in Cole, Powell and ,Blarohand and di lll,,'YWOOD.-In Chicago. on Feb. Residence so'ba St. . .
C James lAreet, 1,luesday ,tiwenine., much da, 9 ge. . ' I 170i.. ,31)11, John Heywood, aged . . Our lower price& lines are ex" 11 *.. '
-11.;lK of t:ba .Ccjn,o!tcry Board 87 ,years and 3 month's.- Exeter Ont. I "
I Death has removed auother of our A inet in , - TAYLOR"In London. on ,.Uturday. . ception ally good values. I I .
. oldest residents. We refer to *- . John w 'hold lin the rNo"Vit, nall 'h Tues- 1, .. L . - . .
F --` At,, , as 0 Feb, 181h William Taylot formerly, I - I I
__` &EC ,9 Heywood, whose qpirit took its flight (lay ,overling. 1%1:r. W. 1). (Wocaks, I
I . on Friday last, At the good old age of was ap'pointed Chairman and Mr. 171, of Exeter aged 73 'years; - . -, , ` ;-, - L I- Allq Come in and see for yourself 1: 11
1 87 years and'8 months. Corning from w.. ('11adihan, 66rel.,ary. A I A'I3,C1fEU,-Tn Soafortli, on,Vtob.,15.th. ' L -----% 0 - that YOU CAN DO BETTER .
'I LE . mgtry to e, Eogl I and %s,ater .4 . stem 111.011" Joselfli Archcr., , . iged. 82l'.y,aqr&- and ?,--- A . I 1,
At -"V I . wo, Devonihir , sy for the conw.tel,Y :%vaA 7 rnanlhs - . I . ... . I 11 . . " I I
14howlik, , in 1871 he settled - ,discu6 I - was decided to ask for t HERE, I
. in Dadington town sticii. 1.1 TYININAZ4.-fit, 18eaforth, oil Feb. e I
- then MoViDgL to I DEST, I I
UNCUMM k___7 A L um Numum, shili for a few'years, itplilleal.i6lis for ,the posiLtion itif care- . _., .
. 1-10i. liflon.nor Moson. wifo. of 'Sosi,lh I - - T
I Tye ti r, q, 0 intlittll's 4 ti .,.'.',*N . f
1, !,.!- ,') . .... . I .
— I ' - I 0 , ' I
. Fallarton townsbip v here be engaged laker. .rimin. .d- 68 yell 1* 1 4
1 tn farming. After leaViDg the f&rm ,,c I I .
W T Thp second ishoot of the Exeter and IG days, I t I .N.`-;`:p,`,`, '-* ; I .
& , , " % :"."',,,*. ijli :., I L I
\, ...;..! / i . .
Nft IF T lie moved to Exeter where he remadw. (111un Club was held last week NvVth y.,owl.1,11.".-fil. 1111110A. on lot.b. 01113. :: '@',,
ed until four years ago mi ving then (he follolle,Ing resultsI: 6 'Fillton 115. 'rc4 . -a of Ulw late I I __* ' 1
S' A T U " D AN` ONLY . to Chi I Cago after the deathoof his wife. T ICarmling 12. W. Johns '12, J. Aun- , ,s',e [Anderson, wir OUR - t I
1K . Will. itio,ivrin, ngrcd 83ycars and 0 . # [ NewL'ines 4 SHIRTS, TIES, .
. .. He has been liviott with bi6 dauglitet, k :n 11, D.'Sa idors 63, 3, Triebiactli " . I I . I . .
. . . . : 1,8. )y I m o n t li. . . .
. I - Mrs. Eilber, of Chicago. He was a 20. D, Brin noll . _Iaffleib 90. I f &8,1, . .
, I I . member of the James St. Methodist; .G, illeywood 4. J. C. 18holl 5. T. Baker IF&G.-Yri A.ToX;IJop. on Feb ' 11 . %, COLLARS, FANCY SOX,. . r I
. I . I.I.I.h. Margaral; Dlilon. 'niliet, oi 7, I . I I
I I 0 1 1 0 11 L Obureh and in politics w is a Liberal. 6, T. Tr.;ebner 13, P: Yorr 21, ' E, 'I'lle lato Williarn Irag(Int'vq. ll, Cd i : I . . . .
lee our,South Witidow.for Savin e -g In flard-- He i's survived. by four daughters, one Willis 5, W, 11). Sanderls 43). 78 ,cars. . UNDERWEAR, HATSAND
.. _ I . I 6,c,. , I I 1. . I
11 . , ,on, , number of. grandchildren, viz. The dcb te that was ,announced for PRTIUI,'. la Stanlo,v, on r1ob. 110t,11. - . . I " . I I I I 11
I I 1 7 III . I I
1, , I
'Granitewar ' i " 1!11 "! I 'CAPS,, GLOVrl Sj
e 10 e,., Etc, Prices good for -Sat * Mrs. Julia Hilber, of *01ticago; Mrs, I . .
I 1. 0 Frank Malletf, V3 xoter Mrs. Abe Dear. J:onday evening In Cavan Prosbytox- Jomal: .U.nstard. wife of Mr. ,1'amois ,v Wii I
. lan ichureh did latit 'take place owing 11( frie. aqed 50 Voax, 4 -and 4. nionthis, I 0
. Simpson, to 'the - ilinpas of Mr. W .Nvell . , . . .1
ay only, 'and only Goods in Window at ttliS ing, sr., Exeter; Mrs, FatlaT . delm TETOMPSON.-MaGillivra.y. Con. & IMOU'll ' . T,11 kT, R Ila -E, S . I
r r .1 ' 8 - hammar. Mr. Gladinan ,took up Ithe Saturda . ,lit"ell. 411 V inamilt, sion of, - y - I "I -, 'I I
I I XIrkton0qr.'WM. lAeywood,, I, PAJAMAS, I
I I I I ) ,.--- .M
, . I I I I 11 Tbo as:. Ifie remains were brough affirmative side ,of "13,ociPrOoiLY" Mr. and -Mrs. Utelinal Thonlilson, % Jast: XbAlie,pbiint of Verfeebon anivT .
I . . I . M I " . . ;
. . 1. I I I ,,),,,,, r , glitest pastry . . 1.
;e. I : I . . I . th ' : Is expected a Mr.'Wel&h, aged 12 Yuni's
0 . to Exeter and were interred. 1a ,e I mpkca )(:he he. f, and Ii.
I I I I I . I J 10 and T t . and bread da , I . I ' ,
I . . Eke,ier cemetery on nda,V after. hammer will itake up the nagativa BOBINSON-West16 Corner's McGill! . ; I
. . I I , Everythin for a Man i ",
I 1. I I %., noon. . 0 vray, R.Priliday, J1'eb.3rd..I1,lIia hirant Ofjl.t I ,ON 1) llp,rj!, pr,OTJR I 9 , . , , ,. I
I . I . , side ,at a future in eting 0 bie, hold sl V it. I I .. I . . ,.
. .
I I I . I I I stin ild ,Tvlxl, . Percy 11obtla- . I I I I , : ,
I . I . . I - 1- I Ni Ithe -church, . ,of Mr.,ii,' Vhe whole, ,goodness of' fpdVb db. I I . I I . , I . . 1
,re., YOU 4 liser of n :, , I A waterworks coiniftil:ttco' fl*onl . -%Oxl. - I I tthont :)n.(l none of,'11:bs hadnCss is .--- I I I 4
. I . 40*40"0",s. [-ii1(lgy01.o%VT1 consisting, 'of , 'AretbrIA 11-088 -V Itry. I'Afoxltlfty Pali. 131.0, . I I I I -
.. . 1. , a I . It . I .
USTBAN.E. " and AT er' 1911, U'r, 'Taines , 11,00'a, aged 181 used ,in. making our floar ' I .
nitary'sweOpIng , I I . I . . * Koulliall. Coodbi'le .orriistin w 1 ... . . "
, - I -1 I 1". . .1 . I ; wilin,gul"qpooting yeavq. , Yoll abotild not forge. ito order I
I I ,. , I I I 1 ... .., . I I t Do It -Now 1. . ,,, ijk'l,,1 v(,,tor (Pnesday o . f brand: 41; Will ffican etv,sitir btildn,2 ;S ,G "
. * Tit .0 (11t, ,,,11:01,%voflts ll.ti(jr-'C,to ,ii,i,-.tliinit- .i61iN!STON,-I6t'h ioo'n-, 'UoGillivray. IL114 O'S811ring , ,
. I , I "
'1pound 35 Cents per _ . , - , I 0. Tuosday, itl*eb 1411, 1 ),Lt AiM R. and I o f %Vliolpstsme ! , i .)f 1)
. I i , . Go to 11) Vl e's for good cigars : Alling watorWorlvq it.nd 1
$ 1 . 4tg, of -11118i . -d, I 0 0. D I
. Tin$' .. . 0 . a1v Johnston. ed r )t . foa ; I - BAW 'EIN I ,
. I aq ),4 V am I
-itdT 6biqcoes ,of all, Idnds at tho gwitloglon , --around 0spoet'ing . Xi I;P, a . it o ). ts . , , '.
. I I .. :. , 4i , I DIOXISON.-Ift, , ',Art .1V I , , . I I
1. I I I . 11 . - . . , lowoatpiioesi 4, 100-CigA,rs 0 Ole, diff6rent );MoLoinm, Thay were I . , IN 8 ,
I I I 1. e # I'sm , 0 re
L 11 I 1. . foe 260 , - 5ittblo, lilnpkomsed Ivith 'the, '41k o- 14&11, I kf , Tntls Dfolc,t ol, Ilinill'"", of 116 Colt Song and Co W6 a Ole Agents for, the I
I L i .". I : , , .1 , I . 'O lo k, , y , . , Thoy.',i(ift- Tti,o,sdfty,iii(irn- 10m, late George 11 v so lk nig"11111, 6 5 Aous'eofl-lo bcrlinLfralted-i . .
I . ltq frl, , , . I .
* :-
4 I
f : ,h 11 <4 *4*44#4,*#44+,4,6t,#q,"04*#4 f . III 0 0 '6.'. 'L , " , ,: Y,onm .. . I I Hens.,,dl 00. I b I I
I I a It . . g,f k rol! 11 I I I .
I I . .
I .
MAN S HARDWARE AND STOVE"01"ORV I * 1 'W I,: '!' ! '' .0-i - I I _ . , . I I ; ''.. .. . I I . . I . . , 11.1 ''I . I I I ,
I I . , %11 . I'll. V I . , . . , I . , f,, , . , _ 1, "', ,,: "., . I '. ,_ I . I . . I I ) . . I I I . I I
" 'I'll' ' , I , , - 1 .., ,":!" , . 1, , , , ' , I , ,\ L " ' . - . .. I , I .. ,. I 1
. i , _ . , . , ,'.. ", "", " i ", , ..,: , ''I., 1. 11 I . . I I
I . I 1 I 1;1 " L . %,.,. I I I . I I . I I
I I . I -, , ". I . . I I I I I I I . I I .1
I : I I , I , I I I I :,. 1,1 1-1. . .i"., .: ,, 1- ", ; , .1: . !, ."'.",l " , I 1. . . . , . . _', I i 11 ;,.,
. - . . , I . . . I I I I I I .1 I I
I .11 11 , "'; , 1 ,, J' 1 1 1. I . I I I
, I _ 111 ., . , , . . . .., 11 I I I . I I I I I 11 I
, , I , " Ic`
I . ., ,-4 "."'. ','. ,,'..' -, , I , 4. 11 I . I I - : 11 "
I I 1, I , % 11 11 I i,11' I 11 I i I , I I ,,, ,,, , ' '
I I , I , . I . . I . I - , I I 1. 11 I I
I I i I I 1, ".. - J. , , : .L .., ,,_'. 11" . ,,, , , ;, . - - - " ,, . I I I....' ' ''. :., I _ I I . .1 I .11, I I . "L'' '.
) '' I , h ,*, , I I . I P, . "_ I I I -11
I I I I) 111, ' 'Li' , ji, , ,I _ , , #, - . I. I .. ,;, I*. _ , ., . . , I : . '._ I I , I ." 1 11 ,
i I " , , 1. , ! , I ,'', I
, I , , " \ I I ". -
I I I \ , , *41
, 1-1 I . I I I , I I .1 , . . . . . I 1, ,L!!, 4iW& " 1 ,;, -_ ,, ,_i a, ,_ .,_Z ' i=& wl i, , ,
. " t", 11", - ,ik -7 _. .,4_ I "I'' 11_:_., , _:_ , _
' , & . - iliggL ,, '' "I"I"le I 11 . , I . I . ! i ''
) i . I 11 I
11: '' -
1 ,