HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-16, Page 7,. . ��11 ...... -,
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I ;, " I ; �-<)144 , Jay my hands upon thttt olan, � Contracted'a � . � , US I "
� .. ? theilatlast we might find ourselves, at . a g Si p. -I e �,��' " �. -4111
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�,� The ,Ho;:,� , * ,, I . I I
� ", I und � the, end of all our difficulties, To this, I �, � I I I � '
�� �, I L� . I ' ' , , , 'IL .11 � 11 , ,
�� I I 'I, A , All : . I , . Few -W, D ,.. � I �.
... � , , � One Purpose I Must now devote all MY , I I �, � , ;., -�
., I I 11 .. 11 �.�
I 11 I eu I . �
I . Orgies. I I . I I . - I ays : " ��qz
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I :: I MY'j'flr8t Impillse Vms to tell ,Heavy Cold, � , 1mr, , i I I—` ,:
. 4 " , - 1. . ,"
, Sir I `At t time I began takitio�, , 7'.,
300013 0 log NOMOR 110111 III I Henry all MY plems. MY Second and � I 11 , � I � . :1, !;:
, 3MOUMTOAM 89GULA.TIOX8. I WIsestone Is ,to plaY ray Own gaine and Dr, Miles' Heart ellnedy I WA0,` , . . ".��,r
. Anothe Adventure 11 . I., I . . . , "
- , r speak as little as possible to anyou(, - Bec ' " [[[1- , 1P "I S! , � "
,��Aqy jpeFoo.n Who .19 thO pole hq&4 I I �, It �. . . ame a Lane: I , tt haviog. s I Ing spell ,every, few. � � , 4
. He Is silent and distrait. His nerves I . - � I ., �
.1, 0 a family, Pk ally wale, ever It : —, . days, My, 4nds an - , -
I � #0toul of available Dominion land tit By 'A. CON have been ,9tr,%DgGIY shaken by that S�,,Iittino Cough,, I I ..d feet wpuld ,I , I "!,
, I . I 1 m
$ - sound upoo the moor, I will say no. aVa� C, oti� ,I . 'Cot.1 ld, I . , � 'I. � I �. I
-, . . . . . . . thing o add to his anxieties, but I will . ISM Of the get cold,; I — � ,,scarce Y, , � , ��,,
I � , � I I I L, .
. . I lie, an, cot-Jd feel-, my ,
�.��,&, , . The applicant must appear in pereQu " take MY ow7i steps to 'attain M7 Own � Severe n ,self� , 11 , �, '�'(,
- 1, Afamitoba, Saskatchewan, or Aitber.m. t " . . ' , .
11.��,f "' . Author of "The Gre "I,
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, &L, , enFla breat
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. I I
� ,. � at� .the Dominion Lan& Agency, of I � I r, J. f -OR Wds# 1842 Second Ave, , , I 1. I
11 �, � end. L� V �c 11 -in � I I . I � 11
I � _ I �*a I
I Copyright (190 )b " Javc r, D.C., Writes- "Allow I I 19 Y, �1141
. � Stib-saencty for the district. EntTY bi E� 0 gradually 0 k . . I � I
� I . I We bad 4 ltmall scene this morning I L I I I .- �. � i , , ,
,,,, oTox ,.p me to wrte a few lines in praise of your, Nvould b 7 0so I
, ,,# 11 , : , ' , y may be had at, the ogenay4 o 4. * + + ++ # 4 0, 0-0 4 4 + 4 4 4 0 � - after breakfast. Barrymore asked I I � � � , '�,
. �, JrWo conditions.,Uy fit —,---. Govemmeff. I i
�, .t, �!,, oe her, I . I I �- - , . I �!
I I I �6.6, daughter, brotber, or sister al I I I . leave to speak with Sir Henry, and I Dr W , Last ; About me c uld- I".6t. tell' t1i, , 1 1 I �, - 1,
I 11 they were closeted In his Study squile! ,,li ILezo-Als.,torway Fine syrup, � . ,�ro
' homesteader. -it was h4ra tb say Waenc,e It came.." I ed a heavy cold which loft - was I , , � . � ��
: little time, Sitting In the bIlliard-room, life in mt, After t4so� I .. I �
I e
ing cough and every time 110t . , , Lk I � �
' 1:I! 1. kden*O t400 "It rose and fell with the wind. Isn't' I more than once heard the sound of I Shot For Minister of spells I woul I'll ' �
'11 �nte' .3, I me .11 ad
. I be very wea and � I 1,
I" Amd cultivation of the land in ealab that thia direction of the great Grim- voices raised, and I had 0. PtettY good I wOultd geta little more cold this hacking I I I �L
� I 11 "
: -6f. three years., 'A homesteader may pen Mire?" I cough woul 'become alung sPlittingone. 0 I ll%* ,
LLL �f -2iye within ninii mil0ii of Xis�� heme- .4yes, it is." Idea. what the point waa which was un- FAucation. nervous, slec ple§s and wit I I
1� . ,
" I L
- areo "Well, it was up there. a ,ta in 1py , : ,
,� At"d on a (farlp .of St'leadt 4.4's der discusside. After a time -the baron- It kept on ettiiig worse and I kept on ppetite; ha I neuraig, . �
I . I I Come.now, ot opened his door and called for me, spending ra ney buying different cough . I I., �
, ,
I . solely owned and occupied by htm vi Watson, didn't yoi4 think Yourself that . "Barrymore considers that he has remedies u *1 a friend asked me if I , — head ,and he�rt. After takinz, � I
a grievance," he said. "He thinks that 17' 1
1 , lijo father, another.. sm, )UaOtor� It was the cry Of a hound? I a a I had ever tri Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Administration of Justice-4ndustrial , all th .11,
� � brother & sister. �y in not 0 1 the ]remedy a i short time 1, � I 11
child. You need, not fear to speak th tit was unfair on our part to hunt his t N him I wa� willing to try � �" S,� ' f
; In certain. districts a hom6steado,r truth. , Syv' I
. . I brother-in-law down when he, of his n I hought would cure, and 0�, Education -Local Option-Refores� disappeared a6 d in a few - weel�$,' I - �'. I
. � I fi� good Aaading', May �pre_einpt r "Stapl6ton was with me -when 'I -own fr -et.11 - u . all the , I 11
I eo will, had told us the Seel theytTmimng, d, bo ght two bottles. Be- tration_4mm,grat,on
-Ouart:er section alongside, hillhOm-` heard it last. Ile said that it might be fore half th( Lst one was used m and ColQn- , heart trotibl ne.'-' ' '
I 6pind JDatiO94 The,batler was standing very pale y cough '! was 90 � ! 1.11,
, . 11
. Brice $3, per 1p,Qr6,. _ the.1caUing of a strange bird." but very collected before us. began to get much easier, and by the time ization, All Dealt With. MRS.' LIZZIjE FAINTE R I n
L '
Vast reside six mouthe i6ea,ah of Wx "No, no, It was a hound. "N. C-1, "I may have Spoken too warmly, I had used ; bottle and a half my cough Ave,, Evansville, Ind.',' ` '11�*' :
. 3re"s from date of Lomeptead entry can there be some truth in all tlit-6e sIr,11 said. he, "and if I have I am sure grats oine-, On the resumption of the.debate a 803Y,� 3d . I '' .1 "I
, tig
I Oiboluding the time re(julred to ea,rr, , n J am ke�y,ing the other half 11 �
lt!� patent', a stories? Is It possible that I am reall 11 that I be- your pardon. At the same I it sho d come again, but on the address in, reply to the speech For twenty' years we have ' I I � �
I homestead nd oultirtW4, in danger from so dark a'cause? Y6 time, I wa's very much surprised when am sure I have a Positive cure. Let from the tbrone, Hon. Mr. MacKak, � � I . .� I I � 11
fifty a:orea extra. I I don't believe it, do you, Watoon?" � been constantly receiving just I . I
�11! . A homesteader who bas exhauat-41 "No, no." I I heard,you two gentlemen come bacl( me tecomme Dr. Wood's Norway Pine leader of, the Opposition, in a brilliant � -
"' h.ts bomeet6ad right &,a4l cannot lcxK , � I this morningand learned that you bad Syrup to all ho suffer from a cough or 45 -minute speech, gave a: concise and such letters asi Ciese, There is - ' " ' -, 'I.
- " . I
� . ,. 'And -yet It was on'a1hing to laugh been chasing Selden. The poor fellow . throat irritati n of any kdnd.'� . masterly review of provincial prob. scarcely, locati.- in the Unit . ed, . �.,
- V VWn a pre-emptfola inay take a P"'. about it in London, and It is another has enough to fight against wi So great ha been the succ I a , �
11 10&sed hem"tead in certain distrioti thout 1. ess of this lems. His speech, in part, was as * .
i I - Price $3. p3r . acre. ., .Duties -Mu*'t ' to stand out here In the darkness of my putting more upon ,his track " wonderful re edy, it is only natural follows * I States where. ttivre is not sorne� . � .
- , the moor and to hear such a cry as '1f you had -told us of your ow� free that numerou persons' have tried to "Mr. SPeaker,-It is fitting that the one who can ,testify to the �_ I ,�
. .
I 1,eside six months in enob of thr- that. And my uncle! There was the will It would. have been a different imitate it ' I upening sentences of the speech of . .1 1.
Y I *ears, cmitiv,Rte. (if ty acres- and ersal footpriht of the hound beside him as,, , nc-" said the baronet, "you only merits of this re kab�y suc_� I
i;r . a boatse worth $300-W. -he lay, It all fits togeblier. I don't ' the right on , but I s o .. I e o , ave thi �, � Don't be imposed upon- by taking the Lieutenant -Governor, which was I mar
I . 1. %. W., w. 60ior. . ther proof of it. . ' ay,� e told us, or rather your wife only told anything but "Dr. Wood's." placed in his baiids by his constitu- 0 .., I , " I 7
1, h , DepUty of the Mintat-or of the titArlor think that.I am a coward, Watson, but i some f ur us, when it was forced from you and tional advisers, should contain a re- cdssful Heart P medy, ' " ' ' � I
, '11 I ze my -very mean to communicate to e rince- .Put up in a yellow wrapper; three Price $1.00 at youi dr4gigist. He shout$ . 0
. � , w. X-Unatithorized pnblication ohy , . that sound seemed to free , town people whete they s ould look you could not help Yourself " pine trees the trade mark; price 25 ference o the demise of King Edward , .
�% I mosietwillnotbepaldfor. blood. Feel my handt" supply you. If he'e=s not, send pricep .�
�. 1, . � , _� 11 I for their missing man, but it is hard "I didn't think you woul� have taken cents. VIL and to the far-reaching influence to us, we forward pr�'.)ald. 11 � I �
. .
. _. ; tr I I - : c ck of mar,b e.; lines that we have not actually had the advantage of it, Sir Henry -indeed I for good which -he exerted throughout I I . . I ';
B. CARLING, Lilej Acoidenb, Fire and Plate "You'll be all right to -morrow."' . I didn't." Manufactured only by The T. Milburn his whole I DR. MILES NIEDICAL,C0., Torontek, "
. Glass In4arance, also Cowcung �Acoounts 4. i triumph of bringing him, back as our Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. reign. No British subject . .- --- ._', . -,
'r sr. . M 1 don't think I'll get that cry out of -isoner. Such are the adven- "The man, is apublic danger. There knows, no British subject will ever _�od. '---' ,;�
sod Auctionaering. . . I Y head. What do you,advise that we 1 own pi: e lonely -houses scattered over the '�= scheme, hsid ,he Governme :
� I tures of last night, 'and you must ac- ar I I know. how great was the influence accepted it nnd l6pointed a commis- I- �.
PR. G. F. ROULSTON , do now?" . knowledge, my dear Holmes, that I I Moor, and he is a fellow who would -wed-z" exercised by olar late King, inaking S3on to nmhce tb,-� navessary inquiry, 11
"Shall we turn back?" � I have done you very well In the matter � stick at nothing. You only want to get "Well, air, I thought no more of tko for the peace of the whole world. and obtain the np,-v�iry information-, � I .
L. D. 8. ; D., D. � B.' , "No, by thunder;, we have come t of a report. Much of what I tell you a glimpse of his face to see that. Look' Aftetter, and never would have done His very ,extended ties of affinity and S SOmethin," practical i iight be there., I
Monorigraduate of Toronto University get. our man, and we will do it. We Is no doubt quite irrelevant but still - a -t Mt. Stapleton's house, for example, had it -not been for my wife. Only a consanguinity were doubtless used to sult in the immedi-vite future, I cart.i: � :1
- I
� . . ]ENTIST � atter the convict, and a hell -bound, as ' with no on . e but himself to defend it,' few weeks ago she was cleaning o I .
D likely as not, after us. Come on! I feel that it is best that I should let ut advantage with all other European not help thinkin--,, Sir, that if thist'
We'll There's no safety for anyone until he Sir Charles's study -it had never been � .
� . ' see it through if all the fiends of the you have all the facts, and leave you to . monarchs.. His was a reign that Government had accepted this sug- I . "I
0,FFI0H:-Over Dickson & Carling's it were loosd u on, the moor.,' � select for Yourself those which will be is under lock -and,key.11 touched since his death -and she made for peace, that tended to bring gestion and had sent a commission' 1, I
� , 11 . �. La* Offices, Exeter. p p "He'll break into no house, sir. I -found the ashes of a burned letter in . I I
rNOWE 6. CLOSED WWNL'Sz.1T AFTERNOONS We stumbled slowly along In the i of some service to you in helping you , give you my solemn word upon that, the back of the grate. The greater about if not the age itself, at least out to ascertain all facts pertainin6-, . � V�
I Q darkn1ess, 'with the black"loom of the to your conclusions. We are certainly , But he will never trouble anyone in -part of it was charred, to pieces, bat ' s the age, when men shall to the technical and industri4i cou'� I I .
braggy hills.around us, and the Yellow making some progress. So far %s the beat their swords into ploughs -hares ditions of this province, the informa- I �
l W. BROWNING, M D.. M. C . � this country -again. I assure you, Sir one little slip, the end. of a plage, hung I ,,,� I
. .1.
I . J. , P. S., Graduate Vl' tQris U Speck of light, burning. steadily in Barrymores go we have found the mo- i Henry, that in a very few days the together, and the writtug could. still be and their spears into pruning -books; tion thus obtained would have.AtWl ', I � �
I Voisity. office %ad rasidenence. C Doaitulm front. There is nothing So deceptive I tive of their actions, and that : has necessafy arrangements will have read, though it was grey on a black and 'hen the nations of the earth in with and would'have'been supile-, � I.", .-N.
I cleared up the situation very much. shall have learned to submit inter-. mental to any information that th141 I I
� �.
TAboratiory, Zxetier as the distance of a light upon a pitch- ,But the moor with its mysteries and been inade and he will be on his way ground. It seemed to us to be a post- national difficulties rot to the arbit- report of the Dominion Government . I
I Associate Coroner of Huron. dark night, and sometimes the glimmer to South America. For God's sake, sir, script at the end of the letter, and it �
, I Its strange Inhabitants remains as in- rament of the sword, but to the de- commission may contain, Th I J
. I - I . . . Aa upon the hori- strutable as, ever.rPerhaps in my ne%t I beg of you not to let the police know isaid: 'Please, please, as you are a gen- . . I I 1.
� P. and zon and sometimes It might have been � clsion I � -
within a few yards of us. But at last we Tha Hague, which recently has done indy trial and labor conditions ,
411 - R. Brlgbt,ibL,D., M,C. . I may be able to throw some light thatf-'he is still on the moor. They tleman, burn this lettdr, and be at the Of Such tribunals as that Of commission does well in asc6 i 1,
or � to Un I S
I ... S., Honor Graduate T Oil - upon this. also. Best of all would it be have given up the chase there, and he Vate by ten o'clock.1 Beneath it were 'e !a 1.
� V
K I me, and then ^ " and elsewhere not only in. ns h, ,� �� �
i veralty. Two years resident physician could see ' whence it ca it You could come down to us. In any can'lie quiet until the ship is ready signed the Initials L. L." such splendid -work and has removed
t" , Royal Alexandra Hospital. etc. OiSpe we knew that we were indeed very case you will hear from me again in for him. You can't tell on him without "Have'you. got that slip?" forever as between us and the great try but several other coun=o M_ . �
� aud residence, Dr. Amos' old stand close. ,A guttering, dandle w -ds stucl� the course of.the next few days. getting'my wife and me into trouble. - "No, air it crumbled all to bits after nation to the South of us, a, large if, ridIng ourselves . . 11 I
- In a crevice of the roctis which flanked I number of irritating and S
I A�ndrew Street, Exeter. I beg you, Sir, to say nothing to the we moved it.- mischief- Xe banilepr rovince of the : , ,
. it on each side so as to keep the wind . CHiPTER X. I police." I "Had Sir � Charles received any other making difficulties. That reminds might well Rave acted up . dAVI) 11 I 1. .1 �
I "What do you say, Watson?" letters In, the same writing?" . . of C �
I us, from it, and also to prevent it -from. . I I .t me�,Sir, that we are nearing the cele- initiative, and as a result 1. �
, ISS DELIGHT HOBBS, being visible, save in the direction of ' *So far I have been able to quote j I shrugged my shoulders. -"If he Well sir, I took no particular no- bration of the century mark of. peace current work ascertained mo L""' *
I � Baskeryille � Hall. A boulder.of granite ti I rB rn' , ,� �1, I
'-bljn Instra tor, James StreetPar- . from the reports which I have for-' were safely �out of ,the countrylt would de oViiis l6tteb%'I .should not -have between this ' nation and OUT ebusins utely the requiierneiits,itif IWO -P .r) � ,, ,4 , ! , . ,
I c Concealed Our approach, and crouching warded during these ehrl days to . relieve the tax -payer of a burden." noticed this one only it happened� to to the South; a,celebration in which ticular province. Then','Sir we �&dI4,', � .1
1!dpagm, Exeter. Y , I � I .
I I I .1 I 1. . . Pehind, it we gazed Over it at the signal herl s Now, however, I "But how about the chance of his ^come alone." I have no doubt this .province and have availed ourselves Of. th * I
I light. It w S Odk Ho""T * holding someone up before he goes??' "And you have no idea who I, L. this Dominion will take a fittin- and . ,i
.as strange to see this -single I have ar' iv�d at a point in my harra-, � "He would not do anything so mad, is?" work of the DominiorL commlssl I
. ,'�` DR. QTJA,CKENBCTSH, candle burning there in the r--iddle of I tive wh� a I a. , compelled to -abandon . , � Prominent part. NotwithstZdin� and at the same time have had t _'.
t; I Sir We ha,*6 A�rovhled,,,hlm -with all- an you 11ave., the exasperating recollections of th; question from an internal sta . I
,;,, . L I I I the moor, with. no'sign of 'file near it- this method and to trust once more to,, ' 1, "No. zir. No more t1i .-nd
.� . � ...
�, i� just the one straight yellow flame and that he can want. To commita crime But I expect if we could lay our hands War of 1812, Canada and dealt more exhaustively with: b 11'L�' I I
1, 0, I I Physicisn and Surgeon and Ac- my recollections, aided by the , diary woul the United . 1. :
. � I '
.-, L wacher. / office -Dr. Rollin's old offlee the gleam of. the rock on each side of d be ta show where lie was iipon that lady we should know- more StaUs have set the own commission. As an -:J � I
'�, which:1 kept at the time. A few ex-, I - -world an excellent - - :
" . ,
I en Main Street, Residence -Corner it. tracts from the latter will carry me hiding." I about Sir Charles's death.� eXiMP10 Of how two nations with ec � I
, ''
� .
��` ; james and Albert Street. opposite 'Tilliat shall we do. now?" whispered on to 'those scenes which are Indelibly ' "That Is true," said Sir H,,nry. "I cannot understand, Barrymore, 3,000 -mile non-fortressed and un- �L properly selected commission. mov. . .
. . . .
11.1 Sir 116iiry. - L I fixed' in every detail upon my men" I "Well, Barrymore 11 , , ,
:11, . James Screet Methodist Parsonage, I- ;1. how you came to condeal this Import- garrisoned frontier may live at peace Ing from tO1711 to town and city I L
. I
- I Rzeter, Ont. 'V�61t here. He must be n6ar his ory. I proceed, then, from the morninz "God bless you, sir, and thank you ant information." as neighbor nations ought to. city throughout the ptOV2noe wotA I
�,�� � I from my heart!' It would have killed "Well, sir, it was Immediately after have been distinctly felt and wo ' I .
.", ,Phones -Office 30a, Residence 39b light. Let us see if we can. get a 'which followed our abortive chase of I Lack of Content,and Intent. I .
� I I glimpse of him." the'convict and out other strange ex- $, had he been ,taken that our own trouble dame to .=. And I - have don,e very much towards � L I I
? . My poor wife .
. ' � ..
The words were hardly out of my perlences upon the moor, � I then again, Sir, we were both of us lizing the views of municipal office ',,,`11 L .
il I ; , agai n Coming to that Portion of the OdUeati , IL ,, I
L" 1)R' L C. A. RGUZE, V. S. mouth wheu we both saw him. Over October 16th.-7-A,dull and foggy day "I guess we are aiding and abetting very food of Sir Charles, as we wdlI speech which reviews the Past Ad- boards of trade, boards of educati ' .1
. � . . I.,
I1� li Graduate of Ontario VA. College, the rocks, in the crevice of which the with a drizzle of rain. The house Is ; 'ti felony, Watson? But, after what we might be considering all that he has ministration and the expected legisla- and employers of labor on this � . i
.. .
11:w- r n't � . , � �,
- ,,I-- -- Rember of Ontario Veterinary Medi- candle burned, the e was thrust Out, banked in with rolling clouds, which have heard, I don't feel as if I could done for us. To rake this up could tion of the present Government I may tremely important question. 11 I I � I
:1 �cal Society. . � . � . . an evil �ellow face', a terrible animal Itise now and theri, to show ihe dreary give. the man 'up, so there Is an end of belp our poor master, and it's wel�l to be permitted to remark, 10ir, that the I .
. 11 L pq1V I It. All right, Barrymore, you can go." go carefully when there's a lady In the Contrast With Germany. I
� ""
I Treats all Diseases of Domesticated face, all seamed �nd scored with vile, curves of the moor, with thin, er most noticeable feature of the whole
I Animals on latest Scientific principles. passions. Foul with mire, with a brist-, veins upon the - With a few broken words of grati- case. Even the best of us—" speech is its absolute lack of content There is a mark&d difference ), .
I , sides of the hills, and I tWeen our. educational syst M :$
1 All calls day or might Promptly at. ling beard,:and hung with matted hair,,' . "You thought it might injure his and PartiOuiarlY of intent on the t'hat
� L the distant bpulders gleaming where tilde the man turned, but he'liesitated reputa I , part of the Government. Of other countries which h�;;
, �� kladed tbo. ' Offlce,'Malnftreet, Exe. it might well have belonged to one of , . ' t onT - ;
those old savages who dwelt in the! the light strikos iipon their wet faces and then came back. I given the question of industrial eft-� f- �
. . '
.� 11 . Aar, Ramsey's Old - Stand. I. . . I It is melancholy ovitside and in. The "You've been so kind to us, sir, th L at "Well, Sir, I thought no good could Prison Labor. cation serious considerston. Perhapaj ;, I 1;�
; neath him was reflected in . ''.
burrows on the hillsides -The light be'.. baronet Is in a blacW reaction after the ' I -vhould like to do the- best I can for come of it. But now You have been � With reference to the question of in this' provinc% considering we arej . .
�J ICKSON &,CARLING, his sinan,_. expitellients of the night. I am ' coa- You in return. I know something, Sir kind to us, and I feel as if it would -be prison labor, while there has no a young' country, the School Of � ctil-i I
1. D . 1. . � cunning eyes which peered fiercely to . treating you unfairly not to tell you all I
, � � � . Tight and left through the darkness, sciolls myself 'of a weight at my heart .Henry. aW perhapsl should have said that, I know about the matter." doubt - been a great deal of laudable ture has too much predominated-; :
.1 '�iJoaveiraftoon like a crafty and'savage antmal wlioi , 11
:1 ) I swIdOrs SOU01bare NOWHOR, And a feeling of impending dAnger--, lt'before,-but it was long after the in- "Very good, Barrymore; � 'Work done in the way of employing The marked distinction between our, . . I �
I uo,;-R�Ionen, §Achors : ever present dan-.er,, which is the quest that I found it out. I've never you can prisoners, yet, Sir, I wou I I
i . I xor the M0146nf bar, heard the steps of the hunters. " When the butler had left us Sir ld like to whool system and that of Germany.1 � * .1.
I Bank. Ifto. I I breathed a word about it Yet to mortal 'go' suggest to,the Honorable, the Provin_ for example, is, that our' c ntinua-i
Something had evidently aroused his' more terrible becausg I =u nov.111le to Henry turned to me. "Well, Watson I
i Jasnalf t&Lmn ab lawmi rato" of tntemk suspicions. It may have been that, d,11ine It- I rian. It's about poor Sir Charles's what do you think of this new light?': cial Secretary-, the idea of consider- tion classes are still entirely Oscholss� , I I
_.. �, OFFICE i -MAIN STAMET. , EMWER. Barrymore had some -private signal' And have T 'not cause for sucli it i des.th.11 "It 'seems to leave the darkness ing carefully not only' those whose tic, whereas Germany says to her, ", �, -
' " - ' ' liberty is restrained and who are con- children: A I �1.
. X. GAAMitiVia. A� 1 feeling? Coxisider the long seqllpb,, ,
', ,,r, The baronet and I were both upon I �1.
I r- El- 0TOW"a, which we had neglected to give, or her blacker than before." ,
l � - - . - I I the fello Incidpnts'whicht have all pointed t(, our feet. "Do You know bow he died?" rat I fined in our public institutions but "I will give you an education suf-. . 11 I
i . w 4may have had scold mine sinister influence whi "No, Sir, I don't know that." . "So I think. But if we can only trace
I � � 11ONEY -TO LOAN. , other redsbn for thinking � that all: . ch is at L. L. it should clear up the whole also those who were prior to 'their ficient for ordinary life up to the en(f s ��'
. i "What then?" I
I I work around us. There is the death of h.
was not well, but I could read his fears' business. We have gulned that mue incarceration dependent upon them of your common school eouyse. After' I I
� " Ir We have a larx& sizovant of PrIvatm funde upon his wicked face. Any Instant he the last occupant of the Hall fulfilling "I know why he was at the gate at We know that there is someone who and who possibly suffer more through that you Must begin to Wink of this. I
. 11
I . :Dan on tam and vt[We vr(k'pertd.@s*&b,kow1r0* might dash out the light and vanish in so exactly the conditions of the faxa- that hour. It was to -meet a woman." has the facto if -we can only find her. their confinement than the actual as a practical world, and 1, the State,' I I
Interest. �1. - I Vy legend, and there are the repeated "Tolneet a woman' He?", What do you think we should do?" Prisoners. Some scheme might be, will assist you in'a practical wa � . .
� � GLADMAZ� & STANBURY the darkness. I sprang forward there,, "Yes, sir." '� Y, M I
� ; fore and Sir Henry did the same. At reports from peasants of the appear I'Lez Rolmes, know all about it at devised which would not only en- that you may earn an honest living."'I .
I 1 BArrisben Softelbors, M&An sti.`Ezeno . - I ' "
I the 'Same moment the convict scream- ance of a, strange creature upon the ::And the woman's name?" once. It will give him the clue for courage thrift and honesty on the The result is that coiitinuationt 1, I .
I ed out a curse at us and hurled a rocx� moor. Twice I have with TRY I can't give you the name, sir, but whichbehas been seeking, I am much part of those confined, but would classes in Germany become, eontinua-i *`,� -
, I can'give. you the initials, Her till- I
. I T I . , which splintered -,up against the boul- heards the sound which resembled the I . mistaken it it does not bring him also serve to alleviate the suffering of tion industrial schools. Of thesoi I
, I : � ''. � . , I tials Were L. L." ) I
. , . der which had sheltered us. I caught. distant baying of a hound. it Is in- , ,, down." those who formerly depended upon there are some 2,�W,, atteitided bpr4 .
%I .� , , Private fand.4 to loan at lowest rate,, one glimpse of his short, Squat, strong-! credible, impossible, that it should How do you know this, Barry- I I went at oneat to my room and drewi them -if a part at least of the earn- 350,000 pupils. After a fwo-year�� �, I
' , ,
� 1 3 i __ "
� Il
,I, I
, 'b
I , e,
'. 'a,
, j)
I ? 't
1 I
"i I
� "
" I
I I � ,
� "�
" , , _ , ii
R f more9" . si I I.,
1� ,of Interest. I I . ly-built figure as he sprang to, his feet: really be outside the ordinary laws of 14w, up my report of the morning's con- Ings of these prisoners could be sent course in these industrial schools,tbe� 1: .
and turned to run. At the sam nature. A. spectral hound which leaves ell "
Mo- , Sir Henry, your uncle bad a back to their families. I ,� , ,,�
!, ., �', i I e versation for Holmes. It was evident to, -oung man specializes and attends, . ,,) �,., is
11 . � . - EWNEST ELLIOTT I material footmarks and fills the air letter that morning. He had usually a y . 1, 1,
), ment by a lucky chance the moon me that.he had been very busy of lste,� Technical Education. higher technical schools and insti- I I I
1. I broke through the clouds. We rushed, with Its howling is surely not to be ::
� I offle.f. oppa-jit�rOantral Hotel Main great many letters, for he was a public 11, I
ti eeL. FiXeti-r 014. . . thought of, Stapleton ma Man: und well known for his kind for the notes which I had from Baker The next paragraph of the speech tutes. I I ;,
� . .over the brow of the hill, and there' Y fall .in with 'heart, so that everyone wh was In Street were few and, short, with no deals with a very important ques. We believe fi is the duty of the � �:
1. At Kirkton Thursday. was our man running with great speed' such a superstition, and Mortimer al- trouble was glad to; t1irn toohim. But comments upon the information which tiol I ,
. so; but if I have one, quality upon n, which I regret to say, is touch- state to give to the child Of the state' . ,
. . I I down the other side, springing over' earth it Is Oommon-sense, and nothing tnat morning, as it chanced, there was I bad supplied, and hardly any refer- ed very gingerly and uncertainl such education us may hereaftet; L ..'I
. I -, the stones in his way with the activity only this one letter, so I tool� the more e1700, to My Mission. No doubt his y- make him the best citizen of the; 1�
, I
ill persuade me to believe in iruch a blackmailing dase Is absorbing all 'his I state It b------ - - _1� 41 . 11
. 11 I L of a mountain goat. A lucky long shot T that of technical and industrial edu.,
� . .
.1 .
. . . . . 11 I . . . .
of my revolver might have - crippled-
h1M,.but I had brought'it only to de-,
Ujing. 10 UO, SO woulu. DO TO aescena
, I
to the level of these poor peas;ants,
11 .
'', -
, �, 11 he Farmer's Ligwyer. ,
fend myself if attacked, and not to
shoot an unarmed man'wbo was run-
who are not content with a mere
fiend dog, but must needs describe him
� , Ignorance of the law excuses ,
, . I "
ning away. I I
with hell-Ilre shooting 'from his mouth
� .
I �
� no one.
We Were both swift, runners and in
and, eyes. Holmes would not listen to
" :�'. Notes bear interest only when
fairly ,good training, but we poon
such fancies, and I am his agent. But
1� I .
. ;so stated, I .
- and that we had no cliance of over-
facts are facts, and I have twice heard
Contracts made on., Sunday
taldng him. We saw him. for a long
this crying upon the moor. Suppose
thkal there were real some huge
. cannot be enforced. �
time in, the moonlight until he was
only a small Speck moving swlftl,�
hound loose upon It; that would go
I An agreement' without consid-
among the b6ul ders upon the side, of a.
far t6'ex-plain everything. But where
. eration of value Is void.
distant hill. We ran and rdn tiat.11 we
0ould such a bound lie -concealed,
, I I I
. Principals are responsible for
were completely blown, but the sp,,Vce.
where did It get Its food, where uld 11;
, " I
I , the sets of their agents.
I .
between us grew ever wider. Finally-
conic from, how Was it that no one saw �
� If a note is' lost or stoleya it
4e Stopped L and sat panting on, two,
by day?' It must be confessed that
i.( � I
I '
I does not release the maker. He '
. I I
I �
r.0cXs, 0- I
whlle� we watched him dls
the natural explanation offers almost
as many dtifficult
I les as the oth&: And
.1 I
1. . must pay it if tile consideration ...
pearing in the distance. �
And it was at this momeat that there �
. always, apart froba the, hound, thero,
,� . 1orwbIch It was given and the
occu�red a mos -t strange and unexpect- �
18 the. fact of the hurnan agency In t
. . I I amount canbe proved, - 11
M thing, We hadyisen from our rocks
London, the man In the cab, and the
. . A note obtained by fraud or
and were turning to go horne, having
letter which warned'Sir Henry against
I . from it person in it state Of! IV-
abandoned the hopeless , chase. The
the moor, This at least Was real, but
1� .1 toxication callmot be collected, E
moon waS low. upon the right, and the
it might hhve,been the Work of a pro
�� . It is a fraud to c?ndeal a ff�x(d... �
Jagged. pinnacle of a granite tot P,-tood
tecting friend as en,slly�as of,an. enemy,
is that friend or enemy now?
I., . ftnatures made wit -It a lead
up against the lower curve of its sil,
ver disc. There; outlined, as black its
Ras he renialned in London, or has lie
, pencil are good in law. Tlie Aets
I .
I ,
qn. ebony stable on that shtning.back- �
.fOIIOWOd us down bore? �Cotrld ' he--
�� r bitd the rest.
of one paftne .
groundi I "w the figure of a inan ulion .
be the stranger Whom I staw upon the
� " 11
11 11 I �Vbe inaker ofao,,11aceonimoda.
tion" bill or note (one for which
the tor. Do not think,that it Wit a d -
S .
luslon, Holniem. X assure yon'that I ,
I ,
, It W true that 1,have had only the
I �� he had received 06 eonsiderst-
have .never In my life seen .anything ,
one glance at h,
,ill, And yet there are
. � .1 tion, hilvilig lent his name or -
more clearly, As far as I could Ju4ge,
the, f -Ig are was that ofit fall thin Man. ,,.
Some things to "which I am ready to
3 wear. He fs'no onewhoin I have seen
� credit for the benefit- of the hoI4,
, . "
He stood, With hislogs a, little se�arat- �46W,l
here, dud I have now met all
I or) Is not boundto the persod ac"...
4 I ' �,- � 0AWI&A M. 1,�*l 1,A,.&.A iihe
r(eighbors, The figure wag far tall-
faculties. And yet this new factor must cation. 1 -he reference to this very . - �.y Fl� - --
surely arrest his -attention and renew important subject is as follows: impi�rtant jv,eslioh' whether thial
his interost. I wish that be were here. "The necessity for and the advan-. province ignt not, whether th& 11 I I
October 17th�—All day to-d-iy the tages arising out of the adoption of a province ough � tO . I . I
t not, give such
� system of practical assistanc�i as will 'enable . ''
rain poured down, rustling on tbe ivy technical and industrial the youth of the provindo'the bett& ' I I.,
Mid dripping frotu. the eaves. I thought education are becoming more obvious I
of the convict out upon the ble"Llz, cold, da&bY day, and you will be asked to and easier to make a INIellbood. Myi � - , J
shelterless moor. Poor devil! What- in e an appropriation for this contention is. Sir, that We ought to, .
' pur. establish in every industrial centreaA' I
ever his crimes, hie has suffered some- pose." 11 1, ,.
evening industrial school" to sup.
, thing to atone for thera. And then I This indeed is handlin" all el:- I I
thought of that other 6ne—the face In tremely important subject T plement the work of the wbikillop- .1 I 11
In a very These schools ought to be of such a.4
the cab, the figure against the moon, non -committal manner. one would , �� � . I'll
Was he also out In that Aeluge—the gather from this vague reference to general character a's to reach out to I
unseen Watcher, the mall of darkness? the subject that the gray dawn, of 'all the� lads in the' Workshops,, anit �
In the evening I put on ray waterproof intelliqcnce is at last striking the ought not to be, onnfinod to those who I . .
and I walked far upon the soddea Government. With, reference to this are fortunate enough to teach a higW I L.'.,
I moor, full of dark imaginings,. the MITI all-important question, contrast this school or collegiate institute slAtins, 11 I ;L
� beating 'upon my face and the wind vague, indefinite., jll�d,efincd and It is a matter of extreme tegmt that I ��, , '' ,
TwWatilac wat Its, -committal position, Sir, with ttin this Government has not taken more I " I ".
7 ears. ftd :lt* non
� 11110ft VAO Vkgei ilhl"'tlke 9 I i WACO stand tAken by this side of the Houso active steps, that it has not put it,self . �
� - . a position to take lhore activa . I I �l, I 1
188, 'a", We, Sir, divi4ed the la 1 . . �, .�
I �z steps than it has doile, and that the
. ,� ., 7".Ad, � ,0 y5AR91 this same question last ' ' ' : " �� �
I � L ,
, ,�4;�0,4 upon sp,�.ech from the throlao m6rely S ays " �, :. . ""
. I . -
I _1 � : , -.,,�,xilf , L.-�'�,�,V:itaNO- session, The record appears at p, 246 L
. , R ,,4. .";4 I - � , ,
� ,,, *, � �ht.`J".%�,tlk,." '�. ' , That the necessity 1S fi�dolfifn J .
I 'o" � , "". *,, � � - of the Votes and Proceedings. Our ,g �
. - I I 11 .
� - ., - -,�,; 4,0*,. � r,;�q? motion was as follows'.- "That in the tem . ,
.,,&,,� , :�, "r, . !ipX.; '�y, ,,, more obvious day fir dq for
4�11 ` k 0 I I .� 71 , . � � �
. I I kt:��! . '�' , Aria? %do -i � � , � , I �
- -:.� v � , �N 'A , 5 - .�* -House the province I ., 1. , I . ���
, , , 4 P4 opinion of this of technical, all -1. ilidu
I ." A N, F ;;Ig�, And the munieipalities should 'unite cation." , . I � ,Z
, '. " ,
. 'e, 4� ,,* ""!tt ;*, I
, ,
k , 11 I , : :
'I , _ . 1.
I __ , , 1"Z;, in (a) the establishment of teohnio lkdho6k
. , �r�%k P.%-',,!1,-.,: �1, _,11 Proy'ricial Atti, ior ,
"" .f W
N'T,v.,.`41 -, .. —
'. ,_
I �0 - .11.11 �, *01;,X�144 SC116019 in the towns and cities ih. Lost yea�r, Sit, . I prot1tkdt'A fig . . . , I '. I
I YgAt�,AOAVM$ Ontario to supplement the 'Practical , to show what th- province is do 1, %� t
. e 11
I ; , rs�.. �& $qf, I � training of the workshop. (b by way of. aiding t1i ,,
. , I 11 .4, . , � ... .. . . I ) An ar, the education o .
I ��� � .... , I & I , , 1.
I Cb.,n,W,)'n, ;2* ' rangement as to ,tho,basis' 6f,gupport cerWn classes of peopld,.� I th � ..
. A�ivr.ht,,�,ii�.�liily%hkt�ft*.Ii��4,tl�:�'tc:�fl� 1,1,.W� �� I'�� 1, 1, 1 1,
tillf(litiv,h,)toilt�ji).��ultil�o$lktll�it.�l,k":,.�,��(,Iik.- M , for �11611' `Sohoolg '0, bdtw�eon the made clear the fact that the �zo I ,�
rh1,Vf.V,Vik%,,,tZX1 I,, 1111,whl", �'Wt� 1,00A. J� : . I 11 �,
� Province; the t6voldipallt:t and e dial-gtaofs to public and 'gepa ,
11(iiiii'l�l;tltdtiffcm�ff(lui�f,i4tt�.��!"�itLi�(10,� oqtl th ,� I , �.� , . . � �
1, ..V 101 .W%r11)U)9 , 4it'*' I
*111th"o K t W�) P vqt interested manufacturers. (e) Th.11 Schdols,hrnount ahUxtadly W, 11,sw 1 1
. I comillodated. butis bound to till � ) I I � than. that of Stapleton,' far thinner I � ,re I "On- vpxdl� GMonwi, . tlyni, 4� t,Z6,sl�itetv* establislimerit lin uln larger, ilidusirial ;04ch impil attendilig, the. Sam- , 11 , _� I I ,� I ,�
1. as'li"re,w , brooding Over that, bhor� , "11"ell.",quid 1, "has lh4v -precious I 'U,# oe".I,!3t,4�-?.�wtv4l��?ii.�,cil)i,e�ril�ICLIY4', 1. � 0� I
other parties, precisely as If � 11 I rilems of peat and granite f an that, of Frankland.'Battymore It' . of Ilears d�ip �, - I I , 101,01 , �O high sdhodls� , - AbU high schoolli And eollogi , . I I 1,
I bt . , arteo..?" 'Al etntfes, of technical . I ' ;,�, � '' -� I � ,
therd Wit$ it good collsiderAdOn. Illoo, 12, . ,ill 9 '. I . 3 IW V6 ,,�f �t.t "J, 0 in nnic � �.) I , . I. the ,
y. bdf6re him. 1-10 Illight ha 0 I . I 4 �,,11 �i�' ''I
� . �0;1 possibly have been tiat, It d ' f I . (4) That Oie poANers of th stitu a (I to $ 4 (110 1*r I UPI
I W I It was ; froni uooh�bo - 4)VIM" Hill . 11
. . le ('40hil,behind as" rbild I am 11 notice of It . A lMW1V)W0)y W 9 d be `�,filarg,� 80 a 1 Oil, . ts.. norre I "�,
booll , q, spirit . of that, terrib"11 2eeirta.11n wl )w I W tra VA ". -r- ities aboul 461 A.
the ve! o u -ftceY, ..Ind It W.0 addressed in ' A - ;I Y 0 "'
I . . , � I T1 olflatlog k.vn I § LIti 3 kirnni, 'IWITSi Xb16 - -all , $112.43 p(, I
4X""0*0 1".. �_- 0111 place'. It wa� lidt Jthei 'c6hVidt, Thla t4a he Could not hav follow us. A 14 ban.4,11 I ?� , : �, . , . y ��� L " them to aid"An 7, 11 't of 0 1�f �al ,.i' 1, 1
4 1 .1 � I W40VAII 11 UN11,1AN F.", 1. M ftw,b� � . � -
'. V , ,h W , , :111
. .Ale Uoalura 11-1 —1 �. - 101LIL , " , . �
. I I I . I . . . .. 11 I I I I . I � � 41;�', . 'Or then Is still dooging 9, just , V, , At"I _ I � 1. i6i y9f.44 , !Otbnto 191 ALW 0 1 .11
I I I " . . I . I . - I , �
,_ I 1, � 1, I I I I a V � .�. � ,,�,� . ,
_�u , .. . I � I . � . I I � luad thtao �; , , I
. I . ., I I L � I I � I a Q 11 .I �� �� " . I I 04 I , I '11: , . ,
�_ " � 1 �7 ZV4 I I
M " � 1�� I—L , .- , ', . ".. ", , - � I I . I . ,� -1 , i ......... r3 I I ,�=, '11, � � -�,�� �` � �
I' ,
, � , ,I I I I . �
, 11 - �
, � �
. I ; . 10
;, , �, � ; -, - �r
.. I � -1. - — , I I 1. � .- I . � � 'i . � I t � . r. I i -
I . I