HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-2-9, Page 8NAr4et aeport.-Irbe toxiowla; la Dr. 01 W, l6rowptW, wix-a Ir-Lonflo'n . . . .... . ..... ---- ---
the report of zVoter vaArlmts. icor- oil Moxk4ay,
+#+++#4 + CLOSIM
r"ted ap to 'VPbruarY 903, Mr. X14". vawklaw'&A' on 'the sick )?lease reMeMber thab S
wheat Atandard 85 ittents ray De4tal
is closed ever Weduest) ay af ter-
4—`T"WA_ An3s. Martin, of IS t,, Xary
Oao, fie. 4m via iaourt,
U Barley 4a,to 58 contis, tting, Xi" Olt-ve February pectals
MVNINPNXW� ""MOWN Mrs, Thos. Snell, of, jXurou S�reez,
Step in and look ground is the 'pass kyho had Itho misfortune last week to
Short$ *22.00
PHONE 16 Word it Powell'a $3azaar, fall and cift a gadh In, the,back of
Mz" Tillour $20 Miss Us! IlAwk1irs is riating her her head, lis. improvixtk Two, -large orates, Germat).Cliina, ver� pretty c4 -
read ftoor $L54 aiater. Mrii� Pollard, of Windsor, Mr. Lee Blat6hCord who bas been
Butter Ile orkin?,- in Wit a few oings ust opened, will be on sale" to,day,
Cre;kmery butt*r 27o. Xr. Eldred Ellio!tr, of Flint' Blioli.. NY Adsor,, spent Thursday,
Potat;oeZ5 500, 1 vlsltln�,g,his parents ir. 'town', dzk3-.s I -Mat Ireak at his home jjer.�,, ijt�
left Tuesday for,31t, Pores6, Traly this is the store for chiva. See the specl4ls
Eggs 20,21 cents Mr. Cla:tworthy, of -Allsa GraLx' Ivas at
25 F er Cen Potatoes 6Q -to 60 cents ln,'tqwu or, MueGday on business, T-40 announcement im made that lefi�
Ducks live, l3o,, dressed, 1U 1110 Honor marriage of Miss Amelia Oke,. of Exe. 9, 14 and 19c.
Geese tive 12c., dreissed. 14n. Judge Holt hel,d�divis- ter to Mr. 0, E � Dale, of 6 t. Who (161
ion cour�t in )tQW4 oa wckizeriday,. wil
Tu 161-2 to 21, ceats� Air, Peter Coleman vaturneld hom 11 'take place abou�t 1the mliddlme of DRUG SUNDRIE5-.��
Ch= live Ile, dresised 13% o February.
Discount on All Furs liens live 80. dressed 40c. from Part Arthur Monday eye
Ilogs, 7.00 See Thu Mr. W. W. Taman lef t Wednesday Tooth, Hair and Skin
rsday 'a and Saturday's preparations, Cold Cure, Perfumes,
a 5.90 �to 0,10, to attend,ttbc� Ctitters, 0onventton it. ings, -Shaving and Toilet -Soaps. PREMIUMS with every purchase
Choice export F�teer Chiza 'Specials at, Powell)s Baxaar. Toroxfto. 'The convenklon will JaR' this dept. over 25c. Come here for'your drug wants.
Mcld'(tim export heifers 5,50 to 5,70, Miss Louise UcVaul. of- Bolton, is t
three days and will be ilield at I
Meldlain export steers 5,75 to 5.8ra visiting Aey,,S. F. and Mrs. Gharpo' XI_
. I #
Oholce, butcher 'heifers 5.75 to 0.90
Mr. 'Chositir Coultis visited in Loya�
. 11 � . 0. 1
Now is the,time to buy Furs. This month we are making a #
Oommon coms 4.75 -to 5.00
don, and Xomoka a few dayis last
Miss Louisa "Wendland second:
Special effort to reduce our Heavy Stock. Jay tmklug Advantage
10 01s have montlib lef b to
)1`041,11in �001v'% 4.00 'to 430
6,00 to 6.40
daughter of Mr ai�'d Mrs. Wend�
land. formerly �f 'the
ot appelat offer you still several wear
Sheep 4.25 to 4.50
Miss Sylvia, Pfaff,, of Dasliwood, is
I+ them and besides you, get them at, a price you will not be able to
al)eudilag a� week with Miss J.
and now of. Jarvin
duplicate another season.
Hay MO,
was. married on, Janly, .051h, to Zjj�
IdBoy'd, farme'
The auditarla abstract of the vill-
a r of !aear Jaxvia.
age -of lixdtoi appears in sin6th-ex
kliolks Forecasts,-A,-� reactionary
MiGs Vera Rowe, of Lou don, Is
storm period recurs from 13th
to l6th% bogEnn-.(p,g witli full Moon
Wall Paper
41� 0
vioIting her. parents, Xr. and M ra *
0 n1s
A Ithe 13th, and ending with Moo
oassage of the celestiRl equator on
It Rolye,
ille 16th,
14r, Thos, Elliott was in AIRchell,
I't will. pay you to call often at
bringing storms of trop -
ical nature,�after several days. of
+ It may seem rather early for Wall Paper talk bat there are
last 01 rUayf.
1. 1 V, .
PO BAZAAR. Special Feb-
ruary ;sale, now on,
threatening weather, all endi(jig in
violent -ahange to cpIA- 11
6 toways some people who want loo get, Lheir papering done early, * 1.1. ennoCu Whilte wa home agair.4 16 - w en
hefore the paper men get too busy. Out, New Papers are in * 4 for at few dayisL The Exeter-Mitcliell stage was un.
Aock and we are pleased to be able to say that a finer. and in able to get 'through Pr(If. W- -Brown., foriner organialb
are # * .1 Monday eveelx g of the TrWtIt Memorial church,. who CONFECTIONE�Y 136PT.,aft..,
Mr. JatR. ISparks spent 8unday at OWL119,to the storm,
Artistic Assortment we have never shown, We Want every lady l0sho.me 1-n Hensall, left here to becomia organizit pf Wea�
Seven persons from S.4,. Marys Came 10Y church. 'Clinton, Cocis to Galt at NASMITHIS Fancy Ohocolates,
ame" the end of ff ebruary 'to become 'or- RoastedPeanuts alwayij ta�be like more.
to see our New Papers. We have Sbecial Values at per Roll Mr. L 11. - Carlbg was in Vonldo4 ... r -to take in the "Te * ple a POWELI�ls Freth
Monday on ibui4i�ss. * last -Friday eveLXL.-,, in f r franist and choirmaster, of
Xizdly,take notice (thmt my office Kzox Try them.
5c, 8c, 10c, 12 1.2c, 15c 20c, 25c, 30c' Mrs. IT� B. Uarling seturned home church at a'aalaky of sq�en hundred
is closed every Wednesday afbznoom,
41 Friday evening after visitimg in dollars. Knox church is the largest DAT98-New. very rich #ay'
0 DR-, ROULSTOIN. Brantford and Torovto. Presbyterian church In,Panada. or 3 lbs for 25C.
Mr. A. Hastings was in ClauAeboTe, ORANGES, NUT4 AND CANDY.
lat§t week on at business Itri.p. Blaster Jack- Xinsman., of .0hisel- At Grand Trunk railway. collision
Alessrs. D� 'Rassell and J. 51ob- Rivers a, few days last week. falo branch near Paris on Saturday
hurat vLsVted dt Ithe home of Mr. Win. took- place on the Goderich and Buf. Look over our I -sc and loc counters for Bark'ains. -
Id CDa U t� 7
Q P . = CD t3 CD kirk spent last iStinday In 8eaforth,
t, d V -_ rd ps $3, ts �-s 8 R Bliss Lavina, Willard left Monday night when an engine and krain met
Now ,4 0, The Clinton public Gollool has been ter Brantford10 undergo in head-on collisIon. Valantines, Comic and Artistic.
Gurgrioal Six met death
MW 94 placed in the West Huron Inspector- treatment at the hospital there. five of -%ir4om are trainmen ana three
0, 4) - k -Z To C".
2 . 4, P4 W ate. of whom resided in Gbderich. Two
.j M Cr The ground -hog saw 'his shadow
0 owsk t9 CD CD Several of our �young people Itook last Thursday and according to 't trainmen, were instantly killed, one
W d T. a (D 014 4. hat
+ 16M 0--;; Cq in Ithe ball dt Rensall 'last Pxldf3p, Go fatally injured that ile died A
1 11 a we are'in for six weeks mom winter. of his
0.0- It -cri
0 ;.4 t -z 0 co �rt�:p burns carly.Sunday POWELLS 1311ZAAR
ba CS =No M " mornizig, a mail,
P" 5 5., Cb iz CD Ratepayers of Exeter in future will clerk and a passenger were burned
M W - Mr. Al. Whi'te,,London 'RoaU. r-ortb. J -.-Willis Powell, Proprietor.
12 (D ts pay 'their taxes at a chartered bank. in the wreckage and 'the laxpre,ss
eq n =, * - i. -improvinL� froin his very severe
r, M5:1WQ so instead of to 'the tollector a -s -former- messenger staring death'in the. f4ee.
0 CD (3)"(0kness. . coin
ly. in�tted suicide rather 'than face
(D ?-0
bb CD mom 00y Wanter.—Young
man 'to,
aq the terrible fate of betng burned !to
P-q�_ . V learn the barber 'trade. Mrs. X. Lee. of Loudon, who ha- deatt. E�naine 'No. 629 �vk�h bad
tp A]Ybly to W. vilsitin_ Mrs. Ajar
0 it op D. - B urkc� been shall for. a
0 Mt �-g Q) been at the'Stratford shops for re -
month, returned home Tuesday taven.;
I A 11ft "1 24 np C17D, 0 Arm Arletta. Walper,. of Zurich,. is pairs had been ordered to stop at
leaTnin-jther dressmakITZ a!t Miss M. Drumbo biii instead went, ri ht on
A. from'st
Mr. Harry Sinale and siater, Bliss and rnot the passenger train he -,td -
16 For Sale -Good clean straw, mostly Smale. of Albright. Alta., visited Alr, on. Xall Clark Jack May, Conductor
4 oat, at $5 a taxi. Also quantity of a
0 *4 Timothy hay. Apply L. MeTaggart. last week. of ' Goderich', narrowly ewaped
alue Lo""
nd Mrs. Win. Rivers a few days Au�sebrook and Brakemen $clieifle Attractive V,
Hay, P. .0. wil"th their lives. Express S
Winter Goods,.- ATIss Dodds, of Seaforth. who assiz- Wbit,law, Peter MoF
arlane, the bag-
-en ted inthe "Temple of Fame" waz the gaigement and Win. Tye. Mail Clerk.
Mr. W. B. WeDdenhammor has be
appointed an examiner for West gueszt of Blr� abd.'-Nlrs. T. E. Iland-
were the three Goderlo�h men Nvho ----------- N
Stock t�akiug over and we have many lines of heavy Winter Huron for 1911, ford while in Itown, Perished.
Goods that must be cleared to make room for Spring Goods. Air. Jno. GUIespier is again at his
old post dr'ving 'the 'bus Next Sunday evenixj Rev. a. The "Temple of Vame'� under the
af ter it Robbs. of James street church, will auspkes of,the W. C. T. U, %wasgiven
couple weeks off. ominenqe ti�-series of sermons . on in Ithe opera House on P ridav ev.cting
IlensClothing, Underwear, Heav3 Rubbers, M:ss Caznpbell jyho is The Irrefutable. �A-rgnment.11 0-M
B e di'"o Furiaitum
-walting on last and was one. of the. fix�osl: en-
-A Commencing..next. "Sunday
Caps, 11itts, Gloves, Socks, rrs. Goo. P14her visiled her homia a!t tertaltaments ever glven in Zxetcr.
34' 311mville lalst week. 0 Muoh cred!
b3- Jltev. S -P. Shzqzp� R. D.. of Caven I lb U6 [due Ahose who %had
of charge and the chartidtexa, wh
move out at BIG RFDUCTION The curlers are talkilag of 'taki,4 church Will rz.043,thliiioe a series . a Itook
& 'tr!,Pto lAilsa. Craig� S:t. Marysr and sermons on dae\ibook of Ruth. part for 'the excellent manner 51a
41 whicell everything,was carried ou'(... An incomp%rable display of fine bedroont �illisites. of, superior
elight�, Persons took !paft, ire uctlon and flawlq 'finisli,
0 London for fiterdly g;ameo. Arzs. J. A.- St��iOart spexit Sunday Over sbyley excellen constr as
borne Is viL
Arx. Jno. Simpson. of Us -ting Mr. Stewart in Lorfdotnt Mr.
. Women famous In �?oeltry.
!a improvIng rapidly and ex- art, . Phiilan!throVhY� , society.
suffering 1roin -blood-polsoning In" '- Stewart
q musX.
hi, pect,
from a scratch, sto be home 'the for,!6artaf next 111tets2ture. hlaou and 'the
4* hand cauGod 'he '�'Brass and Metal Beds
+* . week. me. ^
ALL KINDS OR PRODUCE WANTED 010 Mr. and Mrs. May L. 1PI anson, lef t Some of the 1gowns, were most gorg- -P 10
410 Friday evening 'to viett In. St Thomas On Tucsda� even4ug Mr. F.. *. cells, while others were representa.- 41
# * tions of the quaint styles of years a a matter well known. you coul
A prior to their teturn -to th� we -t- Gladman and Bliss Murray.' of Cavei: Our supremacy in these goods I'
L L ago. It is impossible to give a�'des- C1
Presbyterian Sunday'sehool, or=n-
1. +
Mr. Marvin Rilts, who has been 'ized a Young and y�ang cription of each character, but' ft is erf more str king oz- more pleasing.. Our display
0 find no designs pretti
4#0004,00 v:'Sitinghis sls�ter Airs. 1. 1). VineeLit Ladles' Bib vzly. dueto all'to say'that they to * .
le -class, respecti - ok their in this line is far in advance of
suicle Christmas returned fta, his home parts exceedingly any ever shown.
well. The i:-nter_
in DetraM Wednesday. On account of'Ithe sev
ere snow ta.Lmmeitt was not. Nvithout its humor�, We cau.surelY s&tisfV you, in the selection of one of these beds as'
9-torm Monda.3, -the Business Mees Ous side and several mirth Provoking regArds design, construction and low prices.
Miss 3. J. Allan. eye siglit special- medting -called for Mondaj everine -characters were representeid. MIS
Lst will �be at Ithe Commercial ho'tel was not largely attended ard conse- Hunter. as "Topsy" certainly pliyed H
Cement Drain Tile for one day only. on Saturday. ffeby 11 ue 'tly .the organizalior- was post- her Part well and was Ithe cause of
All eye defects scientifically tr�tated. ponedC many a hearty laugh. T.be on
ly oule.
Sale. "hus.�ziess was zet a standistill in our 'Rev. E. G. Powell will preach 4Jan, Ukle ItaleAt was Allas Dodds, of Sea- 'Et
bnrZ Monday owing to -the terrible ver-sary sermons at St.. ohns. 6,eW, fOrth, *he represented "Madame, -Nor-,
JUST OPE'FIED OUT I now offer all my tille on hand up bliz7ard 'that rag6d all day. The London, onSnuday next. t. Jo us dLeall, amd her singing -was loudly
to ten inches, that, are only worst 'this wr applauded. Rowe. Atk' inson
12 inches hiter. 'was W. former charge a Mr. ow- She received the 'only +
—AT THE— long, at reduced prices. All tiles g'ugr- ell's and was Mrs. Powe Is ome � e- encqre of the evenizz. Mrs. W. B +
thous- 41r Jas. Walters wexit to HamiTton Weid6mliammer took- the p oi # FURNITURE AND FURNERAL DIRECTORS
'Tuesday 'ion a pnrchas tev. art +
and; 5 in, $19.00 per thousand,- 6 in, . 'Salton The Godde."11 in a,
anteed, gizes, 4 in. $13.50 per and Toronto fore her marriage. I
Those wishing somethin will preach in 'the IS very creditable
$26,50 per thousand; 7 in-- trip, I street
in, $85.00 per X. church, mamner. !The -crown, which was car!"
thou-3and; 8 in, $18.00 per thousand; 10 nobby should I call next week. ried by Miss Dorothy Balkwill.. was�
[110 ION Roff in $72.00 per thousand. The Secretary of the Library Board The offi;cers of the Exeter Encamp presented to *the "Mother" represmit-
i2, 11 and 16 inch tile also on hand. haz been asked to correspond with ment 1. 0. 0. P. -were installed Alon- ed by Mrs. Powell, as 'the one most
In future will make all tile 13 inches Mr. Carn-cg�c in aWerenee to qett�ug y evening by J. G. Stanbury. D. D. de-,qervint-_ of honor. The Opera Housp, ++
G. R, is follows: C. P.- DY,- A- R. %v- filled and the order was excel . .. ...............................
A City Baiakrupt Stock of long. a*Carriegie'21brary. It is to be 1<" man; lastj . 1 +,+,+++4; , ; ,
eth writWg, A. I ings; J. W,-� lent. Rev. R. Hobbs acted � as ahaixa- +
S. Cudmore, hoped! ft 'does not end wi E,
S� :N, Righan; ff. P., M.- N. Rowe ; man. +
BOOTS & SH LumleY, P- 0. The Take's on You. -If- you can't o'y, Thos. Boyle; Treas.. W. Johns; + kN
D OES A09 'he value of a Times Ad. to mabo, +
Long Distance Phone at Exeter. L 18-� A. E. Puke. +
To be sold at your wants known. No matter what 1 11 1 IBM + PERHAPS i
you want -an ildvertisement of any Many of our exchange�s speak in the +
wR Un kitid placed In -the odiumns of the highest 'terms of tthe Boyal Welsh on
Times yields prompt,, satisfactory. re- Ladies 10hoir which will. appear In
PT PRICES + You have been thinking vou need a SEWING MACHINE for
60,KyLM 5 lurm. JaMea stree't,church Friday evening. Howey S + Spr1bg Sewin . Well next week we are gain YO Ir. +
I It The Goder!( h Star isays "It is safe +
�i 9 to offer to the pub tc +
F or 1$ale at- & Bargiain-A new 8 in speaking -to say the merits of the + +
U U roomed house and an acre of land, choir were not exagigeratted in all + a
with fine orchard. -Aprly lewing M chines af Greatly Reduced Prices.
to Rev, that was said fin advance of 'their + +
B W "DEAVERS IV. IT. Butt, Centralia. . appearance, -Nothing finer of the C. h, Arm, r r y +
BRODERICK'S OLD STAND Mrs. Dennis Halloran.. who has be kind Ins ever, (been heard here". +
ell +
Opposite Electric Light Plamb, istayi!ng with her freLlier, Aft !Hy Exicta stable accommodation lis being +
14mbrook through his 'riliness' fdrnialled + This is one of th6taanv
Jeft . Eargains. ine
+ CabitietMacb,
sterday.'(Wednesdayo for bar home The first eye + Guaranteed for TEN 'kEARS, full set of Attacbments
�ye nt of the winter shoot Cordial + finished in Quarter Out Oak, manufac
Ln Brantford. !She wats aecompanacd of the Exeter Gun Club, was hold on + boost TIP -to -date factorys in Canada, tured in one of the
by Mr. Lambrook who will live witla the Clubs grounds last Wednesday' + for
the SMALL PRICIM of ..............
Unbeatable GrocerieS her far a while at lepmt, afternoon. The rumber' of. rocks, a i. $22-75
On Weldnovday r2iglit of las shot at was 26 and 'there was quilte What's the use exped- Now it' up to TOU to see this Machine and co
t week + it with rnachtnes that have been sold far $30 to $ nip"
This is Mr. ;-,nzl Mrs. Wilt Bowden, of Pair- a windblowing at the time. Follow- rpenting with medfc,ines ? 35.
the day of the specialist, and Nield, entertained a numbier of 'their Ing were the, scores: S r1itton 18; Why be persuaded to t I ry
L E A At'N"I N 6 our specialty is the Grocery Business. frienck% and meighbors 'to an oyster W, Johns I'll; :D.. Brftn6li 18; T. Car- +
We begin 1011 with the de !Ing 14;'X 11,unkin'16.'; 'D. Rartlelb 23, som +
termina- surpt,r lin honor of Mr. Bowdeta 8 , ething just because it + e e
tiob to make it a year of mutual ad- bitItIlday. After Ithe oyaters wel,,N D. 8ande're 6; J.. Trel-liner 23;.J, C. is 13ew, wben you c . an get + VVh n inne d Of WrIN139'Matekial give s a call. we
Vaiitage p,nt - Snell I? W. B. Sanders 17; IT, Bak- * the most exadtiDgi TheLargest can plea 0 +
IdIsposed of rthe evening was in a medicine that. has stbod. Assortmen'tu in town. +
anitisemedts of different kinds and or 12; P. Xerr '16. A: inumber of the +
SALE TO YOU all enjoyed a pleasarit eveniirig.. club went to [Herimll. ithts (Weidtaes- the test of use for years.,
day)' afternoon where the Heir+�,all + +
BECAUS9 you. will be able to get the. At 'the county council meeting jLhe Gbooters are bold*r�g 0' shoo t for tin and wbith has never dis- + A. BARGAIN ON DOMINION ORGA +
bestof eatables at lowest county enz; ear zeport�,d chat oyst + I N
V. W. TAMAN ANNOT-INCES, A - r� er supper and,aro also ov-an�z- appointed ? +
notch prices, consistant it would be necessary to tat stc!,)l ing, . -un club, SIX 00TAVtS, P
with quality, io'sts 1in'the Exetor bridge and that We know what HoWey's + AND WALNUT FINISH $50.00
BECAUSE B�U eatables will be hauled the beams,.being small will have -to Tilia 'town council are. pitparing by -
best be xoinforc&l..'alsa some of it -he eon. laws for the purpose of thangtag i he
by -the latest and
-top Isions oi! /the town. As Cherry -Coirdlial is. No -
SUITS $24 or 14 methods, ned0lons of the chord .vill re- tioll1ing sub divi
(taire i5treridtheniaig. In additti wo have it -,,no w sub-�divisioii iNo. fail
BECAUSE anything we send out t1amb on fto t thing else will so read y
'WODTH 22 for 13 the above a c'emeet floor Avill be put compr,Lses 'the cast side of Blain �Sc.
A\ JL does not toe the. mark nf
from ;the north si!de of 41uron street +
luality will be gladly The to fjle north boundary, Thi,% takes relieve a tig.bt, dry, hack. +
t4ken back. �VO4 +
mans Instiltue held 1 -heir 'it a- lot, at territory and bxire,% 1he ing coulgrh,
-ing at fthe home, of BErs" Ahe north a long wayl +
20 for 12 Se"MARTIN SON
regular meet +
AfeLood '� on )Vriday F db. 3rd. A -he proposed +
geady-To. I �' : to vot(c. Accordilng.to.k +
TO US palper was read on the lito and work Contttihs Wild, Cherry.,
arrang.6ments the liburidaries- of the +
of, Mrs. Headless founder of Wom;tn'S Bloodrbot and other valuabte ...................... k .. ...
Wear Over $15 for $1 .1, Of course it means sOMethilig to US, 1r,,Aktu tes. isub-dielsions will tun oast, a4,d, west. sedativea and expectorants,, ...........
A report of an er�ter- All sonth of Sanits an(! 'Ann streets So4atop that Coagh
It means increased sales, and Inereas. talinnicut Im !the form of . ti,�.�trjp Will b6 one )di '$ion, Ze'twelan ,Tanies. or cola
vi he at e efore it leads to aorious ill -
coats worth 12 for 8� ed salesio us is bound to react; in our taround the World 4 as seen tby one of tre�et aid, It ' , x a- b
favor, Think it over and the members in. fftratford 'wa is g" and Ann, a 6hLt t a. ness StOPI'tWithoutexperi"
the B141 -n dtredb'chur rlll
01YE US A TRIAL 'the Xth1t0tn'td c0ntri-bute4l' FtO th; be Andfhbr� Vr(iftl' Uain oAr6at
Pantings 112450 U, late BtM 006d1688. church 0 the,brifte W-111 to ft t P910E'25 cents
P mbniar'41 Of the w4t. a L' f Ann"&*
Ird 614 all, j66reh of tho bildigo
the thi e
------ Xro, 3140-64 serve'd Ill W1.11 coilatituLd,tfie fouth., This 'will W. S. HoWey Phya,D, es
The ko deinonifti, An Ade
h je
TO and Coffe'e Stire. ivwch -41 d not, �hd iii oglial. division numetipally 0hemist, and 4W i
I d .10"
MA bitt ti (1, �Meettt-g, ubt,tha,40, 4to* �rtll bc�ba�bar kUyid_ an
jr Butper ana Proah to Ineet. kt Idt Vrliday ta EXETEn,
WWI WV ik AQ6 lud kr 'I far �more e f
41 ed aild
flic hom(y a Wgkf conuot, for the V